Food Sociology and Anthropology

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  • 8/9/2019 Food Sociology and Anthropology


    Food Sociology And Anthropology

    History of food and gluttony

    By Rahul Sood


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    PART A......................................................................................................................4



    PART B......................................................................................................................&

    TEAC#INS OF BIBLE.......................................................................................&

    l'ttony ( c(pit(l o))*nc*...................................................................................+

    Th* co'r,* pl(n incit*, to gl'ttony.....................................................................+E-TRAAANCE "IT# REARD TO FOOD AND LUTTON! IN ISLA/


    12 CO//AND/ENTS AND LUTTON!........................................................

    T#E S!/BOLIS/ OF PI................................................................................11

    PART C....................................................................................................................1

    LUTTON! AS A PREDO/INANT FAULT....................................................1

    OERCO/IN LUTTON!............................................................................13

    CONCLUSION5 C#OICE AND NECESSIT!...................................................14


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    No6(d(y,7 ,()* )ood (nd h*(lthy di*t(ry pr(ctic*, (r* (t th* c*ntr* o) conc*rn o) go8*rn9*nt,7

    ,oci*ti*, (nd p':lic. Thi, *,,(y ,'r8*y, th* ,oci(l i9plic(tion, o) thi, conc*rn7 (nd p(rtic'l(rly

    (ddr*,,*, th* ;'*,tion ho6 hi,toric(l 6i,do9 contri:'t*, to th* pr*,*nt d(y 'nd*r,t(nding o)

    )ood r*l(t*d i,,'*, (nd )ood :orn* di,*(,*,. A)t*r r*9inding :ri*)ly o) ,oci(l i9plic(tion, o)


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    PART A


    Th* L(tin 6ord ?gl'ttir*< i, )ro9 6h*r* l'ttony origin(t*d. It 9*(n, to g'lp do6n or ,6(llo67 it

    (l,o 9*(n, o8*rind'lg*nc* (nd o8*rcon,'9ption o) )ood7 drin or into=ic(nt, to th* point o)

    6(,t*. r**d7 r(p(city7 8or(city7 gr**din*,,7 8or(cio',n*,, (nd piggi,hn*,, (ll (r* th* ,ynony9,

    o) gl'ttony. l'ttony i, on* o) th* ,*8*n d*(dly ,in,7 (l,o no6n (, c(rdin(l 8ic*, or c(rdin(l

    ,in,7 it i, ( cl(,,i)ic(tion o) 9o,t o:*ction(:l* 8ic*, 6hich h(, :**n ,inc* *(rly c(tholic ti9*, to

    *d'c(t* (nd in,tr'ct th* )ollo6*r,.

    D*p*nding on th* c'lt'r*7 it c(n :* ,**n (, ( ,ign o) ,t(t',. "h*r* th* )ood i, ,c(rc*7 :*ing (:l*

    to con,'9* c(n :* ( thing to :o(,t (:o't (nd :* pro'd in. B't (t pl(c*, 6h*r* )ood i, (8(il(:l*

    in pl*nty7 it 9(y :* con,id*r*d (, o8*rind'lg*.

    /*di*8(l ch'rch l*(d*r, tho'ght 9or* in d*t(il (:o't gl'ttony7 (rg'ing th(t it co'ld (l,o incl'd*

    (n o:,*,,i8* (nticip(tion o) 9*(l,7 (nd th* con,t(nt *(ting o) d*lic(ci*, (nd *=c*,,i8*ly co,tly

    )ood,. A;'in(, 6*nt ,o )(r (, to pr*p(r* ( li,t o) ,i= 6(y, to co99it gl'ttony7 incl'ding5

    E(ting too ,oon.

    E(ting too *=p*n,i8*ly.

    E(ting too 9'ch.

    E(ting too *(g*rly.

    E(ting too d(intily.

    E(ting 6ildly.

    >So'rc* http5666.:i:l*.co9(n,6*r,(gl'tton.ht9l
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    Ad(9 (nd E8* 6*r*7 (ccording to Book of Genesis of the Bibe>3rd

    c*nt'ry BCE7 th* )ir,t 9(n(nd 6o9(n cr*(t*d :y god. Th*y (r* (l,o no6n (, th* )ir,t 9(n (nd 6o9(n (ccording to th*


    *n*,i, t*ll, th* ,tory o) Ad(9 (nd E8* in ch(pt*r (nd 3. In ch(pt*r 7 god pl(nt, ( g(rd*n >th*

    (rd*n o) Ed*n (nd ,*t, Ad(9 to 6or th*r* (nd 6(tch o8*r it7 p*r9itting hi9 to *(t )ro9 (ll

    th* tr**, *=c*pt th* ?Th* Tr** o) $no6l*dg*

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    PART B


    Song o) Solo9on 51% ,(y,7"Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our

    vines have tender grapes."

    o It 9*(n, th(t )o=*, ,o9*ti9* in ,*(rch o) )ood 6o'ld *nt*r into th* gr(p* orch(rd, (nd

    d*8o'r th* gr(p*, (nd ,poil th* crop. #o6*8*r7 th* littl* )o=*, 6*r* too ,9(ll to r*(ch th*

    gr(p* :'nch*, ,o th*y 6o'ld ch*6 on th* 8in*, (nd it 6o'ld ill th* 6hol* 8in*. In,t*(d

    o) th* )(r9*r ',t lo,ing hi, crop7 h* 6o'ld lo,* hi, 8in* 6hich 6(, 9or* di,(,tro',.

    Spirit'(lly ,o9* thing, 6* do or (llo6 th(t 6* 9ight thin i, littl* or in,igni)ic(nt c(n(l,o :* di,(,tro', )or ',. Th* Klittl* )o=K in thi, (rticl* i, on* th(t c(n c(',* 9(ny

    pro:l*9, in o'r li8*, i) ind'lg*d in )or ( long p*riod o) ti9*. It i, (n *=c*,, th(t c(nc(',* 9(ny 9(l(di*,. It i, o8*r*(ting or 6h(t th* Bi:l* c(ll, gl'ttony. Th* o8*r',* o)th* )or h(, :**n th* d*(th o) 9(ny7 *,p*ci(lly in ( co'ntry 6h*r* th*r* i, ,'ch (n

    (:'nd(nc* o) (ll ind, o) )ood.

    D(ni*l 1511+, "Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to

    eat, and ater to drink. ! Then let our countenances be looked upon before thee, and the

    countenance of the children that eat of the portion of the king#s meat: and as thou seest, deal

    ith thy servants. !$ %o he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days. !&'nd at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the

    children hich did eat the portion of the king#s meat !( Thus )el*ar took aay the portion

    of their meat, and the ine that they should drink; and gave them pulse. !+ 's for these fourchildren, od gave them knoledge and skill in all learning and isdom: and -aniel had

    understanding in all visions and dreams".

    o I) 6* (r* o8*r6*ight it c(9* (:o't not ,'dd*nly7 :'t r(th*r Klittl* :y littl*K. Thi, Klittl*

    )o=K :*gin, (dding th* po'nd, :*)or* 6* r*(li* it. E(ch d(y 6* o8*r ind'lg* 'ntil 6*

    :*co9* )(t. "* c(n t(cl* thi, pro:l*9 6ith th* LordM, h*lp (nd #* 6ill gi8* ', th*

    po6*r to tri9 do6n. A, 6* ,** th* Lord (nd (, )or #i, h*lp in thi, (r*(7 #* 6ill not

    )(il ',. #* 6ill gi8* ', th* ,tr*ngth to o8*rco9* gl'ttony or oth*r :(d *(ting h(:it,.

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    Pro8*r:, 3511 ,(y,"ear thou, my son, and be ise, and guide thine heart in the ay.

    /0 1e not among inebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh: /! 2or the drunkard and the

    glutton shall come to poverty: and drosiness shall clothe a man ith rags".

    o On* o) th* gr*(t*,t ,in, in 6orld6id* i, gl'ttony. Food h(, :*co9* th* god o) 9illion,.

    *,', h(, n*8*r :**n 9(d* KLord o) th* For.K Th* "ord o) od h(, 9'ch to ,(y (:o't9(nM, *(ting h(:it,. /(ny ,icn*,,*, th(t (r* pl(g'ing 9(nind ,t*9 dir*ctly )ro9'nh*(lthy *(ting h(:it,. /(ny p*opl*M, pro:l*9 6ith *(ting i, th* pro:l*9 o) o8*r*(ting.

    Thi, pro:l*9 ','(lly d*8*lop, :y *(ting th(t littl* *=tr( h*lping o) )ood. Thi, Klittl* )o=K

    c(n gro6 )ro9 on* o) ',t Kon* 9or* cooi*K or K(noth*r :it* o) c(ndyK 'ntil th*r* i, no

    r*,tr(int (nd th*n th* l',t o) )ood r'l*, on*M, li)*. In th* (:o8* 8*r,* gl'ttony i, li,t*d(long 6ith dr'n*nn*,,. Altho'gh7 ,oci*ty do*,nMt loo do6n on o8*r*(ting th(t 9'ch.

    Th* Bi:l* d*cl(r*, thi, i, ( ,*rio', ,in (nd 6(rn, ', to r*,i,t yi*lding to thi, ind o)


    G$tton% ! &!'it! offen&e

    /(ny p*opl* do not *=*rci,* control o8*r th*ir (pp*tit*,7 r(th*r th*y ind'lg* in t(,t* (t th* co,t

    o) th*ir h*(lth r*,'lting :locing th*ir tho'ght, (nd 9ind. Th* 6ord o) od pl(c*, th* ,in o)

    gl'ttony in th* ,(9* c(t(log'* 6ith dr'n*nn*,,. So o))*n,i8* 6(, th* ,in in th* ,ight o) od

    th(t h* told /o,*, th(t ( child 6ho 6o'ld not r*,tr(int on th* point o) ,(ti*ty7 :'t 6o'ld gorg*

    hi9,*l) 6ith (nything hi, t(,t* 9ight cr(8* ,ho'ld :* :ro'ght :y hi, p(r*nt, to th* r'l*r o) I,r(*l7

    (nd ,ho'ld :* ,ton*d to d*(th. Th* condition o) th* gl'tton 6(, con,id*r*d hop*l*,,. #* 6o'ld

    :* o) no ',* to oth*r, (nd 6(, ( c'r,* to hi9,*l). No d*p*nd*nc* co'ld :* pl(c*d 'pon hi9 in

    (nything. #i, in)l'*nc* 6o'ld :* *8*r cont(9in(ting oth*r,7 (nd th* 6orld 6o'ld :* ( :*tt*r

    pl(c* 6itho't ,'ch ( ch(r(ct*r.

    The &o$"se '!n in&ites to ($tton%

    C',to9 h(, d*cr**d th(t th* )ood ,ho'ld :* pl(c*d 'pon th* t(:l*, in co'r,*,. Not no6ing 6h(ti, co9ing n*=t7 on* 9(y *(t ( ,'))ici*ncy o) )ood 6hich p*rh(p, i, not th* :*,t ,'it*d to hi9.

    "h*n th* l(,t co'r,* i, :ro'ght on7 h* o)t*n 8*nt'r*, to o8*r,t*p th* :o'nd,7 (nd t(* th*

    t*9pting d*,,*rt7 6hich7 ho6*8*r7 pro8*, (nything :'t good )or hi9. I) (ll th* )ood int*nd*d )or( 9*(l i, pl(c*d on th* t(:l* (t th* :*ginning7 on* h(, opport'nity to 9(* th* :*,t choic*.

    So9*ti9*, th* r*,'lt o) o8*r*(ting i, )*lt (t onc*. In oth*r c(,*, th*r* i, no ,*n,(tion o) p(inJ :'tth* dig*,ti8* org(n, lo,* th*ir 8it(l )orc*7 (nd th* )o'nd(tion o) phy,ic(l ,tr*ngth i, 'nd*r9in*d.

    Thi, i, (n *rror. Th* dig*,ti8* org(n, ,ho'ld not :* :'rd*n*d 6ith ( ;'(ntity or ;'(lity o) )ood

    6hich it 6ill t(= th* ,y,t*9 to (ppropri(t*.

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    N(rr(t*d :y A9(y All(h :* pl*(,*d 6ith h*r ,(id53The first calamity for this nationafter the Prophet4s death is fullness of their stomachs; hen their stomachs became full, they

    became obese and their hearts eakened and their desires became ild.5

    6%ource 7 %ahih al 1ukhari, 8olume +, 1ook (&, 9umber /&

    Ai,h( :int A:' B'(r :*li*8*d th(t th* Proph*t /oh(9*d di*d 6h*n th* )(9ily )ir,t ,(ti,)i*dth*ir h'ng*r 6ith t6o :l(c thing,7 i.*. d(t*, (nd 6(t*r.

    Th* Proph*t ,(id5 HThe son of 'dam does not fill any vessel orse than his stomach. It is

    sufficient for the son of 'dam to eat a fe mouthfuls, to keep him going. If he must do that, thenlet him fill one third ith food, one third ith drink and one third ith air.

    6%ource 7 %ahih by alp*(c* (nd :l*,,ing, o) All((h :* 'pon hi9 6(, not tor**ct 6h(t 6(, (8(il(:l*7 (nd not to go o't o) hi, 6(y to ,** th(t 6hich 6(, not (8(il(:l*. No

    good )ood 6(, :ro'ght to hi9 :'t h* (t* it7 'nl*,, h* h(d no (pp*tit* )or it7 in 6hich c(,* h* l*)t

    it :'t did not )or:id it. #* n*8*r critici*d (ny )ood. i) it 6(, not (8(il(:l* h* 6o'ld :* p(ti*nt7(nd h* 6o'ld ti* ( ,ton* to hi, ,to9(ch :*c(',* o) h'ng*r.

    69arrated by Ibn alaad al

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    T*n Co99(nd9*nt, (r* ( li,t o) 9or(l r'l*, th(t7 (ccording to #*:r*6 Bi:l*7 6*r* ,po*n :yod to *6, )ro9 th* 9o'nt(in r*)*rr*d to /o'nt Sin(i (nd l(t*r ('thor*d :y od (nd gi8*n to

    /o,*, in th* )or9 o) t6o ,ton* t(:l*t,. Th*y (r* r*cogni*d (, ( 9or(l )o'nd(tion in 'd(i,97

    Chri,ti(nity (nd I,l(9.

    Th* t*n co99(nd9*nt, (nd th*ir r*l(tion 6ith gl'ttony (r* (, )ollo6,5

    I am the @ord your od, ho brought you out of the land of Agypt, out of the house of

    bondage. Bou shall have no other godsbefore )e5.

    Chose end is destruction, hose od is their belly, and hose glory is in their shame, ho mind

    earthly things.

    Philippians :! 6Ding Eames 8ersion.

    l'tton, .o"shi' th*ir :*lly7 (pp*tit* (nd phy,ic(l ,*n,*,. Th*y :r*( th* )ir,t co99(nd9*nt

    :*c(',* th*ir d*,ir* :*co9*, ( high*r priority th(n th*ir cr*(tor (nd ,',t(in*r.

    3Bou shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in

    heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the ater under the earth; you

    shall not bow downto them nor serve them. 2or I, the @ord your od, am a Fealous od,

    visiting the iniGuity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of

    those ho hate )e, but shoing mercy to thousands, to those ho love )e and keep )y


    l'tton, :r*( th* ,*cond co99(nd9*nt, :y ,*r8ing to th*ir phy,ic(l n**d, (nd bo. #o.nto (

    )(l,* od.

    3Bou shall not take the name of the @ord your od in vain, for the @ord ill not hold him

    guiltless ho takes is name in vain.5

    Th* third7 6h*n gl'tton, )(il to 'phold odM, n(9*(nd (ll th(t it r*pr*,*nt,in glory (nd

    honor. /(ny c(ll th*9,*l8*, 9(n o) od (nd cl(i9 to )ollo6 T*n Co99(nd9*nt,7 :'t th*y l(cth* holy ch(r(ct*r od 6(nt, th*9 to h(8*.

    emember the %abbath day, to keep it holy. %ix days you shall labor and do all your

    ork, but the seventh day is the %abbath of the @ord your od. In it you shall do no


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    Th* )o'rth Co99(nd9*nt i, :ro*n 6h*n gl'tton, ',* th* holy d(y o) S(::(th to cr(8* (nd to

    o8*r*(t (, ( )*(,t d(y looing )or pl*(,'r* in th*ir o6n 6(y,.

    onor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land hichthe @ord your od is giving you.5

    A child o) (ny (g* 6ho do*, not h(8* ,*l)control i, ( 6orry (nd (n *9:(rr(,,9*nt to hi,

    p(r*nt,. Th* gl'tton7 (:',ing hi, :ody 6ith *=c*,,i8* )ood7 9(y not li8* *8*n (, long (, hi,

    p(r*nt,7 )'l)illing th* in8*r,* o) th* co99(nd9*ntM, pro9i,*.

    3Bou shall not murder.5

    Th* gl'tton, :r*( th* ,i=th Co99(nd9*nt :y ,y,t*9(tic(lly (nd contin'(lly d*,troying th*

    :ody (nd 9ind th(t od h(, gi8*n into o'r c(r*. It i, ,lo6 ,'icid*. I) p(r*nt, (r* gl'tton,7 th*y

    t*(ch th*ir childr*n to do th* ,(9*7 th*r*:y *8*nt'(lly illing th*9 (, 6*ll. Sinc* o'r :odi*, (r*

    th* T*9pl* o) th* #oly Spirit7 to d*,troy it no6ingly i, ,in.

    3Bou shall not commit adultery.5

    "h*n gl'tton, o8*r*(t7 o8*r:'y7 o8*r(cc'9'l(t* (, ( Kg*tK 6(y o) li)*. Th*ir 6(y o) li)* i,

    th*ir r*ligion7 (nd i) it i, ( li)*,tyl* o) *=c*,,i8* d*,ir*7 th*ir r*ligion i, in co9p*tition 6ith odM,

    6(y o) li)*.

    od ,(y, in 8*r,* 7 KSo it c(9* to p(,,7 thro'gh 'd(hM,Q c(,'(l h(rlotry7 th(t ,h* d*)il*d th*

    l(nd (nd co99itt*d (d'lt*ry 6ith ,ton*, (nd tr**,.K Th*,* idol,7 6or,hipp*d on th* high pl(c*,7

    :*c(9* th* o:*ct o) 'd(hM, *=c*,,i8* d*,ir*7 ',t (, )ood7 drin7 or (ny 9(t*ri(l thing c(n :*.

    6%ource 7 Eeremiah :(

    3Bou shall not steal.5

    "h*n gl'tton, t(* 9or* th(n 6h(t i, :(l(nc*d (nd n**d)'l7 th', 9or* th(n od h(, gi8*n. In

    (ddition7 :y ho(rding )or th*9,*l8*, th*y ,t*(l )ro9 oth*r,. C*rt(inly7 6h*n th*r* (r* p*opl*

    6itho't *no'gh7 )or gl'tton, to con,'9* 9or* th(n th*y n**d i, 6rong. P*opl* 6ho *(t (t th*

    co,t o) oth*r, (r* (t l*(,t7 8*ry gr**dy.

    3Bou shall not bear false itness against your neighbor.5

    "h*n gl'tton, c(ll th*9,*l8*, holy 9(n or try to 9(* *=c',*, )or th*ir o:*,ity th*y t*ll li*.

    Bou shall not covet your neighbor#s house; you shall not covet your neighbor#s ife,

    nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that

    is your neighbor#s.5

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    A gl'tton 6(nt, *8*n 9or* th(n h* h(,. "h*n h* i, not ,(ti,)i*d 6ith 6h(t h* h(, h* d*,ir*,

    po,,*,,ion, o) oth*r,.


    E=c*pt in Chin( (nd i*tn(97 6h*r* th* pig i, ( ,y9:ol o) pro,p*rity (nd (:'nd(nc* :*c(',* o)

    it pl'9pn*,, (nd )*c'ndity7 th* cr*(t'r* h(, ( r(th*r :(d r*p't(tion7 *8*n tho'gh it pro8id*, ,o

    9'ch no'ri,h9*nt. Fir,t (nd )or*9o,t it r*pr*,*nt, gl'ttonyJ ?9(ing pig o) hi9,*l)< i, ',*d (, (

    ,l(ng )or tho,* 6ho o8*r*(t,. B*,id*, ,'gg*,ting gr**d :y it, r*(din*,, to ,6(llo6 (l9o,t

    (nything7 it *8o*, oth*r t*nd*nci*, 6hich o'r *d'c(tion t*(ch*, ', to ,'ppr*,,5 l',t7 *goti,9

    (nd ignor(nc*. Th* :i:lic(l p(r(:l* o) p*(rl, c(,t :*)or* ,6in* con8*y, th* id*( o) ( tr'*

    9*,,(g* 6(,t*d :*c(',* it i, (ddr*,,*d to p*opl* 'n(:l* (nd 'n6orthy to pro)it :y it.

    Th* dirty h(:it, o) th* pig go ,o9* 6(y to6(rd, (cco'nting )or th* *6i,h di,t(,t* )or it. I,l(9

    (nd #ind' (l,o )or:id con,'9ing por (nd por prod'ct,.

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    PART C


    In tod(yth*

    tr** o) no6l*dg* yo' 6ill ,'r*ly di*7 :'t Ad(9 li8*d ()t*r th(t (nd h(d thr** childr*n n(9*d7C(n*7 A:*l (nd S*th. And in c(,* o) )or:idd*n )ood,7 p*opl* *(t 6h(t i, (8(il(:l*. And 6h(t th*y

    h(8* in (:'nd(nc* i, 6h(t th*y ,*ll (nd pro9ot*.

    Th* p*r,on 6ho i, inclin*d to *(t or drin to *=c*,, i, ,*l)i,h7 in oth*r 6ord, p*opl* 6ho (r*

    ,*l)i,h (r* th* on*, 6ho (r* inclin*d to gl'ttony. Thi, c(n :* ,**n in th*ir (ct o) ,h**r d*ni(l o)

    th* ordin(ry r'l*, o) good :r**ding7 ,'ch p*opl* n*gl*ct, th* n**d, o) oth*r, (nd t*nd, to *=c**d

    to ',*l*,, *=p*n,*, to ,(ti,)y th*9,*l8*,

    S*l) d*ni(l i, th* root o) (ll 8irt'*7 (nd (8oiding *=c*,, co9*, 6ith pr(ctic*. /orti)ic(tion i, th*

    only 6(y to ill gl'ttony. l'ttony to (ny *=t*nt only h(r9, phy,ic(lly7 9*nt(lly7 (nd ,pirit'(lly.

    Pr*,*ntd(y conc*pt, (:o't )ood ,()*ty (r* th* o'tco9* o) long(go (nd r*c*nt hi,toric(l

    n*goti(tion,7 con)ront(tion, (nd d*ci,ion,. Th*r* 6(, (nd i, no 'ni8*r,(l nor9 6ith r*g(rd to

    )ood pr(ctic* (nd con,'9ption :*h(8ior. Th* )ood pr(ctic*, (nd con,'9ption p(tt*rn, (r* th*

    o'tco9*, o) th* ,o'rc*, (8(il(:l*. Th', :y pro:ing (:o't )ood 6* c(n g(in 6i,do9 r*g(rding

    th* con,'9ption. Th*r* ,ho'ld :* (n inno8(ti8* 9*thod to (llo6 th* 9*(,'r*9*nt o) th*

    ;'(ntity (nd n(t'r* o) )ood in 6hich d(t( l(c,.

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    Th* ('thor c(9* (cro,, th* )(ct th(t )or 9o,t o) th* p*opl* thro'gho't th* hi,tory ())l'*nt )ood6(, l(cing. In th* p(,t th* pro:l*9, 6*r* r*g(rding ;'(ntity not ;'(lity. "ith no do':t th*

    )or*9o,t conc*rn in hi,tory 6(, (:o't ,hort(g*,7 )(9in*,7 ho(rding7 (nd :l(c 9(r*t. Short(g*

    o) )ood l*d to th* di,tinction :*t6**n cl(,,*,. Th* )ood 6hich 6(, ,c(rc* :'t con,'9*d (nd

    *noy*d :y th* 'pp*r cl(,, :*c(9* th* l'='ry (nd ,t(t', o) 6*(lth (nd po6*r7 6h*r*(, th* )ood

    6hich 6(, r*(dily (8(il(:l* :*c(9* th* ,t(pl* di*t o) th* 9(,,*, in it, ,i9pl*,t )or9 :*c(9* th*

    )r'g(l )ood. And in c(,* o) )(9in*, 6h*n th*r* 6(, nothing or 8*ry l*,, (8(il(:l*7 9(,,*, (t*

    6h(t*8*r th*y co'ld )*tch. In th(t c(,* ('thor :*li*8*, th* r'l*, 9(d* :y th* ,'p*rior, o) to h(8*

    (nd to not h(8* do*, not (pply. Th* ('thor :*li*8*, th(t n*c*,,ity (nd right r*(,on ,ho'ld

    r*g'l(t* o'r tho'ght, (nd d*ci,ion,. On* ,ho'ld *(t to li8* not li8* to *(t. E=c*,, in con,'9ption

    ,ho'ld :* (8oid*d (nd 9(ln'trition i, (l,o 6rong (nd h(r9)'l.

    On* ,ho'ld :* c(r*)'l in d*ciding in r*g(rd to ;'(ntity (nd ,ho'ld not :* dri8*n :y pr*conc*i8*d

    notion, in r*g(rd to ;'(lity. "* (, h'9(n :*ing, (r* pron* to :* p(rtic'l(r (:o't o'r choic*, (nd

    t(,t*,7 not :*ing ,(ti,)i*d 6ith 6h(t i, ,*r8*d or th* 6(y it i, ,*r8*d to ',. "h*n thing, (r* not

    (ccording to o'r t(,t* or do*, not (pp*(l, ', 6* t*nd to )ind )('lt,7 (nd y*t o'r di,(ppro8(l 9(y

    :* 9(y :* )'lly 'n',ti)i*d. A, ( 9(tt*r o) )(ct 6h(t i, ,*r8*d i, (ll right7 :'t o'r t(,t* d*9(nd,

    ,o9*thing ,p*ci(l (nd ,o9*thing 9or* d*lic(t*.

    Th* 'rg* or th* ,*n,* to t(,t* ,ho'ld :* d*ni*d thro'gh )(,ting. F(,ting ,ho'ld :* go8*rn*d :y

    c(r*)'l 9(n(g*9*nt. "* n**d not to d*,i,t )ro9 ,o9*thing co9pl*t*ly7 :'t 6* c(n d*nyo'r,*l8*, in ,9(ll 6(y, (nd *8*n (t (nd :*t6**n 9*(l,. T(ing l*,, o) ,o9*thing7 :*ing

    'n,*l)i,h7 :*ing ,(ti,)i*d 6ith 6h(t i, pl(c*d :*)or* ',7 (r* th* r*(,on(:l* 6(y, to d*,i,t.

  • 8/9/2019 Food Sociology and Anthropology



    It h(, :**n cl*(rly not*d :y th* ('thor th(t gl'ttony i, ( cl*(r *=(9pl* o) 6h(t *=c*,,i8*n*,, (nd

    6(nton gr**d c(n l*(d to in t*r9, in )ood. Thro'gho't th* hi,tory *9ph(,i, h(, :**n l(id on*d'c(ting p*opl* r*g(rding th* ill *))*ct, o) o8*rind'lg*nc* in )ood. So9* ,(y th(t gl'ttony i,

    on* o) th* d*(dli*,t ,in7 ,o9* ,(y th(t pr(cticing gl'ttony i, h(r(9 >'n(cc*pt(:l*7 (nd th(t it

    :r*(, (ll th* T*n Co99(nd9*nt, (nd on oth*r h(nd r*cord, o) gl'ttony r*)l*cting th* 6*(lth7

    po6*r (nd ,t(t', o) 9(ny it h(, (l6(y, :**n 8*ry n*g(ti8*. Th* ('thor concl'd*, )ro9 (ll th*

    d(t( 6hich 6(, coll*ct*d thro'gho't th* co9pil(tion o) thi, (c(d*9ic pi*c* o) 6or th(t

    gl'ttony in ,i9pl*r 6ord, 9*(n, nothing :'t o8*r ind'lg*nc* in )ood pr(ctic*,7 (nd th* li9it to

    ind'lg* i, not 9*(,'r*d in (ny ,t(nd(rd 'nit :'t it i, :(,*d on th* 8*ry :(,ic (nd 'ni8*r,(l )(ct

    6hich r*g'l(t*, (nd control li8*, o) (ll h'9(n :*ing,7 i.*. 9AA-. Th* ('thor :*li*8*, th(t th*

    r*;'ir*9*nt, 8(ry )ro9 p*r,on to p*r,on7 g*ogr(phi*,7 c'lt'r*, (nd pr(ctic*,. Th* d*ci,ion

    ,ho'ld :* t(*n 6i,*ly ()t*r 'dging th* n**d o) ( p*r,on. And it i, (d8i,*d :y th* ('thor to(8oid th* *=c*,, o) ind'lg*nc* in )ood pr(ctic*, (, it h(r9, indi8id'(l, phy,ic(lly7 ,oci(lly7

    9*nt(lly (nd ,pirit'(lly >:ody7 h*(rt7 9ind (nd ,o'l.

    And th* ,t'dy o) hi,tory o) )ood (nd gl'ttony h(, :**n ( 8*ry int*r*,ting (nd *nriching

    *=p*ri*nc* )or th* ('thor.

    "h(t p*opl* *(t i, r*g'l(t*d :y )o'r 9(in )(ctor,. Fir,t i, phy,iologic(l. P*opl* *(t )ood to

    ,'r8i8* (nd :* h*(lthy. Thi, *=pl(in, th(t )ood i, ( 8*ry :(,ic n**d )or h'9(n r(c* :'t not 6hy

    th*y choo,* 6h(t th*y *(t. In g*n*r(l h'9(n con,'9*, 6h(t th*y thin i, good )or th*9 6itho't

    (ny no6l*dg* o) n'trition(l ,ci*nc*. #'9(n r(c* h(, don* gr*(t in thi, c(,* :*c(',* it h(,,'r8i8*d )or ,o long (nd l*(rnt ho6 to choo,* 6h(t to *(t :(,*d on phy,iologic(l )(ctor,. Th*

    ,*cond )(ctor i, t(,t*. So9* )ood, ,i9ply (pp*(l 9or* th(n oth*r,. #'9(n, c(n li8* :y

    con,'9ing ( 6id* 8(ri*ty o) )ood,. #'9(n, h(8* 9(=i9'9 choic*, (8(il(:l* to :* con,'9*d

    th(n (ny oth*r r(c*. So9* (ni9(l, (r* *ntir*ly h*r:i8or*, (nd ,o9* (r* *ntir*ly c(rni8or*,. And

    ,o9* (ni9(l, (r* *=tr*9*ly ,*l*cti8*. P(nd( *(t, only th* ,hoot, (nd l*(8*, o) :(9:oo tr** (nd

    $o(l(, *(t, only *'c(lypt', l*(8*,. Th* third )(ctor i, (8(il(:ility. /*9:*r, o) pri9iti8*

    ,oci*ti*, h(8* :**n d*p*nd*nt on )ood gro6n (t ho9* or n*(r:y. Th*ir choic*, (r* go8*rn*d :y

    th* d*9ogr(phic, o) th* ,oci*ty. And th* )o'rth )(ctor i, c'lt'r*. Di*t i, ,':,t(nti(lly in)l'*nc*d

    :y th* tr(dition(l pr(ctic*, (nd nor9, o) ( ,oci*ty7 (nd not only 6h(t th*y *(t :'t ho6 th*y *(t

    (nd con,'9* th* )ood i, (l,o in)l'*nc*d :y th* c'lt'r*.

    Th* r*(,on 6hy ('thor di,c',,*d (:o't th*,* )o'r )(ctor, 6(, to thro6 light on th* )(ct th(t

    9(ing choic*, )or )ood con,'9ption 6(, ( 8*ry :(,ic (nd )r'g(l thing7 :'t 6ith (d8(nc*9*nt

    o) h'9(n r(c*7 )ood (nd )ood c'lt'r* 6*r* (l,o *l*8(t*d to high*r l*8*l, (nd 6h(t ',*d to :* th*

    :(,ic n*c*,,ity )or h'9(n r(c* to ,'r8i8* :*c(9* th* ,t(t', o) 6*(lth (nd po6*r. E(rli*r p*opl*

    ',*d to *(t to li8*7 :'t no6 th*r* (r* 9(ny 6ho li8* to *(t.

  • 8/9/2019 Food Sociology and Anthropology



    E0 Books

    Ad(9,on7 /. ". >2242ood in )edieval Times, London5 r**n6ood Pr*,,.

    Broth*r6*ll7 D. R. >1&2ood in 'ntiGuity: a %urvey of the -iet of Aarly Peoples. London.

    Bro6n7 P. >100 The 1ody and %ociety: )en, Comen, and %exual enunciation in Aarly

    Hhristianity.N*6 !or.

    (rn*,y7 P. >12ood and %ociety In Hlassical 'ntiGuity,N*6 !or5 C(9:ridg* Uni8*r,ity


    oody7 . >10 Hooking, Huisine and Hlass: a %tudy in Homparative %ociology. C(9:ridg*.

    r(ci7 S. >221 The 2ood Honnection J the right food at the right time, C(n(d(5 ohn "il*y

    ,on,7 C(n(d(7 Ltd.

    #(rni7 . >14 The @ord4s Table: The )eaning of 2ood in Aarly Eudaism and Hhristianity.

    "(,hington (nd London5 S9ith,oni(n In,tit'tion Pr*,,.

    /(d*l*in*7 F. >22% %acred Ho, )ad Ho: ' istory of 2ood 2ears.Tr(n,. ody l(dding.

    N*6 !or5 Col'9:i( Uni8*r,ity Pr*,,.

    /iln*r7 Nicy (nd Pr*,ton7 /. >22 Honsuming passion and Patterns of Honsumption.


    N*69(n7 L'cil*7 F. >1% unger in istory: 2ood, enes, and -eprivation. O=)ord7


    Pilch*r7 . /. >22&2ood in Corld history, London5 Ro'tl*dg* T(ylor Fr(nci, ro'p.

    Sor(:i7 R. >13 'nimal )inds and uman )orals: the Krigins of the Cestern -ebate.


    Sp*nc*r7 C. >13 The eretic4s 2east: a istory of 8egetarianism. London.

    To',,(int7 /. >22' istory of 2ood, P(ri,5 Bl(c6*ll P':li,hing @ A ohn "il*y Son,7Ltd.7 P':lic(tion

    "(t,on7 (9*, L. (nd /*li,,( L. >22% The Hultural Politics of 2ood and Aating: ' eader.

    O=)ord5 Bl(c6*ll.

  • 8/9/2019 Food Sociology and Anthropology


    E0 A"ti&es

    Anony9o',. luttony as a Predominant 2ault.

    Anony9o',. Axtravagance ith regard to 2ood and luttony in Islam. >666.i,l(9


    L(',*8ic7 P. D. >223 8egetarianism J ' Test of 2elloshipLSDAR/ ch'rch.

    /ill*r7 B. Chat -oes the 1ible %ay 'bout luttony.

    Scholli*r,7 P. >220-efining food risks and food anxieties. El,*8i*r.

    "hit*7 . E. >130 Hounsels on -iet and 2oods.

    Web Links*t*nco99(nd9*nt,.orgth*t*nco99(nd9*nt,.ht9l.




