CLOTHING, - NYS Historic ·...

-:~C^=5g!^3« \ ' I .- '".-WW •mi * -.* T*- ;"-^r:t=^^^^ THE WESTp VlifSiir nflrmaUon of t i e Glorious Kcws. SJCS OVERWHELMING DEFEAT. Army Crumbling Away and Surrendering by Squads. US R E B E L TROOPS CAJYNOX BE MADE T O ^ K A - 1 * ^ . ^ > ADDITIONAL CAPTURES IMMENSE ITpf-POUR FAECES OP CkkKois IX OUR HANDS. , ( . ,'.,.» nam Raid Upon the East Ten- nessee Railroad. street's Communication Cot and His Force in Imnfenent Te: il, Grant Vigorously FoHovvin<? the Panic-stricken Moo. * L « » . W Over Three TJioHsaod. fFICIAL DISPATCH FSOM SEN". GBaNus - WASHINGTON, Friday, Nov 27 following has* been received at. the head- 's of'the amny here- te TTAKOOOA, Friday, Nov. 27W-1Q, A M sn. II. W. Ilallerk, Gsneral-iniG^sfjWasIt- jiist in from the front The rout of the is tuost complete. Abandoned wakens sand occasional pieces of artilery are Sere to be found. I think Braffgr's loss r reaoh CO pieces of artillery. A Jaro of prisoners have fallen roto our hands •smt will continue to Red Clay'in the r. Tor which place I shall start m a few V. S. GRANT, Major General. OBTS FROM CHATTANO:GA. CHATTANOOGA, Friday, Nov. £7, tuation to night is highly satisfactory joker's, Palmer's and Sherman's cbhi- re nearly 10 miles bcy6nd'5Bhiekamnnga i pursuit of th-e*cpQmbling army of ho is making every effort, to escajH- our near Dalton. larp fight this morning, Gen. Palmer's took 4 pins and 300 prisoners, herman is reported U> have advanced -e Station, ou our left, to-day, and cut rebels. •ad along which Bragg is retreating is h caissons, wagons, commissagr and stores. isoners say that it is impossible for the lers to make their troops stand. tug's cavalry command returned from lid to the East.Tennessee Railroad to- riiey destroyed the road lo- miles above fnv Cleveland ; they burned a rebel at Cleveland where large quantities-of 6 of war are stored ; one htindrtd oaded with baggage, and captured go .ang was attacked, subsequently, by a forte of infantry, cavalry and artillery, eded in bringing his prisoners off. aid was made upon the Railroad con:- 3g between Bragg and Longstreet, for «e of preventing a junction of their t ha.- isolated Longstreet, antl com- im to abandon his campaign against s in the three' days' fight will not ex- —l - "~i1 f*-3 223 Special 'iSo'ttl'crism. tegsB&nsaa -p=t ,&-3 S A P € > ^ 1 1 1 B # ^ i flRCONCti FAMILY SOAP MAKER. ^| WAR (pake* high price*; Saaoalfitt ,a«lpi to redact Stem. It make* S o a p for F o u r cask a pound by using reur kiUhen gnes*. . i BT" CAUTION i At spnrtoui t#a*:ar*;ofl»r«(tin»,. be earefuLand only bay tie P a t e n t e d artiol* pat op In Iron vaa, .all other* being C o u n « * r f t l U . PeNNSTLVANlA SALT MAHUfAOTCBIItO 00MPAS$ P M l a d e l p I U a — W o . W* WataatrStraet. F l t t » b a r g - P » t 6«r«et aad Duquesa* Way. *»*T.1°—8m. " I n tbl* V U l a ^ a C f t e M. JKlParaoaage, on thelst Inst, by Bey. P„ F. JteeJLJaanJtOgsTSg CMKK, of WeftvUle, to *M&atAE»CT8-HiiBWOOP,o»BaB<o^ IE, IE IIVE OJFJL I* - B YAM, CARLTON 4c CO., M.ANDIAOJ0B1B8 of F r i c t i o n M a t c h e s , have removed from Union street, to tb*ir largo building recently (naiad, NOB. 91, 94,96, 98,'100 and 103 Friend St. Being th* largest and *ld*et manufacturer* of Priotien Matches in tbia aoantry, dealers, shippers, sea eapiaiut, and •oHiDiii, eanalwayartly onagoed artltle, and the only " tofyaaraln InWoatfl WELD a 81 oJ^ertvlllB. A'ihe &&&&&***. J. «nay, Ma. WTN- SI, to Miss ADELINE E. BUELL, both In tblsTowa, on tbo 20th ulL, HAREIBT N. WIXCOX, d*ajhtet f of Norman .Wilcox, ; agod 19 : y*ara and 4 months. flPi^WiJjW^.V.i'.^ tSPW' ^•S^'SSssi-^ii^ 'vk44«<ia£jtS^riiy^ VV£~-S 1865] 04JDE.\SBURGI1 RAILROAD. Sa«pH ri86l WINTEB ABBANGEJIBinr. Commencing Monday, Nov, 80th, 1888. naming Xlme IS Mlnutea- ~X,e«iaI Time. W Ezprea Train* will, not stop at Flag Btatlons. Jg^ Two THEOOOH Tajuss DAILT, (Sunday* Eaxapted.) FIHST TBAIN, BOSTON AND NEW YORK EXPRESS. Lo»vo s 0gdenibnrgb at 5:80 a,m| (breakfast at Halana) arriviDg-«t Rome's Point at 10.80 a. m.| Burllagton 1.0* p. iri.,Trby and Albany 8.00 p. m.. New York 8.00 a. m.. White River Juactlon 4.00 p. m., Concord 7.00 p. m. and Boston . _ , , r . . 10.00 p.m. , :„• at* that has withataod Ike taat of year* In evtry allmata. I &J~ No change ol ear* by this trala batwaao OrJona- .», alwaya on hand and paekai at «aW noMa* f»r ablp- burgh and Boston. Th* rollowlBJfl4b*T*V^oiwU«i»r* • r « r e t l K r - - O d i i ^ i i t ' All ra-enlUUnf-aj'VttWUN VOLTJNTUKo wUtraodva front th*,0«y*nunent of tlia United Btate* ONI MONTH'8 PAT-.IN ^VANOm,iVnd,;a BOOTITY aa*" PMttTOM &6nSHnl^'»«Mraliicrirbni tb«r»ato"ofNew-1?o«fc-a- BOUNTY «r |M0, maklnf a Total of bounty and ad*U6> pay $5651- i*- . All other Volnnteen accepted will raeelve from la* Gov- ernment oft»eIlDit*d!Btat««vOI«MONTa'»rAT?nt *D- VANOB ana fcBOtfflTr^antfPKEMIDM amovotUf »9 $8*9. and from th* Btata of New-York 171, mikln| a total of bounty andadT*noapayi$390 I Ajpply to the MJmAenlgupa,^ over Cbolej't BOQK Store, Stain Street, Ifalone. .•'a .'."'^ J* H. MORGAN, ^a&&&£$i2 f 2. -asrrj© OWWUIJB-DBAIJai Of WINES AND LIQUORS I**v«Mtt»tftanmportt4 ' Wines. Brandies and Gins, •QtBASWI Halon*, Nov, •WVLIMIAJO. M W E I RecrutUof Aawat, 1B.18& Ntt--Vfi FIRM! la pael mem, Card, Bloak, Parlorwr Water-Proot Wcwd on* Paper Box, and tbo celebrated Bya** Mataba*. ' OAUTION. rn coiaaqaiaoo.orihohlgkrepulaH^n'oar Hateaei bava .<bfaUoed, nomban of parson* are Belling an artiela ef infarl- nr Qoalily, and even base enough to n*e Onr trade inark*.— I n order to avoid any occurrence of the kind heraaller, all <•! oar matche* will have printed on the wrappers. I " Manu&etured by" UTAH, C+H1TOK A po." Boston, Nov. 8,18«S-Trl9-8 m. Encouraged the Rebellion. me of having connived at and encour- Rebellion lies at the door of the Dom- •adi'rs in the North. Messrs. DajVis, <fc Co. receivetl- assurances that pot Id they not be molested in the • up the Union, bui.they woald receive comfort" at the hands of Northern :s. And it is notcwoitliy that the two ) went farthest in the-nay of egging cessionists were Franklirh. Pierce? and iich:ujaii, two Democratic Es-Presi- he tbrnaer, in a letter to Jeff. Davis, i Ol'T DISOCfcSINU TtrE QUESTION OF ' nf/xtrurt pt/irsr, TO .-DCEDE. I/tare nev- that nftuaJ, disruption of Vte Utiiqn con wt blood; and if, 0irough the madiiexi n Abolitionisti, that.dire calamity muM ghting trill not be* along Mason and' te merely. IT wn,L BK WITHIN Grit EES, IN OIK OWN STHEBTSi, BETWEEN LASSES ov cm^KNs TO WHOM I SAVE THOSE WHO DEFY L A W A N D scot T IOXAL OBLIGATIONS, WILL, IF WK 'II THE ARBITRAMENT Of AKJIS, FIND N ENOUGH AT HOME." f tanan improved on this, and in his 1 message took the broad position >vernment had no right under the' n to use coercion against rebellious gave the, ikey-note of.tlte Rebellion wing extract from, that document: estion. fairly stated is, Has the Oon- [elegated to Congress the power to State into submission which is al- to withdraw, or has actually with- l the Confederacy ? If answered in itive, it must be on the principle that lias' been conferred upon .Congress and make war against a 8tate? A-f- rions reflection, I have arrived at the hoi no sudi power has £«*/*• delegated to te any other dsfartmenf of the Fed- rnentr , ._ • i as the Ari/us and otlier Opposition continually cliarging' that the Re- 'precipitated the Rebellion," it-is > these s'tartling evidences of Demo- tion witli Treason "before the - jpeo- ' e we coofld wish to "let by-gones !>e he "truths of hfetory^inust be vin- "* 'bany.Joumal. * "' '' '."' OF REBEL GEN. MORCiAJV. CoLnSTBtrs, Ohio, Nov. 29th. General John H. Morgan,, a^id , Bennett, Taylor, Shefa*HRjHgck- Magre escaped from the Feniten- place, yesterday morning, by aid of friends from outside. One thous- eward is offered for Morgan, dead escape:, was., efje^tetl by digging floor of the-cell—about one foot of cfci—down to a large sewer,throiigh iagootuaderthe mam wall, i from Tfor'onto, C. W., says that ved there on .the §0th„ 5 f( Tins EVENING. Prof. L. D, assisted by his daughter HB oncertgfeKirig's Hall last evening in at- the same place^this eyening. had many years r ^sperience as "4i presents a chofce programme of md elegant seteeffote, which we , Fbeienjbyed by na. SSl«SJ^t#e; at Meade is operatingpretty.mtich I hodk.'^ He has &faQbfie$$i3 •n with Wasblngfcn~ ; *aving*%ts brage"1pr a. tdn days campaign' e evidently4*iean£> t<K aepom^i^i •-' —-^ ""'arfavor-flttl'^ef id iceeea.' r%*A*»^siSa#fr^ Mills cJose at 2J5 if^*i^|»ts^ais.8tose at 9.3(J A. ».— i ASH TMBTJ Krvsa MAUJ close at M& P- j^il-- ' ••' - ^IA. i4- fmfWtr'tS MIS dose at S3H»F.^!fW«a- ' L?i0J»P\ »!., Satordayl ' ...;..,';.; "J.,; * ' «m«.00 A. M. un s.oo Pi.ftfjs<u»r '• e. So promptly .at thoHlKiur ad.y«riised— cnUv&tsM^A,d'ii. ss^sarfiSS^^^ A Fortune for All t EITHER MBN OS WOMEN! I —No HDMBBd, but an iimgLT Maw thing. Only three ttonUis la tkU aonn- irj ! No clap trap operation to gull the public, but ajeno- k e money making thing! Read th* Circular of lutrncaon unce only, an* yon will onderstand It perfectly. A lafly has just written to me that she is making as high aa TWBNTT bOl-LARS SOME DAYS! giving 1 Instructions In thl* art.— i'housands of Soldiers arcmaklngmoney rapidly at It. No person has to be urged to patronise It. It Is a thing that ukeg better than anything aver befpre *n"ered. Y«u oaa make money with it at .home or abroad—6n sUamboati or railroad ears, and In the country or «Ky. You wjll he I pleased In pursuing It, not only beaausa H will yJeld a handsome income, but also in conaequeaea of the geaeval 5; admiration which it eltdta. It 1* pretty much all praftt A \f, mere trifle is necessary to start wiQt. *. There is scarcely one person out of thousand* whol ever any attention to advertisements *f this kind, thlaktag tst;y are humbugs. Consequently those .who do eeBjd for i n stractlons will have a broad field to make money In. There is a class of persons ia this world who think that because th«y have been humbugged out of a dollar or so, that every- thing that Ifl advertised is a humbug. Consequeatly they try no%ore. The person who succeeds Is the one that keeps cm trying until he hit* something that payB him. :.:'^ Tliis art cost me ooe thousand dollars, and I *zpeet to make money out of it—and all who purchase tha art of me will do tho same. One Dellar sent to me will insure the $ K: prompt return of a Card of instructions in the art. Thi if !ii "wmy will le returned to those not satisfied. "'"'*' Address WALTBK T. TINSLBY, Oct. 23—8m. No. 1 Park Place, New York. Klitor\of Palladium :DKIBISIB:—With your permission I wish to say to th* rsadLTs 1 of your paper that 1 will send, by return mall, to ?| all whoiwlsh it (free),- a Receipt, with full directions for making! and using a simple Vegetable. Balm, that will effectr •lally remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving th* same soft, etear, smoo&i and beautiful. ?vf I will also mail free to those having Bald Ileads, or Bare "" Fafes, simple directions and Information that will enable ihemJio start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All;applications answered by return mail without charge, Respectfully, Yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Qet. Mm, 841 Broadway, New York. fcs) S. T.—1860.—X. Persons ef sedentary habit* troubled with weakae**, lass* f;$l lude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress after |;\&| wating, torpid' liver, constipation, &6., deservo te sucTer If KJ:'-v| they will not try the celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS, which are now recommended by the highest medical author. lUea, and warranted to produce an iinjnadiate henefloial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pare, and mu*i supercede all other tonics where a healthy, gentl* suuiulant is required. They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a heaj>hy appetite. * Ttitey are aa antldefcjpo bhang* ef water and diet. They oVerceme effect* of dissipation and lalo houra. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind: They pre rent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. . They purtfyHhe breath and acidity ef thI stomach. Tbey eojresQysnep3ia; andseonstipatioft. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera-and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous; Headache. They make the weak strong, the languid brilllaat, and are exhausted natnre's great restorer* They a|re composed of the celebrated Oali&aya bark, wintergreen. sartairas,'roots and herbs, all preserved in perfectly pure .St. Croix rn». " * * * $ have given the Plantation Bitters to huadreds "! our disabled soldiers with the moat astonishing effect. (i. W. 1>. AHMWWS, Supt. Soldier's Home, Cincinnati, O." " » • • ale Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver oomplaint of which I was laid up prostrate, and had to aba* don my business. H. B. gmcsLrr, Gleveland^p." " » • * I owe much to you, tor 1 verily believe the Plan- HIOOND TRAIN, THROUGH MAIL. L«ave OgdemmuTgh at 11.80 p. at. (din* at Majsn*) arriv- ing at Rons*'* Point at 0.80 p. m., St. Albans T.OO p. m. (supper) Burlington 9.00 p. m., and Boston early n*xt morn- ing. SpeUncldd Bleeping Can run with this train between Rouse's Point and Boston. This train connect* with M. a C. R. R. a t Rouse's Point, arriving at Montreal 0.00 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Ogdensburgh at 4.00 p. m., for Malone. RETDBNINO. Leave Boston 8.00 a. m. (express) without change of cars, arriving at Ogdensburgh 1S.0O night, connecting with night express train. Grand Trunk Railway, for all points west, Ao. Leave Boston 7.00 a. m. and 5.00 p. in., and New York 7.00 a. m. and 8.00 p. m., arriving at Ogdensburgh 1.00 p. m. next day, connecting with Q. T. Railway and Ottawa A Prtucott Railway, for west annd north. Malone, Nov. «5,1868. Q. V. HOYLB, Bupt. Vermont Central aad Sullivan Railroads. WINTKK ABBANOEOEEirr. TRAINS GOING SOUTH AND BAST. Day Express leaves Ogdensburgh at B 80 a. m., Rouse's Potnt at 10.48 a. m., for Boston, Troy and New York. Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 12.15 p. m., Rouse's Point at 5.45 p. m., arriving at Boston at 8.40 a. m., con- necting at Bellows Falls with Cheshire Railroad Railroad for Boston, and Worcester and Vermont Valley Railroad for Springfield and New Haven, and arriving In New York at 4 80 p. m. TRAINS GOING NOTtTH AND WEST. Day Expres* leaves Boston at 8 00 a. m., for Ogdensburgh, Chicago and the West, making clase connections. Mail Train leaves Boston at 7.00 a. m., via Lowell, and at 7.80 a. m., via Lawrence or Fitehburgh. Leaves Springfield at 7.50 a. m. Night Express leaves Bellows Falls at 9.15 p. m., receiving passengers from Vermont Valley U. R. leaving New York at 8.00 a. m. connecting at White River Junction with train leaving Boston at B.00 p. m., via Lowell or Lawrence; arriv- ing at Ogdensburgh at 12.15 p. m. Sleeping Cars' are attached to both the Night Bapress tealns running between Roused P»int and Boston. St. Albans, Nov. 80,1608. •. MBRRCLb, Boat. T 1ST OP LETTERS Advertised in the Malone Post-Office, December Tst, 1863. aaHTO' LIST. Arnold, Wm. B. ' Andratu, Oharles Bell, Bradbury Bedell, George W. Better, Peter Barratt,ft.W. Cunningham, David S. Cantwell, Netsou Coray, Amos J. Cobine, James K. DeCourville, I. R. C. D. Ducal, Charles Drew, A. Q. K. Eberre, Etienne for cue, James Fiugeurld, Patrick Gray. Charles W. Goodrich, Isaac Hughs, A. A. Jres, Lt.W. V. B. Jones, Moses Langlor, Joseph VtB Laberge, I.ewi McCracker, James Mott, Sterns Mody, Joseph Persons calling for th* above Letters will please say Ad- vertlsesC CALVIN SKINNER, P. M. McNoU, Joseph Nes, Edward Page, Albert Ring, A. J. Robberts, William Rozean, Dennis Scott, Alfred Stone, Lewis Taylor, Wilder Van, Sycklo WilUams, Geo. H. Ware, Cearles P. Wlras, Alvin UAntss' LIST. Bernet, Miss Adllne Calaghan, Bridget King, Miss Mlanda Kurnan, MUs Ella A. King, Mrs. Annie Loomis, Mrs. Annette Morline, Mis* Mary Nicholas, Mrs. Regan, Mrs. Kagar, Mm. Catharine Walker, Mrs. Alanston Wood, Miss Harriet ' r , RAYINQ PURCHASED SMALL MAN & ALLEN'S ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS, Will be Ready to Walt upon all who may Favor them with a daft, on and after Saturday, Nov. 21st. P r i c e s 17V&ry Lo-CTr. F B H M 0 , Ready - Pay Exoluaively ! a STEVENS. O. 8T1VBN9. Malone, NOT. 18,1808. W. H BAKMIY. In. i.itioo Bitters have saved my life. \ Rev. W. H. WAQOOSIR, Madrid, N. Y." " * * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of tay Plan- tation Bitters. My wire has been greatly benefitted by their vs. . Thy friend, ASA Coaxr*, Philadelphia, Pa." KBi •• « « » I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * • The Plantation Bitter* have eured me. Rev. J. 8. CATBOBH, Rochester, N. Y." " * •* genius twenty-four dozen jnor* of'yanr Planta- tion Bitters, th* popularity ol which are daily increasing with the guests' of our-aouse. STXKS, CBADWICK k Co. Proprietors Willard'* Hotel, Washington, D, O." So. Ac. Ac. Ac Ao. Ac. Such are One la thousands of certificates daily;rec«ived. Tlhty are immeneely beneficial to weak persons and delicate female*. Be cautious of re-filled bottles. J See our signature on a fi.a steel, plate label. They are not sola by the gallon. They arewhly sold in onr patent log cabin bottles, by reapeetable ilruggists, grocers, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores. . P. H. DRAKE * CO., 203 BaoAnwiv, N. Y. PuJm«nary Co»»mnptlou a Curable B|«- easel! I j A Card to GonawaptAeea-r— The onelerslgned hsluig been restored to health I s a few H sreeks, by a very simpte remedy, after hilvfag*.Bnfferea seve '"" ral years wltA' a sevAira' lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption-i-ls anxious to, make knows to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who, desire It, he will send a copy of thsprescrip tion used (free of charge), with the^ directions for preparing ana ustag &e same^ whiel I^ejr\5*DT flhd a iur'i «ur«" for CosstrHPTioa, ASTSKA, BKOSCBITB, Cavana, GOLDS, Ac.— The only object-of th* advertiaerin sending the Prescription is to berfefit the afflicted, and spread Information wbl*h he conceives f* he invalual>le|t,kna he hoprt'ivery.euffsrer will try his remedy, as It will coil Uiem nothing, and may prove a blessing. _1 - "• •'* * •« - iJ *' Parties wishing the oreserlptien wlj please a,|drssa. ^v:roWSBB'A, f |ri|l6N,''VrauinMi^gh, 0et.S-4m.- -'-%• m " r *- J '—*- »-—-- ffing!* 6onaty; NewTork. OtwaUd. a a CAW _ _„„ , ... DeMHtyi' WHS Premature Decay SfMSnfiood, etc.3BPpl»ihg at the time •"" the MBfiis o* SE|^W«* Bv^oDAfb^l^cffiW-W^elf a^terTiefng pfii1o-gre»t?Mpens»imdlr^o^1£hr(ibgli nkedleal humbug and quackery-. -r "•' YU^JL .* By enclosiew » •pa^tM+*mn*pa>*\papfj9r «lngtr copies may be BW of the aatHBr.t s ~ * _ _ '*»"*• ,.< ^ATHAJHBfcllAiYMJK, B^, 1447-tim •-*.*"'' -BedfOrdViaSlnga County, N. Y. -—r.r'-F'Wriioms~~ l —' TRY TWB l i :itfV < >™ , ft^l-H'.l! ' 9' t •« ! i . i foS!S%tJ.' C ]i f»64>» '## tJB,J[ ^or S » l « *r»y all ^«**>o-<i? 1P * r * ^ yi J -Z-*l* GREAT Nt^VYS! GREAT NEWS! THE LOST IS FOUHD! MLR. P^T^jMltlR, OF THE FIRM OF MOREHOUSE & PALMER Has-turned up as was Anticipated, WITH A LARGE STOCK —OF- NEW AND FASHIONABLE RE1DT 1ADE CLOTHING! f F'o.iriiislaiiig' Goods! BOOTS AND SHOES! S - A ^ S A N P - C A PJS. «M>! SOOH WAS THE DEMAND FOE OUR GOODS RECEIVED EARLY IK TME FALL, THAT OUR STOCK THO' ' LARGE, WAS SOON EXHAUSTED, AND WE WERE OBLIGED TO JttKPLEN- •' ' - ISH IT, AND NOW HAVE THE SATISFACTION OP ANNOUNCING THAT IN MATCHED SUITS, WE CAN'T BE BEAT —FOR— STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE. 33-u.slzxeeis, X^xroolbLis WF DEFY THE WORLD. * OVER G O^A-TJfS —BOTH— . FBaOJCS AND SACKS AI*S0 A GOOD STOCK OV Boj^ ClafflMgl 4>.V M&.Z »si - 4 ' ' - s. i 3"rfr*a*JA G '- Linen Shirt Fronts, Colters, Nec^ ItiesiandiSearfsm^^^ us. •'i-st 1 *., -f. | j«ai , * - St k-i l^ABIESI OF A SUPERIOR.QUAUTY, ISPJCC »*wiMii^pi!epw^ __ _. m ^ — -- HOOF . t*«©S"%i«'sf»S'sS3 Sims ^i^&ii&^t&i^ AND A rib** B CHHAPEK THAN ANYWHWtB 1 TIONWOTIOB. ky4;»ii#E-,,.;,4 ,>.^_K- ^.„ ..JRPB-T Clt'KJr, That I; fatve. fen my son? Dnosoif Gums, bistime during the r«-t .nalndex of hiaminority, and:' shall claim ,ntoe of hi* earn : lhrTnFfl>y#y .leiit. of hU eontrictlngjifir t h M a ^ Dated Bangor, Nov. 19,1868. BjiKaOHGiBBa.*--a"* Malone, Nov. 18, '63. NEWGOODS. Just RecelVed a Large & Elegant Stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS ' -ATr- • ' j DURKEE&MEIGS; PARTICULARS NlEXT'WEEK:. Meantime a General and Cordial Invitation Is oxtended to the entire Communi- ty to Call and EXAMINE PRICES & QUALITY. LAMBS'FURS AT >. t M*8. HOODS, NUBIAS A SONTAOB. . , AT . . , ». * Mil COTTON YARN AT D. A Wt- BOFFALOROBEg AT D.kWS. CARPBTS AT D.IH1 Come One! - - - Gome All ! No. 1 Pbcentx Block. DURKJEE & MEICtS. B U T T O L F H'S '.'CD* DOUBLE PINE-APPLE, MEDER'S SWAN, DEW-DROP AND HONEY SUCKLE GINS, ALEX. SEIGNETTE'S ROOHELLE BRANDY; JULES, R9BIN & CO.'S. JAS. HENNESSEY & CO.'S, OTARD, DUPUY & CO.'S, HIVERTPELLEVOUSIN BRANDY; PORT AND MADER1A LNE. . OLD JAMAirCA RUM. * H* WHISKEYS. OU> OOBN WHISKEY,' ©I.D BYE WHISKEY, \TH1TE WHEAT WHISKEY, KENTCOEY BOtTBBOlf, OLD OHEBEtr WHISKEY, OI«0 MOPIONGAHKl-A. m Wti Ml W HE W& xmWP —AND— 95 PER CENT ALCOHOL. (-*?' Th* absv* Ll*jn*r* were purchased previoua to the advance •oeaittncd by th* heavy Oovernment Duty, and I will sell them lower than any house la Boston and New York for th* same quality *f Goods. m AU OooA* warranted to be as represented. J& 3. H. MORGAN, Water St., Osdcnabnrtjrb, N. T. Male.., 8«A^189I^- > ^ ^ > ^ f e ' 4 "" ' w. The Fall jCampaigD. tuts Fairly Opened I ORBAT ATTRACTIONS 1! W. O. mCKIIVSQI* & BRO. 1«,18«3. »" -fl -I'UJU|I.L ttBff«5 MORGAN, ARNOLD & CO. Having been dissolved by mutual constat, I would tay that I have retired iron th* baslnes* of Brewing and shall new devot* my whole time and attention to th* rectifying of WUakey and th* Win* and Liquor business. I have a very Large Stock of Imported Liquors, together with the B e a t B r a o d * of Wtatakey ; also, Hlgrb.wines and Alcohol, which I Sell as Low as any Hous* in the State. Ofdaauburgk. Water Slreet^ept. So. J . *f. IflOHOAN, NEW GOODS ! PREPARE FOR THE WINTER! Now is the Time! Are now Receiving the Largest and moat Attnotl*-* STOCK OF GOODS EVER ' Brought into Malone. Th* Ladle* will and that th* Place u'flnd an Assortment of Dry Goods—such u will pleue them •rill be at our Btore—where w* shall take pleasure In proving that we perform all that we advertise. " Seeing is believing." Com* and See for yourselves. We hare now In Store the Largest and Prettiest Stock of DUiJSS GOODS Brer Introduced into this Market, among which may be found SIXES, iflERIKOS, TAVETA8, (new arttclej BARATHEA OLOTHfl, (new,) ALPACOAS, (beautiful shade*,) THIBSTS, PARAMETTA8, LYONKSB, ALPAOAa,(ngnrtd,) REPE3, (Ogured and plain, MOHAIRS, POI DO CHEVBBS, DBLAINES, (cotton, and wool,) PRINTS, Ac., A c , Ac. We hare also a Beautiful Stock of Sd[oxxa*zxlxxv C3r-ooc3Ls. Also new Style* and Beautiful Shade* of Ladle*/ Clotlis for Cloaks A. Dress- es to natch. 0IJ0.A.:K:S & ZD-U-STEIRS On Hand and Made to Order at the Shortest Notice and* by Experienced Workmen. SHAWLS IN GREAT VARIETY! All eelora o f t h e celebrated Sbaker Yarns- Single s u i d D o a b l e W o r s t e d s (Shetland Wool—We Invite partlcalar attention to o-ur Stock or Balmoral (skirts, of which. we haw* l o o n o w on band and more on t h e w a y . We have Everything the Ladles want and only ask an In- spection of them. We have paid particular attention to the selection' or FLAK- nxs for Gentlemen's Wear, and can show tome styles that have not before appeared in Malone. In addi- tion to which w* have a good Assortment of Olotlia A-ftxcl 0«-*>sB*g«l-cxi.ex-<-»s*-i t o r Men'* and Boys' Wear. We have a Stock of over $3000 Worth of Boots and Shoes, Aad claim te be able to Sell for less than elsewhere, far th* reascn they were bought before they advanced to price. PLEASE CALL AND SEE FOR YOUR8ELVES. i N<j Goods Sold Except for -STm, HI r*lL U 9 Jt. **• Jtr xs. JC Cash paid for Butter —AU Kinds of Pro- dace taken for Goods at Cash Price. —OF— Consisting of DBYtpOODS, _. \ • CltOpEBIES, ' CROCKERY, GI.A8S-WABE, HABiVtrABG, BOOTS AIVDSHOES^ -j;.-.,' . Which they offer-at the: . • • liCf-vylagT FI^IOESI 176r Cash or Keaely Pay, ' i They h>ve a fall and varied aisortment of BEST BROADCLOTHS, - PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERBS, CAD£T STEEL MIXED AND BLACK DOESKINS, BEST ENGLISH BEAVER CLOTH, Gloves, Gauntlet*, Hosiery, English Cotton Flannel, Satinets . and Union Cloth, Blankets. IMPORTANT TO LADIES! Change in the Shape of la- M dies Hoop Skirts!! SIT ',.ot>e z. ctassi'-Qfrr- O e WZEW OF THE HEW SHAPE JTJST aa«J<Secel • • - - - - • - Received at th* 8t«r* of Nov. 1& W. a. DICKDISON A BRO. N EW FALL tc WIIfTEB GOODS WILL be Received at our Store this week. Nov. lg. W. G. DIOKINSCN A BKO. FLAX SEED! FLAX SEED! G &. & H, AffD TOE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, WILL BE PAH) FOB DELIVERED AT Our ACill Ira Bangor, IN". "ST. mPLLHOLLArTB ic ADAIHS. 0otl-9m X3Z3.X3SIS Or' OBi I Their Stock of Dress Goods is complete, from the naateat Print to the u^tllest Silk, consisting of . 8ILHS, in all the latest styles, ' SHAWLS, W00LDBLAINE8, PRINTED THIBBTS and CASHMERES, In new and elegsat deslsns, IRISH POPLINS, CAMILLAS, POLL DE OHBVBE8, BASKET PLA1D8. CASHMERE PLAIDS. PLAIN THIBET9, LYONESE, OOBCRG8, CASHMERE 80ARP8, CURTAIN MUSLINS, s FLANNELS, ' 1 PRINTS, great variety' No, I I^IUR'S Block, Malone, N. Y. Purchasers wishing good bargains and the best quality of Goods, will do well to give us a call, as we keep our Stock full, and aball sell at the lowest living prices. H O O P S K I R T S , the best article in town, for tale a KINGS'. P ORK, of eflra quality, can be found cheap at KI1 KINGS*. R OCK SALT—the best f"r salting meats, can be had by the bushel, and at a low rate, atj KINGS*. I N S A L T , by the barrel, brsold at a small profit, at fKINGS'. SECOND ARRIVAL —OF— * j. New Pall Goods! —AT- O. X,. H U B B A E D ' 8 B OOTS 6c SHOES—A splendid lot Just received and now opened, ready for Winter, at KINGS'. H ATS ic CAPS of the latest style*, are now selling offal B3NG8'. S OAP, CArVDL.ES, OILS, FLUID, AND Oampheue, of the best qualities, for sale at , KINGS. B UTTER. CREESE, POTATOES and all kinds of Produce received for Goods, at the best mar- ket prices, at KINGS'. FARM FOR SALE! The Subscriber has a Prairie Fstrm for Stile fin suitable, condition for the use of a Mowing Machine), of 100 acres or more, free from stone, well supplied with living water, with two good Houses, three Barns and other Out Buildings In proportion. This farm-Is situated in Fort Cov- ington, three miles west of the village and one mil* and a half aerth of Bombay Corners. For references, apply to Christopher Briggs and D. 8. McMillan, Malone. AIKIN IO-ICUE. Fort Covington, Nov. 2,1868—Sm. BOOTSI BOOTS! BOOTS! Fall and Winter Campaign now Open No. 1, HORTODPS BLOCK. The Subscriber would return his compliments to hia old Ous- ' tomers and the Public generally for their liberal patronage and solicit a continuance of their trade for] cX? SBOXIS -m ALL- STYLES AND VARIETIES which he is now Manufacturing from thej B E S T OF S T O O K Which has been bought at the lowest prices for Cash, |and will be sold at unprecedently low prices for , TO THE LADIES.—He would say If you want a nice FBBSCH, GOAT, BALMORAL, PEGGED or SEWED CALT, call and examine Prices and Quality before purchasing. TO THE GENTS.—If you want a good FBKHCH CAU, FRENCH KIP, PATKET KIP or STOOA BOOT, es:amtne my Stock, leave your measure and get your Boots on Short Notice as I have the best of Workmen to make them. N. MORSB. 200 ''A** 8 BAL9IORAL BOOTEES, for Sale by N. MORSE. tlAA P A I R S C A L F B O O T E E S , For Sale by JU\J\J N. MORSE. 1 OO PA,K8 PATWBIT KIR BOOTS, For N. MORSB. S UGARS dfc SYRUPS, wholesale and retail, at lowest prices, at KINGS'. T O B A C C O , keg, box, cut and split, and not to be beat, for sale at KINGS'. F ISH—Codfish, Mackerel and Saleaon, are sellhigcheap, at KINGS*. DWELLING HOUSE FOB SALE. A very comfortable and conveniently arrang-ed Dwelling Honfte, situated on Catharine Street, near Mr. Whtttelsey's Foundry and Machine Shops ID this Tillage, la offered for sale at a good bargain. The Lot on which the House stands, contains an acre of good ground. There Is a good barn, sheds, Ac, on the place. The House 1B supplied with water from the pipes of the Walter Works Co., and has every convenience necessary. Liberal terms will be given to the purchaser. Title undis* puled. For further particulars, Inquire of the subscriber and owner, on the premises. ELIZABETH LAW. Malone, Bept 18,1863. O. Moses, Jr., Has just Received a New and Fine 4SSORTWE.W OF ISOODS! mmmrn & OFFUBICIER If o. 4 Eacle Black;, opposite ths mil- ler Horue, Bar* sst /teoelved a artneodou* Large Stock or READY-MADE CLOTHING, know to the Art* Ambro'^p£rfor35€$^ ,J VOR 25 CENTS.—AmtutotypesJbf 35 CentfL' l?liiatog*^iiii8 gi.50 ^erl>Qzeii.--PQo- TOGRAPHS $1.50-PBBDOZBN4—Photographs S i m p e r Doj»«%i; ^ d , <0 ^ i.^a Laxae Bnafbcrapn*, 4-4 alBe, fl'.OO Eaen. LASOE PnOTOQ«A»Ha, AA n o , $1.00 IAOS—Larg* PhoU- WEsREVp'ERMVNEilT^IiTUnOH. . We B«Y6 Hfteeu Y e B i ' ^ x f i r l t a e e totte JBufini - We W^rjant-ouy-^o^rk. -''- & Plciure.' i r . 'a* Darabi. as'Ari can Itaie.'' ' WB .(MEhto? ALli OP'OOH; NZK}A*11VS8^ Duplicate*c*nI;eordcfe'4ata^Tlsa*la-th*Fnture: ' . We iEnliige^Bniall Pioto©: t*'44 fliw. We Touch them with Indialak, or Paint thesa In C e U n . 3 WK Wn-L GL*«t|(IBo4ttr«CTCR«^ TO ANTPIR80H THlT^ABII^^Ji^s^lfsSI IQ>«JU XSDBiqr^ Open •v.ryTdayJofih*firaelr, ttS£li. ttto«••. u. :*,•'•> U:s> '-•wtaaKfc {^•ow® 1 ^*^®* &m' ^iefe* i*«**e&' r? i • ^s-jgij — - — labSsM^iroi^^ J - . - ^ l Th.: i - ;s f ts»»fe''KftSS« 1 '9«rflS» O O . ^ mi «a»eknowli^k&%l«^ h**)*M*(t *t#--&*FflvaHtTi; airirt *^*rii1nr*tf^1r\I»r» , . ;-i,.. ^. '^2 &A.~- ,'rr y ^°t; efRink,, _..,„_, worki«,*s'l(»'fltielw iSemV tioHeoniprrtenitve, pi*** jlX Wailalra«»on S t m t , S o r t * " . oomamsia or Frock and Sack Overcoats, BUSllfESS COATS, BBES8 COATS, VESTS! So. 1 Unloi Block, o i tbe Comer. Of *Jlth»I*tMtBtytes,Qu»Jltle« and Pricey ALarg. Assortment ef Fur, Silk and Wool HatsJ •iii?-> . • . ->?r-H Wt, Cloth, Skfttingf:anA Sleighing Capi, : .ct' 'A 'U-. A!ii_. BmtB m& WL0Q$, OLBoperl** aCsaufaesure, at greatly Reduced Prloe*. All .fliOil'i OT iiSAM t5te«rj»£.' '. -A '• : 3 . . —SBI, 1*|iltej^T|»fllI|ig, smd IJn d e r SblVta, FTi, : 0mmmmmmtK-mm FUR< ttVLAUB, GLOVESpHOSlERT \\*h^tiiltt U^avatf' ' . \ :•',:•'!• ' ^ n l / .. TIIsJ-t^ls^-Aaa'te ' 'I is*.;* omm^meamo^mm^^H^ ;SOTI sr.&&Mr>*Ei^msm.wi\ alsi'-t: Tiisstoelcls jSsjalilrJlW^I^ 'mt.*.ilT*,-li!W 1 ift^^ ' BxamlM oar Stock aad'PrloM: No If yo« doe»H Jfcy. Having 8»ld off his Stock of Good* purchased early in the Fall, he has Just returned from New York with a LARGER & BETTER SELECTED STOCK ; Tlfflff EVER B|F§h|, ^ ^ Among which soay hafoonda Spleadld Stock of O'f-.MUh BTTI.S8. WINTERSHAWLS, Of th* Latest Pattern. liADIE^ & IilISSES'.nOODS, Cbeskp^and Pretty. Shoes! mmm$m>mmmmm; Sugars, Teas, *Stc. &o.. &o.. t, <t ffalchliCwaiKiiiAt'fiii f Malone, Nor. 19,1668. auxasvAOi aSIwsvw 0. t. HUBBARD. MILLINERY ^OQDS! MISSISABELIiA McHUGH'S «^ig|lh«g^^MkW^^^| ,-riUt^Ua^ «lle» This Stock consists In part ofj W, OIopls.s, Silver and Silver-Plated Ware! —and— 3F'^LX9~O TOOODS HI* Stock ofSUver Plated War* conalstaln part of Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Castors, BUTTER DISHES, SYRUP CUPS, Spoon Holders, Goblets, Call Bells ( —and—J TABLE KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. --' s . He will give his attention to repairing . fh : .• r , ', •Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, ...„,,,> at.Np.4,JcrnlonBloek. Malone, Sept'16tU>18t33.> v > - O. BIOSES, Jr. 1 AA P A I R S S T O C A B O O T S , For Sale by l V U N. MORSI OYS AND TOCTHS '0*8, For \ N - For Sale by "" MORSB. B S OLE, UPPER A N D A L l / KIimDS OP LEATHKR, For Sale by ~ MALOKB, Oct. T, 1868. N. MORSE. HARDWARE! A VERY FULL AND COMPLETE! "Xsi sortment bought; DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS FOR CA8H, Thereby saving a profit usuially paid the jobbers, aad will be sold at a small advance from cost, and as low a* at any Hardware store in Northern New ITork. House TrinimiDp, Carriage Trimmings, Harness Trimmings, Mechanics' Tools, Iron and Steel of all kinds. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, Painters' Turpentine equal to Spirits Turpentine at one- fourth the Cost. W h i t e L e a d , Z i n c , F r e n c h , F o l l o w , D n a t a e Paint, & C , 1 0 0 0 Boxes Olass, any S i z e W a n t e d , at manufac- turers Prices. ROWLAND MILL SAWS, CAST STEEL MILL SAWS, CROSS OUT SAWS, And everything else that any one wants In our line. Malone, July 1,1888. L S. BOSTWICK. IOOO REAMS WRAPPING PAPER! jtfTE WEAPPING TWINE, HOP AND UPHOLSTERS TWINE, Just Beceifred.aBtlfor Sale -"xr zEB.aEt "sr at* o \PST . _ . r'. I . S . BOSTWIOK. Malone, Sept. IT, 188S1 No<l IJiiio9|BIoxk|?M»10:WN> T. times past, all clauettnLJIcchanlcl hare bees able by a little experience i%M^s^^«^erafiPPH>rAcll hare bees able by a little experience^ ioknotoattchai , . - _ . . .. . ..^OilMlWklnd and quality are afforded at abput.the. *ame, prices, except ow^lonaUyweiSe^TriaamM^^ artrcieMtone-iallrte^rJjjelu^ neighbor*A And" wh«l;ltlj**|o«eS^.|l*e^ teoti»i%us^meftfto.wBI'p»^twIoft th*fnKiKlHcs for other articles, lor the^stievotjuie article cheap; or, that . the*e.che*P good**respuriov* and worttfam and "dear When these ar« artfcles of commerce, that can be ptarj ci»ted«;orjjepliu;e4:ist**jiy;toe; Do*»o»uefcnj»«er ; capable of producing;. How often ire hear people;*: their regret '^liBt«g«jguW6tTSMri|J %Bmn *• of some lost Mend or dear relative while alive." ' Nowlfjbuariintw. D tVa f P;Wt i E ,ii*a.'rcan PWn, Fancy, O ^ p r l l t «n4 &m*oo&' '1 »rei%ffewMorS*l»ln*fc»W»H«nt' Htlsfle, ana for »Weh ]Tlf?i¥filf./jr# JtOAW. CZ>'jAtZNTSI C ONSTANTLr"on hand and for sals at the lowest market prices, "ATLANTIC" WHITE LEAD, dry and in oil. "CRYSTAL PALAOE-'^WHITE LEAD, dry and in oil, ~ " " " r N PAINT, f Paint* In use. EROILED A N D R A W LINSEED OIL, Sdf the very best quality. Cheap PaUnt Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Na»- tha and Painters Tnrpentlne, Var- nishes of a l l . k i n d s . L a r d OU ." Jfl,. J»srSI»teMhery. . . "Java? U?JK^E s:^ia33"Wr , -jaL^E , .S3." •„ M*Joai,Benf31T|:Jif§.r, ; <I.,6i B0ST-WIOK. 1000 8 ^B^WO^B%Lll 9 f UnmAraI> toy slie wanted. For Aale at Factory price* *oy Malone, Sept. 17,18B8. LS. BOSTWIOK. i)|i^^ail'.®ood&! - 63 t i -it. HI .'Vi- -7S tr ,(< '."IflUC •-3ghf9SF :, A P P, 4*»3^ €#•?•?»•• n Ajftertlie t J V.. I *T«JV *&? iMf*s? AN 1 ? W<' iki Care: ^?P ]f^ , ^'flT^{P^ , »»*W"""JE 5"-"^ "^5^ "UP"*?' I J*a K ^ 3JK. :,E lis! V ( M , 1 T t s « ck- qr-. PS, t. gsr. m. 3. K. 4 is 3, 3. "J. t •i. I I IJ ?? I f rt t' 1 «i'-l Wi. i m-Uf-m Q t,^ ;S; m^'M miW l^Si0kM •ftm&ti'* a '«*x»»ii.iiij. mnii.ui ..u....jiiMnL» LLumJlielll i

Transcript of CLOTHING, - NYS Historic ·...

Page 1: CLOTHING, - NYS Historic · 2008-11-03 · r reaoh CO pieces of artillery. A Jaro of prisoners have fallen roto our


\ '

I .- '".-WW • m i

* -.* T*- ;"-^r:t=^^^^

THE WESTp VlifSiir nflrmaUon of t i e Glorious Kcws.

SJCS OVERWHELMING DEFEAT. Army Crumbling Away and Surrendering by Squads.

US R E B E L T R O O P S CAJYNOX B E MADE T O ^ K A - 1 * ^ . ^ >


ITpf-POUR FAECES OP CkkKois IX OUR HANDS. ,(. ,'.,.»

n a m R a i d Upon the East Ten-nessee Rai lroad.

street's Communication Cot and His Force in Imnfenent Te: il,

Grant Vigorously FoHovvin<? the Panic-stricken Moo. *

L « » . W Over Three TJioHsaod.


- WASHINGTON, Friday, Nov 27 following has* been received at. the head­'s of'the amny here-te TTAKOOOA, Friday, Nov. 27W-1Q, A M sn. II. W. Ilallerk, Gsneral-iniG^sfjWasIt-

jiist in from the front The rout of the is tuost complete. Abandoned wakens sand occasional pieces of artilery are Sere to be found. I think Braffgr's loss r reaoh CO pieces of artillery. A J a r o of prisoners have fallen roto our hands •smt will continue to Red Clay'in the r. Tor which place I shall start m a few

V. S. GRANT, Major General.


CHATTANOOGA, Friday, Nov. £7, tuation to night is highly satisfactory joker's, Palmer's and Sherman's cbhi-re nearly 10 miles bcy6nd'5Bhiekamnnga i pursuit of th-e*cpQmbling army of ho is making every effort, to escajH- our near Dalton. larp fight this morning, Gen. Palmer's took 4 pins and 300 prisoners, herman is reported U> have advanced -e Station, ou our left, to-day, and cut rebels.

•ad along which Bragg is retreating is h caissons, wagons, commissagr and stores. isoners say that it is impossible for the lers to make their troops stand. tug's cavalry command returned from lid to the East.Tennessee Railroad to-riiey destroyed the road lo- miles above fnv Cleveland ; they burned a rebel at Cleveland where large quantities-of 6 of war are stored ; one htindrtd oaded with baggage, and captured go

.ang was attacked, subsequently, by a forte of infantry, cavalry and artillery, eded in bringing his prisoners off. aid was made upon the Railroad con:-3g between Bragg and Longstreet, for «e of preventing a junction of their t ha.- isolated Longstreet, antl com-im to abandon his campaign against

s in the three' days' fight will not ex-

— l - "~i1 f * - 3 223

S p e c i a l 'iSo'ttl'crism. tegsB&nsaa -p=t


S A P € > ^ 1 1 1 B # ^ i

flRCONCti F A M I L Y S O A P M A K E R . ^ |

WAR (pake* high price*; Saaoalfitt ,a«lpi to redact

Stem. It make* S o a p for F o u r cask a pound by using reur kiUhen gnes*. . i

B T " C A U T I O N i At spnrtoui t#a*:ar*;ofl»r«(tin»,. be earefuLand only bay t i e P a t e n t e d artiol* pat op In I r o n vaa, .all other* being C o u n « * r f t l U .


P M l a d e l p I U a — W o . W* WataatrStraet.

F l t t » b a r g - P » t 6«r«et aad Duquesa* Way.


" I n tbl* VUla^aCfte M. JKlParaoaage, on thelst Inst, by Bey. P„ F. JteeJLJaanJtOgsTSg CMKK, of WeftvUle, to *M&atAE»CT8-HiiBWOOP,o»BaB<o^


BY A M , C A R L T O N 4c C O . , M.ANDIAOJ0B1B8 of F r i c t i o n M a t c h e s , have removed from Union

street, to tb*ir largo building recently (naiad,

NOB. 9 1 , 9 4 , 9 6 , 98 , '100 a n d 103 F r i end St. Being th* largest and *ld*et manufacturer* of Priotien

Matches in tbia aoantry, dealers, shippers, sea eapiaiut, and •oHiDii i , eanalwayartly onagoed artltle, and the only

" tofyaaraln

InWoatfl WELD a 81 oJ^ertvlllB.

A'ihe &&&&&***. J. «nay, Ma. WTN-SI, to Miss ADELINE E. BUELL, both

In tblsTowa, on tbo 20th ulL, HAREIBT N. WIXCOX, d*ajhtetf of Norman .Wilcox,;agod 19:y*ara and 4 months.

f lP i^WiJ jW^.V. i ' . ^ tSPW' ^•S^'SSssi-^ii^ 'vk44«<ia£jtS^riiy^ V V £ ~ - S


S a « p H ri86l W I N T E B A B B A N G E J I B i n r .

Commencing Monday, Nov, 80th, 1888. n a m i n g X l m e I S M l n u t e a -

~X,e«iaI T i m e .

W Ezprea Train* will, not stop at Flag Btatlons. Jg^

Two THEOOOH Tajuss DAILT, (Sunday* Eaxapted.)


Lo»vos0gdenibnrgb at 5:80 a,m| (breakfast at Halana) arriviDg-«t Rome's Point at 10.80 a. m.| Burllagton 1.0* p. iri.,Trby and Albany 8.00 p. m.. New York 8.00 a. m.. White River Juactlon 4.00 p. m., Concord 7.00 p. m. and Boston

. _ , ,r . . 10.00 p .m. , :„• at* that has withataod Ike taat of year* In evtry allmata. I &J~ No change ol ear* by this trala batwaao OrJona-. » , alwaya on hand and paekai at «aW noMa* f»r ablp- burgh and Boston.

Th* rollowlBJfl4b*T*V^oiwU«i»r* • r « r e t l K r - - O d i i ^ i i t ' All ra-enlUUnf-aj'VttWUN VOLTJNTUKo wUtraodva

front th*,0«y*nunent of tlia United Btate* ONI MONTH'8 PAT-.IN ^VANOm,iVnd,;a BOOTITY aa*" PMttTOM &6nSHnl^'»«Mrali icrirbni tb«r»ato"ofNew-1?o«fc-a-BOUNTY «r |M0, maklnf a Total of bounty and ad*U6> pay $ 5 6 5 1 - i*- .

All other Volnnteen accepted will raeelve from la* Gov­ernment oft»eIlDit*d!Btat««vOI«MONTa'»rAT?nt * D -VANOB ana fcBOtfflTr^antfPKEMIDM amovotUf »9 $8*9. and from th* Btata of New-York 171, mikln| a total of bounty andadT*noapayi$390 I Ajpply to the MJmAenlgupa,^ over

Cbolej't BOQK Store, Stain Street, Ifalone.

.•'a .'."'

J* H. MORGAN, ^a&&&£$i2f2. -asrrj©


WINES AND LIQUORS I**v«Mtt»tftanmportt4 '

Wines. Brandies and Gins, • Q t B A S W I

Halon*, Nov, •WVLIMIAJO. M W E I RecrutUof Aawat,


Ntt--Vfi F I R M !


pael mem, Card, Bloak, Parlorwr Water-Proot Wcwd on* Paper Box, and tbo celebrated By a** Mataba*. '

O A U T I O N . rn coiaaqaiaoo.orihohlgkrepulaH^n'oar Hateaei bava

.<bfaUoed, nomban of parson* are Belling an artiela ef infarl-nr Qoalily, and even base enough to n*e Onr trade inark*.— I n order to avoid any occurrence of the kind heraaller, all <•! oar matche* will have printed on the wrappers. I

" Manu&etured by" UTAH, C+H1TOK A p o . " Boston, Nov. 8,18«S-Trl9-8 m.

Encouraged the R e b e l l i o n .

me of having connived at and encour-Rebellion lies at the door of the Dom-•adi'rs in the North. Messrs. DajVis, <fc Co. receivetl- assurances that pot Id they not be molested in the • up the Union, bui.they woald receive

comfort" at the hands of Northern :s. And it is notcwoitliy that the two ) went farthest in the-nay of egging cessionists were Franklirh. Pierce? and iich:ujaii, two Democratic Es-Presi-he tbrnaer, in a letter to Jeff. Davis,

i Ol'T DISOCfcSINU TtrE QUESTION OF ' nf/xtrurt pt/irsr, T O . - D C E D E . I/tare nev-that nftuaJ, disruption of Vte Utiiqn con wt blood; and if, 0irough the madiiexi n Abolitionisti, that.dire calamity muM ghting trill not be* along Mason and' te merely. I T w n , L B K W I T H I N Grit EES, IN OIK OWN STHEBTSi, BETWEEN L A S S E S ov c m ^ K N s T O W H O M I S A V E

T H O S E W H O D E F Y L A W A N D s c o t T


tanan improved on this, and in his 1 message took the broad position >vernment had no right under the' n to use coercion against rebellious gave the, ikey-note of.tlte Rebellion wing extract from, that document: estion. fairly stated is, Has the Oon-[elegated to Congress the power to State into submission which is al­to withdraw, or has actually with-l the Confederacy ? If answered in itive, it must be on the principle that lias' been conferred upon .Congress and make war against a 8tate? A-f-rions reflection, I have arrived at the hoi no sudi power has £«*/*• delegated to te any other dsfartmenf of the Fed-

rnentr , ._ •

i as the Ari/us and otlier Opposition continually cliarging' that the Re-

'precipitated the Rebellion," i t - is > these s'tartling evidences of Demo­tion witli Treason "before the - jpeo- ' e we coofld wish to "let by-gones !>e he "truths of hfetory^inust be vin- "* 'bany.Joumal. * " ' '' ' ." '


CoLnSTBtrs, Ohio, Nov. 29th. General John H. Morgan,, a^id

, Bennett, Taylor, Shefa*HRjHgck-Magre escaped from the Feniten-

place, yesterday morning, by aid of friends from outside. One thous-eward is offered for Morgan, dead

escape:, was., efje^tetl by digging floor of the-cell—about one foot of cfci—down to a large sewer,throiigh iagootuaderthe mam wall, i from Tfor'onto, C. W., says that ved there on .the §0th„ 5 f(

Tins EVENING. — Prof. L. D, assisted by his daughter H B oncertgfeKirig's Hall last evening in at- the same place^this eyening. had many years r^sperience as "4i presents a chofce programme of md elegant seteeffote, which we , Fbeienjbyed by na. SSl«SJ^t#e;

at Meade is operatingpretty.mtich I hodk.' He has &faQbfie$$i3 •n with Wasblngfcn~;*aving*%ts brage"1pr a. tdn days campaign' e evidently4*iean£> t<K aepom^i^i •-' —-^ ""'arfavor-flttl'^ef i d


r % * A * » ^ s i S a # f r ^ M i l l s cJose at 2J5

i f ^ * i ^ | » t s ^ a i s . 8 t o s e at 9.3(J A. » . —

i ASH TMBTJ Krvsa MAUJ close at M& P-j ^ i l - - ' ••' - ^ I A . i 4 -fmfWtr'tS MIS dose at S3H»F.^!fW«a- ' L?i0J»P\ »!., Satordayl ' ...;..,';.; "J.,; * ' «m«.00 A. M. un s.oo Pi.ftfjs<u»r '•

e. So promptly .at thoHlKiur ad.y«riised—


s s ^ s a r f i S S ^ ^ ^

A F o r t u n e for All t EITHER MBN OS WOMEN! I — N o HDMBBd, but an

i i m g L T Maw thing. Only three ttonUis la tkU aonn-irj ! No clap trap operation to gull the public, but ajeno-k e money making thing! Read th* Circular of lutrncaon unce only, an* yon will onderstand It perfectly. A lafly has just written to me that she is making as high aa TWBNTT bOl-LARS SOME DAYS! giving1 Instructions In thl* art.— i'housands of Soldiers arcmaklngmoney rapidly at It. No person has to be urged to patronise It. It Is a thing that ukeg better than anything aver befpre *n"ered. Y«u oaa make money with it at .home or abroad—6n sUamboati or railroad ears, and In the country or «Ky. You wjll he

I pleased In pursuing It, not only beaausa H will yJeld a handsome income, but also in conaequeaea of the geaeval

5; admiration which it eltdta. It 1* pretty much all praftt A \f, mere trifle is necessary to start wiQt.

*. There is scarcely one person out of thousand* whol ever any attention to advertisements *f this kind, thlaktag

tst;y are humbugs. Consequently those .who do eeBjd for i n stractlons will have a broad field to make money In. There is a class of persons ia this world who think that because th«y have been humbugged out of a dollar or so, that every­thing that Ifl advertised is a humbug. Consequeatly they try no%ore. The person who succeeds Is the one that keeps cm trying until he hit* something that payB him.

:.:' Tliis art cost me ooe thousand dollars, and I *zpeet to make money out of it—and all who purchase tha art of me will do tho same. One Dellar sent to me will insure the

$ K: prompt return of a Card of instructions in the art. Thi if ! i i "wmy will le returned to those not satisfied. "'"'*' Address WALTBK T. TINSLBY,

Oct. 23—8m. No. 1 Park Place, New York.

Klitor\of Palladium :— DKIBISIB:—With your permission I wish to say to th*

rsadLTs1 of your paper that 1 will send, by return mall, to ?| all whoiwlsh it (free),- a Receipt, with full directions for

making! and using a simple Vegetable. Balm, that will effectr •lally remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving th* same soft, etear, smoo&i and beautiful.

?vf I will also mail free to those having Bald Ileads, or Bare "" Faf es, simple directions and Information that will enable

ihemJio start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty days.

All;applications answered by return mail without charge, Respectfully, Yours,

THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Qet. M m , 841 Broadway, New York.


S. T.—1860.—X. Persons ef sedentary habit* troubled with weakae**, lass*

f;$l lude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, distress after |;\&| wating, torpid' liver, constipation, &6., deservo te sucTer If KJ:'-v| they will not try the celebrated

PLANTATION BITTERS, which are now recommended by the highest medical author. lUea, and warranted to produce an iinjnadiate henefloial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pare, and mu*i supercede all other tonics where a healthy, gentl* suuiulant is required.

They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a heaj>hy appetite. * Ttitey are aa antldefcjpo bhang* ef water and diet. They oVerceme effect* of dissipation and lalo houra. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind: They pre rent miasmatic and Intermittent fevers. . They purtfyHhe breath and acidity ef th I stomach. Tbey eojresQysnep3ia; andseonstipatioft. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera-and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous; Headache.

They make the weak strong, the languid brilllaat, and are exhausted natnre's great restorer* They a|re composed of the celebrated Oali&aya bark, wintergreen. sartairas,'roots and herbs, all preserved in perfectly pure .St. Croix rn».

" * * * $ have given the Plantation Bitters to huadreds "! our disabled soldiers with the moat astonishing effect. (i. W. 1>. AHMWWS, Supt. Soldier's Home, Cincinnati, O."

" » • • a l e Plantation Bitters have cured me of liver oomplaint of which I was laid up prostrate, and had to aba* don my business. H. B. gmcsLrr, Gleveland^p."

" » • * I owe much to you, tor 1 verily believe the Plan-

HIOOND TRAIN, THROUGH MAIL. L«ave OgdemmuTgh at 11.80 p. at. (din* at Majsn*) arriv­

ing at Rons*'* Point at 0.80 p. m., St. Albans T.OO p. m. (supper) Burlington 9.00 p. m., and Boston early n*xt morn­ing. SpeUncldd Bleeping Can run with this train between Rouse's Point and Boston. This train connect* with M. a C. R. R. a t Rouse's Point, arriving at Montreal 0.00 p. m.

ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Ogdensburgh at 4.00 p. m., for Malone.

RETDBNINO. Leave Boston 8.00 a. m. (express) without change of cars,

arriving at Ogdensburgh 1S.0O night, connecting with night express train. Grand Trunk Railway, for all points west, Ao.

Leave Boston 7.00 a. m. and 5.00 p. in., and New York 7.00 a. m. and 8.00 p. m., arriving at Ogdensburgh 1.00 p. m. next day, connecting with Q. T. Railway and Ottawa A Prtucott Railway, for west annd north.

Malone, Nov. «5,1868. Q. V. HOYLB, Bupt.

Vermont Central aad Sullivan Railroads. W I N T K K A B B A N O E O E E i r r .

TRAINS GOING SOUTH AND BAST. Day Express leaves Ogdensburgh at B 80 a. m., Rouse's

Potnt at 10.48 a. m., for Boston, Troy and New York. Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 12.15 p. m., Rouse's

Point at 5.45 p. m., arriving at Boston at 8.40 a. m., con­necting at Bellows Falls with Cheshire Railroad Railroad for Boston, and Worcester and Vermont Valley Railroad for Springfield and New Haven, and arriving In New York at 4 80 p. m.

TRAINS GOING NOTtTH AND WEST. Day Expres* leaves Boston at 8 00 a. m., for Ogdensburgh,

Chicago and the West, making clase connections. Mail Train leaves Boston at 7.00 a. m., via Lowell, and at

7.80 a. m., via Lawrence or Fitehburgh. Leaves Springfield at 7.50 a. m.

Night Express leaves Bellows Falls at 9.15 p. m., receiving passengers from Vermont Valley U. R. leaving New York at 8.00 a. m. connecting at White River Junction with train leaving Boston at B.00 p. m., via Lowell or Lawrence; arriv­ing at Ogdensburgh at 12.15 p. m.

Sleeping Cars' are attached to both the Night Bapress tealns running between Roused P»int and Boston.

St. Albans, Nov. 80,1608. • . MBRRCLb, Boat.

T 1 S T O P L E T T E R S Advertised in the Malone Post-Office, December Tst, 1863.

aaHTO' LIST. Arnold, Wm. B. ' Andratu, Oharles Bell, Bradbury Bedell, George W. Better, Peter Barratt, ft. W. Cunningham, David S. Cantwell, Netsou Coray, Amos J. Cobine, James K. DeCourville, I. R. C. D. Ducal, Charles Drew, A. Q. K. Eberre, Etienne for cue, James Fiugeurld, Patrick Gray. Charles W. Goodrich, Isaac Hughs, A. A. Jres, Lt.W. V. B. Jones, Moses Langlor, Joseph

VtB Laberge, I.ewi McCracker, James Mott, Sterns Mody, Joseph Persons calling for th* above Letters will please say Ad-


McNoU, Joseph Nes, Edward Page, Albert Ring, A. J. Robberts, William Rozean, Dennis Scott, Alfred Stone, Lewis Taylor, Wilder Van, Sycklo WilUams, Geo. H. Ware, Cearles P. Wlras, Alvin

UAntss' LIST. Bernet, Miss Adllne Calaghan, Bridget King, Miss Mlanda Kurnan, MUs Ella A. King, Mrs. Annie Loomis, Mrs. Annette Morline, Mis* Mary Nicholas, Mrs. Regan, Mrs. Kagar, Mm. Catharine Walker, Mrs. Alanston Wood, Miss Harriet



S M A L L M A N & A L L E N ' S


Will be R e a d y t o Wal t u p o n a l l w h o may Favor them with a

daft , o n and after

Saturday, Nov. 21st.

P r i c e s 17V&ry Lo-CTr.

• F B H M 0 ,

Ready - Pay Exoluaively !


Malone, NOT. 18,1808.


I n .

i.itioo Bitters have saved my life. \ Rev. W. H. WAQOOSIR, Madrid, N. Y."

" * * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of tay Plan­tation Bitters. My wire has been greatly benefitted by their vs. . Thy friend, ASA Coaxr*, Philadelphia, Pa."

KBi •• « « » I have been a great sufferer from Dyspepsia, and had to abandon preaching. * * • The Plantation Bitter* have eured me. Rev. J. 8. CATBOBH, Rochester, N. Y."

" * • * gen ius twenty-four dozen jnor* of'yanr Planta­tion Bitters, th* popularity ol which are daily increasing with the guests' of our-aouse. STXKS, CBADWICK k Co.

Proprietors Willard'* Hotel, Washington, D, O." So. Ac. Ac. Ac Ao. Ac.

Such are One la thousands of certificates daily;rec«ived. Tlhty are immeneely beneficial to weak persons and delicate female*.

Be cautious of re-filled bottles.J See our signature on a fi.a steel, plate label. They are not sola by the gallon. They arewhly sold in onr patent log cabin bottles, by reapeetable ilruggists, grocers, hotels, saloons, steamboats and country stores. .

P . H . D R A K E * C O . , 203 BaoAnwiv, N. Y.

P u J m « n a r y C o » » m n p t l o u a C u r a b l e B | « -e a s e l ! I j

A Card to GonawaptAeea-r— The onelerslgned hsluig been restored to health Is a few

H sreeks, by a very simpte remedy, after hilvfag*.Bnfferea seve '"" ral years wltA' a sevAira' lung affection, and that dread

disease, Consumption-i-ls anxious to, make knows to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure.

To all who, desire It, he will send a copy of thsprescrip tion used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing ana ustag &e same^ whiel I^ejr\5*DT flhd a iur'i «ur«" for CosstrHPTioa, ASTSKA, BKOSCBITB, Cavana, GOLDS, Ac.—

The only object-of th* advertiaerin sending the Prescription is to berfefit the afflicted, and spread Information wbl*h he conceives f* he invalual>le|t,kna he hoprt'ivery.euffsrer will try his remedy, as It will coil Uiem nothing, and may prove a blessing. _1- "• •'* * •« -iJ*'

Parties wishing the oreserlptien wlj please a,|drssa. ^v:roWSBB'A, f | r i | l6N, ' 'VrauinMi^gh,

0et.S-4m.- -'-%• • m"r*-J'—*- » - — - -ffing!* 6onaty; NewTork.

OtwaUd. a a CAW

_ _„„ , . . . DeMHtyi' WHS Premature Decay SfMSnfiood, etc.3BPpl»ihg at the time •"" the MBfiis o* S E | ^ W « * Bv^oDAfb^l^cffiW-W^elf

a^terTiefng pfii1o-gre»t?Mpens»imdlr^o^1£hr(ibgli nkedleal humbug and quackery-. -r "•' YU^JL .*

By enclosiew » •pa^tM+*mn*pa>*\papfj9r «lngtr copies may be BW of the aatHBr.ts~ * _ _ '*»"*•

,.< ^ATHAJHBfcllAiYMJK, B ^ , 1447-tim • •-*.*"'' • -BedfOrdViaSlnga County, N. Y.

-—r.r'-F'Wriioms—~~l—' T R Y TWBli


< >™

, ft^l-H'.l! ' 9 '

t •« ! i

. i foS!S%tJ.'C]i f»64>» '## tJB,J[

^ o r S » l « * r»y a l l ^«**>o-< i? 1 P* r* ^ yi J-Z-*l*




MOREHOUSE & PALMER Has-turned up as w a s Anticipated,


L A R G E S T O C K —OF-


R E 1 D T 1 A D E

C L O T H I N G ! f

F 'o . i r i i i s l a i i i g ' G o o d s ! B O O T S A N D S H O E S !








3 3 - u . s l z x e e i s , X ^ x r o o l b L i s WF DEFY THE WORLD. *



Boj^ClafflMgl 4>.V M&.Z »si - 4 ' ' - s. i 3 " r f r * a * J A G ' -

Linen Shirt Fronts, Colters, N e c ^ ItiesiandiSearfsm^^^

us. • ' i-st1*.,

• -f. | j « a i , * - St k-i •

l ^ A B I E S I




__ — _. — m ^ — — --HOOF . t*«©S"%i«'sf»S'sS3 Sims ^i^&ii&^t&i^

AND A r ib**



k y 4 ; » i i # E - , , . ; , 4

,>.^_K- ^.„ . . J R P B - T C l t ' K J r , That I; fatve. fen my son? Dnosoif Gums, bistime during the r«-t

.nalndex of hiaminority, and:' shall claim ,ntoe of hi* earn : l h r T n F f l > y # y .leiit. of hU eontrictlngjifir t h M a ^ •

Dated Bangor, Nov. 19,1868. BjiKaOHGiBBa.*--a"*

Malone, Nov. 18, '63.

N E W G O O D S .

Just RecelVed a Large & Elegant Stock of

FALL & WINTER GOODS ' - A T r - • ' j


Meantime a General and Cordial Invitation Is oxtended to the entire Communi­

t y to Call and



HOODS, NUBIAS A SONTAOB. . , AT . . , ». * M i l




Come One! - - - Gome A l l ! No. 1 Pbcentx B l o c k .


B U T T O L F H ' S '.'CD*




B R A N D Y ;





B R A N D Y ;




© I . D B Y E W H I S K E Y ,

\ T H 1 T E W H E A T W H I S K E Y ,

K E N T C O E Y B O t T B B O l f ,

O L D O H E B E t r W H I S K E Y ,

O I « 0 M O P I O N G A H K l - A .

m Wti Ml W HE W& xmWP —AND—


(-*?' Th* absv* Ll*jn*r* were purchased previoua to the advance •oeaittncd by th* heavy Oovernment Duty, and I will sell them lower than any house la Boston and New York for th* same quality *f Goods.

m AU OooA* warranted to be as represented. J&

3. H . MORGAN, Water St.,

O s d c n a b n r t j r b , N . T .

Male.., 8«A^189I^- > ^ ^ > ^ f e ' 4

"" ' w.

The Fall jCampaigD. tuts Fairly Opened I



1 « , 1 8 « 3 . » " -fl - I 'UJU|I.L


MORGAN, ARNOLD & CO. Having been dissolved by mutual constat, I would tay

that I have retired iron th* baslnes* of Brewing and shall new devot* my whole time and attention to th* rectifying of WUakey and th* Win* and Liquor business.

I have a very Large Stock of I m p o r t e d L i q u o r s , together with the B e a t B r a o d * o f W t a t a k e y ; also, H l g r b . w i n e s and A l c o h o l , which I Sell as Low as any Hous* in the State.

Ofdaauburgk. Water Slreet^ept. So.

• J . *f. I f l O H O A N ,



Now is the Time!

Are now Receiving the

Largest and moat Attnotl*-*

S T O C K O F G O O D S E V E R ' Brought into Malone.

Th* Ladle* will and that th* Place u'flnd an Assortment of Dry Goods—such u will pleue them •rill be at our

Btore—where w* shall take pleasure In proving that we perform all that we advertise. " Seeing is

believing." Com* and See for yourselves. We hare now In Store the

Largest and Prettiest Stock of

DUiJSS GOODS Brer Introduced into this Market, among which

may be found

SIXES, iflERIKOS, TAVETA8, (new arttclej

BARATHEA OLOTHfl, (new,) ALPACOAS, (beautiful shade*,)

THIBSTS, PARAMETTA8, LYONKSB, ALPAOAa,(ngnrtd,) REPE3, (Ogured and plain,

MOHAIRS, POI DO CHEVBBS, DBLAINES, (cotton, and wool,)

PRINTS, Ac., Ac , Ac.

We hare also a Beautiful Stock of

Sd[oxxa*zxlxxv C3r-ooc3Ls. Also new Style* and Beautiful Shade* of

Ladle*/ Clotlis for Cloaks A. Dress­es to n a t c h .

0 I J 0 . A . : K : S & Z D - U - S T E I R S

On Hand and Made to Order at the Shortest Notice and* by Experienced Workmen.

S H A W L S I N G R E A T V A R I E T Y !

A l l e e l o r a o f t h e c e l e b r a t e d S b a k e r Y a r n s -S i n g l e s u i d D o a b l e W o r s t e d s — ( S h e t l a n d W o o l — W e I n v i t e p a r t l c a l a r a t t e n t i o n t o o-ur S t o c k o r B a l m o r a l ( s k i r t s , o f w h i c h . w e h a w * l o o n o w o n b a n d a n d m o r e o n t h e w a y .

We have Everything the Ladles want and only ask an In­spection of them.

We have paid particular attention to the selection' or FLAK-n x s for Gentlemen's Wear, and can show tome styles

that have not before appeared in Malone. In addi­tion to which w* have a good Assortment of

O l o t l i a A-ftxcl 0«-*>sB*g«l-cxi.ex-<-»s*-i

tor Men'* and Boys' Wear. We have a Stock of over

$3000 Worth of Boots and Shoes, Aad claim te be able to Sell for less than elsewhere,

far th* reascn they were bought before they advanced to price.


i N<j Goods Sold Except for

-STm, H I r*lL U 9 Jt. **• Jtr x s . JC •

Cash paid for Butter —AU Kinds of Pro-dace taken for Goods at Cash Price.


Consisting of

DBYtpOODS, _. \ • C l t O p E B I E S , '



BOOTS AIVDSHOES^ - j ; . - . , ' . Which they offer-at the: . • •

liCf-vylagT F I ^ I O E S I 176r C a s h o r K e a e l y P a y ,

' i They h>ve a fall and varied aisortment of



Gloves, Gauntlet*, Hosiery, English Cotton Flannel, Satinets . and Union Cloth, Blankets.

IMPORTANT TO LADIES! Change in the Shape of la-

M dies Hoop Skirts!! S I T ',.ot>e z.

ctassi ' -Qfrr-O e WZEW OF T H E HEW SHAPE JTJST aa«J<Secel • • - - - - • -Received at th* 8t«r* of

Nov. 1& W. a. DICKDISON A BRO.

NE W FALL tc W I I f T E B GOODS W I L L be Received at our Store this week.


F L A X S E E D ! F L A X S E E D ! G &. & H ,



O u r ACill Ira B a n g o r , IN". "ST. mPLLHOLLArTB ic ADAIHS. 0 o t l - 9 m

X 3 Z 3 . X 3 S I S Or' O B i • I

Their Stock of Dress Goods is complete, from the naateat Print to the u^tllest Silk, consisting of .

8ILHS, in all the latest styles, ' SHAWLS,


CASHMERES, In new and elegsat deslsns, IRISH POPLINS,






' 1 PRINTS, great variety' No, I I^IUR'S Block, Malone, N. Y.

Purchasers wishing good bargains and the best quality of Goods, will do well to give us a call, as we keep our Stock full, and aball sell at the lowest living prices.

HO O P S K I R T S , the best article in town, for tale a KINGS'.

PO R K , of eflra quality, can be found cheap at KI1 KINGS*.

RO C K SALT—the best f"r salting meats, can be had by the bushel, and at a low rate, atj KINGS*.

I N S A L T , by the barrel, brsold at a small profit, at fKINGS'.

S E C O N D A R R I V A L —OF— * j.

New Pall Goods! — A T -

O. X,. H U B B A E D ' 8

BO O T S 6c S H O E S — A splendid lot Just received and now opened, ready for Winter, at KINGS'.

HA T S ic C A P S of the latest style*, are now selling offal — B3NG8'.

SO A P , CArVDL.ES, O I L S , F L U I D , A N D Oampheue, of the best qualities, for sale at , KINGS.

BU T T E R . C R E E S E , P O T A T O E S and all kinds of Produce received for Goods, at the best mar­

ket prices, at KINGS'.

FARM FOR SALE! The Subscriber has a P r a i r i e F s t r m for St i l e fin

suitable, condition for the use of a Mowing Machine), of 100 acres or more, free from stone, well supplied with living water, with two good Houses, three Barns and other Out Buildings In proportion. This farm-Is situated in Fort Cov­ington, three miles west of the village and one mil* and a half aerth of Bombay Corners. For references, apply to Christopher Briggs and D. 8. McMillan, Malone.

A I K I N IO-ICUE. Fort Covington, Nov. 2,1868—Sm.

BOOTSI BOOTS! BOOTS! Fall and Winter Campaign now Open


The Subscriber would return his compliments to hia old Ous- ' tomers and the Public generally for their liberal

patronage and solicit a continuance of their trade for]

cX? S B O X I S

- m A L L -

STYLES AND VARIETIES which he is now Manufacturing from thej

B E S T O F S T O O K Which has been bought at the lowest prices for Cash, |and

will be sold at unprecedently low prices for ,

TO THE LADIES.—He would say If you want a nice FBBSCH, GOAT, BALMORAL, PEGGED or SEWED CALT, call and examine Prices and Quality before purchasing.

TO THE GENTS.—If you want a good FBKHCH C A U , FRENCH KIP, PATKET KIP or STOOA BOOT, es:amtne my Stock, leave your measure and get your Boots on Short Notice as I have the best of Workmen to make them.


2 0 0 ' ' A * * 8 BAL9IORAL BOOTEES, for Sale by N. MORSE.

t l A A P A I R S C A L F B O O T E E S , For Sale by JU\J\J N. MORSE.


SU G A R S dfc S Y R U P S , wholesale and retail, at lowest prices, at KINGS'.

TO B A C C O , keg, box, cut and split, and not to be beat, for sale at KINGS'.

FISH—Codfish, Mackerel and Saleaon, are sellhigcheap, at KINGS*.


A very comfortable and conveniently arrang-ed Dwelling Honfte, situated on Catharine Street, near Mr. Whtttelsey's Foundry and Machine Shops ID this Tillage, la offered for sale at a good bargain.

The Lot on which the House stands, contains an acre of good ground. There Is a good barn, sheds, Ac, on the place. The House 1B supplied with water from the pipes of the Walter Works Co., and has every convenience necessary.

Liberal terms will be given to the purchaser. Title undis* puled. For further particulars, Inquire of the subscriber and owner, on the premises. ELIZABETH LAW.

Malone, Bept 18,1863.

O. Moses, Jr., Has just Received a New and Fine


mmmrn & OFFUBICIER If o. 4 Eacle Black;, opposite ths mil­

ler Horue,

Bar* sst /teoelved a artneodou* Large Stock or

R E A D Y - M A D E

CLOTHING, know to the Art*

Ambro '^p£r fo r35€$^ ,J VOR 25 CENTS.—AmtutotypesJbf 35 CentfL'

l?liiatog*^iiii8 gi.50 ^erl>Qzeii.--PQo-TOGRAPHS $1.50-PBBDOZBN4—Photographs S i m p e r Doj»«%i; ^ d,<0j» ^ i . ^ a

Laxae Bnafbcrapn*, 4-4 alBe, fl'.OO E a e n . LASOE PnOTOQ«A»Ha, AA n o , $1.00 IAOS—Larg* PhoU-

WEsREVp'ERMVNEilT^IiTUnOH. . We B«Y6 Hfteeu YeBi ' ^x f i r l t a ee totte JBufini -

W e W ^ r j a n t - o u y - ^ o ^ r k . -''- & Plciure.' i r . 'a* Darabi. as'Ari can Itaie.'' '

W B .(MEhto? ALli OP'OOH; N Z K } A * 1 1 V S 8 ^ Duplicate*c*nI;eordcfe '4ata^Tlsa*la-th*Fnture: ' .

We iEnliige^Bniall Pioto©: t*'44 fliw. We Touch them with Indialak, or Paint thesa In C e U n . 3

WK Wn-L G L * « t | ( I B o 4 t t r « C T C R « ^ TO ANTPIR80H

T H l T ^ A B I I ^ ^ J i ^ s ^ l f s S I I Q > « J U XSDBiqr^

Open •v.ryTdayJof ih*firaelr, ttS£li. t t to «••. u.

:*,•'•> U:s> '-•wtaaKfc

{^•ow®1^*^®* &m' ^iefe* i*«**e&' r? i • ^s-jgij — - —

labSsM^i ro i^^ J- . -^l Th.: i - ;s f ts»»fe''KftSS«1'9«rflS» O O . ^ mi

« a » e k n o w l i ^ k & % l « ^ h**)*M*(t *t#--&*FflvaHtTi; airirt *^*rii1nr*tf^1r\I»r» , . ;-i,.. . '^2 &A.~-

,'rry^°t; e f R i n k , , _ . . , „ _ , worki«,*s'l(»'fltielw iSemV tioHeoniprrtenitve, pi***

jlX Wailalra«»on S t m t , Sort*".

oomamsia or

Frock and Sack Overcoats, BUSllfESS COATS, BBES8 COATS,


So. 1 Unloi Block, o i tbe Comer.

Of *Jlth»I*tMtBtytes,Qu»Jltle« and Pricey A L a r g . Assortment ef

Fur, Silk and Wool Hats J

•iii?-> . • . - > ? r - H

Wt, Cloth, Skfttingf:anA Sleighing Capi,:

.ct' 'A

'U- . A! i i_ .

BmtB m& WL0Q$, OLBoperl** aCsaufaesure, a t greatly Reduced Prloe*. All . f l i O i l ' i O T i i S A M t5te«rj»£.' '. -A '• : 3 . .

— S B I , 1*|iltej^T|»fllI|ig, smd IJn d e r SblVta,

F T i , :0mmmmmmtK-mm FUR< ttVLAUB, GLOVESpHOSlERT

\ \ * h ^ t i i l t t U^avatf' ' . \ :•',:•'!• • ' ^ n l / . . T I I s J - t ^ l s ^ - A a a ' t e ' ' I

is*.;* omm^meamo^mm^^H^ ;SOTI sr.&&Mr>*Ei^msm.wi\

alsi'-t: Tiisstoelcls

j S s j a l i l r J l W ^ I ^ 'mt.*.ilT*,-li!W1ift^^ '

BxamlM oar Stock aad'PrloM: N o If yo« doe»H Jfcy.

Having 8»ld off his Stock of Good* purchased early in the Fall, he has Just returned from New York with a


Among which soay hafoonda Spleadld Stock of

O'f-.MUh B T T I . S 8 .

WINTERSHAWLS, Of th* Latest Pattern.

l i A D I E ^ & I i l I S S E S ' . n O O D S , Cbeskp^and P r e t t y .

Shoes! • mmm$m>mmmmm;

Sugars, Teas, *Stc. &o.. &o.. t, <t ffalchliCwaiKiiiAt'fiii f

Malone, Nor. 19,1668.

a u x a s v A O i

aSIwsvw 0. t . HUBBARD.



« ^ i g | l h « g ^ ^ M k W ^ ^ ^ |

, - r i U t ^ U a ^ «lle» w«

This Stock consists In part ofj

W a t o n . e s , O I o p l s . s ,

Silver and Silver-Plated Ware!


3F'^LX9~O T O O O D S HI* Stock ofSUver Plated War* conalstaln part of

Tea Sets, Cake Baskets, Castors,


Spoon Holders, Goblets, Call Bells ( —and—J


He will give his attention to repairing • — . fh : .• r , ' ,

•Watches, Clocks a n d J e w e l r y , ...„,,,> at.Np.4,JcrnlonBloek.

Malone, Sept'16tU>18t33.> v > - O. B I O S E S , J r .

1 A A P A I R S S T O C A B O O T S , For Sale by l V U N. MORSI

O Y S A N D T O C T H S B « ' 0 * 8 , For

\ N-For Sale by "" MORSB. B

SO L E , U P P E R A N D A L l / K I i m D S O P LEATHKR, For Sale by ~

MALOKB, Oct. T, 1868. N. MORSE.

H A R D W A R E ! A V E R Y F U L L A N D C O M P L E T E ! " X s i

sortment bought;

DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS FOR C A 8 H , Thereby saving a profit usuially paid the jobbers,

aad will be sold at a small advance from cost, and as low a* at any Hardware store in Northern New ITork.

House TrinimiDp, Carriage Trimmings, Harness Trimmings, Mechanics'

Tools, Iron and Steel of all kinds.

Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Put ty , Painters ' Turpentine equal to

Spirits Turpentine at one-fourth the Cost.

W h i t e L e a d , Z i n c , F r e n c h , F o l l o w , D n a t a e P a i n t , & C , 1 0 0 0 B o x e s O l a s s , a n y

S i z e W a n t e d , a t m a n u f a c ­t u r e r s P r i c e s .



And everything else that any one wants In our line.

Malone, July 1,1888. L S. BOSTWICK.



HOP AND UPHOLSTERS TWINE, Just Beceifred.aBtlfor Sale

• -"xr zEB.aEt "sr at* o \PST . _ . r'. I.S. BOSTWIOK.

Malone, Sept. IT, 188S1

No<l IJiiio9|BIoxk|?M»10:WN> T. times past, all clauettnLJIcchanlcl

hare bees able by a little experience

i % M ^ s ^ ^ « ^ e r a f i P P H > r A c l l

hare bees able by a little experience^ ioknotoattchai

, . - _ . . .. . ..^OilMlWklnd and quality are afforded at abput.the. *ame, prices, except ow^lonaUyweiSe^TriaamM^^ artrcieMtone-iallrte^rJjjelu^ neighbor*A And" w h « l ; l t l j * * | o « e S ^ . | l * e ^ teoti»i%us^meftfto.wBI'p»^twIoft th*fnKiKlHcs for other articles, lor the^stievotjuie article cheap; or, that

. the*e.che*P good**respuriov* and worttfam and "dear

When these ar« artfcles of commerce, that can be ptarj ci»ted«;or jjepliu;e4:ist**jiy;toe; Do*»o»uefcnj»«er ;

capable of producing;. How often ire hear people;*: their regret '^liBt«g«jguW6tTSMri|J %Bmn *• of some lost Mend or dear relative while alive." '

Nowlfjbuari intw. D tVa f P;W t i E , i i*a . 'rcan

PWn, Fancy, O ^ p r l l t «n4 &m*oo&' '1

»rei%ffewMorS*l»ln*fc»W»H«nt' Htlsfle, ana for »Weh

]Tlf?i¥filf./jr# JtOAW.

C Z > ' j A t Z N T S I CONSTANTLr"on hand and for sals at the lowest market

prices, "ATLANTIC" WHITE LEAD, dry and in oil. "CRYSTAL PALAOE-'^WHITE LEAD, dry and in oil,

~ " " " rN PAINT, f Paint*

In use. E R O I L E D A N D R A W L I N S E E D O I L ,

Sdf the very best quality.

C h e a p P a U n t O i l , S p i r i t s T u r p e n t i n e , N a » -t h a a n d P a i n t e r s T n r p e n t l n e , V a r ­

n i s h e s o f a l l . k i n d s . L a r d O U ." J f l , . J » s r S I » t e M h e r y . . .

"Java? U?JK^E s:^ia33"Wr,-jaL^E,.S3." •„ M*Joai,Benf31T|:Jif§.r, ; <I.,6i B0ST-WIOK.

1 0 0 0 8^B^WO^B%Lll9fUnmAraI> toy slie wanted. For Aale at Factory price* *oy

Malone, Sept. 17,18B8. L S . BOSTWIOK.

i)|i ^ail'.®ood&! - J »

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