Table of Contents


PRIMARY SCHOOL CORE SUBJECTS....................................................................6


SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT.............................................................................11

SOCIAL STUDIES-RELIGIOUS STUDIES (MIDDLE SCHOOL) ................................................11


MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT..............................................................................14

SCIENCE DEPARTMENT..............................................................................................17

FOREIGN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT...............................................................19

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES DEPARTMENT..............................................22

MUSIC DEPARTMENT...............................................................................................26

PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS DEPARTMENT.......................................29


Dear Parents, We are all aware of the importance of doing regular homework for the students as it gives them the work discipline, makes their learning permanent by allowing them to review the subjects or to do research and to gain preliminary information before learning a new subject.

Homework is not simply busy-work assigned to children to keep them occupied at home. Homework is an important educational need that is essential to receiving a complete education. Students can set homework goals and enjoy a feeling of accomplishment when the goals are met. They learn how to be independent and responsible by doing their homework on their own. The homework is assigned for three main purposes: ▶ Practice homework allows kids to review what they covered in class. This increases comprehension of a subject or topic while helping children retain it for longer periods of time. ▶ Preparation homework helps children prepare for an activity or in-class assignment. This includes research and brainstorming. ▶ Extension homework includes long term assignments such as papers or projects. These assignments should correlate with subjects kids are learning in the classroom. In general, students may not be as excited about the homework they get assigned because they are bombarded with other options that seem far more exciting. Let’s face it – homework is no more exciting today than when we were kids. It was challenging for us to do homework and we did not have nearly as many distractions as today’s students. Their world includes instant communication, multi-tasking, cell phones, exciting video games, texting, and social networking. Homework is vying for your child’s attention against some tough competition!

Benefits of Homework: ■ Homework teaches students about time management. ■ Homework teaches students how to set priorities. ■ Homework teaches students how to problem solve. ■ Homework gives students another opportunity to review the class material. ■ Homework teaches students that they have to do things, even when they don’t want to. ■ Homework teaches students how to take responsibility for their part in the educational process. ■ Homework teaches students how to work independently. ■ Homework teaches students how to solve problems, think independently and build an understanding and interest for the issues in our society. ■ Homework teaches students the importance of planning, staying organized and taking action. ■ Homework allows parents to see what their child is learning in school. ■ Homework helps teachers determine how well the lessons and material are being understood by their students.

As parents and educators, we have to show our children and students that homework is not a waste of time, but important to building the academic skills needed in life. We have to show them that there are numerous benefits of not only doing homework, but handing it in on time.

As parents: ■ Allow your children to only participate in video games of social media after all their homework is done (For Primary-Middle-High School Students) Then, homework becomes a win-win situation for parents and their students. ■ Make sure that they do their homework on their own. (For Primary-Middle-High School Students).



■ Don’t be insistent when they do not do homework. Let them face with their teachers. (For Primary-Middle-High School Students) ■ Be an academic role model and homework partner for your children.

How?From ways to help your kids get more organized to giving them ways to minimize and eliminate homework stress, here are some great tips for good homework habits that work: ▶ Divide and Conquer (For Primary-Middle-High School Students) Help your child manage his/her assignments by planning out work on a daily planner. (This can be particularly helpful when you are not there; it can help him/her manage the workload.) Writing down what needs to be done can be a great way to manage homework, and crossing off assignments when they are completed and tracking their own progress can be satisfying for kids and help give them motivation to continue their work. ▶ Manage After-School Activities (For Primary-Middle-High School Students) The reality is that there are only a few precious hours after school to tackle homework assignments. If your child has an after-school activity every day and is unable to manage her workload, it may be time to take a look at which extracurricular activities can be cut out of his/her schedule. If he/she has ballet, soccer, piano lessons, and regularly-scheduled playdates, you may want to consider moving a couple of activities to the next semester and making more time for homework.

▶ Get into a Regular Routine (For Primary-Middle-High School Students) If your child focuses better after doing all the tasks or after doing some different activities, start with the snack time and unscheduled downtime and set up homework time after 30-60 minutes after s/he gets home. If he/she tends to focus better if he/she goes right into work after school, then let your child get right to work as soon as the online courses are over. The important thing is to find what works for you and stick with it so that you have a regular routine. If your child knows what is expected and when, it’ll be easier to work more efficiently. ▶ Set Up A Homework Area (For Primary-Middle-High School Students) Having a quiet and comfortable place to do homework is essential to building good study and homework habits. Whether you establish his/her work area at the kitchen table or in her room, make sure he/she is surrounded by peaceful quiet, free from TV or other distractions. ▶ Make Homework Fun (For Grades 1-7) Kids are more likely to view homework as less of a chore if you help them adopt a more playful attitude toward their work. For instance, if your first-grader is working on simple math problems, help them visualize addition and subtraction by using small toys such as marbles or even playing cards. If a third-grader is working on multiplication problems, challenge him/her to get as many correct answers as possible while racing you (to be fair, he/she should be allotted twice the time as you). And if you’re lucky enough to get fun puzzles and brain-teasers such as Sudoku puzzles in the homework packet, then work with them on those and make it a fun way to connect with your child after a long day. One word of caution: Try not to take over and do the problems yourself. Your child needs guidance and help getting the right answers -- not the answers themselves. ▶ Schedule Breaks (For Primary-Middle-High School Students) You know the importance of stretching your legs or taking a break here and there during your workday. Just walking away from your desk for a few minutes can often do wonders to help


your concentration and improve mood. The importance of breaks applies to kids as well, and may be even more important because kids tend to be more active and full of energy than adults. Let them take a short break to do some physical activities.

▶ Help Kids Manage Stress Some kids can experience more stress over homework and schoolwork than other children. If your child is having difficulty with the workload, find out what the problem may be and schedule some time to meet with your child’s classroom teacher (Grades 1-4)/Counselor (Grades 5-12). Ask them what you can do to help your child with homework and follow their advice.

In this guide, you may find how the homework will be assigned for each course and what is expected from the students.

With our gratitude and respect for your care and support for homework, which has an important place in our students' gaining good working habits and self-discipline in their education and future lives.




■ The 1st graders are assigned homework in the core subjects on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the 1st semester. In the 2nd semester (if the distance education continues), the students will be assigned homework in the core subjects on Mondays and Fridays and in English on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ■ On Wednesdays no homerwork is assigned. ■ The 1st graders are assigned writing homework for the weekend. They are asked to show the stages of writing in a video and they are provided feedback. On the other days, the students are assigned homework to support reading and writing activities and they are asked to submit the photos of their working process. ■ The 2nd graders are assigned homework in the core subjects on Mondays and Fridays and in English on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ■ The homework is designed to be completed in maximum 30 minutes.


■ The 3rd and 4th graders are assigned homework in the core subjects on Mondays and Fridays and in English on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ■ The homework is designed to reinforce the students’ learning, improve their thinking skills, help them relate their learning with real life, develop their skills in various areas and encourage them to do research and examination. ■ On Wednesdays no homerwork is assigned. ■ The homework is designed to be completed in maximum 30 minutes.





The Turkish lessons cover reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. The students are expected to express themselves verbally and in writing and to interpret the texts they read/listen to by analyzing. In this context, the types of the homework to be assigned throughout the process will be as follows: ■ PERFORMANCE TASKS: This homework is assigned at the end of a progressive process. The task can involve writing, prepared speech or presentation depending on how the plan is covered. These performance tasks are assessed based on writing, speaking and presentation rubrics. The rubrics are uploaded on Google Classroom at the beginning of the process and the students are expected to do homework accordingly. The teachers provide individual or collective feedback for the homework. ■ BOOK READING HOMEWORK: The list of the books to be read during the year was already given to the students. During the semester, a class hour will be allotted to book reading and analysis. The dates between which the students should read the books depend on their reading speed and they will be informed about the dates. In this context, the students will be assigned reading homework to include reading a specific number of pages. These reading activities will be assessed via Google Form and Written Expression rubrics and the students will be provided feedback.

■ PREPARATION FOR THE COURSE: The students will be assigned research homework before the courses to attract their attention to the subject. The preparation homework is designed to be completed in maximum 15 minutes a day. The research homework will be assessed according to the students’ participation in the class and no written feedback will be provided for it. ■ SUBJECT REVIEW ACTIVITIES FOR THE 8th GRADERS: In addition to the above-mentioned activities, subject review activities have been planned for the 8th graders. The review activities have been planned to take place once a week or every 15 days depending on the duration of subjects. The feedback for the review activities will be provided by the teacher during the lesson.



The students are assigned writing, reading and speaking homework in Turkish Language and Literature course. The students are assessed through diagnostic and formative assessment.

■ BOOK READING HOMEWORK: The time to be given to the students for the books in the reading program are planned in the beginning of the semester and a reasonable period of time is determined long enough for the students to read the books. The reading calendar is given to the students in the beginning of the school year. The reading books are evaluated through oral and verbal activities during classes. ■ IMPROVING WRITING SKILLS: According to the measurement-assessment regulation of the Ministry of Education, the students are asked to create a portfolio. The students are expected to write maximum four articles with limited number of words (literary criticism, text comparison etc.) in a semester. (The 12th graders are expected to write two articles.) The teachers provide feedback about these articles on Google Classroom. The students’ products will be graded over 100.

As a requirement of the Turkish Language and Literature lesson’s type and content, the students are encouraged to write stories, poems, etc. after covering them as a subject. In cases when it is not possible for the teacher to provide individual feedback to the student, the feedback is provided by examining the texts including obvious mistakes with the students. Thus, the students have the opportunity to see the common mistakes and it is also a time-saving method. The students sometimes assess each other’s texts through peer assessment.

■ PROBLEM SOLVING-MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS: The students are provided feedback through the application and they are provided collective feedback by answering the questions in the class.

■ PROBLEM SOLVING-OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: The answer key is shared on Google Classroom and the questions are answered in the class. ■ IMPROVING ORAL EXPRESSION SKILLS: The students are assigned two speaking assignments each semester (on Meet platform for online courses). The speeches can be about a subject-related topic or about the reading books. Self-assessment/peer assessment/teacher assessment is provided on Google Classroom based on the rubric.

■ PREPARATION FOR THE COURSE: The students are assigned preparation homework including text reading, research about the subject, etc. that will last for maximum 20 minutes within their daily routine and they are also assigned reinforcement homework so


they better comprehend the subject matter. For these activities performed on Web tools- such as Edpuzzle/Google form-the students receive automatic feedback as they respond to the questions.

The Turkish Language and Literature homework to be assigned to the students to improve their reading, comprehension, expression and writing skills will be planned by considering the students’ total workload and the homework will be planned to be completed in a reasonable period of time.




■ SOCIAL STUDIES: Maximum 1 (one) homework is assigned a week for each grade level on weekdays or for the weekend. ■ RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Maximum 1 (one) homework is assigned a week for each grade level on weekdays or for the weekend. a) The weekday homework is assigned on Mondays until 17.00 and the students are asked to submit the homework until Friday evening, 18.00. b) The weekend homework is assigned on Fridays until 17.00 and the students are asked to submit it until Tuesday evening, 18.00.

■ In addition to the above-mentioned homework procedure, the teachers can ask the students to submit another homework according to the course content and class dynamics during or after a course session. The teacher can determine the submission date according to the content of the homework. (These homeworks will be concurrently practiced by all the teachers teaching the same grade level.) ■ Homework will include the followings: ▶ Reading, ▶ Research, ▶ Watching video, ▶ Text analysis, ▶ Making a video, ▶ Summarizing, ▶ Answering the questions according to the given material, ▶ Making a presentation, ▶ Short and/or long-answer question-answer, ▶ Preparing and presenting a poster-newspaper-bulletin board, ▶ Taking photos, ▶ Completing worksheet. ■ The homework is usually assigned on Google Classroom-appropriate tools and the students are asked to submit the homework on the same platform. ■ The other means of assigning homework include Kahoot, Mentimeter, Canva, Edpuzzle, Settera v.b Web 2. Tools and e-mail. This sort of homework is usually submitted by the students via Google Drive, e-mail, and taking and sending photos.




■ HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY/PHIOLOSOPHY GROUP: Maximum 1 (one) homework can be assigned to each grade level for the weekdays or weekend in a week. ■ RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Maximum 1 (one) homework is assigned to each grade level every two weeks on weekdays or for the weekend. a) The weekday homework is assigned on Mondays until 17.00 and the students are asked to submit the homework until Friday evening, 18.00. b) The weekend homework is assigned on Fridays until 17.00 and the students are asked to submit it until Tuesday evening, 18.00.

■ In addition to the above-mentioned homework procedure, the teachers can ask the students to submit another homework according to the course content and class dynamics during or after a course session. The teacher can determine the submission date according to the content of the homework. (These homeworks will be concurrently practiced by all the teachers teaching the same grade level.) ■ Homework will include the followings: ▶ Reading, ▶ Research, ▶ Watching video, ▶ Text analysis, ▶ Making a video, ▶ Summarizing, ▶ Answering the questions according to the given material, ▶ Making a presentation, ▶ Short and/or long-answer question-answer, ▶ Preparing and presenting a poster-newspaper-bulletin board, ▶ Taking photos, ▶ Completing worksheet. ■ The homework is usually assigned on Google Classroom-appropriate tools and the students are asked to submit the homework on the same platform.

■ The other means of assigning homework include Kahoot, Mentimeter, Canva, Edpuzzle, Settera v.b Web 2. Tools and e-mail. This sort of homework is usually submitted by the students via Google Drive, e-mail, and taking and sending photos.


FEEDBACK FOR EACH GRADE LEVEL ■ When the homework is assigned on Google Classroom, the feedback is individually or collectively provided by the teacher on Google Classrom with an explanatory comment and/ or graded assessment scale depending on the type and quality of the assignment.

■ Depending on the different online tools used to assign the homework (Kahoot, Mentimeter, Canva, Edpuzzle, Settera v.b Web 2. Tools, etc…), the teacher provides feedback on these tools.

■ According to the way the homework was assigned and according to its type, the feedback is provided either individually or collectively. ■ For some homework, the teacher provides oral feedback during the course session. ■ The students can also be asked to do self-assessment/peer assessment for the homework.



■ The mathematics teacher does not assign the 1st graders any homework. ■ The weekend homework to be assigned to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders are prepared by the mathematics teacher and the Measuremnet and Assessment Department together in line with the subjects covered by the classroom teachers.

■ The weekend Mathematics homeworks for each grade level are uploaded to the Google Classroom by the mathematics teacher.

■ The weekend mathematics homework is posted every week until Friday, 17.00 and the homework is submitted by the students until Sunday, 23.59 p.m.

■ The mathematics homework is completed in 30 minutes.

■ The weekend homework is based on research. A scenario is given and related questions are asked. The questions are designed to the development of several abilities and skills (estimation, comparison, establishing relations, piece-whole relation, cause-effect relation, drawing conclusions, classification, etc.) The students are encouraged to carry out activities involving regular follow-up and tables (measurement, calculation, etc.) The students are also encouraged to write their own problems, explain their understanding and inquire. The responses to the questions require the students to explain why, to answer what happens if this is changed, etc. Thus, the students are encouraged to think more.

■ The homework questions are solved in the mathematic courses with the students under the guidance of the math teacher by elaborating on each question and by making comments about them.

■ The first weekend homework is solved with the students during a course session. The students are informed about how to solve the skill-based problems.


MIDDLE SCHOOL ■ In the middle school, each grade level is assigned a total of 2 mathematics homework a week, one for the weekdays and another one for the weekend.

■ The weekday homework is assigned to the 5th and 6th graders on Mondays and they are due on Thursdays.

■ The weekday homework is assigned to the 7th and 8th graders on Tuesdays and they are due on Fridays.

■ The weekday mathematics homework can be completed in 30 minutes.

■ The weekend mathematics homework can be completed in 40 minutes.

■ The weekend mathematics homework is posted on Fridays until 17.00 and they are to be submitted by the students on Sunday until 23.59 p.m.

■ Depending on the type and required format, the teacher may change the submission date (for example, s/he can give extra time).

■ The homework can be prepared and assigned according to the needs of the class or the individual needs of the students. In that case, the other teachers teaching the same grade level are definitely informed thereabout.

■ The homework is submitted via Google Classroom. They are checked. The students are provided feedback. The questions that could not be solved are solved in the first class session.

■ The homework involves the use of additional resources, problem solving, research, poster making and presentation, completing worksheet, watching and making videos, preparing a presentation, performance and course book related activities.

■ Different online platforms can be used to assign homework depending on the needs and grade levels.

■ Although different platforms can be used to assign homework and provide feedback according to grade levels, the mainly used platforms are Google Classroom, Google Forms, Khan Academy, Quizizz, Kahoot, Edpuzzle, Quizlet, Socrative, Nearpod and Padlet.


HIGH SCHOOL ■ In the high school, each grade level is assigned 2 homework for the weekdays and weekend.

■ When a weekday homework is assigned, it should be submitted in 2-3 days depending on the content of the homework.

■ The weekday mathematics homework can be completed in 30 minutes.

■ The weekend mathematics homework is posted on Fridays until 17.00 for each grade level and it is due on Sunday until 23.59 p.m.

■ The weekend mathematics homework can be completed in 40 minutes.

■ Depending on the type and required format, the teacher may change the submission date (for example, s/he can give extra time) for the weekend homework.

■ The homework can be prepared and assigned according to the needs of the class or the individual needs of the students. In that case, the other teachers teaching the same grade level are definitely informed thereabout.

■ Additional resources can be recommended when the students need individual help. Digital sources can be shared.

■ The homework is submitted via Google Classroom. They are checked. The students are provided feedback. The questions that could not be solved are solved in the first class session.

■ The homework involves the use of additional resources, problem solving, research, poster making and presentation, completing worksheet, watching and making videos, preparing a presentation, performance and course book related activities, Maths Journal and additional terminology activities.

■ Different online platforms can be used to assign homework depending on the needs and grade levels.

■ Although different platforms can be used to assign homework and provide feedback according to grade levels, the mainly used platforms are Google Classroom, Google Forms, Khan Academy, Quizizz, Kahoot, Edpuzzle, Quizlet, Socrative, Nearpod and Padlet.



■ No science homework is assigned to the 1st and 2nd graders. ■ Whether the 3rd and 4th graders will be assigned homework and the type of homework are decided at the group meeting to be attended by the classroom teachers and the science teacher.

■ If homework is assigned, it is assigned on Mondays and submitted by the students on Fridays.

■ The homework is designed to be completed in maximum 20 minutes.

■ The homework is uploaded to the Google Classroom by the science teacher and the feedback is provided by the science teacher.


■ In each grade level, one course hour is allotted to the learning acquisition support and reionforement activities every week. ■ The homework is assigned on Fridays and they are due on the following Monday.

■ The teachers may also assign 5-minute review tasks to the students on weekdays so they attend the next course session prepared.

■ Attention will be paid to make sure that the homework is designed to be completed by the students in maximum 20 minutes.


■ One course hour is allotted to the learning acquisition support and reinforcement activities every week.

■ 5-minute review tasks are assigned to the students on weekdays as well so they attend the next course session prepared.

■ The homework is assigned on Fridays and they are due on the following Monday.

■ Attention will be paid to make sure that the homework is designed to be completed by the students in maximum 30 minutes.


FEEDBACK FOR EACH GRADE LEVEL The primary and middle school students are provided individual feedback while the high school students are provided individual and collective feedback depending on the features of the tools used.



Doing homework and completing assignments on time is very important especially while learning a foreign language. Practice makes perfect! Homework provides an opportunity to establish good study habits, to work independently, and to extend classroom learning.When homework is set, we expect learners to complete it as it is usually an extension or consolidation of work covered in class or finding out about a new topic before the class to be discussed later on in class. Homework is not intended to be a stressful experience, and students should always feel free to contact their teachers via e-mail or Google Classroom when they have questions regarding their assignments.

Students will be expected to complete their homework to the best of their ability and return their home-work to their teachers on time through Google Classroom. Only assignments turned in through Google Classroom will be taken into consideration. Students should not be sending their homework via e-mail. 1st grade students can send the photo of their homework through Google Calendar in the second term.Depending on the need, we may give different assignments to some of our students or we may give options to choose from.


■ Journal entries ■ Presentations using Google Slides, PPT ■ Writing paragraphs on various topics ■ Spelling practice ■ Reading short stories, texts, chapters of a book ■ Filling in Book reports, answering comprehension questions related to the texts assigned, answering open-ended questions ■ Grammar practice (online worksheets, workbook exercises, etc.) ■ Games ■ Making videos on various topics ■ Vocabulary journals, vocabulary practice games ■ Graphic Organizers ■ Creating online comics ■ Digital books (RazPlus and Tumble Books) ■ Doing Research, taking notes and presenting ■ Creative Projects ■ Watching videos



■ Journal entries ■ Writing summaries ■ Presentations using Google Slides ■ Writing paragraphs and essays on various topics ■ Vocabulary journals, vocabulary practice games ■ Reading fiction/non-fiction texts (Achieve 3000), chapters of a book ■ Filling in Book reports, answering comprehension questions related to the texts assigned, answering open-ended questions ■ Grammar practice (online worksheets, workbook/grammar book exercises, etc.) ■ Writing a survey ■ Games ■ Making videos on various topics and presenting them ■ Voice recording on a given topic ■ Graphic Organizers ■ Creating online comics ■ Digital books (MyON) ■ Doing Research, taking notes and presenting ■ Creative Projects ■ Watching a movie, a TED talk, a video, etc. making comments, discussing it.

HIGH SCHOOL ■ Journal entries ■ Writing summaries ■ Presentations using Google Slides ■ Writing paragraphs and essays on various topics ■ Vocabulary journals, vocabulary practice games ■ Reading fiction/non-fiction texts (Achieve 3000 in Prep Classes), chapters of a book ■ Filling in Book reports, answering comprehension questions related to the texts assigned, answering open-ended questions ■ Writing a survey ■ Grammar practice (online worksheets, workbook exercises, grammar book exercises etc.) ■ Games ■ Making videos on various topics ■ Graphic Organizers ■ Creating online comics ■ Doing Research, taking notes and presenting ■ Creative Projects ■ Watching a movie, a TED talk, a video, listening to a podcast etc., making comments, discussing it.



Grade 1-starting as of 2nd term- twice a week/ on Tuesdays and ThursdaysGrade 2-3-4 twice a week/ on Tuesdays and ThursdaysMiddle School-twice or three times a week (at least once from Literature, once from Language Arts)Prep Students-EverydayGrade 9-once from each course Grade 10-once from Lit, once from SkillsGrade 11-once from Lit, once from TOEFL (practice tests)Grade 12-onceMODERN LANGUAGES DEPARTMENT-once a week in all levels.

GIVING FEEDBACK ▶ Teachers are expected to give written/oral/video feedback to each student. ▶ Teachers are expected to give clear feedback to each student’s assignment within a week. ▶ If a workbook page, grammar exercise, etc. has been assigned, the teacher is not expected to give feedback, but is expected to go over the answers in class and make sure whether the students have any questions or not.



■ The 1st and 2nd graders are not assigned coding homework.

■ The links of the class activities carried out during online courses are shared on Google Classroom on Friday afternoons. Thus, the students can review their learning.

■ The 3rd and 4th graders are assigned a project homework at the end of the subjects so they can assess their learning acquisitions. These homeworks do not cover each subject on the yearly plan, they are assigned in the topics decided at the group meetings (for example, Google Docs, Google Slides).

■ The homework is assigned on Fridays and they are submitted by the students on Sunday evening the following week. So, the students have 10 days to do their homework.

■ The homework is designed to be completed in maximum 30 minutes.

■ The homework is uploaded to the Google Classroom by the Information Technologies teacher with instructions and the feedback is given by the Information Technologies teacher.


FEEDBACK FOR THE PRIMARY SCHOOL GRADES 3-4 The feedback is given individually depending on the features of the tools used in the primary school.


MIDDLE SCHOOL ■ Since the importance of the tools of information technologies and the accurate use of these tools have increased during the process of distance learning and the proper use of the platforms such as Google Classroom, Meet, Calendar, Drive, etc. will have a positive influence on our students’ academic performance, the information technologies and software course has been designed to increase the student participation in the class and the topics were selected to increase the homework submission rate. To this end, the subjects will be covered topic-focused and involve practice during the first weeks. Therefore, the 5-6-7th graders will not be assigned homework for the first 4 weeks. ■ The 5-6-7th graders will be assigned a project homework in which they will be able to assess their learning in the information technologies at the end of a topic. These homeworks do not cover each subject on the yearly plan, they are assigned about the topics decided at the group meetings (for example, Google Docs, Google Slides).

■ The homework is assigned on Fridays and they are submitted by the students on Sunday evening the following week. So, the students have 10 days to do their homework. ■ The homework is designed to be completed in maximum 30 minutes.

■ The homework is uploaded to the Google Classroom by the Information Technologies teacher with instructions and the feedback is given by the Information Technologies teacher.


■ The prep students are assigned an applied homework after the applied courses on introduction to programming and Python programming language so they can promote and reinforce their learning.

■ The homework is assigned on Fridays and the students submit the homework on Sunday evenings.

■ The homework is designed to be completed in maximum 20 minutes.

■ The homework that require the use of comprehensive subjects are assigned according to the decision of the group teachers. The duration and submission date of such homework are decided according to the content and it is announced to the students.

■ The homework is uploaded to the Google Classroom by the Information Technologies teacher with instructions and the feedback is given by the Information Technologies teacher.




■ The 1st and 2nd graders are assigned the selected pages of the Müziğin ABC’si book as homework. ■ The 3rd and 4th graders are assigned the selected pages of the Müziğin ABC’si book as homework. ■ The 3rd and 4th graders are asked to complete the whole UKULELE activities on CHARANGA MUSIC SCHOOL program and the homework is assigned via the same program. ■ The 3rd and 4th graders are asked to prepare Google Slides, PPT peresentations. ■ The performance-based instrument activities of the 3rd and 4th graders are not considered as homework since they require routine practice and repetition. ■ The tasks determined by the teacher are assigned as homework on CHARANGA MUSIC SCHOOL web-based instruction program for each grade level in the primary school. ■ The music lesson theoretical homework is uploaded to the Google Classroom for each grade level by the teacher. ■ The research homework is designed to be completed in 20 minutes. ■ It is not compulsory to assign homework every week. The homework is assigned according to the subject matters when necessary.


■ In whole class sessions, the students are assigned 6-8-week research projects for twice a semester. They are expected to submit their work in Google Slides, PPT presentation, video, poster, etc. format. ■ The tasks determined by the teacher are assigned as homework on CHARANGA MUSIC SCHOOL web-based instruction program for each grade level. The homework is controlled by the teacher on the same program. ■ Depending on the need and grade level, different platforms are used to assign homework. (QUIZIZZ, MUSESCORE, CHARANGA, FINALE, MUESESCORE, KAHOOT, KEYNOTE, PREZI, GARAGEBAND)


■ It is not compulsory to assign homework every week. The homework is assigned according to the subject matters when necessary. ■ When necessary, subject based worksheet (one page only) is assigned as homework. The worksheet is designed to be completed in maximum 20 minutes. ■ The performance-based instrument activities require routine practice and repetition. Therefore, they are not considered as homework.

HIGH SCHOOL ■ The students are assigned 8-10-week subject-based projects for twice a semester. They are expected to submit their work in Google Slides, PPT presentation, video, poster, etc. format. ■ The tasks determined by the teacher are assigned as homework on CHARANGA MUSIC SCHOOL web-based instruction program for each grade level. The homework is controlled by the teacher on the same program. ■ Depending on the need and grade level, different platforms are used to assign homework. (QUIZIZZ, MUSESCORE, CHARANGA, FINALE, MUESESCORE, KAHOOT, KEYNOTE, PREZI, GARAGEBAND) ■ It is not compulsory to assign homework every week. The homework is assigned according to the subject matters when necessary.

■ The online platforms used for assigning homework and giving feedback can vary according to grade levels. In general, the following platforms are used: Quizizz, Musescore, CHARANGA, Finale, Kahoot, Keynote, Prezi, Garageband, Notion, Powtoon, Canva. ■ Theretical worksheets are given every two weeks for the ABRSM Royal Academy activities. ■ The performance-based instrument activities require routine practice and repetition. Therefore, they are not considered as homework.



Individual or collective feedback is provided by the branch teachers on CHARANGA MUSIC SCHOOL or on Google Clasroom.



■ A healthy life table is prepared and sent to the students via Google Classroom. ■ The students are asked to design a game with a material available at home or with a determined material. The design is recorded from the very beginning and the file can include writing, audio record, images or video. At the end, the game is played and its video is sent to the teacher. (For example: making balls with socks and playing basketball with them by using the bucket as the basket.)


■ A portfolio is prepared (via padlet application) and the students are asked to do group or individual work. ■ A weekly physical exercise file is requested. ■ Puzzle games about Online Sports (on Wordwall) ■ Feedback via open-ended questions about sports-themed documentaries or films. (Padlet) ■ The students are asked to design a game that can be played at home. They prepare the game by writing a presentation, recording their voice, preparing a video or taking photos. ■ The homework is uploaded to Google Classroom by the PE teacher with instructions and the feedback is provided by the teacher.


■ A portfolio is prepared (via padlet application) and the students are asked to do group or individual work. ■ A weekly physical exercise file is requested. ■ Puzzle games about Online Sports (on Wordwall) ■ Feedback via open-ended questions about sports-themed documentaries or films. (Padlet)



■ The students are asked to design a game that can be played at home. They prepare the game by writing a presentation, recording their voice, preparing a video or taking photos. ■ The students are divided into groups and they are asked to prepare a creative sports choreography and present it with a video. (It can be about any sports activity or they can combine different sports.) ■ The students are asked to prepare a weekly nutrition program. ■ The homework is uploaded to Google Classroom by the PE teacher with instructions and the feedback is provided by the teacher.