How does your media product represent particular social groups

How does your media product represent particular social groups ? This question is very intresting in terms of Imperium as one of the main themes of Imperium is racism, our charcters encounter racism and discrimination, you could say they deal with it effectivly. Clearly we really needed to think about how we represented particiuar social groips in our product. Two of the main charcter you see in our product are victims as such (willson and Mckenzie) of racism especially Mckenzie whom is a decendant of the gypsy’s and is spat at for it by Inspector Mcoy, while Wilson is black and is from the Carrabian, considering Imperium is set in 1960s east midlands it would have been writh with degrading, racist and discrimitve behaviour towards sub cultures and ethnic minorties. Considering Wilson and Mckenzie pretty much run all criminal activities in the area they are suituated in we couldn’t make them look belittled otherwise the charcters back stories and current stories would simply no be belivable, druring our target auduince interviews they asked for our film oppening to be as belivable as possible so as a complte proity we tried our best to ensure the complte authenticity of the charcters stoiries was kept belivable, so we made Wilson and Mckenzies charcters as belivable as possible, in the openning scene the inspector is being racist and desriminating Wilson and Mckenzie, but from a auduinces prespective, Wilson and Mckenzie are complety in control and have the high ground as the Instpector is tied up sat on a chair, and we even used high angle shits when filming te inspector so he looked belittled and filmed Wilson and Mckenzie using low angle shots so in the Hi-archery of the scene they seemed to be higher up than the Inspector. The Inspector who is white british is represendted as racist and is complety under the control of Wilson and Mckenzie, overall his impression on the auduince is negative, this is because he supports taboo agendas of 2017 such as racism whch in our days is looked down upon, but in the 60s it was pretty

Transcript of How does your media product represent particular social groups

Page 1: How does your media product represent particular social groups

How does your media product represent particular social groups ?This question is very intresting in terms of Imperium as one of the main themes of Imperium is racism, our charcters encounter racism and discrimination, you could say they deal with it effectivly. Clearly we really needed to think about how we represented particiuar social groips in our product.

Two of the main charcter you see in our product are victims as such (willson and Mckenzie) of racism especially Mckenzie whom is a decendant of the gypsy’s and is spat at for it by Inspector Mcoy, while Wilson is black and is from the Carrabian, considering Imperium is set in 1960s east midlands it would have been writh with degrading, racist and discrimitve behaviour towards sub cultures and ethnic minorties.

Considering Wilson and Mckenzie pretty much run all criminal activities in the area they are suituated in we couldn’t make them look belittled otherwise the charcters back stories and current stories would simply no be belivable, druring our target auduince interviews they asked for our film oppening to be as belivable as possible so as a complte proity we tried our best to ensure the complte authenticity of the charcters stoiries was kept belivable, so we made Wilson and Mckenzies charcters as belivable as possible, in the openning scene the inspector is being racist and desriminating Wilson and Mckenzie, but from a auduinces prespective, Wilson and Mckenzie are complety in control and have the high ground as the Instpector is tied up sat on a chair, and we even used high angle shits when filming te inspector so he looked belittled and filmed Wilson and Mckenzie using low angle shots so in the Hi-archery of the scene they seemed to be higher up than the Inspector.

The Inspector who is white british is represendted as racist and is complety under the control of Wilson and Mckenzie, overall his impression on the auduince is negative, this is because he supports taboo agendas of 2017 such as racism whch in our days is looked down upon, but in the 60s it was pretty much seen as the social norm to be racist, the auduince get the impression that the inspector is weak and look down upon him, they see Wilson and Mckenzie as heros even though the auduince know that they avidly comit crime and eventually murder the inspector.

Wilson who is black and is from the carrabian is presented as the Hero main charcter as most shots in our piece are of him including all establishing shits, he aslo says most of the dialouge and narrates over the whole oppening, he is represented as the man in charge, when he walks he acomainied by jazz, we are challenging the 60s by making a black the main charcter who is also our hero, we did this as during our research we found it very difficult to .

Mckenzie who is a white british (Gypsy) is also presented as a hero, in the general hi-archey he pegs just under Wilson, alsomot as a partner to wilson, this isnt anything to do with the representation of social groups but for the narrative of the film.

To conclude, we have overall challenged the way crime/drama films represent particular social groups, so we made this our usp, and made our film unique in compparson to other crime/drama films.