Ian Bowden

Business Week As ort director for the compony thot mode $ I bn in three doys, Ion Bowdeh's iob is. more thon iust q gome. spoke to him "L \ I s * SJ ffi#"@ .,-:'i:a: irr: Business Week I{OCKS]}R GA}IES lrt'oke lutnet't>rts lecor-rls tlitlr their tle\l- galrle; Gland'l'lieli Auto \'. Chalt-'fr-ack t'epot'tetl that ill its Ilrst u'eek, Irine out ol'even ten gattres sokl in the I IK *'ere copies o{' G'l'A .5. 'l'hese statistics g() soure ua1 1o erpl;rilitrg uhv the ll3 I'eal oltl's presentation lil'the Youth Festival ol Business, parl of Leeds Festilal oI lJrrsiness. is so rvell-atten<led. -l'he 13 l,l)lersotr cayracitl' attdit<lrittur ol' the C:rrriagervorks rs packed sith Leeds Citl College studeuts, both those u'ho uaut to go irto the g:uning irxlustrl :rucl those uho just kxe ()r'anrl Thelt Auto' The art director {ix- Rr>ckslar l,eetls' cliscttssiou' entitle<l'IIorr (ltot) t<> get iuto the Gatnes Industn', is a tneatrderitlg it('('()tull ol'I:rtt's career path itttel's1ret'se<l l ith atrecrlrttes ltrrrl t lutttirtq u itlr tltc ;tll(licll( e. \\'hethrr-he '. talkinq about his Iirrav intrr Il:u-lrrc IIc>r'se .\rh ettttttcs. erplaining Optichallengenl ot'lrltte Ir<ling to be a grrrne ch;u actel t'tttttritrg arotttlcl a cor-r-idot-itr a slract \tati()lt. I:ur Rotvtlert is t'onstantlr' lirll ol enelql artd tlrlh' p:rssion:rte aboltt u'lt:u he rloes. \\-hateler ire's discussing - his lor t of l-eec1t and its arcliitecture ot- otic ol-hit larotlt-ite gatlres. Ito - his letlour':utcl ritalrtl at'e iltlectiotts. \\'hen he's ittrttr<latetl l'ith appeals lirr- autoglaphs alier- the pt-esellt:rtiott. it': easl t() see that lus connectiotr to tlte ganre, rvhich seetns to have bxrkeu tttote records than the itn'etrtion of'the Coltrpact Disc. isl't the ttnlt'Leasott I:ur's evetrt is tltte o1' the rnost popr.rlar ol the Iestival. Despite the title ol'the ptesentation. lan is perlecth- ltappl to ol-let advicc to those u';urting t() elltel'the glulring irlrlustrl . \\'hen askerl uirat he rrrrttltl s:r1' to s()me()lIe $lto $'atrts to set tlJ) their oitn ganing busitte ss his attsuet-is categodcal "l)o it. do it, rlo it, do it. 'l'hele's nothing ventuletl, nothitrg gaiuetl. Il'l hadlr't gone rkxrrt that line I u'otrltl trot be rloing s'ha( I'm cloing trxlal'...Starting up ilrat c()lllp2lli\ se1 rne on this tr-ack." Ile savs tlle tlucial pourts are to "Be lrt'ar-e, hale {irn, cl<r something tlillireut". Ian i: lrnrtallv lrotrest about the :urloutrt ol luck it rakes to get to his pt>sitiotl alri s:rls atr\'one l'ho is in a simil:r role :utrl rk,esn'i al4rret iate that shoul<ltr't bc thele. "I ktr<xv lots o[ people itr the gatrles intlusttl'ulro have rvtlrked as hard as Ine, l'ho'r'e had siurilat' backgxrunds, t-ho'r'e stal1e(l ul) tl-reit-orur coltlp:rnies autl haven't yrrogr-essctl as 1:rr-as I ltave." IIe nrentiotrs Algl' Bircls aud sa1's lirr those rlevcl<4rers that gatne l'as like having their' It>tten trtunbet's tlraxl. But. hc sltvs, "... \'()r-l'\e g()t to lrr.t1'a uckel. xrtr have to lr1'; il'rou rlon't tr')'i'ou d(rt't get." .\ Ilistorr'ol Firre Ar{ ancl l)rglish Literature gladuate ll-onr l-cerls l'nilersitr-, Ial is inspired b1'a mistellanl ol'things ltom theatrc desigl arld :rrchitecture to peolrle in tlie pub. IIe can'ies his skett'hbook er-etluhere ancl his dralings ol-drinkers in Leeds'lotals ltale leattu'ed in a Lortdotr gallerl akrngside lorks bl Banksl'. "\\'eir.cl-looking pe<4rle itrspire tne". he s:r1's. \\'hen he u'orks ou sotnethitrg he uses rletails liotn peollle he's dratn "-l'here 's dre trose fiortt that neildJoolung gul in that pub rrho nas shottlitrg. tltere's ihe eveluous liom that bl<>ke on Lhe lrr.rs rr ho l as .jr,rst sittilg thcre rearling his paper-..f r,rst stceping lrll'sell in dctails ol- 1lc,,1,lc ;tlL rtt. \ ( )ll t( ) l)(,1) tltitttl:,,ttl." Ir's tlri. ;111-1l1,xl rrlrit'lt t lrtt.ctl lriltt to accitleutallv tlraty the ex-NIartne protagontst o[ \'ite C]itr' .Stor-ies as hirtrsell. i\\'e built hinr ancl he looketl gootl ttttrl lr'e had hinr plaving itr the gaure lil-tpite a ulrile until s()llle(rte grintetl ()llt that i1 .just looketl like Ine...and I sttdtletrll rvetrt, 'Oh g<xl 1'es it tloes. Gotta ch:utgc that character. "' Ian is passiottate altortt <letails, he dest ribes hirnsel[ as, "...inspired b1' the nrinrtiae". "ll'r'ou rraut to llake sortrethilg that looks t'eal 1ou have to have the detail irr vour head". 'fhis ze:rl ft>t'detail catr be seil in his love o['t]re "lirn" :u'chitecttu-e ol-his atlopterl citr'of Leeds' IIe savs the arthitect u-ho tlesigretl tlie -lirur llall nreiurt it lo be a "treoclassical lrt>x" atrd then, launchirtg iuto a lrerls accent, "-l'he grxrd br,rrghers ol'l,eeds said, '\\'e clorl't ri'ant no Ireoclassical box. Give us :r bloorll' big torver."' Ole o[ his lirtlu'ite builditrgs in Lee<ls is 'fetupleurrrks. IIis ill'ectious smile broadens as he ettrph:rticalll proclairns his love [br.the "atnazitrg" Grade I listed, Viclorian llax ruill in Hcilbeck. "l I'eel yelv :rt lxrme in l,eetls bet'attse ol'this idea ol' a crq'that \\'as at ()lle stage tltite clepriled and, throug'h the sell-conlitletrce ol'the people, has this vibe to it...Leeds has sornedring vetl special." As one o[ the art clir-ectors lirr a multi- nation:rl video g:urte cotnp:ul and as an ar[st l'hose u'ork has hung in the saure g:rlletl'as B:r.nks1''s, I:rn Btxr-deu is erninetrth'enriable. IIis career path has h;rl as rrtaul- highs atrtl lorvs as a s':tlk tlrrough tlie '\'olkshire N1oors atltl he's r'.,aclrid a peak tnatrt urruld like 1o clirrrlr uith his.job at ltotkst:rr Lee<ls' \\'hether' he's per-t'hing, clossJeggetl (n) the e(lge ol the sftrge, lautrchiug irtto an ac(el]t (r' cxplaining that R<>ckstiil' Ireds' ollices ari delinitelr', categor-icall1' nothing like \\'illv \\'onka's Chocolate Iactory', he's alrvai's d<xvn to eat'th atrrl re:r'ssuritrgh' unpietentious.'l-herelirl'e it's uo1 ttruclt of i surprise u hen at the erltl o1' the l)r'csrllt:rLir)ll tlrc li|st lr;rtttl tai:etl i: l'] a It,ul.r,t in ()nt'()l tlrc lilttl tntrs ult,t rraltls kr ask. "Carr I get a it)bi)" i ;;::-; l-1 ir 1 .';::i.ii i.:i :i ir:r

Transcript of Ian Bowden

Page 1: Ian Bowden

Business Week

As ort director for the compony thot mode$ I bn in three doys, Ion Bowdeh's iob is. morethon iust q gome. spoke to him



.,-:'i:a: irr:

Business Week

I{OCKS]}R GA}IES lrt'oke lutnet't>rtslecor-rls tlitlr their tle\l- galrle; Gland'l'lieliAuto \'. Chalt-'fr-ack t'epot'tetl that ill its

Ilrst u'eek, Irine out ol'even ten gattres soklin the I IK *'ere copies o{' G'l'A .5.

'l'hese statistics g() soure ua1 1o erpl;rilitrguhv the ll3 I'eal oltl's presentation lil'theYouth Festival ol Business, parl of LeedsFestilal oI lJrrsiness. is so rvell-atten<led.-l'he

13 l,l)lersotr cayracitl' attdit<lrittur ol'the C:rrriagervorks rs packed sith LeedsCitl College studeuts, both those u'ho uautto go irto the g:uning irxlustrl :rucl thoseuho just kxe ()r'anrl Thelt Auto' The artdirector {ix- Rr>ckslar l,eetls' cliscttssiou'entitle<l'IIorr (ltot) t<> get iuto the GatnesIndustn', is a tneatrderitlg it('('()tull ol'I:rtt'scareer path itttel's1ret'se<l l ith atrecrlrttes

ltrrrl t lutttirtq u itlr tltc ;tll(licll( e.

\\'hethrr-he '. talkinq about his Iirrav intrrIl:u-lrrc IIc>r'se .\rh ettttttcs. erplainingOptichallengenl ot'lrltte Ir<ling to be

a grrrne ch;u actel t'tttttritrg arotttlcl a

cor-r-idot-itr a slract \tati()lt. I:ur Rotvtlertis t'onstantlr' lirll ol enelql artd tlrlh'p:rssion:rte aboltt u'lt:u he rloes. \\-hatelerire's discussing - his lor t of l-eec1t and its

arcliitecture ot- otic ol-hit larotlt-ite gatlres.

Ito - his letlour':utcl ritalrtl at'e iltlectiotts.

\\'hen he's ittrttr<latetl l'ith appeals lirr-autoglaphs alier- the pt-esellt:rtiott. it': easl

t() see that lus connectiotr to tlte ganre,

rvhich seetns to have bxrkeu tttote recordsthan the itn'etrtion of'the Coltrpact Disc.isl't the ttnlt'Leasott I:ur's evetrt is tltte o1'

the rnost popr.rlar ol the Iestival.

Despite the title ol'the ptesentation. lanis perlecth- ltappl to ol-let advicc to thoseu';urting t() elltel'the glulring irlrlustrl .

\\'hen askerl uirat he rrrrttltl s:r1' tos()me()lIe $lto $'atrts to set tlJ) their oitnganing busitte ss his attsuet-is categodcal"l)o it. do it, rlo it, do it. 'l'hele's nothingventuletl, nothitrg gaiuetl. Il'l hadlr't gone

rkxrrt that line I u'otrltl trot be rloing s'ha(I'm cloing trxlal'...Starting up ilrat c()lllp2lli\se1 rne on this tr-ack." Ile savs tlle tlucialpourts are to "Be lrt'ar-e, hale {irn, cl<r

something tlillireut".

Ian i: lrnrtallv lrotrest about the :urloutrtol luck it rakes to get to his pt>sitiotl alri

s:rls atr\'one l'ho is in a simil:r role :utrlrk,esn'i al4rret iate that shoul<ltr't bcthele. "I ktr<xv lots o[ people itr the gatrles

intlusttl'ulro have rvtlrked as hard as Ine,l'ho'r'e had siurilat' backgxrunds, t-ho'r'estal1e(l ul) tl-reit-orur coltlp:rnies autlhaven't yrrogr-essctl as 1:rr-as I ltave." IIenrentiotrs Algl' Bircls aud sa1's lirr thoserlevcl<4rers that gatne l'as like having their'It>tten trtunbet's tlraxl. But. hc sltvs, "...\'()r-l'\e g()t to lrr.t1'a uckel. xrtr have to lr1';

il'rou rlon't tr')'i'ou d(rt't get."

.\ Ilistorr'ol Firre Ar{ ancl l)rglishLiterature gladuate ll-onr l-cerlsl'nilersitr-, Ial is inspired b1'a mistellanlol'things ltom theatrc desigl arld:rrchitecture to peolrle in tlie pub. IIecan'ies his skett'hbook er-etluhere ancl hisdralings ol-drinkers in Leeds'lotals ltaleleattu'ed in a Lortdotr gallerl akrngsidelorks bl Banksl'.

"\\'eir.cl-looking pe<4rle itrspire tne".he s:r1's. \\'hen he u'orks ou sotnethitrghe uses rletails liotn peollle he's dratn"-l'here 's dre trose fiortt that neildJoolunggul in that pub rrho nas shottlitrg. tltere'sihe eveluous liom that bl<>ke on Lhe

lrr.rs rr ho l as .jr,rst sittilg thcre rearling hispaper-..f r,rst stceping lrll'sell in dctails ol-

1lc,,1,lc ;tlL rtt. \ ( )ll t( ) l)(,1) tltitttl:,,ttl."Ir's tlri. ;111-1l1,xl rrlrit'lt t lrtt.ctl lrilttto accitleutallv tlraty the ex-NIartneprotagontst o[ \'ite C]itr' .Stor-ies as hirtrsell.i\\'e built hinr ancl he looketl gootl ttttrllr'e had hinr plaving itr the gaure lil-tpitea ulrile until s()llle(rte grintetl ()llt that i1

.just looketl like Ine...and I sttdtletrll rvetrt,'Oh g<xl 1'es it tloes. Gotta ch:utgc thatcharacter. "'

Ian is passiottate altortt <letails, he

dest ribes hirnsel[ as, "...inspired b1' thenrinrtiae". "ll'r'ou rraut to llake sortrethilgthat looks t'eal 1ou have to have the detailirr vour head". 'fhis ze:rl ft>t'detail catr be

seil in his love o['t]re "lirn" :u'chitecttu-e

ol-his atlopterl citr'of Leeds' IIe savs thearthitect u-ho tlesigretl tlie

-lirur llallnreiurt it lo be a "treoclassical lrt>x" atrdthen, launchirtg iuto a lrerls accent, "-l'hegrxrd br,rrghers ol'l,eeds said, '\\'e clorl'tri'ant no Ireoclassical box. Give us :r bloorll'big torver."'

Ole o[ his lirtlu'ite builditrgs in Lee<ls

is 'fetupleurrrks. IIis ill'ectious smilebroadens as he ettrph:rticalll proclairnshis love [br.the "atnazitrg" Grade I listed,Viclorian llax ruill in Hcilbeck. "l I'eel yelv

:rt lxrme in l,eetls bet'attse ol'this idea ol'a crq'that \\'as at ()lle stage tltite clepriledand, throug'h the sell-conlitletrce ol'thepeople, has this vibe to it...Leeds has

sornedring vetl special."

As one o[ the art clir-ectors lirr a multi-nation:rl video g:urte cotnp:ul and as

an ar[st l'hose u'ork has hung in thesaure g:rlletl'as B:r.nks1''s, I:rn Btxr-deu is

erninetrth'enriable. IIis career path has

h;rl as rrtaul- highs atrtl lorvs as a s':tlktlrrough tlie '\'olkshire N1oors atltl he'sr'.,aclrid a peak tnatrt urruld like 1o clirrrlruith his.job at ltotkst:rr Lee<ls' \\'hether'he's per-t'hing, clossJeggetl (n) the e(lge

ol the sftrge, lautrchiug irtto an ac(el]t (r'cxplaining that R<>ckstiil' Ireds' ollicesari delinitelr', categor-icall1' nothing like\\'illv \\'onka's Chocolate Iactory', he'salrvai's d<xvn to eat'th atrrl re:r'ssuritrgh'unpietentious.'l-herelirl'e it's uo1 ttrucltof i surprise u hen at the erltl o1' thel)r'csrllt:rLir)ll tlrc li|st lr;rtttl tai:etl i: l'] a

It,ul.r,t in ()nt'()l tlrc lilttl tntrs ult,t rraltls

kr ask. "Carr I get a it)bi)"

i ;;::-; l-1 ir 1 .';::i.ii i.:i :iir:r