February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

THE LANTERN February 28th & March 1st ST. THECLA CATHOLIC CHURCH 2nd Sunday of Lent Reconciliation: Adoration Masses: 20740 S. Nunneley Rd. Clinton Twp 48035-1628 Phone: Website:

Transcript of February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

Page 1: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...


February 28th & March 1st





20740 S. Nunneley Rd. Clinton Twp 48035-1628

Phone:!(586)!791-3930 Website: www.stthecla.com

Page 2: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

Sunday, March 1stSports..............................................................1:00-9:30pm/GConfirmation Workshop.........................2:00-4:00pm/C, AC

Monday, March 2ndSports..............................................................4:00-9:30pm/GReligious Education...............................6:00-7:30pm/School

Tuesday, March 3rdAdoration................................................After Mass/ChurchSports..............................................................4:00-9:30pm/GReligious Education...............................5:00-6:30pm/SchoolPlay Practice................................................3:30-6:00pm/MCBoy Scouts...................................................7:00-9:00pm/AC

Wednesday, March 4thSenior Meeting....................................10:30am - 2:00pm/CLPlay Practice................................................3:30-6:00pm/MCSports..............................................................4:00-9:30pm/GFaithful Families...................................6:00-8:00pm/GA,ACK of C Mtg....................................................7:00-9:00pm/SL

Thursday, March 5thBible Study.................................................12:00-1:00pm/CLPlay Practice................................................3:30-6:00pm/MCSports..............................................................4:00-9:30pm/GWedding Rehearsal ........................................6:00-7:30pm/C

Friday, March 6thStations of the Cross..............................1:00pm & 7:00pm/CFishFry...........................................................4:00-7:00pm/GPlay Practice................................................7:00-8:30pm/AC

Saturday, March 7thCYO Play-Offs.......................................................All Day/GMcGerty/Gariott Wedding..............................1:00-2:00pm/CPlay Practice................................................7:00-9:00pm/AC

Sunday, March 8thSports..............................................................1:00-9:30pm/GConfirmation Retreat.........................2:00-7:00pm/C,AC,GS

March 1st - March 8th

SUNDAY, March 1st8:00am +George Opsommer by, Irene Opsommer

10:00am +Onoria Reo by, Lana Minchella + Virginia & Raymond Hug by, Harvey Hug

12:00am +Florence & Arnold Lang by, Family +Patricia Lange by, Family +John & Julian DeCloedt by, Family +Florine DeCloedt by, Family +Shelby & Lawerence Chuhran by, Family +Theresa Devine by, Niece

7:00pm To End Abortion and Respect for All Life

MONDAY, March 2nd7:45am Poor Souls in Purgatory

TUESDAY, March 3rd7:45 am Nicole Lemieux by, Rosemarie Tedesco

WEDNESDAY, March 4th7:45am +Crist Gabriel by, Family

THURSDAY, March 5th7:45am +Onoria Reo by, Lana Minchella

FRIDAY, March 6th9:00am +Virginia Delia by, Family Deb Tworek (for Healing) by, Cindy Pryor +Zachary Howell by, Cindy Pryor

SATURDAY, March 7th4:00pm +Jesus Academia by, Family

SUNDAY, March 8th8:00am +Anne Wylkinson by, Fran & Tom

10:00am +Debbie Roberts by, Lao Family

12:00am +Freda Academia by, Family +Vito Mazzarano by, Robert Loupee

7:00pm To End Abortion and Respect for All Life

Annual Contribution Statements

**By Request Only**

If you would like your annual contribution

statement, please complete this form and drop it

in the collection basket.




Readings for the Week

Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Rom 8:31b-34/Mk 9:2-10

Monday: Dn 9:4b-10/Lk 6:36-38

Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12

Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28

Thursday: Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31

Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46

Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

Next Sunday: Ex 20:1-17 or 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17/1 Cor 1:22-25/Jn 2:13-25

Page 3: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

Quote to Ponder


because!God!loves!us. —Abp. Desmond Tutu, God Has a Dream

{Drawn from

Seeing!familiar!things!differently!is!not!easy.!Thisis! no!more! evident! than! in! family! relationships.Your! spouse! is! changing,! as! are! you.! Yet! youexpect! the! dynamic! between! you! to! remain! thesame!as!always.!A!renegotiation!of!terms!may!feellike! a! betrayal.! Babies! become! toddlers,! andchildren! become! teenagers! and! then! adults.! Butthe! parents�! vision! of! them!may! be! frozen! at! amore!primitive!and!dependent!stage.!In!the!sameway,! parents! are! the! ones!who! are! there! for! us,reliable!as!rocks.!Until!the!time!that!they!becomeelderly!and!frail,!and!unexpectedly!dependent!onus!to!care!for!them.

If!lifelong!friends!suddenly!develop!new!opinionsor! speak! their!minds!more! freely,! our! jaws!maydrop!and!we!may!wonder!if!we!ever!really!knewthis! person! we�ve! always! known.! Technologycreeps!into!the!workplace!bit!by!bit,!and!one!daywe!realize!our!profession!today!is!not!the!same!asthe!one!we!entered.!Everything!is!changing;!that�sthe! nature! of! being.! But! since! most! changeshappen!under! the! surface! over! long!periods,!wedon�t! always! see! transformation! coming! until! ithits!us!right!between!the!eyes.

My! friend! tells! me! that! his! mother! was! a! bigtalker,! a! huge! personality,! and! his! father! likewallpaper!in!a!room.!In!later!years!when!his!fatherbecame! too! infirm! to! remain! at! home,! he! wasmoved! to! a! nearby! nursing! home.! There! hebecame!boisterous,!witty,!the!life!of!the!party"!Inthe! same! way,! a! teenage! cipher! might! becomealmost! anyone! once! out! from! under! the! familyinfluence.!Or!the!geeky!character!in!a!movie!maybe!redefined!as!the!hero!once!circumstances!turnapocalyptic,!drawing!the!inner!hero!forth.

When! the! disciples! first! ran! into! Jesus,! theycertainly!saw!him!as!a!remarkable!figure.!Whathe!was!saying!and!doing!was!amazing!enough!forthem!to!walk!away!from!business!as!usual!andhead!off!into!a!life!full!of!unknowns.!But!after!awhile,! even! bold! proclamations! and! publichealings!must!have!come!to!seem!normative!tothis! gang.!What! would! it! be! like,! we! mightwonder,!to!yawn!in!the!presence!of!a!miracle?

But!Jesus!always!had!a!few!surprises!left!in!store.The! event! we! call! Transfiguration! isrepresentative!of!all!those!breakthrough!momentswhen!followers!of!Jesus!suddenly!�get�!who!he!isfor!them!in!new!and!life-changing!ways.!Somescholars! believe! this! event! describes! a! visionPeter!had!long!after!Easter,!when!he!began!tounderstand!who!Jesus!is!and!always!was!in!theirmidst:!the!one!about!whom!the!Law!and!Prophetsforetold,!a!brilliant!guiding!star!leading!us!to!theheart!of!the!mystery!of!God-with-us.!This!Lent,we�re!changing,!maybe!in!ways!that!are!quiet!andunseen! for! now.!Who! Jesus! is! for! us!may! bechanging!too.

Page 4: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

St. Thecla’s Spring Mom2Mom Sale

Saturday March 21st 2015, 8:30 am-1:00pm

The St. Thecla Spring Mom2Mom sale is March 21st . We arenow accepting contracts by mail in, or you can drop them offat the address below.

A copy of the St. Thecla Mom2Mom contract can beobtained by emailing [email protected] , oryou can go to our listing on the websitewww.mom2momlist.com, and download both forms whenthe listing is available.

Along with your contract, please include the following:

1. Payment – Checks payable to St. Thecla.(Checks will be cashed after the floor plan is completed. A$30 fee will be charged for any returned checks.)

2. SAS Envelope. (A standard white long envelope; selfaddressed and STAMPED.) This envelope is required to mailyour table confirmation shortly before the sale.

Mail to the school office:


c/o St. Thecla

20762 S. Nunneley Rd.,

ClintonTwp., MI 48035.

Mid-life Singles (mid-30s to 50s): register today for alife-changing REFLECT weekend retreat at the St.Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt, MI (10 miles north ofLansing), on March 20-22, 2015. Cost is just $160 formeals, lodging, and materials. Take a chance and getinvolved... you won't regret it! Call (989) 450-0993,e-mail [email protected], or visitwww.ReflectRetreat.com for details.

Abstinence The law of abstinence requires aCatholic 14 years of age until death to abstainfrom eating meat on Fridays in honor of thePassion of Jesus on Good Friday. Meat isconsidered to be the flesh and organs of mammalsand fowl. Also forbidden are soups or graviesmade from them. Salt and freshwater species offish, amphibians, reptiles and shellfish arepermitted, as are animal derived products such asmargarine and gelatin which do not have any meattaste.

Fasting The law of fasting requires a Catholicfrom the 18th Birthday (Canon 97) to the 59thBirthday (i.e. the beginning of the 60th year, ayear which will be completed on the 60thbirthday) to reduce the amount of food eaten fromnormal. The Church defines this as one meal aday, and two smaller meals which if addedtogether would not exceed the main meal inquantity. Such fasting is obligatory on AshWednesday and Good Friday. The fast is brokenby eating between meals and by drinks whichcould be considered food (milk shakes, but notmilk). Alcoholic beverages do not break the fast;however, they seem to be contrary to the spirit ofdoing penance.

Those who are excused from fast or abstinenceBesides those outside the age limits, those ofunsound mind, the sick, the frail, pregnant ornursing women according to need for meat ornourishment, manual laborers according to need,guests at a meal who cannot excuse themselveswithout giving great offense or causing enmityand other situations of moral or physicalimpossibility to observe the penitential discipline.

De La Salle Dad’s Club is

sponsoring its 1st Annual Wild

Game Dinner, Wednesday, March

11, 2015, beginning at 6:00pm,

at the Sterling Inn

Tickets are available at the door

or by calling 586-651-8686

Page 5: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

A Special Remembrance for ourBeloved Departed on the Anniversary

of Their Burial.

“Give them eternal rest, O Lord, and mayyour light shine on them forever.”

1 Year AnniversaryJosephine Caradonna Age: 92 February 2, 2014Theresa Cornett Age: 83 February 10, 2014William Klausing Age: 74 February 12, 2014Catherine Marchione Age: 82 February 15, 2014

5 Year AnniversaryJohn Baker Jr. Age: 68 February 9, 2010James Koch Age: 64 February 10, 2010Mary Nicosia Age: 66 February 11, 2010Joanne Bousson Age: 63 February 20, 2010Vincent Fritz Age: 93 February 25, 2010George Valitutti Age: 80 February 25, 2010John Lewandowski Age: 88 February 28, 2010Patricia Vale Age: 84 February 28, 2010

10 Year AnniversaryAntoinette Daidone Age: 90 February 4, 2005Marianna DiGregorio Age: 97 February 10, 2005Dr. Harry Ludwig Age: 66 February 12, 2005Maria Caterina Viel Age: 93 February 13, 2005Mildred Quigley Age: 87 February 15, 2005Ann Potvin Age: 89 February 16, 2005Bernice Forgue Age: 72 February 24, 2005James Bonventre Age: 72 February 26, 2005

20 Year AnniversaryAloysius Golden Age: 79 February 7, 1995Bernice Putkovich Age: 84 February 12, 1995Dorothy MacDonald Age: 77 February 13,1995Sandra Turk Age: 85 February 14, 1995Dorothy Earle Age: 64 February 17, 1995

Please join us in Welcoming the newestmember of our

St. Thecla Catholic Community.

Who was baptized on February 22, 2015

Bill & Jamie Addelia

Josh Rutyna &Ashley Sonnenfeld

Let us Pray for:

Nancy Benvenuti

Who entered Eternal Life on:

February 20, 2015

Her Funeral was held on:

February 27, 2015

She is survived by:

3 Children, 5 Grandchildren &3 Great Grandchildren

Let us Pray for:

Kathrine Alamillo

Who entered Eternal Life on:

February 23, 2015

Her Funeral was held on:

February 27, 2015

She is survived by:

Her Husband & 2 Children


A Weekend of Discovery… A LIFETIME ofLOVE!!

These are the 2015 Weekend Dates.

Please check them out & put one on your calendar.



March 6-8*-St. John Neumann, Canton

April 17-19 – Holiday Inn Express, Troy

June 26-28*-St. Joan of Arc, St. Clair Shores

Sept. 25-27 – Holiday Inn Express, Troy

October 23-25 – Holiday Inn Express, Troy

December 4-6 – Holiday Inn Express, Troy

*In Parish Weekends, Couples go home at night.

All other weekends are at a hotel.

Call: 888-322-9963


(Application Fee: $75)

Page 6: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

Tom JonesKen KarwoskiFred KesselerHelen KowalNolan LeightyMartha MarcinkoskiJanet MarolaBob MaurerTerri McClellanJohn MehallMike MichonPeggy MilnerJohn MontalbanoDaisy MousaliDan MularskiSelma MularskiKathleen MyersMatthew NeyJoe NicosiaBeverly O’BrienMichelle PanczykLaVerna PerronJeanne PlotzkeNancy RiegelDonna Ryda

Richard SamkoDoris SerraMila Irene SikesCheryl SparksMafalda StabileJosephine StearnsLinda SummersDeborah ThomasDeb TworekCharles VanHoetElda VolpariJoseph VolpariMichele VossClint WeiskirschRita WhiteJohn WiniarskiDonald WojcikGil ZangerJerry ZangerPaul Zombo

Suffering In ChristPlease Pray For Those

Who Are Sick.

Please notify the Parish Office(586)791-3930 when aparishioner enters the hospitalor to have the Eucharistbrought to anyone homebound.

Please Call the Parish Office at586-791-3930 to Add or Remove

a name from the Prayer List

Catherine AleoJudith AllenElijah Angle BrandtAnn AugustiniakMark BargerBob BarkerHerbert BarronAudrey BaumgartRobert BaumgartMaureen BlairKen BlaskaySarah BoitnottEdward BoniorDennis BortnemCathryn BradfordElaine BradfordNorman BradfordJoseph BranickiJoan Bratto

Larry BurelleJoseph CaramagnoRichard ChesneySandra ChurchillMarco CiocchettiMarge CiscoDonna CornellAdam DelmonteDon DeNardisTerri DiasJim DoyleAnna DuarteArlene DudaLarry DudaMary DulcamaroLouann FanningPaschal (Pat) FormicolaFrank FletcherBetty GajewskiDorothy GillickDonald GleneskiDon GordonNancy GordonBarbara GouletteAudrey HamlinTim HerveyBaby John Lee Hopper IIIRosie JemmaBert Johnson

If you would like to add aloved one to our

intercessory prayer list

Please call 791-3930 ext412

St. Michael’sPrayer


Come join us to pray everyThursday at 3:00pm in the

Covent Chapel.

We intercede for our priests,our parish and the

Catholic Church during thesedays of so much spiritual


Dennis Szurkiewicz Air Force - San AntonioJacob Feyers Army Diver- KuwaitJoshua Feyers Army - Ft. Bragg North CarolinaSpc. Richard A. Giles Army - IraqSgt. Bill Janus Army - IraqSgt. Daniel Keough Army - AfghanistanSgt. Mark Keough Army - IraqPvt. Nicholas Kraft Army - IraqSSG Zachary MacFarland Army - Ft. StewartSSG Lori MacFarland Army - Ft. StewartCaptain Sarah Miles Army - AfghanistanPvt. Michael Maher Army, Honor GuardPFC Brian Paret Army - AfghanistanSpc. Kevin Remillard Army - Iraq2nd Lt. Daniel York Army - IraqSCPO Christopher Lumpkin Coast Guard/Philadelphia SailorPO 3 Michael Cobbett Navy - USS VanbergriftSeaman 3 Joshua Corbett Navy - USS UnderwoodDallas Franklin Navy - USS John F. KennedyKelso SH.SR Navy - USS SimpsonN3 Kevin MacFarland, Jr Navy - USS RushmoreCTTC Adam MacFarland Navy - PensacolaCTM3 Eva MacFarland Navy - USS GridleyPO3 Nathan Radimaker Navy - USS WashingtonCPO Erik Rick Navy - OkinawaKristin Rupkus Fort Sam - TexasNina Rupkus Fort Sam - TexasACN Daniel Walkowski Navy Ceebee - AfghanistanPaul Koss Marines - AfghanistanMajor Jeffery Sierpien Marines - Cherry Point, N.C.SSG Wade Snyder Spec. Forces - Ft. BraggSarah Zalewski Peace Corp. - Benin,Africa


Each week, we will do our best to update youon Student Council events, happenings in ourAWESOME SCHOOL, & share a prayer and/orprayer intention with you.

The eighth graders who head the StudentCouncil are called the Student Committee. Thisis a team of eight dedicated and talented eighthgraders who love their school. The StudentCouncil is comprised of representatives fromgrades 1 – 7. You will meet them soon!

During this Lenten Season, we are remindingall of you that our FOOD DRIVE IS ONGOING!PLEASE, PLEASE BRING IN NONPERISHABLEFOOD ITEMS at any time. These need to be sentdown to my room—ROOM 22. J THANK YOUIN ADVANCE FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!

Prayer Intention for this week: We pray forthe healings of two members of our St. TheclaSchool Family: Mrs. Pawlik, the mother ofKindergarten teacher—Miss Pawlik; and forAshley Couture, the daughter of our PreschoolTeacher’s Aide and ESP Staff Member—Mrs.Couture.

Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear ourprayer!

God’s blessings to all of you!

Miss Pryor & the Student Committee

Page 7: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...


March 7th


Fr. Mark Prill

Assisted by

Deacon Tom Houle

Angela Grelle

Peter Grelle

Reeghan BookRyan Book

Natalie Crossen

March 8th

8 am

Fr. Mark PrillHarold Sampson

Sue Sampson

Jacob PoniatowskiEvelyn Wright

10 am

Fr. Mark Prill

Assisted by

Deacon Tom Houle

Kara LambGabe Lueck

Maria LalamaAllison Lao

12 pm

Fr. Doug Bignall

Assisted by

Deacon Tom Houle

Sarah Vyskocil

Daniel GrembiLaura Grembi

Lily HottsMatthew Hotts

7 pm Fr. Doug Bignall Mark Taylor Ray Taylor Kevin HagstromAndrew Rusu

**Presider of the Mass subject to change** **Confession every Saturday @ 3:00 p.m.**

Your St Thecla Parish Council

Needs You

The St Thecla Parish Council has anopening for a Vicariate Pastoral Councilrepresentative.

The Vicariate Pastoral Council serves as arepresentative, collaborative andconsultative body to the parishes, Catholicschools, institutions and agencies, in theministries of education, service, worship, andstewardship providing continuity of theArchdiocesan mission between its members.The Vicariate Pastoral Council is comprisedof two representatives from each of parishand institution within its vicariateboundaries.

The St Thecla Vicariate representativeattends the monthly Central MacombVicariate Council meetings, assuringongoing communication between theVicariate Pastoral Council and the St TheclaParish Council, provides ongoing feedback tothe Vicariate Council regarding thepastoral plan, and participates actively uponrequest in standing and/or ad hoc committeesof the Vicariate Pastoral Council.

If you are interested in serving your parish,please contact Dave Stiteler at 586-226-2805

Page 8: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...
Page 9: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

The Christian Brothers Auxiliary (CBA) of

De La Salle Collegiate invites you to attend our

2015 Dinner and Fashion Show

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 @ Penna's of Sterling

Price: $65/ticket

RSVP: no later than 3/4/15

Cocktails: 6:00 PM

Dinner: 7:00 PM

Grand Prize Raffle:

1st Prize: 14K White Gold Ladies Diamond Cross

2nd Prize: Louis Vuitton Handbag

3rd Prize: Woman's Shinola Watch

Also featuring...Producer's Premier Raffle: $2500Cash!!

For tickets and additional questions contact:[email protected]

Tickets may also be purchased atwww.thepilothanger.com.

Purchase one ticket, or an entire table of 10 tickets!

Note from the Editor,

This is just a reminder that when yousubmit an article to be published inthe bulletin, please be aware that thearticle may be edited due to length orcontent.

All articles must be approved, andare included at the discretion of theEditor and/or Pastor.

All articles must be submitted by thegiven deadline (7 days prior tobulletin date you want your article tobe published.)

Thank you,

Susan Gore/Bulletin Editor

How exciting that we will soon be using our new Gather3rd Edition Hymnals – just in time for Easter! Ourdonation envelopes have also arrived, and for the low,low price of $20.00, you can donate or dedicate a hymnalin the memory of a loved one or an occasion!

You can pick up a special envelope available at eachentrance to the church or in the Parish office, fill it out(please include your phone number*) and put yourdonation inside ($20.00 per hymnal). There are threeways you can turn in donation money:

1. Turn it in with your Sunday contribution.

2. Mail it in or drop it off at the Parish Office, or

3. Stop by our fundraising table on March 21 and 22 aftereach mass that weekend. Choir members and I will be setup in the Gathering Space where we can help fill outenvelopes and collect donations.

*It is important that you put your phone number on theenvelope somewhere in case we have a question orcannot read your dedication.

It will probably take us a few weeks to process all thebookplates and collate all our donations, so please bepatient – it’s a lot of custom printing for us to do! Whenwe have affixed the bookplate with your dedication to theinside front cover of a hymnal, it will go directly into oneof the pews. Perhaps one day, you will come to mass andmight just sit right in front of the one you donated!

We will be publishing a list of donors in the bulletin as away to say Thank You for sponsoring a book, but also toconfirm that we have received your donation. If youhave made a donation and do not see your name in thebulletin after 3 weeks have gone by, please call the officeto make sure we have received your envelope. Pleaseallow 3-4 weeks after turning in your donation beforecalling the office; due to early printing deadlines, yourname will NOT be in the bulletin the weekendimmediately following your donation.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate totalk to me – in person or email!

Keep singing!

Deborah Frontczak

[email protected]

Page 10: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

At least one party of the couple tobe married must be a registeredparishioner and active member ofthe parish for at least 3 monthsprior to filling out an application.(Engaged couples should not be

registered under his/her parents.)Contact the Parish Office to fillout a Wedding Application to besubmitted to one of the priests,after which a date will be agreedupon.

Please send me a Managed Giving Authorization Form.

Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, Zip: ________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________

E-Mail: __________________________________________________

Visit our parish Website to sign up for OnlineGiving & begin donating to the parishautomatically. You can even use OnlineGiving to donate for Holy Days specialcollections throughout the year. Utilize theInternet for the good of the parish through thissecure & convenient process.Track parish giving along with your otherfinances by signing up today.Signing up for Online Giving is as easy as…1. Visit our parish Website: www.stthecla.com2. Click on the Online Giving link3. Complete the online registration form If you would like us to set up and manageyour account, please fill out the form below ore-mail Andrea Burleson [email protected] to receive a ManagedGiving Authorization Form.

Please fill out form below or contactParish Office at 586-791-3930

New Parishioner Registration Form

Name: ________________________

Address: ______________________


City: __________________________

Zip: ________________________

Phone: ________________________

E-Mail: _______________________

Please complete and mail or place inthe collection basket.

All parishioners over the age of 18should be registered under their own

name in parish records.


Please call the Parish Office atthe initial stages of illness.In the case of an emergencyplease call the Parish Office.

Rite of Christian Initiation for AdultsFor those 16 & older seekingfull sacramentalparticipation in the RomanCatholic Church, please callJeanine Walker in theFaith Formation Center(586) 792-0550

Parents must be registered& active members of the parishfor at least 3 months prior to thearrangements of their child’sbaptism. Please contact theParish Office prior to the birthof their baby. Birth parents &sponsors are required to attend apreparation class.



St. TheclaPastoral


PastorFr. Douglas Bignall586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

Associate PastorFr. Mark Prill586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

Deacon Tom Houle586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

Visiting PriestsFr. William SinatraFr. James ProfotaFr. Daniel O’Sullivan

Catholic Faith FormationDirectorJeanine Walker586-792-0550 ext. [email protected]

Catholic Faith FormationAdmistrative AssistantDiane [email protected]

School PrincipalLynn Fennell586-791-2170 ext. [email protected]

Assistant PrincipalJennifer Baur586-791-2170 ext. [email protected]

SchoolAdminstrative AssistantLynne [email protected]

Athletic DirectorCammie Kanakry586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

Receptionist/Bulletin EditorSusan [email protected]

Business ManagerDon Kalpin Sr.586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

BookkeeperAndrea Burleson586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

Calendar, LiturgicalMinistries CoordinatorDawn Baron586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

Tuition Coordinator &SchoolAdminstrative AssistantDebbie Maloney586-791-2170 ext. [email protected]

Music DirectorDeborah Frontczak586-791-3930 ext. [email protected]

St. Thecla Catholic Church

20740 S. Nunneley

Clinton Township MI, 48035


St. Thecla Catholic School

20762 S. Nunneley

Clinton Township, MI 48035


Catholic Faith Formation Office

20740 S. Nunneley

Clinton Township, MI 48035


Central Macomb Vicariatecmvic.net/

Lantern Submissions: The deadline for submitting material is no later than 7 days prior to the issue you wish your material to appear. E-mail to: [email protected]

Page 11: February 28th & March 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent ST. THECLA ...

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