The Palladium Co.. Q - NYS Historic...

Tf" •^rm^a^fn^nmr' «w|P!iyspi«!»wmpipwf^"iPil»W" •ppi PiKPW|W^,tfi||j^!l;g!P!Pil^^ .4i|Wi|i ^•71E3fi38spS5w«irs!Hr.> '• .j£' •-I " It 1 ! ?' Si i; •if .*• It*-? F'J M ,! < * : l *J $"•» .-i % t !"s .-•I .• I I THEIR OWN FIGURES, c Staff et of lip] Eifraragauce Denied. CO ../•> -State; ^p^iiiwysls, ***?« j«s?*«^ ©si" «f |*r.ejHaKU£»,fp/ ppp&iitsisa ,«W jpsc# -Ij5fe. ©&bi^l»' fipsfriiled- &/ Y«*f*- _'.- ... fEs .©fsKmto: ib l£urfx filters. »$*!& fer gy«ta iiKssJe «t js££!s jtK3d# et fee .J»epp3e of Stw, eis&fe, £ 2 $ <Sf«?- psfei- srci es -^ssJsss&e x?/isczs$- cJ' t£i3 l ?rg-&P itc '" mzrjsf pxpepasa. sfejgsi&j- $83 jScgr* o£ QoH'encsr Bill's t&ajriy ^tifiim ex&ex£e4 to- be serssasi BearatJiteao-cosswi. ©3.1 of 'aill j»i?{»rtfea} to *&*• •ftse *£si<t>. «> pspaiaifecJ. aiaJ jfc© e s s e p^rt*}, tied sr# t^.iffiSepPSgSSS'. tM&SSJSSffd |t ma |H?t« i*jW« that tii«* U*dfnf aedV* esj »rtv-rv nod t«**fc»r»- of ai: M>- *»t#rst ,*cifX»!t <trf pra/rUo*. r**wlBS6**#3L .'a t M sJU*OAa:<$i Udrou* j y * * . •^i».. ***:ii Vi*d ^ir«*T fjyppjd^Ii't .*r:VMJ"4f J.&W. lias <5if?6Sj*il--itia» forester***? «'«*•< >ia»»eit, dr*t*ji*j*v g8&Mij&, %ni Hi <iWt:to) -,«?»*»*« -J4f COSSCl««l5>iT ftKftOJLVTIOXM. *•• i t ( , v r *» w Y'.»i'K ,, VU^vakns lu T iK »*••> « • « • • * t»i.-fjBC *«•*.# »rtirj»> rvi.^.«-t »•»• »JK( t_-«<r.*4Ki-* •" * *<J»~ "Sua* -*f *•-•< %.;»• '4 *.'.r mm'-". *'ify.<yf. S^VtifiU "Mi? 'ii&Ktj^ n't, V<:'**>»! 0»«WJj *'V>:iK *-StV 1**? .?• }*.*»*«*>*-*•• i»ii«»jL**«»*U.v;»»".-i%WlW';;«S't»'-'!f*i*<'< -U* '•HJUtf-punrmm wttOrrrr. Ik . I»K-». i«» <«t, : , •- wjfe- , «MfU<V4 J». i'*»< t* wr*us lucf toi«a4ir *fj«r H» . j>r««pi "ni» *qp!*i*i*-». * » » tc>rt«e i # $4*- ;i*t»e. trf * ( * * " < t 5 * f « i i e 'fa n o t 1*4Sit* 1rj4. W€ *%4f<- 'wn ME :iir«»»»»s*» i*«s*w»<, WI»M my «tt-iii«: rnmcts»«.*WEs$ifi. WVKLD- A > 4* A : ^ ^ U * ^ J* *•*]* VK4U. ) H o i i ^ r **y«r»J tX*»r»rT*f»< nwtSMn t-vnrfrMHrji l3tEW» *E5 JT Vr:~/J£r. i G>c?i*~'-^t3 i) tz<Z, :n *:l'ifi rat. . ;• -£30£3£fi. jcastsiest JSP? s s o f e ? growth «•«*»& a* it mix it pewer Ja to ctjrtaB ea?e u n at Been taiexj sgdthat a tetai et ftn*? Per tChawty. ~ la JLKJ4, ttie last yea? ra& (Bit Affe^y, tts to». i 7«W VXfi Vzia t&u££& vm.imMt, this BPM7& VSefJ wr^JSas et $mjmr 049. OEd t&@ Di'i^ccWtif •dicker,) ao& Qfpxrm Jo meSXort to lOt'to'Je tbepeaple of tfee «ut»» as to tttellr gSgolScaoss; Aa gfflnj$ir<adf wltft 'D^tasjcratk- rofe, tfee Bepo^Jicao statf; cdurfafotratfos isst year fB^csBfisS. <is ibe cfcarjtobip 3o»tifi«foa» $g*»255^tr more Ujao was espesdsd f«? tbai pnttx«33& ufufcr ttie fast D e s j o e r a t t e a.<to3s>i>*Jtradtja, &-l^'>»< 21H mora mi the hmfAtsils tor ibe in- sane, fi^9S,7S5 jfla«j for educatloaal porp&sm, %23%@,482 mate for caoaJ {turptmrn, 3GBJ&J8 mote tor tbe ju- 41ei*ry ana f S ^ ^ S mere for tto «eostrtietto& sm4 mulWtmiMi ol W$i- ways, Jt tftaa ivJil bCiseeo tbut oearf; #13,9(»,0W, ;,cr fij^roftoateJy «J par <#»{» i»f th« pe««)S*d ^Mt of tbe etate'u adlBlBtotrati^s today as cotspared witfj P#mo<?«tfcltule J# Mvote4 to impor- tant public impwemuntv aad to bu- Kace objecte. Warn tbe Democr&tlk party propose C&#t t&cf etate sbaJJ, AimmttiMe Its support of alic state** charitable tasl»B»? Jj^t^ tbe lififa<H.-rat\a party yropose to .dteeooOoof appropriations* tor tbe njalnteuam.-^ of the Issaiie? J^e» the PenjocKitJc (jiarty propose to cut &awu tbe allowaacjw roade for tbe educatton of tbe cbild^o of MM? ttUWi Does ft propose to stop oxpendJtures of lawaeyi for cuiwil loipro^etuents? Does it propose to restrict die mufuiaaas of tbe court*? I>0€« it plropow,' to blotJt tbe cottstructloo of go«J roads tbrotigtt> oat tbe ffUtte? In no otber way could the Demo- crats, tf again JutniwUMl by tbe people wltli tbe adttJinJstrattan of tbe state government, reduce !R any dh-ct'tton tbs present cost of coaductluy t£te s t a t e s bus!nj?H». Ccmptrclltr Clynn'a 8to 8«l«nc». It J» sot nw^psry for the peopl# of tbe state to rely ooly on KcpubHean statement* for proof aa to tbe wisdom « M fiace&s of the yarjoa* JBgpuBlteatt state admlnlrtmtioan from. Governor J*prtes ts Cf^verflor 8 « g t i e £ TlidJant tonyal r^fort ©f tbe etate coajptroller, tbe Hoo, Martin H. Glynn, a JJeBJo- cratte offictel, brings oat the fact ttat ttoe cash bolasee i» tba state treasury on ihts SOtb day of September, 1907, aiBoentM to |^77J,BTt«87 ami that tbero was Bu actual rarplus on that date amomMag to $13,078,1^8.47. In- stead of the practically depleted treas- ury which the aBpablleanB found when tboy toofc ehorgw of the stato dovfimmeat fourteen years ago^ oil' of the obtlgatfoas of the comiaonwealtb have beeo provided for, public ftir- provoiBooto of ©-eat njuignitude aad to- portaace hove bCga Biadertaiion, the expense ot Which, with other public matteni, has..t^en met, and the statue bank account 1 now stahdB to such n prosperous coudttion as to coil for high prate© from |b> preaeot Defliocratle «omptrolt«r, :• in fate Iwt aisdat report Comptroller 6 i y n a eaya: -"11143 <wti Ijalanpfe of ''•$2Qs 771,571,87 andfaojploa of mMB f mAi ore th« lorgeitt In the Iblstory of tag state, tbo sarplus being feSS8,C^.jS In excess ©f the! year # 0 0 and f2.2f».- 40-153 in exeop of the estlroatca. This excess ts tntidf op principally from in- creased receipts la tax on ebrpora- tlons, transfer, liquor and mortgage taxes." | . . I* .T•"« 'tSMTf, •. Ictlon it la interesting to | 0 froni which the state |nnc3, and the purppsb | revpnucs oro expended. 'flfW eomc of the prlncl- i^S£S£!sBBSS&3££Siw i % felrS^t to^!cAl aut^-ity for i ^ 6«!)j£sHjJj»ted 'B^jreiaSs «ist«K?S cf i^E^ ajaasSS^nSaarmab endowlne its tog* . Burke. • , \&a%is>Atooisih tsthaisreck-i In the death of Darf-J M. K«Uy. wbicfc .^ssaarit^J .©a FtM^x, 8e$u'~'l&ib K Baike losses end of iteoJdert and mast tespteted emzsm. David McGitt Kfiliy was tenc cssr tfea vfll3so, ef HaEtiogdso, P, ^ afcsiU 04 years ago. He learned tfcs trade of btackswlib eo4 mitted in Burke abont •Wycsreago.carrylcgon the tUck»«ith acd wheelwright biisices* at tfce «acae «jtand during[UaA tfcas. He w»3 » raao of:oBsalll83"cfcsrsci(Kr wha wen tfci cp,B« &fc»C9 cf all wfco ifce w him. H e i » «jr> vived by three children, Charles «Bd Harold, of Barke, SB-T! Etcszl,olDonkirfe, S. ¥. The funerai was held at bis 1st© residence on gunday at two o'clock P, 5L, th-9 large onrotier attending teitifrtog to the esteem which bia neignbors had loir fako. Ho?, ilr. Uarley odciated. BaJfph WaJbridgft of OitolrA M U „ vfeSted his brother, K. H. Walbrfdge, last week, . Warren Hinks, who won the €%»tt?tt sfibsisjsbfp, left for Jthacacn Friday last w enter college, Mrs, Ange»aJobn#ooi»*i«itfng friends in Barfeo for a.leir weeks, Mr*, Msry Finney and daughter, Msbei, returned to #'»Ir bsine, id ilancijsster, N. H,, on Saturday, » Will Selkirk-, who boa # slttisJEoo In PougbfcetfpJe, N . Y„ is the guest; of bis parents for* fewdays. Bev. V7. D. Aubrey was tho guest of bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Payfd Aubrey, iaetweek, E. O. Sixiith, of Nashna, N, H„ ia the litest of Geo, 13, Williamson, Miss Fiorence Fdtott has »g»lp taken op her studies at tha Crane Mudeal to? .titnte, Potsdam. v Thomas Montgomsty, of Nashua, N. U., is tbe guest of bis mother for s few days,. ^w$, WJibejr AIte» mm tot Bouses Point at the time of the meeting of the: Chsmplain Preehytery, as a delegate, to tbo Misvf&nary Society meeting. While there ehe waa the gaest of Eev. William Fraser, of Chsmplain, Mr, acd Mrs, W, L. Maaon, of Man- chester. N, H., were the gueste of F, H. Slason last week. Mis. Frank Chifds,of Slalone.spent a few days last week with her son, B./B, Chilli, .•••:>•••• Henry Mitchell, of Malone, did business *n Borke on Tuesday* \ Bzn Bovt, r m& &J iSr* «£«», fiflfe!^ 8* wSSSSSii -weaBfcg, sr5*esss«;a» *w***ti*tx a& mmen itftst'semt #&£& strae tm. €cs#£?'xxu t •&]^imi*iGM±mmmm,*WJ : Mm r J* , m *eJMs^ i-JSa&s54» ?39 s*»*jr «aWj atii M* warn m * «JXE»?3i**3Pr»ft8ti«sWl!a*siC!Cr «SfcSu5* **« i5^«»tfe?a«^S5im-£3Kaws«J £fe 4L«at!& wajiwat ' 33 i jwfsgaossrtei! f sens) jM^e^is: tt»««si |MBSSW<* ^prjri$$i£d!M# Kemfii 0*u»r# ;s*U«* «**4«i»s4ii*i* cQBerXa«ise»**«»« <Jesgas»^ tsr «fio»c<SJT^ •TSMU* SBgrfired psw««if £f tl^r r»*t*t«)re itMfMlMrtotim'i ##dgwJwn&r "B)jisi slfMi s nil jMiSC JSMMSAt I J #aey sj^MMeKpa ea««r.«K»» mttiiiamx His-' S?ee3r<lJjp!Mt8qa&<fiH»r««»- _..¥r'-c» ^Js^jJe-fliiaeS^fi*- "' i l t t ^ S j StSMnJTMf'tki iWiiAatSu" . . . .otcwiaisa*.. '**!rssfcsJ e»p*r&a»ia»d5:Ja»<3 ea sweaeslas. »«, **arel#» aur«C jw»«r»« *>«M«i(i(t.lh* €B3asCacc=fl;t!S«' Csa. cascl-a. £g£» &<$• •eo&jb •Mtaaxm.V^mBi^ttoiie^ ty^-zxx: c,xl>kzu t o w lustto* toedej*rtnsrEl» wtfcajb* Js 8S3;-€S£Jp«9 , :S53r £ £ £ 9 pzz^Cl nlZSZaClGS tsptess iescrtia ess" 'efcstj 'cr -Jsi^sl. -OatiJ-d cs7'OS2»/%sns^±$cf'CiscsSB.'- Bsa sal aSfer ti» ts« <U7 cf tM«exier, «^ftieea tf=s4r«l *s4 . «^»^u tHttslaalr t6« K^sersi: tasar c*tJ» COBH. <jt eowawft fries* spr Ow cltr satf oosatr « g«2.^Kr*,. .C».*5jgiSreaa*«f tte Jja «f T<5Jiys» esgo«aw^i^B=ae>"asdto^ ^t&SMairstsrr, itstaat*»e»p»»r»o «p^2*«a5d"re3:»!»«n©?nCT... a t s i i ^ j w o f ts*_ «!9£2SS» <Ui$asa fa, escl) <fe-ptrto.ii-«6jCJ tutrfr povertp&z'tsecaE} £c3pi!«c«fcrfcc:iiD«»pri«j •%<*****&•- rf itw S*ie cl Xear _ ... £ss£r£l «rf iiw«- _ j f » ISIS tS6-ZScrH&t 5*Sr ^ -,--_-, ~—-~ ,. ••WaTBBI •WsTBIspK' SlwSpCJ^ ffWwlOK »aec^«aaeiaBitf/is»wsis« aearysrJMs'siiiHaas*; ^SS#SfeSCst^»« / (5ot»r<3KMeo a^sio jjiii^ifiaEiaJ.. C^S^jf^KrB fij-«rar Ka» s?t*T£s53ca Cse" •«U»WiWS*«lajr«*«'«t forttr» aweo* sen jutzjiUMJEKTsmgia. tar*. mi&ttxm imovcws.'tm sm trust ; jaa>' Owse or ariide two at ae eSSScfewto -tfjISMssfcasMw; . ' ^\ A«pcatJi. •>• ** L»rgsyaqwi*«t' rtiag. mm mmm •»»!>> ,'vsrt^is)!t!<s^«sg<*'anriBOBJlw^fter«rsasa»' l r i j^J5teS^KjlaC^yE»»»3sz5tife I* Ste O jtnytfeeaaigsssna «r <am& ^atm fia «Kii .&*• ijfsCariBxaifesawUkiaffJtr j a c s c i a sJweaacJ ane ,"7SCtt*aiEc iterKt mi aa»3 J»K^C1UC SIU gja^.';to^fcf»q-;ia:Xjga asacrjs ss aKiac- ssS- <^fetiiapiTcritfrtrBSiaaj^7aia4M?»Tas sot 'iH5«riJ«^JK*-art*«3*B«««2l)eaaBe *Bd #i Ee*>:t*a a e w m l T essar), nasJ JJ* fcifatrifTft tiaOT^BifTf *a«Btsawi*» ste 3*s»cstre. JotogSa^at^^^iK^a^Xtyaaa.'Cdf. aaatea. lte«>aB*t£aaaB,il»peM«neaXgr ttiee iKrir^ta fre- rhWteJteia*^asJa£«:»acijt4c4«.„„ ' ^««lesJ iTrv 7 s e £ H ^ s % Ksr.SJ. ISpa. . ^TJ^Sifesflid^tVK^aias.'snv ^ir 9asied^ _ ^resisrcJtsesesca, ^..^.^ , !». S. CHASJHJtB, TiislilfiiT fe«awX«>afgfw*,fT..^«ir'r'<J1.*jB..a T2-R . ^- E;t;f.rTj^^j;rBK^=&aairss Cij pswsl, ft s a - , 2i7cJs-i cie vz&3eu tiaciol to tie Isiaiilfjr. ^^e <« Kew T a * . OSes tS Om SaSSajfti rMotaOa^yn^slBffaa&BesABait.'So seeticfi less emmHMTmWmmUeimlUM dlee. sadZTdo am*T«rttrrr>«t»ir»«a»e » a eecrect oxmaift ~ Tifrjin »>>itsrrT atnrt isfltsr usTiiffidtos«f tte b_al fttj^rjaufcycrj«3r.te a»-j5Fa-gn-, LGrVawamaatf tfae Sssdrefl ana eW& . -,• .«smi^inuic& ^^' Pm^axatQOjpptvimxat£.aixiisa court sztZZn } ,: srtr.wnriee Utmlbj tXtm-Oat, u>e foBotrtmr pro- fotasiXW«t2i» tobecUcwB att&e out Geacrs. Kf«l«i apttattau, la iy» tii^s to tie t e a en iae t&fea'flsycf K*regd^,-c»siSfcaiiEsa»«e^e3sa' asi, O,423i8&*.07 C,CTD,eS8.St 9,097.5^.? j Wi * -In thfe conni study tho sour derives 5 Jts roV ior whicli tbe» The following pal Items of r*?flJr>ts: Frotri msec? :on sotpsiratiow...; t3XSi,23,'44 From taaces on :or«aal*atlori at coj'iHjj-ationa 4 »..,...-...,.* ^4>ni toxiffon irranster ot dej- coilcntsi' cs^tMs..:.,..;..,•..•,'.-'.. Prom -jape* on the transfer of stock •••.. ,..., ........ ,,.,.. Pronj taifcs on. traffldtlng in Hquow .., .... ; ..... ;...,^.,,; From tasps on fosrtagow... i... eyonJ" taxes on-racing desocla. tloas .,..,.;..,...:-.:'.:.'• .... „• •.'...-. -4ilf;jJ5..0. Bare i s a total ^pf §32,039:707^0 of r«ee|pt9. wtacB, ( ; eatHcr iera tiio siatj treagury during' thb flseal year ending Oct. l. ifiot. every dollar of vthteti came as tbo prawcdA oi w.lso tax Imy* enaetcd. by the Kepabllcaii party. Aft- er years of ear«faJ. cea3eio,%tio«.f#Bay thtf ItepuMScftftf tarvc reece^l-ta in prtvidtog sfsr the «mto toa iar^e AH- iRiiaJ Jotome ftnd dtrt'Ct fasation- has rwpn nbolWieil. <S'o awotm* of UesEttocmtic sophistry. Mil t>6 «tte to hnmbng' the JPteplO ol ttif jstttfc iafstovorliigft. changeto«>y. *f these rovc-Jinri prcduelog ltt»u Ely's Cream Bain ft aidcMr asssrftM, Cj»«* R#(It» si One* ft elcausel, jBoo^es, heab and nroto^s Uto discasea meni* brmo rcmlting from Catarrn and drives j-'.v j.y a Cold is tbo Head <jnickly. Ecstorca thff*H; a«!e3 of Tii»to and •Smelt JPoll eisto S0 cts. at Druggis»dr bjr maH, Liquid 6ce$n Balm f«r uSo In atomsoia 75 cto. Bly/lfr^tuera, Cd Warren Street, Hew Xork A &«w«5c*tl» "itidorwmtnt," Ibe Sow i'orfe - WoHij *i»inKtofie- Imeklrig.tfe J>chJi*ttttli? tU-kefWltlt » tmtm ilwlw iti ont* Hand «yd a bI».t-k-Jji>.-K In the othttr. It. »ay;>»: Not «A.Ty iif •tlji' Ofin«K'rfttl<- *fftt«» t'Jat* fern* #itont. uij *Y#rJc utw s.f i)!<'•(•« 4-Ttii) id, fifb», !>M"I mtft invt>-thhw< fniiy it tiH<Mji* tii* life »f th« ji.aWlq jK..rvi<*«- i.-iimi!iia.ii,iii v *fj*fi'B ttton^ »bind« r>ftw<^«i i)u- j-npu? tif tlif* *'lly »M «(iijt'h*>P Iciwtlnjs <!f *f(- traotloti *y*i"t»i by Mym una !>U HUMI. elst«s wH-n ihe lini^n j>««* out of tit.j rv- l a unothar l»Mii*f It d«rlrt«»s:' H Is s j>lat?orm (Ou. UHitiocnitk-) fur th« proti-etlon of Wall »Irtd *atiil>l«r». for th» iir<>t*ctlon of IrmnraiKu orlinlniil*. t«r th« proiwtl.iti o< tntttluii thieve*, for the prutt-t ifc>n ot- Rynn-lliu'riiTitiii atnek Jobber*, for tlw prntsctlon of rich t*v dodgitiii, for the prtHccttun tif |»rril«t<!ry oofpor«(inn«. It l» » botruytil of IJ<<UIU- erstio»», It la > l,«lrayul of ttto Dwnoeratle party. It la a. betrayal ut tbs IHmotiratlc P looked as if the eeason of ICOS waa id elfp away wijthoot a gea serpent belqg reported in tho St. tawratjce, bat last week,the following itory was eet adrift: A eca serpent in tbe St, Lawrence was reported one day last week, when MeMrt, Sarouoi Fearce, of Alexandria Bay, JLi Suits, of fed wood, and John Oickhout, of Chicago, returned from a fishing trip down the river, fbe gentlemen were fishing |ti tRo vieMty of ©renadler ftlant and noticed fiomethiog very large come to tho top of tbe water,, just showing a psrtof itsbaok; all of a au4den a largo head and body projected from the water, showingHbout JS feat ot tfte animal, near as: the gentlemen could describe the object, it was about twlcQ the Icjigtb of their motor boat, a very large head with feeler&h&out four lectin length,tha bffdy seemingly about as largo as th3t of a horse. It remained on the top of the water for only o ehprt; time and cooo dia* appeared, Whqn it was flrat uotlced the gentlemen wero within 1$ rods of tba Serpent, Sines their report it waa elated that the tame object was seen daring the summer on t a k e Waterloo* commonly known as the Lake of the Isles, i; .-,.'.j .... ii.y?jai , ,;, r -. i i- Only a Utile cold in the head may 13B tho beginning? of an cbstinato ca«e of Ngfsal Catarrh, Drive out tljo Invader with Ely's Cream Balia applied straight; to the Jouamed efniled op air-pasaagOB, Price Wv, It yeu prefcr to urn m atomizer, i^k for tltiuid Cwarn Balm* Xi has all the good qualities of^ the BOild form ofthi* turned? O»TJ willridyoaotcatarrh or b»f fever, ^s cocaln& to breed s dreadful baMfe" ^rowiteujry to,dryou*the «ecre» tlm Pjrlce 75e., *itb fprajing; tube. Ail druggists, or wailed by Ely JEfcos« S6 .ffjjf tTfiyrifffifCTr WJpfjffwMi tfmnr, : pr ts? ftfupcp ; -,yff•jpf •.#:«, tei»^r*Jdfeai esestly •tcSs^A Ttsstt* «»ltoa«torj)3tiy ^bsecttao «w.snfcle looxtetn ut the immmo*,, Im pamnoei tor turw awsAs Vm^mjiamtSSmMebmetstm.: ,'•-• • • attest jSe»T<s£ia6e&sta,R&, 25. .«P?U- TJ^friwiif rcsc:sCso ara <^!j passed, a ca- fixgfjXwm fisostors e*e»d roUagUUfot *jci4*cta»$*me. / Mats of 8ew Torfc is asMsbly. Mar. IA 1107., , The (ongoiag reao'Miloa «ss duly i«Med,a fis- Jsrity cf'SS; tbS'ffiesten) t^ti«d to stsextijr voiif laarof «»««<*. TTWI»<« ttejwJwWy. ^Tw^ WApfirojwsatiifc^. *8poMter, iXate et E857 Y«lt, Ottss cJ tto; escre^n ci Sjafe,.|S,} lt^e«!mp«xMtteja«calicf oswof «wairr«t fxsiwio«,|ifepibMr as tmmSmMtt totetOom two cJarUdo rjxct tio Ci«li)Clto3. wia tto cr^ai NMrerrJiff Saw awaisii eorreet trssserljx rrefroovswitirowiMlet&M'rof. < /- <Jlrt» tiDtJer my *sna 'actl'the ifeacf cScocrtto sseretsrrofiscatest ujeettiof iibanr. til* {t. e.l» t««37-cftli toy a MT. to Its yatf of car Idst& lisaasA else htraJrkl ood. eigtt. JOHNS. WHALtS. Secretary et State, STAT* OF WXF T0B*% I OrncB or TOT srcjun*ar or 8TATT, > ABaor, July A W08; I PorsoiBttoteajworKlstacfs$£ttoa ess et jutl«3a fasneeo et ite Ccn«wa«on ot tte etate ot tie* Wat*, sad sectfcaslvai etcbzpter clns astadrelaiM! sodtolw otttw-ttssw of *«»i»sn sad oln«y^tt. noticel.» s l « n teat thefcllowmjrproposed aEcndicei:jto»ec!leD6eTeDcrarUc^5elstltiioCci> rtlwMooof tte State of New Vortt reltrraJJo (be LejclsratHretoWctiaenattljaoeitGenerAlIBecUoD et 8«3J3tcJ* $n-ttUi Mass to fcq*ed <a» jtoCilrd dw stKorwBiwr, slsetem bundred sad rt«at, »sd is w W « ^ o w » s wet*xort6weincBUi«B«att sraeftl- 108- iueb aeaeral *l«cuon fa eontortiltr *ttb i&e a^reMtf J^SrWww, JOHH «. waitw. ' sserstaryofHate. ASttNPMEST HDlfBJBB TWO. cGxccMHOiT x R t o t ^ o s or THS srifAts nMM«^«at§riWMr«iHl«tii •SsfflSSSS5BrsSiafe^UBi^^ •-1sTBQ»asaeatBssy.»tatoirJ*av ?rf*SB^^ »y,i»o«trer,iire«4« tiaslk iaaast*cftMMr fggtmt&aS3 £=» fH§ss3Hsamntatmcb*. vgm<A esss as««£S|' csia 5aC5e9;ftEBto-irwe to: .f^&^jCCriss ia wi^iiiocainwei* iccasced U ^^r ^ t o « c r dMrBi is, wastsisikai MM it Mc**»nii»<*«*s isasy afS«r 4Ss^o<r«sM(S «C ttoaUie. •- • ," • • totechMtaiMtbsMat gwenTslseciM of S»aio;». a^toeaBijricjt? waa »«a^c«^arueie fswrteai tiree twaoaa et ite cootum&s, be P»ert«MtoCietiinBrfsaQi«3teifcn. : «a»ct»girv«t,toajrt«»ly, apr.niWT. , jtejdMttssg rs»o«kV«is «aj»^ii«»«, # • » - . BttoSif iwtMios was ««)y sssMd, s a s . ^ ? i ft^M , fe. s « , » te » *K«<»d Ttttw i s l a w 'Brontaroftfansssttt. - - ' • • TtiBtcnaTtttkimt. we a sm r«*. «oi rful aw-tair «t et vice tyaof taeyocgiiBtta, wiouss cnnssi «wgn»a^«soHtios: «a«iaiit tab* oa(ie,aa<i~X do (Mis>ro»,ssd<* tte «**t*«nt«t Glr«ttod«riDyl»n4 sjadtasstalof offlce of tte „ 6ea«arjrcf t u » at tec cUycl* U-B,] ttrraty-toj dsyor j«ly, inns yasretonr lord, ooe tBnnsini alsr »"rtt1fivt»1 T*tttt , %4tltSJI^S.'"W«ajwlr, , v. BtHji'iiijiif.ctatrj . >-. 4*» j(fi4&»i m rikittm to Ss icm$Mki»of the PfopGfttiT-ttti wntmmcnt to-eedtoh $a%n.df_aril-. tte vmt of ar emit, fecKcn 1, nesclreftiH (lie ssaste <onwrt sst«iiM.fptt' of sittfee « » of tas "• - 1 siModtrfioreadsaftlloir*: AKT1CLS VI, . 1 l^:t»Br^oTiuwfa«s a «attow5aV It coMl*tofthe<:iiUUi«fa. andaisoclato tads** . .. tooOkx. wiw »1)»11 bold tselrofllce* antil tbe eiplra- tioocf toelrre*p»c«w tero* and tbelr *ucoestor», wbo»iallbecl>c*«abytb0e:ectoiortije»tat«, lite J^mtttttmettmmmuSfB) an* Msoeiate>Ja&m\ •abaiJ »et9Brte«jyear» from and toeludlrff tbonbt oay et January neitstisrttelrttecOon, mtfitm- t»fiottae<^rt»Ji*41formaai»oram, ana tbs <v«. curreceect four Giall b9 caetstry to a, om»Kin* 1 be court atiab bare ptmer to appotat.and to rraf-we a»r»i»rtsrt<aerkscdBU«^iisft... WasnsfSrafir is citcaasaiaijsriiyclttojaaiftacltio c«m of ap- peal* slum oeruty to trie forernor that stud court to unat lc. by rcaicu ci tbo aecwculaUaa ot caaMapeiMl- tDg«er«m»ii6i**JSa^diwosb <«.«» isaw trim rea*0MMe*p««d, the jrorernor sbsU deUftate not mere tbaa Xourja«l^ oftoefspreraefoart to «err» a« a«ociatsji^s«iot lbs court of aopeal*. Tb« ja». Mem »o derisnajed *t»Il be rellctga frcrt-tlielr duUea «»Jartlccacfttio ss^naie court apd iball aerrs as awoctate Jui}«» et *T«wirt of scpesif aa«j tb# «ui«uftdl*wsettQfa^d«urt*rdredBcedtotwo bandred. wben they sbsh rMnra to tbe tmpraae court Tbesorenwr may deiHagtsjIaWfeB* or tie gaprems cbn« to OH taesactra. m tmiso ifcalf seryess*»soeiiUsimg»et Oje coart of appsala tx* ccpt«ftC«..b&!.1ia*tbacltc8cf torteooHboto-pieros case, Tbcre*ll«!JtoTtotedattbe^iwitsenMalel^v :tfswp>t»bei4saertbeadop«o& of oti»sat««ltBent, and thereafter Mjtm&eto* my occur, two sddi- Orrjoe or m s KK:>XTAST or STATS, Albany, Jttiy£S,ji0B, __ For<sat»totteprorliioHofsaca»OBeof arttEle gomes et (te cocsUuuioa of u » state of Mrw york. aad section serenot easi«araiasMadr«4 aad sJoeottteiyawBocsicMt** SsirfrM saAsfctety- *tr, nxies)* beteby aJr** tfcst UM toUotrias: sn>-' t^saModsMM:toaaetiMi w«ri^-.s«iasaa «t ; tbsfiw»stt»o<tl>>stat«<i<«wy<^lare»tn*< wiu>s«qnvastar»to tweboaea « toe nixt &»eral Etoetkm of Senator* to til* state to te held en tbe ttirtdayof KotembmnbieteeBlmaa^Mabd eft&fc anatttrabJaBedones » wee* tcr tbrss moctb* JSeju precedI«aad»Ot«eralli«cu<«ui^ eo4Jjjaa«y wbb (k» afoma'dtitorMeM. •• ,«)HJf*WBAil!!r, Secretary ot State. AJUSlDltE^rmJHBIEnVB. coxecEBEST SE30itma4 c r i n s grsair . ifffrBtf ft5£>pa*/w, olriwienasioiit fo'sattoa t*#t£ of article tix of iM conHttuUm, inrOaUont^ihe tomvtnmMm Qfj*ti#tt>fitomvrtMt* Jteettoa t 8e*olred(lf tbe Senate eoac&r). «»* s»ew« twsjrsat ardeto stj of tas eo**ttsUc*t s* »si«airtoiS torass safoMowi*; _-•""" %U. MiMraoaiaaUboitl tte oOes of ]a»Uc«ofasyeoartlooawtbManui sad tae U*d»y of»eeefflber ne»»fter fie, ibau -bo seremy year* of tgp. Escb Jawfee of tbe stiprftne sa^Sf^sa!*^ ttom^m *«•>**•, s*H' ; «f.-«B; tlwtiaaBd dpuaia aar yaar. Tbtas ssstf sit t o l b s andJi ptiillj&HlaDC-a wee* fx ttres cc=ao ccxipn> "ceetErg'tsabiGessjal E t e £ 3 o'.-- 1 --'———'— - aiottsasdprcrliicei. '<BBlCJKatt>',BtSJLlfcp JOHHft. WHAtKS, '• fieertSary'tttSaas. •: - AlTESBilEST SCKBEBflVES. ., • ccxcqexzxr nxsowass.' CT rsit' SBUSL • urn JSttXKX PropoHnaanaoundaaittamelionttacf dtu£e af^^mton^tiaki^rmtmMthettmSbi- am-efpm tmkMftJ%atoS cities and cxttptir^ SttUmU xesolrediix tbeaaasaiWycooeiBrj.Tbat •eetto to- et s«£is eattf. et tJ» ccasaiBJ&a- 'be avwledtoreadasfooow*; .-;"*" :... AjmEX»vm. '._ ." .*, . Jli^P>2*#*> <&**#»£!< tm^'tWi'timm* aftersireaay tnaoeyor property, ca- toaolta money orcjeMttoar la aid ot Say immm, tmTcfttite'or. ewssrsf stask im, erkeasj «f, aay aatoeiatiea .. «anMri»aKWaSsjBsayatsi«<o^ jllli«eTbeaitowed to -meatany JadeWednea except, JprjMB^.cay.iowmaritUatepupaRsT^b^ ISCB TrWtt maxbjg tadt vtowoa* tot tit aid or •epport c<fcipoor as may oessitorual by J«w. So wiaeb.lodnfiSalaUiia; tddebtsdam.abaUexoeed mmSS^MWmwm^m^tim U»real e*tatecfspeb comity or c2y *BMeet to taxation, eltyoattslsst sswssiinaj forstateoreoaaty taxea ._^jtBBasss.JB tttas^tf'-saea-iseabtaiaji-exee^.. ^a7^-^^'^^^^t^^ .. _. wfresMii.iMebtedsess ecbeed* tea per cenHuu of thf .ssitssf it Tama'jog-et- tareal eatateatSdeesto' taxatfe^attanbeauowadM«aswsaaet4MgaBy farttKsaiomttaattisuai tfldebtecrestft«u bit nv auMdwitblnsaealimit, Ttu aecticn abau t a b e eass&iiedtx>pf«vM^t3Uis»ua^ ...-^r. «»SsVse « -*s nyslned.ttt aaTtaxJa :tor- *• Tear irbmsnc*,««acate» or rerenae Sos4* are isassd aM jisyaMe oat of wo* mmjue to pmm as tut of Kew Yot* iran b*u!a»*osiJ* tobe Tedwawd oat of tbe tax kry tor 22iifiil9^ B ^!S? i ' ? tasJWriS-HielrJsatft wo- fMs|ttts^iWssiMS4^iiitf P t J W J e w TJS»a». Ewr. CoExiIry. A .pm&3es*«-f *bs -Udijed B-tAt^. c fe£fc#*ltiltsje&r., h^'ai,<j c.,';'0 .isJlj^Otui -irfcaaj-fce wiM baat'- .N .^^ : y«$"fct*0»» > !23J.t3sB Tbris^a-c-esg .^-t.or, t*1*i« IPeiir ¥er&. WCTW .cid t, ; ; . , :«j»y-*4epate9«»«JSrdetail ef s?ba.t p,,^''. -|B4j[ I c t e r ^ U 'ft- jmay. est tell yoi, K ^ y<s»j. i&s^iss 63$-|j®iH- fen yoa •»*^B Sa-fe-a-^reelj' WCTM long ^ ^'. trapa.rt;i>;,;, a&j fKEdSifef!' *SI ms.Tfi.t,am. If yau JjH9»e*$«8iJt ,ISSByia,.sabscribe f 1ajdfeBj».'W«elt. Wcria, which ffltffiisEryettierday .easspt Simda* and jbit-jsprsstisafly 3 daily at tbe pr. r ,,f » weekly,. '-'•P^' ffcrl.?5S«rWeEk World thasfaysftjr 155 pafsra. W e c f - . , »qasJlgd .BswepgjKt sod th* i- 4 , "^. ias* together im $1 C5. aat ti.c ASO Sanpor Orange- At«ur last meeting ballotx wer« spread oft one mwafcer, and found fawerable* 3The literary programnte was given by Worthy Cersw-idft Hildratb, and was as foJIcx**; ffoflg, Orange ohofn reading, Id* liUdteWi, W, O {ineirumental jnuaio, Hlldrath and CJratw Tarbed; reading, Ulady* KU?h;nong, Martha 8t»«nb«rge, tlur mtt meeting will Iw Octobsr M, It it mtmcted that every luamber will »t- mwitt possible. The roll will be oatied and each one will respond withaquotaf- iloti, story, anecdote, rsoitation or song. If Cot prepared n»e csnts will be 00I- teeted. , »^— the great trees ot California, it baa been said, began lifs before the earliest dawn of Chinese history, and at the time of the deluge wart older than tha art of printing from type is today. Prof. Chss. Bessey, however, contends that a van 11,000 years is a great overestimate, actual ring joount of a tree twenty-five feet in di- ' ameter having i&dioated only 1,147 yean, n»y5la^d^rt^«^^»rpi^ea>to be pa court l a i f p ^ t e JnalMoftt*witotsppesls (bail ccasoand .determine... Tbo attary of tb-i oitoclats IntmoUhe court ot appeal^iiliall be tbssam of iirfitetba«umotflftee^iKiu»»od Ave buttd«d do). Iir»ayear,wblcii»aiar>*lmilbelDUenof andahail exilafM otirery Aatumaso kind wbateVsr. 98. itesDlrea <tf tbs taaiia^c6ncta).vat tbo foreBoin^awenflwentJerWarfldW tbe te«jwatBre to r^enwn at tsoo^rijrepenil election cf senatofi, suatot^cfcra^y-wpjaMlanone,, arttciefoartafn of tbe cbcstitauoo, bo paWimed for ffiree tucatto prrttottstothetim»of«ii<aelKtloa, ««teofsew-Jto*toAssembly,afarsa 1907. to r»ter tbferjef, ttroflftbftbcjBg p'esentt lorltvoteiiti ttorirtbtiti ......... By^olweA^^^^ Slate of Hew rorfc, wi Senate^ JoasM, MoP*^* TOeforr^!o*fe!iojiat»Qt»WM dmr pined, a. fta> fartfy cf all ta» tftutors elected voting in tttor ,{tBT<*i. .t&ree-wtto betag praieot. WycrdEr-ortbafifiOiitcf , ^,*»,,« L. fl. CHANCIER, .< Prwidpiit,, fitsta of ISm y<3», .OtSce ot fte iN*r*»ry cf t lutva eempamitoojrftcMtej; «opyor eBAnnteat nidation, pfoja»m?*a smenfliflent inmttw «vea offtrtltieiuof pte •C'o»<<Htaftott. with tit* urts»B»l»«,10tKBJ.tfBfl»-irtt)Jrt OJDtfCfe SH0 l <3(J tt-M«by<ertu>ttettbfff««e i* » «ane« trsiucriw apref«ro«tt«iaoftir9 wboletftereof. _ uiven uarterniy band «»*-•«» semtofoWce ot tb» »e£r«t*ry<ifmt»«tti!e fiiyof Aib«ny,tBW ft«tf,) twntjr.awta#y«tJuly,ta tt» year ot *ur Vjtdt ouatbouaaaa nine tmadrwl aad eigftt, -' 1 JOUS H, WUAtlN, , Secretary off tale. Om»:k «*"nt**iK.'it>iTaiiir t/rMrATfc > AKJ»I. July *,iW. J ^ , J»u«u»at w tu« ptwMomt of mattm me of artfei* foun«»B ut %rw conmttHtwu ot u>» Ht«t« *>f Hew York, sod i»-ii«H «v«u &f riuuK*r Diae liUDdrw't and nlwof ttwlAW* iut »iHlit*»ii hiiBdred and nawty- »li, nott<^la liertbyjilvetitu*lUi«tollo»rln»projwwKl am#»am*Btto*ctJoour»nti.*irenpf articia tare* irftfcWCotMHtuUorioft&fcSia&f Of KeW t o f l I* MS- fnrradtoifieljKflataUirtf u> far««Q at uw a«K Own-rut rj«iloii(»f SenttK.lDMilaSlaU to b« bekt im tli« third day of NovMutaw, ulnotmjB bundrad and *iSHtg and t( publlsand once a w«wk for thmi mooUia a«xt pramdlac iatM (,«neml Election In nmtomltj wltb tli» a|oraaatd prDruton*. JOHN 8, WHALIK, . Secretary of stats. 4HENPMKNT KLMBSB T 8 H K . cosfitraaiNT KISOLITIO* Or A*awBLr THX ASJtATK AIID /*ropo*tn(i ait ameulHuttt to teelUm tu-mtiMevtn nfarlteU three of the eotutUutkm In rtliiittm U> V%4 }«nnen of tht buanl* of taptrvimm, and omiUu auditor*, nr itimr Saeoi ufirti*. Section 1. Raaotrsd (it UM assembly oooour), Tbat •eetton twraty-Mreo of araeto ihnm at Uw oouutu- tfcm be ameoded to read aa follow*: ABTIOLS III. SecUoa t7. Tbe lerttiature aball, by nasral laws, eooiar upon UM board* at Miparrkun of tha **r«nu eououv of tte S U M saab furttar poweta ot local lagisjatteQ as4 attsjlniitnition ss tse latislatare wu frost USM te time dssm axpadlaot, sad la eeeettss wsleb sow bare, or atay bsraaftsr B«T«, aseaty aedtton or ottar iaeal »jtear», aiaaortted, to aodh aula, aeiwrafrtf, ebarsaa, tualffif or r saw saeltara, er ajsalsejesis. •MwUaMdirMoss l a tt« OiM MA tosrtt depsrt. siesl«iasll«sr*iwee(r»la*^uat)atte ssss oitwo tbx»a*sitddoUtn.aadtte p»*|dU« Jostt«e| ttereot ttssasiof^roiboatBadSxvJaaaars^ owarta-em*abllleootPJueto i*«wtromAbWftK *pec«lrecUlfcaT«HiaU»»ordW«et*,a* DOW prorlded bylaw,*ucba4dltk«al cesjpenaaUoa a* wtllsasAe tbelrafsTasatecownensaUos wbattee/- <tn BJW recslrtng. «K»jMUMseleeted-teaDy iodida Me- rertmtm rutwr thiirttteOrator »*miail lap assAsinT to t i e appellate dlTition* of theftratand second de- pifl4es«abalJ,wblle*oajalt^e<i,»eei»*fr««tt«oe dep*«a^ttreij?ecUTel,y,a» - Bow.i«trlded by l»w. Kicb srjdJUoaii stttnss & paid to tbe jaalceiot taoae •apartsaeau. AJasUceskwtedlattettirdorttmrtt dssartstent sasltwid. by tte a»«tUate dtrMoa or etwma upon tte judieai dlstriet. wbsrs. tte terrloe Ureadered. Toe compeaiaUon Mrcla pro. rldea*haUb»la.lleitotattd sbatt axelode «U otber pettsssof eyerr lOwt aad astarf waaisoerer. Tbe pforlilOMottbiTiscUoo rtsjlspwy to m and justices .sow in office aad to those *" ejected. 6 % Besilrea* (17 tbe Eenxto coccnr), Tbat 0s fj^ctoa*«»eodsitnt be rererred to tte Irtialatore tolwcboaenei tteW!XtaT»eralfiie^|uoot sesstors,- aad, la'conformUy with secttoo owTsrUeJs fourteen ot tte cooautatfoo, M puMltkeS tor tares montts preytouatometucaortuclisiectlon. ___ . TWK.rc«oin(treaoIuUoB was duly sawed. » «a> iorlty of Bl tnessoaiois alected ixmi la favor taereof.tiree-imbaeeinspreaent. » y order oftteBens*. " - WimnMM , mats of WewTorlt, ia AnemMy. I t e J ^ w t * ^ Iqrltyof ail tbe members elected to tbe ASttmbly vMmglnlaToribefeof,ttree.fliibsbiina-pr**«at. BycrtsfoftbaAiisnaiiy. _ ^ • 8ts& fif 7 Keff'a*or«« Offlce of tta gecrstsry'of atate,.isfc. I H«TO compared tbsprocedtat bocyot coocurrent rt^lutlOD, proj^iwau amend taentto«erttoatw«Te oisrlldetlxot tbe ConMimuoo, t i l t Jfe« Of&uMJ csbcHrrcfitr^slouettonffletoUils ottca, a s a l do terebyce«iyiB«tb^sMt» a * cemx* tmtmSst ibe«fr0ffl,iwdoftbBWbolettfT#of. aUebWKkrmybandaadttesealof otttce of tbe , , |te«rettryof fitateat tbe ci«» at Albsr, Has fc.B.1 twcnty-nhbtljiy ot July, in tas year of mr ttftcu one tbomioa mi* tenured wad elibt. 4UHM ». *«j*^f». STAWCTfilWTOWC ) Albany, Jul? as, A*w. ( , rnrsoant totteproTiuoMof *s«feB ons of article tonneen. ol tbe votmwtioik 01 tt» Bute or New Vor*, and sficttott ssreaot cbawir aiae Hundred sad titQeeftb*t*wio! ci«bt**t> iiundr.a sad ninety. « x , » « l « b i bereby mm that tm f«}jt>wio« pro- potwaam.-natojMKUOMfyur artiels aeyert or tte (^fljidnUoncfibetitsteefHswYofk reterrea to tbe JL**"!»Uturrt %Q fm «D<.»«H st tbe »ext ueneral Wectioofttsaaataftlattts siats to be add <m tbe tfiirtt aar et Motrrmbpr, alaeteen buodrea and mmxi. s»« »publl»b«ioB«s* w«* tor ibn* uoauui next premiM; mvn ooafrai xieeUoit la eoMormity wii& tbetb«j»wrw»ldpro*i»faM. _ - JUHK i. WHAtlH, secretary *t state; AM*N»M*.Sr NPMflKE BIX- . cojrcnwtjiT wwoirnaK o» ttm siva.Tf;; SHD Aaaxaatv l?r!>p<*i'itf an amtiubifitnt teeHim four «/ artt tie mvt't <if tht tonHUulion. --—•"-•- •• • - bdutt to alter tbe 1 ' aui/u/rtw/t burmtant »«Uoo t. ilMolvud (if UMMBombly eouear), Tbat •ecUon four of article mmt ot tta oooaUtuttoo be auMitoM w u to read a« followi: It. txoept U») debt* ipeolfled in awrtiooa two and tbraa of tula aruete. DO dabt* aoall ba hereafter con tr«ci*d W orloUsbalf of Uitoata*^ onlea. »uea oaM aball be autborlaed by law, tor aoate tlosl* work or object. u> be dtoUsetiy •paetSad ttsratt; aed enefi JUaeXtami mil .yeartoexcaw <g -.tbe iituiaUpas beretteooxaUs^ ssaitaot ew»« oae-tt^ofone psreeotnjP of tba tsiisjitaialasltaB of thereal estate fif!S^f? 1 ^K« > «axsaon.. KtfcsbjWtatoseer OoaM eoBStruedto preveot tte iwaeof bond* to prvtide for tte amoly of water; t>tat tte term of Knd»U*aeaxo proTJdetbeaBpply of wat^.tnexoew *J*]m^X *****»•» *xM iMrsia,sbau created o o t t e hwtuac ofttesaid jn*as*brttWt«. rtemptlw.jyrtialsg inasaiiy»ssw w u * wUljto- m m W S GREATEST WEEKLY TOLEDO BLADE Meio Obis. The Best Known Sewspaper In tfte United States. ID irsasy respsets the Toledo lilad*- is tts^jm^t remarkable weekly new». paper onbliisbed in tte United suu~ It IKthe onlynewppaper especial 1 v ^ :; -^i for Nationalcircnlattcn. It has had u, e 'farge^ eircgiaiioa fox more yean, u, a n any newspaper printed 10 America Ftoffcertjore, it Is the cbeape»i i„-«~ paper in the world, as will be txj.ian,^: to any person who wiil write u« f terms. The sews of the c rid ranged that bu§y people can more _ comprehend, than by readiog cun,t^r aenie column?, of dailies. All curr^ot topics made plain in each issue bv s-ptjciai editorial matter written from locepu^c down to date. The only paper puUiebed especrally for people who do or do cot r)ead daflyuswapapers, and yet thirst f<, r plain facts. That this kind of a oe« B i«P«r is popular, is proven by tbe fa, t that the Weekly Blade now has over ; >, ODDTOariy subscribers, and is circulat^l in all ports of the United States, lo ad- *fcion to flie netrs, the Blade pubust**. short and aerial stories, and many d e - partmenis of matter suited to every ^member of the family. Write tor tree specimencopy to THEBLAIJE, ,—, , . Toledo. Obio. The regular pneeofthiB splaidid t<a- per is §1 a year. We offer it to suttet r.o- ers paying in advance, with the PAUA mxm, both papers, one yes • for §: s, Send all orders to THK PALU OR M CO. , Malone. N. Y. ar The Palladium Co.. Q MALONE, N. Y. st^taterat^ot exM bpad> at ttelr ajstarj^ rAO. .esrtMssM^.lsjsstsftiwSf' rsvaejinoodikwed hMWWaaajj*^tteeoUeetlMof ta*efe)«**mrF aetrath^^wakavsrsyaaMafter tbett dataef awue, as4aowtoM^to»roTids ft*tte : »np(Wor water; and agy debt bereaiicr tacorrsd by any portion or partcf s>^eity H there ibaUbeaay socbde«.abaiibe ttcMdsd bt ascartatsmc tte pcrwerc* tteeitytarbe- m, *tmfmy*MNa:»wt--totti tm debt*, toearred by any city ot ttsseeosd etaaTafttr ttesrat day*! Ja»a^,jatoete»fioiJdrB4 andelgbt, and detKa to- day of January, ntoeteeb bundredandten, tonro- TJdef^ttie»op^c<Trater,*baUnotbe8 J inejiiced; sndejem|Ji^ttataayd^beres»er incirral byttscltyof He* yorlrtor a piibSid imorovemeat gynedor to bernr^ by tbeclty, which yield* to tfe etty eorrent^ net>eteBue. after making-any wb^p^rttri* bab^Jn exceaiottbe interaton ssiat debt aid of tteawinsl ltwalment neeeasnry for lU]«*orU2*aoB inayi* excluded in aacertatnios tte J«*«aald toj toljecoa»»tberiri»e'ladebtea, KOfidSd test a ataktor fond for la tocrtlziSoa s w a w e b s e n eatabuibea and maintained and toat beaume^toequaitteaatd Jntereatand amorHxa- eds^be««orc«ltK»rred byttecity of RewYork tcranrrtotdtransitOTdocktorettmectmaybe «o «^Sf*fr^rdoaiteJytojt* eateaito wu«b;«:e current net rerense reeeired byssW cuy tt^relrbm sb«us^tbeJsttna«sad anwrtliattott instalments ««rHp#Puwcrof tte dfy of fie* sfork wweb aban re^&omtte excbMlonof debt* her*tofore toenri rca aball bearsiusbie only forttaacqwittioti o*c0n- •tracUooof propertlestobeated for rapid tranilt or <^YPF****t» jettotowre abatl prierlipe the MO^bywUehsadtts'terawaadeon^ whlcbttaaaaouiit ot any debt to be excluded aball beoettnnmed, and twnueit debt tball be excluded «xce^m»e£«tlaaeswltttte 5 ^d*>r^ •eribed,. T»le»i*IaWreinayinIt*dl*cretlonconfer * fev 'K.>K*f»«#.i %*rOT^»W#„f w i t,r ant ! tuimuution, vermlUino tte farf* tbe nU€ of UtUrc*. upon debt* want in mid mctlon. law ittell ln»ow and prortda for tta eoUMtloa ot a direct annual tax to pay, aad seSelaat lo pay, tte latere* on *ueb dabt a* a fall* das, and also to pay and daebart* tte prtn- eipai of »ueh debt wittia arty year* from tt* ttaeof tte eostracUoy UMreof, Mo *uob law abaU take »0><H UDUI It aSall, at a saoaral •M0U00. bare bean •aboUltad to tte paopte, and bare raaarrad a aajerUy of all rota* eajl for aad agatsst It st web election. On tbe Dnal peai s a o f a s e h bill la ettfeer bsess of tne iBjrtalauua, tta goawtrai ifeall ba tafcae by aya* and noea. to ba dsly eoterad oa tbe Joeraek ttareof, andabaUba: " aball uu* bUl sasa, aad eesjN tte aame to restive tt* aaoeuoe of tt* seopier 1 * Ts* NrMswre may at any ttat* attar tt* sssrevsi et (•ahlawbytta vtoftt U so Seas asailHET* base appropriate jurtadlalonon *jc appellate diyaion of u»*Bpra«»e c o ^ t t t t e f l r i t jodtctai department for ! b ^ , '^.^^ e W¥M L t M a a i o a n t ? a o y debt tks t l m of l «te*epUonibWtteretfterbecome in- JSJM by reason of, tbe operation tf soyipf fhspro^ viatof«<)fttassetloii, frhejte^ttebotutfiirlaaor »y«tysr*tbi i*»b»ssaQS3of ajoo^iy.or wbea any cuy abaU include within its boundaries more iBttB«»w(^y,tta|o*rsrof any cojinty wholly in- fi?^jS!Ma.« e bJ%* » V**m indebted *W cea*e,b«ttedei)tortte»unty,b«retofOTeexl*tiB|r, *WJnot,PXtteiwrpoS6f otttisasouos, bereciori- edst*firtortl»myam 3»#«bwotbwe«fter toneraiaed by tax for county or city pnrpoaoa, in any cotntyc^punUHtaeltyot < w or* nuSrw tbouV J sadlaBsbttinSfcoriMiy soehdtyottlnsst»«!,to sdr * olttoatoproitdlDgtortbeartocjpa) sad Uiterestbf eilrtjog oew. *UaUnot in tte snregatt exceed ia anyone year two per centum of tte s**t*«ed yaloa- Uooof tb» real aMp«t*pnale»tat»of»ucb county or Uty,tob«a«»rtalDedMri«*crlbedintbuiaectlonto reapect to county or city debt. . # a. Besulfed tif tbe ansmbly concur,) TbMtbe lorsttoiss; ssteedmeat b*referred totae tegiabttare toteencNM**tteaextswieralelection ot seaatort, aadttcoafornutywitt aaettoo one, article fourteen of tas wswtjwMoa. as nuwufted for ttuee twmtos prariou* t*>ttetlmeofsueb Section. .. state of Kewiorttn»Besate,Apni2l, 19W, . TMftweolwtrowiuUon wait duly puied,* tf»* Jority ot ait tte t<enator« elected voting in favor ttereot,ttiw-flftb*beinjr preseau auieof New fork, in A*»inWy, apr.»J!, vm. , Tbeforwiog r«*uiuUott wasauly p«iea,a tns> Joruy of ail tba membrn elected to tbe Assembly. ToMnjt w favorttenwr,tbree-ntuw beituf prnttiat. »y Wttwof UtSAMiemiity, J. W. WA08WOBTB, Jit, ^ . speaker. State or Sew York, Office ef tte Secretary of atate* w.^ 1 b*v* Wmpsred um precedja* copy of concurrent rwoiutlon, propoaiaMt aa suendment to seetlon ten ot article elgbt oftte'Co&Httution,witb tteorisisal ooocurmit r«*oiuUoti OBSM to tti* oDoe.and t do nereby certify wattte same i»* eorrect tranacrtpt tserabrow, aad of tte wboietbereof. tilreo under mt band and Jbe seal of oince of tlie „ Beoretary or state attterityot Albany, tbu lr_ a 3 tweDty-aftt day of j uiy. intteyear of our Lord, one tbouaand nine bnadred and eight. - JOHN 8. WHALSK, Hecretarv of State. May sweep away in aii hottr property that it has taken you a life time to accu- '-nitiia.t9: .' Portiftes yoa Against stich an emergency and enables yon to rise undaunted from fsuch a calamity. , jBadlcate^ that, when the best is none toe good,^you should seek nothing but \the 'ininsuiPaaca Jfh© place ttt secure the- BBSS? la witii. <iie Conservat^e and Keiiable S UpaUtC UK'ltT. TEIAL DESIBBO lei KHANK- llu county, Artlon to Annul Marriage. Jono M. We&a. Plaintiff, ra. Emery Weia sad Don* Well*, Befendanu. To tte above named defendant*: Ton are hereby aummoosd toaorwwr tte romplalntto UiU aetion. aad to *erre a copy of your anawer on tte PuUDUff 1 * Attorney* wlttin twenty days after tte aerrlce of ttla ssmswoa, exclaalve of tte day of aenrice, and ut oase of your failure to appear or anawer, Judgment will be taken against yon by detaoJt for tt* relief de- manded in tta complaint. Dated Maloaa. K. T., AHgnat I7tt. U0B. KI1LA8 A QXNSWAY, PtabHttm attorney*, Otsea aad P«at OSes Addreaa, Halona, N. T. To: Tbe above na start deCaedant, Emery Walbi: Tbe lentDtHg sssjneoss I* tarred u i°"f«*> b 2 Itaakna County, dated UwSSttttayot aegtatTwQS. aad tisd wttttbaoom- Stamt latta«oV»of tte Clark of rranklln County. at Hainan. U. T. Dated Asgast skt, 1MB. Toora, etc, KBUUtS * QSNAWAT, 0^aadr^0^A P ^rrUST ( ry. •'Sbedl IWjMopie rwlet >* AsktltedeJe- sBkaaa to aba Daa ves ooavwisioB who raked •mSSFtwsvsv ipw^ 1 ^ww^F •pr^pwjw w ^ e ^ ^^tmtm w w s w w w w e s w ewMW •> wewewesy K*7i IHE-PBOPLB O ? T B B gTATS OF SBw v ..• k trfStbt^^^'&i^^t 2 Si2£ G, ^^B 0806 *- W a f i j r a a T S ^ i > a ? i t tf#»ttoga. Troy. Kansas: Sylvia BasangB w i t , • , • 4??!?J Atga Ania%, HstSe BoweM. CaBsafi^ s *<tXJai»>tesna,GeorgiaBsranm. Maum* \ \ ^la^&sSlfelw^^S-Sa-t.. t-«L; fiin. New Mexico: ¥Sony Pooler DeKaJk v > » ^^^trl^? 6 !^ Id SEaoS &&UO&. tr.'a- p u v s e w HexlBo: and teory BBSJnfTK r^.1,1 tnwno^con^uticgaatterjjis&iiat m f . j , -x fbetown^of amgor,in OKHMT of Praai•.. a[l *f£i.*™£°n. the exeectans sEaed 10 \tr i*.i coantyof fraassn $0 tssw EK saia sne ISVM, B- „ ^ n JSL Pea! ? Hl vexsssa propem. is ^JL-^U^,. r ttesatote tn ss^i «s2^ assa* sua monom ZjS^' aa(Set ' 3i J^SB^e^®>SVhm «u-o ai,.l r. saw snrrogate at Ms eaac* m glairs vuiiw tatte. coanty ef ffeaaa. cm 1 ^ :mt ^ > „i October sjea oieloet a u,. i..rvn.., D tbrtl and mere to attend jaeprsisiss£.tir siuc ;a>i o m im.i testament. L<^Sj^L!!i? B,&XKma P BS,Bl,ai ' ^ under tbr ateffittwenO'-ane rears. as$ wa please take noti.v KBUttaa,atteiaa,veane.ajia a mej Hate m.n.. SSiS^ 1 S" 18 * 1 *an. or to K» eveas ^ u, rif im.ure •S^SSKL^S 0 '**** ^ fecil1 Sa**a*n «nn be ai. E^SSiJLS!, 6 ?!?^^ to ' e n s e a l s c d act fur thru, to¥Uie proceedings lor tte protare cf said WUL m tesumony whereof, we have bereimso affixed 1 b- SEaJofoarsaasam«aJf uiim* Hon. FreSerteko. PEddi*^. .-.un - gateol said county, at Lbe Sum. gaas» office, in Malut* vinaev. in saidtsjunty, tte Sli day ul .V-UI.-H. ber.!90S. FLOBSNCE BQTCE BBTANT. Clert of t i e Surr.igaic- - !, <jiur. t«-S.l 3.WS nei 4. Bejasn a«tast Byron a. Spencer fS&^SS^i 11 tteaoore entitled ecuw, uU u.. S^ a J^. 0 *??^ ,^Q8^ * n<, entered to uw offi.-. ^^^^^dcoantyc^ftaoiauion toe iwa •:.. I.B.W. Berry, t&e ucaerelgned refers ;L V.. JS^^l n 2 meaf PrS B l2 I of raid sale and eeutte premises Hereinafter aesaitfa win -^ »' to Malone vUlige on tbe Ttt day of Noromhe, !••- X te 2i^'? iac JS5. ? fe. f<,Iei W oao1 ttatdayme premie oeeefflbett to said jadgment to wit • ^sitttatteacXOTparcaoriandsItaate to tbe i,.»t !rt2fS?^S f ^ toil ! B « 00 M^ 0 f Ftanklta and wau- OfNewYork,known and disangnished as fuM.»- §SKL a ,. l>a i? ?*.* 'i* •* °tnd neretofore suid and «ee^ed1)yNoab Moody to S-CF-TborndlBe. aod » boanded as follows Beginning at tbe nonnwest %S?££$£Ji loio1 tana beretofore deeded by i>aid a 5SP** 6 *° A^ 1 ® E; Hawkins and by ber to F J Bawslns andranntng nartteriy on tbe Itoe as deeded oysaldHoodFtoTborndlke to tbe ooriti IUM uf mw. Moody lot; ttecce east along tte said Mo dy loi i. rtoekland street; Utence soutberly along tbe west itoe of Bockbt&d street to tbe ttortteast eomer of lot BJ deeded to agues E. Hawkins; tfieoce west alone u>e tiDTto Itoe of satd lot to toe place of besionlne. euu- talnlng all toe lands within aald bouods—except » tnncb as was beretofore conveyed by Edward J. Han- oi! to Clinton Stevens by deed dated April ITUU- lwv; Hated Malone. N. V„ Sept. 23.1908. A. '.- _ « ' B. W. BEBBT. Beferee- S. A.BESIAN, POT. In Person. 5«T #####4*4##^####H^#4S##^I|,^^^ *HHI. SIMS FISEE^ | Tdat m m get a iwe, up-to-date tfaily pane? for Sf I a year, Jut such is the easel & r fafcing aSvantage of f | our ofuljliing rate you can get the e A nlDanp Datlp journal One Year $1 It is One Year ft1 » **r clean, newsy, his Associated Press * •• - - .+ TED Tori. "to bank- I N THE DISrmcT COCBT OS THE Oi States, for the Northern District of New In tbe matter of Bradley Flsb, bankrupt, ruptcy No. 3367. To tbe creditors of Bradley- Flsb. of tbe town of Sdnietstown, to tbe county of franklin, ood dis- trict aforesaid, ababltnrpt:— Noticetohereby given ibatontbeSlstday of Septem- ber, I9UH, said Bradley Flsb. was duly adjudi- cated bankrup'; and tbat tbe Bret meettng of bis cj-ed- Jtore will be held at tbe iitderslgded referee's oflir». lo tbet^oun bouse, at Maloae. N. Y_ on tbe lah daj of t ctober, 1908. at 10 o'clock lo I Be fureooun. at wbicb time tbe said creditors may atteud, prvvi toeir claims, appoint a trustee, examloe lue bank- rupt, and transact such otber business aa may properly come before said meeting. DatedlSeptember S3.1908. ItM. P. BADGES. Beferee ID Bankruptcy MAIN 4 COONEY. Att'ys for Bankrupt, - Malone, N.V. . ! N OTICE;—POKSIANT TO ANQEDEB <>F. Bon. Frederick U. Paddock: saiTogate of trie county of Franklin, and according, to tb»- s^»uit« In suet) case uidde and prurlded. notice Is hereby Riven to ; all pereuos navirn? claims against SUu) .1). Wtlllaison, late of Haloae. In said county.'dw-nased. tbat tfiey ojvrequtredto exblbli .ine.'saroe. witb- the voucbers tbereof. lb tbe ucdersigned aduilhistnitors , attfie-rwidejice-tifj.ibri C.Williamson In Mak>ae. in sitd county, on or before ttie 15th day of, December hexl. DatedrJuueKUi, l'JOC . - JOHN V. WILLIAMSON, . '-•••" LAVBA F: WILLIAMS().N': 42mS Administrators. .' sub- . Service, market reports and full reports of the dailv X happenings at fhe State Capitol. Tou can eet this un- 5 equalled daily aad the Palladium, both papers ooe * year for $ 2 . Send cash with order to the Pal f office. The .offer is open to both old and new f senbers who pay in advance. 4r ^' - THtv JttOTICE.—P.UB8CAWT TO AN OBDEB OF Frederick G Paddock, surrogate of tbe conn ty ot FrankUrj, and according to tbe ^statute In each te made and provided, notice is: hereby (riven -. all persons hiving claims against Carlostln A. Crooks, late of Banjror, In said county, deceased, tbat ttey are required to «xWbit tne sarie, with the vouchers thereof, to tbe unaersagned executor,, at hts Bangor, N. ¥ ^ to said county, on or before tte USi day ol January next. Bated July «th.l8«i. «EOBOK W. CBOOK8; Executor. BADOCK a Box, Attorneys *or Executor. 4Uni6 N OVICK.^PO&SC'AKT UO A«- 0KDtK __ F-edertek G. Paddock. Sarrogateof the cot: OF __ ...„,.,_. _, county Franklin, and aceordfeg to too statute to sucB case'. made and provided, notice is bereby-glveo to alt per- sons having catim* against William BoeMter. late ot. Malone, in said County, deeeaaed. tbat tbey are required to exhibit tbe aame. witb tbe voucbar* ttereot. to tte uodfcwigned. Jamea T, Wefcb and Michael t. OalUvan, at tte store of Jamea T. Welch, at No. J« last Main street, to MaJone, to laid County, on or before tte aard day of January ueit. Dated July Utth. 1906. JAMBS T. WKLCH. I - _ „ „ , „ „ wcaaiL r. GALUVAM,) Kecntors. OSOKQK J, Moos* Att'y tor tuecufcrs, «m« Matone, N. Y. of rnwktta.»B<1i syor«Mt to^eltlttto le^ilS auda aad pronSad. aoati.* k heretoSMM toattaar. •seeaavtarslantagautat «aj5igl?Stae.4SaS tteoaweaf afidawr * Sea la eewtty^onortefan ' " " " tat oay i Maaesst * son,.AJar%Hr1 e VOLUME I. Bf f HI iOD-atonc .EwtaJ>li»lt| Publit»rM«i e<iry THE I'Ai.;.\j FREDKRKK .1 JOli> M. .< PALLADH Corner of Main Malj I One Year, six aroutiis, Advertini>»« li. AdvertisenittH~ length >f tun.- tl ally stated t«. thl insertion: <>H«' r^ tinned till fort'' publisher*. &'d| Legal adverts by law. Bu-.t five lines,.©j t«-' >1 fline, 75 cents. f BUSINESS WARRE| ATTOBNEY ANi; gansbnrgh. > ' ""MAIN, COC If Office over L' M.\; Branch Office j Op, A. K. ATTOBNET AND oac Lake N.^ WILLI. ATTOBNEY AM' ' Lake. N. Y. Persod ai pierceBeW and Mood B. N. POJ 79 EAST MAIN STt\ Phone at CHARL] IJlWYKB. 65 WBKrl Allison Btock. next ^ MOOBl B. M. MOOBJ5 1st l>."'r I" KELLAfc^ ATTOBNEY9 ASI< lice over Clark A !-oi] ple'a Nauonii. fto J. P. KKLl-AB McCLAR| COUNSEL] '.Her !'•- , • CiNTWEL) ATTOBNETP ANDI Qce over su» ^«'e.l J Taos. CASTKI H. D. HK DENTAL nFFICE. Terms reasonable t H. H. OPEBATIVK AND stable. N. T. R. J & PHV8IC1ANS A.ND^I Ufflce over Butt"' Park St.. where r pboneconoecti J: s. iTTOBNEy AM' mond9 A A:.u.jn| pnicttce 1L inc 11 Courts. HENRI I'iYBJOlAN ANDJ offlce and reside] n urbt calls should IE CAN SELL YODR RE6L A. Al Fresh KQJ FRL'1'1 eioAi 4h-~ m Cat "t>tr E . ; M a i , Its tne cauaett tBel chant netf tisitJgr* * 'fee* r ^ chi U a leader have folk avalverU *-» »*> S^^StyHBjgyfr^M^Wft.^4^- &*!*•<*, f^^m^t^m^m#>''^^^ ^^mt^mm^mm •&- ks*i f ~*4£&lUIUHAj£t :^<»A^i^z ^«a £S£&'i

Transcript of The Palladium Co.. Q - NYS Historic...

Page 1: The Palladium Co.. Q - NYS Historic · COBH.

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©3.1 of 'aill j»i?{»rtfea} to *&*• •ftse *£si<t>. «> pspaiaifecJ. aiaJ

jfc© e s s e p^rt*} , t ied sr# t^.iffiSepPSgSSS'. tM&SSJSSffd

| t m a |H?t« i*jW« t h a t tii«* U * d f n f aedV* e s j »r tv-rv n o d t«**fc»r»- of ai: M>- * » t # r s t ,*cifX»!t <trf pra/rUo*. r**wlBS6**#3L .'a t M sJU*OAa:<$i Udrou* jy**. • i».. ***:ii Vi*d ^ir«*T fjyppjd^Ii't .*r:VMJ"4f J.&W. lias <5if?6Sj*il--itia»

forester***? «'«*•< >ia»»eit, dr*t*ji*j*v

g8&Mij&, %ni Hi <iWt:to) -,«?»*»*« -J4f

C O S S C l « « l 5 > i T ftKftOJLVTIOXM.

*•• i t ( , v r *» w Y'.»i'K ,,

VU^vakns luTiK »*••> « • « • • * t»i.-fjBC *«•*.# »rtirj»> rvi.^.«-t »•»• »JK( t_-«<r.*4Ki-* •" * *<J»~ "Sua* -*f *•-•<

%.;»• '4 *.'.r mm'-". *'ify.<yf. S^VtifiU "Mi? 'ii&Ktj^ n't, V<:'**>»! 0»«WJj *'V>:iK *-StV 1**? .?• }*.*»*«*>*-*••

• i»ii«»jL**«»*U.v;»»".-i%WlW';;«S't»'-'!f*i*<'< -U*

'•HJUtf-punrmm wttOrrrr. Ik . I»K-». i«» <«t,:, •- wjfe-, «MfU<V4 J». i'*»< t * wr*us lucf toi«a4ir *fj«r H» .

j>r««pi "ni» *qp!*i*i*-». *»» tc>rt«e i # $4*- ;i*t»e. trf * ( * * " < t 5 * f « i i e 'fa not 1*4Sit* 1rj4. W€ *%4f<-

' w n ME :iir«»»»»s*» i*«s*w»<, WI»M my « t t - i i i « :

rnmcts»«.*WEs$ifi. WVKLD-

A > 4* A : ^ ^ U * ^ J* * • * ] * V K 4 U .


H o i i ^ r **y«r»J


nwtSMn t-vnrfrMHrji

l3tEW» * E 5

J T Vr:~/J£r. i G>c?i*~'-^t3 i) tz<Z, :n *:l'ifi rat. .

;• -£30£3£fi.

• jcastsiest

JSP? ssofe?


«•«*»& a*

it mix it pewer Ja to ctjrtaB ea?e

u n at Been taiexj sgdthat a tetai et

ftn*? Per tChawty. ~ la JLKJ4, ttie last yea?

ra& (Bit Affe^y, tts to».

i 7«W VXfi Vzia t&u££&

vm.imMt, this BPM7& a» VSefJ wr^JSas et $mjmr

049. OEd t&@ Di'i^ccWtif •dicker,) ao&

Qfpxrm Jo meSXort to lOt'to'Je tbepeaple of tfee «ut»» a s to tttellr gSgolScaoss;

Aa gfflnj$ir<adf wltft 'D^tasjcratk- rofe, tfee Bepo^Jicao statf; cdurfafotratfos isst year fB csBfisS. <is ibe cfcarjtobip 3o»tifi«foa» $g*»255^tr more Ujao w a s e s p e s d s d f«? tbai pnttx«33& ufufcr ttie fast Desjoeratte a.<to3s>i>*Jtradtja, &-l '>»< 21H mora mi the hmfAtsils tor ibe in­sane, f i^9S,7S5 jfla«j for educatloaal porp&sm, %23%@,482 mate for caoaJ {turptmrn, 3GBJ&J8 mote tor tbe ju-41ei*ry ana f S ^ ^ S mere for tto «eostrtietto& sm4 mulWtmiMi ol W$i-ways , Jt tftaa ivJil bCiseeo tbut oearf; #13,9(»,0W, ;,cr fij^roftoateJy «J par <#»{» i»f th« pe««)S*d ^Mt of tbe etate'u adlBlBtotrati^s today as cotspared witfj P#mo<?«tfcltule J# Mvote4 to impor­tant public impwemuntv aad to bu-K a c e objecte.

Warn tbe Democr&tlk party propose C&#t t&cf etate sbaJJ, AimmttiMe Its support of alic state** charitable»B»? Jj^t^ tbe lififa<H.-rat\a party yropose to .dteeooOoof appropriations* tor tbe njalnteuam.-^ of the Issaiie? J^e» the PenjocKitJc (jiarty propose to cut &awu tbe allowaacjw roade for tbe educatton of tbe cbild^o of MM? ttUWi Does ft propose to stop oxpendJtures of lawaeyi for cuiwil loipro^etuents? Does it propose to restrict die mufuiaaas of tbe court*? I>0€« it plropow,' to blotJt tbe cottstructloo of go«J roads tbrotigtt> oat tbe ffUtte?

In no otber way could the Demo­crats, tf again JutniwUMl by tbe people wltli tbe adttJinJstrattan of tbe state government, reduce !R any dh-ct'tton tbs present cost of coaductluy t£te states bus!nj?H».

Ccmptrclltr Clynn'a 8to 8«l«nc». It J» sot nw^psry for the peopl# of

tbe state to rely ooly on KcpubHean statement* for proof aa to tbe wisdom « M fiace&s of the yarjoa* JBgpuBlteatt state admlnlrtmtioan from. Governor J*prtes t s Cf^verflor 8«gtie£ TlidJant tonyal r^fort ©f tbe etate coajptroller, tbe Hoo, Martin H. Glynn, a JJeBJo-cratte offictel, brings oat the fact t tat ttoe cash bolasee i» tba state treasury on ihts SOtb day of September, 1907, aiBoentM to |^77J,BTt«87 ami that tbero was Bu actual rarplus on that date amomMag to $13,078,1^8.47. In-stead of the practically depleted treas­ury which the aBpablleanB found when tboy toofc ehorgw of the stato dovfimmeat fourteen years ago^ oil' of the obtlgatfoas of the comiaonwealtb have beeo provided for, public ftir-provoiBooto of ©-eat njuignitude aad to-portaace hove bCga Biadertaiion, the expense ot Which, with other public matteni, has..t^en met, and the statue bank account 1 now stahdB to such n prosperous coudttion as to coil for high prate© from |b> preaeot Defliocratle «omptrolt«r, :•

in fate Iwt aisdat report Comptroller 6iyna eaya: -"11143 <wti Ijalanpfe of''•$2Qs 771,571,87 andfaojploa of mMBfmAi ore th« lorgeitt In the Iblstory of tag state, tbo sarplus being feSS8,C^.jS In excess ©f the! year # 0 0 and f2.2f».-40-153 in exeop of the estlroatca. This excess ts tntidf op principally from in­creased receipts la tax on ebrpora-tlons, transfer, liquor and mortgage taxes." | . .

I* .T•"« 'tSMTf, •. Ictlon it la interesting to | 0 froni which the state |nnc3, and the purppsb | revpnucs oro expended. 'flfW eomc of the prlncl-


i % felrS^t to^!cAl aut^-ity for i ^

6«!)j£sHjJj»ted 'B jreiaSs «ist«K?S cf i ^ E ^

ajaasSS^nSaarmab endowlne its tog*

. Burke. • , \&a%is>A too isih tsthaisreck-i

In the death of Darf-J M. K«Uy. wbicfc .^ssaarit^J .©a FtM^x, 8e$u'~'l&ibK B a i k e losses end of iteoJdert and m a s t tespteted emzsm. David McGitt Kfiliy was tenc c s s r tfea vfll3so, e f HaEt iogdso , P , ^ afcsiU 04 years ago. He learned tfcs trade of btackswlib eo4 mitted i n Burke abont •Wycsreago.carrylcgon the tUck»«ith acd wheelwright biisices* at tfce «acae «jtand during[UaA tfcas. He w»3 » raao of:oBsalll83"cfcsrsci(Kr wha wen tfci cp,B« &fc»C9 cf all wfco ifce w him. H e i » «jr> vived by three children, Charles «Bd Harold, of Barke, SB-T! Etcszl,olDonkirfe, S. ¥ . The funerai was held at bis 1st© residence on gunday at two o'clock P, 5L, th-9 large onrotier attending teitifrtog to the esteem which bia neignbors had loir fako. Ho?, i lr. Uarley odciated.

BaJfph WaJbridgft of OitolrA M U „ vfeSted his brother, K. H. Walbrfdge, last week, .

Warren Hinks, who won the €%»tt?tt sfibsisjsbfp, left for Jthacacn Friday last w enter college,

Mrs, Ange»aJobn#ooi»*i«itfng friends in Barfeo for a.leir weeks,

Mr*, Msry Finney and daughter, Msbei, returned to #'»Ir bsine, id ilancijsster, N. H,, on Saturday, »

Will Selkirk-, who boa # slttisJEoo In PougbfcetfpJe, N. Y „ is the guest; of bis parents for* fewdays.

Bev. V7. D. Aubrey was tho guest of bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Payfd Aubrey, iaetweek,

E. O. Sixiith, of Nashna, N, H„ ia the litest of Geo, 13, Williamson,

Miss Fiorence Fdtott has »g»lp taken op her studies at tha Crane Mudeal to? .titnte, Potsdam. v

Thomas Montgomsty, of Nashua, N. U., is tbe guest of bis mother for s few days,. ^w$, WJibejr AIte» mm tot Bouses Point at the time of the meeting of the: Chsmplain Preehytery, as a delegate, to tbo Misvf&nary Society meeting. While there ehe waa the gaest of Eev. William Fraser, of Chsmplain,

Mr, acd Mrs, W, L. Maaon, of Man-chester. N, H., were the gueste of F, H. Slason last week.

Mis. Frank Chifds,of Slalone.spent a few days last week with her son, B. /B, Chilli, . • • • : > • • • •

Henry Mitchell, of Malone, did business *n Borke on Tuesday* \ Bzn Bovt,

rm& &J iSr* «£«», fiflfe!^ 8* wSSSSSii

-weaBfcg, sr5*esss«;a» *w***ti*tx a& mmen itftst'semt <£ #&£& strae c« tm. €cs#£?'xxut •&]^imi*iGM±mmmm,*WJ:MmrJ*,m *eJMs i-JSa&s54» ?39 s*»*jr «aWj atii M * warn m *

«JXE»?3i**3Pr»ft8ti«sWl!a*siC!Cr «SfcSu5* **«

i5^«»tfe?a«^S5im-£3Kaws«J £ f e 4L«at!& wajiwat '



jwfsgaossrtei! f sens) jM^e^is: tt»««si | M B S S W < *

^ p r j r i $ $ i £ d ! M # Kemfii 0*u»r# ;s*U«* «**4«i»s4ii*i*

cQBerXa«ise»**«»« <Jesgas»^ tsr «fio»c<SJT^ •TSMU* Q» SBgrfired psw««if £f tl^r r»*t*t«)re


##dgwJwn&r "B)jisi slfMi s nil jMiSC JSMMSAt I

J # a e y s j ^ M M e K p a ea««r.«K»» mttiiiamx His-' S?ee3r<lJjp!Mt8qa&<fiH»r««»-

_..¥r'-c» ^Js^jJe-fliiaeS^fi*-"' iltt^Sj StSMnJTMf'tki

iWiiAatSu" . . . .otcwiaisa*..

'**!rssfcsJ e»p*r&a»ia»d5:Ja»<3 ea s w e a e s l a s . » « , **arel#» aur«C a » jw»«r»« *>«M«i(i(t.lh* €B3asCacc=fl;t!S«' Csa. cascl-a. £g£» &<$• •eo&jb •Mtaaxm.V^mBi^ttoiie^ ty^-zxx: c,xl>kzu

t o w lustto* u» toe dej*rtnsrEl» wtfcajb* Js 8S3;-€S£Jp«9,:S53r £ £ £ 9 pzz^Cl nlZSZaClGS tsptess iescrtia ess" 'efcstj 'cr -Jsi^sl. -OatiJ-d cs7'OS2»/%sns^±$cf'CiscsSB.'- B s a s a l aSfer ti» ts« <U7 cf tM«exier, «^ftieea tf=s4r«l *s4

. i« «^»^u tHt t s laa l r t6« K^sersi: tasar c*tJ» COBH. <jt eowawft fries* spr Ow cltr satf oosatr « g«2.^Kr*,. .C».*5jgiSreaa*«f tte Jja «f W » T<5Jiys» esgo«aw^i^B=ae>"asdto^

^t&SMairstsrr, itstaat*»e»p»»r»o «p^2*«a5d"re3:»!»«n©?nCT... a t s i i ^ j w o f ts*_ «!9£2SS» <Ui$asa fa, escl) <fe-ptrto.ii-«6jCJ tutrfr povertp&z'tsecaE} £c3pi!«c«fcrfcc:iiD«»pri«j

• % < * * * * * & • -

rf itw S*ie cl Xear _ ... £ss£r£l «rf i i w « -

_ j f » ISIS tS6-ZScrH&t 5*Sr ^ -,--_-, — — ~—-~— ,. • ••WaTBBI •WsTBIspK' SlwSpCJ^ ffWwlOK »aec^«aaeiaBitf/is»wsis« aearysrJMs'siiiHaas*; ^SS#SfeSCst^»«/(5ot»r<3KMeo a^sio jjiii^ifiaEiaJ.. C ^ S ^ j f ^ K r B fij-«rar Ka» s?t*T£s53ca Cse"

•«U»WiWS*«lajr«*«'«t forttr» aweo* sen

jutzjiUMJEKTsmgia. tar*. mi&ttxm imovcws.'tm sm trust ;jaa>'

Owse or ari ide t w o at a e e S S S c f e w t o -tf jISMssfcasMw; . ' ^ \

A«pcatJi . •>• * * L»rgsyaqwi*«t' rtiag. mm mmm •»»!>>


i j^J5teS^KjlaC^yE»»»3sz5tife I * Ste O jtnytfeeaaigsssna «r <am& ^atm fia «Kii .&*•

ijfsCariBxaifesawUkiaffJtr j a c s c i a sJweaacJ ane ,"7SCtt*aiEc iterKt m i aa»3 J»K^C1UC SIU gja .'; to^fcf »q-;ia:Xjga asacrjs ss aKiac- ssS-<^fetiiapiTcritfrtrBSiaaj^7aia4M?»Tas sot

'iH5«riJ«^JK*-art*«3*B«««2l)eaaBe d » *Bd

# i Ee*>:t*a g£ a e w m l T essar), nasJ JJ* fcifatrifTft tiaOT BifTf *a«Btsawi*» ste 3*s»cstre. Jo to gSa^at^^^iK^a^Xtyaaa.'Cdf. aaatea. lte«>aB*t£aaaB,il»peM«neaXgr ttiee iKrir ta fre-rhWteJteia*^asJa£«:»acijt4c4«.„„ ' ^««lesJ iTrv 7 s e £ H ^ s % Ksr.SJ. ISpa. . ^TJ^Sifesflid tVK^aias.'snv i r 9asied^ _

^resisrcJtsesesca, ^ . . ^ . ^ , !». S . CHASJHJtB,

TiislilfiiT fe«awX«>afgfw*,fT..^«ir'r'<J1.*jB..a T2-R . • ^-E;t;f.rTj^^j;rBK^=&aairss C i j pswsl, ft s a -

, 2i7cJs-i cie vz&3eu tiaciol to t ie Isiaiilfjr.

^ ^ e <« Kew Ta*. OSes tS Om SaSSajfti

rMotaOa^yn^slBffaa&BesABait.'So seeticfi less

emmHMTmWmmUeimlUM d l ee . sadZTdo a m * T « r t t r r r > « t » i r » « a » e » a eecrect oxmaift

~ Tifrjin »>>itsrrT atnrt isfltsr usTiif fidtos «f tte

b_al fttj^rjaufcycrj«3r.te a»-j5Fa-gn-, LGrVawamaatf tfae Sssdrefl ana eW&

• . -,• .«smi^inuic& • ^^'

Pm^axatQOjpptvimxat£.aixiisa court sztZZn } ,:

srtr.wnriee Utmlbj tXtm-Oat, u>e foBotrtmr pro-

fotasiXW«t2i» tobecUcwB att&e o u t Geacrs. Kf« l« i apttattau, la iy» tii^s to tie t e a en iae t&fea'flsycf K*regd ,-c»siSfcaiiEsa»«e^e3sa'




9,097.5^.? j

W i * -In thfe conni s tudy tho sour derives5 Jts roV i o r whicli tbe» The following pal Items of r*?flJr>ts: Frotri msec? :on sotpsiratiow...; t3XSi,23,'44 From taaces on :or«aal*atlori at

coj'iHjj-ationa 4 »..,...-...,.* ^4>ni toxiffon irranster ot dej-

coilcntsi' cs^tMs..:. , . .; . . ,•. .•,' .-' . . Prom -jape* on the transfer of

stock •••.. , . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . , . . P r o n j taifcs on. traffldtlng in

Hquow . . , . . . . ; . . . . . ; . . . , ^ . , , ; F r o m t a s p s on fosrtagow... i . . . eyonJ" taxes o n - r a c i n g desocla .

t loas . , . . , .; . . , . . .:- .:' .: . '• . . . . „• •.'...-. -4ilf;jJ5..0. B a r e i s a t o t a l ^pf § 3 2 , 0 3 9 : 7 0 7 ^ 0 o f

r«ee|pt9. wtacB,(; eatHcr iera tiio siatj treagury during' thb flseal year ending Oct. l. ifiot. every dollar of vthteti came as tbo prawcdA oi w.lso tax Imy* enaetcd. by the Kepabllcaii party. Aft­er years of ear«faJ. cea3eio,%tio«.f#Bay thtf ItepuMScftftf tarvc reece^l-ta in prtvidtog sfsr the «mto toa iar^e AH-iRiiaJ Jotome ftnd dtrt'Ct fasation- has rwpn nbolWieil.

<S'o awotm* of UesEttocmtic sophistry. Mil t>6 «tte to hnmbng' the JPteplO ol ttif jstttfc iafs tovorliig ft. change to «>y. *f these rovc-Jinri prcduelog ltt»u

Ely's Cream Bain ft aidcMr asssrftM, Cj»«* R#(It» s i One*

ft elcausel, jBoo^es, heab and nroto^s Uto discasea meni* brmo rcmlting from Catarrn and drives j-'.v j.y a Cold i s tbo Head <jnickly. Ecstorca thff*H; a«!e3 of Tii»to and •Smelt JPoll eisto S0 cts. at Drugg i s»dr bjr maH, Liquid 6ce$n Balm f«r uSo In atomsoia 75 cto. Bly/lfr^tuera, Cd Warren Street, Hew Xork

A &«w«5c*tl» "itidorwmtnt," Ibe Sow i'orfe - WoHij *i»inK to fie-

Imeklrig.tfe J>chJi*ttttli? tU-kefWltlt » tmtm ilwlw iti ont* Hand «yd a bI».t-k-Jji>.-K In the othttr. It. »ay;>»:

Not «A.Ty iif •tlji' Ofin«K'rfttl<- *fftt«» t'Jat* fern* #itont. uij *Y#rJc utw s.f i)!<'•(•« 4-Ttii) id, fifb», !>M"I mtft invt>-thhw< fniiy it tiH<Mji* tii* life »f th« ji.aWlq jK..rvi<*«- i.-iimi!iia.ii,iiiv *fj*fi'B ttton^ »bind« r>ftw<^«i i)u- j-npu? tif tlif* *'lly »M «(iijt'h*>P Iciwtlnjs <!f *f(-traotloti *y*i"t»i by Mym una !>U HUMI. elst«s wH-n ihe lini n j>««* out of tit.j rv-

l a unothar l»Mii*f It d«rlrt«»s:' H Is s j>lat?orm (Ou. UHitiocnitk-) fur

th« proti-etlon of Wall » I r t d *atiil>l«r». for th» iir<>t*ctlon of IrmnraiKu orlinlniil*. t«r th« proiwtl . i t i o< tntttluii thieve*, for the prutt-t ifc>n ot- Rynn-lliu'riiTitiii atnek Jobber*, for t lw prntsct lon of rich t*v dodgitiii, for the prtHccttun tif |»rril«t<!ry oofpor«(inn«. It l» » botruytil of IJ<<UIU-ers t io»», It la > l,«lrayul of ttto D w n o e r a t l e party. It la a. betrayal ut tbs IHmotiratlc

P looked as i f the eeason of ICOS waa id elfp away wijthoot a gea serpent belqg reported in tho St . tawratjce , bat last week,the following i t o r y was eet adrift: A eca serpent in t b e St , Lawrence w a s reported one day last week, when MeMrt, Sarouoi Fearce, of Alexandria Bay, JLi Suits , of fed wood, and John Oickhout, of Chicago, returned from a fishing trip down the river, f b e gentlemen were fishing | t i tRo v i e M t y of ©renadler ftlant and noticed fiomethiog very large come to tho top of tbe water,, just showing a p s r t o f i t sbaok; all of a au4den a largo head and body projected from the water, showingHbout JS feat ot tfte animal , A« near as: the gentlemen could describe the object, it was about twlcQ the Icjigtb of their motor boat, a very large head wi th feeler&h&out four l e c t i n l e n g t h , t h a bffdy seemingly about as largo as th3t o f a horse. I t remained on the top of t h e water for only o ehprt; t ime and cooo dia* appeared, Whqn it was flrat uotlced the gentlemen wero within 1$ rods of tba Serpent, S ines their report i t waa elated that the tame object was seen dar ing t h e summer on take Waterloo* commonly known as the Lake of t h e Isles,

i; .-,.'.j....ii.y?jai • , ,;, r -. i i-

Only a U t i l e c o l d in the head may 13B tho beginning? of an cbstinato ca«e of Ngfsal Catarrh, Drive out tljo Invader with Ely's Cream Balia applied straight; to the Jouamed efniled op air-pasaagOB, Price Wv, It yeu prefcr to urn m atomizer, i^k for tltiuid Cwarn Balm* Xi has all the good qualities of the BOild form ofthi* turned? O»TJ will rid yoaotcatarrh or b»f fever, ^ s cocaln& to breed s dreadful baMfe" ^rowiteujry to,dryou*the «ecre» tlm Pjrlce 75e., *itb fprajing; tube. Ail druggists, or wailed by Ely JEfcos« S6

.ffjjf tTfiyrifffifCTr WJpfjffwMi tfmnr, :pr ts? ftfupcp;-,yff•jpf

•.#:«, tei»^r*Jdfeai e ses t ly •tcSs^A Ttsstt*

«»ltoa«torj)3tiy ^bsecttao «w.snfcle looxtetn ut the immmo*,, Im pamnoei tor turw awsAs Vm^mjiamtSSmMebmetstm.: ,'•-• • • attest jSe»T<s£ia6e&sta,R&, 25. .«P?U-

TJ^fr iwi i f rcsc:sCso ara <^!j passed, a ca-fixgfjXwm fisostors e*e»d roUagUUfot

*jci4*cta»$*me. /

Mats of 8ew Torfc is asMsbly. Mar. IA 1107., , The (ongoiag reao'Miloa « s s duly i«Med,a fis-Jsrity cf'SS; tbS'ffiesten) t^ti«d to c » stsextijr v o i i f laarof «»««<*.

T T W I » < « ttejwJwWy.

^Tw^ WApfirojwsatiifc^. *8poMter,

iXate et E857 Y«lt, Ottss cJ tto; escre^n ci Sjafe,.|S,}

lt^e«!mp«xMtteja«calicf oswof «wairr«t fxsiwio«,|ifepibMr as tmmSmMtt totetOom two cJarUdo rjxct tio Ci«li)Clto3. wia tto c r ^ a i

NMrerrJiff S a w a w a i s i i eorreet trssserljx rrefroovswitirowiMlet&M'rof. < /-<Jlrt» tiDtJer my *sna 'actl'the ifeacf cScocrtto

sseretsrrofiscatest ujeettiof iibanr. til* {t. e.l» t««37-cftli toy a MT. to Its yatf of car

Idst& lisaasA else htraJrkl ood. eigtt. JOHNS. WHALtS.

Secretary et State, STAT* OF WXF T0B*% I

OrncB or TOT srcjun*ar or 8TATT, > ABaor, July A W08; I

PorsoiBt to teajworKlstacf s$£ttoa ess et jutl«3a fasneeo et ite Ccn«wa«on ot tte etate ot tie* Wat*, sad sectfcaslvai etcbzpter clns astadrelaiM! sodtolw ot ttw -ttssw of *«»i»sn sad oln«y^tt. noticel.» s l « n teat the fcllowmjr proposed aEcndicei:jto»ec!leD6eTeDcrarUc^5elstltiioCci> rtlwMooof tte State of New Vortt J« reltrraJJo (be LejclsratHretoWctiaenattljaoeitGenerAlIBecUoD et 8«3J3tcJ* $n -ttUi Mass to fcq*ed <a» jtoCilrd dw stKorwBiwr, slsetem bundred sad rt«at, »sd is w W « ^ o w » s wet*xort6weincBUi«B«att sraeftl-108- iueb aeaeral *l«cuon fa eontortiltr *ttb i&e a^reMtf J^SrWww, JOHH «. w a i t w .

' sserstaryofHate. ASttNPMEST HDlfBJBB TWO.

cGxccMHOiT xRtot^os or THS srifAts

n M M « ^ « a t § r i W M r « i H l « t i i •SsfflSSSS5BrsSiafe^UBi^^ •-1sTBQ»asaeatBssy.»tatoirJ*av ? r f * S B ^ ^ »y,i»o«trer,iire«4« t i a s l k iaaast*cf tMMr

fggtmt&aS3 £ = » fH§ss3Hsamntatmcb*. vgm<A esss as««£S|' csia 5aC5e9;ftEBto-irwe to: . f ^ & ^ j C C r i s s ia wi^iiiocainwei* iccasced U

^ ^ r ^ to«cr dMrBi is, wastsisikai M M it Mc**»nii»<*«*s i s a s y afS«r 4Ss^o<r«sM(S «C t t o a U i e . •- • ," • •

totechMtaiMtbsMat gwenTslseciM of S»aio;». a^toeaBijricjt? waa »«a^c«^arueie fswrteai

• tiree twaoaa et ite cootum&s, be P»ert«MtoCietiinBrfsaQi«3teifcn. : «a»ct»girv«t,toajrt«»ly, apr.niWT. , jtejdMttssg rs»o«kV«is «aj»^ii«»«, # • » -

. B t t o S i f iwtMios was ««)y sssMd, s a s . ^ ? i ft^M , fe . s « , » t e » *K«<»d Ttttw i s l a w 'Brontaroftfansssttt. • - - '

• • • TtiBtcnaTtttkimt. we a sm r«*. « o i rful aw-tair «t

et vice tyaof taeyocgiiBtta, wiouss cnnssi «wgn»a^«soHtios: «a«iaiit tab* oa(ie,aa<i~X do (Mis>ro»,ssd<* tte «**t*«nt«t

Glr«ttod«riDyl»n4 sjadtasstalof offlce of tte „ 6ea«arjrcf t u » at tec cUycl*

U-B,] ttrraty-toj dsyor j«ly, i n n s yasretonr lord, ooe tBnnsini alsr »"rtt1fivt»1 T*tttt

, %4tltSJI^S.'"W«ajwlr, , v. BtHji'iiijiif.ctatrj .

>- .


j(fi4&»i m rikittm to Ss icm$Mki»of the

PfopGfttiT-ttti wntmmcnt to-eedtoh $a%n.df_aril-.

tte vmt of ar emit, fecKcn 1, nesclreftiH (lie ssaste <onwrt

sst«iiM.fptt' of sittfee « » of tas "• -1

siModtrfioreadsaftlloir*: AKT1CLS VI, .

• 1 l^:t»Br^oTiuwfa«s a «attow5aV It coMl*tofthe<:iiUUi«fa. andaisoclato tads** . .. tooOkx. wiw »1)»11 bold tselrofllce* antil tbe eiplra-tioocf toelrre*p»c«w tero* and tbelr *ucoestor», wbo»iallbecl>c*«abytb0e:ectoiortije»tat«, lite

J^mtttttmettmmmuSfB) an* Msoeiate>Ja&m\ •abaiJ »et9Brte«jyear» from and toeludlrff tbonbt oay et January neitstisrttelrttecOon, mtfitm-t»fiottae<^rt»Ji*41formaai»oram, ana tbs <v«. curreceect four Giall b9 caetstry to a, om»Kin* 1 be court atiab bare ptmer to appotat.and to rraf-we a»r»i»rtsrt<aerkscdBU«^iisft... WasnsfSrafir i s citcaasaiaijsriiyclttojaaiftacltio c«m of ap­peal* slum oeruty to trie forernor that stud court to unat lc. by rcaicu ci tbo aecwculaUaa ot caaMapeiMl-tDg«er«m»ii6i**JSa^diwosb <«.«» isaw trim rea*0MMe*p««d, the jrorernor sbsU deUftate not mere tbaa Xourja«l^ of toe fspreraefoart to «err» a« a«ociatsji^s«iot lbs court of aopeal*. Tb« ja». Mem »o derisnajed *t»Il be rellctga frcrt-tlielr duUea «»Jartlccacfttio ss^naie court apd iball aerrs as awoctate Jui}«» et *T«wirt of scpesif aa«j tb# «ui«uftdl*wsettQfa^d«urt*rdredBcedtotwo bandred. wben they sbsh rMnra to tbe tmpraae court Tbesorenwr may deiHagtsjIaWfeB* or t ie gaprems cbn« to OH taesactra. m tmiso ifcalf seryess*»soeiiUsimg»et Oje coart of appsala tx* ccpt«ftC«..b&!.1ia*tbacltc8cf torteooHboto-pieros case, Tbcre*ll«!JtoTtotedattbe^iwitsenMalel^v :tfswp>t»bei4saertbeadop«o& of oti»sat««ltBent, and thereafter Mjtm&eto* my occur, two sddi-

Orrjoe or m s KK:>XTAST or STATS, Albany, Jttiy£S,ji0B,

__ For<sat»totteprorliioHofsaca»OBeof arttEle g o m e s et (te cocsUuuioa of u » state of Mrw york. aad section serenot easi«araiasMadr«4 aad sJoeottteiyawBocsicMt** SsirfrM saAsfctety-*tr, nxies)* beteby aJr** tfcst UM toUotrias: sn>-' t^saModsMM:toaaetiMi w « r i ^ - . s « i a s a a «t;

tbsfiw»stt»o<tl>>stat«<i<«wy<^lare»tn*< wiu>s«qnvastar»to tweboaea « toe nixt &»eral Etoetkm of Senator* to til* state to t e held en tbe ttirtdayof KotembmnbieteeBlmaa^Mabd eft&fc ana tttrabJaBed ones » wee* tcr tbrss moctb* JSeju precedI«aad»Ot«eralli«cu<«ui^ eo4Jjjaa«y wbb (k» afoma'dtitorMeM.

•• ,«)HJf*WBAil!!r, Secretary ot State.

AJUSlDltE^rmJHBIEnVB. coxecEBEST SE30itma4 c r i n s grsair

. ifffrBtf ft5£>pa*/w, olriwienasioiit fo'sattoa t*#t£ of

article tix of iM conHttuUm, inrOaUont^ihe tomvtnmMm Qfj*ti#tt>fitomvrtMt*

Jteettoa t 8e*olred(lf tbe Senate eoac&r). « » * s»ew« twsjrsat ardeto stj of tas eo**ttsUc*t s* »si«airtoiS torass safoMowi*; _ - • " " "

%U. MiMraoaiaaUboitl tte oOes of ]a»Uc«ofasyeoartlooawtbManui sad tae U*d»y of»eeefflber ne»»fter fie, ibau -bo seremy year* of tgp. Escb Jawfee of tbe stiprftne

sa^Sf^sa!*^ ttom^m *«•>**•, s*H';«f.-«B; tlwtiaaBd dpuaia aar yaar. Tbtas s s s t f sit to l b s

andJi ptiillj&HlaDC-a wee* fx t tres c c = a o ccx ipn> "ceetErg'tsabiGessjal E t e £ 3 o'.--1--'———'— -aiottsasdprcrliicei.


JOHHft. WHAtKS, '• fieertSary'tttSaas. •:

- AlTESBilEST SCKBEBflVES. ., • ccxcqexzxr nxsowass.' CT rsit' SBUSL • urn


PropoHnaanaoundaaittamelionttacf dtu£e af^^mton^tiaki^rmtmMthettmSbi-am-efpm tmkMftJ%atoS cities and cxttptir^

SttUmU xesolrediix tbeaaasaiWycooeiBrj.Tbat •eetto to - et s«£ i s eattf. et tJ» ccasaiBJ&a- 'be


.-;"*" :... AjmEX»vm. '._ ." .*, .

Jli^P>2*#*> <&**#ȣ!< tm^'tWi'timm* aftersireaay tnaoeyor property, ca- toaolta money orcjeMttoar la aid ot Say immm, tmTcfttite'or.

ewssrsf stask im, erkeasj «f, aay aatoeiatiea .. «anMri»aKWaSsjBsayatsi«<o^ jllli«eTbeaitowed to -meatany JadeWednea except, JprjMB^.cay.iowmaritUatepupaRsT^b^ ISCB TrWtt maxbjg tadt vtowoa* tot tit aid or •epport c< fci poor as may oessitorual by J«w. So

wiaeb.lodnfiSalaUiia; tddebtsdam.abaUexoeed mmSS^MWmwm^m^tim U»real e*tatecfspeb comity or c2y *BMeet to taxation, a»

eltyoattslsst sswssiinaj forstateoreoaaty taxea ._^jtBBasss.JB tttas^tf'-saea-iseabtaiaji-exee^.. ^ a 7 ^ - ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ .. _. wfresMii.iMebtedsess ecbeed* tea per cenHuu of thf .ssitssf it Tama'jog-et- tareal eatateatSdeesto' taxatfe^attanbeauowadM«aswsaaet4MgaBy farttKsaiomttaattisuai tfldebtecrestft«u bit nv auMdwitblnsaealimit, Ttu aecticn abau tabe eass&iiedtx>pf«vM t3Uis»ua^

...-^r. «»SsVse « -*s nyslned.ttt aaTtaxJa :tor-* • Tear irbmsnc*,««acate» or rerenae Sos4* are isassd aM jisyaMe oat of wo* mmjue to pmm a s tut of Kew Yot* iran b*u!a»*osiJ* tobe Tedwawd oat of tbe tax kry tor 22 i i f i i l 9^ B ^!S? i ' ? tasJWriS-Hielr Jsatft wo-fMs|ttts^iWssiMS4^iiitf

P t J W J e w TJS»a». E w r .

C o E x i I r y .

A . p m & 3 e s * « - f * b s - U d i j e d B-tAt^. c

fe£fc#*ltiltsje&r., h^'ai,<j c.,';'0

. isJlj^Otui -irfcaaj-fce wiM baat'- .N . ^ ^ :y«$"fct*0»»>!23J.t3sB Tbris^a-c-esg .^-t.or, t*1*i« IPeiir ¥er&. W C T W . c i d t,;; . , :«j»y-*4epate9«»«JSrdetail e f s?ba.t p,,^''.

-|B4j[ I c t e r ^ U 'ft- jmay. e s t tell yoi, K ^ y<s»j. i&s iss 63$-|j®iH- fen yoa .« •»*^B Sa-fe-a-^reelj' WCTM long ^ ^'.

trapa.rt;i>;,;, a&j

fKEdSifef!' * S I ms.Tfi.t,am. If yau JjH9»e*$«8iJt ,ISSByia,.sabscribe f 1ajdfeBj».'W«elt. Wcria, which ffltffiisEryettierday .easspt Simda* and jbit-jsprsstisafly 3 daily at tbe pr. r ,,f » weekly,. '-'•P^' ffcrl.?5S«rWeEk World

thasfaysftjr 155 pafsra. We c f • - . , »qasJlgd .BswepgjKt sod th* i-4, " .

i a s * together im $1 C5.

aat ti.c


Sanpor Orange-

At«ur last meeting ballotx wer« spread oft one mwafcer, and found fawerable*

3The literary programnte was given by Worthy Cersw-idft Hildratb, and was as foJIcx**; ffoflg, Orange ohofn reading, Id* liUdteWi, W, O {ineirumental jnuaio, U» Hlldrath and CJratw Tarbed; reading, Ulady* KU?h;nong, Martha 8t»«nb«rge,

t lur mtt meeting will Iw Octobsr M, It i t mtmcted that every luamber will »t-mwitt possible. The roll will be oatied and each o n e will respond withaquotaf-iloti, story, anecdote, rsoitation or song. If Cot prepared n»e csnt s will be 00I-teeted.

, • » ^ — t h e great trees ot California, it baa

been said, began lifs before the earliest dawn of Chinese history, and at the time of the deluge wart older than tha art of printing from type is today . Prof. Chss. Bessey, however, contends that a van 11,000 years is a great overestimate, actual ring

joount of a tree twenty-five feet in di-' ameter having i&dioated only 1,147 yean,

n » y 5 l a ^ d ^ r t ^ « ^ ^ » r p i ^ e a > t o be p a

court la i fp^te JnalMof tt* witotsppesls (bail ccasoand .determine... Tbo attary of tb-i oitoclats IntmoUhe court ot appeal iiliall be tbssam of iirfitetba«umotflftee iKiu»»od Ave buttd«d do). Iir»ayear,wblcii»aiar>*lmilbelDUenof andahail

exilafM otirery Aatumaso kind wbateVsr. 98. itesDlrea <tf tbs taaiia^c6ncta).vat tbo foreBoin^awenflwentJerWarfldW tbe te«jwatBre

to r^enwn at tsoo^rijrepenil election cf senatofi, sua to t^cfcra^y-wpjaMlanone,, arttciefoartafn of tbe cbcstitauoo, bo paWimed for ffiree tucatto prrttottstothetim»of«ii<aelKtloa, ««teof sew-Jto* toAssembly, afarsa 1907.

to r»ter tbferjef, ttroflftbftbcjBg p'esentt lorltvoteiiti ttorirtbtiti . . . . . . . . . B y ^ o l w e A ^ ^ ^ ^ Slate of Hew rorfc, wi Senate JoasM, MoP*^* TOeforr^!o*fe!iojiat»Qt»WM dmr pined, a. fta>

fartfy cf all ta» tftutors elected voting in tttor ,{tBT<*i. .t&ree-wtto betag praieot. WycrdEr-ortbafifiOiitcf , ^ , * » , , « L. fl. CHANCIER,

.< Prwidpiit,, fitsta of ISm y<3», .OtSce ot fte iN*r*»ry cf t lutva eempami too jrftcMtej; «opyor eBAnnteat

nidation, pfoja»m?*a smenfliflent inmttw «vea offtrtltieiuof pte •C'o»<<Htaftott. with tit* urts»B»l»«,10tKBJ.tfBfl»-irtt)Jrt OJDtfCfe SH0 l <3(J

tt-M«by<ertu>ttettbfff««e i* » «ane« trsiucriw apref«ro«tt«iaoftir9 wboletftereof. _

uiven uarterniy band «»*-•«» semtofoWce ot tb» „ »e£r«t*ry<ifmt»«tti!e fiiyof Aib«ny,tBW

ft«tf,) twntjr.awta#y«tJuly,ta tt» year ot *ur Vjtdt ouatbouaaaa nine tmadrwl aad eigftt,

-' 1 JOUS H, WUAtlN, , Secretary off tale.

Om»:k «*"nt**iK.'it>iTaiiir t/rMrATfc > A K J » I . July * , i W . J ^

, J»u«u»at w tu« ptwMomt of mattm me of artfei* foun«»B ut %rw conmttHtwu ot u>» Ht«t« *>f Hew York, sod i»-ii«H «v«u &f riuuK*r Diae liUDdrw't and nlwof ttwlAW* iut »iHlit*»ii hiiBdred and nawty-»li , nott<^la liertbyjilvetitu*lUi«tollo»rln»projwwKl am#»am*Btto*ctJoour»nti.*irenpf articia tare* irftfcWCotMHtuUorioft&fcSia&f Of KeW t o f l I* MS-fnrradtoifieljKflataUirtf u> far««Q at uw a«K Own-rut rj«iloii(»f SenttK.lDMilaSlaU to b« bekt im tli« third day of NovMutaw, ulnotmjB bundrad and *iSHtg and t( publlsand once a w«wk for thmi mooUia a«xt pramdlac iatM (,«neml Election In nmtomltj wltb tli» a|oraaatd prDruton*.

JOHN 8, WHALIK, . Secretary of stats.



/*ropo*tn(i ait ameulHuttt to teelUm tu-mtiMevtn nfarlteU three of the eotutUutkm In rtliiittm U> V%4 }«nnen of tht buanl* of taptrvimm, and omiUu auditor*, nr itimr Saeoi ufirti*. Section 1. Raaotrsd (it UM assembly oooour), Tbat

•eetton twraty-Mreo of araeto ihnm at Uw oouutu-tfcm be ameoded to read aa follow*:

ABTIOLS III. SecUoa t7. Tbe lerttiature aball, by nasra l laws,

eooiar upon UM board* at Miparrkun of tha **r«nu eououv of tte S U M saab furttar poweta ot local lagisjatteQ as4 attsjlniitnition ss tse latislatare wu frost USM te time dssm axpadlaot, sad la eeeettss wsleb sow bare, or atay bsraaftsr B«T«, aseaty aedtton or ottar iaeal »jtear», aiaaortted, to aodh aula, aeiwrafrtf, ebarsaa, tualffif or r

saw saeltara, er ajsalsejesis.

•MwUaMdirMoss la tt« OiM MA tosrtt depsrt. siesl«iasll«sr*iwee(r»la*^uat)atte ssss o i two tbx»a*sitddoUtn.aadtte p»*|dU« Jostt«e| ttereot ttssasiof^roiboatBadSxvJaaaars^

owarta-em*abllleootPJueto i*«wtromAbWftK *pec«lrecUlfcaT«HiaU»»ordW«et*,a* DOW prorlded bylaw,*ucba4dltk«al cesjpenaaUoa a* wtllsasAe tbelrafsTasatecownensaUos wbattee/-<tn BJW recslrtng. «K»jMUMseleeted-teaDy iodida Me-rertmtm rutwr thiirt tte Orator »*miail lap assAsinT to tie appellate dlTition* of the ftrat and second de-pifl4es«abalJ,wblle*oajalt^e<i,»eei»*fr««tt«oe dep*«a^ttreij?ecUTel,y,a»-Bow.i«trlded by l»w. Kicb srjdJUoaii stttnss & paid to tbe jaalceiot taoae •apartsaeau. AJasUceskwtedlattettirdorttmrtt dssartstent sasltwid. by tte a»«tUate dtrMoa or

etwma upon tte judieai dlstriet. wbsrs. tte terrloe Ureadered. Toe compeaiaUon Mrcla pro. rldea*haUb»la.lleitotattd sbatt axelode «U otber

pettsssof eyerr lOwt aad astarf waaisoerer. Tbe pforlilOMottbiTiscUoo rtsjlspwy to m and justices .sow in office aad to those *" ejected.

6 % Besilrea* (17 tbe Eenxto coccnr), Tbat 0 s fj^ctoa*«»eodsitnt be rererred to tte Irtialatore tolwcboaenei tteW!XtaT»eralfiie^|uoot sesstors,-aad, la'conf ormUy with secttoo owTsrUeJs fourteen ot tte cooautatfoo, M puMltkeS tor tares montts preytouatometucaortuclisiectlon. ___

. TWK.rc«oin(treaoIuUoB was duly sawed. » «a> iorlty of Bl tnessoaiois alected ixmi la favor taereof.tiree-imbaeeinspreaent.

»y order of tte Bens*. " - W i m n M M ,

mats of WewTorlt, ia AnemMy. I t e J ^ w t * ^ Iqrltyof ail tbe members elected to tbe ASttmbly vMmglnlaToribefeof,ttree.fliibsbiina-pr**«at.

BycrtsfoftbaAiisnaiiy. _ ^ •

8ts& fif7Keff'a*or«« Offlce of tta gecrstsry'of atate,.isfc.

I H«TO compared tbsprocedtat bocyot coocurrent rt^lutlOD, proj^iwau amend taentto«erttoatw«Te oisrlldetlxot tbe ConMimuoo, t i l t Jfe« Of&uMJ csbcHrrcfitr^slouettonffletoUils ottca, a s a l do terebyce«iyiB«tb^sMt» a * cemx* tmtmSst ibe«fr0ffl,iwdoftbBWbolettfT#of. •

aUebWKkrmybandaadttesealof otttce of tbe , , |te«rettryof fitateat tbe ci«» at Albsr, Has fc.B.1 twcnty-nhbtljiy ot July, in tas year of mr

ttftcu one tbomioa mi* tenured wad elibt. 4UHM ». * « j * ^ f » .

STAWCTfilWTOWC ) Albany, Jul? as, A*w. (

, rnrsoant totteproTiuoMof *s«feB ons of article tonneen. ol tbe votmwtioik 01 tt» Bute or New Vor*, and sficttott ssreaot cbawir aiae Hundred sad titQeeftb*t*wio! ci«bt**t> iiundr.a sad ninety. « x , » « l « b i bereby mm that tm f«}jt>wio« pro-potwaam.-natojMKUOMfyur D£ artiels aeyert or tte (^fljidnUoncfibetitsteefHswYofk j« reterrea to tbe JL**"!»Uturrt %Q fm «D<.»«H s t tbe »ext ueneral Wectioofttsaaataftlattts siats to be add <m tbe tfiirtt aar et Motrrmbpr, alaeteen buodrea and mmxi. s»« »publl»b«ioB«s* w « * tor ibn* uoauui next premiM; mvn ooafrai xieeUoit la eoMormity wii& tbetb«j»wrw»ldpro*i»faM. _

- JUHK i . WHAtlH, secretary *t state;

AM*N»M*.Sr NPMflKE BIX- . cojrcnwtjiT wwoirnaK o» ttm siva.Tf;; SHD

Aaaxaatv l?r!>p<*i'itf an amtiubifitnt t» teeHim four «/ artt

tie mvt't <if tht tonHUulion. - - — • " - • - •• • -bdutt to alter tbe 1 ' aui/u/rtw/t burmtant »«Uoo t. ilMolvud (if UMMBombly eouear), Tbat

•ecUon four of article mmt ot tta oooaUtuttoo be auMitoM w u to read a« followi:

I t . txoept U») debt* ipeolfled in awrtiooa two and tbraa of tula aruete. DO dabt* aoall ba hereafter con tr«ci*d W orloUsbalf of Uitoata*^ onlea. »uea oaM aball be autborlaed by law, tor aoate tlosl* work or object. u> be dtoUsetiy •paetSad ttsratt; aed enefi

JUaeXtami mil .year to excaw <g -.tbe iituiaUpas beretteooxaUs^ ssaitaot e w » « oae- t t^ofone psreeotnjP of tba tsiisjitaialasltaB of the real estate f i f ! S ^ f ? 1 ^ K « > «axsaon.. KtfcsbjWtatoseer OoaM eoBStruedto preveot tte iwaeof bond* to prvtide for tte amoly of water; t>tat tte term of Knd»U*aeaxo proTJdetbeaBpply of wat^.tnexoew *J*]m^X *****»•» *xM iMrsia,sbau

created ootte hwtuac of tte said jn*as*brttWt«. rtemptlw.jyrtialsg inasaiiy»ssw w u * wUljto-



The Best Known Sewspaper In

tfte United States.

ID irsasy respsets the T o l e d o lilad*-is tts^jm^t remarkable weekly new». paper onbliisbed in tte United s u u ~ It IK t h e onlynewppaper especial 1 v ^:;-^i for Nationalcircnlattcn. It has had u,e 'farge^ eircgiaiioa fox more yean, u,an any newspaper printed 10 America Ftoffcertjore, it Is the cbeape»i i„-«~ paper in the world, as will be txj.ian,^: to any person who wiil write u« f terms. The sews of the c rid ranged that bu§y people can more _ comprehend, than by readiog cun,t^r aenie column?, of dailies. All curr^ot topics made plain in each issue bv s-ptjciai editorial matter written from locepu^c down to date. The only paper puUiebed especrally for people who do or do cot r)ead daflyuswapapers, and yet thirst f<,r plain facts. That this kind of a oe«B i«P«r is popular, is proven by tbe fa, t that the Weekly Blade now has over ; >, ODDTOariy subscribers, and is circulat^l in all ports of the United States, lo ad-*fcion to flie netrs, the Blade pubust**. short and aerial stories, and many de-partmenis of matter suited to every ^member of the family.

Write tor tree specimencopy to T H E B L A I J E ,

,—, , . Toledo. Obio. The regular pneeofthiB splaidid t<a-

per is §1 a year. We offer it to suttet r.o-ers paying in advance, with the P A U A mxm, both papers, one yes • for §: s, Send all orders to THK P A L U OR M CO. ,

Malone. N. Y.


The Palladium Co.. Q MALONE, N. Y.

st^taterat^ot exM bpad> at ttelr ajstarj^ rAO. .esrtMssM^.lsjsstsftiwSf' rsvaejinoodikwed hMWWaaajj*^tteeoUeetlMof ta*efe)«**mrF aetrath^^wakavsrsyaaMafter tbett dataef awue, as4aowtoM^to»roTids ft*tte:»np(Wor water; and agy debt bereaiicr tacorrsd by any portion or partcf s> eity H there ibaUbeaay socbde«.abaiibe ttcMdsd bt ascartatsmc tte pcrwerc* tteeitytarbe-

m, *tmfmy*MNa:»wt--totti tm debt*, toearred by any city ot ttsseeosd etaaTafttr ttesrat day*! Ja»a^,jatoete»fioiJdrB4 andelgbt, and detKa to-

day of January, ntoeteeb bundredandten, tonro-TJdef^ttie»op^c<Trater,*baUnotbe8Jinejiiced; sndejem|Ji^ttataayd^beres»er incirral byttscltyof He* yorlrtor a piibSid imorovemeat gynedor to bernr^ by tbeclty, which yield* to tfe etty eorrent net>eteBue. after making-any

wb^p^rttri* bab^Jn exceaiottbe interaton ssiat debt aid of tteawinsl ltwalment neeeasnry for lU]«*orU2*aoB inayi* excluded in aacertatnios tte J « * « a a l d toj toljecoa»»tberiri»e'ladebtea, KOfidSd test a ataktor fond for la tocrtlziSoa swawebsen eatabuibea and maintained and t oat

beaume^toequaitteaatd Jntereatand amorHxa-

eds^be««orc«ltK»rred by tte city of RewYork tcranrrtotdtransit OTdocktorettmect maybe «o «^Sf*fr^rdoaiteJytojt* eateaito wu«b;«:e current net rerense reeeired byssW cuy tt^relrbm sb«us^tbeJsttna«sad anwrtliattott instalments

««rHp#Puwcrof tte dfy of fie* sfork wweb aban re^&omtte excbMlonof debt* her*tofore toenri rca aball bearsiusbie only for tta acqwittioti o*c0n-•tracUooof propertlestobeated for rapid tranilt or <^YPF****t» jettotowre abatl prierlipe the MO^bywUehsadtts'terawaadeon^ whlcbttaaaaouiit ot any debt to be excluded aball beoettnnmed, and twnueit debt tball be excluded «xce^m»e£«tlaaeswltttte5^d*>r^ •eribed,. T»le»i*IaWreinayinIt*dl*cretlonconfer



'K.>K*f»«#.i %*r OT^»W#„ f w i t,r a n t ! tuimuution, vermlUino tte farf*

tbe nU€ of UtUrc*. upon debt* want in mid mctlon.

law ittell ln»ow and prortda for tta eoUMtloa ot a direct annual tax to pay, aad seSelaat lo pay, tte latere* on *ueb dabt a* a fall* das, and also to pay and daebart* tte prtn-eipai of »ueh debt wittia arty year* from tt* ttaeof tte eostracUoy UMreof, Mo *uob law abaU take »0><H UDUI It aSall, at a saoaral •M0U00. bare bean •aboUltad to tte paopte, and bare raaarrad a aajerUy of all rota* eajl for aad agatsst It s t w e b election. On tbe Dnal peai s a o f a s e h bill la ettfeer bsess of tne iBjrtalauua, tta goawtrai ifeall ba tafcae by aya* and noea. to ba dsly eoterad oa tbe Joeraek ttareof, andabaUba: " aball uu* bUl sasa, aad eesjN tte aame to restive tt* aaoeuoe of tt* seopier1* Ts* NrMswre may at any ttat* attar tt* sssrevsi et ( • a h l a w b y t t a v t o f t t U s o Seas asa i lHET* base

appropriate jurtadlalonon *jc appellate diyaion of u»*Bpra«»e c o ^ t t t t e f l r i t jodtctai department for ! b ^ , ' ^ . ^ ^ e W ¥ M L t M a a i o a n t ? a o y debt tks t lm of l« te*epUonibW tteretfter become in-JSJM by reason of, tbe operation tf soyipf fhspro^ viatof«<)fttassetloii, frhejte^ttebotutfiirlaaor »y«tysr*tbi i*»b»ssaQS3of ajoo^iy.or wbea any cuy abaU include within its boundaries more iBttB«»w(^y,tta|o*rsrof any cojinty wholly in-fi?^jS!Ma.«ebJ%* » V**m indebted *W cea*e,b«ttedei)tortte»unty,b«retofOTeexl*tiB|r, *WJnot,PXtteiwrpoS6f otttisasouos, bereciori-edst*f irtort l»myam 3»#«bwotbwe«fter toneraiaed by tax for county or city pnrpoaoa, in any cotntyc^punUHtaeltyot < w or* nuSrw tbouV J sadlaBsbttinSfcoriMiy soehdtyottlnsst»«!,to sdr * olttoa toproitdlDg tortbeartocjpa) sad Uiterestbf eilrtjog oew. *UaUnot in tte snregatt exceed ia anyone year two per centum of tte s**t*«ed yaloa-Uooof tb» real aMp«t*pnale»tat»of»ucb county or Uty,tob«a«»rtalDedMri«*crlbedintbuiaectlonto reapect to county or city debt. . # a. Besulfed tif tbe ansmbly concur,) TbMtbe lorsttoiss; ssteedmeat b* referred totae tegiabttare to teencNM ** tteaextswieral election ot seaatort, aad ttcoafornuty witt aaettoo one, article fourteen of tas wswtjwMoa. as nuwufted for ttuee twmtos prariou* t*> tte tlmeofsueb Section. ..

state of Kewiorttn»Besate,Apni2l, 19W, . TMftweolwtrowiuUon wait duly puied,* tf»* Jority ot ait tte t<enator« elected voting in favor ttereot, ttiw-flftb* beinjr preseau

auieof New fork, in A*»inWy, apr.»J!, vm. , Tbeforwiog r«*uiuUott wasauly p«iea,a tns> Joruy of ail tba membrn elected to tbe Assembly. ToMnjt w favor ttenwr, tbree-ntuw beituf prnttiat.

»y Wttwof UtSAMiemiity, J. W. WA08WOBTB, Jit,

^ . speaker. State or Sew York, Office ef tte Secretary of

atate* w. 1 b*v* Wmpsred um precedja* copy of concurrent

rwoiutlon, propoaiaMt aa suendment to seetlon ten ot article elgbt of tte'Co&Httution, witb tteorisisal ooocurmit r«*oiuUoti OBSM to tti* oDoe.and t do nereby certify wattte same i»* eorrect tranacrtpt tserabrow, aad of tte wboietbereof.

tilreo under mt band and Jbe seal of oince of tlie „ Beoretary or state at tte rity ot Albany, tbu

lr_ a 3 tweDty-aftt day of j uiy. in tte year of our Lord, one tbouaand nine bnadred and eight.

- JOHN 8. WHALSK, Hecretarv of State.

May sweep a w a y in aii hottr p roper ty t h a t i t h a s t aken you a life t ime to accu-'-nitiia.t9: .'

Portiftes y o a Against stich an emergency and enables yon to rise undaunted from

fsuch a calamity. ,

jBadlcate^ t h a t , when the bes t is none toe good,^you should seek nothing b u t \ the

' ininsuiPaaca

Jfh© place ttt secure the- BBSS? la wi t i i . <iie Conservat^e and Keiiable

SU p a U t C UK'ltT. TEIAL DESIBBO lei KHANK-llu county, Artlon to Annul Marriage. Jono

M. We&a. Plaintiff, ra. Emery Weia sad Don* Well*, Befendanu.

To tte above named defendant*: Ton are hereby aummoosd toaorwwr tte romplalntto UiU aetion. aad to *erre a copy of your anawer on tte PuUDUff1* Attorney* wlttin twenty days after tte aerrlce of ttla ssmswoa, exclaalve of tte day of aenrice, and ut oase of your failure to appear or anawer, Judgment will be taken against yon by detaoJt for tt* relief de­manded in tta complaint.

Dated Maloaa. K. T., AHgnat I7tt. U0B. KI1LA8 A QXNSWAY,

PtabHttm attorney*, Otsea aad P«at OSes Addreaa, Halona, N. T.

To: Tbe above na start deCaedant, Emery Walbi: Tbe lentDtHg sssjneoss I* tarred u i ° " f « * > b 2

Itaakna County, dated UwSSttttayot aegtatTwQS. aad t i sd wttttbaoom-Stamt l a t t a « o V » o f tte Clark of rranklln County. at Hainan. U. T.

Dated Asgast skt, 1MB. Toora, etc,

KBUUtS * QSNAWAT, 0 ^ a a d r ^ 0 ^ A P ^ r r U S T ( r y .

•'Sbedl IWjMopie rwlet >* AsktltedeJe-sBkaaa to aba Daa ves ooavwisioB who raked •mSSFtwsvsv ipw^1 ^ww^F •pr^pwjw w ^ e ^ ^^tmtm w w s w w w w e s w ewMW •> wewewesy


IHE-PBOPLB O ? T B B gTATS OF S B w v ..• k

trfStbt^^^'&i^^t2 S i 2 £ G , ^ ^ B 0 8 0 6 * - W a f i j r a a T S ^ i > a ? i t tf#»ttoga. Troy. Kansas: Sylvia BasangB w i t , • , • 4 ? ? ! ? J A t g a Ania%, HstSe BoweM. CaBsafi^ s *<tXJai»>tesna,GeorgiaBsranm. Maum* \ \ ^ l a ^ & s S l f e l w ^ ^ S - S a - t . . t-«L; fiin. New Mexico: ¥Sony Pooler DeKaJk v > » ^ ^ ^ t r l ^ ? 6 ! ^ Id S E a o S &&UO&. tr.'a-p u v s e w HexlBo: and teory BBSJnfTK r .1,1

t n w n o ^ c o n ^ u t i c g a a t t e r j j i s & i i a t mf. j , -x

fbetown^of a m g o r , i n a » OKHMT of Praai•.. a [ l

* f £ i . * ™ £ ° n . the exeectans sEaed 10 \tr i*.i

coantyof f r a a s s n $0 tssw E K saia sne I S V M , B- „ ^ n J S L P e a ! ? H l vexsssa propem. i s ^JL-^U^,. r ttesatote tn s s ^ i «s2^ assa* sua monom ZjS^'aa(Set'3iJ^SB^e^®>SVhm «u-o ai,.l r.

s a w snrrogate at Ms eaac* m g la irs vuiiw tatte. coanty ef f f e a a a . cm 1 ^ :mt ^ > „i October next .e t sjea oieloet a u,. i..rvn..,D tbrtl and mere to attend jaeprsisiss£.tir siuc ;a>i om im.i testament.

L<^Sj^L!!i?B,&XKmaPBS,Bl,ai' ^ under tbr ateffittwenO'-ane rears. as$ w a please take noti.v

KBUttaa ,a t t e iaa ,veane .a j ia a mej Hate m.n..

S S i S ^ 1 S"18*1*an. or to K» eveas ^ u, r i f im.ure • S ^ S S K L ^ S 0 ' * * * * ^ f e c i l 1 Sa**a*n «nn be ai. E ^ S S i J L S ! , 6 ? ! ? ^ ^ to ' e n s e a l scd act fur thru, to¥Uie proceedings lor tte protare cf said WUL

m tesumony whereof, we have bereimso affixed 1 b-SEaJofoarsaasam«aJf u i i m * Hon. FreSerteko. PEddi*^. .-.un -gateo l said county, at Lbe Sum. gaas» office, in Malut* vinaev. in saidtsjunty, tte Sl i day ul .V-UI.-H.


Clert of t i e Surr.igaic--!, <jiur.



nei 4 . Bejasn a « t a s t Byron a . Spencer

f S & ^ S S ^ i 1 1 tteaoore entitled ecuw, u U u.. S ^ a J ^ . 0 * ? ? ^ , ^ Q 8 ^ * n < , entered to uw offi.-. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ d c o a n t y c ^ f t a o i a u i o n toe iwa •:..

I . B . W . Berry, t&e ucaerelgned re fers ;L V.. J S ^ ^ l n 2 m e a f P r S B l 2 I W » of raid sale and e e u t t e premises Hereinafter aesaitfa win - ^ »'

to Malone vUlige on tbe Ttt day of Noromhe, !••-X t e 2 i ^ ' ? i a c J S 5 . ? f e . f < , I e i W o a o 1 ttatdayme p r e m i e oeeefflbett to said jadgment to wit • ^sitttatteacXOTparcaoriandsItaate to tbe i,.»t ! r t 2 f S ? ^ S f ^ t o i l ! B « 0 0 M ^ 0 f Ftanklta and wau-OfNewYork,known and disangnished as fuM.»-§SKL a , . l > a i? ?* .* ' i* •* °tnd neretofore suid and «ee^ed1)yNoab Moody to S-CF-TborndlBe. aod » boanded as fol lows Beginning at tbe nonnwest %S?££$£Ji l o i o 1 t a n a beretofore deeded by i>aid a 5SP** 6 *° A ^ 1 ® E; Hawkins and by ber to F J Bawslns andranntng nartteriy on tbe Itoe as deeded oysaldHoodFtoTborndlke to tbe ooriti IUM uf mw. Moody lot; ttecce east along tte said Mo dy loi i. rtoekland street; Utence soutberly along tbe west itoe of Bockbt&d street to tbe ttortteast eomer of lot BJ deeded to agues E. Hawkins; tfieoce west alone u>e tiDTto Itoe of satd lot to toe place of besionlne. euu-talnlng all toe lands within aald bouods—except » tnncb as was beretofore conveyed by Edward J. Han­o i ! to Clinton Stevens by deed dated April ITUU- lwv;

Hated Malone. N. V„ Sept. 23.1908. A. '.- _ « ' B. W. BEBBT. Beferee-S. A.BESIAN,

POT. In Person. 5 « T

#####4*4##^####H^#4S##^ I | , ^^^

* H H I . SIMS FISEE^ | Tdat m m get a iwe, up-to-date tfaily pane? for Sf • I a year, Jut such is the easel &r fafcing aSvantage of f | our ofuljliing rate you can get the e A

nlDanp Datlp journal One Year $1

It is

One Year ft1 » **r

clean, newsy, his Associated Press * • •• - - . +

TED Tori.


States, for the Northern District of New In tbe matter of Bradley Flsb, bankrupt, ruptcy No. 3367.

To tbe creditors of Bradley- Flsb. of tbe town of Sdnietstown, to tbe county of franklin, ood dis­trict aforesaid, ababltnrpt:—

Notice to hereby given ibatontbeSlstday of Septem­ber, I9UH, said Bradley Flsb. was duly adjudi­cated bankrup'; and tbat tbe Bret meettng of bis cj-ed-Jtore will be held at tbe iitderslgded referee's oflir». lo tbet^oun bouse, at Maloae. N. Y_ on tbe lah daj of t ctober, 1908. at 10 o'clock lo I Be f ureooun. at wbicb time tbe said creditors may atteud, prvvi toeir claims, appoint a trustee, examloe lue bank­rupt, and transact such otber business aa may properly come before said meeting.

DatedlSeptember S3.1908. ItM. P. BADGES. Beferee ID Bankruptcy

MAIN 4 COONEY. Att'ys for Bankrupt, -Malone, N.V. . !

NO T I C E ; — P O K S I A N T TO A N Q E D E B <>F. Bon. Frederick U. Paddock: saiTogate of trie

county of Franklin, and according, to tb»- s^»uit« In suet) case uidde and prurlded. notice Is hereby Riven to;all pereuos navirn? claims against SUu) .1). Wtlllaison, late of Haloae. In said county.'dw-nased. tbat tfiey ojvrequtredto exblbli .ine.'saroe. witb- the voucbers tbereof. lb tbe ucdersigned aduilhistnitors , attfie-rwidejice-tifj.ibri C.Williamson In Mak>ae. in sitd county, on or before ttie 15th day of, December hexl.

DatedrJuueKUi, l'JOC . -JOHN V. WILLIAMSON, .

' - • • • " LAVBA F: WILLIAMS().N': 42mS • Administrators. .'


. Service, market reports and full reports of the dailv X happenings at fhe State Capitol. Tou can eet this un-5 equalled daily aad the Palladium, both papers ooe * year for $2 . Send cash with order to the Pal f office. The .offer is open to both old and new f senbers who pay in advance. 4r ^ '

• • -


JttOTICE.—P.UB8CAWT TO AN OBDEB OF * » Frederick G Paddock, surrogate of tbe conn ty ot FrankUrj, and according to tbe statute In each

te made and provided, notice is: hereby (riven -. all persons hiving claims against Carlostln A. Crooks, late of Banjror, In said county, deceased, tbat ttey are required to «xWbit tne sarie, with the vouchers thereof, to tbe unaersagned executor,, at hts Bangor, N. ¥ ^ to said county, on or before tte USi day ol January next.

Bated July «th. l8«i . «EOBOK W. CBOOK8; Executor.

BADOCK a Box, Attorneys * or Executor. 4Uni6

NOVICK.^PO&SC'AKT UO A«- 0KDtK __ F-edertek G. Paddock. Sarrogateof the cot:

OF _ _ . . . „ , . , _ . _ , county Franklin, and aceordfeg to too statute to sucB case'. made and provided, notice is bereby-glveo to alt per­sons having catim* against William BoeMter. late o t . Malone, in said County, deeeaaed. tbat tbey are required to exhibit tbe aame. witb tbe voucbar* ttereot. to tte uodfcwigned. Jamea T, Wefcb and Michael t . OalUvan, at tte store of Jamea T. Welch, at No. J« las t Main street, to MaJone, to laid County, on or before tte aard day of January uei t .

Dated July Utth. 1906. J A M B S T . W K L C H . I - _ „ „ , „ „ w c a a i L r. GALUVAM,) Kecntors.

OSOKQK J, Moos* Att'y tor tuecufcrs, «m« Matone, N. Y.

of rnwktta.»B<1i syor«Mt to^eltlttto l e ^ i l S auda aad pronSad. aoati.* k h e r e t o S M M toattaar. • s e e a a v t a r s l a n t a g a u t a t « a j 5 i g l ? S t a e . 4 S a S

tteoaweaf afidawr * Sea l a eewt ty^onorte fan ' " " " tat oay

i Maaesst * son,.AJar%Hr1


Bf f HI

iOD-atonc . E w t a J > l i » l t |

Publit»rM«i e < i r y

T H E I 'Ai . ; . \ j

F R E D K R K K .1

J O l i > M. .<


C o r n e r of Main M a l j


One Year, six aroutiis,

Advertini>»« l i .

AdvertisenittH~ *§ length >f tun.- t l ally stated t«. thl insertion: <>H«' r tinned till fort'' publisher*. &'d|

Legal adverts by law. Bu-.t five lines,.©j t«-' >1

fline, 75 cents.



gansbnrgh. > '


Office over L' M . \ ;

Branch Office j O p ,


oac Lake N.^


Lake. N. Y. Persod ai pierceBeW and Mood

B . N . POJ 79 EAST MAIN STt\ Phone a t

C H A R L ] IJlWYKB. 65 WBKrl

Allison Btock. next


1st l>."'r I "


ATTOBNEY9 ASI< lice over Clark A !-oi] ple'a Nauonii. fto

J . P . KKLl-AB

M c C L A R |

C O U N S E L ]

' .Her !'•- , •

C i N T W E L ) A T T O B N E T P ANDI

Qce over su» ^«'e.l J Taos. C A S T K I


Terms reasonable t


stable. N. T.


Ufflce over Butt"' Park St.. where r pboneconoecti J:

s. i T T O B N E y A M '

mond9 A A:.u.jn| pnicttce 1L inc 11 Courts.


offlce and reside] n urbt cal ls should




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