Faber Ernest Neva 1964 Japan

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Transcript of Faber Ernest Neva 1964 Japan

  • 7/27/2019 Faber Ernest Neva 1964 Japan


    ^ VI

    JULY 196i|. NO. 21

    SEMINARY TEACHERS VISITOur winter evangel ist ic meetingv;as held this past February with Ma |Shimada and Martin Clark of the Osa- Ika Bible Seminary as the Evangel is t . *There was an average attendance of |2$ during the l].-day meeting which be

    en February 20 th ,Miss Yuriko Sugimoto, a fr iend ofmany years , came over from the Sapporo Church o f C hris t to help w ith the music program. Miss Sugimoto i s a 'very accomplished pianis t , 'v;e have had Osaka Seminary gradu- :atee to v i s i t us befo re bu t t h i s was the f i r s t t ime t ha t a r epresen ta t iveof our only Bible t.f

    Col lege i n Japancame t o viait us.Bes ide s 8trengtl>-ing the work heret h e r e was one b apt ism (see nex t co lumn ) and a ls o twog i r l s made t he i rd e c i s i o n s to a t t o i dBible College (seepaf^e 2 ) ,

    We en joyed th ef e l l ov7sh lp wi t h tiieCl a r i e s a s well aslir. S h im a d a , "

    to attend ch i i r c hservicesMiss Hayashi, who is 21^. years -Old#operates here own beauty shop at thehome of her grandmother in Sarabetsu*Sarabetsu is about one hour t ra inr i d e s ou t h o f Obih i r o ,

    Miss Hayashi at tends chuj^ch regularly in spite of the distance,giveswell to the church, and continues tos tu dy c or re spondence cou r s e s .Ju2^ 20; Begin irork on nei'r addition,27-31s DVBS in ObihiroAucust Ii-7: Carq) Sapporo (Evanselist)11-15: Canp in Obihiro

  • 7/27/2019 Faber Ernest Neva 1964 Japan


    May 5 i s a nat iona l hol iday inJapan* It i sClki l -dren*s day. Ont h i s day th e c h i ld r e n like to dospec i a l th ings ,

    This year , asweh a v e a l s o don e inth e pa s t , ve hads p e c i a l ch i l d r e r t eday program a t thechurch . ^0 ch i l dren attended thespec i a l program,

    On March 17 , 27youngs te rs graduated f r om the kia-de rga r t en i n to ftieci ty primaryschoolsA ll k indergart ens i n Japan a repr i va t e l y ownedand o p e r a t e d . Wea re happy to havehad th e oppor tun icy to t e a ch little one s a b o u tChr i s t , As theygo on into thepub l i c s c h oo l s wehope t ha t they retain this influence.

    - T" r-

    F o r t h e firstt i r c e we are s e n din g some one fromhere to Bible coll ege , Hiss ReikoKa t oo made her d ecision to attendBible College during th e evangelistic meet ing .She had a pa r t i nenf luenc ing KissYooko Pu j i i to go.Mis s Katoo becamea Christian lastye a r . Miss P u j i ih a s b e e n a C h r i stian for severalye a r s . Miss Katoo i s the g i r ls t a nd i ng wi th th ebr i de i n th e p ict u r e on page 3*

  • 7/27/2019 Faber Ernest Neva 1964 Japan


    Claude Liklns , summer Evazigellst Church wedding

  • 7/27/2019 Faber Ernest Neva 1964 Japan


    missed our l e t t e r s ,Japan h a s h a dmuch trouble this 0^year. Here onour Hiisland of Hokkai- Pido there have f ibeen 3 large fires i^:| '

    t h i s y e a r , f h e s o 'fires e a c h b u r n e da b o u t 1 0 0 houses.

    day school class'It happened on aSunday morning just one dayafter Daddy had a class there on Satiirday evDo you see the chimney in the centerof the picture on the right? That iswhere Daddy had Sunday School, Thebuilding was burned down. Daddy hasbeen having classes in another building in tovm. But the owner said thathis new building would be ready onJ u l y 1 s t ,

    There was also a l a r g e earthquakein Japan, This happened just l a s tTuesday. I t did a l o t of damage tothe town of Niigata, which i s on thei s l a n d o f Honshu hundreds o f milesfrom h e r e . But s i n c e we saw t h e r es u l t s o f the earthquake on T,V weare frightened by them now. Just likethe Japanese, Today a t 10:30 therewas a strong one r ight here in Obi-h i r o . We were ready to go doors ifit got w o r s e .

    Did you knov; t h a t Donnie had t o goto the h o s p i t a l here i n Japan? Hewas operated on fo r appendici t is onMay 6 t h . I n t h e tojr p i c t u r e you cans e e t h e D o c t o r v;ith t h e n u r s e s o f tiiehospital . This was taicen on the dayh e left.We thought you might l i k e t o seehow we have grovTn so we a r e showingyou o u r p i c t u r e s , t o o . Love,

    Linda, Charles , Allan, and Con.


    Ernetl 0 . a n d N e v a E. F a b e r14 Odor i, Minsmi 21 ChomeOblhiro, Hokkaido, Japan John R Noe, Bo* 173Adel. Iowa