How Can we Analyze the Total Energy in a System?

How Can we Analyze the Total Energy in a System? By Laura Zinszer 2011 Columbia Public Schools & Physics First


How Can we Analyze the Total Energy in a System?. By Laura Zinszer 2011 Columbia Public Schools & Physics First. All Energy is measured in a unit called a Joule . This unit is used. with all types of energy. It is abbreviated with a J. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of How Can we Analyze the Total Energy in a System?

Page 1: How Can we Analyze the  Total Energy in a System?

How Can we Analyze the Total Energy in a System?

By Laura Zinszer 2011Columbia Public Schools & Physics First

Page 2: How Can we Analyze the  Total Energy in a System?

All Energy is measured in a unit called a Joule. This unit is usedwith all types of energy. It is abbreviated with a J.

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To understand total energy in a system, we must calculate both the potential energy and the kinetic energy.

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We will then add the Eg and Ek together.

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The formula for Total Energy becomes…

TE = Eg + Ek

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Let’s start with

Gravitational Potential

Energy (Eg)

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Gravitational Potential Energy (Eg)

To determine the Eg use the formula…

Eg = m * g * hWhere m = mass g = 9.8 h = height

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For example, a 1.5 kg ball held at a vertical position of 20 m above the ground has gravitational potential energy.

Gravitational Potential Energy (Eg)

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Gravitational Potential Energy (Eg)


Eg = m * g * h

Eg = 1.5kg * 9.8 * 20m

Eg = 294 J

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Why would a ball on the ground, have no gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational Potential Energy (Eg).

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TBI for Gravitational Potential Energy (Eg)

The higher that an object is elevated, the greater the Eg…

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What is Kinetic Energy?

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Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion. The amount of Ek depends on the mass and velocity of the object.

Kinetic Energy (Ek)

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Kinetic Energy (Ek)To calculate the kinetic

energy, use the formula…

Ek= ½ m * V2

m = mass V = velocity of the object.

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If the car has a mass of 1000 kg, and travels at a velocity of 20 m/s, then the Kinetic Energy equals…

Kinetic Energy (Ek)

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Kinetic Energy (Ek)Ek= ½ m * V2

Ek= ½ 1000kg * (20 m/s)2

Ek= 500 kg * 400 m2/s2

Ek= 200,000 J

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The greater the velocity or speed of an object, then the greater the Ek!

TBI for Kinetic Energy (Ek)

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How do Eg and Ek relate in an energy system?

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As the car moves down the track, what happens to the Eg?

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As the height is lower, the Eg becomes less.

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As the car moves down the track, what happens to the Ek?

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The car speeds up, so Ek increases!!!

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What is the car’s position on the track when the Eg = Ek?

One-half of the distance down the track.

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What happens to the Total Mechanical Energy (TME)?

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Total Mechanical Energy (TME) TME = Eg + Ek

The TME will always remain constant!!

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As the pendulum swings, the Eg is transformed into Ek…

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but the Total Mechanical Energy (TME) remains constant.

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What is the position of the pendulum when all energy is Eg?

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The pendulum is at the top and not moving.

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What is the position of the pendulum when Ek is the greatest?

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The pendulum is at the bottom of the swing and fastest!!

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What is the position of the pendulum when Eg = Ek?

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The pendulum is ½ way through the drop.

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As the coaster travels on the track, the Eg is exchanged for the Ek.

but the Total Energy (TME) remains constant.

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The BIG IDEA for energy is Total Mechanical Energy in the system is equal to the Eg + Ek….

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The Total Energy in the system will always remain constant.

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TBI - Energy can not be created or destroyed;

it can only be transformed from one type of energy

form to another.

Conservation of Energy!

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Reflection: What are 2 things you figured out about energy from this PPT??

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Now, Let’s Look at some Energy Graphs

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As the swinging pendulum falls…

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Eg Ek TE

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Eg Ek TE

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Eg Ek TE

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The Eg is transformed into Ek
















Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

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Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

but the Total Energyin the system at each position remains constant.

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Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

Eg Ek TE

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As the kids on the sled go down the hill… the energy graph would look like


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Eg Ek TE

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Eg Ek TE

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Eg Ek TE

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Eg Ek TE

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Eg Ek TE

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But the Total Energy in this system remains constant as the sled goes down the hill!

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A car at the top of a track had a beginning Eg of 32 J.

Eg of 32 J.

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The car traveled down the track and hit a rubberband

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Eg of 28 J

After it hit the car only bounced part of the way up and had only 28 J of Eg.

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Eg of 32 J

Eg of 28 J

What happened to the 4J of missing Eg if energy cannot be lost or destroyed??

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Eg of 32 J

Eg of 28 J

Of course, it must have been transformed into thermal energy into the rubberband!!

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Eg of 32 J

Eg of 28 J

How can we determine the efficiency of this energy system?

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Energy Efficiency=87.5%Original Eg 28 J Final Eg 32 J

Eg of 32 J

Eg of 28 J

= .875 x 100

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Energy Efficiency

Eg of 32 J

Eg of 28 J

This system is 87.5% efficient. This means 87% of the original Eg was in the final Eg.

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Energy Efficiency

Eg of 32 J

Eg of 28 J

What happened to 12.5% of the energy that “disappeared”?

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Energy Efficiency

Eg of 32 J

Eg of 28 J

12.5% became thermal energy due to the friction when the car hit the rubberband.