Mothers in Israel Encouraging, Strengthening & Leading Sisters in Christ Sisters in Christ.

Mothers in Israel Mothers in Israel Encouraging, Strengthening & Encouraging, Strengthening & Leading Leading Sisters in Christ Sisters in Christ

Transcript of Mothers in Israel Encouraging, Strengthening & Leading Sisters in Christ Sisters in Christ.

Mothers in IsraelMothers in IsraelEncouraging, Strengthening & Encouraging, Strengthening &

LeadingLeading Sisters in ChristSisters in Christ

Brethren Empowering Sisters

Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.

Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.

Psalms Psalms 119:80,116119:80,116

Our Precious Hope We are a chosen People

Deut 14:2; 1 Pet 2:9 (that we should show forth his praises…)

We are fundamentalists. Fundamental: forming a necessary base or core; of central importance. (adjective), a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based. (noun) Wikipedia

Fundamentalism: is the demand for a strict adherence to orthodox theological doctrines, usually understood as a reaction to Modernist theology. Wikipedia

We believe and teach God has declared to us fundamental principles to live by

We need not be ashamed of our Hope Rom 1:16, 5:5 Phil 1:19-21

We need not be apologetic for our love of Truth We do not need to cower and fear our faith and the

outworking of that faith in our ecclesias

Sincerity and TruthOur worship and obedience comes in two important

formsNow therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: Josh 24:14

As teachers it is our role to ensure that all understand “Truth” – Truth doesn’t mean just first principles, it means expounding the beauty of all scriptureWe are good at that, or at least adequate. We focus on this – exhorts, studies, bible class, CYC

Truth alone is not enough. We need to instill Sincerity Sincerity- Sound, healthful, entire, completeA heartfelt belief that the words we speak are indeed

True!Not just book knowledge – emotion, steadfast faithEmotion? Feelings? Not so good at that

We need not panic, or wring our hands on the issues that press against us

Truth will endure, but it is our task to prepareIt takes careful thought, prayer, communication

and study to counteract any challengeDon’t wish to be reactionary, but at the same

time we don’t want to stir a problem that may not exist

Not all issues are alike – this issue emotionally charged and has potential for hurt rather than healthy dialogue

In worldly terms, Empowerment is a loaded word

Empower: make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life (and claiming their rights.)

What is our “right”, what is it we “possess”? What is in our sisters possession that no one has the right to take from them?

God has given them a gift – to be a daughter of God and the world seeks to take what is theirs (theirs by grace)

In our context it is about instilling confidence, Godly pride, a sense of honour in their high calling

That their position is not one to be ashamed of, that their role is not demeaning, secondary, less important

That their talents regardless of that ability, can be maximized and utilized to greatest effect in service to our Heavenly Father

Brethren Empowering Sisters

Mordecai and Esther Esther full of faith and Godly wisdom Mordecai provided support and guidance for her to do

what only she could doDavid and Abigail

Abigail was the leader in this meeting, determination, decisive, Godly

David did not ignore her, he praised her, he encouraged her in her incredible faith

Jesus and the Woman at the well Jesus was the leader, the king, the Son of God, yet he did

not lord over her He skillfully, gently and patiently drew out of her a good

confession of her life, demonstrated her faith

We need them, they need us

We need to be pulling towards the same goal, with all hands working in unison

As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”

On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,

and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty,

which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, 1 Cor 12: 20-24 (ESV)

Man1) In the parable of Christ and the ecclesia, Man strives to

represent Christ, (albeit imperfectly)

2) To lead, to provide primarily spiritual guidance, leadership, mentorship in the House of God.

3) It is not about skill, talent, ability. It is about humility and service

4) We must act in all our doings, to be worthy of being compared to Jesus in our leadership, care and teaching.

5) We must balance Mercy and Truth as Jesus did Truth: We hold in our hands the truth and ultimate direction of the

spiritual health of the teaching side of our ecclesia Mercy: As leaders, as Jesus always demonstrated, we must show

compassion, understanding and patience in our guidance of the ecclesia

Living the Parable

Woman1) In the parable of Christ and the ecclesia, Woman represents the

ecclesia (that includes representing men and women, not just women) – she represents us brethren

2) In the ecclesia of God, she is asked to keep silence (contemplative attentive listening) not because she has nothing valuable to say, because we, men and women need to learn to listen to our Head.

3) They are covered. Indeed it represents submission to the husband, to the man, but that is not the head-coverings primary reason for being! Sisters are living the parable in their humility by covering their head. Sisters in their covering represent brethren too – all of us, humble in need of a covering- submitting to our Husband – Christ Jesus.

They do us a service, they teach us every week by their humility

Living the Parable

Empower: make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life

How do we make all members understand how privileged we are?

How do we make brethren and sisters not be ashamed of their God given responsibilities? Being a son and daughter of God comes with both;Honour and privilegeResponsibilities and self sacrifice

Stronger, confident in Faith

Many members...One body (1 Cor 12:20)

What key characteristics do sisters have?Naturally think of:

Thoughtful, observant of others, caring, determined when faced with a challenge or issue, caregiver at home and ecclesia.

Compassionate, natural attitude of servitude for the family

Often lead our praise in the ecclesia (hymns, songs) Hannah, Elisabeth, Ruth, Naomi, Leah, Mary

Other characteristics? Outgoing personalities, natural leaders Incredible mind for bringing out gems from the Word, students

of the Word Exceptional teachers, preachers – a gift for breaking down the

Word into simple terms Deborah, Rahab, Esther, Lydia, Miriam, Jael

Sisters, teaching SistersSisters are commanded to lead....sistersTitus 2:1-5 (NASB)

Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, 4 so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.

Sisters leading and teaching sistersSometimes this needs to be emphasized and

encouraged more by brethren – how?

How do we encourage Sisters to not be ashamed of their God-entrusted role? (as the world would have them be)

Not all Sisters face the issue of being unsure or embarrassed

However all Sisters need to believe their role counts, is impactful to the ecclesia

Are the things that concern us as brethren the same things that concern Sisters? Are there gaps we can address in our programs, our teachings, our exhortations?

How do we as brethren in our God-given task as shepherds, utilize our Sisters skills for the health, growth, and ongoing management of the ecclesia?

Feeding the Fire, Fanning the Flames

While we spend a lot of time examining the sisters role, the key to them doing their role is that WE do ours!

We must:do it well – Christ dedicated every waking

second to his disciples we must act as servants, not lords – the lesson

of Jesus washing his disciples feet

Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. Hebrews 10:35

And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. 1 John 2:28

Confidence – St 3954 – cheerful courage, boldness, without concealment

Breakout Session #3

Discussion on leadership – OUR leadership, self examination

The great value and sometime danger of “tradition”

Examining closely our culture of praise and values around service