IjBgB» ^^Z»j, ¿. Eegimeo»;...

Tun bio*. 1 _,.r \ Caatl-aaad fro» Flr«t IjBgB»_ -Ware mot by a ¡BBBaBBBBBa of the Uta Eegimeo»; ¿. Y. 8. V., headed by Col. O'Drien and a eoup> Of flold-j icce«, under command of Lieut. Ee.gls80D. The forcea uuited, and couDUrm&rchea down tb« tveiioe. The mob had in the mean time rallied, «hen the military formed a line of battis and fired Bpsn tba crowd. Ballets whistled through the air la avery directioa, shattering shatters and doors. Borne of the rioters were aten to fall, and it waa re- ported that '¿aven ware killed and a number wounded. Two children, it is aaid, were killed, and B woman wounded. Blank cartridges jvare fired by lbs smile ry. There appearing no further hostile de mo titi rat i on On the Tiart of the rioters, the whole force marched to the Central Office. Officer Kothacliild of the 17th, and Warren and Oa_a of tbe 11th Precinct, were badly hurt by being at; u ck on the head willi stones. fieveral of the rioter« were t-hot, but they were taken away by their inend«, and it won impossible la »N ciia.n their wLer-eubout or learn the naturi« Of BMSB injuries. THE RIOT IN Sl.COM) AVEKl'E RESIMED. About uoou, 1 »tween 300 mid SOD al the rioter* amen 1 tl.e Oalaa maPtht Watag at the corner of Twwuy-wvo-.id itoaal Bad Baaaaai avaaaa, and i m- Wkhanmi carrying away the «ashall wini li bad been »ecrctt'd tlu-ic tin- ilny previous, tie urina taviag Been taken BBBB Mr. Op-djta'S amory in SaBOad avenue bai ra ii" baiMii g «as fitad bj lbs asol. Tie rioters were Leu-in lurg' f mc. llur.ng tl.e morning ail ibi la ». ih s aad shops ia ti s aa ghbet« bood wert vis ted, and Ibiaals minio to binti cm 1. aeUblishme-jt io the , n aad iiii!i*i»h it wa«- closed. Ar a bsbbm laaaas, avarj hctoiyf-ora arik Bioaad the Paka bbb.b W rta «aaabal BB,aad tba struts awuiined With laftiriatad men. bappaaratbattta riour» aad tata n i am tal B of the baildiag a lnr^t brick nil»- asvaral alarias hi bigbi for ibi ( irpea osing -.be BbBM il* u loi... eatioa from «hieb to tue'tui the j>o!ic»*. A'«out - o'ch V, a for s ol 20 ; !er con- mniid of Inspector Hilka, arr.ved cn the gn umi. B-niii of*! »¦ r ott .: t, 1 n «lag n arawd at bsiag ibaa mad, aadaavorad lo itttp bat «ara ta Inn«, for ¦jx»n the a oa n*. lu-; .¦. * 11 k* gavs tba t rial to thargo. In a moment four of the riotera wi :e «ret» ! »1 qpaa »tba pavsueut. The «sa, with all atapiala af »diwana lia ad iota the building a] n ibi «ab, aid bl\.-.i ;. ..*. I,g!.t f a few ». ments, daring «hieb bssm od Ita polkaaaa aad nott ra were «Bit Sf 'e-s itjured, enc» ceded in a :.- juering the crowd, SBSBBbJ ibaBfl lo bap lroin *- «BBBBWS and rurh to every other avenue of es «j-<». A large nu:: 1er of w.iiiu-n at this inomect stUt» kid the police cursing them iu a fcarf ii ¦ sr oer «Ld in s BS BBB.B M lMMH.g them. Aftei clearing tbe building ti e polios can.i oat sash aa« with a musket, and i'ar.-ed u ti.e in.bvib» ist-daJ Dad üb B-ioabk t* liak. In iba oataai, one ti the ri »teia BBBM on- of ti.o hu.!..mg u isk« n. Sut met ting the polka habara«a a i ak m *he ki.eee ami droj pad b -. ia» lit arai siad witb « iucuy. and m a ¦ aaaal lay Maadi g up >a the gr. and. sTbaa aba palias Bia advaaead sgaiaa if.*- I Works, thret-ir.-a-fkt-t ítala wet» liad ni ti em jj Twenty st » .»ii 1 i-tru-t, but vii:. ¿ aal damage. Tilt- j«lie«, after slaariag Iba I inliiing, left Iba ground, BBaBBU-fcsw oalj raBsaiaing Pabaaq the n.ob trealIJ BagaaB-U J. luti» oil id ur- ind ti build.iig. bit liaall] awraad au»i leah With ita asa« «bl ti .y bad 11»» . sdi .i .-.i »t :. they de' <1 any tittt le SBsladgs Itaas. TI.» Eigbtt-t »»ib Placía« i' has «ada aa aataasft da sa» take the building, but were laaBBBBJ i>.> aaparii Bambers, lal« aflMBBI-1 ia aal WaSBSB« I under comr-nand of ('«¡t. I!» law, ,.; ladataabaaeot of KeguL-is under (.'«pi. Fraaklia, arrived« and found tba bailding fat posseaai .i oi iLi* r.otert», .*: crowded Ita Windows. Wl -n ti t j. oi as f rea, aaioag wb an were a nu;..- bt-r i ..a rw rn hi as sparial jiolicaaaa, wsds tlieir BBfaafB.sa, ita] »trt paatad witb a bbb .mi of IniK-'uti» mid ni'ni- and rhot. The cbargtt b»Ht<-d asasl] IO «ii i ». tl.tiii ia« lit Bvasjslap -fttting tbe v. :tt at '¦'¦¦ Igbt The luild ng 1... Le<-*i iii-m, i.njiitd und tie mob aaattasad, tLt- pob»e ms'iled Ibroagh the d.r'.:.(t, tLc-KeB*u:«rt» bringing up tl.e r< ft Tb*« ssasad ia d s Uit-ai,*. u,e ralliad and f.^iuwi ,1 the adtaan for aboat a bi^k, «baa Ibaj greett-d the soldiers with a ita«« ot st» tier, Qakh M thi'Ught Ca[t. K.-mk.i. ¿uve tim older "'tout face, wh.eb braagbl ita « lien iu t-v fi.ee «iib the crowd. Iii au ini-unt tberea'ter tbe « !«t "tire was given, and a voiW was -outdiuto the mob. It iK baid but «B_ vihat trutb, tl.«t 1 were killel tu.rt wounietl. A cb&rge waa iiuide With fixed bau.-lett, when Ita ii. A bri kt Bfl 1 I '.'.- tered like «-hei j». Tbe fend t? en retnrni-»! lo tig ir rendervous with aboat MO Bail ¡tea wl.iiji the* bud captured. thi: norai 01 n.vni AU.M I.. Pnricg Ita .BBS.BJ . dttacb:^tüt ol tl.o ii iki- bjbbbbbí a«a*fl Ita tbtt avaaaa to Paat-jMbird «r*et. baBBBJ in front of No. IP, where it was reporta-I that a [ laaül : ! Iii ; al mi gentletiuu resided -4ta r «Bsalk« baBBBJ to ia<k ui.u bun. bousa». 1 be Twentieth PrasSBSl Police and u < n. pany of i. -. ka aiaaaauid of Capt. j'ut- nam, ritui'- upon tl.t-m, Lowever, and diove tbtu. away. Tw'i asldkn arba tal bbbbbbbI in the charge araaaaalaBaaaad hadlpbaataa before they cull be res- ¡» L 0 nf iht«. Wallawa .labs,Obbbiuj.1 I..':1) Ki.".!-irs, wa.- laniblj ..'.juii..i Hboui tin« beal. The now' thuf frur'ratad ran ti ward the lS't rtb liiver and Bf Ita 8sv ntl. avenue to h itv- Btve-itb street where, being re ei,f .reed, thai -.- Dewed tie atta'k with BBMBB Ita paboa, BBOBI Capt. WabBBg, baaag in th>* advaaaa, charged u¡kh. the rn ter«, bj I m li i Iwfa kUagod micjt atratcbad aix mtattt fellowi. uj.on tbe gsaaad» The insurgent« baiag eODBlaallp re-e frtirr-fi BBBBItaaaaaanwilh tie aililsaltalanikm of rest mug the »i.liiitrs whoa tbdy bad «< I'l-oii laaabhag l* fi1. y\\u. m Baoitari aalt a BUerupt-ed but proud a fi.il i e. TtapottOB b.iv.n. fallen ti t. <¦'.¦¦, " t : - i 111 ;t«: BJ.d IsadS tbeir muvkels, b'.t lin-tedd i,f dring, BJBBBBBi baiaaatd driving I ¦distance, ll.ey '.,,,, wad ti ««Ball but ht B*l i ry la¦;, " r. ...».» »! r-ti.. Mlli-oS HI Vf K BAU.rS.1D II:-,' I, i».i.s |- TLs main tiaik of tbe RaaBOB Rival Kail » frrrn Fifty-iuntb to WH| IblldBttSOtS «aal by the iiieuigenti! ubout JO o'clock in ti¬ the Albany exjresF train wbirl, Ml Bl tliat b». ir being compelled to bark out of loara I B one of tbe torn-a ut«. Tbe cr»»wd «BBasaaad whfc aaitaaagi «n.a.l club.- and otber waaaoaa. Aftar damaging tbe aaBBBBd li»ey j rOBBBdad down Ita itv.ri'i' 1111111-- ing themselves by S{j lying tbe torch la tbe taasa "f guy pt-mon whom Hasp BOaa len»»! oppraad to tbeBs. ji.e Waataaa Hatal^tba vVaalara brova-Yaadi and other buildings, were in thin mininer <la-ati<»v»e<l. -, At tbe corner ol 1 wenty-nixtli htreet an.) I.li venll, avenue, the Jfudson Uiver cars were «ti ¡j-«,I ;iI.,) threatened with desîni'-tion lut itere eventuhllv allowed to proceed on their way. Tin mol arsned tbeir own-tourst-, neither polka Of soldian appaar. li.Rttj oxjose them. 'I hey finally moved away toward ths other nvenuos, and unnglcd with other gbOgS. FIFTEENTH WAHI». About 5 o'clock, as Mr. A. W ~tl.lJ, of No. ** ( ^^Z»j, um wsikhiF npYin^ «Têtue with a .*"et friends, when near Miiyoi Opdjke's houae, ho. tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, they encoun¬ tered ubo'it ft down rioters aimed with club», «ha doliantly swung them in the air, shouting and hoot¬ ing st the same time. A crowd of anne 9M gentle¬ men had been collected by the noise, and when Mr. Tenny and his friends met them he proposed thal they should arrost the rioters and tobe them to the station houre. The pro-ponition meeting with favor from the crowd of gentlemen, they started in pnr- miit of the rowdies, aarrouuded thsm, and had a reg¬ ular hand to-hand encounter. The rioters, as soon as they found themselves at¬ tacked, immediately diupped their clubs, and made the host effort« they oould to escape. In the aBSMd, howaver, several of them wero pretty severely- handled; and Mr. Ti um y and bis immediate friends succeeded in arresting two, whom they escorted to the Ninth Ward atstion-bouse in Charles être»». The Police Sergeant in charge at the 8utipa«Houee demurred to taking charge of the arrested men, on ¡the ground that the building might be attacked by the mob. BUIUB'a- W MID. The mob congregated in front the butenitl. Ward School-House, in Seventeenth street, while the i- 1».»»I was in sei--ion, and made a démonstra¬ tif!! with a view to gain entraîne to the building. It setns that two colored women whom they had pursued bad token refuge in the school-building, ami they were determined to get hi them. Ita feather* ¡ MM ll| lit retí all tie doora leint.ng into t lie ft reef und the rioter», hfter a few lnetltctual eliorla to break in. tnrntd tbeir attention to a little «wdaa «I., i "y OB Ita »pposite m'tr pt the sti»e!, ni*! ira- ki la it, BitBfMaa the minutes, and uuumittiug Miliuna tit | re latiOM Bpoa Ita Itiilding. Tba mob matched tlnotigb v.arii»n». f-trec's in the \ i.ini'y, ut u iniiiitied no more nets of violence thal we could learn. V..ne ii» raaHMI were aflOBl during the d.iy tl.nl the destrnitH'ii of all ita feetosk« k ita Ward had baaa ihraataaad, aad that ita Basal -heil factory at the fool odTwaaty-foarth ntrset bad baaa bwiiradad bj sita i kai 1 ti r m iht t'icf, bat up to i'J < eh evsryrJ lag wa¬ in im ii i n M tun. At abont S o'. lo<k ¡. i.. ita awb had oenfiagMod ia Twenty-ninth meet, between Rigbtfa and Ninth avenues. an»l i ttaoked h i mi ¡og iii" al midwav i f, the hlo*k, l ecaase, us wa.« alkgad " Botaos Gre« lap boardod thara Ttap aroha in Ibi «iadowa aad doora, aad eottfktelp gutted tba k - row« lag m'" ita «raaf booba aad farakara, whkh wa« iri.meiliate'y i/«-.I BpBB hy ita crowd wittel!, and hataaawappissameal. Boob af*»r ttaasa s >.d lien eoasao tate»), a detail »f abaad My * Idian aad thirty polieeasea appaarad aattagvaaad aad BBBobad thri'ugb ita anaat, aaaariag H afallob- s'i uonr. The military n.i.rrhi.-l ha- k *. »I f r : * tin o' the Mask, and were «bout to leave the '|uurt.-r, «baa a ranas spread thal ita rioters hatl returned to tbe building aid w.ie intending to fin it. Tbaj immediately Inroad and married in »loi.h ». » ; :¡.e to the plitt e, i.i . » 11 the baildiag B h'e!, | . u :.'y a: ! t.r< 1 B] BB th» ni. rai BM that just !.» fotS tlni:*«, nanni» lu. raal sd tata ita baa« u, *,-, an the nut« is, an wb« -,ury fired, two polkeasa wen abat, aaa ia tia am aad tba attar k ti.» abdosBBBi Ik of the lafer w.il probably prove iataL lu c lately altar Hi rioters Lad ri,ntninicate 1 ttiir «orb ii|»oii lbs «i.ii-t»e»»i boaidlag*»boaa at lloma.« Osease*,, « rj a »- nkad sgai« »r»«¡e. -.alle B| '.'-til J "ing u.un mut he was a I Bl *> a Ue, orttrr, alni im-Un!!*, be 'Mu M U|.'ii ht bs b1 ited devils «ho paiaaad, haashad bia do«a, and beat and kukei Lim ataattta body, hi Bad bead . eh a waj ai la laavs bi« nearly da I aa ptaasBl inter'eu-il aad r.i ». led ia sav« ii:g the yaaag man t I '.¦ Hi w.ii» takt;i t»» tis ie-i- .... sear, aad H «as foaad sa saan laatioo i1 .t I e ¡ lil rt M ivad no mortal wound. This same mob while in ita vkiaitpaat apaaa man against wbi u. ttaj l.ai coi » fanned BBti| .ithy, and literally uih;« d bim ti, .loath. W e w »mabie ti obtain bin :»»:..e. TBKBATI Of nu UOT-Bfl.A Huts»: ni* n.i. I ami. DEBTBOYID». Withialha taaaaaakaaf ldihsiaaal leD rh atiaat, Baal ofBoarary k MKlea>Deaaaahkad< ita ark la aapaktiaa waa» oat ., pta, w:u.» -. pSOOSadiagl i n ;."'¦ ..-i «boss si is thaf la « no ¡.art exce¡ t a few abasad ami Biskd Di I¦;¦ Bairkadsa of tba ] osaathh I wara ara lad m Ita ic.jintrs of I4tb, l.'th and l"tb rtraele, ucrn «»,.¦.¦- kin« square. i ta « aaaatlBj lia! between the ikaa« un 1 Ita '1 ..oi.f, "f this dun,d waa visible hy n sa 11 bona* bai k, v. bo a,, aarad from timu t.. lúaa givii » to tbeir oo«traiton I y wbis] sriagktotbs san of ita a ' til aaa abai next io do. At oat i 'do» k tba ibaraod, aa ita eora« at «"tflaeath ttreetl and i-'.ibt BVaBBO, iv.n.i patent Street i leaning ludir, whi.h Baaoaatadly «ara rogaraad|ai depriving riot« ing people ol tbeir ngbtful occupation. Farttaf down in Vii« av. i.ue tin re wits a gn-at Baal of b'owiig at.d boahaboal ita vklorp oi ita I inend« of diaorder. The Uacok H"use, sa lb< corner of Allen street and First aveno« ,1'..- oil, «Qasaaaa Rapabttaaa ii'«J'¡iaiteis of ibe Bavea«! Itaaath Ward; wa* ttaealeaed, an»i Mis. Lad wig I j Muller was driven fiom the boute, bal BOBtrttar] asaaasaa were sossBBsalad. Ita thiong »»f riotaia tabavad fiftaaatls ¡a Avaaaaa A and D. A. Waga« ¦ (ga_B&U No. '»1 Aviiiuo A. ai.,1 Mr. Pi Baal i «era, or« »i ii'iitb stielt, where mi», powdar, un»! bad «ers I sold, aaJarad savaralyi avarythki araaaarrkd afl by Um iafanaUd arawd. Mr. Boaatalar's (aIta« pabtaaa'a) hartarais «ora, k Avsaaa B, talara« i- iltii and bi-lli stri-etr, wa« Itasoagblj the «ob earryb g ofl «Bal it pkaaad. < »ne of the in» M j BBaliai kei . liivmgtoii street, aad «asilad lb« paaaiow of tba -Qonaaaaia B_a vkiaitp. It appaan that) Qei I i] » m, toam woeta ago ti tai a raioia ,. roi tharacoverj t a poaag girl «bo bad diaappearad iii.m t.' bar pan nts, All (»ra ¦« I «ara V¦-¦ ..... iigtb«in« Inalaol a boo« »>i ill fans kept by a Mrs. Miller] Ko. I' 1 Bivlllgtoa rtre-t. rta] dolp aotifiad, ami i. , .| i ¦ob .. Iftj ft .'». >na ¡i»' y i-1 the i nae. MmMilkrfl-sd,ttayonagj II saan |of aga) waa triampbantly a ».:. Um hoass witB [ luii'ieiei'. ol n.i bl i Bilvei apooas, cl-w ks, liiiiii.uii: "I all hind- wen- OSrrkd BWay, i.n lit.al y Ita erowd iwnB«n-rad lo break dowutta ah an y ti tim i ni.away-wmi.an iMrr. Miller] basaiagita «buk building in tbe middle oi tb« stieet. Ohakaaaa«! | all Ita« ilnraiaafoppailnaik aim participated «ors '»r less in tk riot,«aBB| aartada ball bjp aroaU dovs up ibu bowen altara*.h ann aaj u vim to ita llaBtea Boa a as I «oil aa la Holds Hotel, baal bpAadVeaaWi th« weil-kiH'Wn (¡email Kapoblkan. BÍBtas I,. Ka| \i, the j r«»j ..-f« sf Ita BSBBbtW Iii Caf'Sin <'f the/Hi N. V. f*. Vol.; bad just ft ' lin ragk eut, ofloril g bis serin eg to the suth« iii»- when a well-known copperhead <¡nitav Scboi nke; ' entered, accunng Mr. likiy oi Lrx.i >i said jj, u *<-*.*_.-_. Ui Wa a_BBTB_t_, Hat they »tould give no quarttvr ivtn to chiliíieii. ... I The Copjerliead watt turned out, M hisejacula-, tion» lind teak u «lr.nd.ul rial ¦*****¦ ,be _?»__! trou of the Ste .»ben Beset Hal »!'e fainted, and hail M I«- earrled aC Brarythlnj reaaiaed attlai all down the Bowery. The hesdi|uarter» of tia German Republicana wa» not Rt all diiturhed up | to the time our nporter left. II o'clock. IllSTI IIIIANI K. IN THF SPVFNTHANI» THIH- TKF.NTH M AHUS. Alioul 11 o'clock, Iiieot. Wood, in f«»mmarni of a company of rep-ulan«, while marching thiongh Pitt ikiieet, was BBBeksd Lythe mob and tient«*, to a »Lnwerof »tone». He brought, hi« men to a halt and tired ii-kmi the crowd, killing, it ¡i aid, ten gff twelve, and wounding lix or iglit. The i_e«tive fire upton the _ul> had S __BBBj»B jillett up.u the iuiorgeati in that nurt of the city, tuiJ rrt'ored the »treou lo üj-jir nmal «-mt-luca« ATTAIK ll'ON MAYnll OlOYhl.*.«? III.««lill Ni F. About 11 o'clock an attack w-a. mude upon the reiiiieiite of Mayor Oplyke by a coniparstiv.-iy «niall body of men and a par!-,' "1 l-.y*). ivh" threw stones inn! brick-buté at the w uidowi. Not moie than half of the riotei», however, en* tered the hiiildinj;, ihrir oli-ci evidently being pinn« 'der. About twenty «.¡«'Utliiiieii Iíviiik m tlie n- eil:* i-c>ilu tut, hnving BBt-dpated lbs attach, aaeabled h! ia givnji ¡.lace, and, with »ncli weapon» at WSN _t bund, rn»hed 1MBtha ttXtwi nii'l di ve them from ths «ioor. They then entered tlu- Miiyi a beBM SB- IPIldily ejjMlled the rioter». .Mehi,lime tlte mob wa» in- creasing and Um <i; was hera tia- bni ling. Tha li..I.¡eli pe «vere ti.« li otu ilpteii by lL«i »lliiill pltlly Ol ««¦iitliiiien h"»i' det.rmiiied loskt the roWil did not geea le ¦< th. li. | tlj. .in it .if . ..lii'f sp, « an li and ilpili the Hebel» put them to liln-ht. I'll. Bob.BBSS tAii. i. Ii.-M-I by li i!i-.iti'i,ii,i-:it ni HOP BgllliarS, Vthu will p-ote. t tt.e t 11 Lilli A' Bl It'lip.- Ill Let« »-:i'_f. IImi the itm m !> "iv if the ¡oaargt.staetianapa Ihtle toeaa lhere teaieely s dosbt bet thal lbs Msyor't hi.u»«' weald kara asea tacked aad Ai'lei ii.aii I iii1« -, v ait« 'i the ...» ... ibu tilt- Boighbon ihsald Km. tarn,»»,».« with ¦« tot the i rot* lion el theil pruj r » -i ni . tiiiVi ¦ ni ISO hw IT ISO Min t. Two eompeain I i letaa ti abo paaeed Broadway about « ".<.' avaaiag, war« voeil glSBBSd ni \,y nu H Ott j » ia ' who -BfBfl M :¦¦ '»v a: the l'i.rk. ,1'i-t I-et "Dil ('huí: I'-rt «I" I t r, - of the riaglaaaan «ti. arrsasd i-y n- ........ I '. . r n! 1er« lln eeMJaa »»i"i reihed i leeeae iheir leader. Tis two a .- L their aaa. head ths rabats, aad aiawlj awi atraed iba I ty Hal). Prceeatlj ihe n charged, aad the police arare for a.ionisât ia a very critical Bit ubi wea .¡««à. y r.-eiifir.'.' I !r ¦ the Ctty Hull, ti an ! ark; stn! alaaaed both! nttreetaad Broadwa) la the ha Ths ilel-rtiilliutii'U i»f tL" eHean w-a» eBBW-f .1,0 tv Ii lythe s'.ght rf*. ¡t ft teintai: e made ly It* rrow.l iii ( hurtibsi» »trr.l. 'Ihe nia.iue.il ti.» rotreeliag asb head aboa »:. ! teeaad! badi Baba a ttSDd, ÜM '.<>!ii«. tire» tf eir ra-vi Ivt-rt ui..l I away. Iii» assdlaa aaagthaltb« .. lan tied in»t_litlt A »i- »¦ * se »i "ii ¦¦-"» .' i 1 !¦. |- ea will al r at I » ' . i t 'unit li li. st will hull, and ' .... e :.. ng. tV S a-, « u :!,. ir i.,an. AllA'h I g I "I li Jll.lt «.. t m| I » Jim n w he hu BBB ! I tv :. !. Int.. I n;. i . t ' abela waa wounded io the kti'e w.tl. a .;<¦:.a, M »'.. Itbg rge ..f kit «li. y. Afisi iba na!, i-u'i he«: waaiaaia bt| ¦¦ !- naMeBM aa It ad arsaaa,betwaaa 1 -, -it -i 1 -: Misais, SWIM ». I rsa ». g I..« . .¡tv' . .'. r, i. ». aei.ee of Ihre«'.! -.-.!.¦ Li hsd :SB li Igaial then.. II. a't. .ted j .'-a.i- lal laattest ulai had j..t Btsrsd bli at aa wai g lb« a b, wl bad puienilt !. iii v. th it .- for kia, I » V «¦,- bjpaaiBBi., uki ¡ | kia ... ii.!" the yard whare li,ey I .al Bad kicked kia _B «i bratal naaaar« .«.vrral women wiio were *:r. g tin wj sJee rkid Ibu tin!, rta n 1.1_: u-un. VeU-Bf, like K) Bato** devil», thr..i f..i i.au ggjgal tha Ceasel by bia bair, und dragged h a Isle Ita »liest wi.ere ti.rv .. v k. k. i ead i»t btSet A ass ksspbaj s (bai S a '-ti tie aeraar, s .i!. fegUagl "f "iiijiui'i, cuir.ed oat s gh_. el a ata ia re the I ..' .. I, a r- m v a n..b turne«l at .t gad oat] lalaly galled » Aller bC-BBBJ ( i. < llii'ii 'ii.'.il v,. BM V il.t-Iilil'le, thiV SfBifl dfeilgi-'l lilli :* '.t I * .- yard aad Ihrsa kia latoaegrasr, wbstasvsrt a and lass thvy vmied hüii gad itueS' ti,(.r gMSSt u j-,n bun. Bernai bsmbbb witaeesai this Btnp _Ebmb__S rear window», ni. ! ; i .. »t. .1 u¿aii »I, WEBB li..- ii "! "ki,I ila !'t I .., dOB'tlgfg have nny ait« bsbbb_" Um iiiie'l**1"!"!* iiott'.e.i thensigbboreI «t they ml' sdsd bunill:« the hi ek ». Bight, »iii'l vv. r.- xt< iiijj (. ratha bad] "f the < lotaaL The gr.n'e-t i'A<-I. I i-i.t A;e!e.! n lie |. bead, at.'l n ui y people took away lb( able property. Prevlose lo the rrdaia ken fl n Brisa Iks :. ah bad ra gatted ibe I Darli g Iks ait- raaos an! arrfo II.l.U *»t»l« !'l'.','.' ti» li a a- ! be i. ni.i it" ..'. ned ti mt.an li ni ob ihaiiiK'l »ni '. ivi'. iiAtii M rit'1'..i A guiiK m i tal li Harlem Li 1 | » the ritu 'I d ut 'Sat a all bead «a* nu ... U it the taral« ti..- weed el ila- btidge thal li a aid i '.ha. ia lo do aonethiug that wa n. tera a ea ;,r<- a «nias. Dill nsai Ia« I Will«li 1 hlllllltl,, -, , ... ,u W.-«..,,»-!. east*. Tas draw el Hu lu SIS. .i m. n an« i«... ui i mi gi nao, I'li'tllllir I,» min, I' -., ,i! .' I , . ,. ,.« _j,:w It «-ii am ¦.'. Bad It BOB n' ..!.' fi"! ira , hart '-'i v i'a i.iiiii' ia nea »vim bn Ninth i.| n ra i Green« ..... ! ein t-', »uti« .i a i,' \tm baa ; the t lil. *-'i LAMSMIFS, Tha .New-'»iif.i.» ni..! ahei baa <.f «»atut have ceased to load tboir rnr(-.,. « yrsterasy, li «soa i-ijueii"' oi ti.«- abasa «« "t htbo 11 I I MM. 1 III. -<H lill lix. i .-.-! ¡ Iii ¦.:... h were furnkt M a, tit, s¡, bolat and oUm i ia -rl .. V II'I'.M Id \ lili gol |i|| li. Lient Wood, eonmandeotol tbssoapaaf --vi el fire.I "ii ila nob in I*.:t Misal, aad vvh<» acted with [gras! Boolaen aa tha oo aah n, while mareil |0 ths Centra! "Ifka bl report to Of. PltTBB, fell muí »eva fly f| r.iingd hii thigh. WhgB kg WSg OP» I liliC- li« u.a.11« ¡ml:_..r hliil pul til. Uto. t<J Uik-lit. lie I atated that ha would not heailAte lo shoot.not wi _, blank cartridges hut with ball. Be tully <ari''__ __ determination Oui, Awi j robah'^ j,y _;. Jsekhre Betka fcavtid the eastern Pelion ef the city fioni an "^tensive conflua ¡al'« "'. lui: nrsiiii i hon OB COL. st »a.vr's K1--1- IH.W.K. The Residence of Col. Nugent in Eighty sixth street, between Third and Fourth Avenue« having been destroyed by the mob, they went to the store of Mr. Molter, corner of I.ighty-sintb and Third Avenu« ami threw everything into the t*¡¡¡ogp aux set fiie to the building, wblflU *¦»* destroyed, with the ws^ou shop of Robert LaaaaS, adjoining. i ta crowd Vnsn visited Harlem and set fire to tb« Washington Hall, and also two building« on the Third avenue, near -Une-hutidreil-'iiiii-twenty-eighth strest. The bridge over Mi Comb * Dam is also said la have been destroyed. sier»lay morning u, party visfed a porter-house on tbe Fifth avenue, near Ninety-first street, and eslled for aometlnugto drink, and upou beii.g refuted Hi ltd to the h.iildiiiii. which being of wood, was sion consumed. rOfflMAIHR 1 «.KI'.MAN's IHBBKI DE- blKdVf I». 'Ih« res'dence of A brain Wakeman, Postmsiter of ibis i'y, iu Eighty-sixth stieet lYorkville'. wael pillaged aad dastrspad Munday night, Mr* Waka* mun at ibu t.uio was not at home, his duties as a I iiblic 1 Hu cr liriirteiitiiiig, ni his opinion, every- Ithlag aka. Ita tiru paipaaa aftta rioters was pluiiiiei. They Mole the ti.mittlre and Carried it oil, I took Bp the SBipSlB. Bad cut them into piei en o| a yard in kagtb, aad divided them aaaeag the«;I seabed tba library, a c»i|]a*ction of several ibaaaaad] dolían, and rt-iiioted everything \uliiul>Io ah» it ihn pIBIBJBBB Theil they tiuirhed hy BBttteg the house n me. it wee totally ooaeaBBed. Mr. VPataaMB'i oin. was ahiittl fi ..iMNi. lill. All it it os MUMHUTl 1 l ni ihm. BTORC Iba Polka i' ita third Prectact, «i,»!» 1 ita ...aigu beapsaal Piaaep, Boaads, Browa aad I m rall, :e m m to drive ibe rialesi bam Hhhi*» * loihi'tg«ore, on ttaaaraaa oi Cherry aad 1 atba- II itreetas [targeanl Fmnap waa abel ia the fae» st ita bastiHal. ) Ita »thiers aarreaaded .¦» al ". a iilietl witii men, won.di aad .. ¦'..:.. -is aa awdin Ih '1 ia bandi« - t<> their billies. 'I i.e t ne went iii aad slabbed .. wa tbet .-i»'« »; « -a* the «enea and el i l.i» men le', i and eft, aad ..i: ita 1 aafroi s store; Bl «boa itaj let' ik store, tbe ru-fl 1 fired «!»« - tweet*, »hols Bl than; .'¦.» aere poor Bau did bttli bo ¡ery. Oreel t\ - 1 bad bi . u, sr »1 ti.-- ¦. : rai p tip of 1 taaasferB I N .. li .. .-¦ ..-¦r to t...-.-! »-. i ti umil .-.t, »-uni .. thi »an: apea ; 1- tb Maa) ti tie.» plaaderen a.-. «< kaowa « ni It HI I I'MH If An,, it.- Ita defenders »t Printtng-Hoase * wt:..* ' 1 Hi Itev« D. Adsaa, a midshipman 10 : I i. .>¦ « S .«. v, I ad '..«r,; of ¦. vt I'irr located .-it ti». Sir ti BOIBOI f '1 l SB < »Iii... I .. j .... «a as leads 1 w a«»:. Bad ««lid han li trai.'u. t Bl ill.» I. ,! :' haul ba-en aaad. uni in mr -iviriviii pftti im i. About el. «trii -..i received at ita Csatral Bead « a hot «as te psagreas ka IbeHntee't i.t. («pti.iu Petty, with one '. t . -e itely t»» ti S arene of a»'..iii Ubi i «ea «Itaeetaeref levea- f i. .-. ¦' i ., i BvaaaBj «k hw m.ai the saheel baa« had accidentally taken nr. iii« 'I*- « ¦¦ aavp, Capia v t* tnmt sail aad thal the aarwd wsss*%l * Brest, neir i) M aad «aa daatiapteg Ita aoaj an i eaadli baa rp til . \ a arriving at the i sdo«B wataBBH *¦¦¦ sea sa iel toa 1 I Toke at HI TIM. "I Ml Iii II IM- IS It'.M.M U V «.» 1 A' ....'. ia ci*_t. R M . ..id Mt. W. M. Pet aaa a] * I .a'» |e Mr. Was.) f.. ii i I t' » . »a- ... ¦ heure i ., it ia» :y tal . . er « tplian t * i Ivate imi ft are rake-***, hj e rab-1 . . :. - ..... a a l .) - al« reaped . al »a gmt o».!, i, . .1 t I ' .1 «li- li»«« . i. mon *ud saBesa-iB, «1.-1 ma . ( .- « » .,: l* » law I . ¡ .<..'! I <-t ,'» It ti the »'li I f ei-iy t . ¦..! ..,.- lb* daly " i : f ,- lied aae « reatta r.« «et tun far ¡Ont pul¡ «. BitelaeS. Tta tin ¦..'..,'. -r« of ti!« . , it.le.l ¦. :. ft li y f. I IB.1.1 «U,J, ,..«. ( '. . ....... a ;..c l .»«»i.l ... l4. !.. y a. a prarilri' ' I,,i tote, Ttim Ibis sraea g rs » . li Hit»» iL» ela! ai .! Uta j .ni un j ol ¿, atarual .*» le lids sBy. i,,!. \\ :- ' Ifew«Jersey ofered hk asr-rieaa« .Mr. C'hsr. l'si'ii .ti* spota of ti a BBeeeaBy af ara cluiii.inir BBtftkl law, and BtOVBd BBBt the 1 adaat a raaahBtka k tevos at n. B«na of tba || », -t. ! '..¦'»¦ | i. | ..-ill .Ii Mr. J '! n A -it ». jr., thoa an ita t lowing, a h «en . , ..¦..... .; itiaa.il ¦-.¦». ' i . ¦ m«, li ,.,.,. «v» ¦" .....",.- ,ot «as .. , Ml««.» i . bead «i re martk v. »¦. A mun¬ it li Bl .. ed the lower end lu. uf theil i \ ....... y tin » ¦' wer* i. ¦.] -i. . tiear I tun i.v.. i . thal his lu.iiei .' ..i boa lui is said lo basil lo bora two ii sited .*»tn t-s sol dierawhoara Ipasg lhere «oawled. Ina inobcol in tut im iba i" i. usa »nuil v ii.«- Biter« larj;»» «»." «bkgs el rttkeuB dispasead the« ann .... savage torch waa nut ap| li» I. ¡ »l m a Im a u.l gathered ia te m of I.iiicolu Hall, ita Rapablieaa 11<».«.!. -. lbs I»iii Ward, at Ita comer of II - set and I- uni avaaaa. Threats of dei.i. u w«i used, but Iii.'I.iIIK bai b 1. --I NI s IS I HIS I IN', ROI SI Mil Mil*. A klgi i»""'1 r ot nu n m,.I ,,-1 c ,j|, 11,.,| ii, ir,,.) of tim Tbibvbi cilié y Merdaj * bm te gratify Huir iiiiii«.i, ead oti.ers lo «Bleb lor opportaaitiea lu rrj eui tin- nffinilt BpOB the baildiag. Krei¡n» atlj in tim lourue of lb»» alay the i ». | \, ¡lni.i nntl j Im ky juin n mi abargad uj "¡i Ita crowd aad «ada ti. -ii ri.i dad Ma la all i.its »if ita aaaBfaas.bal Ilk" S»» ni li.i lllc-S they n lui ned aglilu. IjiIc in the aft) noon a jullfe otlh-or was I.n» eked' du.vji hy a KUal hQtfw-Ii|tod cu|tou,er. ugil iLut wa«j [ the signa! for a miscellaneous aitaek upon bimby th« cowunity byeliiiider.« Outhort no« ice three or fi.i.r i-i.li< tuen cum« to the re»uieof their «ouirade, an.I the leialer ol' the BaaailaaM »bowed MSMBBCB ataI d' ltd the utithoi ¡tie«. win n he had received s raw atardy Mowa oveg Cn! bead ami Liu», a lellow in a ri'i »birt (.m g hi» rescue, but a blow from a club prottrated liiin on the itreet, and he died shortly afterward. lae lingett number of '»ursons pii-uiit at One time was wbea Ib«; "«Y<>r.tt_ien were going to aud returning from diane.» ¦*¦ G«»v. Seymour made his appcarauco at that time on the City Hnll »tep», and addr. tied an inn*^,_. crowd. Near I.nu »tood one «.f t.lU rlr.g!«**aderi of the rioters, who had ¡. lew nostítl before made fin in- tlHiniiitttory tpeech ¡n MU «ii Tut TsiBSRB, «ail¬ ing upo», iii« a.«-., lute« to al tin-k ti,o bunding. Iii» afterward committed an ai»nult upon a young mau, itnkini» bira violently in the face, und driving biui, willi fn .|in ni hi ,v.», m ro»H the Park. A lii- tle tvoundrsl of BBBBB. jumped up and »t mik the same man in th« face, when ho found he ronld do si with impunity. The noi»y fellow who triod to pro¬ voke mi iiieuult upon lu. TSISSSS «an be identi¬ fied by many witneasec. I«a»f nii'ht the muh wiis !e«s dcmoiistrafive than it vviiH the night ptSTJOBB, but it hooted, yelled and bellowed like a wild heu»i. TAi Times ollite wa« illuminated, throwing a good deal of light upon the S'piaie, this was a soikc«» af IBBSBBBB. (o the rio «th, f. r they love (krilBBM nithrr ti an light, their deed» laing evil; »o they left in di.gtiit about ten o't-lock. The t.it-t thal two liflid bntteriei frowned upon theaften the olde of mir coten.p'rary, and the further Uri» tint The Timm mid Tkiih se (Tirol were ihoroagblyaraal,atad in a MMsetTperfal nilli ti-v rganiistioo, and Bala the BOBBBBSd ft i gparieseed military ron,mm.1er-, muy have hud an Influa. >. apea theil i stsbmssr b _____ioB io all i ti .¦.vv.t*it powerfal polleeeadniiitaty faee ». ;:!.m I .ii log «¡¡«tai.*-»?. «ni. *.NO1 ¦ AT nu « in un i. \ riley no ... ia i aa isa *i that c.v. Beyaaar wai M li i »ty Hu!), :L. erowd '-I m Flin:,':.- I! rat Sqaafs b Tan Mt baUdüigi lapalred ¡th li -.'I i.. rt .ni »I »it». .\'...r a i. i .¦¦: sale, Tbornaa I »nillup. Depety4lberifl t'a- pt t ti a Hal aa a ana-,i c r. SoynoBTaWl on hi iatr -li- 11 to ti Dort to "; ais a I aaríag t;.'- Govi n.-.r I Al " Hi Patrgi I bars.» down h.-r<- fron» a Mr. ti -i-i vt at tri» I1 Call* B »ti.»I «ii ihn II |Ub WSS C II' »milli" '. '.*¦ foatbat 1 an roat ... i,i. « - g. '. i. »ive l '.¦ n ir. trisade. i . " '. tra, "TI .A- m \V, ure, ».- 1 i.ow I aifsurc y ¦¦ :. ray I tin li' .'¦ I" ehiiw y.iti a le-i ml mt la ..-ai., [l I.«.'i... I vv. h t.. ii.-'ii.i you i v .. i .. eersl *. . ita then .... bsva I ¦ ,. id eto| pad» «'¦ 11« row ,. .? .. v a a »¦... ii;/en« lo Wsit for ,,n, nu I I hit ire )"ii ti a I va ..1 il«, all ;, ut 1 that then Mao IneqealMy, aad a Brees i oa to take good o a el uí! property as sou- < ». and * that ever] « r-«. t. I'M h .-»¦«-¦ Mg "i , -i.prill- Mnl |«-i t .: V' 1. tal 1 lira Ti .1 lo 'II-- . ,r'. i .: . :. is ya-ir '! .ry I n ; , -, :¦««,' ¦¦ the «Hy, asd I »»a.tv yu, will de r. I w »I. .' it BOW ." n pSIStS ria good .'li!/' aa, aial V"u «ii aaattal la bssJb s m ta yea ..i. Im yoe to leen « to ate now, sed I v ilaeata \> 'ir __MI Wail uniil ii I AtUiHi»! iBIBl bl B Washington asd yas abai asasa-Éad. latía to -e« ihat ii" atti ;».i! » "r pio|. ty ni iTt..e ; "i .. , ki '¦¦..: » ] B ". toe ri.tvi! ... i- alitniir... .. tit i,.i «Way ti ......ti», r. ferriag to e eonpeaj I mi an who weis diawa ¦j :,". Vii.* A it v Hu! httl «he «. t.tt i !,¦- .it-, i.tlnteri- ttiti. lae BUlilSiy, Bad ..-.v g lu tin tr.tv.l, n'.it.l. Mi. I., «i I'ernti ,. Brooklyn, formerly of Teaasnc, (hen in: uiai :..«?<¦ 1 ti.i- rowd I' a. d u«A..it tin« ie|lv lititii \\u-' lai .n aoald ceas bj tolag apb thu ... .v. ',. '. ha mt., .v aoald be, ti ni bo drall tv i ..¦ ... « »ii We'll l*| uf nene person, Mr. «Parrie tell Mm crowd Ibet the ». Min M | Uni.I tttl IBbj«.l t" Iba l'.Mi.iii:.t..I "[ «¡ov. Ney .a«!. a.. ! tt'ul i i.ol y .- ed ¦' i». a -, Il b retired i Ihe cr..'.. . iii Hltiet ike I III M"ll IN i «'I I I SMUT -I lit t. I bow the r Ihe i tir Lust igaton e alea ' f the : tv. «....!! -t .it- vv tia-, Bl Bl el Bl 11 O'ciw » n. I laadl easel !¦.-. . » taiag. .\ . f I «m. lstlilA,- "t kb' ut lill er i-» al ''.- .-.f. r. h . ni. Bed hpar,oaan yelling thraagh the Mred fa n both Broadway asd Grssa» with r'.ic« t, ti.i v i'¦!.' I,trat« in C urti .li .'. -I;. n ft "ii*, of the Herchaata' and the »A en« 'i Hotel, .i..! i ...-«Ari nu attaakoathi wiadowa ead doon a t! e lw" !.. t'-l». All Btteai to rio»«- :'. <. I ,,iAi an »hut't-rt i-r<> lu.mi'diuteiy 'V't'.i.a, a...I the Bah i . r.»! i u.id aere eeagrsislBtiag .i..- ti..: they bad I iii etvS . thaj wara alrtaay prrpsrisf IsM gslI i, nu! help thritieivie t" whatera they i.'uld tin.I, tilba la da nasa of the proptiston uni tin | '. all whs «. aaeed io lint ni nant the polka na le aast, »r of the which I av.- area i"f tl.sm »i dyisn ui.d isaeality the everj trae ead boaeel i a. Daler Capt. I. "ii, "i '.!:<* lhirty- | eil :. J I'-«»' t.'\" li. ni I" a at», red ibeae*. kel il m ewara, aal (."«I ; a VV« «a wa fas! thal t!... i \- . need a word of e_] ... loth) la iden late, ii « .' its, .... Coan« : . » ything Um dig« i . ... iew bree Bia. ling their « were lb j for« ubry a. l «.hipped '..I. lu ,...,., i an io a irdly whelp bad ibroa a tim tWO !!..;. With P'-: the gi a .! h', ead li '! I., i t ..iii .1 |:. ,t li i- i! in b ' ' v.at o\. aki i. bj ..i Cepti »¦ . Bad; and km brosgbt lato the Btati n '.', bil virii h.in » .vu.Cob -1 bia thai.«:, heads a it (all of brkkbsis, bal his thiev« lah log vvi ii"i I...,. ... i.i, g| i oat« dy. i!"\\ ni liiiui . mo IBMI D (»lll't-i II h'. M,! the 19th I'n inv. look a eword ti. in g bowling Iriahana, who wai mai« a,- tie« naadsai Ihrastai la itral Misât, asar fleoonl ave nu-. I ha i' un (.'uve im nain" at l'atrick Cn.I-, utnl iheiwntd Wit! of (Lo »Oil "iJaÜBIlly Iii." -1 by Bil Wdcjly gggpggjl) J . It is a rnrims -feet that, of all the arresta mads, every one ia Irish. TAK1NO CARÏ OP TITE CASH. í'irhiija it riiay be as well to teil these thieving ra.-i<-alB a!.o make at ibes« vtuious mobs, tl_t Uley have ti» I..-. I their procce lings a day or two to their disadvantage. I! ii they attacked, as they proposal, the jewelry stores, the banks and the private bosses wt)kl} *..* i'overed with and «wnjj-2 .,- ¦**am niau» that, ii* ~ *0f* 8,,ver .*.*¦ i°]i C»5t ^ .* ^,m******* weare' ***** eooie plunder. TWiap, - nappy to inform their thieving lordablps, j the irolii from the banks.the valuable property fmm ths lending jewelry ettabliehmen's. and the piste Itara many private houses bsve been removed from 'he oily. Don't they wish they may get It 1 CaattUM Tm Poi.ia p., The jicoj.Ie all over the city bave been, apprecia¬ tive of the truly iinvalnabl« services of the Police Poras, After their aeUevaaaBBBj in Courtlandt street, and other plseea where they had fought and BBflghl II, cheered th» m heartily as they passed along the streets. All right ! Honor to whom Honor ii d le ! a nmn's-EVE view. Ita eity, seen from a lofty central bitua'ion, pre¬ sented, ii- usual at nii.'l.t. a grand aud spienoi.t a«, peet, to which ii.- -it.nu al rights and aounda gave a mysfeiioiiH aii'l solemn interest. Mon»lay aighl the whole city waa illuminated by the fierce glare of a thoaasnd Hame«, but last night for the half hour preeeding 9 o'clork, there wb* but ;ittle light left except from the cars aud the street lan.;«, which indeed from a point of view, seem coin-tell«», tiona in a tirrr.anent beneath, lined with a al in- c-ii'rt'ini briUkaev. At S«»eond avenue, r.sar Nineteenth .»trot, the east sitie of the struct was at ill aglow with tie re- leatka fro« the araoalderteg fra on the west side. At snch k hipht the sound of a mob ct nld f»e dis¬ tinctly beard for more than a mi'e, end ti a «*ry of the new ato) s far down i:i the s'reet around, aeemed as j itiii as i: ordinarily iim-s «croea the stree!. KI SU, roi [R BKWALB. Ob Ita h rd Avenue, irom Fortieth street fore mile i ; .»..rd.'th.-iO eras a hlatBB in tr.e li:,«.* »»»* .i^hte. Il.-r». *«. i- ¦« l.c-i» the i.« b -nrrei'i*. d i«* *v k, tnd this was a eaadaaatioo of it. In tl.e Revelatteai <K laid IJttl« ßaroacta.'te Iah Mkefabka, atesal lampear aotaiaadar« Hntuswuson-tn -,-. it ol this «j .-. ty of rkkaos n stat ti.. as i:.:»i Ita »'¦/, ia ilrm minutes ¡.¡,t t' er. and in three iniaatas Basse yal aaattar. Poa .. dee I-«- I aad fro« tim aeigbaorbood of Union 8a(uaia r.largi ii:'-i»a;'ij'>ii, u ¿.-r:,nd globe o! n.i w ,..c¿i ytheC <i ile bands tior. Norloth IO .Is-1 Tbe tceciiije was tnri.t»'. to a jromiiii t .:..! in s uthern bosisoai it «Bl :!.e (,'ity Ball CkaB, aad :t aranted lea Bateases |o n.nc. laaaral .....ia. pom witboul «p farther siga« Alkagti the«« was t'.rr. . .»I «.,' lei- .:: ,. for nine. In a lew si Baawefteg <¦-.. : tfraag 'r» ... ita iii ,i bo ii'Tticrn Wiitinaahaig,fal ij n»t») the »J BROADWAY mitti HtRI.KM I.' ,rt and omnibu-ees were slapped yesterday Bib »¦ lly the writer ha<l t a «ta til -.. Bcaad«aj mm throng« «.- Bwa a:.»i a uen wearing Sad aoxioes teosa, Qwafoof pan ..t ésorwaya ¡md Msaat*esaai r.-nous con vi Mai B about Iht r. '. u»uv ..veie eleaedi aear and then aa jaaaej « -.. ier evidently haata ii»- to his'ne.. b v tbl manadas rta ntiina We t el y one <*» lose ' .i. and warned búa not to si us ..¡.*c.t u| n the -tn ct until the riot waa over. He j liad, " Bread« .;. i- tf.r aafea loee I can lad. livery i. »w ai:»: tima wen» :..;i wi.i" geoeiBI ap> ;. send ilru'ikei. deeseaaer, Bastad r^ma» I «aa «ta bad baaa i gagod kttarkta Itetwc '.*'¦ .i mu a party M va '.r..l i a barrel of beer ftora the sa Blies* j kg ran ¦ of a I tnu r »-.. -,, m the I! ». * . ¦.-.'. was M day a *. TI ap Lad ti., »..I ita " r; anal m., wars belobig thai - . aad lo :;e eaaBBBBti It «Batta Mttaaaa) thal . -'- u um. d.-p'in a ruins and appropriated m Ita m I «Boner; ..-,» and hi}-. .¦¦-.. aid '.' l.ivt ui.»I :il -ii.»«n balfe 1 to lotit I lo II tba y «a ini.ed to ur.iik. Ail ni« eg the road lo li trie« were teda .': aa oi .s t ii hand. Al the time ol' i"ir vi-.t trativeli ii bowever. La,',» pea» lanley bocnteg B Cr» ok M k Mi. II .usons plaateg «d laralag «Üb Ii ia lappaaad it waa Ita w rkod m. laooaaaup. A coal pala*, tara irrtau rai i?, ¡i ! uti tor's tbop, \\ sai iogtea Ball, aad thai ¦lasa wea de« rayed« Mr« Haaeaa ana aetteeajad The parties kateg property by thu fir« .v.t.-ibuie l!ie BMSadiaria« ol'the rioters. All na ti r .lu rs hu ...!,,ut reiije» tkg I at hut beeadoaaia distaal pat« of the city, and tl.reau -ryuni peraaaal mitty of Individ« sab, have eraated eooaid rabk aaeilaaaat, bal ant at« ao kanastralkaa of viokaee. Toe bsada u reynneeewefa gsaatally stopped, beaes itaataa« baala wara w-ll pa_aatead. Tie btta%aevai Mc« l' :: b'l »1 lui is t'ui'l IO hase it-en pBTtkll) tai toft A 1. Application had beta arada 'it Head* [ tartera tor additional lone, I ui none bad arriva ii tl.e tiiaa oat lapartai kit Owaftta ».idiLf.» I «-va- oecili led by l'u!nuel Costo, the up¡er ¡»art of t: w n* Atti as a katata room Bad Bl ia tau. It wan reap d Uicult to ul.taiu any ti infirtniiti'u, iu eaaasqaence ef the Bgiteiiou aud BBetoBMBl which tiii\o birth to many iinji'bable raporta. <'.i oat lataia wa paaaad ovar the Baa« groead. Ia the Baajhtaaaoad af Twn.-.y .r h eireer BTOWds of men Bad bOpBbad BBB«*B I op[»o- ill.» the ri.i".ndering rnitis. A Sei*ti<»»i"Ui»t, wi,.*) had cheered the mob when they commenced the attack Balk Pi »v. -st-Marshal 's I matt on Hu a.'.w .**, wa« Og the rient« of ii view of the nue km»>re of bun hereafter.) Off te Ita dlrtai.ee, i., tr Ita Seeond avaaaa, « man aa tataaateak, aappaaad to bo tba Mr. Aadrawa who ara la a apeeeh to Hu i -ah -.:. Mi i, lap, ni wta sa«n i t" had tho rkMaaal lhal tune, de«: I ..ted i efain bin dtefBtlMl Brara t»' tata baa n bonn »'» la*' aigl I, aatong others he n«i ied the , : I »u Kbw-YoBI 'Inu.i SB. it ara m past al .'.¦ k*aBBBBl i inter ol i ;.-u bad »¦ Ikei »l k toal at aFifl \c, Hotel, [wbiehl .1 be«t threaten.*»! bj md a i n,any ifaavalrj «erem ta Uria i pakaa raadj tara« .;. rroati i : » ti» Mátalas, iel aad the Metr-i potaaa H la, Broadwaj , | :..»t iaaattai . -, bash Bataata asar Tay« Lt-e-t ti , :. '.. a ' " i"» k the.r devra, lut tn .: i irt! el \ lootoredaaea o were paatoUf to .' B .. || ,. .*,... UiebnildtegsakegbV i ¦¦ ¦1,1. |l w .i a: «a, sicaaaaajdj baMfa bil renal ¡"»* tavaral gratia. ..,.. m :., m ra aaai ai s Uara heard t pn ia- . «paidaoattaatteaii bim. lahtegastart j, ... paaaaasrwaj "f t-*' (-'l!> lu\ 'N0 p ti..'» rof j toaara itara, boom ,,, , baaa ap all light, and bad lataatta advaatage ol s atan n '" -*** bttowslfBi «itbeleep, aad for that parpase had kia «3 >wa ape« ti,, aatad bar, «adp « awtef loar«aaUaB*- ¦aat'l «lilting. The J"'- tit«! our noble polite IS | ou the hi'«! -vi all ila fcBaj* vi law and oidcf.

Transcript of IjBgB» ^^Z»j, ¿. Eegimeo»;...

Tun bio*. 1_,.r \

Caatl-aaad fro» Flr«t IjBgB»_-Ware mot by a ¡BBBaBBBBBa of the Uta Eegimeo»;¿. Y. 8. V., headed by Col. O'Drien and a eoup>Of flold-j icce«, under command of Lieut. Ee.gls80D.The forcea uuited, and couDUrm&rchea down tb«

tveiioe. The mob had in the mean time rallied,«hen the military formed a line of battis and firedBpsn tba crowd. Ballets whistled through the airla avery directioa, shattering shatters and doors.Borne of the rioters were aten to fall, and it waa re-

ported that '¿aven ware killed and a number

wounded. Two children, it is aaid, were killed, andB woman wounded. Blank cartridges jvare fired bylbs smile ry.

There appearing no further hostile demo titirat ion

On the Tiart of the rioters, the whole force marchedto the Central Office.

Officer Kothacliild of the 17th, and Warren andOa_a of tbe 11th Precinct, were badly hurt by beingat; u ck on the head willi stones.

fieveral of the rioter« were t-hot, but they were

taken away by their inend«, and it won impossiblela »N ciia.n their wLer-eubout or learn the naturi«Of BMSB injuries.

THE RIOT IN Sl.COM) AVEKl'E RESIMED.About uoou, 1 »tween 300 mid SOD al the rioter*

amen 1 tl.e Oalaa maPtht Watag at the corner of

Twwuy-wvo-.id itoaal Bad Baaaaai avaaaa, and i m-

Wkhanmi carrying away the «ashall wini li bad been»ecrctt'd tlu-ic tin- ilny previous, tie urina taviagBeen taken BBBB Mr. Op-djta'S amory in SaBOadavenue bai ra ii" baiMii g «as fitad bj lbs asol.Tie rioters were Leu-in lurg' f mc. llur.ng tl.e

morning ail ibi la ». ih s aad shops ia ti s aa ghbet«bood wert vis ted, and Ibiaals minio to binti cm 1.

aeUblishme-jt io the , n aad iiii!i*i»h it wa«- closed.Ar a bsbbm laaaas, avarj hctoiyf-ora arik Bioaadthe Paka bbb.b W rta «aaabal BB,aad tba struts

awuiined With laftiriatad men. bappaaratbatttariour» aad tata n i am tal B of the baildiag a lnr^tbrick nil»- asvaral alarias hi bigbi for ibi ( irpeaosing -.be BbBM il* u loi... eatioa from «hieb to tue'tuithe j>o!ic»*.

A'«out - o'ch V, a for s ol 20 ; !er con-

mniid of Inspector Hilka, arr.ved cn the gn umi.B-niii of*! »¦ r ott .: t, 1 n «lag n arawd at bsiag ibaamad, aadaavorad lo itttp bat «ara ta Inn«, for

¦jx»n the a oa n*. lu-; .¦. * 11 k* gavs tba t rial to

thargo. In a moment four of the riotera wi :e

«ret» ! »1 qpaa »tba pavsueut. The «sa, with allatapiala af »diwana lia ad iota the building a] n

ibi «ab, aid bl\.-.i ;. ..*. I,g!.t f a few ».

ments, daring «hieb bssm od Ita polkaaaa aadnott ra were «Bit Sf 'e-s itjured, enc» ceded in a :.-

juering the crowd, SBSBBbJ ibaBfl lo bap lroin tÏ *-

«BBBBWS and rurh to every other avenue of es «j-<».A large nu:: 1er of w.iiiu-n at this inomect

stUt» kid the police cursing them iu a fcarf ii ¦ sr

oer «Ld in s BS BBB.B M lMMH.g them. Aftei

clearing tbe building ti e polios can.i oat sash aa«with a musket, and i'ar.-ed n¡ u ti.e in.bvib»

ist-daJ Dad üb B-ioabk t* liak. In iba oataai, one tithe ri »teia BBBM on- of ti.o hu.!..mg u isk« n.

Sut met ting the polka habara«a a i ak m *he ki.eeeami droj pad b -. ia» lit arai r» siad witb « iucuy.and m a ¦ aaaal lay Maadi g up >a the gr. and.sTbaa aba palias Bia advaaead sgaiaa if.*- I

Works, thret-ir.-a-fkt-t ítala wet» liad ni ti em jjTwenty st » .»ii 1 i-tru-t, but vii:. ¿ aal

damage.Tilt- j«lie«, after slaariag Iba I inliiing, left Iba

ground, BBaBBU-fcsw oalj raBsaiaing Pabaaqthe n.ob trealIJ BagaaB-U J. luti» oil id ur- ind ti

build.iig. bit liaall] awraad au»i leahWith ita asa« «bl ti .y bad 11»» . sdi .i .-.i »t :.

they de' <1 any tittt le SBsladgs Itaas. TI.»

Eigbtt-t »»ib Placía« i' has «ada aa aataasft da sa»

take the building, but were laaBBBBJ i>.> aapariiBambers, lal« aflMBBI-1 ia aal WaSBSB« oí Iunder comr-nand of ('«¡t. I!» law, ,.; ladataabaaeotof KeguL-is under (.'«pi. Fraaklia, arrived« andfound tba bailding fat posseaai .i oi iLi* r.otert», .*:

crowded Ita Windows.Wl -n ti t j. oi as f rea, aaioag wb an were a nu;..-

bt-r tí i ..a rw rn hi as sparial jiolicaaaa, wsdstlieir BBfaafB.sa, ita] »trt paatad witb a bbb .mi

of IniK-'uti» mid ni'ni- and rhot. The cbargttb»Ht<-d asasl] IO «ii i ». tl.tiii ia« lit Bvasjslap-fttting tbe v. :tt at '¦'¦¦ Igbt The luild ng 1...Le<-*i iii-m, i.njiitd und tie mob aaattasad, tLt-

pob»e ms'iled Ibroagh the d.r'.:.(t, tLc-KeB*u:«rt»bringing up tl.e r< ft

Tb*« ssasad ia d s Uit-ai,*. u,e ralliad and f.^iuwi ,1the adtaan for aboat a bi^k, «baa Ibaj greett-dthe soldiers with a ita«« ot st» tier, Qakh M

thi'Ught Ca[t. K.-mk.i. ¿uve tim older "'toutface, wh.eb braagbl ita « lien iu t-v fi.ee «iibthe crowd. Iii au ini-unt tberea'ter tbe « !«t"tire was given, and a voiW was -outdiutothe mob. It iK baid but «B_ vihat trutb, tl.«t 1were killel tu.rt wounietl. A cb&rge waa iiuideWith fixed bau.-lett, when Ita ii. A bri kt Bfl 1 I '.'.-

tered like «-hei j». Tbe fend t? en retnrni-»! lo tig irrendervous with aboat MO Bail ¡tea wl.iiji the* bud

captured.thi: norai 01 n.vni AU.M I..

Pnricg Ita .BBS.BJ . dttacb:^tüt ol tl.o ii iki-

bjbbbbbí a«a*fl Ita tbtt avaaaa to Paat-jMbird«r*et. baBBBJ in front of No. IP, where it was

reporta-I that a [ laaül : ! Iii ; al mi gentletiuuresided -4ta r «Bsalk« baBBBJ to ia<k ui.u bun.bousa». 1 be Twentieth PrasSBSl Police and u < n.

pany of i. -. ka aiaaaauid of Capt. j'ut-nam, ritui'- upon tl.t-m, Lowever, and diove tbtu.away.Tw'i asldkn arba tal bbbbbbbI in the charge

araaaaalaBaaaad hadlpbaataa before they cullbe res- ¡» L 0 nf iht«. Wallawa .labs,Obbbiuj.1}§ I..':1) Ki.".!-irs, wa.- laniblj ..'.juii..i Hboui tin«beal. The now' thuf frur'ratad ran ti ward thelS't rtb liiver and Bf Ita 8sv ntl. avenue to h itv-

Btve-itb street where, being re ei,f .reed, thai -.-

Dewed tie atta'k with BBMBB Ita paboa, BBOBICapt. WabBBg, baaag in th>* advaaaa, charged u¡kh.the rn ter«, bj I m li i Iwfa kUagod micjt atratcbadaix mtattt fellowi. uj.on tbe gsaaad»The insurgent« baiag eODBlaallp re-e

frtirr-fi BBBBItaaaaaanwilh tie aililsaltalanikmof rest mug the »i.liiitrs whoa tbdy bad «<

I'l-oii laaabhag l* fi1. y\\u. m Baoitari aalt aBUerupt-ed but proud a fi.il i e. TtapottOB b.iv.n.fallen ti t. <¦'.¦¦, " t : - i 111 ;t«:

BJ.d IsadS tbeir muvkels, b'.t lin-tedd i,f dring,BJBBBBBi baiaaatd driving I¦distance, ll.ey '.,,,, wad ti ««Ballbut ht B*l i ry la¦;, " r. ...».» »! r-ti..

Mlli-oS HI Vf K BAU.rS.1D II:-,' I, i».i.s |-

TLs main tiaik of tbe RaaBOB Rival Kail »

frrrn Fifty-iuntb to WH| IblldBttSOtS «aalby the iiieuigenti! ubout JO o'clock in ti¬the Albany exjresF train wbirl, Ml Bl tliat b». ir

being compelled to bark out of loara I B one of tbetorn-a ut«. Tbe cr»»wd «BBasaaad whfc aaitaaagi«n.a.l club.- and otber waaaoaa. Aftar damagingtbe aaBBBBd li»ey j rOBBBdad down Ita itv.ri'i' 1111111--

ing themselves by S{j lying tbe torch la tbe taasa "fguy pt-mon whom Hasp BOaa len»»! oppraad to tbeBs.

ji.e Waataaa Hatal^tba vVaalara brova-Yaadiand other buildings, were in thin mininer <la-ati<»v»e<l.

-, At tbe corner ol 1 wenty-nixtli htreet an.) I.li venll,

avenue, the Jfudson Uiver cars were «ti ¡j-«,I ;iI.,)

threatened with desîni'-tion lut itere eventuhllvallowed to proceed on their way. Tin mol arsned

tbeir own-tourst-, neither polka Of soldian appaar.li.Rttj oxjose them. 'I hey finally moved awaytoward ths other nvenuos, and unnglcd with othergbOgS.


About 5 o'clock, as Mr. A. W ~tl.lJ, of No. ** (

^^Z»j, um wsikhiF npYin^ «Têtue with a

.*"et friends, when near Miiyoi Opdjke's houae, ho.

tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, they encoun¬

tered ubo'it ft down rioters aimed with club», «hadoliantly swung them in the air, shouting and hoot¬

ing st the same time. A crowd of anne 9M gentle¬men had been collected by the noise, and when Mr.

Tenny and his friends met them he proposed thal

they should arrost the rioters and tobe them to the

station houre. The pro-ponition meeting with favor

from the crowd of gentlemen, they started in pnr-miit of the rowdies, aarrouuded thsm, and had a reg¬ular hand to-hand encounter.The rioters, as soon as they found themselves at¬

tacked, immediately diupped their clubs, and madethe host effort« they oould to escape. In the aBSMd,howaver, several of them wero pretty severely-handled; and Mr. Ti um y and bis immediate friendssucceeded in arresting two, whom they escorted to

the Ninth Ward atstion-bouse in Charles être»».

The Police Sergeant in charge at the 8utipa«Houeedemurred to taking charge of the arrested men, on

¡the ground that the building might be attacked bythe mob.


The mob congregated in front oí the butenitl.Ward School-House, in Seventeenth street, whilethe i- 1».»»I was in sei--ion, and made a démonstra¬tif!! with a view to gain entraîne to the building.It setns that two colored women whom they hadpursued bad token refuge in the school-building, ami

they were determined to get hi them. Ita feather*

¡ MM ll| lit retí all tie doora leint.ng into t lie ft reef

und the rioter», hfter a few lnetltctual eliorla to

break in. tnrntd tbeir attention to a little «wdaa«I., i "y OB Ita »pposite m'tr pt the sti»e!, ni*! ira- ki la

it, BitBfMaa the minutes, and uuumittiug Miliuna

tit | re latiOM Bpoa Ita Itiilding.Tba mob matched tlnotigb v.arii»n». f-trec's in the

\ i.ini'y, ut u iniiiitied no more nets of violence

thal we could learn.V..ne ii» raaHMI were aflOBl during the d.iy tl.nl

the destrnitH'ii of all ita feetosk«k ita Ward hadbaaa ihraataaad, aad that ita Basal -heil factory at

the fool odTwaaty-foarth ntrset badbaaa bwiiradadbj sita i kai 1 ti r m iht t'icf, bat up to i'J < eh

evsryrJ lag wa¬

in im ii i n M tun.

At abont S o'. lo<k ¡. i.. ita awb had oenfiagModia Twenty-ninth meet, between Rigbtfa and Ninthavenues. an»l i ttaoked h i mi ¡og iii" al midwav i f,

the hlo*k, l ecaase, us wa.« alkgad " Botaos Gre«lap boardod thara Ttap aroha in Ibi «iadowaaad doora, aad eottfktelp gutted tba k - row«

lag m'" ita «raaf booba aad farakara, whkh wa«iri.meiliate'y s» i/«-.I BpBB hy ita crowd wittel!, andhataaawappissameal. Boob af*»r ttaasa s >.d

lien eoasao tate»), a detail »f abaad My * Idianaad thirty polieeasea appaarad aattagvaaad aadBBBobad thri'ugb ita anaat, aaaariag H afallob-s'i .» uonr.

The military n.i.rrhi.-l ha- k *. »I f r : * tino' the Mask, and were «bout to leave the '|uurt.-r,«baa a ranas spread thal ita rioters hatl returnedto tbe building aid w.ie intending to fin it. Tbajimmediately Inroad and married in »loi.h ». »

; :¡.e to the plitt e, i.i . » 11the baildiag B h'e!, | . u !¦ :.'y a: ! t.r< 1 B] BB th» ni.

!¦ rai BM that just !.» fotS tlni:*«, nanni» j« lu.raal sd tata ita baa« u, *,-, an the nut« is, an wb«

-,ury fired, two polkeasa wen abat, aaa iatia am aad tba attark ti.» abdosBBBi Ikof the lafer w.il probably prove iataL

lu c lately altar Hi rioters Lad ri,ntninicate 1

ttiir «orb ii|»oii lbs «i.ii-t»e»»i boaidlag*»boaa atlloma.« Osease*,, « rj a »- nkad sgai« »r»«¡e.-.alle B| B« '.'-til J "ing u.un mut he was a I Bl *> a

Ue, orttrr, alni im-Un!!*, be 'Mu M U|.'ii ht bsb1 ited devils «ho paiaaad, haashad bia do«a,and beat and kukei Lim ataattta body, hi Badbead . eh a waj ai la laavs bi« nearly da I

aa ptaasBl inter'eu-il aad r.i ». led ia sav«

ii:g the yaaag man t I '.¦ Hi w.ii» takt;i t»» tis ie-i-

.... t« sear, aad H «as foaad sa saan laatioo i1 .t

I e ¡ lil rt M ivad no mortal wound.This same mob while in ita vkiaitpaat apaaa

man against wbi u. ttaj l.ai coi » fanned

BBti| .ithy, and literally j« uih;« d bim ti, .loath. W e

w :» »mabie ti obtain bin :»»:..e.

TBKBATI Of nu UOT-Bfl.A Huts»: ni* n.i.

I ami. DEBTBOYID».Withialha taaaaaakaaf ldihsiaaal leD rh

atiaat, Baal ofBoarary k MKlea>Deaaaahkad<ita ark la aapaktiaa waa» oat ., pta, w:u.» -.

pSOOSadiagl i n ;."'¦ ..-i «boss si is thaf la « no

¡.art exce¡ t a few abasad ami Biskd Di I¦;¦Bairkadsa of tba ] osaathh I wara ara lad m Ita

ic.jintrs of I4tb, l.'th and l"tb rtraele, ucrn «»,.¦.¦-

kin« square.i ta « aaaatlBj lia! between the ikaa« un 1 Ita

'1 ..oi.f, "f this dun,d waa visible hy n sa 11 bona*bai k, v. bo a,, aarad from timu t.. lúaa givii »

to tbeir oo«traiton I y wbis] sriagktotbs san of itaa ' til aaa abai next io do. At oat i 'do» k tba

ibaraod, aa ita eora« at «"tflaeath ttreetland i-'.ibt BVaBBO, iv.n.i patent Street i leaning ludir,whi.h Baaoaatadly «ara rogaraad|ai depriving riot«ing people ol tbeir ngbtful occupation.Farttaf down in Vii« av. i.ue tin re wits a gn-at

Baal of b'owiig at.d boahaboal ita vklorp oi ita Iinend« of diaorder. The Uacok H"use, sa lb<corner of Allen street and First aveno« ,1'..- oil,«Qasaaaa Rapabttaaa ii'«J'¡iaiteis of ibe Bavea«!Itaaath Ward; wa* ttaealeaed, an»i Mis. Ladwig Ij Muller was driven fiom the boute, bal BOBtrttar]asaaasaa were sossBBsalad.Ita thiong »»f riotaia tabavad fiftaaatls ¡a

Avaaaaa A and D. A. Waga« ¦ (ga_B&UNo. '»1 Aviiiuo A. ai.,1 Mr. Pi Baal i «era, or« »i

ii'iitb stielt, where mi», powdar, un»! bad «ersI sold, aaJarad savaralyi avarythki araaaarrkd aflby Um iafanaUd arawd. Mr. Boaatalar's (aIta«pabtaaa'a) hartarais «ora, k Avsaaa B, talara«i- iltii and bi-lli stri-etr, wa« Itasoagbljthe «ob earryb g ofl «Bal it pkaaad.

< »ne of the in» M j BBaliai kei !» .

liivmgtoii street, aad «asilad lb« paaaiow of tba-Qonaaaaia B_a vkiaitp. It appaan that) Qei

I i] » m, toam woeta ago ti tai a raioia ,. roi

tharacoverj t a poaag girl «bo bad diaappearadiii.m t.' bar pan nts, All (»ra ¦« I«ara V¦-¦ ..... iigtb«in«Inalaol a boo« »>i ill fans kept by a Mrs. Miller]Ko. I' 1 Bivlllgtoa rtre-t.

rta] dolp aotifiad, ami i. , .| i

¦ob .. Iftj ft .'». >na ¡i»' y i-1

the i nae. MmMilkrfl-sd,ttayonagj II saan|ofaga) waa triampbantly a ».:. Um hoasswitB [ luii'ieiei'. ol n.i bl i Bilvei apooas,cl-w ks, liiiiii.uii: "I all hind- wen- OSrrkd BWay, i.n

lit.al y Ita erowd iwnB«n-rad lo break dowuttaahan y ti tim i ni.away-wmi.an iMrr. Miller]basaiagita «buk building in tbe middle oi tb«stieet.

Ohakaaaa«! | all Ita« ilnraiaafoppailnaik aimparticipated «ors '»r less in tk riot,«aBB|aartada ball bjp aroaU dovs up ibu bowenaltara*.h ann aaj u vim to ita llaBtea Boa a as

I «oil aa la Holds Hotel, baal bpAadVeaaWith« weil-kiH'Wn (¡email Kapoblkan. BÍBtas I,.

Ka| \i, the j r«»j ..-f« sf Ita BSBBbtW Iii i»

Caf'Sin <'f the/Hi N. V. f*. Vol.; bad just I» ft '

lin ragk eut, ofloril g bis serin eg to the suth« iii»-

when a well-known copperhead <¡nitav Scboi nke;' entered, accunng Mr. likiy oi Lrx.i >i said jj, u

*<-*.*_.-_. Ui Wa a_BBTB_t_, Hat they »tould give no

quarttvr ivtn to chiliíieii. ...I

The Copjerliead watt turned out,M hisejacula-,tion» lind teak u «lr.nd.ul rial ¦*****¦ ,be _?»__!trou of the Ste .»ben Beset Hal »!'e fainted, and

hail M I«- earrled aC Brarythlnj reaaiaed attlaiall down the Bowery. The hesdi|uarter» of tiaGerman Republicana wa» not Rt all diiturhed up

| to the time our nporter left. II o'clock.IllSTI IIIIANI K. IN THF SPVFNTHANI» THIH-


Alioul 11 o'clock, Iiieot. Wood, in f«»mmarni of a

company of rep-ulan«, while marching thiongh Pitt

ikiieet, was BBBeksd Lythe mob and tient«*, to a

»Lnwerof »tone». He brought, hi« men to a halt

and tired ii-kmi the crowd, killing, it ¡i aid, ten gff

twelve, and wounding lix or iglit.The i_e«tive fire upton the _ul> hadS __BBBj»B

jillett up.u the iuiorgeati in that nurt of the city,tuiJ rrt'ored the »treou lo üj-jir nmal «-mt-luca«ATTAIK ll'ON MAYnll OlOYhl.*.«? III.««lill Ni F.

About 11 o'clock an attack w-a. mude upon thereiiiieiite of Mayor Oplyke by a coniparstiv.-iy«niall body of men and a par!-,' "1 l-.y*). ivh" threwstones inn! brick-buté at the w uidowi.Not moie than half of the riotei», however, en*

tered the hiiildinj;, ihrir oli-ci evidently being pinn«'der. About twenty «.¡«'Utliiiieii Iíviiik m tlie n- eil:*i-c>ilu tut, hnving BBt-dpated lbs attach, aaeabledh! ia givnji ¡.lace, and, with »ncli weapon» at WSN _t

bund, rn»hed 1MBtha ttXtwi nii'l di ve them fromths «ioor.They then entered tlu- Miiyi a beBM SB- IPIldily

ejjMlled the rioter». .Mehi,lime tlte mob wa» in-

creasing and Um <i; was hera tia- bni ling. Thali..I.¡eli pe «vere ti.« li otu ilpteii by lL«i »lliiill pltlly Ol««¦iitliiiien v« h"»i' det.rmiiied loskt the roWil didnot geea le ¦< th.

li. | tlj. .in it .if . ..lii'f sp, « an li andilpili the Hebel» put them to liln-ht. I'll. Bob.BBSStAii. i. Ii.-M-I by li i!i-.iti'i,ii,i-:it ni HOP BgllliarS, Vthuwill p-ote. t tt.e t 11 Lilli A' Bl It'lip.- Ill Let« »-:i'_f.

IImi the itm m !> "iv if the ¡oaargt.staetianapaIhtle toeaa lhere i» teaieely s dosbt bet thal lbsMsyor't hi.u»«' weald kara asea tacked aad

Ai'lei ii.aii I iii1« -, v ait« 'i the ...»...

ibu tilt- Boighbon ihsald Km. tarn,»»,».« with¦« tot the i rot* lion el theil pruj r »

-i ni . tiiiVi ¦ ni ISO hw IT ISO )¦

Min t.

Two eompeain I i letaa ti abo paaeedBroadway about « ".<.' avaaiag, war« voeilglSBBSd ni \,y nu H Ott j » ia '

who -BfBfl M :¦¦ '»v a: the l'i.rk.,1'i-t I-et "Dil ('huí: I'-rt «I" I t r, - of the

riaglaaaan «ti. arrsasd i-y n- ........

I '. . r n! 1er« lln eeMJaa »»i"i reihed i

leeeae iheir leader. Tis two a .- L

their aaa. head ths rabats, aad aiawlj awi

atraed iba I ty Hal).Prceeatlj ihe n t» charged, aad the police arare

for a.ionisât ia a very critical Bitubi wea

.¡««à. y r.-eiifir.'.' I !r ¦ the Ctty Hull, ti

an ! ark; stn! alaaaed both! nttreetaadBroadwa) la the haThs ilel-rtiilliutii'U i»f tL" eHean w-a» eBBW-f

.1,0 tv Ii lythe s'.ght rf*. ¡t ft teintai: e made lyIt* rrow.l iii ( hurtibsi» »trr.l. 'Ihe nia.iue.il ti.»

rotreeliag asb head aboa »:. ! teeaad! badiBaba a ttSDd, ÜM '.<>!ii«. tire» tf eir ra-vi Ivt-rt ui..l

I away. Iii» assdlaa aaagthaltb« .. lantied in»t_litltA »i- »¦ *

se »i "ii ¦¦-"» .' i 1 !¦. |- ea will al r at I» '. i t 'unit lili.st will hull, and ' .... e :.. ng.tV S a-, !¦ « u :!,. ir i.,an.

AllA'h I g I "I li Jll.lt «..

t m| I » Jim n w he hu BBB !

I .» tv :. !. Int..I n;. i .¦ . t ' abela waa wounded io the

kti'e w.tl. a .;<¦:.a, M »'..Itbg rge..f kit «li. y.

Afisi iba na!, i-u'i he«: waaiaaiabt| ¦¦ !- naMeBM aa It ad arsaaa,betwaaa1 -, -it -i 1 -: Misais, SWIM

». I rsa ». g I..« . .¡tv' . .'. r, i.

». aei.ee of Ihre«'.! -.-.!.¦ Li hsd :SB liIgaial then..

II. a't. .ted j .'-a.i- lallaattestulai had j..t Btsrsd bli at aa wai g lb« a b, wlbad u¡ puienilt !. iii v. th it .- for kia, I » !¦ V «¦,-

bjpaaiBBi., uki ¡ | kia ...

ii.!" the yard whare li,ey I .al Bad kicked kia _B«i bratal naaaar«

.«.vrral women wiio were *:r. g tin wj sJeerkid Ibu tin!, rta n 1.1_: u-un. VeU-Bf, like K) Bato**

devil», thr..i f..i i.au ggjgal tha Ceasel by biabair, und dragged h a Isle Ita »liest wi.ere ti.rv

.. v k. k. i ead i»t btSetA ass ksspbaj s (bai S a '-ti tie aeraar, s .i!.

fegUagl "f "iiijiui'i, cuir.ed oat s gh_. el a ataia re the I ..' .. I, a r- m v a n..b turne«l

at .t gad oat] lalaly galled »

Aller bC-BBBJ ( i. < llii'ii 'ii.'.il h« v,.

BM V il.t-Iilil'le, thiV SfBifl dfeilgi-'l lilli :* '.t I *.-

yard aad Ihrsa kia latoaegrasr, wbstasvsrt aand lass thvy vmied hüii gad itueS' ti,(.r gMSStuj-,n bun.Bernai bsmbbb witaeesai this Btnp _Ebmb__S

rear window», ni. ! ; i .. »t. .1 u¿aii »I, WEBB li..- ii "!

"ki,I ila !'t I .., dOB'tlgfg have nny ait«bsbbb_" Um iiiie'l**1"!"!* iiott'.e.i thensigbboreI «t

they ml' sdsd bunill:« the hi ek ». Bight, »iii'l vv. r.-

xt< iiijj (. ratha bad] "f the < lotaaLThe gr.n'e-t i'A<-I. I i-i.t A;e!e.! n lie |.

bead, at.'l n ui y people took away lb(able property. Prevlose lo the rrdaia ken fln Brisa Iks :. ah bad ra

gatted ibe IDarli g Iks ait- raaos an! arrfo

II.l.U *»t»l« !'l'.','.' ti» li a a- !

be i. ni.i it" ..'. ned ti mt.an li ni obihaiiiK'l »ni '. ivi'.

iiAtii M rit'1'..i

A guiiK m i tal li Harlem Li 1 | »

the ritu 'Id ut 'Sat a all bead «a* nu

... U it the taral«ti..- weed el ila- btidge thal li a aid i'.ha. ia lo do aonethiug that wan. tera a ea ;,r<- a «nias. Dill nsaiIa« I Will «li 1 hlllllltl,, -,

, ...

,u W.-«..,,»-!. east*. Tas draw el Hu luSIS.

.i m. n an« i«... ui i mi gi nao,I'li'tllllir I,» min, I' -., ,i! .' I , . ,. ,.« _j,:w

It «-ii am ¦.'. Bad It BOB n' ..!.' '¦ fi"! ira ,

hart '-'i v i'a i.iiiii' ia nea »vim bnNinth i» i.| n ra i Green«

..... ! ein t-', »uti« .i '¦ a i,' \tm baa ; the

t lil. *-'i LAMSMIFS,Tha .New-'»iif.i.» ni..! ahei baa <.f «»atut

have ceased to load tboir rnr(-.,. « yrsterasy, li «soa

i-ijueii"' oi ti.«- abasa «« "t htbo 11I I MM. 1 III. -<H lill lix.

i .-.-! ¡ Iii ¦.:... h were furnktM a, tit, s¡, bolat and oUm i

ia -rl ..

V II'I'.M Id \ lili V» gol |i|| li.

Lient Wood, eonmandeotol tbssoapaaf --vi elfire.I "ii ila nob in I*.:t Misal, aad vvh<» acted with

[gras! Boolaen aa tha oo aah n, while mareil|0 ths Centra! "Ifka bl report to Of. PltTBB, fellmuí »eva fly f| r.iingd hii thigh. WhgB kgWSg OP» IliliC- li« u.a.11« ¡ml:_..r hliil pul til. Uto. t<J Uik-lit. lie


atated that ha would not heailAte lo shoot.not wi _,

blank cartridges hut with ball. Be tully <ari''__ __determination Oui, Awi j robah'^ j,y _;. JsekhreBetka fcavtid the eastern Pelion ef the city fioni an

"^tensive conflua ¡al'« "'.

lui: nrsiiii i hon OB COL. st »a.vr's K1--1-IH.W.K.

The Residence of Col. Nugent in Eighty sixth

street, between Third and Fourth Avenue« havingbeen destroyed by the mob, they went to the store

of Mr. Molter, corner of I.ighty-sintb and ThirdAvenu« ami threw everything into the t*¡¡¡ogp aux

set fiie to the building, wblflU *¦»* destroyed, withthe ws^ou shop of Robert LaaaaS, adjoining.

i ta crowd Vnsn visited Harlem and set fire to tb«

Washington Hall, and also two building« on theThird avenue, near -Une-hutidreil-'iiiii-twenty-eighthstrest. The bridge over Mi Comb * Dam is also saidla have been destroyed.

Y» sier»lay morning u, party visfed a porter-houseon tbe Fifth avenue, near Ninety-first street, andeslled for aometlnugto drink, and upou beii.g refutedHi ltd to the h.iildiiiii. which being of wood, was

sion consumed.rOfflMAIHR 1 «.KI'.MAN's IHBBKI DE-

blKdVf I».'Ih« res'dence of A brain Wakeman, Postmsiter of

ibis i'y, iu Eighty-sixth stieet lYorkville'. waelpillaged aad dastrspad Munday night, Mr* Waka*mun at ibu t.uio was not at home, his duties as a

I iiblic 1 Hu cr liriirteiitiiiig, ni his opinion, every-Ithlag aka. Ita tiru paipaaa aftta rioters was

pluiiiiei. They Mole the ti.mittlre and Carried it oil,I took Bp the SBipSlB. Bad cut them into piei en o| a

yard in kagtb, aad divided them aaaeag the«;Iseabed tba library, a c»i|]a*ction of several ibaaaaad]dolían, and rt-iiioted everything \uliiul>Io ah» it ihn

pIBIBJBBB Theil they tiuirhed hy BBttteg the housen me. it wee totally ooaeaBBed. Mr. VPataaMB'i

oin. was ahiittl fi ..iMNi.lill. All it it os MUMHUTl 1 l ni ihm. BTORCIba Polka i' ita third Prectact, «i,»!» 1 ita

...aigu beapsaal Piaaep, Boaads, Browa aadI m rall, w« :e m m to drive ibe rialesi bam Hhhi*» *

loihi'tg«ore, on ttaaaraaa oi Cherry aad 1 atba-II itreetas [targeanl Fmnap waa abel ia the fae»

st t» ita bastiHal. ) Ita »thiers aarreaaded.¦» al ". a iilietl witii men, won.di aad

.. ¦'..:.. -is aa awdin Ih '1 ia bandi« -

t<> their billies. 'I i.e t ne went iii aad slabbed.. wa tbet .-i»'« »; « -a* the «enea and el

i l.i» men le', i and eft, aad '¦

..i: ita 1 aafroi s store; Bl

«boa itaj let' ik store, tbe ru-fl 1 fired «!»« -

tweet*, »hols Bl than; .'¦.» aere poor Baudid bttli bo ¡ery. Oreel t\

- 1 bad bi -¦ . u, sr »1 ti.-- ¦. : rai

p tip of 1 taaasferB I N .. li .. .-¦

..-¦r to t...-.-! »-. i tiumil .-.t, »-uni .. thi »an: apea ; 1- tbMaa) ti tie.» plaaderen a.-. «< kaowa

« -¡ni It HI I I'MH If

An,, it.- Ita defenders »t Printtng-Hoase *

wt:..* ' 1 Hi Itev« D. Adsaa, a midshipman 10

: I i. .>¦ « S .«. v, w¡ I ad '..«r,; of ¦. vt

I'irr located .-it ti». Sir ti S« BOIBOI f '1 l

SB < »Iii... I .. j .... .¦ «a as leads 1 wa«»:. Bad ««lid han li trai.'u. t Bl ill.» I. ,! :'

haul ba-en aaad.uni in mr -iviriviii pftti im i.

About el. «trii -..i received at itaCsatral Bead « a hot «as te psagreas kaIbeHntee't i.t. («pti.iu Petty, with one

'. t . -e itely t»» ti S arene ofa»'..iii Ubi i «ea «Itaeetaeref levea-

f i. .-. ¦' i ., i BvaaaBj «k hwm.ai the saheel baa« had accidentally taken nr.

iii« 'I*- « ¦¦ .« aavp,Capia v t* tnmt sail aad thal the aarwd

wsss*%l * Brest, neir i) >¦ Maad «aa daatiapteg Ita aoaj an i eaadli

baa rp til . \ a arriving at the i

sdo«B wataBBH *¦¦¦ sea sa ieltoa 1 I Toke at

HI TIM. "I Ml Iii II IM- IS It'.M.M UV «.» 1 A'

....'.ia ci*_t.

R M . ..id Mt. W. M. Petaaa a] *I

.a'»|e Mr. Was.)

f.. ii i I t' » . »a- ...

¦ heure i ., it ia» :y tal . .

er «

tplian a» t * i Ivate imi ft are rake-***, hj e rab-1. . :. -..... a a l .) - al«

reaped . al »a gmt o».!, i,. .1 t I ' .1 «li- li»««

. i. mon *ud saBesa-iB, «1.-1 ma .

( .- « » .,: l* » lawI . ¡ .<..'! I <-t ,'» It ti the »'li I f ei-iy

t . ¦..! ..,.-

lb* daly " i : f ,- lied aae« reatta r.« «et tun far¡Ont pul¡ «.

BitelaeS. Tta tin ¦..'..,'. -r« of ti!«. , it.le.l ¦. :. ft li y f. I IB.1.1 «U,J, ,..«.

( '. . ....... a ;..c l .»«»i.l ... l4. !.. y a. a

prarilri' '

I,,i tote, Ttim Ibis sraea g rs » .

li Hit»» iL» ela! ai .! Uta j .ni un j ol ¿,

atarual .*» le lids sBy.i,,!. \\ :-

' Ifew«Jersey ofered hk asr-rieaa«.Mr. C'hsr. l'si'ii .ti* spota of ti a BBeeeaBy af ara

cluiii.inir BBtftkl law, and BtOVBd BBBt the 1

adaat a raaahBtka k tevos at n. B«na of tba|| », -t. ! '¦ '..¦'»¦ | i. | ..-ill .Ii

Mr. J '! n A -it ». jr., thoa an ita t

lowing, a m» h «en. , ..¦.....

.; itiaa.il ¦-.¦». '

i . ¦ m«, li,.,.,. «v» ¦" .....",.- ,ot «as

.. ,

Ml««.»i . bead «i re martk

v. »¦. A mun¬

it li Bl ..

ed the lower endlu.

uf theili

\ ....... y tin » ¦' wer*

i. ¦.]-i. . tiear Itun i.v..

i . thal his lu.iiei.'

..i boa lui is said lo basillo bora two ii sited .*»tn t-s soldierawhoara Ipasg lhere «oawled. Ina inobcolin tut im iba i" i. usa »nuil v ii.«- Biter«larj;»» «»." «bkgs el rttkeuB dispasead the« ann ....

savage torch waa nut ap| li» I.¡ »l m a Im a u.l gathered ia te m

of I.iiicolu Hall, ita Rapablieaa 11<».«.!. -.

lbs I»iii Ward, at Ita comer of II - set andI- uni avaaaa. Threats of dei.i. u w«i

used, but Iii.'I.iIIK bai b 1.

--I NI s IS I HIS I IN', ROI SI Mil Mil*.A klgi i»""'1 r ot nu n m,.I ,,-1 c ,j|, 11,.,| ii, ir,,.)

of tim Tbibvbi cilié y Merdaj * bm te gratifyHuir iiiiii«.i, ead oti.ers lo «Bleb lor opportaaitiealu rrj eui tin- nffinilt BpOB the baildiag. Krei¡n» atljin tim lourue of lb»» alay the i ». | \, ¡lni.i nntl

j Im ky juin n mi abargad uj "¡i Ita crowd aad «adati. -ii ri.i dad Ma la all i.its »if ita aaaBfaas.balIlk" S»» ni li.i OÍ lllc-S they n lui ned aglilu.

IjiIc in the aft) noon a jullfe otlh-or was I.n» eked'du.vji hy a KUal hQtfw-Ii|tod cu|tou,er. ugil iLut wa«j

[ the signa! for a miscellaneous aitaek upon bimbyth« cowunity byeliiiider.« Outhort no« ice three or

fi.i.r i-i.li< tuen cum« to the re»uieof their «ouirade,an.I the leialer ol' the BaaailaaM »bowed MSMBBCBataI d' ltd the utithoi ¡tie«.win n he had received s raw atardy Mowa oveg

Cn! bead ami Liu», a lellow in a ri'i »birt (.m ghi» rescue, but a blow from a club prottrated liiinon the itreet, and he died shortly afterward.

lae lingett number of '»ursons pii-uiit at One

time was wbea Ib«; "«Y<>r.tt_ien were going to aud

returning from diane.» ¦*¦

G«»v. Seymour made his appcarauco at that timeon the City Hnll »tep», and addr. tied an inn*^,_.crowd. Near I.nu »tood one «.f t.lU rlr.g!«**aderi of therioters, who had ¡. lew nostítl before made fin in-tlHiniiitttory tpeech ¡n MU «ii Tut TsiBSRB, «ail¬ing upo», iii« a.«-., lute« to al tin-k ti,o bunding.

Iii» afterward committed an ai»nult upon a youngmau, itnkini» bira violently in the face, und drivingbiui, willi fn .|in ni hi ,v.», m ro»H the Park. A lii-tle tvoundrsl of BBBBB. jumped up and »tmik the

same man in th« face, when ho found he ronld do si

with impunity. The noi»y fellow who triod to pro¬voke mi iiieuult upon lu. TSISSSS «an be identi¬fied by many witneasec.

I«a»f nii'ht the muh wiis !e«s dcmoiistrafive thanit vviiH the night ptSTJOBB, but it hooted, yelled andbellowed like a wild heu»i. TAi Times ollite wa«

illuminated, throwing a good deal of light upon theS'piaie, this was a soikc«» af IBBSBBBB. (o therio «th, f. r they love (krilBBM nithrr ti an light,their deed» laing evil; »o they left in di.gtiit aboutten o't-lock.The t.it-t thal two liflid bntteriei frowned upon

theaften the olde of mir coten.p'rary, and thefurther Uri» tint The Timm mid Tkiih se (Tirolwere ihoroagblyaraal,atad in a MMsetTperfalnilli ti-v rganiistioo, and Bala the BOBBBBSd fti gparieseed military ron,mm.1er-, muy have hud an

Influa. >. apea theil i stsbmssr b _____ioB io alli ti .¦.vv.t*it powerfal polleeeadniiitaty faee

». ;:!.m I .ii log «¡¡«tai.*-»?.«ni. -» *.NO1 ¦ AT nu « in un i.

\ riley no ... ia i aa isa *i thatc.v. Beyaaar wai M li i »ty Hu!), :L. erowd

'-I m Flin:,':.- I! rat Sqaafs bTan Mt baUdüigi lapalred

¡th li -.'I i.. rt .ni »I »it». .\'...r .¦

a i. i .¦¦: sale, Tbornaa I »nillup. Depety4lberiflt'a- a« pt t ti a Hal aa a ana-,i

c r. SoynoBTaWl on hi iatr -li- 11 to tiDort to "; ais a I aaríag t;.'- Govi n.-.r

I Al" Hi Patrgi I bars.» down h.-r<- fron»

a.¦ Mr. ti -i-i vt at tri» I1

Call* B »ti.»I «ii ihn II |Ub WSS C II' »milli"'. '.*¦ foatbat 1 an roat ...

i,i. « - g. '. i.»ive l '.¦ n ir. trisade.i .

" '. tra, "TI .A- m \V, ure,».- 1 i.ow I aifsurc y ¦¦ :. ray

I tin li' .'¦ I" ehiiw y.iti a le-i mlmt la ..-ai., [l I.«.'i... I vv. h t.. ii.-'ii.i you

i v .. i .. eersl *. .

ita then .... bsvaI ¦ ,. id eto| pad» «'¦ 11« row

,. .? .. v a a »¦... ii;/en« lo Wsit for,,n, nu I I hit ire )"ii ti a I va ..1 il«, all ;, ut 1

that then Mao IneqealMy, aad a Breesi oa to take good o a el uí!

property as sou- < ». and * that ever] « r-«. t.

I'M h .-»¦«-¦ Mg "i , -i.prill- Mnl |«-it .: V' 1. tal 1 lira Ti .1 lo 'II--

. ,r'. i .: . :. I» is ya-ir '! .ry I n ; , -,

:¦««,' ¦¦ the «Hy, asd I »»a.tv yu, will der. I w »I. .' it BOW ." n pSIStS ria good .'li!/' aa, aial

V"u «ii aaattal la bssJb s m ta yea ..i.

Im yoe to leen « to ate now, sed I v ilaeata\> 'ir __MI Wail uniil ii I AtUiHi»! r« iBIBl bl BWashington asd yas abai asasa-Éad. latía to

-e« ihat ii" atti ;».i! » "r

pio|. ty ni iTt..e ; "i .. , ki '¦¦..: » ] B ". toeri.tvi! ... i- alitniir... .. tit i,.i «Way ti ......ti»,

r. ferriag to e eonpeaj I mi an who weis diawa¦j :,". Vii.* A it v Hu! httl «he «. t.tt i !,¦-

.it-, i.tlnteri- ttiti. lae BUlilSiy, Bad ..-.v glu tin tr.tv.l, n'.it.l. Mi. I., «i I'ernti ,.

Brooklyn, formerly of Teaasnc, (hen in:uiai :..«?<¦ 1 ti.i- rowd I'

a. d u«A..it tin« ie|lv lititii \\u-'lai .n aoald ceas bj tolag apb thu

... .v. ',. '. ha mt., .v aoald be, ti ni bodrall tv i ..¦


« »ii We'll l*|ufnene person, Mr. «Parrie tell Mm crowd Ibet the». Min M | Uni.I tttl IBbj«.l t" Iba l'.Mi.iii:.t..I "[«¡ov. Ney .a«!. a.. ! tt'ul i i.ol y r« .- ed¦' i». a -, Il b retired i

Ihecr..'.. . iii Hltiet ike IIII M"ll IN i «'I I I SMUT -I lit t.

I bow the r Ihe i

tir Lustigaton ealea ' f the :

tv. «....!! -t .it- vv tia-, Bl Bl el Bl 11 O'ciw » n. I

laadl easel !¦.-. . » taiag..\ . f I «m. lstlilA,- "t kb' ut lill

er i-» al ''.- .-.f. r. h . ni. Bed hpar,oaan yellingthraagh the Mred fa n both Broadway asd Grssa»with r'.ic« t, ti.i v i'¦!.' I,trat« in C urti .li .'. -I;.

n ft "ii*, of the Herchaata' and the »A en« 'i Hotel,.i..! i ...-«Ari nu attaakoathi wiadowa ead doon at! e lw" !.. t'-l».

All Btteai t« to rio»«- :'. <. I ,,iAi an »hut't-rt t« i-r<>

lu.mi'diuteiy 'V't'.i.a, a...I the Bah i .

r.»! i u.id aere eeagrsislBtiag.i..- ti..: they bad I iii etvS

. thaj wara alrtaay prrpsrisf IsM gslIi, nu! help thritieivie t" whatera they i.'uld

tin.I, tilba la da nasa of the proptiston unitin | '. all whs «. aaeed io

lint ni nant the polka na le aast, »r of thewhich I av.- area i"f tl.sm

»i dyisn ui.d isaeality theeverj trae ead boaeel i a. Daler

Capt. I. "ii, "i '.!:<* lhirty-| eil :. J I'-«»' t.'\" li. ni

I"a at», red ibeae*.

kel il m ewara, aal.» (."«I ; a

VV« «awa fas! thal t!... i \-

. need a word of e_]... loth) la iden

late, ii « .' its,.... Coan«

: . » ything Um dig«

i . ... iewbree Bia.

ling their« were lb j for«

ubry a.

l «.hipped'..I. .¦ lu

,...,., i an io a

irdly whelp bad ibroa a tim

tWO !!..;. With P'-:the gi a .! h', ead

li '! I., i t ..iii .1 |:. ,t

li i- i! inb''

v.at o\. aki i. bj ..i Cepti »¦

. Bad; and km brosgbt lato the Btati n'.', bil virii h.in » .vu.Cob -1 biathai.«:, heads a it (all of brkkbsis, bal his thiev«lah log vvi i« ii"i I...,. ... i.i, g|i oat« dy.

i!"\\ ni liiiui . mo IBMI D(»lll't-i II h'. M,! the 19th I'n in v. look a eword

ti. in g bowling Iriahana, who wai mai« a,- tie«naadsai Ihrastai la itral Misât, asar fleoonl avenu-. I ha i'un (.'uve im nain" at l'atrick Cn.I-, utnliheiwntd Wit! of (Lo »Oil "iJaÜBIlly Iii." -1 by Bil

Wdcjly gggpggjl) J


It is a rnrims -feet that, of all the arresta mads,every one ia Irish.

TAK1NO CARÏ OP TITE CASH.í'irhiija it riiay be as well to teil these thieving

ra.-i<-alB a!.o make at ibes« vtuious mobs, tl_t Uleyhave ti» I..-. I their procce lings a day or two to theirdisadvantage.

I! ii they attacked, as they proposal, the jewelrystores, the banks and the private bosses wt)kl} *..*i'overed with and «wnjj-2 .,-

¦**amniau» that, ii* ~ *0f* 8,,ver .*.*¦ i°]iC»5t ^ .* ^,m*******weare' ***** eooie plunder. TWiap,

- nappy to inform their thieving lordablps,j the irolii from the banks.the valuable propertyfmm ths lending jewelry ettabliehmen's. and thepiste Itara many private houses bsve been removedfrom 'he oily. Don't they wish they may get It 1

CaattUM Tm Poi.ia p.,The jicoj.Ie all over the city bave been, apprecia¬

tive of the truly iinvalnabl« services of the PolicePoras, After their aeUevaaaBBBj in Courtlandtstreet, and other plseea where they had fought andBBflghl w» II, cheered th» m heartily as they passedalong the streets. All right ! Honor to whomHonor ii d le !

a nmn's-EVE view.Ita eity, seen from a lofty central bitua'ion, pre¬

sented, ii- usual at nii.'l.t. a grand aud spienoi.t a«,

peet, to which ii.- -it.nu al rights and aounda gavea mysfeiioiiH aii'l solemn interest.Mon»lay aighl the whole city waa illuminated by thefierce glare of a thoaasnd Hame«, but last night forthe half hour preeeding 9 o'clork, there wb* but ;ittlelight left except from the cars aud the street lan.;«,which indeed from a point of view, seem coin-tell«»,tiona in a tirrr.anent beneath, lined with a i» al in-

c-ii'rt'ini briUkaev.At S«»eond avenue, r.sar Nineteenth .»trot, the

east sitie of the struct was at ill aglow with tie re-

leatka fro« the araoalderteg fra on the west side.At snch k hipht the sound of a mob ct nld f»e dis¬tinctly beard for more than a mi'e, end ti a «*ry ofthe new ato) s far down i:i the s'reet around, aeemedas j itiii as i: ordinarily iim-s «croea the stree!.

KISU, roi [R BKWALB.Ob Ita h rd Avenue, irom Fortieth street fore

mile i ; .»..rd.'th.-iO eras a hlatBB in tr.e li:,«.* »»»* .i^hte.Il.-r». *«. i- ¦« l.c-i» the i.« b -nrrei'i*. d i«* *v k, tndthis was a eaadaaatioo of it. In tl.e Revelatteai<K laid IJttl« ßaroacta.'te Iah Mkefabka, atesallampear aotaiaadar« Hntuswuson-tn -,-.

it ol this «j .-. ty of rkkaos n statti.. as i:.:»i Ita »'¦/, ia ilrm minutes ¡.¡,t t' er. andin three iniaatas Basse yal aaattar. Poa .. deeI-«- I aad fro« tim aeigbaorbood of Union 8a(uaiar.largi ii:'-i»a;'ij'>ii, u ¿.-r:,nd globe o! n.i w ,..c¿i

ytheC <i ile bands tior. NorlothIO .Is-1Tbe tceciiije was tnri.t»'. to a jromiiii t .:..! in

s uthern bosisoai it «Bl :!.e (,'ity Ball CkaB, aad:t aranted lea Bateases |o n.nc. laaaral .....ia.

pom witboul «p farther siga« Alkagti the««was t'.rr. . .»I «.,' lei- .:: ,. for nine. In a lew

si Baawefteg <¦-.. : tfraag 'r» ... ita iii,i bo ii'Tticrn Wiitinaahaig,fal ij n»t») the


I.' ,rt and omnibu-ees were slapped yesterdayBib »¦ lly the writer ha<l t a «ta til

-.. Bcaad«aj mm throng« «.- Bwaa:.»i a uen wearing Sad aoxioes teosa, Qwafoofpan ..t ésorwaya ¡md Msaat*esaai

r.-nous con vi Mai B about Iht r. '. u»uv

..veie eleaedi aear and then aa jaaaej« -.. ier evidently haata ii»- to his'ne..b v tbl manadas rta ntiina We t el y one

<*» lose '.i. and warned búa not to si us ..¡.*c.t

u| n the -tn ct until the riot waa over. He j liad," Bread« .;. i- tf.r aafea loee I can lad. liveryi. »w ai:»: tima wen» :..;i wi.i" geoeiBI ap>;. send ilru'ikei. deeseaaer, Bastad r^ma»

I «aa «ta bad baaa i gagod kttarktaItetwc '.*'¦ .i mu a party M va '.r..l

i a barrel of beer ftora the sa Blies*j kg ran ¦ ofa I tnu r »-.. -,, m the I! ». *

. ¦.-.'. was

M day a *. TI ap Lad ti., »..I ita" r; anal m., wars belobig thai - .aad lo :;e eaaBBBBti It «Batta Mttaaaa)thal . -'- u um. d.-p'in a ruins and appropriatedm Ita m I «Boner; ..-,» and hi}-. .¦¦-.. aid'.' l.ivt n» ui.»I :il -ii.»«n balfe 1 to lotit

I lo II tba y «a ini.ed to ur.iik.Ail ni« eg the road lo li trie« were teda .': aa oi

.s t ii hand. Al the time ol' i"ir vi-.t

trativeli ii bowever. La,',» pea»lanley bocnteg B Cr» ok M k Mi. II .usons

plaateg «d laralag «Üb Ii ia lappaaad it waa Itaw rkod m. laooaaaup. A coal pala*, tara irrtau

rai i?, ¡i ! uti tor's tbop, \\ sai iogtea Ball, aad .» thai¦lasa wea de«rayed« Mr« Haaeaaana aetteeajadThe parties kateg property by thu fir« .v.t.-ibuie

l!ie BMSadiaria« ol'the rioters.

All -» na ti r .lu rs hu ...!,,ut reiije» tkg I at hutbeeadoaaia distaal pat« of the city, and tl.reau

-ryuni peraaaal mitty of Individ«sab, have eraated eooaid rabk aaeilaaaat, bal ant

at« ao kanastralkaa of viokaee. Toe bsada u

reynneeewefa gsaatally stopped, beaes itaataa«baala wara w-ll pa_aatead. Tie btta%aevai Mc«l' :: b'l »1 lui is t'ui'l IO hase it-en pBTtkll) tai toft A

1. Application had beta arada 'it Head*[ tartera tor additional lone, I ui none bad arriva ii

tl.e tiiaa oat lapartai kit Owaftta ».idiLf.»I «-va- oecili led by l'u!nuel Costo, the up¡er

¡»art of t: w n* Atti as a katata room Bad Bl ia tau.It wan reap d Uicult to ul.taiu any ti

infirtniiti'u, iu eaaasqaence ef the Bgiteiiou audBBetoBMBl which tiii\o birth to many iinji'bableraporta. <'.i oat lataia wa paaaad ovar the Baa«groead. Ia the Baajhtaaaoad af Twn.-.y .r heireer BTOWds of men Bad bOpBbad BBB«*B I op[»o-ill.» the ri.i".ndering rnitis. A Sei*ti<»»i"Ui»t, wi,.*) hadcheered the mob when they commenced the attackBalk Pi »v. -st-Marshal 's I matt on Hu a.'.w .**, wa«

Og the rient« of ii view of the nue km»>reof bun hereafter.) Off te Ita dlrtai.ee, i., tr ItaSeeond avaaaa, « man aa tataaateak, aappaaad to bo

tba Mr. Aadrawa who ara la a apeeeh to Hu i -ah -.:.

Mi i, lap, ni wta sa«n i t" had tho rkMaaal lhaltune, de«: I ..ted i efain bin dtefBtlMl Brara t»' tatabaa n bonn »'» la*' aigl I, aatong others he n«i ied the

, : I »u Kbw-YoBI 'Inu.i SB.

it ara m past al .'.¦ k*aBBBBl i inter oli ;.-u bad »¦ Ikei »l k toal at aFifl

\c, Hotel, [wbiehl .1 be«t threaten.*»! bjmd a i n,any ifaavalrj «erem

ta Uria i pakaa raadj tara«.;. rroati i : » ti» Mátalas, iel

aad the Metr-i potaaa H la, Broadwaj, | :..»t iaaattai

. -, bash Bataata asar Tay«Lt-e-t ti , :. '.. a ' " i"» k the.r devra, lut

tn *« .: i irt! el

\ lootoredaaea o were paatoUf to

.' B ..

|| ,. .*,... UiebnildtegsakegbV i ¦¦

¦1,1. |l w .i a: «a, sicaaaaajdj baMfa bil

renal ¡"»* tavaral gratia...,.. m :., m ra aaai ai s Uara heard t pn ia-

. «paidaoattaatteaii bim. lahtegastartj, ... paaaaasrwaj "f t-*' (-'l!> lu\ 'N0

p ti..'» rof j toaara itara, boom

,,, , baaa ap all light, and bad lataattaadvaatage ol s atan n '" -*** bttowslfBi«itbeleep, aad for that parpase had kia «3 >wa ape«ti,, aatad bar, «adp « awtef loar«aaUaB*-¦aat'l «lilting. The J"'- tit«! our noble polite IS

| ou the hi'«! -vi all ila fcBaj* vi law and oidcf.