Foothold Army v.0.1

History: An Age of Hope: The year was 2304, and the Empire was rejoicing. Magnus Vonn Bildhofen (later known as Magus the Pious) had defeated the Hoards of Chaos and united the Empire under his benevolent rule. It was a time of peace and optimism; when people looked to the future with hope, not fear.  From the moment he had been crowned, Emperor Magnus knew that his victory against Chaos was nothing short of a miracle from Sigmar, and he had long pondered how he could  properly show reverence to Him, as well as how he could celebrate those who fought and died against the Ruinous Hoards. His advisors offered him many plans and proposals, but none of them seemed worthy in Magnus’ eyes. After two years in office without finding a satisfactory  plan, Magnus began to despair, being unable to properly thank his people and his God.  It was at this time that a Nobleman from Marienburg (which at the time was still part of the empire) suggested that Magnus should found a new province and enlarge the Empire. This idea was well received by Magnus, for what would be a more fitting tribute to the founder of the  Empire then to expand His land? It seemed to Magnus that nothing less could pay fitting tribute, and so he began work on plans for expansion. The First Steps:  Finding a new land to settle was not as simple as it sounds. The Empire is ringed with mountain on to the east, west and south, and to the north is an inhospitable area known only as The Wasteland. Magnus briefly considered re-conque ring the lost province of Sylvania, but he was not prepared to start a war so soon after the Empire had only just defeated Chaos. With nowhere in the Old World to turn, Magnus set his sights upon the largely unknown continent known to humans as The New World. Gathering all the information he could find, Magnus buried himself in research, paging through the diaries of Tilian pirates and Nordic explorers, trying to locate a safe place to settle. Of course, such a grand project could not be kept secret, and it was not long before news of Magnus’ plans reached the ears of the High Elves. The elves believed that there was nowhere in the New World that even they could live in, let alone simple humans. After a council meeting of the Phoenix King and Princes of Ulthuan was called, it was ruled that the elves would not waste their time involving themselves in an impossible human task. But Teclis, the High Loremaster of  Hoeth, had dealt more closely with humans then any of the Dragon Princes, and knew of their ability to survive and thrive in almost any land. Although he was not technically a member of the council, none would dare to interrupt him as he spoke to them. He reasoned that if the High Elves aided the humans and they were not able to settle in the New World, the elves would loose nothing more then some meager supplies. If, however, the humans did somehow establish a  province in the New World -known to the elves as Naggaroth- then the High Elves would gain a nearby ally in their war against the Dark Elves. So the Council agreed to aid the humans, and  poured over their maps to find an area safe enough for human settlers. The Black Forest: The High Elves had much greater knowledge of Naggaroth then any humans, although it helped them little. Naggaroth is a desolate, windswept place, with inhospitable mountains and desolate plains. The few areas of fertile land were jealously guarded by the Dark  Elves, and the fertile southern continent was overrun with twisting jungles and the savage  Lizardme n. The High Elf cartographers finally settled on an area known as the Black Forest. The Black Forest was probably the safest place the Empire could hope to land; enemies wishing to attack by land would first have to trek across the treacherous Granite Hills, and if anyone sought to attack by sea they would have to pass dangerously close to Ulthuan, the great home of the High Elves. The Black Forest would also be ideal to settle without alerting the Dark  Elves, as they saw no reason to ever go into the barren place. Still, the great black trees that gave

Transcript of Foothold Army v.0.1

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