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THE CONTRIBUTION OF ASSERTIVE BEHAVIOR ON EMPLOYEES SELF-ESTEEMRatna Maharani Hapsari, Dra. Retnaningsih, M.Si. Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Psychology, 2007 Gunadarma University http://www.gunadarma.ac.id Key words: contribution, assertive behavior, employees self-esteem ABSTRACT : Employees is one of the most important elements in a company. With no employees, the company will not be able to run. Besides being an important element, the employees also are the fronliners of a company. Every company has a goal. The goal is easier to achieve if the company has qualified employees who can work more productively and effectively. One of the important things that need to be developed related with high self-esteem is assertive behavior. This study aims to find out the contribution of assertive behavior on employee's self-esteem. The study was carried out by using quantitative method. Thenumber of respondents is 105 people working in government-owned company located on Jalan Veteran II, Central Jakarta. The data obtained were analyzed using simple regression analysis techniques. While the validity and reliability tests conducted by cronbach alpha techniques. From the results of regression analysis, it is revealed that the F value = 53,159 p = 0.000 (p