Facebook Ergo Sum | Results from a qualitative reasearch using the laddering method

THE SUPERMARKETS present: ergo sum Sara Mamini Jacopo Muto Monica Dell'Orsi Giacomo Capponcelli Federico Caiulo 597732: [email protected] ●●●●●● 598708: 597181: 598819: 601091: Mission: Investigating the reasons behind the facebook usage boom, analysing usersʼ personal motivations Tools: “Clinical Qualitative Research” through “Laddering “ method


Project work developed as part of my BSc degree course in Businesss and Economics We interviewed an heterogeneous sample of nine facebook users to design a clinical qualitative research using the laddering method.

Transcript of Facebook Ergo Sum | Results from a qualitative reasearch using the laddering method

Page 1: Facebook Ergo Sum | Results from a qualitative reasearch using the laddering method


ergo sum

Sara MaminiJacopo Muto

Monica Dell'OrsiGiacomo Capponcelli

Federico Caiulo


[email protected] ●●●●●●





Mission: Investigating the reasons behind the facebook usage boom, analysing usersʼ personal motivationsTools: “Clinical Qualitative Research” through “Laddering “ method

Page 2: Facebook Ergo Sum | Results from a qualitative reasearch using the laddering method

The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Social Media…What?!

● Internet-based applications for social interactions

● They offer consumers a voice and a strong, direct visibility

● Features such as quick communication, spread diffusion and interaction make social media a suitable tool for marketing strategies

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Facebook…Ergo Sum!

● Launched on February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and a bunch of college mates in the dorms of Harvard University

● Social network providing: - personal profile - possibility to add friends - exchange messages - share any type of material

● 750 millions of users (active in July 2011)

● 2 billions of revenue (2010 est.)

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Facebook…Ergo Sum! (2)

● Internet-based applications for social interactions

● They offer consumers a voice and a strong, direct visibility

● Features such as quick communication, spread diffusion and interaction make social media a suitable tool for marketing strategies

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Clinical Qualitative Research: LADDERING

● Laddering is one of the two clinical qualitative research methods which seeks to understand why people buy and use products and services.

● It tries to analyze a more in-depth profiling of the consumer and his/her relationship to product, which often permits to develop a winning positioning strategy

● It is based upon Gutmanʼs Means-End Theory: product attributes produce consequences that produce personal meaning (values) for product users

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

How Did We Work?

● Eterogenous sample: people of different age, sex, social status, political views

● One to one interview, comfortable and friendly environment ● We positioned the candidates as experts and ourserlves as facilitators of the introspective process, in order to obtain the real aim of the facebook utilization

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Filippo Cremonini Age: 14From Bologna, Italy Birthday: 13 NovInterested in: WomenHe Likes: Footbal, The Simpsons, Eminem Friends: 138

About Our Respondents

Chiara Giordani Age: 21From Bologna, Italy Birthday: 6 July 1990Interested in: Women Relationship Satuts: EngagedShe likes: Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Fit Boxe, Desperate HousewivesFriends: 376

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Nicole Saleme Age: 19From Rumieh El Methn Birthday: 27 July Married to: Bahaa BissatStudied at: College Luis WeggamNetwork: American University of BeirutFriends: 631

About Our Respondents (2)

Sara Orsi Age: 21From Rimini, Italy Birthday: 21 June 1990Relationship Satuts: Itʼs Complicated with Lory Strong CorazzaEducation: University of BolognaShe likes: Dior, Tacchi Alti, A&FFriends: 518

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The Supermarkets

Associazione Culturale MudraAddress: Via del Guasto 5/b, BolognaWebsite: www.associazionemudra.itActivities: Natya Yoga, Hardonik, ShiatsuFriends: 796

About Our Respondents (3)

Andrea Tolomelli Age: 37From Argelato Birthday: 15 Jan 1974Relationship Satuts: MarriedEducation: Graduated in Mathematic and Electronic engineering Work as: Mayor of the municipality of Argelato

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

LʼAle Borghi Age: 21Current location: Ibiza Birthday: 23 Aug Relationship Status: EngagedWork as: PR for clubsNetwork: Cocoricò, PachaFriends: 3608

About Our Respondents (4)

Federico Loviso Age: 28From Reggio-Emilia Birthday: 30 MarchRelationship Satuts: Itʼs Complicated with LʼEpifaniaEducation: University of Reggio EmiliaHe likes: Basketball, Scrubs, CSI MiamiFriends: 436

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Final Summary Table:Attributes, Consequences, Value

Partecipants Cat. 5 reasons why you use Facebook Cat. Why is it important? Cat Why it is important?

1 3 publish pictures and photos 16 to let everyone know what I do 25 i am proud of my lifeFemale 8 remember birthdays 17 not to disappoint friends 24 to keep friendships

1 have a profile 16 to be known 24 to increase friendships2 express ideas 19 to reveal my personality 32 to be original7 play virtual games and flash applications 12 to enjoy my self 33 to be happy

2 4 socialization 17 to widen the group of people i meet 31 to be popularFemale 2 chat with friends 17 to keep in contact 24 not to loose them through the years

6 gratis messagges 20 to have immediate dialogues 33 to be spontaneous1 have a personal profile 19 to introduce myself (hobbies, thoughts, etc) 25 to express my perosnality2 funny social network 13 i feel good without stress and effort 27 to be completely relaxed

3 4 talk to friends who live abroad 17 to extend my friendships 24 it is nice to meet new peopleFemale 2 chat with friends 17 friends are the main part of my life 24 friendship is a support

10 have up-to-date information about others' life 19 i take care about them 28 to be partecipant4 popular social network 15 everybody is registered to it 31 to be popular5 receive proposal for events 18 to know what to do in the week end 33 to have fun

4 2 use the chat for chatting with friends 20 it simulates a real communications 28 to feel close each otherMale 2 use group messaging 18 to organize private parties or dates 24 to stay with friends

10 to be updated about events in my city 12 to find something interesting for the week end 33 to enjoy myself6 gratis messaging 14 to save money 27 to do other things2 comment friends' activities and status 21 to be present in friends' life 33 to feel happy

5 10 to learn new thing (articles, news, happenings) 19 to know the reality around me 34 for personal cultureMale 2 use instant messagges 17 to receive direct feedback 29 to save time

7 using flash applications 12 to have good time 33 to enjoy myself3 share data (file and documents) 19 to enrich our knowledge 34 for our culture8 check my appointments 19 not to forget them 28 not to disappoint others

6 10 curiosity to know what facebook is 22 it is important for my job 34 to be updated about new technology and social mediaTown Mayor 8 to update the activities I perform as a Mayor 21 partecipation of my friends at this activity 29 to have an active municipality

10 to be updated about my friends' events 21 to partecipate 33 to have fun2 to keep contact with old friends or people who live abroad 15 to know how their lives are now 24 to feel them closer2 use instant messagging or chat 20 to have a quick communication 27 to save money

7 2 chat with friends 17 to be always in contact 28 affects14 years old boy 7 play virtual games 12 to have fun 33 to have an enjoyable life

11 to relax after school 13 to feel at ease 27 no stress4 create group messagges 18 to arrange dates with friends for studying 30 to organize my life3 share photos made during holidays 16 to show my personal life 29 to share my activities

8 2 to keep contacts 22 to have an help with my job 29 job is my passionAssociation 4 to know new people 22 to enlarge the number of customers 31 to strenghtened the image of my association

5 to share info about events in real time 21 to make my customers immediately updated 26 to have loyal customers3 to share data 19 to introduce myself 31 to promote myself and the association11 to relax after work 13 to have a distraction 27 to recharge

9 9 it helps me with my job 23 to make money 27 to have a comfortable lifePublic Relator 1 it is useful to be popular 17 to know new people 24 to keep relationships

2 to keep contacts with old friends 17 not to loose them 24 to have durable affects10 to check what people do 19 to understand others' habits 34 to be aware about the youg word5 to keep my friends up dated about the events i promote 21 to push them to partecipate 29 to have success in my job

Code Category ATTRIBUTES Number of people % of time cited1 present yourself 3 2,222 communication 13 9,633 sharing data 4 2,964 socialization 5 3,705 promotion of events 3 2,226 free services 2 1,487 games 3 2,228 keep an agenda 3 2,229 advertisment 1 0,7410 notifications to be updated 6 4,4411 leasure services 2 1,48

CONSEQUENCES12 amusement 4 2,9613 rest 3 2,2214 saving money 1 0,7415 curiosity 2 1,4816 hedonism 3 2,2217 relationship 9 6,6718 organization 3 2,2219 knowledge 8 5,9320 immediacy 3 2,2221 partecipation 5 3,7022 job improvement 3 2,2223 enrichment 1 0,74

VALUES24 friendship 9 6,6725 self esteem 2 1,4826 trust 1 0,7427 wellness 6 4,4428 affects 4 2,9629 productivity 5 3,7030 life control 1 0,7431 popularity 4 2,9632 originality 1 0,7433 happyness 8 5,9334 culture 4 2,96

TOT 135 100,00

● Answers can be seen as summary codes

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Hierarchical Value Map










● After the collection of data we have built a Hierarchical Value Map, we have set the cutting off value at 3, avoiding the inclusion of unrelevant results

● Then we underlined the 3 most important linkages which resulted to be:

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Hvm Representation













































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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Supermarketsʼ Interpretation of Results

● Every person interviewed uses Facebook for communication aims. However depending on the age and needs, people use its features with different scopes ● Even if very often Facebook is ciriticized, we were impressed by how many users said that it ebriches knowledge and culture since every user can post whatever he likes, sharing his culture with everyone in his/her network.

● Carrying out this research, we have also noticed that Facebook is considered an efficient tool for what concerns jobs. Useful both for promoting activities and increasing popularity in a free and direct yet quick and very intutive way

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Our Answers

● WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS/ATTRIBUTES MORE FREQUENTLY ASSOCIATED WITH FACEBOOK? They resulted to be the communicative use of it, the advertisement usage in the work field and the usefulness of it to be updated about other lives and events ● WHY INDIVIDUALS USE THIS SOCIAL MEDIA? To communicate rapidly with other people all over the world, to meet virtually new friends, to promote their job and events, to know what other people do and to play with virtual games   ● WHAT IS THE ROLE PLAYED BY FACEBOOK IN THEIR LIVES? Nowadays it plays a relevant role in our lives. People like facebook because using it they can forget their problems or obligations. They can relax chatting with friends, exchanging opinions and promoting their activities sitting on the sofa during their free time

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The Supermarkets

Limitations We Faced: Interviews

● Difficult to obtain seriousness and concentration from our respondents. It took a while for friends and relatives to take it seriously

● Initially we got only superficial answers. Only after having explained the aim of the interview we got more in-depth results

● We faced obstacles in making them aware of the logic behind the laddering method

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The Supermarkets

The Supermarkets

Limitations we faced:HVM Representation

● We made a big effort in order to focus on the linkages between the different levels of the map rather on the elements themselves

● After several “trial&errors” we got to cut off the minor and less frequent results in order to end up with a more concise HMV

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● Do you have any questions Clabers??

Thank You, Danke, Grazie, Xie Xie, Merci The Supermarkets