IdeassobreWRITING - repasar

Gonzalo Orozco Página 1 03/12/2009 WRITING GUIDELINES FOR 1º BACHILLERATO LEARNING FOCUS WRITING EXERCISE* Unit 1 Thinking before writing Informal letter Unit 2 Brainstorming ideas (Opinión Personal) Unit 3 Linkers (Past experience) Unit 4 Relevant information (Opinión personal) Unit 5 Paragraphing Arguments For and Against Unit 6 Thinking carefully when writing (Opinión personal) Unit 7 Adding interest Descripción de personas Unit 8 Checking for accuracy (Past experience) Unit 9 Checking content and structure Arguments For and Against *El Libro de Texto nunca da ni vocabulario clave ni estructuras básicas para poder hacer los writings que pide. ¿Por qué? ¿Es un fallo del libro? No. Sencillamente es que, en este curso, el énfasis está en el proceso de escribir un writing, no en el resultado. Pero nunca está de más tener algo de ayuda a la hora de escribir nuestros writings, ya que no todos tenemos la misma imaginación y yo ya estoy cansado de escuchar siempre aquello de “Gonzalo, es que no se me ocurre nada.” o aquello de “a mi es que los writings no se me dan bien.”

Transcript of IdeassobreWRITING - repasar

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Unit 1 Thinking before writing

Informal letter

Unit 2 Brainstorming ideas

(Opinión Personal)

Unit 3 Linkers

(Past experience)

Unit 4 Relevant information

(Opinión personal)

Unit 5 Paragraphing

Arguments For and Against

Unit 6 Thinking carefully when writing

(Opinión personal)

Unit 7 Adding interest

Descripción de personas

Unit 8

Checking for accuracy (Past experience)

Unit 9

Checking content and structure Arguments For and Against

*El Libro de Texto nunca da ni vocabulario clave ni estructuras básicas para poder hacer los writings que pide. ¿Por qué? ¿Es un fallo del libro? No.

Sencillamente es que, en este curso, el énfasis está en el proceso de escribir un writing, no en el resultado.

Pero nunca está de más tener algo de ayuda a la hora de escribir nuestros writings, ya que no todos tenemos la misma imaginación y yo ya estoy cansado

de escuchar siempre aquello de “Gonzalo, es que no se me ocurre nada.” o aquello de “a mi es que los writings no se me dan bien.”

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WRITING GUIDELINES FOR 1º BACHILLERATO THINKING BEFORE WRITING Writing is a way of thinking. In other words, the quality of your writing depends on the quality of the thinking you do about your topic.

The whole writing process can be divided into the prewriting, writing, and rewriting or

revising phases. In the prewriting phase, you might try to clarify

what you want to write about

how you think and feel about your topic

how you want to approach your topic

what other materials and notes you might need

how to organize these materials

what kind of audience you are writing for

You plan the content and organization of your paper or assignment during this first

phase. In the writing phase, you implement your plan, working out the details and fine-tuning your thoughts. In rewriting or revising, you review what you have written and consider how and where your writing can be improved.

Sometimes, these phases are quite distinct and separate, but for most students, they seldom have clear boundaries. They overlap in a recursive fashion rather than fall in

place as an orderly sequence of steps, one neatly following from the other. When you write shorter assignments or essays, you may plan, write, and revise as you go along.

idea-generating techniques

1. Make lists of related ideas that suggest themselves to you from your thesis statement.

2. Ask yourself the journalist’s questions to get your ideas flowing.

3. Use the multiple perspectives strategy to look at the subject from different points of view.

4. For most students, making lists, brainstorming, or using one of the formal idea-generating techniques will be enough to suggest a direction.

5. For others, framing a topic sentence or thesis statement will get them started

writing. 6. Keep your working thesis statement in front of you to check periodically that

you are staying on target, but don’t hesitate to refine or change your thesis when your thinking and writing have led your thoughts in a somewhat different direction.

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WRITING GUIDELINES FOR 1º BACHILLERATO AN INFORMAL LETTER An effective informal setter should have a friendly style, an appropriate layout and a clear reason for writing.

Key language


Dear Fiona,

starting the letter

Just a quick letter/note/mail to ask you how you’re getting on

We haven’t talked for ages, so I thought I’d drop you a line ...

I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch /written in so long. I’ve been really

busy ...

ways of changing topics

Anyway, we’re going to London in July

Well, that’s enough about ..., how are you?

So much for ..., how’s things with ...?

ways of continuing a topic

As I was saying, I’m having problems

with ...

You asked about Javi. Well, we split up

some months ago ...


Write soon.

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Take care.

Give me a ring.

Bye for now.

Love, Gonzalo.


informal vocabulary


How’s it going?


How’s things with ..?

verb tenses

Present continuous for news and future plans

En una carta informal si está permitido

usar formas contraídas.

Nota Una carta informal no es una carta maleducada. No están permitidos los

tacos. (No me vais a impresionar usando palabrotas; yo se muchas más.)

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C/ Mozart 20 - 1° A Malaga 29002

ENCABEZAMIENTO Tu dirección (pero NO tu nombre)

Wednesday, 20th June

FECHA (se acepta omitir el año)

Dear James SALUDO

Dear James (Dear + nombre)

This is just a quick note to thank you for

dinner in Oxford last month, and I'm glad that you're enjoying your job.


It was great to see you again. We really had a wonderful time at the restaurant.

Hope to see you soon DESPEDIDA





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Brainstorming is a way to generate questions, solutions

or ideas for a topic.

Write down any ideas that occur to you. Write down every idea, no

matter how far-fetched1. Your aim is to generate a large quantity

of ideas. Take about 10 - 15 minutes.

If you find yourself running out of ideas too quickly, don't give up. Keep working at it until you have written down at least 10 possible ideas or solutions.

Once you have finished brainstorming, go through the results.

Look for any answers that are repeated or similar.

Group similar ideas together.

Eliminate responses that definitely do not fit.

Now that you have narrowed your list down, you can use it as a basis for your

essay, perhaps by making it into a mind map.

1 far-fetched adjective exagerado, rocambolesco

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WRITING GUIDELINES FOR 1º BACHILLERATO AN OPINION ESSAY Un buen ensayo de opinión debería presentar tus puntos de vista con claridad, y debería persuadir al lector para que apoye tus opiniones.

¡Recuerda! 1 Estructura

Divide el artículo en párrafos.

En el párrafo 1 introduce el tema del artículo y da tu opinión.

En el párrafo 2 (y 3) da razones para apoyar tu opinión. En el último párrafo escribe una breve conclusión, que normalmente será

un resumen de lo que has dicho hasta el momento.

2 Contenido

Da ejemplos y habla de cosas que no te resulten complicados de narrar.

Antes de escribir, piensa si lo que quieres decir lo sabes poner en inglés. Utiliza adverbios de tiempo y conectores para enlazar párrafos y

oraciones. No hables de ventajas y/o desventajas.

3 Vocabulario clave

expresiones para dar tu opinión As I see it there is no good reason to ... As far as I’m concerned, there are too many ...

In my opinion we should have more free time to ... It’s clear/obvious that this situation is unfair.

I feel/think that students are not fairly treated. *Some people believe (that) soap operas are rubbish.

I would say that they are the best programmes in ... *It’s nearly half past eight, according to my watch. *It is said (that) people from Catalonia are mean.

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linkers (esta sección será ampliada más adelante)

He left because he wanted to

I was two hours late because of the thunderstorm However, this is not the best way to …

He plays the piano and also sings I think, therefore I am

Although he wasn’t well, he went to work.

secuenciación de ideas

Firstly, I’d like to welcome the new students. Secondly, …

It appears, moreover, that he was related to her In addition (to)

besides Finally …

dar razones

My main reason is …

Another reason is …

introducir la conclusión

To conclude, I would like to thank everybody for coming To sum up, our analysis shows that …

In conclusion, the best way to …

Nota Vuelvo a recordaros que no se trata de un concurso para ver si sois capaces de meter todas estas expresiones en la redacción. Ni siquiera es obligatorio que uséis este vocabulario. Simplemente se trata de ofreceros alternativas útiles al

clásico “Pienso que …”

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It is better to travel around your own country instead of going abroad on holiday. Do you

agree? I think that it is wonderful to travel to travel to

different countries and therefore I completely disagree with the idea that it is better to stay in your own country.

I feel very strongly that we should visit as many

countries as possible. If we visit another country we can learn a lot. We can learn about the culture, we can meet the people and we can find out about

different ways of life. We can eat new food, listen to a variety of music and learn about customs. We can

also practise a foreign language. Another reason for visiting other countries is that it is

good for relations between countries. When we know about people’s customs and culture we can understand the people better. If people travel more

to other countries, perhaps there will be less fighting in the world.

To sum up, I think it is clear that going abroad on holiday can only be good for us and although I love

my country, I would like to visit as many different countries as I can.


dar la opinión enlazar dar la opinión

primera razón


otra razón

dar la opinión

conclusión, opinión enlazar

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Para añadir información usamos, entre otros, los siguientes linkers:

A. in addition, moreover, furthermore, what’s more y besides2 se

usan siempre al principio de la frase, y van seguidas de una coma y

de una oración. Todos se traducen por además. I’m too busy to take a holiday. In addition, I don’t have the money. I’m too fat to wear a pair of jeans. Besides, I haven’t got the money to buy them.

B. as well and too se usan al final de una frase o proposición. Ambos se

traducen por también.

Carla is brilliant at sports, especially swimming. She is good at languages as well, especially French.

C. also se coloca delante del verbo principal, pero detrás de los verbos

auxiliares y del verbo to be. También se traduce por también. Carla is short-sighted, but she is also a little bit vain. She does not wear her glasses very often.

1 Complete the sentences with a suitable linker. More than one correct answer may be possible.

1. My brother has got brown hair. He’s _____________ got brown


2. The star wore a Versace dress. _____________ , she wore expensive Prada shoes.

3. Tim is very good-looking. Unfortunately he’s big-headed _________ ! 4. Some cosmetics are bad for your skin. _____________ , they can be

very expensive. 5. Nick is an actor. He _____________ works as a model.

2 Besides tiene un matiz un poco diferente, pues casi siempre introduce un argumento más fuerte que el

anterior o destaca el punto que creemos de mayor importancia.

Además, besides también puede ir seguido de un sustantivo o de un verbo en –ing y significa además de.

p.e. Who are you bringing to the party besides your boyfriend?

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2 Read the text and choose the correct alternative.

The person that I admire the most is an actor. He is rather nice, with short,

dark hair and big, brown eyes. (1) What’s more / As well, he is quite tall, but

he is not overweight.

Even though he usually plays extroverted roles in films, he is quieter in real

life. He likes keeping his personal and professional lives separate, (2) also /

too. He is never violent like some of the characters he plays.

He was born in Malaga in 1960 and, as a boy, he wanted to be a professional

footballer. However, a foot injury made that impossible, so he became an actor

and moved to Madrid. He has appeared in a lot of films directed by Pedro

Almodovar and he is a very good actor, (3) as well / also. He has (4) also /

too played opposite stars such as Johny Depp and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

I admire him because he is extremely hard-

working. He has acted in more than fifty

films and in his first US film, The Mambo Kings (1992), he had to learn his lines in

English even though he couldn’t speak

English. (5) What’s more / Too, he always

has something interesting to say.


D. También podemos usar in addition to o as well as, para añadir

información. Van seguidos de un grupo nominal o de un verbo en -ing. In addition to Spanish and Italian, there are other languages based on Latin. Our country exports olives and wine as well as cars.


in addition to significa así como o además de as well as suele ir en medio de la frase y significa así como o además de

as well suele ir al final de la frase y significa también o además.

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3 Translate into English.

1. El Sábado Laura compró un jersey Nuevo. Ella también compró unos

pendientes. 2. No tengo tiempo para ir al cine. Además, no me gustan esas

películas. 3. Roberto es un alumno excelente, así como un buen amigo. 4. Mi música preferida es el rock, pero también me gusta el pop.

5. Además de joven y guapa, Becky es millonaria. 6. Además de ser joven y guapa, Becky es millonaria.

7. Mi amiga Sara estudia Arte en Madrid pero también trabaja en un bar los fines de semana.

8. Me encanta mi trabajo. Además, gano un montón de dinero. 9. (nombre del chico/a que siempre te ha caído mal) es bastante guapo/a, pero también

es muy creído/a.

10. Matt habla Ruso y también Japonés.