H^#> $2.o

, 5 <<*s MM&&&&, fahme J- fha s f ft^g^ffirQ^y y. .1. : ^Ev J, «, :«i».AiFfi» OFFICC, PALLADIUM BUILDINGS,! ; ; .. Csray M»t» aadC^lifriaearette, MalwWtjw. T. BAIL ANO OFFICE sUBscRiBERa. '].. tM '. 'tw PaMSkaraexp^'aas »*ilr« «Jt witicr^ODtii , tt *TBS * * *»ir«RTISINie: (twelre scSjd lh|e» of Noop«rW> or one Inch |t*' the Coj- amn, make a Square.} ." ^ -&• ISaureoaew*.*,. . .aiOOik Column one year ,$8MB> gieVtutisesSeaj^weeky 25|Ji Column one year, 4000 " Ttasrestxascjaha... SOOWOoItuonone jeM'5000 \4^u« one-ywir, ..... 8 00 f l Column one year 100 00 laui. ajrecavalexxxTS, at the rates provided 1 y Law. |jaj«s» CAK« notejceedinf **eilne»,f5ptr year— StmiL N o n a s , preceding marriages Cod iciths, iJloe charged 35 per cent abore regular-rate*.' Busuusa XuTiasa, Inserted In toe new» colum » ? and til noiicea designed to promote individual interei i», WHI M charged at Hie rate of Fnrrr 0«wa fortS^B* it^Jne, i»dTax Cansfireachsuraeedtag One. "_,' '; Ordinary amfciuncements of marriages and < Se»Uj», ^ «^_^-._«^ pads, bataH r smarts, communications, and ot ftiar^^tffejtlir •dices, prose ot poetry, fire cents per line. ," Ul Seconals ft* advertising are due at the tlmeiof the tro insertion at the adrertlsement. Adserttsemenfs skoald De aarke 1 the length of time to- be Inserted, otb ervtatbej! will lie continued till forlild, or at the |)pOon of the publish en, and cbarjedaccordinily. Ky* A|M»*JULO0S, tfader tsy «laratjSt ISSasMJauery, Ualone, N. T. Wan. UealeataHhowrs. Ice<>ee»faK>iehedror Parties, or serTed attoe8»lojey, Oysters Served In everyBtyie. Cnbieeeta Brand* ar Ales and Cigars conitintly on hand. Baltimore and r*lrhaV»« 0GDBN8BUK6H;.N. Y. H»Tl»i and commodious buUdlngeorrier Streets, the snhKtiber has opes,! knowoas the TALLMAN B0TJ8E ;i»ciWW«-»i«« Kto: owavffBeeaal '' -f^lP«feol#^ tlcularly iDettcd to call. Ogden AugSyl J, • -f ^'^r^|^ff^£|^ 'eKdRGrJVV^IGaf.Proprtetor.tlbrnSrotmekmsnand Business Directory. 0. H. 4TAHXQU, USD SORVBroK.—May be found to D. N. Haullng- ton's I nittHtnee Office, tfalons, S . Y. Ul calls promptly attended to. H- 6. KtLBQftN* ATTOBSEX ASl> COUSSKLOR AT LAW, PortCiTlngr ion,S.Y. -" SE ftnJfainMlL T||iii ilw' Twawjitr tint t( Mito' •si? H^#> $2.o<y iw ADYAMcae. •0AI»9F8irEIVrtH S 3: ri^M^MaJric. r^iA)EMA«i^#ropi^rJt««M^MIJM^BtB^| tel,) Ogdensburgh, N. Y. This House Is eligibly situa- ted on the corner ol Ford and »ttte streets. It has recently oeen refitted and refurnished, and In all 11* sppolntmentsisanritclaijbotel,, ChargestessohaUe. and Places of Aaittsement. At the Aaaiut Ibealag <tf ttM Qo«n. of W8ur^i*r»0f.tUeGwntyWKr^|tW«;«^ •**• jen«a •« tUeGowt Bouitv io.dic tow* ol M*loo«, .iajMlt GkM»»/|ji^id«r«». Jionn d.j. tbe lJih a*yof^trtSiw7ia«^»M« o'clock,.ll.i/lbo Mfowiiic 8op«*rtao«» * « » " SEOL •'Ww«^Ttv. : il...;"..TK;.B<aioi*iiW. «th<t4l» tiTMi t* th«. Pai#it«f-*•fteMe<|t<w ' BtwW f t j i w w ^ jo WadrMw&tjr womlof M8|U4!SI9E<A J^.••%.-. *CJ •' ^& /.i-* - ;: •«f j '"' '^i'*' '•-; fi -^r?t J if'.?? - .• ' j ; ..'-,-,'"• i tf A.;WJ|pNli3I>4Y^3 , la|iUls^A¥,i 1 * % Bo«^a me£ tioiftittbatctor *(Jjournnt«qS.^ ?r^tiit%5C*fiittti»a'i»fetfftqtiorttr«ofjuem .Mv* *'" '."'X' 2 ~£Zz'u <"'•«*.»'.'• ' ' ' . '-:•.-'-' V''' > ,Ori n»oil<i»'i»y W.fcffir^ic^tntttoe of aw ^ ?pi»loiW % tile JpliHlr. to ex^aitie flte«iljlrn» oftUe icrtnatofa* jbiitlBg wlili^ la tlielrlluiimlttaij* belongingJo'jlie Adirou- v lUIou, tti^doUier ejce»pKJd Jartda op wltkih tte t^eih^ye ; b«Dwkcl*d awl canceled by 4hf jt?on4»B#rn for4nt|i|pi»ity% gtttte^nd fuuaty, t»x«^;;ii|«»tolbre iinpoied oDMcb u>wti» byrcnaou ol iaij •+—•»-• *--—*— •-:-*- •hitlifsretit •f'ks WtltewtM sf WeHhera Ksw Yirl. Jhs*lseir r n>t-»»IMI»<r«(»eielwrtr y' Mt *t tkeM fritOefea MnwrMMM e* » «nrto«TtM tazitlwt. Kwr «» we » <l^ t^ j i ^ !«#> Mrifcs UUMlS '•tiMsr f , Pr«wnt' Ibe CltilrinaD And » quorum of < - a»«nb|r». Minutes of; Teiter^itT read and ^» ?* *-gwwJs%..»»wy-.i»M»jP'tirt luclujedju Ibe m»«»menU! ol »ucb.ioWut, and tUBCliATr annomicedMjs^clj Committee .^r* %fle v fttrk«r, W e b j s i , ttpd; " " i!**r.. v.-'v .-r..-.:t\ ..-.- ,;•*••.£ %-^. .v".- The followlM^ circular trutii the Ckimpirtrin ^3H0®KjB^ £UGENE WILBER, lITOESKy AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Smllh'a Block, Cbatnneay,M. Y,OT« ClsrkASoper'aStore. S] leeial mention paid »• clUms.foe Pensions, Boo-tleS,4c. iTTORNEY AXB COUNSELOR AT LAW, Commercial E»*,'Malonef)sB.. T.-JoUf &r>m- ' ' IftORNBY AH0 CODNSKLORJIT t A W , o t tfceWt- ersl Coorts of IfieSaie'; and Proctor, Attorney), 80- - Bdtor, Co4UwleraM'AaNveate^th*'Ooatu eft th«o- CnUed States, Fort C^TtngWn^rranklln Co., S. Y 1 , : 1 ' tTTOSSKVS AKll COUNSEL0KSJLT LAW, Elnt £ - ' " i'4-y-^s* Onnlies, J '-^i^i»& %lngt^ -FrankHQ. ty-ftJr #«Hd: tr^t^lUpoi tue ymr 18W, ««« Ui>l btJorw ibe session. electtoir, bybalJoi,of»OlmirtUaii/witb tfcy lbUowiug^«Jt: •-'-•« ••v.-.^-.-rH*:^V( >r ?;" * Of*l^/0..<WitB»rea^:«leW»ett...^ i w.'ii'u1»? 1 * . ,, CoarrastLsay OfTioa, *LaAHr,B«pl. «tkj t«W , J>«« <%*•/«*« ^fear*^' S*p*nl*>r*iWi Conk* i1#PjJfr<tii*Mmr^--»--:^ '• - ,-v ."..0, :•/.!«•{' -, aa;—n»BoarAof«<i«aUs»lloaef Taxes, In ftawe- anss^fOkspteVlU, of U . Liws oflSW, haVeltWSs aggr*(ate valaaUM eijprsMrly ,|a y»urOe<Htty,at Ul* —_•,.-».•»«•»«• «j#«i|4ieli.atnoiutt, a atate taxef erl*! for the carrsnt year, bsiac ... a^ar; fcrtke re«ewl«r»iri>^«, '3*tr •• v-Ji-v'.v ;• .-,i.-.*.-:-. .-..>-. •. ' . . - ' »er «*hsol»,X»f*ssUl, per chapter oo5, laws ISM. f or Qeneral purpose, IX do * de «7T t . f 1U«, reMtasis, ^r? ^ e 1 aJtrf,% «• i»»! IPerjOaMW, ...-.- <.<p»1i.. do Jit. »;• J8N. .Jfor -emeaslon of Ohsnante Canal, «-!« ef •ULper- sWOraimlalntJanaLo.Wof ft talll.psr ekspUr 1M, .••O&teindJlH'' ^iv'J-i.- '""-.-'<> .. ; :-'-' '« ~ ' ' ^ a b a ' UlLtnODdlV OoaiplrolKr. ' A commouicaiiou. ftoru tL P. Peel, Princl l « trf tbo New York InsUlUlloti for Hie Deaf AiKtDamb, incloeang bill for ihi etetbiogof TJtbtoa* Kdwttrda «ud Jsnes T. Pierce, pu . BmtH&i n ^ » s ' | > M ^ e f l ^ l l i i B s l y frees Tratils- lla OsAt; u * tin leaaUt ft*» tU* fNrtet be r*sn«et< tally rayisetsd te —a alt, • mirslls eiette U aitara a eaecHeaSeai eftkrlraSraibes «tia»e* te' alt eeMMaMe to the Bearw *r «qMr«eriar:«rer« C««My wkftfeUrritotjr We*waeMjr erta»«xt wttala the Bstlto of that " a a ^ a ^ t e r e d c e n i t o ^ t t ^ a e ^ T a e WlMer. nesaef MertfceraKsw Tec*," aa^aefc lee ss eaereflie er soch Bwrd In securing a repeal>f the fraaeUee here- in eeeapWaedeC •™"-^,--. ^ '•t:.:;.^. r i--,.|: < . :•• The A»notlBeportcf 4lwOo«e^i«oiicHi ,01*. Excle* f^ tUcy/^ We*, w/i« pj^euted arid read followi:.. r ^.'.., _.., u . . .-,.._,,f ••_ v To the SouA of 8|ipei#e«w'of tM^poaftt/ ot rb'rtii*<^nt»bf fninkllBrtipeetfuUj nfj^rt, to your lionorabto bodjr^tbrt tk«» kava r»o«»•* .«» fotaraiwlontri of Jfioiae for Iloinid* f»nt«|. by them and forfine*Ttoe«»e<t dmriof «M y«|f itifobklUlleaUtlMa^iia^^ Tbtr'.tlwy biro gr»btW : Mri»* dmWg i-^ yoat «nde* Motions of th«aatoaUtl«d«j»et to eopwesalnteinparance, paaporism y^crpnoj pawed April I6tb, 1857, to tho tMVmmg named peraoJu, teepera-df-ftoeah, tUr^kftf«»»••ft op; &&&&$&$*• ?*•- - W e^vllle, ,-.„ ri . ,.*) 00 Tbe Comtnlttewi on Norj-Realdent Retwot ••brnlttod^^A«^Re|)ort,M follows: :: - ' ; tto the BeasraWeJhf Sear4 ef aeperslseri »T Frank- MtOe«aty-Tear OMMIKM «• Keet-aUsWeat KtUrne w*ald reepectrally txa4rt. that Ihqr bare exaailaed tint Ito-EesldeBt Highway aad Scboel tax retaras of the sereral towns, M a 0o4 tfcta eerrcet, ea set down t» the (sflowlsrsehidale: ' •""•;-..". .':'••-.' _i 'C Towita Non-Rest Ulfbway Men-See'* Bcbool ' •'-•**!.•••- XeluBont; ~~"dooi 1008 4*1 00 -ettJS 1S8» BIO 00 S41 0* •13 OS U 00 9H 00 X -. •» i IVanklln, HarrlsUlown, ; "ii 'ToSsi, , - J 1SM6 w; ! kii^?S/?P;*>'« , »?«y« «ra»M f««»«r bsg Isare to offer .lev rouowiaa! reeoMttlen: . r***ot^d, -That the amosnti unpaid, as appearinr 6jr *• fftoossef the collectors end orerseers of highways j^Heewed epon the leads of the ssTeraltewnete which th>ybeto»i. WM. DAWSON, ChBrman. And the Report and Resolution were Adopted. **Qk motion of j. Q, Dickey. ^*ff»^*^U* «*«f efthe Oeojttj of JTranklli: *&2?W: 4 «£»' , * d '"J 0 ' «»W>orthii JaTsaUe Delia- W<wtl^«dcattOB>t aallna^nt, at tts^Jesraey, > We also report thai the CeaeayTreaanttr baa borrew f d upon ths credit of Oie eeaerty, the sae» of eight thon send dollars, at the National Bank of Uslene, opon bl» official note payable In two months, to supply a defici- ency arlsln| from the TeJeeHea of taxes by the Com)' treBer «fc »#«oirt. 61 la»4 W » « l » f to-the, *dl«,n.d»c Oeespaaiy.an^raadoerrrfratleBjwhefelands are exempt from taxation. CLBMBNT B. EtYMOLDS.Chalnnsn., Andtbe Report was accepted, A Pootv^r»esented^aiiiuui(U R#ort, w.liicb on being read wag accepted tefoHows: * Franklin GountyT^CuTiato|ibe"rBrizg*, Superin- tondentOf tboroorof Fr«nUliB*SmnQr,wonld , , ._. respectfully present for your eOnsSeratfon 4h e I erased, then the same or such part thereof jbau heas- by the County, by resotattoO of this Board. The aceonnts of the gaperinteDdsnt were examtaed and found to be correet; and proper Touchers far all accoaats saalnst the county fur the benefit of the poor »ere foond to hare been jeaulred. . For a statement c* the financial condition of the estab- lishment, your committee »oald refer ypa to the leport of the Soperli.lendenl. All of which Is respectfully sub- mitted. ^^..XMg^fJ^WJfflKI^Y.Ohalrman. Aqdv^e-Bepallfvjita 4*cjepted. :, ^ J , ^ Warner,' - •- $m>t^k SHuil^e^unejiiorapf^&«'*fS3 , *i 0 * I S' re-ss«e» all.r«iiected. taxes returned from thelComptroU- er'e office, nnoo.A'oseVelsl lota Or parcels oriand upon whichthey weretojrlgfealfe asfessed, an4 Jo casettat, f w,want«faprppsr descripUon of lands, or for any oth- er reason, the same or any part thereof cannot be reas- 186U,VUII, There bus been audited andal- lowed- during the 'year, ending - with (ho' dote of thjs report, do- nmnJa ugttinat tho couutj' umpuot- . irjg.to the snot' of seven thonsaud two hundred and elqven dollars 'fi)rW»*<f,Thst0ie8uperlnt«ndentof thePsor heal- to*fjj airfpald ft* txan^ertlBf LeaaUcs to thst As»lom f- - r^" •^ix-j O- ,30 00 torn 'JtfdOi Opposite old Bsaklfla- Hgase, MalonejJNjY. .. .. . . , .- ~*'n»r86n " attention siren lit clstms for f W. & Doxmxk. -Sf;Ci«iW»« TAYLORS HOBBS, sTIOItNEYS AH0 COnRBILOSB AT LAW, Nw. . ,0nfc» Block—orer F.T. Beath's Drat;Store, Hal'iae. *lta,TirtO«. -:'• ^^ -:•>&"- ^.HOH-' ffarsiciAN AS&*gGji«a»#,*lr^d[eo^*flrirfia East ot the HeUiodlst Church, MaJone, H . T . ED FROM C. W-ORARY* I rarsiCIAN AND SOKGJCON, WLofomerly pract^eed swadnistFortGorlngtoD.and^ortheputthre^Bj ' aSurg|ba la the U.S. Army, would announce people of Slaloaeand rlclnlty that he haipenoaneatly heated ia this place, and sollelta a share of puhlitiat-- ransge. Residoace at Dennlson Wlllard's, two J " : •oath of th* Brick Church. Office Kb. 1, PI Hock,uprtaira. G. M- lb We H- eRARY,! ^ SFSGKON DBNTIST3, Koona oyer She Fanners'NatIonalB«nk,Haloa*,*Y. . 0r,G, H« CaskT wouldsay-tohls^ld .^ _.. ' iHCn^ana.patrohs,tt^^hai fo)tm- ed a copsrtnersiiip with hi* brothel-, "W«. H. CaiaT, who hat just jraeoated atthe FWlaAstphla OoUef*.of Oeatal SurferViUia that thexwUiceoUnne the Oedtal biiiness In alius branches, at Ml cMBooeu overJttie rarmers* srafiooal Bask. Theyare areparedtotofcr- tora au Dentaloperations la asaperlor aMnareaBcXat aoit reasonable prices. BplenaicVTeethrlMertedtpn til the Bases noar In use. '. •__.* . '* g.H.CasJT,P.D.a. W-a^CataaTiK' .DR. a* M. winm.cm SsDRGgON DENTIST, Main «l ¥ "S.Y. Office In Palladium Story, FroBiSooas. AUoperatlona »erX,.—._ oast satistactory manner. . Teeto OUed; extracl Inserted. Partlcalar alteptloo paid to Bets 00 Malone,J«n. 10,18*% '•"---;. : . itintitrttnnnttemfinY, of Kew Y«rk. Capttsl andSarnlut, ' •[• v -^^;V^lB/^A'fi, ColDrabial^nraTjrTfapaiy, NeWYork. u DR. H . W . MERRICK, : f'OetTisT.-OSce aear the Foet Office, Fort Corlngtiin. f' »yf»tronswiU-ttadawattVreoa»r«FortOOTi)i8r "iwafrom IstSo theMOjOfeaeriaKmth. TheSut ' afeachmoath t OeTote to other UwwalB.FrankttB«ad 'I 8t. t^wrenee eowaUee; -. 'J«fee«*|.; Z S. J» HARWOOD, (tSSKRat. ABUSft f«r FrankBo Coanty <u>d Gaoada W'-tase,far«tH* JOT* IrWORAJCB OOiEAIFr,, of '. CMapaar^f PrMtdeae*,«. L OmceXaJoneiH. T. J v^. - l^to.i»wau-a^a<»iC*a«j»aiaiF'^ : -.-,, « I1U1I Bm/U Xile Ifliirurt Cflapiiy,: *M«ls Tsiinsrr tit'fgfili - > ,sfti04a^St> CO nr^u,T.<^*.gr i «rew».^V^t^^ ^Me^-0*-*«ltoJef*li'OSeSpai^'e«or*to^^ ^-«---•*-*"» -— -•—--••>» —-- --«•-.---- w •••'*. WeTUH-eY. iJvHOLCaALC ANO RCTAIL DtALBR in 4 and WbUUes, Ala and Lager Beer, Poteen affifi .. Whisky, Rata, ftaltt and Confectionery eenstaatly toft ^ band. West end ef the Bridge, »sjn Street, MaVtrnJ ^- - ' - - ' r ' n ' ; ' c.'•':'."- '' "-V-'T^IJ "*-'r - - "" •"'• MARtill _ 3ltrFACT^li|i--*OOfcl^- i - rx -.- . _,.,. _. teBduig :«e*r , «ai*»Br» f«i*try,. «al»«ej : ».l Sash, Doors aad tfflade oanstanOy on hand, and all j Jen mill be promptly itteaded to. One of Woedwortl Flaning Uachius has been added to the maehlnd reasooable rates. - Also, a Tongoelng and Groor Uaehine for aiatctting Coor boards,; Ac. JaALtR' IS; W A T C a a ^ CLOCKa AND JBWKLK j; *»«,- aad 8U»er .fmec Ware, Faaejr.aeo'it; « I; W»^,„, Ctooks aad, Jewelry Repaired.' » o i * a i v <»«'i Bloek= Kaloee, M. ?. HEATF* & BREED, '>'<U'LRR8 IS DRIGS, MRDtCISltf, PalnU, OiU, D< _ HUFJ. eerfutaery, (Statloaery aad fancy ttoocts,/ ,-. s«. S.Coloa Wa,*, Malone,H; s*. . T. L. MORGAN •e I ^OlUUoalOif M*)lCJUNT&. Graia,Fto»r Jl ,? w ^*» fe.So. f8';ii^)eatreet,Chta«pir T 5.. 1 ' * -.'";.. ! PAN6B0RN.0AVI8 *Hr\Ti,EM, >HP0RTDB kHO JOBKRS of Faosy Goede, Taaifce J'l«»ttOM,a*,!^l»-««a4*»y.Hf«f**. ra " •1 loav.fuumkmt- -. Aix»a»e, OIYBU, *n^t«W;..'r>^a,- 1- ;. , 'a»'aaw**,.B*Tp«». ,1 * ^^W^S^OH'^R * G& i- j*H0UaAL8 d SO CKBSi 38 aad 30 RsaJefStreet, three I Jaors east «| Bro ulway, New York. H a i a r V?. B i t c g t a , Wa. G. Dtcxissos. *1TU BALDWIN, F Q a « < CO., Wholesale Dealers , • 10 Boots, ghoes, Leather, Ac., No. J* Fark ROW, oppb- ' • w th«i»t«rHot»e. rormerlocaUoao/the Park The*- ' trt,-.»ew t e r * , . ' . , . - ' . / . . - , '_H.-Mt,Rsawnt t --j- p$xt!%1tem. Ha*** Oia.; ? ^iCST^WaiCMAM, ! UcwtgRD AUOTLWRRR*. f«r theOaaaey *f Fraahlla. ' : taeUon talesattisMedtoa»d WRs relrtebsa wbeare- '," *aksi^"C»atoa« pay, K, T. LHOLLAND & Q.tC'a U T B t aWAMOk, <»««c«»- «M te F.Clark) at the a*w IMa^iraft.,IU»»ae. I C. D. OUMMINQ8, ' *It*»T tTABLaV sa Feart Mreee, tWeae. % Y „ M a * : v Rsay-SaetsH* e f the ,iY STABLE. ^fyliau t] Jtrrrar, We»tea»«tWa>Mreee»eeaa»««aJF«t?«aafe, SEWING MA PailRdium BrUrdlngs, MRldne, N. Y. sfflffb s;^ ^^ «Hi ^^W^* 1 ^^! Representing •,'fute^ifnxap.ec fisPv.^; ±. i j^Siw--. r ^ - -~- And a SurpWof "-' "**»*•?**»*»* ^SP% Making a totalaaonat-of xeenrity. 1 1 if ni.' M , I -• '»»- r « agslnstJeseeabyirireof l C"l"' l 'Mi»'. W I RE! WM 'Write COHORT, ,1 lartt««. .Aplta1aB4-c%rjtlBa,-.'. ».••':*• " *,.--"' -. . |*,0«T,«6o80 «pTtaJJa*o^r|»ar}>' > ^ , =* ^«1* ^ ^ t|t'^8RH» « PlittHiilHiaMa»cCewjaMy f oflIaitf.r &pl^iuia^^itf i ft^;^^ ._ a -|liB0JSJ»0 *ia,9«a,a»» 84 On a»Kr.JS&ta*a^ y«J-G. T. Olark, Geo. ..-.,.; ^.,^m i if*F4eiria?^ > 'gi?i^ fe»iP' pBtfttn tiaiKrice-CoinpaDy, of Hirtferd. Capital and Surplus * . i- --* .^.-- ,'- »S(o,MTlT Hoiae lawMiice Compaiy, of New York. CfapltiS'lncfSlirpru*,--' -'V^'X^titMtJJto** ••'•> •: TbK, "" " " ' thfc •t''#'-oMtelGk' : H: <^ 2r*a«raT^ Jkwto-«^ .4^ wipTO^.3^fr.''M^iij»i!ic. ^^^Wii'.Jra^ihee^eCe^dei^beraleed.leT. atlWIta Nr i f i ^ a f a a « ^ i » , Treat the t* ^ifleeshsr, Mlta, totaa aawaey of »s>tialnf, UK. ^Aeoamun^e^wfx^iher^teBDrxrin-t t^rid*ht of Public Instruction, notirylrit: ibis JBoaFd that Herrrjr. AsbUW, of Hsdone, luvd. ^a UieceftiftoateofChriitapheTmM&M* 3^14 "pldsi"(Jeo.1 t W*JLndrus,A.aMUier, Wfttwson.Qea Tremble, Retoif^ Wren H. MJUW. Wra. Andr eW<ltWdi»»aaae#»llSealtia elwlllW^^ O. C. Psaae, Maloue, -tf-c .A.B.jr^r»afan, -*•-. ,,,-iv, tfoaea ATDustttl, 0l»l8s#oiijri^ #• JS. Aldrioh, Mob»* aliouael Grltln, «~ - ! <* Ja*. Lawrence, " ,?**«$> v, v^--« Henry IrfircU; Burke, Cyrus HoJ Nelson It3 tf*»:ow) '»oo! 8 0 OCt: iiooo; «0 00 f arrjUca,thesamor^btty-flre cToIIara Tor each ioaihex with oneLunaUs, and far each additional Lnoatlo, at Oreiwaie^ournoy, the sua of twenvy dollars. , |fiie€!qmmluee^ on'SaHmtsS wibrnittM t|teir •*port,*a*fo!low«: .'..:.• ^Te,"tae Boaorable the Hoard of Superriiors of the peaaty ofFraqklia-Your CeaualUee on Salaries br'g -- r r , .*"•*»»<*. That the Salary of the Oouaty Treuurer of _ , W,00:e.wc**^an^^ - -' io 00, - SiS^ES*! : SSLISStfAWSS PSIW?. 1 ? ff»««R* -OoWeHtlii P. tObjr 4 , v-fS7^ KlhhsvJIollisfefeVyastrfne, EbsnexerJ^nardv. " , rr^n FrankW.Stonghton, « ; .-JJ.wrj f,•. $$£>; j Wui.W.8hadd, * "* , Clark Malholumd, Bw»»*r, jWlMui a,llus^lUBainbafc; . JohiiBtlrkti, - <" '* •*- 7T '•' JEUtsBOwkar*: v 'N. ^.-;, '*gffi'i?l= a'tF 1 * 0 ©<*»»*J^»tfai .HisCBlfRneotts Coupity; Jamea W^Blllotts^v " , ^ .... v _ » » i -i^roimiRTOliaittedttteir Repor^MfolloisV Jor^JS?8a»ney, Uantorr -«-—• J -*»«! ^jf, tt , He^able the Board of Buperrlsorsofjltte . tricasald sun shall ce»|KBtaUoa orsaId,r«as- •b«a faUforallihe aaaual ceaaeataL ,„_ i** 1 ' " ' rf ' A.H.atU£a^ChalrlnaiS. ^ o d ^e}Reaolutioa wa» adopted. ! .pite gdmitelttee oto JJlsceilRneoiia Tfcay auwmwtadatoWlloansaato tha^ultaflug •*iraMpt86oxev«#-«ts^'-^ ! J-**-^--" >*' ' Herurt"*'nup«rVlek, <Jluiaawe^T, ^tffmiQftitims&trsi* <i ^stff kt Diver* fetrert ,; ":fi0*M Clf^VOflrOeCMfo' iog as aboard Oi Cbti " ine^^jr RfleFtM torfr»*e>rn)ribfe; nacta a'-t Present tbeChiirai»naiid»,qt, '*itfi, >1 J^a««^3rr-- J *''-'-*' S'l^'"^^^^.-;'', |)U-ev«; tbSKew^lferfcliistlWCkjnforthe Deaf toft«or/tomip^»e«,^*wsof rtnd^^jr^Mfcliatr^oB.ott^ thetowbr^ftWBn.M RnopU ins«idTn• ; j aliuitton, whstt^on * rfUrtion^f William * o * f'*(ee>»H"^M»«Wo*«iily»x|Bars-b^ ted aad aeaearb<tii^ta« taxable arepeHyef thaoeisa- •- "—-'- W^^t/ff-fifm **^of t aef^AiWaw. ... :«^aeaM4tf^4^toa^r^MeV^^lxst ; *»WM^I»jt««j»>rs'.ltJIv-t^- : -j->j- ; •*;"„ t -;i*i tyjWiMU* AtMsritaV ','-'/rv ,i<'.-;;r r-,'-^ ! ,. ^ffMTM^Ci^a4ai'thk'B^arcl'l»a«tior,': •erf 41reetoi tobam «et the OaaeeUe* YeJaatoer byth^<®T5^^^^' , ^ , f**^; The Oficial Bond of WlliUm D. BreuuaQ, dulf* p r ^ i ^ «»* *U& »aote apRfoYal #a- i t o i M i ^ e s ^ ' s ^ o r d ^ i i t t bejjiedlib theolficejpf the County.Uiwk.; ;Vi wt.." ? .,'.^' ^'^B^j^pe^.C^tWltw^lBiipob^^ _ fc mjjne »nd;i*M^itorM lbs dalnjiof lUeser . " r eriJ towns haVfHgl«id«wltbln their lbnits ?- : . w*leffia««^toptfroattaaattoa', tat which ,r >>; A>fSSB|*!SM!^-: P^^-^^iif. , _ : fctt HeaorabU the Beard ofSew Tr.veUr'iJMiirti«C«iintoy, Hartford, iBbsarea acalttat AeefeTeatU erf »)»ltl»4|« .&r^ao4^^\;-.'-/'ri-^ •--'; r ¥ #eiM»Mff 'W^kf^f^m^iale^ob^' i*© !•» '- >•< -, •• e W I W e t f r 0 » 4 ^ ^ ^ ; r' ^ hare been paid by these Oompanles doriq« the Fearysar «»uSf«tirrlvw4*S«ao«ratetthe adraatagie>riai1rrlng In sound and-r«GabteCo«rpanles. ' .t;7'"*-' : "" : The following from a well-known underwrlier of this State Inrelatloa to CBUPlpsarancsis worthy of perusal; " It Is iiapursaieaoaoaty, bat rtqllssfxadaocs taseek ing.. T*e only Iegltiatatoreenlts ofInsaring property htodtqudtt ratet is bankruptcytotha nnderwrlter, aad perhs^^m4asa^a^,^^n;aa*«e«e«erstofa- •ureATWc^w^aWto, elsarfsfetsselit *ad failure are jost is certain ss pessoaal exWaTagance—boyond one's Income—Is next door to porerty and want. , Ah Insar- teas essenUstto5r»sp«rlt>*i6«r«^dlridaalarTBa«a utcoua Kcar ax<*aa TBIO« axnawstesaor they wUlhare as early insolTeacy, andbeebostgnedtothetembof the 'fl'apateto.*-' - --- •'. ••'-" -" ' ' • - ' - - t- -•!• ,'' •- FaMtose^sirlMBaUsauiBBOaiaoaaAeeirftable rates, »maod»tothslra4TsatMeto_appljr at tbis^cabe- fore Insnrhrg or renewing UtelrycaeteaelseWherei FwlheconTehleneeofaarttekrest^toJertOowtiw: tea and Caa4eaa«ar, apftOcaUeafcrlaearaaoe la any of te^S^sOaiaiaeaearauybalM^ the former, aaJidwln O.Roberta ofthe latter place.r{. OaTee o»er aUu-r, tXraMa *Co.*» Store, MaloiM, M.Y '.. ».l«.a«aJlfT*rfO»«nf, A«aaU. ' J. J« & J.-.Kit Printers of and Dealers la ILe^W UIs»ksFrlnt«dt»#r«er. ^ DFVELLING HOUSE ^ A STOBV AllO A HAtir DWKUJU House, and Vlllsge lot, for sale, dtoate on fU.. street, Katoae, Sear the reetdeaee of B, B. Tboaipsoa. Tenaa reaeoaable. Time will be tirea fiHraertailae pries. Roqalraof CHAAH.^IA*, At Land Office, on RhaBtreet. Malone, Jute «,lSAC-lf To those whe barn JECJgS 9 <>JS EJIV K- IFeare' Brown'* Patent bunp OiilittBey --'s^RBS^rsararteViieTMas:' -; Maleae,Av<1tS,lS*«. HRATBtnajMB. laaTI A eelte OlltaWF ! r*Js> ™>»1S-'-*"'*^ , »nii j PstviTriliiTt nf tinii'jrsetitrtiTi IQWsW tboiMe^aB4tk« fe^Mii^of Ooas^ "' ofjfjgkwayareaeWrjgtlWTRieaiag wfj ^vHlfkwayjwpoaetv'lVwk: ToIanletFAi RBeffer«U»«r <to««ti -:i JiaalbW. Mbit, slw a^iafcg eaeai'"W 'raleiaf^retle* aoelaeaateaelaaeatba^weetf eaw^^aaMaABMi tou ' _ i '™™'" *"T; •W^'iTieirTOB'^jB^af JFWW*^»"*" "^»»™e|eaaq( t^w^.-^^rewa^ "" ™*-*''; |"-r-^j'>!7''"S^T. f-^jKlS |£-' ; "f|- Dros'sH semnt' : e«^ssa«av' •"""•' ^?W*r? r ". ,'->•- -"*-'' " Ta-'Fajf' Far reads aaOridgat ^ . , •„ SN '; , $ B«ia.:|a*TOir8,oF eaujajar. *erF«ir^wi--«ttrJ»ii'' : . 1 - t i -**'" *''" "" Tapeytoa< beaeajet •' &•.-.>:-'..a :;;g 'XHT VMbtej:team 1 .tltftelBte*- li' t'•? i » « bridge at Twrefander Sfefti^; *?;,n r-v-M ** e»"«ft' ^•T aow.-: ._-. —[T, f-f gall !»» *J|A t'W) ' _ W » ^ : * 4000 Oeanty ofFnutkiia-Yeur Coeualtteeon HlsceUaneeaa « i t o t j aeeeaau respectfully report that they harafce. fS^^^ tt>M,T S^ »o theaia»Oonu^a&»« aa# that thsjiaTe audited aad allowed, the folloSS aa^Mts.aetUtedtoOtolsetw.lumnofthegchsdai^^^ to«uachec%a«ouateaf setoesum c^twotWastodfanr Jai^andelghty-rJaedelUrs and elghtj-nlae cSnls y :- / •- SOBSWCI.E . 1 OCpaaaty ^ g g ^ A ^ t o X j ^ j g e ^ o o i a d t t o a ' on UU- {f 1, ; *7^^^^aoT^ffa^l|Se*^^eaeaata>.'*- f ' " ""J—.. j 'I'II.:—- : - - ;r '- • "•'•• '\ '-• - |;, Namieaai Nature of Deaund. rrw Oharlea Barkaj "^ Heath dt. Breed. V- "••i. -••v. J. F. ABoaden, , 'H.Jfc-H^Callwy,-.-...'; '-'JaiaW'IaMr'^w -^,.-- K.H.Wileox, : -Mlch^T^ina^«<•'..'-' Jobn^ayeni, , iCf 8. Titus, , , v ,-•« . Alle» Biaman, Bangdr, -iioaiofii For poiialtUs reeeiwod aa tollowa t (*x~ -zix' I rJ.Bnrk«,touiaay, >-• -<:•' *-•'- C7;;^^fi0a00; j -.^-.-. ^x«- sl*;5>"}~*;' .'Jtc" if i c .^•W '• 4&0Q , --^otrl 40 00.1 "•'wfrOfJh' :>-4««»i ^t -40-09 v.; the Beard of Seperrisors of Frank- wattueeea R^ietedTaaee weuM ia.. its. MiSMia#iriVM SBSM* IIIX' >^" ^W; ^5BPeTSSJ*a^p^_^^^eeMf«t>awW.,Ws'eWtV' ,.. ar reiseudea teaeartaearaUread ficans taaatiafta tSHHMhttewae _ _ t by lain aaieea'be; i.88| a a a ^ l M t a a i • s l a v e paidtterTpropertfcatef rUate aad •aVaaaeihftpvr Seaataa, ..... : ,-H- ! -.-r t 1-> **>•••«»*•••«».•.• .-"^tiliMI sf-,^ veaM reeeaieieBd be sasaa- -—' —"-1be<'tiaae|',-aad *wl OT0il.«*fwant aF» ' Wpa^towwaAoeaiaf''"'-" ' ''"'' J To pay town boaallee l^^ll W ?^!M l> * ,r ' : ' -^ * I;' --Sitaata ia ' r 7; . , B»«Ta«liBwa;a»>aa»aaoii. ; ;.'- ? ,:\ J! s, Tepay towa aoeeaaes ^ • -. -' - j^ * 'Fe«' l ree*.aa^brtdfa»-\'f .: :X ~' } U -T»-5 ; '."- ''! Ose of school heaanexet; Re.» .:':' : . > Wit; : - i Feaelagtowa.-seiaalerw i% ;„,';/ rf > •. :- ir „4»>ee^4IM |». 'v 5 -,-« j^ti»»j^-o»-aaisjr#^--.j Te pay towa eeeeaaU '. ; 4.'. -''•itt|4a TefaytoaatbetuiMes •,. — - «•••• •l^atfffkjWw*-,. ;;;.;• \; ; ; -JJJM* : -'' ''"'• fb^riR^rawsT^aMata.. -' fopkytoaaaeeeaata '- IMN Wpay tewa boaaMeS aTMaR Fereeade an* btaaf at ' trrov TBa rows sr ca^TascaAr. TopsTtowaaiosaali f**T ** T> pay towaJ^aaUat .:>.... :? lilj«g Ta eay yaa, aatybesty an tassea tax >t Bt ., .Forroaa^lTrJipa' -,f7~ r ' i , »<e*-tS0f*. «t ciija tab rowa ooxsTaaua j Tanaytawaacasaato - •• - - * •*«« "J ', Tepsytownbeaatles , . «£<• ] rort5ads*hdbri*fes , ,--; Si # r le41..|T -' -c^S'taa-TowaoFbietnssosi: • --1 , - W.*elfpaV?MJratsa> tJ-f-«^«^'ll*«i..A,^ - .>.-.- V,V> CatofaM, Taat the earn of AHe»»), hrnaeeare -as- eeseed aswa Oie tewa ef araadea, aad UM east oftlS U »ff^jgpWa^|lji;,ag the ^^^W?w 4er^^r^*^-*ff^^^^^W^JW-'jflp^pisa^r^aRi •s^^^a'. #BwV-<4wWa» eeWtttaaas; -f ^ llsntotoiewaJav.'sag' at. '*»#'' is'»wal : SheRawc aailOeaaty toaee, -aad -" _totba atatoaetd- toaer- which by law aeseasie paM by the Coaa thai weraaltar be adaattod aad t *ee^Se»S»«Wea^>e»--iae'Sv exeSCeV. MwMfM araaxea leCaaaty. ittedaadpaU •i Te pay tewn aceoawts To pay to*a booanee rerraadtaadbstagat a t 18 »- t tsaa «• aawa at aaasa, -I' Teaaytowo aeeoaats «ies S* ' FeVMa^aa^lbrUtes |W e«—el* SS area wa rowaos Mas Te pay tewa To pay towa ftw^uleaa«M4t«». e w raa iwwa est aaswauxt, 15 TepayUwasoeoaale Ferraeaaaad brhbjea mFay towa <»Jr*| SiSw^s: oaaw Ttt taws a* wAtan.. •"Hf.^l? ^SafflfSSaV^ Tea**** l y ^ j |tejl "i^lrat" i»t Mw>iii.~ erea t i t t a W a a watTrnxa. preRtnto4 •^-a»W- : - RfcJj ie#ij a'J ' su^e^^i^Mi^ eTW *MWV ) teMfrWTsVs ~ " " •(***' JsWaf .eaxMBat ^texaSBeM"''•*# ••^• ; ^3S&^J**-*ff. **^^-*Vto»»*«toptt tewaarateaMy, to the eeaaty. - ; " ;-^ ^'.V, i Yoor'<>>i»rn!ttee wonld rir»o r^^eel beg l»«ve to offer tlwfollowingrjrr»mWe and iteSOlUtrOIISi -,•'; rf-ii- f" rr.- 1 -f.'t '-I''!?-' J (ij— ^^^^g^pj^gB^^ag^k UaA ^•aR^f^B^Baa^slxexexexexei ^t^gaa^RjC uL^L-^^at' Sa«ealtod,"aawe«UaRlaerfe^rato7taM0er*^^ aJaattbeiiiRsi eaeeii weresxetttittdfrtea an texa- ttearaa^ibalttbaajraflistiwkir.laW! -. - L ^^T' ^a<te>Asf«a*,a»tbeObas«er.»to.I<waefli6T,the teBBatxef sssf axexexexefOaWMItwxiMK 4M> jlwiwatxeMA 1ft eslwet *^ laajttxa The Commlialonara furthsr repdrt-mndjepre> S oStoa^ieetorr do sent that they have paid into thaOoanty Treaa,- st L D RUsworth, clerk board eniea «rto'is'ol^ a tl^jsnwuuorj4«j9os/ M f2|HME*J!!BM!8fi.. ! ; 'thTO&Fb^hses-ah'J p^ual&rtte'iu^ofebf; 11 Wf*«gga»£S&?* ,; -^tv. •*.-.. I..ViW leo^iiitOBsri;. i g^^ipll B ^wb , » WILUAJtS, DQ1IGLA8J ; -iT&Trci^-T:,;. MlObftotopbtrJgjg^^fflkftraor- :jtiltf'^lfBii£^ ' BaiosttbetowR of l^ffillfe^^^^'i^^ri'Sf^ the amount lefied and aaa-aaad rjj*, thfe ^ j f e t c l ^ r ^ R l ^ S a ^ a ^ ^ 38 H A Paddock,bookotrecords*print's »*x**sUto»T»w, ; - 1 '--'-- r * ITSlRSeS loojasioo i 66 S 28 1*8) 4i» Jl?*?"? !L««*»^iaaMae«f the peace I *S 78r*S 69 JUoha G Ohssasy, eooatable .. j U »(--S 8S ^ l r t o r ^ a j a v i e a l l * officer Melons ' " " r * ^ - e}JohnFerey,jBsUeeorihepeese , ofcutaaat Bftot,.,4o. , «AlUlswo)(th to 1 Alfre4 Raton, oeastable . ^RBooiloaU^fuepeeee ';' t Phaitos WA*aqr,»ealth > omeer ' 10 Ames U aTreeao, coostahle 11 b a u J Uexlsy, health officer. Dangor IJrfohn Ourry, eoastabls U F P ABsn, josUce of the peace MaMate*Fark,<eaBtysherUr lSftWUIard.ceasasaaeaaerator- lSJs»aJRUey,aenstable x4 Joha S Caeeaey, do * t%alii|ef^r»toi^-*---><a^.-^-r^^: M Robertiaiery.^ .^ do and forty-six oeritsi - vfg* f -> $7211 48 ForCottntypdoThoUso&fBrin, $8505-00 Fo'r towns an per schedule A. 8095T65 For County at large, 60875-72U 46 .Tho expeuditurewn account of - Poor House and Farm araonnting to the sum of 8505 06 Includes supply bills, labor, per- ., . .' manent repairs, funeral cxpensea and all tho ineiduutal oxpen^tes ' , eouneeted with the House and •;•"-- - - ' .i F^rm.from which is to. bo deducted, . - as realized from sale of products 192 66 also by deducting for permanent repairs to house, furnUare, lana . tools aud stock r . . . - 50000—692 66 leaves «B the actual expense of the '; poorbonse for temporary and per- , ' innnent relief, 2812 40 The whole number of paupers relieved and assisted at the poor house during the past year is. sev- enty-five, ot which number thh*- ty-iivohavo received permanent relief and support* oudforty have received temporary relief. Tha number of weeks board furnished for pcrmauent support is eighteon hundred and sixteen, and tho number for temporary re- - lief is ten hundred-and -tbrty»- to.-. - «-«, - whieb; is to be added keeper?* family of three persons, on* ser* . vantgiri nod one man;amounting in'aU.totwenty-fivO hundred nrid';'" •*; * eighty ono weeks, '"..;"*'.• : The weekly overage for the .. ,. board, olothiog and iucidontul ex- pense* for each inmate of the County house amounts to one dol- 3*r and nine coats.. "" : - There has beo^-ijiditedaudal lowed for temporary rebel to th'3 wrorBaer»o»,tnopoor of the sev- •-- oral;towns ss per sohcdulo A, hereunto attached, , , 2578J8L For services 6Toveraeofa of poor 5 , ao7 7& For> transportation, -,. 4107' Forphyaicians'Bervioea; 170 00-8097 65 There has been allowed for claims against tho county at large as BM BIS6. UT»JU76f ISt entt4 71 U 87? 11 «T ; «7 4er»Tit5 1.. ) ( „„^-. -J „„- •S-'SI * i 2 t L ^ er ,^ ned ^ e ^ forli] ^P n f1 l 'ose3* 603 75 i-fti-jif»s^oMu>nnt reeoived^anCplaced & the hands of tho treasurer to tLo credit of^thesuperintendent wnaas follows: From com. of exoiso and fines, 1651 00 Froia appropriation lastyo^o-, 550000-7151 oO ^TQiirwhioli deducting, I b j ^ V t -tanarawn last year v ' 8214 24 X«avea to be expended the past.. , : ^yesif the sum ot* : 4B8S 76 '* 'Tlterff has bean drawn on the 'SB. I 10 SO » ?*S8f :.*.: 900 00 MO woo ;»»• ^VJOL1JI-JB>- zt'ssHis^t: tOROf li* 7 6B 7 eoo 4 00 IBM 1»» 14 80] M ia 1 « 8 70161870 16 »7*.1« »T j 15 iori8.r ' tm\> a.); 88.0M88; 88 OBf-JB»:i »6 65,tBi ttlBoJilBl; MS0p«l. utufmis, ».tob"eV«p' 8» 16 18 IB 1400,1*08; to*M ^sastirer for bills allowed during uditcd , the pA?t joarandiprJ)Ul3nt aijd unproviJed fSi $t l i s t yo»r';*720217 JUesvtngpvcrdrnwii an J now due ^ho treasurer, M'< ... «... -. .,. i IThere ia outstandiiw at date of ibis report, audited, allowed and unprovided for claims to the «- -mountof -.«--.- - - - 5U7 2203 68 •H' towttOfCa^tlBaiw-tO . , . iraTin&Tbrof O.lt^hifrnTrr.amcruntlDr to eighteen oUOktlfceae^tW***^ WRRpref tsatea, BAidthe BRW R»ouBt WR* 'ordered to V Judge Rfl^SttrrogRie, IMP, recelTod, BUOIT. b3gthe*meuntoffeewcht^iw.aadTec^eA meant of, fines abd penBltieB paid Tnte the County TttaBdfy dtffinjjitbe pw* ^eRr.iiiii rry wrrOmrwW.RRrblkmR: - ' w - : * ' " ^ »«f: : - To iheiloic^bWthe Bto^ «f »uitofvlsora o/ ' t J ^ C e « » M ^ . J t o i f | ^ L k ^ f *«sft|;4||aAj- b*»e reoeived for flnee die daring the year last past tha fbHwwlngsnres, rii: e^ttrr* fount*; 1 ' <«^f ,tyX^ik3#Bj: 1> sBBtewwe' envav ^ ^ » y j '^BF ^^^^^F^^^^^^J^^ ^^^^w ee^Fwv| WVV aBs# Bert N. Ohetnsy, was sraaia* aatberUj to aeseelaia wRb Mat aayjwssber^Feaeeas, for the parpees el ^tVHMety'fr' .WettirMw tMtfmfmXftm^ MP IM MBVMBW •» ttawieeaSR aa4 eiwiatlag ataaVert »oai ''seasea^it UUw«e^•faaratoga?'upaodAlesg tMfalley *f tha PFFar bvaieea tatotoewUderatet hi the aertoern partefOJsBtaU; ^teMt KBsieWI, Tha sale AtssetsUsa e«-OerperaiHn wasaalkostoiil, wfasaacssntwd.U takaaod heM lands totosaateaat of eae •llRon ef acres o f U a d la t»M wR4wwaw,ta MBRMBi te aBaar laada weeobkl was »»- UtorisadtonvsiuaM, toksaadbeUaaaar tha act eatt- De« **Aa Ae»toaataarhn tba xenautoa af RaBread <***!**»*»* *»**• J?**r»a the seaaa," Mead Afrit BA, 1BW, SR ef Whteb Uads, wbea ae t u d r e l wstele Wi ^BtWteprlWIlFf aW IfHMaMft te^rW'teV Wwwexi tet^F Qf WMF* a to tB.Laws.ef lSffl, tba ittetfTiriimlif iiflrt bato f ip"»»a^aa perRoiaW rear wtektetaaOaaaVelFraaaRevtowr): lathe towa af RraRdet,toeatl r w it a* weBBS Farirjeof Katkan '-'^'•-.'•e*rIoS'*abbv ':*''•» -^jailfc'*iWi.r; W.MeGuire. ,.-. ,^" JncAFiaoelaaleGnlra, " Conimi«jon«rsof KxeUs, ' ^ "''.f! ICoiBA-C. B. 8toretu, Joetlew, fine Of •••••• .^ejBr^R^SiBamb^^*:* i>wavrasoa--D.Br>ggs, justice,fortua "' ''-^ >i OfJt>-T^*wt,'A.*.*-'--»'' j .i--' '-j . . be d^aWaby the Clerk of the Rceid; ea'&e r Tr«a»,rer,rtfc. Ooaotyln fcT^fiassve^SoD. '•r.vt^' ,1 ;V':r. ^'WflittAM' AtflrRTJS. OaaJraato. t W*» »wwe^!*f'? «ipm m:fpto#m;j ff r l£!5fi ta 'iS"L2 ,!,B '!"*•• ^ wb5s» wjts^ararrW tVaeboaatt of SkerlS* aad Oterk ef said C.unty" r" eaeetfaily repert that we hare aadKsd aad allewe% tb» fsBewlag accounts, to wit: $2254 80 21 68 2288 li •«. 500 00 Balauce in-fiiBiid's-Of-Siip't, Leavingtotal amount of uuk-bt- eanesB-tinprovlded for, ~ There will be duo tho keeper/ *liuuary!ifjie, 1867°^ = v-r ; yi'lte. amount necessary to be MtTsed* by your Board to meet his indebtedness and . delruv aU ne-. , .... cessury oxpen8ea for the ensuing yearis^ .-.':..*.--., ,: ."...-", ;--450JO0 !' fTJiettnaiborofdeathswhichhitve - . ;oeeur^d in the jroor boaee the ,-- •~mt mtr is 80VOI1,'Jhe rruinber of - « %thMii-twoi"'-p-'/.--r;v' ; - : " . " " ' : • ' vAlEotwWchtsrw^ctfuiiyVnDrnittod^- •-« CBWSTOPJxBa BKKJGS, . ; «-', SuperiutehdentofthoPoor. I ':,'i '80fiBa)rri45_Av ' '^•? : '-'. '•: Sbowint amoant eapeaded for th«aever»l'towns, and fwttaCeanty atUrgaoa aboeant ff ^ogrjfana tawna, 1 ' Ko.l RaaessadVatoraa;. |ClalaisdlAUowsa AtGlaadtea 'vV r,.l eeaaty < to,sheriyBVLaw.C* •*l8^-.'a •UOfOO . .U:90 Diiahe, Dickinson, Ft. OOTiogton, Yraaklla, '-, .J ' Barrletstbwn, ; l3*?W*».','-/ ^WHev" _ Tetal," WW OTaa^Ceesiiattee beg leare -to o«ar toe : fca*sie| ^atofj^; That the a a a i e f w " alMAMiae aeUars andatoety-B»ar.eee*,T* S e d , -j- 1 '•iLC|a*i -; D. Botsioa, F.Shonvar, * Betsay Brooks, , Ed. Kuihford, ,--'•' <i s - *- ROKRAT. 0. L. Vayuotds, justlce7nn» U. Mkhas! t *'. : '- • •. - - '-Pee. lawaejty- •"•atffiBRsIisf RH»^W~ , to*to'tsM-'Rat whariaTaaa' :-. Ajasweatf 4 . J.Uurphy,Hsl.ioiaohief 10 A. Kettles, Pet. larceny. ' l 12500 •1«00 . aatxirF. '. O. fi. ©arley.fpr Rpos ooUeou4 eytti. .'-••." .? - -^**Baix*sl»wR,-'' H..A. Paddock, fees collected by nitft $804 ?• Bespeetf ully submitted, W- a-PlCKEHsoH, CuRlMy Treajia*»r. id tit* Pe*ce, of Malaoe, WBB reoSVed, efcow lag (be atnoont of flnee end peaalUeB re. oeTred by brm and R«ld tut* tin Vcmli Treasury ctareng tie* yeew eeBiiR#;yBAi't, Wllltom Q. OBtfcltffiOsi, QweiBf Trnwartf, proecnted his Udrd Annuel Beport in telalkm to the Usoe of Ouontr Booda Ibt the rjaymetit of Volunteer xetwtflef, wbW» W«B rea4,Rs Ihllowi; To tha Hooaiable tka Boanl ofSaparvtoora of „- _ farer ef the several perseae ai eaB^lrbiaBlrferlewisisastoaa^ttoBajte alhrwedte ^^ff'^^^Ss^^^aaw^ AR^.tbe Repcrt B ^ iUeokitbM were PBT1 891 03 '186 f t 108 IS iqo.10 SM "05 . 68 40 •^SBVOB 160 65 «w»,Al 103 29 .'-%- -TW-, B1400.$sa - s S5i.V4;' , ,.Bo -:-«. .„ 6 00* »6wm ^^'l.Fnya.|iya;rTetal. «3 60 27 12 ,».0U •tBTTS SAW 468 40 85 RI.J6 2100 i*Sg BOFB wlSl •too 'jf •08 a .75, 8 001 168 90 4R'^0k:«B,S» .: t;«0 50 ; . i rt aei46 , .1 : »14»» - r wa 29 |MSJ1*88 882 18 179 02 84 71 Jtopsrkry:Belief.,,...... :•'.-'.. .r.^^V^v^jmSOs' ^rslclajwV8e?wJee»W;'.,.>.K>'-^^i>..Uii.*---.'««''76 frans»ertatlon>...,, ..... : ......... ... \-..>Ui 18640 -nSSSSf* .^"' - : " " •' •> ; « i ^- *$£:** SHIS'l-f*S'** i ' i, •'**''* i, *^ : w«^*»»**ni»^i- -Jet.T* JaetlceeoTthePeace. : .&u&^.„rri£^C.j. i fb 80, .;.,.- ..... •:.. ."^*.,>^.'. . ^ ( s ^ f tffj .('I'-tS, t,«.a» s .,.. .,.t, Jii . s ; : i v j ^ t - p K . ^ J'-OJ i.. .; *», . . . . . ,..,<,; ....... i.^| BOS. tfi SCHEDULE B- FxtaUag ;. Fostage ..... '^total,. TkeCtoriimUtee on Coort Houee aad j*u •ubaaltted their Report RefoUowB4 •-• *.-, .\ ( ty ef Fraakna-Tear Oeesa^ktoe o 7 c « n r » l i ^ aadTall, weaMreepsetralry raaart Out ? e hare e1iaaUBe«tte D e a l t JHeaae S* Sh a a d RaeVtoewaR ef^k. Oeart 1{ ttaejeartreees, .«N BaBttoafMitose. :>. .... ^^_ ... . 4taattbe^attbe|ilaaure4aa< . abtotasyrega^aae^toeeayerrleto^ SB wa BB4 ikeat riaeirlag tweb rapawlag. Ab«res«S asea4 toaaeMtoa aflU toltowb^aVatoliea>r j^ a^^toaabto^FaHyarabaOj.^^ And the Report end Reeolutkm were .TfcsUmaoktMO* JBRsawirtoimei BAtd. Ex> tension of Rolls, Mbotilted their Report at fOlfowil! i fa UM JtoaaraaU taeaVerl af Sa^wrieert of FreuiHa aty—Tsar OeotaUltoe ea RxaatlaaUsn aad Ittsn- .of iesiteaiiaf Rolls, woeldrsspectfally report that r bava earerottjt asttotoeBaad onwaoteB aft appar- arrersia the Rem er tba seretaltowas, aaaaabsalt taaauaeAtaow correct, as far as la thepewir of year * JOHX*PARRe»,0halmaav ' And the Report was accepted. The Commluee on (lie #. a Deposit Fund nbmliied Uwlr Report u follows: Te this fleaersbte toe Board ef BaptrvUors of the Osaa^F ef FrsakBa- Tear CliiaiairMie appetoted t* ex- ^BBawtoBB ^BW^P' •^•__ 1 'T™^^^^ , "__,'»_*^W "• *"* awr^xWHP" -er*Bre|L Showing intendeat, »Bn*'-Svf:j' inlhehands of the Super- ig Jo t®» gopi., House and oats, -v.' fc-w.heiit, barley, snaths friuikUuCouut/jttetttiameoi Tka ua«toraigue<i, •• •eMHHNMpV' l vVVVV #**"P t^» ••lelWlBWvBFjf'^BBte Treasurer of aaJd County, WO u port that there are new our" I saj&BRk of MB* OH»«y> vUl tatday raapectfttflyra." Th«ae»A*CtoS^*we^eaCewB*y B*tr*i to«1ka>abwfto(d aJf^lfflibsjaTreaaare* "itondaof the IsTtoaoa, upoa w4leh J* ""^ fil* _**";jg*V «»*.*3 r ** 1 ' thTrVwIU hejhas ef p£of»a7 aw the J^S=faZ^F***^ blv apW ^iaww Vw ^Bs^BBw^Baxw* ^s^BW^sewe^aF ^9 •••a/lF^r^F ^^aesBw^aal HHsvRw*Vli ew*^W ^a^w*» ^B^ex^P aRBR|jl <Wl»t.F^ J «tojraar. ' . T t m . "II ^ *Woi There are ROW an^^spe^cyeBsadtr^ ^r» ^^B^ aWal ^BBwa^exew ^BBB ^^p^B^B^^BaRF^Bas^W a^^la^y ^FT .I^M&% 1 *S3tB^t i,n* Areolneeewet eto taaBBe BtBSBBBiew^FeVMewi;^ $»0,58e _ Haklug Which araottnt the »total of wlrf be raotrlredte '" •4ikBB)4a'4ni ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | t ^ a^to^BBxexexi A&Bxt afildexexeBRixexea* xexexe1B^K*4 4 Tt» MUM* tJTfw»teiii »••*• wa ^RMeMMreite^f tetosh^lliM inlNMMX wtei Tetsl ssteaat ef principal owLaaa was Ae eatf. af aetaeiaai recelred eaatartoaies * FraakRa Oe Beads stnee last report hi , B*,«l« 01 m iSObiiih? »o * " •65;' -y 1* ••*? -'"' peas, » *»v- beans, * >8tK) lb». livo pork, •00 -.•"'»-»' beof.v, •|(k- -j'^buttoK," "' ! HS sheep,:' -v,;,••,-?•.. Seowbi .-- -;>, A--.-'-• horseSj .«--. ; slipht,, 00 jairds flannel; sewing mschinc, lAoraerako, 1 douMs wagem, ipafeof sleav "'k l JBjrXla Parker,,, ' ' . : " r ^."'--J:/\<- ''^ tt **y*»jf. '**W*ea«a»-Mea«B*.'fe^ Wrtedaatasstucd on the taxable property ef the town fJ^l^fu^S^^^SS at*, »Se proper reseluUon from the Board ef town e| ^»ItolitQ:wAtoauthorlswthe same Baring beea pretsatedtoihU B#a«atr^Ka»e#$sassh5p , ' M " * ^ " TheCommiUce on EquallEAtlon'aubmlt- ted their Report aafollowB: : - •. 1 set double; KAfRcsa 1 eart hwrBass, ^ ~ l-bo»e.'cart, : '-^'-Y :•• 2'plowB*:'- ;-/-"• l.aouote.-dMa^,.'.'' " 1 ooUivator harrow 3 soyttea aad snath 1 grain eradie, 4 small TAketf, ;'• 4piic'»forks, , 8 uienuro forks, 8 shovels, i ,n' rttb'n-bar-,--: !-'-.-,- 1 pick axe, jl-._ - 1 shovel plow, 1 fauuiiig. mill, *ie!iains, ; .--i'- l ' -..'.:,,-• By Wm. Dawson, Rtiuhtd, That all non-resident school taxes bere- ssiested upon the lands In the several WwBs from which Uiey were retmrhed, according to the retains thereof received from the collectors and trustees of School Dis- tricts, and thereby appearing unpaid. By V. B.:JDller, Betohcd, ihatthe SttpewlsorsW thb severaltowas, re-SHEUaU unpsS resUtent taxes returned by the col- lectors of the respective towns upon thy several lots or paresis of laadopoa which they were origfaaTiy assessed, InT.cases where, in the opinion of such Supervisor, such .eaxesare ceneetahle,,and,in all cases yher* A* said taxes are not collectable, la. the judgment of such Buper- >-isor, they shall be charged upon the town In which they ;,wjre originally asaessod. "'.. " b.i By J.Jtf. Wardner, Btiolved/ That aU taxes upon *oa-re»Ident lands, herttofort admitted, and subsequently cancelled by the Comptsoller and charged to this county, together with tho Interest theiseon, ds a»ea» by the Comptroller's statement to the County treasurer, be now-raised, levied and assessed upon the towns In which tha lands are sit- uated on which the taxes are aw» csneelleu',. to wfcp- Dpon the town of Branilon '^.ilS 70, and upon the town ofFf»nltlIn«67 2S,,ananpontho,tQwn ot Harrietstown (423 89, exceptVuB,hawev«,.BU«t psrttons of said faxes as haye been assume.a.py tb^llaJBrd and ehsr^ed upon the county. " ..'.."" ' Generati ApnropriaWona. Resolved, That, the foUewiog sums be raised, levied and assessed upon the tkxablo property of the crnntyof Wanalut^fcoftBe^pnipoBtastatedj-towIt-:.; .„.,•:. 1 Jlor State aodRchool Tai,., . »25,67615 2 ForaalaTT-otObantyjBdie, sSK 8 Forsalaryof-DlstelctAttorney,. fDOfO 4 For salary afCtouUteJEr&turer. 6 For support of the Poor tor eosmngyear, 6 For Court and conUngenttund, ff T Payment of tostalmentaMlounW "Volunteer !• Bonds, fatttag-dueMarch^1,1857. 80J58S.OO BJa^alc^hlugtorJteafamlDumnatHewXorit , a -*. lnstlttrtton,-T. Edwaras, J.'T. Pierce, B. „-, ASblaw and Sarah Alleo, to September lv!887i. '• - - . . , , 9 For Bepairson Court House a n d J a n , 110 For Interest on Coanty Loan, , 11 ForSSlary of Snpervteorl* Clerk, 12 For Water Kent for Court Bouse and Jail, 18 To Indemnify Brandon, Franklin ana Har- rletitown for over tsxes on account of ex- - ampteO Isu'dSf - * - -,* *•- - *. -.3 14 To pairfor 1« copies HullSrTrestlse, j^TS . Total, " 863,S«22 Mtsoellaneona Co. Accounts bro't forward, - 2,439 89 Sheriff's and Clerk's Accounts bro't forward, 1,499134 Total County Charges, Jt?,e8r|o6 Board adjourned to Friday morning a t kSi o'clock A, M. '"I ; --- % 'FRTOAT^iWPH 3DA-Y. s FRIDAY, lToV?lo v ^o*6To^t,;A.Ji| r Board met pursuant to adjoarnment.-r» Fresent the Chtjlrmsla"Rod » quorum *Of mombera MinjiteiB off yesterday, *$#?!iM$. atoroVerl. ->... ; \-t fW.^Btllyde offered tbe^llowing re|[>ld- libn, wbich was adopttJ; ' J; ,;',;';_ \ Resolved, That the County Clerk of this County he and b e Is hereby authorized to purchase the necessary blank book for the purpose herein named, And to Index therein the names aridJprobfsiof.sal] persons heretofore naturalised in this County, and the names of all persons wlui-hsTedeclsJca their tatentlpa.toheoonw-clflieas. ' ,. ^ ^ . f j a ^ ' W f ^ ^ ^ f / ^ M n s *eao- lutjon, whicb* srafjpopted-l,: '..^V---.. Resolved. That tho;»um of one- hundred dollars.be and is hereby appropriated to pay the expenses of some suitable pert m to be sSlectedbytW* Board toga hefore the Legislature to ; assemble theicttatlag.j.wlnter, and make an effort to procure-tfie repealiifthii&ct incor- porating the Adirondack Bailroad siidLand Oompsay. Wheteupon the Bon. W. A. 'Whselsr was-aeleoted by the Board, and requested to accept the appointment under the fsregotag resolution, - . .'.- The Annual Report of Horace A. Taylor, Distrtet" Attorney, showing the amonnt of moaey8 belonging to tfe Couftity receiYed by biin aaring the past yeiar lb be iwerity»five dollars, together wUii. r tbi' receipt of the Treasprer therefor, was receiYad, read aad Accepted. ';; '' V- :_-.\ .""•'*-.'' : Board adjourned to 7* o'clock A. i t Bator- day. , v i »-»SrV-* ''•'-"• . . . v / ; . . , . ';• SATURl^Yrr^TH DAY. -•';ai^nT^iy,;;Kbr;.17^|-"(r\aock A, if. Board met pursuant to adjourtunent.— Present the Cbairman and a qaorom of mem- bers. Mfnutesol'yesterdayfeadand'approY- €d#' *- '-.j'^- " ,\ •• ' Ciiristophcr Brigga, 8tifiiertRtOflrieQt of the Poor, presented his resignation of the office ofSuperintendeutof the-Poori asfoJlowB: t . Tp the l|onorable the Board Of Supervlsoniaf Frank- lin County:—I bereby resign the ollloe of Supertatoadeat oftbe Poor of ibe County of Franklin.-*D*ted Uatoas. NOT. 17„19»6. ; CHatSTOPHRR RR1S03. Wldcb, on oeiB^ad,^»«a|cej^efR>xtl» Bprdi. 'Whereupon; oa rnatioa offJ.W. FleicWri^he Board proceeded to the elec- iion, ay; ballot, of a Superintendent, oftbe ISJOr |e fijr the vacitney caused by'jwid resig- nation. , ^, y^^.-r, , '- Whole number of votescait.V,...r..-.iL".*. '...,1,1$ . Of which Abljah White r e c e i v e d ........ i.»„„t8 . . And AWjnh White was declared duly elect- ed.) #.v.l- -" ,..,'... : , ':.'.'--,'lff".:;.s.. :. . TtieOUnir appointed Messis. Fletcher, A. fit. Miller, and Parker a Committee to notify Mr. While of his election, and Mr. WMte ap- peared before the, Bo»rd and accepted foe '$$S&j^;<•-?;*••••! '-".-:':i ,-.-•}. ..-i'^;:';--•'-,. On motion of Mr. Dawson, ;^j ," JEeiflftieAthat the Baptirfateadaat ef the Foer be re- quired ta gfre boo* latoepenal sum ef thnethoasaaB doilars.J- • -' ^ .;- t i-cti;. : s ',ti>''^ si yfhe oficaaiiondjof". Abijalv"ff^rj^BAp^s. tnlendOHt of the Poor, was presented to the Board; and the same with the earetleBthere- itt tiamedwas apptptftdjapdj #l& Rftc&rRp- 4r\wW^«s<kr J Riwas4MeSua^l.-ehAwaeii^wa J»«n 4it/>^' !_ Al^J. _f pro vat endorsed litei *ce oftlte Clerk of. the •u^^vVfmMi,- &>~-)--:* •. l,7tB t 'tf tettw . bare exaattoeBAM B^BTetexerxexl a^B^ffiKet^ffiexeta AxeW s^ffiext exexexexeB ^M^^S^^^KL An4«M Hwport IN *emp$i, tkm OoatxeaUUB ea K#sBo«a ABteslR.tR- p a t tRffifMBty itRTweVBd RORUIBBJ n|BfNB\|0 U»t» fajwTmtrtriRdkgtarged. ' . . -^ ;tRHBsl»aai Tka Oiisntal^fr ia TitMamrer'B BaauRad g ^ u admitted iWr rlep^ BR fonowV: tba fSSSS <USi . . . r r l r W w w^^ea ~ " af ^^*a*(k.-4^BB^iS| 'i '^b^'ib1io^lftj^^c^8iib^^i»B' pBtted, ibtwitr " "•' ,^-7;' w 's-.; c-'^^V;'".'-.'--i-,-'''" / ';MsJ&^mkti^ : '< : -'- ^.^ •'& '.'"; .-.'."•;. : Rexilvtd, that an extra ptrditn allowaaae of oae day be allowed ani»a»d to eacb-Biember of tats Board, excapvta to»*ine»vaoraof^thebra ^ofj^tletstowa. FranUlmand Brlgbtoo,aiQ« to the Superrbwrs of Skew towns, three days,tor «***»AewieesRadars*wtlbla sesslaa.,., •„*** - , ..., ,-,..„.. •--- --" •-•' '. - • "^•W^-Paw^ r ^-/tv.^*'.'f;.Vt' -/'-.-, .. 3f#sc*^That.the.«ipe«Wr«" -Taaebf-tbwasaBxeay ban a .urpW of money to theereOt af toerr resncUr> towns ino^o hands of theCoanty Wreatarer,** aathor- IsecVtodraw therefrom the same or sb aiacb thereof as a s j be aeeessary to pay the fees required by tat Its. lions) Bank of Malone for receltlng and dhWarSntsr tba meneystol?e paid on their respective town boBflsT^ , By/J, G. Diekey, ':r~_ ; « »- K**>lttd, That the Clerk of this Board be auTuwSed Sfu- to expend^wenty dollars In procurtet pamphlelt con- if ft tsictng the procredlngs-ofihe Beard lf P Raa«vheMM ~ this session, «n J that the sa«* be by l*» dfctrtawtea to the Supervisors sf tB« several towns ia till TTtiwnej. \. By tk-o. B. Greene, . . Resolved That A. R. FtanaMB be aJtowed a a d paid 2F»4?.WKF^^ MiK+Kit, That F. T. Ueatoaatttof u u a t a ^ - j u , . •ry fareeahed this Bos**, be aMawaR^JpabtP^^ ByW«.A»drus, . XesofiHd, That the •'— '— " - | . ..mi ,|I,M " t S2S?2S5!? SiSl?"* »£?*Aavei?SSNtoaarlb, to* wsrraaas teraba aaReattoaefll ^|^t»tAoa«<Rv;-'''';" *--*ff. IbeS Iks fjaib if Oli a JH> lT«i. Aaa«riij,:- :•;•--• :"•. «*soJa*aV That tots Board •«eb«As)c<Mdby«a««eas Sy.lrftMa^JOR^tRd^ toto. The Oomtnlttee on. Poor itoine And Bu- Intendent's ai^woJ^iiabmltted; tbe fol- IMIBBBIL Wlaifisk iLZZSfimH?^ ?^^««¥J>tot* >* IslwilU 7*%"'"*' "7/'*" Vy,.f4X ;'«t|? ->aat» *»• 3 r .VI-*! * l f * * ^ rjF«at|f r»W*»,rt*i*lli. r - •**• y*to|p s»»ya,* # i *TBt4"*^*»^'* ' . - . • V - - - waw^->4IV f ft<t4i SSjrjrilf . t B J P f f a f T * * * BWBV^BRBRwwi W* apiJftto'J etnr>li)a> BABji atil Vi »w*l Unfwrw '•"»«*•»!•• **.j. 'iAyt Ult* i'ftT: nfVtBB.l «J^aa»»b»i ite-J

Transcript of H^#> $2.o

, 5<<*s

MM&&&&, fahme


fha s f ft^g^ffirQ^y y.

.1. : Ev J , « , :«i».AiFfi» OFFICC, PALLADIUM BUILDINGS,! ; ;

.. Csray M»t» aadC^lifriaearette, MalwWtjw. T.


'. ' tw PaMSkaraexp^'aas » * i l r « «Jt witicr^ODtii ,

tt * T B S * * * » i r « R T I S I N i e : (twelre scSjd lh|e» of Noop«rW> or one Inch |t*' the Coj-

• amn, make a Square.} ." ^ -&• ISaureoaew*.*,. . .aiOOik Column one year ,$8MB> gieVtutisesSeaj^weeky 25|Ji Column one year, 4000

" Ttasrestxascjaha... SOOWOoItuonone j e M ' 5 0 0 0 \4^u« one-ywir,..... 8 00 f l Column one year 100 00

laui. ajrecavalexxxTS, at the rates provided 1 y Law. |jaj«s» C A K « notejceedinf **eilne»,f5ptr year—

StmiL N o n a s , preceding marriages Cod iciths, iJloe charged 35 per cent abore regular-rate*.'

Busuusa XuTiasa, Inserted In toe new» colum »?and til noiicea designed to promote individual interei i», WHI M charged at Hie rate of Fnrrr 0«wa fortS^B* it^Jne, i»dTax Cansfireachsuraeedtag One. "_,' ';

Ordinary amfciuncements of marriages and < Se»Uj», ^ «^_^-._«^ pads, bataH r smarts, communications, and ot ftiar^^tffejtlir •dices, prose ot poetry, fire cents per line. ,"

Ul Seconals ft* advertising are due at the tlmeiof the tro insertion at the adrertlsement. Adserttsemenfs skoald De aarke 1 the length of time to- be Inserted, otb ervtatbej! will lie continued till forlild, or at the |)pOon of the publish e n , and cbarjedaccordinily.

K y * A | M » * J U L O 0 S , tfader tsy «laratjSt ISSasMJauery, Ualone, N. T. Wan. UealeataHhowrs. Ice<>ee»faK>iehedror Parties, or serTed at toe 8 » l o j e y , Oysters

Served In e v e r y B t y i e . Cnbieeeta Brand* a r Ales and Cigars c o n i t i n t l y on hand. Baltimore and r*lrhaV»«

0 G D B N 8 B U K 6 H ; . N . Y. H»Tl» i and commodious buUdlngeorrier Streets , the snhKtiber has opes,! k n o w o a s t h e TALLMAN B0TJ8E

; i»c iWW«-»i«« Kto: owavffBeeaal ' '

- f ^ l P « f e o l # ^ tlcularly iDettcd to call. Ogden

AugSyl J ,

• -f ^ ' ^ r ^ | ^ f f ^ £ | ^ 'eKdRGrJVV^IGaf.Proprtetor.tlbrnSrotmekmsnand

Business Directory. 0 . H. 4TAHXQU,

U S D SORVBroK.—May b e found to D. N . Haul lng-ton's I nittHtnee Office, tfalons, S . Y. Ul calls promptly at tended t o .


i on ,S .Y . -"


ftnJfainMlL T||iii ilw' Twawjitr t i n t t ( Mito' •si?

H ^ # > $2.o<y iw ADYAMcae.


S 3:

ri^M^MaJric. r^iA)EMA«i^#ropi^rJt««M^MIJM^BtB^| tel,) Ogdensburgh, N. Y. This House Is eligibly situa­ted on the corner ol Ford and »ttte streets. I t has recently oeen refitted and refurnished, and In all 11* sppolntmentsisanritclaijbotel,, ChargestessohaUe.

and Places of Aaittsement.

„ At the Aaaiut Ibealag <tf ttM Qo«n. of W8ur^i*r»0f.tUeGwntyWKr^|tW«;«^ •**• jen«a •« tUeGowt Bouitv io.dic tow* ol

M*loo«, .iajMlt GkM»»/|ji^id«r«». Jionn d. j . tbe lJih a*yof^trtSiw7ia«^»M« o'clock,.ll.i/lbo Mfowiiic 8op«*rtao«» * « »

" SEOL •'Ww«^Ttv.:il...;"..TK;.B<aioi*iiW.

«th<t4l» k« tiTMi t* th«. Pai#it«f-*• fteM e<|t<w

' BtwW ft j iww^ jo WadrMw&tjr womlof M 8 | U 4 ! S I 9 E < A J .••%.-. *CJ •' & / . i - * - ;: •«f

j '"' ' ^ i ' * ' ' • - ; f i - ^ r ? t J if'.?? - .• ' j ; ..'-,-,'"• i

tfA.;WJ|pNli3I>4Y^3,la|iUls^A¥,i 1 •

*%Bo« a me£ tioiftittbatctor *(Jjournnt«qS. ?r^tiit%5C*fiittti»a'i»fetfftqtiorttr«ofjuem

.Mv* *'" '."'X'2~£Zz'u <"'•«*.»'.'• ' ' ' . '-:•.-'-' V''' > ,Ori n»oil<i»'i»y W.fcffir^ic^tntttoe of a w ^ ?pi»loiW % tile JpliHlr. to ex^aitie flte«iljlrn» oftUe icrtna tof a* jbiitlBg wlili la tlielrlluiimlttaij* belongingJo'jlie Adirou-

v lUIou, tti doUier ejce»pKJd Jartda op wltkih tte t^eih^ye;b«Dwkcl*d awl canceled by 4hf jt?on4»B#rn for4nt|i|pi»ity% gtttte^nd fuuaty, t»x« ;;ii|«»tolbre iinpoied oDMcb u>wti» byrcnaou ol iaij •+—•»-• *--—*— •-:-*-

• h i t l i f s r e t i t • f ' k s WtltewtM sf WeHhera Ksw Y i r l . Jhs*lseir rn>t-»»IMI»<r«(»eielwrtr y '

M t *t tkeM fritOefea MnwrMMM e* » « n r to «TtM tazitlwt. Kwr «» we » < l ^ t ^ j i ^ !«#> Mrifcs

UUMlS '•tiMsr

f , Pr«wnt' Ibe CltilrinaD And » quorum of < - a»«nb|r». Minutes of; Teiter^itT read and

» ?* *-gwwJs%..»»wy-.i»M»jP'tirt

luclujedju Ibe m»«»menU! ol »ucb.ioWut, and tUBCliATr annomicedMjs^clj Committee

. ^ r * %flevfttrk«r, W e b j s i , ttpd; " " i!**r.. v.-'v .-r..-.:t\ ..-.- ,;•*••.£ %-^. .v".-

The followlM^ circular trutii the Ckimpirtrin

^ 3 H 0 ® K j B ^


Cbatnneay,M. Y , O T « ClsrkASoper'aStore. S] leeial mention paid »• clUms.foe Pensions, Boo-tleS,4c.

iTTORNEY AXB COUNSELOR AT LAW, Commercial E»*,'Malonef)sB.. T.-JoUf &r>m- ' '

IftORNBY AH0 CODNSKLORJIT t A W , o t tfceWt-ersl Coorts of IfieSaie'; and Proctor, Attorney), 80-

- Bdtor, Co4UwleraM'AaNveate^th*'Ooatu eft th«o-CnUed States, Fort C^TtngWn^rranklln Co., S. Y1, : 1 '


- ' " i'4-y-^s* Onnlies, J

' -^i^i»&

% l n g t ^ -FrankHQ.

ty-ftJr # « H d :

tr^t^lUpoi tue ymr 18W, ««« Ui>l btJorw ibe


electtoir, bybalJoi,of»OlmirtUaii/witb tfcy lbUowiug^«Jt: •-'-•« ••v.-.^-.-rH*:^V(>r?;"

* Of*l^/0..<WitB»rea^:«leW»ett... iw.'ii'u1»? 1 *

• . ,, C o a r r a s t L s a y OfTioa, *LaAHr,B«pl. « t k j t « W , J>«« <%*•/«*« fear*^' S*p*nl*>r*iWi Conk* • i1#PjJfr<tii*Mmr^--»--:^ '• - ,-v ."..0, :•/.!«•{' -, aa;—n»BoarAof«<i«aUs»lloaef Taxes, In ftawe-anss^fOkspteVlU, of U . Liws oflSW, haVeltWSs aggr*(ate valaaUM eijprsMrly ,|a y»urOe<Htty,at Ul* —_•,.-».•»«•»«• «j#«i|4ieli.atnoiutt, a atate taxef

erl*! for the carrsnt year, bsiac . . . a^ar; fcrtke re«ewl«r»iri>^«,

'3*tr •• v-Ji-v'.v ;• .-,i.-.*.-:-. • .-..>-. •. ' . . - ' • »er «*hsol»,X»f*ssUl, per chapter oo5, laws ISM. f or Qeneral purpose, IX do * de «7Tt. f 1U«, reMtasis, ^ r ? ^ e 1 aJtrf,% «• i»»! IPerjOaMW, ...-.- • <.<p»1i.. do J i t . »;• J8N. .Jfor -emeaslon of Ohsnante Canal, «-!« ef • •ULper-sWOraimlalntJanaLo.Wof ft tall l .psr ekspUr 1M,

.••O&teindJlH'' ^ i v ' J - i . - '""-.-'<> ..;:-'-' • '« ~ ' ' ^ a b a ' UlLtnODdlV OoaiplrolKr.

' A commouicaiiou. ftoru tL P. Peel, Princl l « trf tbo New York InsUlUlloti for Hie Deaf AiKtDamb, incloeang bill for i h i etetbiogof TJtbtoa* Kdwttrda «ud J s n e s T. Pierce, pu

. BmtH&i n^»s' |>M^efl^l l i iBsly frees Tratils-lla OsAt; u * tin leaaUt ft*» tU* fNrtet be r*sn«et< tally rayisetsd te —a alt, • mirslls eiette U aitara a eaecHeaSeai eftkrlraSraibes «tia»e* te' alt eeMMaMe

to the Bearw *r «qMr«eriar:«rer« C««My wkftfeUrritotjr We*waeMjr er ta »«xt wttala the Bstlto of that "aa^a^teredceni to^t t^ae^Tae WlMer. nesaef MertfceraKsw Tec*," aa^aefc lee ss eaereflie er soch Bwrd In securing a repeal>f the fraaeUee here­in eeeapWaedeC • •™"-^,--. ^ '•t:.:;.^.ri--,.|:<. :•• The A»notlBeportcf 4lwOo«e^i«oiicHi ,01*. Excle* f^ t U c y / ^ We*, w/i« pj^euted arid read a» followi:.. r ^.'..,_..,u.. .-,.._,,f ••_ v To the SouA of 8|ipei#e«w'of tM^poaftt/ ot

rb'rtii*<^nt»bf fninkllBrtipeetfuUj nfj^rt, to your lionorabto bodjr tbrt tk«» kava r»o«»•* .«» fotaraiwlontri of Jfioiaefor Iloinid* f»nt«| . by them and for fine* Ttoe«»e<t dmriof «M y«|f i t i f o b k l U l l e a U t l M a ^ i i a ^ ^

Tbtr'.tlwy biro gr»btW:Mri»* dmWg i - ^ y oat «nde* Motions of th«aatoaUtl«d«j»et to eopwesalnteinparance, paaporism y^crpnoj pawed April I6tb, 1857, to tho tMVmmg named peraoJu, teepera-df-ftoeah, tUr^kftf«»»••ft op;

&&&&$&$*• ?*•- - W

e^vllle, ,-.„ri. , .* ) 00

Tbe Comtnlttewi on Norj-Realdent Retwot ••brnlttod^^A«^Re|)ort,M follows::: - ' ; t t o the BeasraWeJhf Sear4 ef aeperslseri »T Frank-

MtOe«aty-Tear O M M I K M « • Keet-aUsWeat KtUrne w*ald reepectrally txa4rt. that Ihqr bare exaailaed tint Ito-EesldeBt Highway aad Scboel tax retaras of the sereral towns, M a 0o4 tfcta eerrcet, ea set down t» the (sf lowlsrsehidale: ' •""•;-..". .':'••-.' _i ' C

Towita Non-Rest Ul fbway

Men-See'* Bcbool '

• ' - • * * ! . • • • -

XeluBont; ~~"dooi 1008 *»

4*1 00 -ettJS 1 S 8 » BIO 00 S41 0*

•13 OS U 00

9H 00


-. •» i

IVanklln, HarrlsUlown, ;"ii 'ToSsi, , - J 1SM6 w ; !kii^?S/?P;*>'«,»?«y« «ra»M f««»«r bsg Isare to offer .lev rouowiaa! reeoMttlen: . r***ot^d, -That the amosnti unpaid, as appearinr 6jr * • fftoossef the collectors end orerseers of highways j^Heewed epon the leads of the ssTeraltewnete which th>ybeto»i. WM. DAWSON, ChBrman.

And the Report and Resolution were Adopted. **Qk motion of j . Q, Dickey.

^ * f f » ^ * ^ U * «*«f efthe Oeojttj of JTranklli: *&2?W:4«£»',*d'"J0' «»W>orthii JaTsaUe Delia-

W<wtl «dcattOB>t aallna^nt, at tts^Jesraey,

> We also report tha i the CeaeayTreaanttr baa borrew f d upon ths credit of Oie eeaerty, the sae» of eight thon send dollars, at the National Bank of Uslene, opon bl» official note payable In two months, to supply a defici­ency arlsln| from the TeJeeHea of taxes by the Com)' treBer «fc »#«oirt. 61 la»4 W » « l » f to-the, *dl«,n.d»c Oeespaaiy.an^raadoerrrfratleBjwhefelands are exempt from taxation. CLBMBNT B. EtYMOLDS.Chalnnsn.,

A n d t b e Report was accepted, A

Pootv^r»esented^aiiiuui(U R # o r t , w.liicb on being read wag accepted tefoHows: *

Franklin GountyT^CuTiato|ibe"rBrizg*, Superin-tondentOf tboroorof Fr«nUliB*SmnQr,wonld , , ._. respectfully present for your eOnsSeratfon 4h e I erased, then the same or such part thereof jbau heas-

by the County, by resotattoO of this Board. •

The aceonnts of the gaperinteDdsnt were examtaed and found to be correet; and proper Touchers far all accoaats saalnst the county fur the benefit of the poor »ere foond to hare been jeaulred. . For a statement c* the financial condition of the estab­

lishment, your committee »oald refer ypa to the leport of the Soperli.lendenl. All of which Is respectfully sub­mitted. ^^..XMg^fJ^WJfflKI^Y.Ohalrman.

Aqdv^e-Bepal l fvj i ta 4*cjepted. : , ^ J , ^ Warner,' - •-$m>t^k SHuil^e^unejiiorapf^&«'*fS3 ,*i0* IS'

re-ss«e» all.r«iiected. taxes returned from thelComptroU-er'e office, nnoo.A'oseVelsl lota Or parcels oriand upon whichthey weretojrlgfealfe asfessed, an4 Jo casettat , fw ,want«faprppsr descripUon of lands, or for any oth­er reason, the same or any part thereof cannot be reas-

186U,VUII ,

There bus been audited andal-lowed- during the 'year, ending -with (ho' dote of thjs report, do-nmnJa ugttinat tho couutj' umpuot- . irjg.to the snot' of seven thonsaud two hundred and elqven dollars

'fi)rW»*<f,Thst0ie8uperlnt«ndentof thePsor heal-to*fjj a i r f p a l d ft* t x a n ^ e r t l B f LeaaUcs to thst As»lom


- r^"



,30 00 torn


Opposite old Bsaklfla- Hgase , MalonejJNjY. .. . . . ., . - ~*'n»r86n " attention s i ren lit c l s tms for f

W. & Doxmxk. -Sf;Ci«iW»«

TAYLORS HOBBS, sTIOItNEYS AH0 COnRBILOSB AT LAW, Nw. . ,0nfc» Block—orer F.T. Beath's Drat;Store, Hal'iae. *lta,TirtO«. -:'• ^ ^ -:•>&"- ^ . H O H - '

ffarsiciAN AS&*gGji«a»#,*lr d[eo *flrirfia East ot the HeUiodlst Church, MaJone, H . T .


C. W - O R A R Y * I rarsiCIAN AND SOKGJCON, WLofomerly pract^eed

swadnistFortGorlngtoD.and^ortheputthre^Bj ' aSurg|ba la the U . S . Army, would announce people of Slaloaeand rlclnlty that he haipenoaneatly heated ia this place, and sollelta a share of puhlitiat--ransge. Residoace at Dennlson Wlllard's, two J " : — •oath of th* Brick Church. Office Kb. 1, PI Hock,uprtaira. • ' »

G. M- lb We H- eRARY,! ^ SFSGKON DBNTIST3, Koona oyer She

Fanners'NatIonalB«nk,Haloa*,*Y. . 0r,G, H« CaskT wouldsay-tohls^ld

. _.. ' iHCn^ana.patrohs , t t^^hai fo)tm-ed a copsrtnersiiip with hi* brothel-, "W«. H. CaiaT, who hat just jraeoated atthe FWlaAstphla OoUef*.of Oeatal SurferViUia that thexwUiceoUnne the Oedtal biiiness In alius branches, at Ml cMBooeu over Jttie rarmers* srafiooal Bask. Theyare areparedtotofcr-tora au Dentaloperations la asaperlor aMnareaBcXat aoit reasonable prices. BplenaicVTeethrlMertedtpn til the Bases noar In use. '. • _ _ . * . '* g.H.CasJT,P.D.a . W-a^CataaTiK'

.DR. a* M. winm.cm SsDRGgON DENTIST, Main «l ¥ "S.Y. Office In Palladium

Story, FroBiSooas . AUoperatlona »erX, .—._ oast satistactory manner. . T e e t o OUed; extracl Inserted. Partlcalar a l tept loo pa id t o Bets 0 0 Malone,J«n. 10,18*% '•"---;.:.

itintitrttnnnttemfinY, of Kew Y«rk. Capttsl andSarnlut, ' •[•v-^^;V^lB/^A'fi,

ColDrabial nraTjrTfapaiy, NeWYork.

u DR. H. W . MERRICK, : f'OetTisT.-OSce aear the Foet Office, Fort Corlngtiin. f' »yf»tronswiU-ttadawattVreoa»r«FortOOTi) i8r "iwafrom U» IstSo theMOjOfeaeriaKmth. TheSut ' afeachmoath t OeTote to other UwwalB.FrankttB«ad 'I 8t. t^wrenee eowaUee; -. ' J « f e e « * | . ;

Z S. J» HARWOOD, (tSSKRat. ABUSft f«r FrankBo Coanty <u>d Gaoada

W'-tase, far « t H * JOT* IrWORAJCB OOiEAIFr,, of

'. CMapaar^f PrMtdeae*,«. L OmceXaJoneiH. T .

J v . - l^to.i»wau-a^a<»iC*a«j»aiaiF'^ : - . - , , «

I1U1I Bm/U Xile Ifliirurt Cflapiiy,: *M«ls Tsiinsrr tit'fgfili - > , s f t i 0 4 a ^ S t > CO n r ^ u , T . < ^ * . g r i « r e w » . ^ V ^ t ^ ^ ^Me^-0*-*«l toJef* l i 'OSeSpai^ 'e«or*to^^ ^ - « - - - • * - * " » - — -•—--••>» —-- - - « • - . - - - -

w •••'*. W e T U H - e Y . iJvHOLCaALC ANO RCTAIL D t A L B R in 4 and WbUUes, Ala and Lager Beer , Poteen affifi .. Whisky, Rata, ftaltt and Confectionery eenstaat ly toft ^ band. West end e f the Bridge , » s j n Street, MaVtrnJ ^- - ' - - ' r ' n ' • ; ' c.'•':'."- '' "-V-'T^IJ "*-'r - - "" •"'•

MARtil l _ 3 l t r F A C T ^ l i | i - - * O O f c l ^ - i - r x - . - . _ , . , . _ .

teBduig :«e*r , « a i * » B r » f«i*try, . «al»«ej :».l Sash, Doors aad tfflade oanstanOy on hand, and all j Jen mill be promptly itteaded to. One of Woedwortl Flaning Uachius has been added to the maehlnd

reasooable rates. - Also, a Tongoelng and Groor Uaehine for aiatctting Coor boards,; Ac.

JaALtR' IS; WATCaa^ CLOCKa AND JBWKLK j ; * » « , - aad 8U»er . f m e c Ware, Faaejr.aeo'it; « I; W»^,„ , Ctooks aad, Jewelry Repaired.' » o i * a i v <»«'i Bloek= Kaloee, M. ?.

HEATF* & BREED, '>'<U'LRR8 I S D R I G S , MRDtCISltf , P a l n U , OiU, D< _ H U F J . eerfutaery, (Statloaery a a d f a n c y ttoocts,/

,-. s « . S . C o l o a W a , * , Malone ,H; s*. .

T. L. MORGAN •e I ^OlUUoalOif M*)lCJUNT&. Graia,Fto»rJl

,?"»w^*» fe.So. f8';ii^)eatreet,Chta«pirT 5..1' * -.'";.. !

PAN6B0RN.0AVI8 *Hr\Ti,EM, >HP0RTDB kHO JOBKRS of Faosy Goede, Taaifce J'l«»ttOM,a*,!^l»-««a4*»y.Hf«f**.ra " •1 loav.fuumkmt- -. Aix»a»e, OIYBU,

*n^t«W;..'r>^a,- 1- ;. , 'a»'aaw**,.B*Tp«».

,1 * ^W^S^OH'^R * G& i-j * H 0 U a A L 8 d SO CKBSi 38 aad 30 RsaJefStreet , three I Jaors east « | Bro u lway, N e w York.

Haiar V?. B i t c g t a , W a . G. Dtcxissos.

*1TU BALDWIN, F Q a « < CO., Wholesale Dealers , • 10 Boots, ghoes, Leather, Ac . , No . J* Fark ROW, oppb-' • w t h « i » t « r H o t » e . rormer locaUoao / the Park The*-' trt,-.»ew t e r * , . ' . , . - ' . / . . - ,

'_H.-Mt,Rsawntt--j- p$xt!%1tem. Ha*** Oia.;

? ^iCST^WaiCMAM, ! U c w t g R D A U O T L W R R R * . f«r t h e O a a a e y * f Fraahl la .

' : taeUon t a l e s a t t i s M e d t o a » d WRs relrtebsa w b e a r e -'," *aks i^"C»atoa« pay, K, T .

LHOLLAND & Q . t C ' a U T B t aWAMOk, <»««c«»-

«M te F.Clark) at the a*w I M a ^ i r a f t . , I U » » a e .

I C . D. OUMMINQ8, ' * I t * » T tTABLaV s a Feart Mreee, t W e a e . % Y„ M a *

:v Rsay-SaetsH* e f the

„ , iY S T A B L E . ^ f y l i a u t] Jtrrrar,


SEWING MA PailRdium BrUrdlngs, MRldne, N. Y.

sfflffb s;^

^ ^

«Hi ^^W^*1^^! Representing •,'fute^ifnxap.ec fisPv.^; ±. i j ^ S i w - - . r - - ~ -

And a SurpWof " - ' " * * » * • ? * * » * » * ^SP% Making a totalaaonat-of xeenrity. • 1 1 if ni.' M , I -• '»»-r«

agslnstJeseeabyirireof • lC"l"' l 'Mi»'.

W I R E ! WM 'Write COHORT, ,1 lartt««.

.Aplta1aB4-c%rjtlBa,-.'. ».••':*• " *,.--"' -. . |*,0«T,«6o80

«pTtaJJa*o^r|»ar}>'>^ ,=* ^ « 1 * ^ ^ t | t '^8RH» «

PlittHiilHiaMa»cCewjaMyfoflIaitf.r &pl^iuia^^it f i f t^;^^ ._a-|liB0JSJ»0

* i a , 9 « a , a » » 8 4 On a»Kr.JS&ta*a^ y « J - G . T. Olark, Geo.

..-.,.; ., miif*F4eiria? >'gi?i


pBtfttn tiaiKrice-CoinpaDy, of Hirtferd. Capital and Surplus

* • . i - - - * . ^ . - - ,'-


Hoiae lawMiice Compaiy, of New York. CfapltiS'lncfSlirpru*,--' -'V^'X^titMtJJto**

••'•> • :

TbK, "" " " ' thfc


< ^ 2r*a«raT^ J k w t o - « ^ . 4 ^

wipTO .3^fr.''M iij»i!ic.

^^^Wii' .Jra^ihee^eCe^dei^beraleed. leT.

atlWIta Nr i f i ^ a f a a « ^ i » , Treat the t * ^ifleeshsr, Mlta, totaa aawaey of »s>tialnf, UK. •

^Aeoamun^e^wfx^iher^teBDrxrin-t t rid*ht of Public Instruction, notirylrit: ibis JBoaFd that Herrrjr. AsbUW, of Hsdone, luvd. ^a UieceftiftoateofChriitapheTmM&M*



tW*JLndrus,A.aMUier, Wfttwson.Qea Tremble,

Retoif Wren

H. MJUW. Wra. Andr

eW<ltWdi»»aaae#»llSealtia e l w l l l W ^ ^

O. C. Psaae, Maloue, -tf-c .A.B.jr^r»afan, -*•-. „ ,,,-iv, • • tfoaea ATDustttl, 0l»l8s#oiijri^ #•

JS. Aldrioh, Mob»* aliouael Grltln, «~ - ! <* Ja*. Lawrence, " ,?**«$> v, v --« Henry IrfircU; Burke, Cyrus HoJ Nelson I t 3


' » o o !

80 OCt: iiooo; «0 0 0 f

arrjUca,thesamor^btty-flre cToIIara Tor each i o a i h e x with oneLunaUs, and far each additional Lnoatlo, at Oreiwaie^ournoy, the s u a of twenvy dollars. , |fiie€!qmmluee^ on'SaHmtsS wibrnittM t|teir

•*port,*a*fo!low«: . ' . . : . • ^ T e , " t a e Boaorable the Hoard of Superri iors o f the p e a a t y o f F r a q k l i a - Y o u r CeaualUee o n Salaries br'g

• -- r r , . * " • * » » < * . That the Salary o f the Oouaty T r e u u r e r of

_ , W , 0 0 : e . w c * * ^ a n ^ ^ - • -' io 00, - SiS^ES*!:SSLISStfAWSS PSIW?.1? ff»««R*

-OoWeHtlii P . tObjr4, v - f S 7 ^ KlhhsvJIollisfefeVyastrfne, EbsnexerJ^nardv. " , r r ^ n

FrankW.Stonghton, « ; .-JJ.wrj f,•. $$£>; j

Wui.W.8hadd, * "* , Clark Malholumd, Bw»»*r,

jWlMui a,llus^lUBainbafc; . JohiiBtlrkti, - <" '* •*- 7T '•' JEUtsBOwkar*: v 'N. ^ . - ; , '*gffi'i?l= a'tF1*0©<*»»*J^»tfai .HisCBlfRneotts Coupity; Jamea W^Blllotts^v " , ^ . . . .v _ » » i -i^roimiRTOliaittedttteir Repor^MfolloisV Jor^JS?8a»ney, Uantorr -«-—• J - * » « ! ^ j f , tt, He^able the Board of Buperrlsorsofjltte

. tricasald sun shall ce»|KBtaUoa orsaId,r«as-•b«a faUforallihe aaaual ceaaeataL , „ _

i** 1 ' " ' rf ' A.H.atU£a^ChalrlnaiS. • ^od ^e}Reaolutioa wa» adopted. ! .pite gdmitelttee oto JJlsceilRneoiia

Tfcay auwmwtadatoWlloansaato tha^ultaflug •*iraMpt86oxev«#-«ts^'-^! J-**-^--" >*' ' Herurt"*'nup«rVlek, <Jluiaawe T,

^tffmiQftitims&trsi* <i stff kt Diver*

fetrert ,;":fi0*M Clf^VOflrOeCMfo' iog as aboard Oi Cbti " ine^^jr RfleFtM


nacta a'-t

Present tbeChiirai»naiid»,qt,

'*itfi,>1J^a««^3rr--J*''-'-*' S'l^'"^^^^.-;'',

|)U-ev«; tbSKew lferfcliistlWCkjn for the Deaf



thetowbr^ftWBn.M RnopU ins«idTn• ; j aliuitton, whstt on * rfUrtion f William *o*

f'*(ee>»H"^M»«Wo*«iily»x|Bars-b^ ted aad aeaearb<tii^ta« taxable arepeHyef thaoeisa-•- "—-'- W^^t/ff-fifm * * ^ o f t a e f ^ A i W a w .

... : « ^ a e a M 4 t f ^ 4 ^ t o a ^ r ^ M e V ^ ^ l x s t ;*»WM^I»jt««j»>rs'.ltJIv-t^- :-j->j-; •*;"„ t - ; i * i •

t y j W i M U * AtMsritaV ','-'/rv ,i<'.-;;r r - , ' - ^ ! , . ^ffMTM^Ci^a4ai'thk'B^arcl'l»a«tior,': •erf 41reetoi tobam «et the OaaeeUe* YeJaatoer

b y t h ^ < ® T 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ ' , ^ , f * * ^ ; The Oficial Bond of WlliUm D. BreuuaQ,

dulf * p r ^ i ^ «»* *U& »aote apRfoYal #a-i t o i M i ^ e s ^ ' s ^ o r d ^ i i t t bejjiedlib theolficejpf the County.Uiwk.; ;Viwt.."?.,'. ' ^'^B^j^pe^.C^tWltw^lBiipob^^

_ f c mjjne »nd;i*M^itorM lbs dalnjiof lUeser . " r eriJ towns haVfHgl«id«wltbln their lbnits

?-:. w*leffia««^toptfroattaaattoa', tat which

,r >>; A > f S S B | * ! S M ! ^ - : P ^ ^ - ^ ^ i i f . , _ • : f c t t HeaorabU the Beard ofSew

Tr.veUr'iJMiirti«C«iintoy, Hartford, iBbsarea acalttat AeefeTeatU erf »)»ltl»4|«

.&r^ao4^^\;-.'-/'ri-^ •--'; r¥#eiM»Mff 'W^kf^f^m^iale^ob^' i*© !•»

'- >•< -, •• eWIWet f r 0 » 4 ^ ^ ^ ; r ' ^

hare been paid by these Oompanles doriq« the Fearysar

«»uSf«tirrlvw4*S«ao«ratetthe adraatagie>riai1rrlng In sound and-r«GabteCo«rpanles. ' .t;7'"*-':"":

The following from a well-known underwrlier of this State Inrelatloa to CBUPlpsarancsis worthy of perusal;

" It Is iiapursaieaoaoaty, bat rtqllssfxadaocs taseek

ing.. T*e only Iegltiatatoreenlts ofInsaring property htodtqudtt ratet is bankruptcy to tha nnderwrlter, aad p e r h s ^ ^ m 4 a s a ^ a ^ , ^ ^ n ; a a * « e « e « e r s t o f a -•ureATWc^w^aWto, elsarfsfetsselit *ad failure are jost is certain ss pessoaal exWaTagance—boyond one's Income—Is next door to porerty and want. , Ah Insar-

teas essenUstto5r»sp«rlt>*i6«r«^dlridaalarTBa«a utcoua Kcar ax<*aa TBIO« axnawstesaor they wUlhare as early insolTeacy, andbeebostgnedtothetembof the 'fl'apateto.*-' - - - - •'. ••'-" -" ' ' • - ' - - t- -•!• ,'' •-

FaMtose^sirlMBaUsauiBBOaiaoaaAeeirftable rates, »maod»tothslra4TsatMeto_appljr at t b i s ^ c a b e ­fore Insnrhrg or renewing UtelrycaeteaelseWherei

FwlheconTehleneeofaarttekrest^toJertOowtiw: tea and Caa4eaa«ar, apftOcaUea fcr laearaaoe la any of t e ^ S ^ s O a i a i a e a e a r a u y b a l M ^ the former, aaJidwln O.Roberta ofthe latter place.r{.

OaTee o»er aUu-r, tXraMa *Co.*» Store, MaloiM, M.Y '.. • » . l « . a « a J l f T * r f O » « n f , A « a a U . '

J . J« & J.-.Kit Printers of and Dealers l a

I L e ^ W UIs»ksFrlnt«dt»#r«er.


A STOBV AllO A HAtir DWKUJU House, and Vlllsge l o t , for sale, dtoate on f U . .

street, Katoae, Sear the reetdeaee of B, B. Tboaipsoa. Tenaa reaeoaable. Time will be tirea fiHraertailae pries. Roqalraof CHAAH.^IA*,

At Land Office, on RhaBtreet. Malone, Jute « , l S A C - l f

To those whe barn

JECJgS 9 < > J S E J I V K -IFeare'

Brown'* Patent bunp OiilittBey • --'s RBS^rsararteViieTMas:' -;

Maleae,Av<1tS,lS*«. HRATBtnajMB.

l a a T I A eelte OlltaWF !



j PstviTriliiTt nf tinii'jrsetitrtiTi IQWsW tboiMe^aB4tk« fe^Mii of Ooas^ "' of j f jgkwayareaeWrjg t lWTRiea iag wfj ^ v H l f k w a y j w p o a e t v ' l V w k : ToIanletFAi RBef fer «U»«r <to««ti

-:i J iaalbW. Mbit, slw a ^ i a f c g eaeai'"W 'raleiaf^retle* aoelaeaateaelaaeatba^weetf eaw^^aaMaABMi tou ' _ i ' ™ ™ ' " * " T ; •W 'iTieirTOB' jB^af JFWW*^»"*" "^»»™e|eaaq( t^w^.-^^rewa^

"" ™*-*''; |"-r-^j'>!7''"S^T. f - ^ j K l S |£-';"f|-Dros'sH semnt':e«^ssa«av' •"""•'

^ ? W * r ? r " . , ' -> • - -"*-'' "


Far reads a a O r i d g a t ^ . , •„ S N '; , $ B«ia.:|a*TOir8,oF eaujajar.

*erF«ir^wi--«ttrJ»ii'' :.1- t i-**'" *''" "" T a p e y t o a < beaeajet •' &•.-.>:-'..a :;;g 'XHT VMbtej: team1. tltftelBte*- li' t'•? i » « bridge at Twrefander


* ? ; , n


* * e»"«ft' ^ • T aow.-:

. _ - . —[T, f-f ga l l !»» * J | A t'W) '

_ W » ^ : * 4000

Oeanty ofFnutkiia-Yeur Coeualtteeon HlsceUaneeaa « i t o t j aeeeaau respectfully report that they harafce. fS^^^tt>M,TS^ »o theaia»Oonu^a&»« aa# that thsjiaTe audited aad allowed, the folloSS aa^Mts.aetUtedtoOtolsetw.lumnofthegchsdai^^^ to«uachec%a«ouateaf setoesum c^twotWastodfanr Jai^andelghty-rJaedelUrs and elghtj-nlae cSnls

y :- / •- S O B S W C I . E . 1 OCpaaaty ^gg^A^toXj^jge^ooiadttoa' on UU-

{f1, • ; *7^^^^aoT^ffa^l|Se*^^eaeaata>.'*-f ' " " " J — . . j ' I ' I I . : — - : - - ; r '- • "•'•• ' \ '-• -

|;, Namieaai Nature of Deaund.


Oharlea Barkaj "

Heath dt. Breed. V -

" • • i .

- • • v .

J. F. ABoaden, , 'H.Jfc-H^Callwy,-.-...';

'-'JaiaW'IaMr' w - ,.--

K.H.Wileox, : -Mlch^T^ina^«<•'..'-'

Jobn^ayeni, ,iCf

8. Titus, , , v ,-•«

. Alle» Biaman, Bangdr,

-iioaiofii For poiialtUs reeeiwod aa tollowa t (*x~ -zix' I rJ.Bnrk«,touiaay, >-• -<:•' *-•'- C7;;^^fi0a00; j

-.^-.-. ^x«-


.'Jtc" if i c

.^•W '•

4&0Q , - -^otrl

40 00.1 "•'wfrOfJh' :>-4««»i

^ t -40-09 v.;

the Beard of Seperrisors of Frank-wattueeea R^ietedTaaee weuM

ia.. its. MiSMia#iriVM SBSM* I I I X ' >^" ^ W ; ^5BPeTSSJ*a^p^_^^^eeMf«t>awW.,Ws'eWtV'

,.. ar

reiseudea teaeartaearaUread ficans taaatiafta tSHHMhttewae _ _

t by lain aaieea'be; i.88| a a a ^ l M t a a i •slave paid tterTpropertfcat ef rUate aad

•aVaaaeihftpvr S e a a t a a , . . . . . :

,-H-! -.-rt1->

**>•••«»*•••«».•.• .-" tiliMI sf-, veaM reeeaieieBd be sasaa-- — ' —"-1be<'tiaae|',-aad


OT0il.«*fwant aF» ' Wpa^towwaAoeaiaf''"'-" ' ''"''J

To pay town boaallee l ^ ^ l l W ? ^ ! M l > * , r ' : ' -^ * I;' - - S i t a a t a ia

' r7; . , B»«Ta«liBwa;a»>aa»aaoii. ;;.'-?,:\J! s, Tepay towa aoeeaaes ^ • -. -' - j ^ *

'Fe«'lree*.aa^brtdfa»-\'f .::X~'} U -T»-5 ;'."- ' '! Ose of school heaanexet; Re.» .:':':. > W i t ; : - i Feaelag towa.- seiaalerw i% ;„,';/rf> •. :-ir„4»>ee^4IM |». 'v 5 -,-« j^ti»»j^-o»-aaisjr#^--.j Te pay towa eeeeaaU '. ;4.' . -''•itt|4a TefaytoaatbetuiMes •,. — - « • • • •

•l atfffkjWw*-,. ;;;.;• \ ; ; ; -JJJM* : - ' ' ''"'• fb^riR^rawsT^aMata.. -'

fopkytoaaaeeeaata '- I M N Wpay tewa boaaMeS aTMaR Fereeade an* btaaf at • '

trrov TBa rows sr ca^TascaAr. TopsTtowaaiosaali — f**T ** T> pay towaJ^aaUat .:>.... : ? l i l j « g Ta eay yaa, aatybesty an tassea tax >t Bt . , .Forroaa^lTrJipa' -,f7~r ' i , »<e*-tS0f*. «t

ciija tab rowa e» ooxsTaaua j Tanaytawaacasaato - •• - - * • * « « "J ', Tepsytownbeaatles , . « £ < • ] rort5ads*hdbri*fes , ,--; • S i #rle41..|T

-' -c^S'taa-TowaoFbietnssosi: • --1

, - W.*elfpaV?MJratsa>

tJ - f -«^«^' l l*« i . .A ,^ - .>.-.- V,V> CatofaM, Taat the earn of A H e » » ) , hrnaeeare -as-

eeseed aswa Oie tewa ef araadea, aad UM east o f t l S U »ff^jgpWa^|lj i ; ,ag the ^ ^ ^ W ? w 4er^^r^*^-*ff^^^^^W^JW-'jflp^pisa^r^aRi •s^^^a'. #BwV-<4wWa» w »

eeWtttaaas; -f ^ llsntotoiewaJav.'sag' at. '*»#'' is'»wal:

SheRawc aailOeaaty toaee, -aad -"

_ to tba atatoaetd- toaer-which by law aeseasie u « paM by the Coaa

thai weraaltar be adaattod aad t *ee^Se»S»«Wea^>e»--iae'Sv exeSCeV. M w M f M

araaxea leCaaaty.



T e pay tewn aceoawts T o pay t o * a booanee rerraadtaadbstagat

at 18 » - t

• tsaa « • aawa at aaasa, -I' Teaaytowo aeeoaats «ies S* ' FeVMa^aa^lbrUtes |W e«—el* SS

area w a rowaos Mas Te pay tewa To pay towa f t w ^ u l e a a « M 4 t « » .

e w raa iwwa est aaswauxt, 15

TepayUwasoeoaale Ferraeaaaad brhbjea

mFay towa

<»Jr*| SiSw^s: oaaw Ttt taws a* wAtan..

• " H f . ^ l ?

^ S a f f l f S S a V ^ T e a * * * *

l y^ j |tejl "i lrat" i»t Mw>iii.~

erea t i t t a W a a watTrnxa.


•^-a»W- :-

RfcJj ie#ij a'J ' su^e^^i^Mi^ e T W * M W V ) t e M f r W T s V s

~ " " • ( * * * ' J s W a f .eaxMBat ^texaSBeM"''•*#

• • ^ • ; ^ 3 S & ^ J * * - * f f . **^^-*Vto»»*«toptt tewaarateaMy, to the eeaaty . - ; " ;-^ ' .V , i

Yoor'<>>i»rn!ttee wonld rir»o r^^eel beg l»«ve to offer tlw following rjrr»mWe and iteSOlUtrOIISi -,•'; rf-ii- f" r r . - 1 - f . ' t '-I''!?-' J

( i j— ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ p j ^ g B ^ ^ a g ^ k U a A ^•aR^f^B^Baa^slxexexexexei ^t^gaa^RjC uL^L-^^at '

Sa«ealtod,"aawe«UaRlaerfe^rato7taM0er*^^ aJaattbeiiiRsi eaeeii weresxetttittdfrtea an texa-ttearaa^ibalttbaajraflistiwkir.laW! -. - L ^ ^ T '

^a<te>Asf«a*,a»tbeObas«er.»to.I<waefli6T,the teBBatxef sssf axexexexefOaWMItwxiMK 4 M > jlwiwatxeMA 1 f t eslwet *^ laajttxa

The Commlialonara furthsr repdrt-mndjepre> S oStoa^ieetorr do sent that they have paid into thaOoanty Treaa,- st L D RUsworth, clerk board eniea «rto'is'ol^atl^jsnwuuorj4«j9os/ M f2|HME*J!!BM!8fi..!; 'thTO&Fb^hses-ah'J p^ual&rtte'iu^ofebf; 11 Wf*«gga»£S&?* , ; - tv. •*.-..

I. .ViW leo iiitOBsri;. i g^^ipllB^wb,» WILUAJtS, DQ1IGLA8J ; -iT&Trci -T:,;. MlObftotopbtrJgjg^^fflkftraor-:jt i ltf '^lfBii£^ ' BaiosttbetowR of

l^ffillfe^^^^'i^^ri'Sf^ the amount lefied and aaa-aaad rjj*, thfe ^ j f e t c l ^ r ^ R l ^ S a ^ a ^ ^

38 H A Paddock,bookotrecords*print's »*x**sUto»T»w, ; -

1 ' - - ' - - r *


loojasioo i 66 S 28 1*8) 4 i »

J l?*?"? !L««*»^iaaMae«f the peace I *S 78r*S 69 JUoha G Ohssasy, eooatable . . j U » ( - - S 8S ^ l r t o r ^ a j a v i e a l l * officer Melons ' " " r * -

e}JohnFerey,jBsUeeorihepeese , ofcutaaat Bftot,.,4o. , «AlUlswo)(th to 1 Alfre4 Raton, oeastable . ^ R B o o i l o a U ^ f u e p e e e e ';' • t Phaitos WA*aqr,»ealth>omeer '

10 Ames U aTreeao, coostahle 11 b a u J Uexlsy, health officer. Dang or IJrfohn Ourry, eoastabls U F P ABsn, josUce of the peace MaMate*Fark,<eaBtysherUr lSftWUIard.ceasasaaeaaerator-lSJs»aJRUey ,aens tab le

x4 Joha S Caeeaey, do * t%alii|ef^r»toi^-*---><a^.-^-r^^: M Robertiaiery.^ . do

and forty-six oeritsi-vfg* f-> $7211 48 ForCottntypdoThoUso&fBrin, $8505-00 • Fo'r towns an per schedule A. 8095T65 For County at large, 60875-72U 46 .Tho expeuditurewn account of -

Poor House and Farm araonnting to the sum of 8505 06 Includes supply bills, labor, per- ., . .' manent repairs, funeral cxpensea • and all tho ineiduutal oxpen^tes ' , eouneeted with the House and •;•"-- - - ' .i F^rm.from which is to. bo deducted, . -as realized from sale of products 192 66 also by deducting for permanent repairs to house, furnUare, lana . tools aud stock r . . . - 50000—692 66 leaves «B the actual expense of the ' ; poorbonse for temporary and per- , ' innnent relief, 2812 40

The whole number of paupers relieved and assisted at the poor house during the past year is. sev­enty-five, ot which number thh*-ty-iivohavo received permanent relief and support* oudforty have received temporary relief.

Tha number of weeks board furnished for pcrmauent support is eighteon hundred and sixteen, and tho number for temporary re- -lief is ten hundred-and -tbrty»- to.-. - «-«, -whieb; is to be added keeper?* family of three persons, on* ser* . vantgiri nod one man;amounting in'aU.totwenty-fivO hundred nrid';'" •*; * eighty ono weeks, '" . . ;"*' . • : The weekly overage for the .. ,. • board, olothiog and iucidontul ex­pense* for each inmate of the County house amounts to one dol-3*r and nine coats.. "" : -

There has beo^-ijiditedaudal lowed for temporary rebel to th'3 wrorBaer»o»,tnopoor of the sev- •--oral;towns ss per sohcdulo A, hereunto attached, , , 2578J8L For services 6T overaeofa of poor5, ao7 7& For> transportation, -,. 4107' Forphyaicians'Bervioea; 170 00-8097 65 There has been allowed for claims

against tho county at large as


UT»JU76f ISt entt4 71 U 87? 11 «T;

«7 4er»Tit5

1.. *« — ) ( „ „ ^ - . -J „ „ -•S-'SI *i2tL^er ,^ned^e^ for l i ]^Pnf1 l'ose3* 603 75 i-fti-jif»s^oMu>nnt reeoived^anCplaced

& the hands of tho treasurer to tLo credit of^thesuperintendent wnaas follows:

From com. of exoiso and fines, 1651 00 Froia appropriation lastyo^o-, 550000-7151 oO ^TQiirwhioli deducting, I b j ^ V t -tanarawn last yearv „ ' 8214 24 X«avea to be expended the past..

, : yesif the sum ot* : 4B8S 76 '* 'Tlterff has bean drawn on the



10 SO » ?*S8f :.*.:

900 00 MO woo ; » » •

^VJOL1JI-JB>-zt'ssHis^t: tOROf l i *

7 6B 7 eoo 4 00

I B M 1 » » 14 80] M ia1

« 8 70161870 16 »7*.1« »T j 15 iori8.r ' tm\> a.); 88.0M88; 88 OBf-JB»:i »6 65 , tB i

ttlBoJilBl; M S 0 p « l .

utufmis, ».tob"eV«p' 8» 16 18 IB 1400,1*08;


^sastirer for bills allowed during uditcd , the pA?t joarandiprJ)Ul3nt

aijd unproviJed fSi$t l i s t yo»r';*720217 JUesvtngpvcrdrnwii an J now due ^ho treasurer, M'< ... «... -. .,. i IThere ia outstandiiw at date of ibis report, audited, allowed and unprovided for claims to the «--mountof - .«--.- - - -

5 U 7

2203 68

•H' towttOfCa^tlBaiw-tO . , .

iraTin&Tbrof O.lt^hifrnTrr.amcruntlDr to eighteen oUOktlfceae^tW***^ WRRpref tsatea, BAidthe BRW R»ouBt WR* 'ordered to

V Judge Rfl SttrrogRie, IMP, recelTod, BUOIT. b3gthe*meuntoffeewcht^iw.aadTec^eA

meant of, fines abd penBltieB paid Tnte the County TttaBdfy dtffinjjitbe pw* ^eRr.iiiii rry wrrOmrwW.RRrblkmR: - ' w - : * ' " ^ »«f: : - To iheiloic^bWthe Bto^ «f »uitofvlsora o/ ' t J ^ C e « » M ^ . J t o i f | ^ L k ^ f *«sft|;4||aAj-b*»e reoeived for flnee die daring the year last past tha fbHwwlngsnres, r i i :

e^ttrr* fount*;1' <«^f

, t y X ^ i k 3 # B j :


sBBtewwe' e n v a v ^ ^ » y j ' BF ^^^^^F^^^^^^J^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w w » ee^Fwv| WVV aBs#

Bert N. Ohetnsy, was sraaia* aatberUj to aeseelaia wRb Mat a a y j w s s b e r ^ F e a e e a s , for the parpees el ^tVHMety'fr' .WettirMw tMtfmfmXftm^ MP I M MBVMBW •» ttawieeaSR aa4 eiwiatlag a t a a V e r t »oai ' ' s easea^ i t U U w « e ^ • f a a r a t o g a ? ' u p a o d A l e s g t M f a l l e y *f tha PFFar bvaieea tato toe wUderatet hi the aertoern partefOJsBtaU;

^teMt KBsieWI, Tha sa le AtssetsUsa e«-OerperaiHn wasaalkostoiil, wfasaacssntwd.U takaaod heM lands totosaateaat of eae •llRon ef acres o f U a d la t»M wR4wwaw,ta MBRMBi te aBaar laada weeobkl was »»-UtorisadtonvsiuaM, toksaadbeUaaaar tha act eatt-De« **Aa Ae» to aataarhn tba xenautoa af RaBread <***!**»*»* *»**• J?**r»a the seaaa," M e a d Afrit BA, 1BW, SR ef Whteb Uads, wbea ae t u d r e l w s t e l e W i ^ B t W t e p r l W I l F f a W I f H M a M f t te^rW'teV Wwwexi tet^F Q f WMF*

a to

t B . L a w s . e f lSffl, tba i t tet fTir i iml i f i i f l r t

batofip"»»a aa perRoiaW rear

wtektetaaOaaaVelFraaaRevtowr): l a t h e towa af RraRdet, to eatl r

w it a* weBBS

Farirjeof Katkan

'-'^'•-.'•e*rIoS'*abbv • ':*''•» -^jailfc'*iWi.r;

W.MeGuire. ,.-. ,^" JncAFiaoelaaleGnlra, "

Conimi«jon«rsof KxeUs, ' "''.f! ICoiBA-C. B . 8toretu, Joetlew, fine Of •••••• . ^ e j B r ^ R ^ S i B a m b ^ ^ * : * i>wavrasoa--D.Br>ggs, justice, for tua "' ''-^>iOfJt>-T^*wt,'A.*.*-'--»''j.i--' '-j

. . be d aWaby the Clerk of the Rceid; ea'&e rTr«a»,rer,rtfc. Ooaotyln fcT^fiassve^SoD.

'•r.vt^' ,1;V':r. ^'WflittAM' AtflrRTJS. OaaJraato. t

W * » »wwe !*f'? «ipm m:fpto#m;j ff • r l £ ! 5 f i t a ' i S " L 2 , ! , B ' ! " * • • ^ wb5s» wjts^ararrW tVaeboaatt of SkerlS* aad Oterk ef said C.unty" r " eaeetfaily repert that we hare aadKsd aad allewe% tb» fsBewlag accounts, to wit:

$2254 80 21 68

2288 l i

•«. 500 00

Balauce in-fiiBiid's-Of-Siip't, Leavingtotal amount of uuk-bt-

eanesB-tinprovlded for, ~ There will be duo tho keeper/

*liuuary!ifjie, 1867°^ = v-r ; yi'lte. amount necessary to be MtTsed* by your Board to meet his indebtedness and . delruv aU ne-. , .... cessury oxpen8ea for the ensuing y e a r i s ^ . - . ' : . . * . - - . , ,: ."...-", ;--450JO0

!' fTJiettnaiborofdeathswhichhitve - . ;oeeur^d in the jroor boaee the ,--•~mt mtr is 80VOI1,'Jhe rruinber of - « %thMii-twoi"'-p-'/.--r;v' ; - : " . " " ' : • ' vAlEotwWchtsrw^ctfuiiyVnDrnittod^-•-« CBWSTOPJxBa BKKJGS, .; «-', SuperiutehdentofthoPoor.

I ': , ' i '80fiBa)rri45_Av ' '^•?:'-'. '•: Sbowint amoant eapeaded for th«aever»l'towns, and

fwttaCeanty atUrgaoa aboeant ff ^ogrjfana tawna,1'

Ko.l RaaessadVatoraa;. |ClalaisdlAUowsa


'vV r,.l

eeaaty <


•*l8^-.'a •UOfOO . .U:90

Diiahe, Dickinson, Ft . OOTiogton, Yraaklla, '-, .J ' Barrletstbwn,


^ W H e v " _ Tetal ,"

WW OTaa^Ceesiiattee beg leare -to o«ar toe: fca*sie|

^atofj^; That the a a a i e f w " alMAMiae aeUars andatoety-B»ar.eee*,T* S e d ,

- j - 1

'•iLC|a*i -; D. Botsioa, F.Shonvar, *

Betsay Brooks, , Ed. Kuihford,

,--'•' <i s - *- ROKRAT.

0 . L. Vayuotds, justlce7nn» U. Mkhas! t

*'. :'- • •. - - '-Pee. lawaejty-

•"•at ffiBRsI i s f R H » ^ W ~ ,

to* to s» 'tsM-'Rat whariaTaaa' :-. Ajasweatf


. J.Uurphy,Hsl.ioiaohief 10 A . Kettles, Pet . larceny. '



• 1 « 0 0 . aatxirF. '.

O. fi. ©arley . fpr Rpos ooUeou4 e y t t i . . ' - • • . " .? - -^**Baix*s l»wR,- ' '

H..A. Paddock, fees collected by nitft $804 ?• Bespeetf ully submitted,

W- a-PlCKEHsoH, CuRlMy Treajia*»r.

id tit* Pe*ce, of Malaoe, WBB reoSVed, efco w lag (be atnoont of flnee end peaalUeB re. oeTred by brm and R«ld tut* t i n Vcmli Treasury ctareng tie* yeew eeBiiR#;yBAi't,

Wllltom Q. OBtfcltffiOsi, QweiBf Trnwartf, proecnted his Udrd Annuel Beport in telalkm to the Usoe of Ouontr Booda Ibt the rjaymetit of Volunteer xetwtflef, wbW» W«B rea4,Rs Ihllowi;

To tha Hooaiable tka Boanl ofSaparvtoora of

„- _ farer ef the several perseae a i eaB^lrbiaBlrferlewisisastoaa^ttoBajte alhrwedte ^ ^ f f ' ^ ^ ^ S s ^ ^ ^ a a w ^

AR^.tbe Repcrt B ^ iUeokitbM were

PBT1 891 03

'186 f t 108 IS iqo.10

SM "05 . 68 40

•^SBVOB 160 65 «w»,Al 103 29

.'-%- -TW-,

B 1 4 0 0 . $ s a

-sS5i.V4;' , ,.Bo -:-«. .„

6 00*



«3 60 27 12 ,» .0U


4 6 8 40 85 RI.J6 2100 i*Sg B O F B



'jf •08

a .75, 8 001 168 90

4R'^0k:«B ,S»

.: t ; « 0 50 ; . irtaei46

, .1 :»14»» - r wa 29


882 18 179 02 84 71

Jtopsrkry:Belief.,,...... :•'.-'.. . r . ^ ^ V ^ v ^ j m S O s ' ^rslclajwV8e?wJee»W;'.,.>.K>'-^^i>..Uii.*---.'««''76 frans»ertatlon>...,,.....:......... . . . \- . .>Ui 18640 -nSSSSf* .^"' - : " " •' • • > ; « i ^ - *$£:** SHIS'l-f*S'**i'i,•'**''*i,*^:• w« *»»**ni» i- -Jet.T* JaetlceeoTthePeace.: .&u&^.„rri£^C.j.ifb 80,

. ; . , . - . . . . . • : . . ."^*.,>^.'. . ^ ( s ^ f tffj .('I'-tS, t , « . a » s . , . . . , . t , J i i . s ; : i v j ^ t - p K . ^ J'-OJ i . . .; *» , . . . . . , . . , < , ; . . . . . . . i . ^ | BOS. tfi


FxtaUag ; . F o s t a g e . . . . .

' ^ t o t a l , .

TkeCtoriimUtee on Coort Houee aad j * u •ubaaltted their Report RefoUowB4 •-• *.-, .\ (

ty ef Fraakna-Tear Oeesa^ktoe o 7 c « n r » l i ^ a a d T a l l , weaMreepsetralry raaart Out ? e hare e1iaaUBe«tte f » Deal t JHeaae S* S h aad RaeV toe waR e f ^ k . Oeart 1{

t taejeartreees,

.«N BaBttoafMitose. :>. .... ^^_ . . . . 4taattbe^attbe|ilaaure4aa<

. abtotasyrega^aae^toeeayerrleto^ SB wa BB4 ikeat riaeirlag tweb rapawlag. Ab«res«S asea4 toaaeMtoa aflU toltowb^aVatoliea>r j ^

a ^ ^ t o a a b t o ^ F a H y a r a b a O j . ^ ^

And the Report end Reeolutkm were

. T f c s U m a o k t M O * JBRsawirtoimei BAtd. Ex> tension o f Rolls , Mbot i l ted their Report a t fOlfowil! i

fa UM JtoaaraaU taeaVerl af Sa^wrieert of FreuiHa aty—Tsar OeotaUltoe ea RxaatlaaUsn aad Ittsn-.of iesiteaiiaf Rolls, woeldrsspectfally report that r bava earerottjt asttotoeBaad onwaoteB aft appar-arrersia the Rem er tba seretal to was, aaaaabsalt

taaauaeAtaow correct, as far as la thepewir of year

* • JOHX*PARRe»,0halmaav ' And the Report was accepted. The Commluee on (lie # . a Deposit Fund

nbmliied Uwlr Report u follows: Te this fleaersbte toe Board ef BaptrvUors of the

Osaa^F ef FrsakBa- Tear CliiaiairMie appetoted t* ex-^BBawtoBB ^BW P' • ^ • _ _ 1 ' T ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ , " _ _ , ' » _ * ^ W " • *"* awr^xWHP" -er*Bre|L

Showing intendeat, »Bn*'-Svf:j'

inlhehands of the Super-ig Jo t®» gopi., House and

oats, -v.' fc-w.heiit,


s n a t h s

friuikUuCouut/jttetttiameoi Tka ua«toraigue<i,

• • • e M H H N M p V ' l v V V V V # * * " P t ^ » • • l e l W l B W v B F j f ' ^ B B t e

Treasurer of aaJd County, WO u port that there are new our" I saj&BRk of MB* OH»«y> vUl


raapectfttflyra." Th«ae»A*CtoS^*we^eaCewB*y B*tr*i to«1ka>abwfto(d aJf^lfflibsjaTreaaare*

"itondaof the IsTtoaoa, upoa w4leh J * ""^ fi l* _**";jg*V «»*.*3r**1' thTrVwIU hejhas ef p£of»a7 aw the J ^ S = f a Z ^ F * * * ^ b l v

a p W ^ i a w w V w ^Bs BBw^Baxw* ^s^BW ^sewe^aF ^ 9 •••a/lF^r^F ^^aesBw^aal H H s v R w * V l i ew*^W ^a^w*» ^B^ex^P aRBR|jl

<Wl»t.F J«tojraar. ' . Ttm . "II ^ *Woi There are ROW an^^spe^cyeBsadtr^ ^ r » ^ ^ B ^ aWal ^BBwa exew BBB ^^p^B^B^^BaRF^Bas^W a^^la^y FT

.I^M&%1*S3tB^t i,n* Areolneeewet eto taaBBe BtBSBBBiew^FeVMewi;^

$»0,58e _ Haklug Which araottnt


»total of wlrf be raotrlredte '" •4ikBB)4a'4ni

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | t ^ a to^BBxexexi A&Bxt afildexexeBRixexea* xexexe1B^K*4 4

T t » M U M * tJTfw»teiii 0» » • • * • w a ^RMeMMreite f tetosh^lliM inlNMMX wtei Tetsl ssteaat ef principal owLaaa was A e eatf. af aetaeiaai recelred eaatartoaies

* FraakRa Oe Beads stnee last report hi , B*,«l« 01


iSObiiih? »o * "

•65;' - y 1 * ••*? -'"' peas , » *»v- beans, * >8tK) lb». livo pork, •00 -.•"'»-»' beof.v, •|(k- - j '^buttoK," "'


H S sheep,:' -v,;,••,-?•.. Seowbi .-- -;>, A--.-'-•

horseSj .«--.

; slipht,, 00 jairds flannel; sewing mschinc, •

lAoraerako, 1 douMs wagem, ipafeof s leav "'kl

JBjrXla Parker,,, ' ' .:"r^."'--J:/\<- ''^ tt**y*»jf. '**W*ea«a»-Mea«B*.'fe^ W r t e d a a t a s s t u c d on the taxable property e f the town fJ^l^fu^S^^^SS a t * , »Se proper reseluUon from the Board ef town e|^»ItolitQ:wA toauthorlsw the same Baring beea pretsatedtoihU B#a«atr^Ka»e#$sassh5p,'M" *^"

TheCommiUce on EquallEAtlon'aubmlt-ted their Report aafollowB: : - •.

1 set double; KAfRcsa 1 eart hwrBass, ^ ~ l-bo»e.'cart,:'- '-Y :•• 2'plowB*:'- ;-/-"• l .aouote.-dMa^,. ' . ' ' " 1 ooUivator harrow 3 soy tt ea aad snath 1 grain eradie,

4 small TAketf, ;'• 4piic'»forks, , 8 uienuro forks, 8 shovels, i ,n' rttb'n-bar-,--: !-'-.-,-1 pick axe, jl-._-

1 shovel plow, 1 fauuiiig. mill, *ie!iains, ;.--i'-

• l ' - . . ' . : , , - •

By Wm. Dawson, Rtiuhtd, That all non-resident school taxes b e r e -

ssiested upon the lands In the several WwBs from which Uiey were retmrhed, according to the retains thereof received from the collectors and trustees of School Dis­tricts, and thereby appearing unpaid.

By V. B.:JDller, Betohcd, ihat the SttpewlsorsW thb severaltowas,

re-SHEUaU unpsS resUtent taxes returned by the col­lectors of the respective towns upon thy several lots or paresis of laadopoa which they were origfaaTiy assessed, InT.cases where, in the opinion of such Supervisor, such

.eaxesare ceneetahle,,and,in all cases yher* A * said taxes are not collectable, la. the judgment of such Buper->-isor, they shall be charged upon the town In which they

;,wjre originally asaessod. "'. . "

b.i B y J.Jtf. W a r d n e r , • Btiolved/ That aU taxes upon *oa-re»Ident lands, herttofort admitted, and subsequently cancelled by the Comptsoller and charged to this county, together with tho Interest theiseon, ds a » e a » by the Comptroller's statement to the County treasurer, be now-raised, levied and assessed upon the towns In which tha lands are sit­uated on which the taxes are aw» csneelleu',. to wfcp-Dpon the town of Branilon '^ . i lS 70, and upon the town ofFf»nltlIn«67 2S,,ananpontho,tQwn o t Harrietstown (423 89, exceptVuB,hawev«,.BU«t psrttons of said faxes as haye been assume.a.py tb^llaJBrd and ehsr^ed upon the county. " . . ' . .""

' G e n e r a t i A p n r o p r i a W o n a .

Resolved, That, the foUewiog sums be raised, levied and assessed upon the tkxablo property of the c rnnty of Wanalut^fcoftBe^pnipoBtastatedj-towIt-:.; . „ . , • : . „ 1 Jlor State aodRchoo l T a i , . , . » 2 5 , 6 7 6 1 5 2 ForaalaTT-otObantyjBdie, s S K 8 Forsa laryo f -Dl s t e l c tAt torney , . fDOfO 4 For salary afCtouUteJEr&turer. 6 For support of the P o o r tor e o s m n g y e a r , 6 For Court a n d c o n U n g e n t t u n d , f f „ T Payment o f tostalmentaMlounW "Volunteer

• !• Bonds, fatttag-dueMarch^1,1857. „ 80J58S.OO B J a ^ a l c ^ h l u g t o r J t e a f a m l D u m n a t H e w X o r i t , a

- * . lns t l t tr t ton , -T . Edwaras, J . ' T . Pierce , B . „-, ASblaw a n d Sarah A l l e o , t o September

l v ! 8 8 7 i . '• • - - • • . . , , 9 F o r B e p a i r s o n Court House a n d J a n ,

110 For Interest o n Coanty Loan, , 11 ForSSlary of Snpervteorl* Clerk, 12 For Water Kent for Court Bouse and Jail, 18 To Indemnify Brandon, Franklin ana Har-

rletitown for over tsxes on account of ex-- ampteO Isu'dSf - • * - -,* *•- - *. -.3

14 To pairfor 1« copies HullSrTrestlse, j^TS . Total, " 863 ,S«22

Mtsoellaneona Co. Accounts bro't forward, - 2,439 89 Sheriff's and Clerk's Accounts bro't forward, 1,499134

Total County Charges, Jt?,e8r|o6

B o a r d adjourned to Fr iday m o r n i n g a t kSi o 'c lock A, M. ' " I

; --- %

' F R T O A T ^ i W P H 3DA-Y. s FRIDAY, lToV?lo v^o*6To^t,;A.Ji | r

Board met pursuant to adjoarnment.-r» Fresent the Chtjlrmsla"Rod » quorum *Of mombera MinjiteiB off yesterday, *$#?!iM$. atoroVerl. ->... ; \-t

fW.^Btllyde offered tbe^ l lowing re|[>ld-libn, wbich was adopttJ; ' J; ,;',;';_ • \

Resolved, That the County Clerk of this County h e and b e Is hereby authorized to purchase the necessary blank book for the purpose herein named, And t o Index therein the names aridJprobfsiof.sal] persons heretofore naturalised i n this County , a n d t h e n a m e s o f a l l persons wlui-hsTedeclsJca their tatentlpa.toheoonw-clflieas. ' ,. ^ ^ . f j a ^ ' W f ^ ^ ^ f / ^ M n s *eao-lutjon, whicb* srafjpopted-l,: '..^V---..

Resolved. That tho;»um o f one- hundred do l lars .be and is hereby appropriated t o p a y the expenses o f some suitable per t m to b e s S l e c t e d b y t W * Board t o g a hefore t h e Legislature to ; assemble theicttatlag.j.wlnter, and m a k e an effort to procure-tfie r epea l i i f th i i&ct incor­porat ing the Adirondack Bailroad s i i d L a n d Oompsay .

Wheteupon the B o n . W. A. 'Whselsr was-aeleoted b y the Board, and requested to accept t h e appointment under the fsregotag resolution, - . . ' . -

The Annual Report of Horace A. Taylor, Distrtet" Attorney, showing the amonnt of moaey8 belonging to tfe Couftity receiYed by biin aaring the past yeiar lb be iwerity»five dollars, together wUii.rtbi' receipt of the Treasprer therefor, was receiYad, read aad Accepted. ';; ' ' V- :_-.\ . " " • ' * - . ' ' : Board adjourned to 7* o'clock A. it Bator-d a y . , v i »-»SrV-* ''•'-"• . . . v / ; . . , . ' ; • •

S A T U R l ^ Y r r ^ T H DAY.

-•';ai^nT^iy,;;Kbr;.17^|-"(r\aock A, if. Board met pursuant to adjourtunent.—

Present the Cbairman and a qaorom of mem­bers. Mfnutesol'yesterdayfeadand'approY-€d#' *- '-.j'^- " , \ ••

' Ciiristophcr Brigga, 8tifiiertRtOflrieQt of the Poor, presented his resignation of the office ofSuperintendeutof the-Poori asfoJlowB:

t . Tp the l |onorable t h e Board Of Supervlsoniaf Frank­lin County:—I bereby resign the ollloe of Supertatoadeat o f t b e Poor of ibe County of Franklin.-*D*ted U a t o a s . N O T . 17„19»6. ; CHatSTOPHRR R R 1 S 0 3 .

Wldcb, on oe iB^ad ,^»«a | ce j^e fR>xt l» Bprdi . 'Whereupon; oa rnatioa o f f J . W . FleicWri^he Board proceeded to the elec-iion, ay; ballot, of a Superintendent, o f tbe ISJOr | e fijr the vacitney caused by'jwid resig­nation. , ^ , y^^.-r, , '- Whole number of votescait.V,...r..-.iL".*. '...,1,1$ . Of which Abljah White received........i.»„„t8 . . A n d AWjnh White was declared duly elect­ed.) #.v.l- • -" , . . , ' . . . :, ':.'.'--,'lff".:;.s.. :. . TtieOUnir appointed Messis. Fletcher, A. fit. Miller, and Parker a Committee to notify Mr. While of his election, and Mr. WMte ap­peared before the, Bo»rd and accepted foe

'$$S&j^;<•-?;*••••! '-".-:':i , - . - • } . . . - i ' ^ ; : ' ; - - • ' - , . On motion of Mr. D a w s o n , ; ^ j ," JEeiflftieAthat the Baptirfateadaat e f the Foer be re­quired ta gfre b o o * l a toe penal sum ef thnethoasaaB doilars.J- • -' ^ .;-t i-cti;.:;»s',ti>''^

si yfhe oficaaiiondjof". Abijalv"ff rj BAp s. tnlendOHt of the Poor, was presented to the Board; and the same with the earetleBthere-itt t iamedwas apptptftdjapdj # l & Rftc&rRp-4r\wW^«s<kr JRiwas4MeSua^l.-ehAwaeii^wa J » « n 4 i t / > ^ ' ! _ A l ^ J . _ f pro vat endorsed litei *ce oftlte Clerk of. the

•u^^vVfmMi,- & > ~ - ) - - : * •.


tettw . bare exaattoeBAM

B^BTetexerxexl a^B^ffiKet^ffiexeta A x e W s^ffiext exexexexeB ^ M ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ K L

An4«M Hwport I N *emp$i, tkm OoatxeaUUB e a K#sBo«a ABtes lR. tR-

p a t tRffifMBty itRTweVBd R O R U I B B J n | B f N B \ | 0

U»t» fajwTmtrtriRdkgtarged. ' . . -^


T k a Oiisntal^fr i a TitMamrer'B B a a u R a d g ^ u admitted iWr rlep^ BR fonowV:

tba fSSSS <USi . . . r r l r W w w^^ea ~ " af


'i '^b^'ib1io^lftj^^c^8iib^^i»B' pBtted, ibtwitr " "•' ,^-7;'w's-.; c-' ^V;'".'-.'--i-,-'''" / ';MsJ&^mkti^:'<:-'- ^ . ^ •'& '.'"; .-.'."•;. : Rexilvtd, that an extra ptrditn allowaaae of oae day be allowed ani»a»d to eacb-Biember of tats Board, excapvta to»*ine»vaoraof^thebra ^ofj^tletstowa. FranUlmand Brlgbtoo,aiQ« to the Superrbwrs of Skew towns, three days,tor «***»AewieesRadars*wtlbla sesslaa.,., •„*** - , ..., , - , . . „ . . •--- --" •-•' '. - •

"^•W^-Paw r -/tv. *'.'f;.Vt' -/'-.-, .. 3f#sc*^That.the.«ipe«Wr«" -Taaebf-tbwasaBxeay

b a n a .urpW of money to theereOt af toerr resncUr> towns ino^o hands of theCoanty Wreatarer,** aathor-IsecV to draw therefrom the same or sb aiacb thereof as a s j be aeeessary to pay the fees required by ta t Its. lions) Bank of Malone for receltlng and dhWarSntsr tba meneys to l?e paid on their respective town boBflsT^ , B y / J , G. D i e k e y , • ':r~_ ;

« » - K**>lttd, That the Clerk of this Board be auTuwSed Sfu- to expend^wenty dollars In procurtet pamphlelt con-i f ft tsictng the procredlngs-ofihe Beard l f P Raa«vheMM ~ this session, «n J that the sa«* be by l*» dfctrtawtea to

the Supervisors sf tB« several towns ia till TTtiwnej.

\. By tk-o. B. Greene, . . Resolved That A. R. FtanaMB b e aJtowed a a d paid

2 F » 4 ? . W K F ^ ^

MiK+Kit, That F. T. Ueatoaatttof u u a t a ^ - j u , . •ry fareeahed this Bos**, be aMawaR^JpabtP^^

ByW«.A»drus, . XesofiHd, That the •'— '— " - | . . . m i , | I , M " t

S 2 S ? 2 S 5 ! ? S i S l ? " * ȣ?*Aavei?SSNtoaarlb,

to* wsrraaas teraba aaReattoaefll

^|^t»tAoa«<Rv;-'''';" •

• *--*ff. IbeS Iks fjaib if Oli a

JH> l T « i . Aaa«riij,:- :•;•--• :"•. «*soJa*aV That tots Board •«eb«As)c<Mdby«a««eas

Sy.lrftMa^JOR tRd^


The Oomtnlttee on. Poor itoine And Bu-Intendent's ai^woJ^iiabmltted; tbe fol-


iLZZSfimH?^ ?^^««¥J>tot* >* IslwilU

7*%"'"*' " 7 / ' * "

Vy,.f4X ;'«t|?

->aat» *»• 3 r .VI-*! * l f * * ^

rjF«at|f r » W * » , r t * i * l l i .

r - •**• y*to|p s»»ya,* # i*TBt4"*^*»^'* ' . - . • V - - - waw ->4IV

f ft<t4i SSjrjrilf

. tBJPffaf T * * * BWBV^BRBRwwi W * apiJftto'J etnr>li)a> BABji atil Vi »w*l Unfwrw '•"»«*•»!•• * * . j . 'iAyt Ult* i'ftT: nfVtBB.l • « J ^ a a » » b » i
