G-Talk Magz



Tugas English2 Eka vani rini

Transcript of G-Talk Magz

How to choose a good clotheswith Korean style?

Pay attention to fabrics. You

can add style an outfit, but

for this the quality of the fabri

c is essential. Regardless the

cut of a clothing item, if it's m

ade from a cheap fabric this

can be easily seen. In this c

ase natural fabrics should be

your choice. Therefore, avoid

buying clothes that contain

more than 20% synthetics. Mo

reover, synthetics are hard to

make them look good due to

their bad edges. Buy cotton


linen and silk instead, and a

void shiny fabrics.

linen and silk instead, and a

void shiny fabrics.

Mix and match. It's already known that all the money in the world couldn't buy the sense of style. Therefore, even if you spend lots of money on branded clothes it doesn't mean that you are very well dressed. Put your creativity to the test and mix cheaper pieces with pricier ones. A beautiful and unique style means knowing how to mix and match less simple items with more simple ones.

Quality check. When shopping around look for high-quality items in a bargain. "Quality" can be in certain situations synonym with "expensive". Pay attention to the seam edges and make sure that they are finished, to buttons and colors, and symmetrical patterns. There are details that could make a difference.

4. Color matching. Your look should be in p

erfect balance from

head to toe. If you mix all colors possibl

e you'll just obtain

a ridiculous and cheap look. Find out wha

t colors flatter you

and learn how to match them in a chic a

nd elegant way

BesideBeside a big size cloth gives a comfortable feeling, I think this cloth looks simpler. To do so many acvies such as travelling, hangout and ex-

treme sports, it’s highly

“ BIG ” Can be Beautiful

There are many ways to enjoy your acv-ity. For example, you’re going on travel-ling, going shooping, hangout etc. You will visit many places that you want to see. It needs a free movement so you can freely move from one place to other places. An-other example, when you’re doing extreme sports such as climbing , caving, and raing, you really need a free movement that won’t disturb your movement to do those acvies. If you feel free to move so you can enjoy all your acvies. That’s why, I like wearing big size cloth when I’m going on travelling, hangout and doing ex-treme sports. More comfortable and can be more modest, the simplicity, and good circulaon are the reasons why I prefer to wear a big size cloth than a small size

cloth. The most important thing to enjoy your acvies is feeling comfortable with a cloth that you wear. You must prepare what kind of cloth that you want to wear. There are two kinds of cloth, a small size and a big size t-shirt. I recommend a big size t-shirt to wear. It can give you a com-ffortable feeling because you will free

Aer you read all my explanaon, I hope you will get influenced. But it depends on your habit. Some people like to wear small size cloth to do these acvies. And they have their own reasons. Maybe it becomes my habit and allall the reasons that I explain above are the things that I feel with wearing big size cloth. As me goes by, I prefer to wear big size than small size cloth to do travelling, hangout and extreme


recommended to wear a simple cloth. Those acvies insist you to make many movement so you really need a simple cloth. And big size cloth gives

that simple thing. Another reason why I like to wear big size cloth is good circulaon for our body. The heart can pump many bloods to our body freely. It will makes

you feel fresh everyme so you can be


How to choose a goodkorean music ?

1. See the video clip first

2. Always listening korean music

3. Find out abaout the singer

4. See the meaning of lyrics

5. See the dance

6. Enter in your phones’s playlist

7.7. Listen the soundtrac in Korean movies

*T n u ic*Le n u f n*K n u



Once you have made it, now you can explore the cave. In a cave, you wil see many beautiful and unique cave ornaments. The ornaments are formed with a very long time proccess. For ex-ample,ample, stalaktit and stalak-mit, these ornaments are formed by water flow from the top to the roof cave. When stalaktit & stalakmit become one form, that is called pilar, other unique ornaments are gordyn, gordam, straw and flow-stone. You will also find a waterfall and river that you can swim there.

SomeSome of the living the crea-tures are even more inter-esting. You can see many strange creatures that you can’t see above the cave. Usually, the living creatures in a cave have special characteristic. They are usually blind, have pale skin color, and also thera are some transparant creatures, it’s all because they are rarely exposed to sunlight. The ma-jority of living creatures in the cave is a bat. The’ll always exist in every cave that is causing all the cave must have guano.

I know what you can imagine about cave, but you judt only imagine if you don’t enter the cave. The most awaited thing if you enter the cave is to see the sunlight again. YouYou will really feel you need sunlight because in the cave was so dark but this feeling will be re-placed by a sense of sat-isfaction because we see all the ornaments and the creatures that live in the cave. I may know caving is an extreme ac-tivity, but if we do it safely you’ll enjoy this ac-tivity and all reasons why i get addicted to do it again and again.

3. Never, ever, go in a cave alone. The minimum is four people. If someone gets hurt, one person can stay with the hurt person while two go for help. One person should wait at the entrance to the c to the cave while the fourth person notifies the Sheriff or Park Rangers. This makes it easier to find the cave again when the rescuers arrive.

1. Kids should never explore caves without an adult.2. Each person should have at least four reliable lights.

Cave exploration can be fun and exciting. It can also be dangerous. Christopher Columbus was a great explorer, but he didn't set off for the New World with only a canoe and a peanut butter sandwich! He had the right equipment and supplies for his adventure and so should you. ImagineImagine you are deep in a cave. You are looking at a beautiful stalac-tite, you take a step back, you step on a loose rock, you stumble, you drop your flashlight, it hits a rock, it breaks, TOTAL DARKNESS! It would be impossible to crawl out to safety. It's cold, it's dark, your foot hurts, you are beginning to get hungry. What are you going to do?The best way to get out of this situation is not to get into it in the first place. The following safety rules will keep you safe. They are the ones followed by the National Speleological Society, a group of profes-sional cave explorers.


8. Never touch or damage stalactites or other cave formations. These take thousands of years to grow. Even a light touch of a finger is enough to mar one!9. H9. Have the proper equipment along. The basic equipment page offers advice on helmets, light sources and

4. ALWAYS tell a responsible adult exactly where you are going and when you'll be back. Just because you don't come home for dinner doesn't mean anybody will think to look in a cave. They may think you've run away and joined the circus!5. Don't run or jump in a cave. Even a sprained ankle can be deadly in a cave.6.6. Don't go in a cave when there is rain predicted for the area. Caves often flood suddenly.7.7. The best way to explore caves is to go on an organized tour, like the ones at Round Spring Caverns, or tag along with a caving club. Caving clubs, also called "grottoes," are located all over. Call the Ge ology Department of your nearest college. Someone there will know how to contact your local caving group. They welcome interested young people.