f-origin.hypotheses.org …  · Web viewA former President of the Italian Society for Analytic...

1 MARIO DE CARO CURRICULUM VITAE & LIST OF PUBLICATIONS SYNTHETIC VERSION Mario De Caro is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at in Rome Tre, with habilitation to Full Professorship. Since the year 2000 he has also been teaching at Tufts University (Massachusetts), where he is regularly a Visiting Professor. He spent two years at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a Visiting Graduate Student, and one as a Fulbright Fellow at Harvard University. He held visiting teaching positions at Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana); He was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship (1997-1998), and a “Marco Mondadori Fellowship” at LUISS University (Rome, 1998- 1999). He got two national PRIN grants as Main Investigator of a research-unit and three as a member of a research-unit; an Internationalization Project at Università Roma Tre (2011- 20130); a grant by the Templeton Foundation for a project related to the call “The Science and Philosophy of Self-Control” (2015-2017). The asteroid 5329 DeCaro is named in his honor. He authored several volumes in Italian including: Azione (Il Mulino, 2008), Dal punto di vista dell'interprete (Carocci, 1998), Il libero arbitrio (Laterza, 2015 6 ), Scienza e morale (with M. Marraffa, LUISS University Press, 2016), Realtà (Bollati Boringhieri, in preparazione). He has edited or coedited 20 collections, including Interpretations and Causes: New Perspectives on Donald Davidson’s Philosophy (Kluwer, 1999), Naturalism in Question (Harvard UP, 2004/2008), Cartographies of the Mind. Philosophy and Psychology in Intersection (Springer, 2006), Naturalism and Normativity (Columbia UP, 2010), and three volumes of philosophical papers by Hilary Putnam (all with Harvard UP): Philosophy in an Age of Science: Physics, Mathematics, Skepticism (2012), Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity (2016), and In Dialogue (in preparation). Currently, with two coauthors, he is writing a general history of philosophy with the Italian publisher Laterza. He has written articles in six languages (English, Italian, German, Romanian, Polish, and Spanish), publishing in journals

Transcript of f-origin.hypotheses.org …  · Web viewA former President of the Italian Society for Analytic...





Mario De Caro is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at in Rome Tre, with habilitation to Full Professorship. Since the year 2000 he has also been teaching at Tufts University (Massachusetts), where he is regularly a Visiting Professor.

He spent two years at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a Visiting Graduate Student, and one as a Fulbright Fellow at Harvard University. He held visiting teaching positions at Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana);

He was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship (1997-1998), and a “Marco Mondadori Fellowship” at LUISS University (Rome, 1998-1999). He got two national PRIN grants as Main Investigator of a research-unit and three as a member of a research-unit; an Internationalization Project at Università Roma Tre (2011-20130); a grant by the Templeton Foundation for a project related to the call “The Science and Philosophy of Self-Control” (2015-2017). The asteroid 5329 DeCaro is named in his honor.

He authored several volumes in Italian including: Azione (Il Mulino, 2008), Dal punto di vista dell'interprete (Carocci, 1998), Il libero arbitrio (Laterza, 20156), Scienza e morale (with M. Marraffa, LUISS University Press, 2016), Realtà (Bollati Boringhieri, in preparazione). He has edited or coedited 20 collections, including Interpretations and Causes: New Perspectives on Donald Davidson’s Philosophy (Kluwer, 1999), Naturalism in Question (Harvard UP, 2004/2008), Cartographies of the Mind. Philosophy and Psychology in Intersection (Springer, 2006), Naturalism and Normativity (Columbia UP, 2010), and three volumes of philosophical papers by Hilary Putnam (all with Harvard UP): Philosophy in an Age of Science: Physics, Mathematics, Skepticism (2012), Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity (2016), and In Dialogue (in preparation). Currently, with two coauthors, he is writing a general history of philosophy with the Italian publisher Laterza.

He has written articles in six languages (English, Italian, German, Romanian, Polish, and Spanish), publishing in journals such as The Monist, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Journal of Comparative Neurology, Review of Metaphysics, Philosophical Review, Neuroethics, Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Rivista di Filosofia, Paradigmi, Sistemi intelligenti, Iride, Rivista di estetica, Lingua e stile, Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, Rivista di storia della filosofia, Quaestio, Giornale italiano di psicologia, Etica & politica, Phenomenology and Mind, Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, Physis, Epistemologia, Filosofia e psicologia,

He is Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Philosophical Association (Cambridge University Press), and a member of the editorial boards of several Italian and international journals, including Rivista di estetica, Paradigmi, Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, Colloquium Philosophicum, Anthropologica, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, Democrazia e sicurezza, Philosophical Inquiries, Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, Review of Contemporary Philosophy, Análisis: revista de investigación filosófica, Analysis and Metaphysics, and Acta Philosophica. He is the coeditor of the series “Nuovo realismo” (Mimesis editore) and a member of the Scientific committee of the series of books “Categories” (Olms).

A former President of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (2010-2012), presently he is the Vice-president of the Consulta Nazionale di Filosofia (which groups all Italian academic philosophers). He is a member of the American Philosophical Association and he has been a member of its “Committee on Academic Career Opportunities and Placement” (2010-2013). He is a member of the steering committees of the Italian Association for Moral Philosophy; the Rome Division of the Italian Society of Philosophy; the Italian Association for Cognitive Science; and the Italian Association of Neuroethics and Philosophy of Neurosciences. He has also been a member of the Steering Committee and the Secretary of Italian Society for Political Philosophy. He is the coordinator of the Roman section of the Laboratory of Ontology (LabOnt).

At Università Roma Tre he has been an elective member of the Board of Directors of Università Roma Tre (2002-2010) and presently is the Delegate of the President for the relationship with the student body and the coordinator of the program for the formation of the philosophy and history high school teachers.

He has been a consultant of the Fulbright Commission, of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, of the Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior del Portogallo and of the Research Foundation of Flanders.

He has been a referee for Harvard University Press, Columbia University Press, Routledge, Palgrave, Bloomsbury, Acumen Publisher (UK), Laterza, Carocci, Fazi e Meltermi (Italy), for the journals Synthese, Philosophia, Philosophical Papers, Philosophical Explorations, Journal of Cognitive Science, Topoi, Journal of Mind and Society, Paradigmi, Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, Rivista di estetica, Rivista di filosofia, and Sistemi intelligenti.

He contributes regularly to the cultural pages of the daily national newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, and has written for the cultural sections of The London Times, La Repubblica, La Stampa and Il Manifesto. He is one of the hosts of the three series of the television show Zettel, dedicated to philosophy and broadcasted by RAI (the Italian national public service broadcaster) (2012-2015).

He has been invited to teach courses in Poland, Switzerland, and the United States, and has given talks in the United States, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Croatia, Serbia, Czeck Republic, Austria, Italy, and the Vatican. The institutions where he has given talks include Oxford University, Institute Jean Nicod (École Normale Supérieure, Paris), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS Paris, Paris IV-Sorbonne, Harvard University, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, University of Notre Dame, Tufts University, Boston College, University of Massachusetts (at Amherst), Case Western University, Indiana University (at Bloomington), University of New Hampshire, College of the Holy Cross, Bonn, Heidelberg, Bamberg, Bern, Genéve, Lugano, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and more than 50 Italian universities.

He has been a member of dissertation committees at Columbia University, Paris IV - Sorbonne, Universidad de Valencia, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Geneva, Lugano, Genova, LUISS (Roma), Roma “Tor Vergata”, Firenze, Macerata, Padova, Pavia, Sassari, Siena, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, Università di Siena, Università di Aquila, Università Statale di Pisa.

He has given commencement speeches at Scuola Normale di Pisa (2011) and Accademia Cattolica di Brescia (2014). He has been invited to be give a lecture at the Italian Parliament (2015). He has been teaching at the Scuola di Studi Superiori of Università di Torino since 2011.

His main interests concern moral and political philosophy, the perspectives of philosophical naturalism, the free-will and responsibility controversy, theory of action, neuroethics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of film, and history of early modern philosophy.


Date of birth: September 17, 1963

Birthplace: Rome

Home address: via Antonio Gallonio 9, 00161, Rome, Italy.

University address: (1) Dept. of Philosophy, University of Roma Tre, via Ostiense 234, 00144, Roma, Italy; (2) Philosophy Dept., Miner Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA, 02155 USA

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Office phone numbers: xx39-06-535-77554

Cellular phone : xx39-338-382-2502; 1 617 785 7714

Fax: xx39-06-545-77340


PhD: PhD in Philosophy, University of Roma “La Sapienza,” 1996 (dissertation dedicated to Donald Davidson’s theory of interpretation).

1994-95 and 1995-1996: Visiting Graduate Student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA).

Laurea (First degree): in Philosophy, summa cum laude, University of Roma “La Sapienza,” 1990.

High school degrees: High School of Science 60/60) (1982)

High School of Education (grade: 60/60) (1983)

Specialization schools

July 5-9,1993,Bolzano:SummerSchoolinthePhilosophyofScience, Mitteleuropean Institute of Culture.

October 28 – November 11, 1991, Trieste: II International School of Philosophy of Science, International Center for Theoretical Physics.

Academic Positions

2006- : Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy, Università Roma Tre, with habilitation to Full professorship (expected promotion: Spring 2016). Course taught: Moral Philosophy, Neuroethics, Ethics of Communication, Ethics and Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind, Theory of Action.

2001-2006: Tenured Lecturer in Political Philosophy, Università Roma Tre (tenured position). Courses taught: Social Philosophy, Theory of Action, Political Philosophy.

Other academic positions in Italy

2013- : Visiting teaching Professor at LUISS University Rome PhD program in Political Philosophy. Course taught: “Topics in the epistemology of the social sciences” (each academic year).

2012 - : Visiting teaching Professor at University of Turin, School of Advanced Studies. Course on “The determinants of choice” (each academic year).

1998-2001: Adjunct Professor of Logic at University of L‟Aquila.

1997-99: Post-doctoral position at University of Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Filosofia.

1994-2003, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the Rome Program of Saint Mary‟s College, Notre Dame (Indiana).

Appointments in the United States

2012-2013 (Fall term): Visiting Professor (courses taught: “The Making of the Modern” and “Mind and Philosophical naturalism from Hume to Putnam”).

2000–2015 (Summer terms): Visiting Lecturer, then Visiting Professor at Tufts University Philosophy Department, (Medford, MA) (courses taught: “Ethics and Global Citizenship”, “History of Modern Philosophy”, “Introduction to Philosophy”, “Mind and Language”, “Philosophy and Film”, “Foundations of Law and Ethics”).

1998 (Spring Term): Visiting Lecturer in Philosophy at Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame (IN). Course taught: “Introduction to Philosophy” and “Free Will and Responsibility”:

1997-98: Fulbright Fellow at Harvard University, Philosophy Department (Cambridge, MA).

Appointments in other countries

February-March 2015: two intensive courses (“Philosophy of Responsibility”, “Philosophy and Science”) taught at the Institutes of Philosophy and of Ecology and Bioethics at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warsaw, Poland.

September 2014: Intensive course on Philosophy and Neuroscience, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Theology, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano (Switzerland).

2010- : Teaching Visiting Professor for the Erasmus Program at the Universities of Warwick and Madrid Autónoma.

Areas of specialization

Moral philosophy, theory of action (with a particular interest in philosophical naturalism and the free will problem), philosophy of mind, metaphilosophy, neuroethics, early modern philosophy (in particular, Renaissance, Machiavelli, and Galileo), philosophy of film.

Supervisor of dissertations in other universities

Member of dissertation committees at Columbia University, Paris IV - Sorbonne, Universidad de Valencia, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Geneva, Lugano, Genova, LUISS (Roma), Roma “Tor Vergata”, Firenze, Macerata, Padova, Pavia, Sassari, Siena, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, Università di Siena, Università di Aquila, Università Statale di Pisa.

Fellowships, grants, and honors

2015-2017: Grant of the Templeton Foundation for a project related to the call “The Science and Philosophy of Self-Control” (2015-2017) (with Marcel Brass, University of Ghent, Belgium).

2009-2011; 2013-2015: Two national PRIN grants as the Main Investigator of a research-unit.

2000-2009: Three national PRIN grants as a member of a research-unit.

2011-2013: Winner of grant for a High-level Internationalization Project at Università Roma Tre (2011-2013).

2006: The asteroid 5329 (discovered in 1989) is named “Asteroid DeCaro” in his honor.

1998-1999: Marco Mondadori Fellowship, from Fondazione Marco Mondadori and CERSDU – LUISS University.

1997-1998: Fulbright Fellowship at Harvard University.

Editorial activities

He is Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Philosophical Association (Cambridge University Press), and a member of the editorial boards of several Italian and international journals, Rivista di estetica, Paradigmi, Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, Colloquium Philosophicum, Anthropologica, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia, Democrazia e sicurezza, Philosophical Inquiries, Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, Review of Contemporary Philosophy, Análisis: revista de investigación filosófica, Analysis and Metaphysics, and Acta Philosophica. He is the coeditor of the series “Nuovo realismo” (Mimesis editore) and a member of the Scientific committee of the series of books “Categories” (Olms).

He has been a referee for Harvard University Press, Columbia University Press, Routledge, Palgrave, Bloomsbury, Acumen Publisher (UK), Laterza, Carocci, Fazi e Meltermi (Italy), for the journals Synthese, Philosophical Papers, Philosophical Explorations, Journal of Cognitive Science, Philosophia, Topoi, Journal of Mind and Society, Paradigmi, Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, Rivista di estetica, Rivista di filosofia, and Sistemi intelligenti.

Media activities

Coauthor and host of four series (80 installments) of the TV show Zettel, dedicated to philosophy, produced and broadcasted by RAI (the Italian national public television) (2012-215).

Regular contributor to the cultural section of the daily national newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore.

Contributor to The Times (London), La Repubblica, La Stampa, and Il Manifesto.

Interviewed by Rai 1 and Rai Education (Italian national public tv), Radio1 and Radio3 (Italian national public radios), Swiss National Radio, Radio 24 National Network, the daily newspapers Avvenire, Il Piccolo, L’eco di Bergamo, Liberazione, and the news website Affari Italiani.

Other Professional Positions and Activities

2015 - Member of the committee of the National Department of Education for the program “Prevention of gender and discrimination violence”.

2014- : Vicepresident of the Consulta Italiana di Filosofia

2013 - : Member of the Steering Committee of the Roman chapter of the Società Filosofica Italiana.

2010-2012: President of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy, SIFA; member of that society since 1992; member of the Executive Committee and Secretary (2002-2004); Vicepresident, 2008-2010. The society has about 600 members

2009 - : Delegate of the President of Università Roma Tre for the relationship with the student body.

2008: Member of the Steering committee of the Consulta filosofica.

2002-2010: Member of the Boards of Directors at Università Roma Tre.

2002-2004: Secretary of the Italian Society for Political Philosophy (2002-2004)

2000 - : Member, Italian Society of Philosophy (SFI)

2001-2007; 2010- member of the Executive Committee of the Rome Division of the Italian Society of Philosophy.

200 9- : Member of the American Philosophical Association.

2010-2013: Member of the Committee on Accademic Career Opportunities and Placement of the American Philosophical Association, APA.

2010- : Member of the Executive Committee of the Consulta Italiana di Filosofia.

2013 - : Member of the founding committee of the Italy Society of Neuroethics and Philosophy of Neurosciences

2013 - : Italian Society of Philosophy

2013 - : Member of the Steering Committee of the Italian Association for Cognitive Science (AISC)

2012: Member of the Fulbright Alumni Chapter of the association “Amerigo - International Cultural Exchanges Programs Alumni Association”

Consultant of the Italy Fulbright Commission.

Member of the committee for the evaluation of the Portuguese research programs in philosophy (Ministry of Science, Technology and Academic Education) (2011)

Peer reviewer of the “Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council” of Canada and “Research Foundation Flanders” (FWO, Belgium).


Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent).

Ability to read Latin, French, Spanish; some ability to read Russian.


Literature, film, art, classical and jazz music, bridge.




a. Volumes in English

1) Editor of the volume of essays by Hilary Putnam, In Dialogue, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), in preparation.

2) Editor a special issue of The Monist, dedicated to “Collective Responsibility” (with E. Kelly), in preparation.

3) Editor of the volume of essays by Hilary Putnam, Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA), forthcoming March 1, 2016.

4) Editor of a special issue of The Monist, dedicated to “New Realism” (with M. Ferraris), Spring 2015.

5) Editor of a special issue of Methode dedicated to the free will issue (with S. Bonicalzi, with interviews to Balaguer, Berofsky, Campbell, Clarke, Dennett, Fischer, Haji, Horgan, Kane, Kapitan, McKenna, Mele, Michon, Moya, Nahmias, Nelkin, Pink, Roskies, Russell, Sartorio, Smilansky, Steward, Strawson, Swinburne, van Inwagen, Vargas, Vihvelin, Walter), 2014.

6) Editor of the volume of essays by Hilary Putnam, Philosophy in the Age of Science( with D. Macarthur), Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA) 2012 [Italian translation 2014].

7) Editor of The Architecture of Reason. Epistemology, Agency, and Science (with R. Egidi), Carocci, Rome 2010.

8) Editor of Naturalism and Normativity (with D. Macarthur), Columbia University Press, New York, 2010 (essays by A. Bilgrami, M. De Caro, H. Dreyfus, E. Kelly, D. Macarthur, P. Menzies, H. Price, H. Putnam, R. Rorty, C. Rovane, T. Scanlon, G. Smith, S. White).

9) Editor of Cartographies of the Mind. Philosophy and Psychology in Intersection, Springer, Dordrecht 2007 (with F. Ferretti and M. Marraffa, essays by: T. Bayne, R. Cordeschi e M. Frixione, M. De Caro, M. Di Francesco, D. Giarretta e P. Cherubini, E. Gola, S. Gozzano, C. DeLancey, F. Ferretti, G. Jervis, R. Kennedy e G. Graham, A. Kostko e J. Bickle, F. Macpherson, M. Marraffa, C. Meini, A. Mele, Eddy Nahmias, A. Paternoster, G. Piccinini, J. Sutton, S.L. White, T. Zalla) (.

10) Editor of Naturalism in Question (with David Macarthur), Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass., May 2004 (second edition 2008) (essays by: A. Bilgrami, S. Cavell, D. Davidson, M. De Caro, J. McDowell, J. Dupré, J. Hornsby, E. Kelly, D. Macarthur, H. Price, H. Putnam, C. Rovane, B. Stroud, S. White, M. Williams). [Italian translation 2006].

11) Editor of Interpretations and Causes. New Perspectives on Donald Davidson’s Philosophy, Synthese Library (vol. 285), Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1999 (essays by: Donald Davidson, Akeel Bilgrami, Martia Cavell, Mario De Caro, Raffaella Di Rosa, Rosaria Egidi, Simone Gozzano, Paolo Leonardi, Ernest Lepore, Peter Ludlow, Sandro Nannini, Eva Picardi, Antonio Rainone, Ted Warfield, Neil Tennant

b. Volumes in Italian

b.1. Volumes authored

i. Academic volumes

1) Realtà [“Reality”], Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, forthcoming in 2016.

2) Etica e scienze cognitive [“Ethics and Cognitive Science”] (with M. Marraffa), LUISS University Press, Roma, forthcoming in 2016.

3) Azione [“Action”], Il Mulino, Bologna 2008.

4) Il libero arbitrio. Un’introduzione [“Free Will. An Introduction”], Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004; second edition 2006; third edition 2009; fourth edition 2011; fifth edition 2014; sixth edition 2015).

5) Dal punto di vista dell’interprete. Il pensiero di Donald Davidson [“From the Interpreter’s Point of View. Donald Davidson‟s Thought”], Carocci, Roma 1998.

6) Interpretazioni e cause [“Interpretations and Causes”], Doctoral dissertation, Università di Roma.

ii. Non-academic volumes

1) Storia della filosofia: dall’antichità ad oggi (“History of philosophy: from Antiquity to today”), with A. Conti e S. Velotti (Roma-Bari, Laterza, in preparation).

2) Che cosa vuol dire essere liberi? [What does it mean to be free?] (ebook, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2015).

3) Biografie convergenti. 20 ircocervi filosofici (Mimesis, Milano 2015).

4) Le stelle di Talete: le domande della filosofia (with M. Marraffa), (Roma-Bari, Laterza 2002).

b. 2.Volumes edited in Italian

1) Editor (with M. Marraffa) of a special issue of Teoria, dedicated to “Ethics and Cognitive Science”.

2) Editor (with M. Mori - E. Spinelli) of Libero arbitrio. Storia di una controversia filosofica, Carocci, Roma, 2014.

3) Editor (with A. Lavazza – G. Sartori) of Quanto siamo responsabili? Filosofia, neuroscienze e società, Codice, Torino, 2013.

4) Editor (with M. Marraffa) of La filosofia di Ernesto De Martino, special issue of Paradigmi, 31, 2013.

5) Editor (with L. Illetterati) of a special issue of Verifiche on “Classical German Philosophy. New Research Perspectives between Analytic Philosophy and the Pragmatist Tradition”, 46, 2013.

6) Editor (with S. Gozzano) of a special issue of Rivista di filosofia on “The philosophy of consciousness,” 104, 2013.

7) Editor (with A. Lavazza) of a special issue dedicated to “Neuroetica e neuroscienza” of Rivista internazionale di filosofia e psicologia, 4, 2013.

8) Editor (with M. Ferraris) of Bentornata realtà. Il nuovo realismo in discussione, Einaudi, Torino, 2012.

9) Editor (with S. Poggi), La filosofia analitica e le altre tradizioni, Carocci, Roma, 2011.

10) Guest editor, Naturalismo, special issue of Rivista di Estetica, 44, 2010 (with C. Barbero and A. Voltolini).

11) Editor of Siamo davvero liberi? Le neuroscienze e il mistero del libero arbitrio, Codice, Torino 2010 (second edition 2010; third edition 2011) (with A. Lavazza and G. Sartori).

12) Guest editor of E’ naturale essere naturalisti?, special issue of Etica e politica, 9, 2010 (with C. Barbero - A. Voltolini).

13) Editor of Scetticismo. Storia di una vicenda filosofia, Carocci, Roma 2007 (second edition 2007; third edition, 2008) (with E. Spinelli).

14) Editor of La mente e la natura, Fazi, Roma 2005 (Italian version of Naturalism in Question) (with D. Macarthur).

15) Editor of the Italian version of H. Putnam, The Fact/Value Dicothomy, Fazi, Roma, 2004.

16) Editor of Normatività, fatti, valori, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2003 (essays by G.H. von Wright, J. Hornsby, R. Fogelin, et alii) (with Rosaria Egidi and Massimo Dell’Utri).

17) Editor of Logica della libertà [“The Logic of Freedom”], Meltemi, Roma, 2002 (contains the Italian translation of essays by A. Ayer, R. Chisholm, P.F. Strawson, P. van Inwagen, H. Frankfurt).

18) Guest editor of “Libertà e Determinismo” [“Freedom and Determinism”], special issue of Paradigmi, 3, 1999.


a. In English

1) “Quantum Mechanics and Free Will” (with H. Putnam), in preparation.

2) “Utilitarianism and Retributivism” in The Italian Law Journal, forthcoming.

3) “Debunking the Pyramidal Mind: A Plea for Sinergy between Reason and Emotion”, Journal of Comparative Neurology (Impact factor: 3.508), published online: August 25, 2015 DOI: 10.1002/cne.23870; paper version forthcoming.

4) “Putnam’s Liberal Naturalism,” in M. Frauchige (ed.), Themes from Putnam (Berlin: Ontos Verlag), forthcoming.

5) “Davidson and Putnam on the Antinomy of Freedom”, Hilary Putnam’s Philosophy (Proceedings of the 2011 Harvard/Brandeis Conference in Honor of Hilary Putnam), Oxford University Press, Oxford, forthcoming.

6) “On Galileo’s Platonism, again”, in J. Agassi, D. Drozdova D. Pisano, (eds.), Hypotheses and Perspectives within History and Philosophy of Science. Hommage to Alexandre Koyré 1964-2014, Springer, Dordrecht, forthcoming.

7) “The View from Outside: On a Distinctively Cinematic Achievement” (with E. Terrone), Philosophy and Social Criticism, online version: http://psc.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/06/08/0191453715588993.abstract; paper version forthcoming.

8) “Bacon against Descartes. Emotions, Rationality, Defenses” (with M. Marraffa), in G. De Anna and R. Martinelli (eds.), Moral Realism and Political Decisions. Practical Rationality in Contemporary Public Contexts, University of Bamberg Press, Bamberg 2015, pp. 63-80.

9) “Free Will and Retribution Today” (with M. Marraffa), Ethics in Progress, 5 (2), 2014, pp. 5-20

10) “Medicine and Philosophy: back to Antiquity,” editorial for the Annali Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 51 (2), 2015, 89.

11) “Realism, Common Sense, and Science”, The Monist, 2015, pp. 197-214.

12) Entries “Liberal Naturalism” (with D. Macarthur), “Italian Philosophy” and “Renaissance Philosophy” (with S. Poggi), revision of the entry “Hilary Putnam” (with D. Anderson) in R. Audi (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 20153.

13) “Tolerance: Too Little or Too Much? On Robert Audi’s Democratic Authority and the Separation of Church and State”, Philosophy and Public Issues (New Series), 3, (2), 2013), pp. 67-88.

14) “Davidson and Putnam on the antinomy of freedom,” in A. Berger (ed.), Proceedings to: Philosophy in an Age of Science. A Conference in Honor of Hilary Putnam, Oxford University Press, Oxford, forthcoming.

15) “Free Will as an Illusion: Ethical and Epistemological Consequences of an Alleged Revolutionary Truth, “Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 3, 12, 2014, pp. 40-50.

16) “The View from Outside On a Distinctively Cinematic Achievement” (with E. Terrone), Philosophy and Social Criticism, Philosophy and Social Criticism (on line), 2015.

17) Entries “Liberal Naturalism”, “Italian Philosophy” and “Renaissance Philosophy” (with S. Poggi) and revision of the entry “Hilary Putnam” for R. Audi (ed.), Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 3rd ed., forthcoming.

18) “In the Offing? Neuroscience and the Solution of the Free Will Problem”, Philosophical Inquiries, 1, 2013, pp. 93-106.

19) “Naturalism, mysterianism and the agential concepts”, in G. De Anna (ed.), Willing the Good, Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2013, pp. 244-254.

20) “Is Moral Emotivism Supported by Evolutionary Psychology?,” in J.J. Sanguineti (ed.), Moral Cognition and Behavior Philosophical and Neuroscientific Approach, If Press, Morolo 2011, pp. 95-10

21) “The Short Happy Life of the Swampman: Davidson and Social Externalism,” in C. Amoretti - G. Preyer (eds.), Triangulation: From an Epistemological Point of View, Ontos, Frankfurt, 2011, pp. 179-196.

22) “Hilary Putnam: Artisanal Polymath of Philosophy,” introduction to Hilary Putnam, Philosophy in an Age of Science, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA) forthcoming (with D. Macarthur).

23) “Determinism, Moral Responsibility and Punishment in the Age of Cognitive Science” in De Caro - Egidi (a cura di), The Architecture of Reason, 2011, pp. 173-188 (with M. Marraffa).

24) “Emergence and Naturalism,” in A. Corradini - T. O‟Connor (eds.), Emergence in Science and Philosophy, Routledge, London, 2010, pp. 190- 211.

25) “Science, Naturalism and the Problem of Normativity,” introduction to M. De Caro - D. Macarthur (eds.), Normativity and Naturalism, Columbia University Press, New York, 2011, pp. 1-19 (with D. Macarthur).

26) “Is Liberal Naturalism Possible?,” in De Caro - Macarthur (ed.), Naturalism and Normativity, 2011, pp. 69-86 (with A. Voltolini).

27) “Varieties of Naturalism,” in G. Bealer - R. Koons (eds.), Waining of Materialism, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, pp. 365-374.

28) “Beyond Scientism,” in R. Calcaterra (ed.), Pragmatism and Analytic Philosophy, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2011, pp. 21-34.

29) “Not So Fast. On Some Bold Neuroscientific Claims concerning Human Agency,” Neuroethics, 3, 2010, pp. 23-41 (with A. Lavazza).

30) “Bellarmino‟s Revenge,” Boundary 2, 37, 1, 2010, pp. 1-22 (with T. Pievani).

31) “Skepticism and Naturalism,” Iris, 2, 2009, pp. 161-170.

32) “Mental Maps and the Varieties of Spatial Imagination,” in P.A. Brandt - C. Carstensen (eds.), The Map is not the Territory, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, Esbjerg (Denmark) 2008, pp. 162-166 (with S.L. White).

33) “The Normative Dimension of Thought and Action: Alan Millar on Interpersonal Understanding,” Philosophy of Mind Review (SWIF) (http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/mind/swifpmr.htm), 2007.

34) “The Claims of Naturalism,” in C. Penco, M. Beaney, M. Vignolo (eds.), Explaining the Mental Naturalist and Non-Naturalist Approaches to Mental Acts and Processes, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle, 2007, pp. 222-237.

35) “How to deal with the free will issue: The roles of conceptual analysis and empirical science,” in M. Marraffa - M. De Caro - F. Ferretti (eds.), Cartographies of the Mind, 2007, pp. 255-268.

36) “Is anomalous monism a suitable theory of freedom?,” in F. Castellani - J. Quitterer (eds.), Agency and causation in the human sciences, Mentis Verlag, Paderborn 2006, pp. 141-152.

37) “Is Freedom Really a Mystery?,” in De Caro - Macarthur (ed.), Naturalism in Question, 2004, pp. 188-200.

38) “Naturalism: Beyond a Philosophical Orthodoxy,” in De Caro - Macarthur (ed.), Naturalism in Question, 2004, pp. 1-17 (with D. Macarthur).

39) “Von Wright on the Mind-Body Problem,” in R. Egidi (ed.), In Search of a New Humanism. The Philosophy of George Henrik von Wright, Kluwer Publisher, Dordrecht, 1999, pp. 123-130.

40) “Davidson in Focus,” in M. De Caro (ed.), Interpretations and Causes, 1999, pp. 1-29.

41) “Galileo‟s Mathematical Platonism,” in G. Czermak (ed.), Philosophy of Mathematics,Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1992, p. 1-9 (other essays by D. Dummett, M. Detlefsen, I. Grattan-Guinness, S. Feferman, N. Cartwright et al.).

42) “The Problem of Discrimination of Science and Art in Kuhn‟s and Feyerabend‟s Philosophies of Science,” Philosophy and Natural Sciences: Borderline Questions,Reports of the 13th Wittgenstein Symposium, Hoelder- Pichler-Tempsky, Wien 1989, pp. 121-125.

b. In German

1) “Zwei Formen des Realismus”, in M. Gabriel (herausgegeben von), Die neuen Realismus, Suhrkamp, forthcoming.

2) “Der Blick der Eurydike,” Hermann-Hesse-Jahrbuch, 4, 2007, pp. 164-172.

c. In Romanian

1) “Cum să analizezi problema liberului arbitru: rolyrile analizei conceptuale şi ale ştiinţelor empirice,” Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 5(2), 2006, pp. 75-94 (in Romanian, translation by Gorge Lăzăroiou).

d. In Spanish

1) “Música, lenguaje y filosofía,” Itamar, 3, 2010, pp. 103-112.

e. In Polish

1)“Realism and liberal naturalism” [Polish translation], forthcoming.

f. Articles in Italian

1) “Utilitarismo e retributivismo in Cesare Beccaria”, in Antigone Quadrimestrale di critica del sistema penale e penitenziario, 2015, forthcoming.

2) “Il ritorno del libero arbitrio”, Rivista teologica di Lugano, 2015, forthcoming.

3) “Libertà”, IX Appendice della Grande Encicolopedia Treccani, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, forthcoming.

4) “Realismo”, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, IX Appendice della Grande Encicolopedia Treccani, forthcoming.

5) “L’avvento dei marsupiali. Nuovo realismo e naturalismo liberalizzato”, in L. Messinese (a cura di), Per un realismo integrale, forthcoming.

6) “Realismo e naturalismo”, in F. Coniglione (a cura di), La domanda civile di filosofia. Atti del 38° Convegno 2013 della Società Filosofica Italiana, Bonanno editore, Catania, 2015, pp. 30-44.

7) “Postfazione” al “Focus” sulla filosofia dell’oggettualità, Lebenswelt, 5, 2014, pp. 120-123.

8) “La novità del nuovo realismo”, ECPS Journal, 9, 2014, pp. 51-62.

9) “Introduzione” to a special issue on theories of consciousness, Rivista di Filosofia (with S. Gozzano), 104, 2013, pp. 361-366.

10) “Analisi concettuale e scienza: il dibattito contemporaneo sul libero arbitrio”, in M. De Caro, M. Mori, E. Spinelli (a cura di), Libero arbitrio. Storia di una controversia filosofica, Carocci, Roma 2014, pp. 365-379.

11) “Il problema filosofico della responsabilità”, in M. De Caro – A. Lavazza – G. Sartori, Quanto siamo responsabili? Filosofia, neuroscienze e società, Codice, Torino 2013, pp. 25-38.

12) “Presentazione” of the special issue of Paradigmi (25, 2013) dedicato a La filosofia di Ernesto De Martino, pp. 4-7.

13) “Machiavelli e Lucrezio”, postface to A. Brown, Machiavelli e Lucrezio. Fortuna e libertà nella Firenze del Rinascimento, Carocci, Roma, 2013, pp. 113-126.

14) “Metafisica e naturalismo: una entente cordiale?”, Sistemi intelligenti, 25, 2013, pp. 84-94.

15) “Galileo e il platonismo fisico-matematico”, in R. Chiaradonna (ed), Il platonismo e le scienze, Carocci, Roma 2012, pp. 119-138.

16) “Introduzione” (with R. Chiaradonna) to R. Chiaradonna (ed.), Il platonismo e le scienze, Carocci, Roma 2012, pp. 13-21.

17) “Naturalismo nel mirino: ma quale intendiamo?”, Vita e pensiero, 94, 2011, pp. 84-88.

18) Autonomia della filosofia e neuroscienze,” Rivista di Filosofia, 102, 2011, pp. 278-283.

19) “Libero arbitrio e neuroscienze,” in A. Lavazza, G. Sartori (a cura di), Neuroetica, Il Mulino, Bologna 2011, pp. 69-83

20) “Filosofia della mente,” in Dizionario della mente Treccani, Istituto dell‟Enciclopedia Italiana Italiana, Roma 2010, pp. 391-394.

21) “Neuro-mania e naturalismo” (commento, su invito, all‟articolo target di Cristiano Castelfranchi e Fabio Paglieri) (con A. Lavazza), Giornale italiano di psicologia, 2, 2009, pp. 319-323.

22) “Il migliore dei naturalismi possibili Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, XI, 2009, 2, pp. 179−191 (with A. Voltolini).

23) “Psicologia, intenzionalità, scopi: un punto di vista filosofico,” (invited commentary to a target article by C. Castelfranchi and F. Paglieri), Giornale italiano di psicologia, 35, 2008, pp. 785-789.

24) “Libertà e responsabilità morale,” in Enciclopedia del Terzo Millenio, Istituto dell‟Enciclopedia Italiana, Roma 2009, pp. 151-159.

25) “Le neuroscienze cognitive e l'enigma del libero arbitrio,” in M. Di Francesco – M. Marraffa (a cura di), Il soggetto. Scienze della mente e natura dell’io, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2009, pp.147-165.

26) “Neuroetica e libero arbitrio,” in S. Bacin (a cura di), Etiche antiche e moderne, Il Mulino, Bologna 2010, pp. 101-118.

27) Introduction to the Italian translation of John Dupré, Human Nature and the Limits of Science, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2007 (with Telmo Pievani).

28) “Temi scotistici nella discussione contemporanea sul libero arbitrio,” Quaestio, 8, 2008, pp. 25-37.

29) “Gazzaniga, Hauser e la fallacia dei cromosomi morali,” Micromega (“Almanacco di scienze”) 2, 2007, pp. 143-149.

30) “Filosofia, musica e ascolto,” Rivista di storia della filosofia, n. 1, 2007, pp. 69-73.

31) “Il ritorno dello scientismo,” in M. Failla (a cura di) “Bene navigavi”. Studi in onore di Franco Bianco, Quodlibet, Macerata 2006, pp. 69-74.

32) “Il naturalismo scientifico contemporaneo: caratteri e problemi,” in P. Costa - F. Michelini (eds.), Natura senza fine, EDB, Bologna 2006, pp. 85-95.

33) Causazione mentale e pluralismo,” Iride, 18, 2005, pp. 623-629 (with Massimo Marraffa).

34) “Due concetti di libero arbitrio,” in R. Calcaterra (ed.), Le ragioni del conoscere e dell’agire. Scritti in onore di Rosaria Egidi, Franco Angeli, Milano 2006, pp. 258-266.

35) “Scienza e libertà: due comuni fraintendimenti, SISSA NEWS, October 2005.

36) “Quattro tesi su filosofia e scienza,” Sistemi intelligenti, 18, n. 2, 2005, 203- 211.

37) “Frankfurt, Harry Gordon” (vol. 5 p. 4464), “Teoria dell‟azione” (vol. 2, pp. 987-989), “Scetticismo moderno e contemporaneo” (vol. 10, pp. 10115- 10119), in Enciclopedia filosofica di Gallarate, Bompiani, Milano 2006

38) “Nozick, Strawson e l‟illusione della libertà,” in G. Pellegrino - I. Salvatore (eds.), Nozick. Identità personale, libertà e realismo morale, LUISS University Press, Roma 2007, pp. 25-52.

39) “Questioni metafisiche: Dio e la libertà,” in A. Coliva (ed.), Filosofia analitica. Temi e problemi, Carocci, Roma 2007, pp. 403-440 (with G. De Anna).

40) “Davidson sulla libertà umana,” Iride, 17, 2004, pp. 347-355.

41) “L'inscindibilità di fatti e valori in etica, in economia e nelle scienze naturali,” introduction to Fatto valore. Fine di una dicotomia (Italian translation of H. Putnam, The Fact/Value Dicothomy), Fazi, Roma 2004, pp. vii-xxi.

42) “Naturalismo e scetticismo: il caso del libero arbitrio,” in R. Lanfredini (ed.), Il problema mente-corpo, Guerini, Milano, 2003, 141-153.

43) “Responsabilità e scetticismo” in Egidi - Dell‟Utri - De Caro (eds.), Normatività, fatti, valori, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2002, pp. 31-39.

44) “Olismo e interpretazione radicale,” in M. Dell‟Utri (a cura di), Olismo, Quodlibet, Macerata 2002, pp. 17-36.

45) “Il naturalismo fisicalistico: un dogma filosofico?,” in P. Parrini (ed.), Conoscenza e cognizione, Guerini, Milano 2002, pp. 179-193.

46) “Teorie dell‟interpretazione e criteri di correttezza,” in C. Montaleone (ed.), Parole fuorilegge. L’idiotismo linguistico tra filosofia e letteratura, Cortina, Milano 2002, pp. 49-72.

47) “Libertà,” Paradigmi, 58, 2002, pp. 67-84

48) “Forme dello scetticismo e interpretazione,” Fenomenologia e società, 24, 2001, pp. 31-42.

49) “Contro la centralità delle regole: l‟esternalismo di Donald Davidson,” in Atti della Società Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, Novecento, Palermo, 2000, pp. 73-83.

50) Suipresuppostisocialidellaresponsabilità,«Filosofiaequestioni pubbliche,” 5, 2000, 183-203.

51) “Per un connessionismo non eliminazionista,” Sistemi Intelligenti, 11, April 1999, pp. 145-151.

52) “Varianti dell‟olismo. Aspetti della teoria analitica della traduzione,” Colloquium Philosophicum, 1999, pp. 69-84.

53) “Libertà metafisica e responsabilità morale,” Paradigmi, 51, 1999, pp. 519-546.

54) “Presentazione,” Paradigmi, 51, 1999, pp. 453-456.

55) “Determinismo e filosofia della mente contemporanea,” in M. Cini (ed.), Caso, necessità, libertà, Cuen, Napoli 1998, pp. 167-195.

56) “Monismo anomalo ed epifenomenismo,” Il Cannocchiale, II, 1997, pp. 255- 267.

57) “Il lungo viaggio di Hilary Putnam,” Lingua e Stile, XXXI, 1996, 4, pp. 527- 545.

58) “Epistemologia e interpretazione: l‟esternalismo di Donald Davidson,” Rivista di filosofia, LXXXVII, 1996, pp. 315-341.

59) “Il platonismo di Galileo,” Rivista di filosofia, LXXXVII, 1996, pp. 25-40.

60) “La discriminazione tra la scienza e l'arte: un problema per il relativismo epistemico,” Paradigmi, XII, 1994, pp. 533-560.


1) Review of L.R. Baker, Naturalism and the first-person perspective, Philosophical Review, 124, 1, 2015, pp. 156-158.

2) Review of R.A. Auxier and L.E. Hahn (eds.), The Philosophy of R. Rorty, in Review of Metaphysics, 66, 2, 2012, pp. 353-354.

3) Review of Christopher Norris, Re-Thinking the Cogito: Naturalism, Rationalism and the Venture of Thought, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, http://ndpr.nd.edu/news/27611-re-thinking-the-cogito-naturalism-rationalism-and-the-venture-of-thought/.

4) Review of J. Ritchie, Understanding Naturalism, in International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 19 (4), 527–531.

5) Review of S. Nannini, Naturalismo cognitivo. Per una teoria materialistica della mente, in Iride, 21, 2008, pp. 505-507.

6) Review of L. Fonnesu, Storia dell'etica contemporanea. Da Kant alla filosofia analitica, in Iride, 20, 2007, pp. 257-258.

7) Review of A. Massarenti, Il lancio del nano e altri esercizi di filosofia minima, in Bollettino della Società filosofica italiana, January-April 2007, pp. 100-101.

8) Review of M. Dell‟Utri, L’inganno assurdo, in Epistemologia, 29, 2006, pp. 512-514.

9) Review of Carlo Montaleone, Don Chisciotte o la logica della follia, in Bollettino della Società filosofica italiana, May-August 2006, pp. 91-93.

10) Review of Mario Ricciardi - Corrado Del Bo‟ (a cura di), Pluralismo e libertà fondamentali, in Iride, 2006, pp. 456-457.

11) Review of Giacomo Marramao, Minima temporalia, Iride, in Iride, 47, 2006, pp. 214-216.

12) Review of Donald Davidson, Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective, in Iride, 17, 2004, pp. 436-437.

13) Review of Massimo Marraffa, Filosofia e psicologia, in Epistemologia, 29, 2006, pp. 461-463.

14) Review of Nicla Vassallo, Teoria della conoscenza, in Epistemologia, 26, 2006, pp. 484-486.

15) “Wittgenstein su mente e linguaggio” [Review of R. Egidi (ed.) Wittgenstein: Mind and Language], in Rivista di filosofia, 1998, pp. 155-158.

16) Review of Mark Pickering (ed.), Science as Practice and Culture, in Archives Internationales d’Histoire Des Sciences, 1995, pp. 169-171.

17) Review of Marc De Mey, The Cognitive Paradigm. An Integrated Understanding of Scientific Development, in Archives Internationales d’Histoire Des Sciences, 1995, p. 189.

18) Review of M. Dell‟Utri, Le vie del realismo. Verità, linguaggio e conoscenza in Hilary Putnam, in Physis, XXX, 1993, pp. 578-580.

19) “Il naturalismo filosofico di Willard Van Orman Quine” [review of: W.V.O. Quine, La scienza e i dati di senso, Roma 1987], Tempo presente, 124, 1993, pp. 78-90.

20) “Scienza e relativismo: un ossimoro?” [review of: R. Egidi (ed.), La svolta relativistica nell'epistemologia contemporanea, Milano 1988], Tempo presente, 1989, pp. 103-105.

21) “E' ancora possibile una storiografia dell'arte ?” [review of: H. Belting, La fine della storia dell'arte o la libertà dell'arte, Torino 1990], Tempo presente, 109-111, 1990, pp. 88-90.

Lectures and talks in conferences

a. Outside Italy

1) December 5-6 2015, Harvard University (Mass.), Department of Classics. International conference: “Italian Renaissance and the Creation of a Literary Tradition”. Lecture on “Was Galileo a Platonist?”.

2) December, Tufts University (Mass.), Institute for Global Leadership. Lecture on: “European perspectives on cooperation” (with L. McPherson).

3) December 1 2015. Oxford University, Corpus Christi College. Invited lecture on: “Liberal Naturalism and Pluralistic Realism”.

4) November 19-20, 2015. University of Belgrad (Serbia). International conference: “How to Act Together: From Collective Engagement to Protest”. Invited lecture on: “Action and Freedom”

5) March 19, 2015. Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick (UK). Invited lecture: “On Galileo's Platonism, again”.

6) January 28, 2015. Paris (France), Université de Paris IV –Sorbonne. Invited lecture on “Machiavelli’s Political Determinism”.

7) May 20, 2104. Oxford (UK), Oxford University, Queen’s College. Invited lecture on “Liberal Naturalism and Free Will”.

8) March 12, 2014. Université de Genève. Faculté de médecine, Laboratoire de Neuro/Sciences Humaines. Invited lecture on "Inné/Acquis".

9) February 21, 2014. University of New Hampshire (Durham, New Hampshire, USA). Invited lecture on “Dualistic views of freedom and the scientific view of the world”.

10) February 20, 2014. College of the Holy Cross (Worchester, Massachusetts, USA), Invited lecture on “Dualistic views of freedom and the scientific view of the world”.

11) February 4, 2014. Bookstore “Libreria Assaggi”. Talk on “Responsibility and Neuroscience”.

12) December 5, 2013. Lisbon (Portugal). “Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and Tasks”. International Conference. Invited for a Symposium on “New Realism: Ontology and Epistemology”.

13) November 19-22, 2013: University of Bamberg (Germany). Conference: “Moral realism and political decisions: A new framework of practical rationality for contemporary multicultural Europe”. Invited speaker. Lecture: “Realism and Ethics”.

14) November 20-21, 2013. Università Lateranense, Vatican City. Conference : “Per un realismo integrale. A partire da Jacuqe Maritain”. Invited speaker. Lecture: “For a new realism”.

15) August 23, 2013. Dartmouth College (NH), Annual meeting of the Northern New England Philosophical Association (NEEPA). Talk on “Liberal vs. Non-Liberal Naturalism”.

16) November 26, 2012: University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Invited lecture on: “The Feasibility of Liberal Naturalism”

17) November 15, 2012: Boston College. Invited lecture on: “Galileo’s Platonism. When Science Divorced Common Sense”.

18) October 18, 2012: Colby College (Maine, USA). Lecture on: “Perspectives of New Compatibilism”.

19) October 12, 2012: Tufts University (Medford, Massachusetts, USA), Philosophy Department. Conference on: “Free will and Responsibility”. Paper on: “The double perspectives approaches to free will”.

20) September 21 settembre 2012: Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). Conferenza su: “Varieties of Naturalism”.

21) September 20, 2012: Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). Invited lecture on: “On Galileo’s Platonism again”.

22) June 21-22, 2012: University of Bern (Switzerland). International conference on Hilary Putnam philosophy. Invited speaker. Paper: “Putnamian naturalism”.

23) March 26-28, 2012: University of Bonn (Germany). International conference on philosophical realism. Paper: “The necessity of realism”.

24) May 23 maggio 2012: Università di Belgrado, Dipartimento di filosofia. Conferenza su: “Putnam on Realism and Naturalism”.

25) December 8-10, 2011: Paris, Collège International de Philosophie. Invited speaker at the international conference “Naturalismes et rationalités en situation. Raison et nature du XVIIIe au XXIe siècle. Paper on “Naturalism as Metaphilosophy”.

26) November 1, 2011: New York, Italian Institute of Culture. Invited speaker (together with Hilary Putnam) at the conference “On the Ashes of Postmodernism”.

27) May 31 - June 3, 2011: Harvard University (Cambridge, MA). Invited speaker at the conference "Philosophy in the Age of Science: A Conference in Honor of Hilary Putnam's 85th Birthday”; paper: “Putnam‟s Ethics”.

28) February 22, 2011: Locarno (Switzerland), Centro Leoni (Series of lectures: “Orizzonti filosofici”). Invited paper on: “Empiricism and Naturalism”.

29) December 30, 2010: Boston (USA). Eastern Conference of the American Philosophical Association. Invited paper at the session on “Perspectives of liberal naturalism”.

30) November 26-27 2009: Madrid, Universidad Autónoma. Conference on Self-Knowledge and Agency: relatore invitato. Paper on: “Agency, Naturalism and Reinchantment". November 25, 2009: Madrid, Universidad Autónoma. Talk on “Neuroethics and free will: Some reflections”.

31) August 3, 2009: Princeton University. Second Philosophy Summer Workshop on Quine and Davidson (organized by G. Harman e E. Lepore). Key speaker. Paper: “Davidson and Naturalism”.

32) July 31, 2009: Dartmouth College. Invited speaker. Paper: “Davidson and Naturalism”. April 24-25, 2009: Vatican, Università Pontificia della Santa Croce. Conference on “Ethicsand neuroscience”. Invited speaker. Paper. “The naturalization of free will”. January 22-23, 2008: Madrid, Universidad Autónoma, II Workshop on Mind & Language: invited speaker. Paper “On the Very Idea of Naturalizing Freedom”.

33) January 25-26, 2008: Madrid, Universidad Autonoma, XIV Italian-Spanish Meeting in Analytic Philosophy, commentator of Luis Fernandez.

34) September 13-15, 2007: Indiana University at Bloomington (Indiana), “Conference on Agency and Responsibility. Perspectives from Metaphysics, Ethics and the Emerging Sciences of Brain and Behavior”. Invited commentator of R. Jay Wallace‟s paper.

35) April 7 - 9, 2005: University of Notre Dame, Conference on “The Good and The Right” (in Robert Audi’s honor). Discussant of Robert Audi.

36) December 16-17, 2004: University of Heidelberg (Germany), Workshop on “Italian and German Philosophy” (invited speaker). Paper: “An abductive argument for freedom”.

37) August 4, 2003, Medford (MA). Lecuture: “Skepticism and certainty”. Tufts Summer Writing Program (invited lecturer).

38) May 17, 2003: Prague (Czech Republic). Paper: “Naturalisms and Human Nature”.

39) Conference on Philosophy and Social Science, Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University (speaker at the workshop on “The Nature of the Human”).

40) August 7, 2002, Medford (MA): “What is Philosophy?”. Tufts Summer Writing Program (invited speaker).

41) August 16-23, 1992, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria). Paper on “Galileo‟s Philosophy of Mathematics”. Conference: Philosophy of Mathematics, XV Wittgenstein Symposium (speaker).

42) October 18-24, 1988, Kirchberg-am-Wechsel (Austria). Paper on “Kuhn and Feyerabend on the Discrimination Problem”. Conference: Philosophy and Natural Science: Borderline Questions, XIII Wittgenstein Symposium (speaker).

b) In Italy

i. Academic lectures and conferences

1) January 12, 2016. Rome, Università Roma Tre. “Seminario di Storia delle idee” (organizer).

2) October 26-27, 2015. Roma, Università Roma Tre. International Conference on “Intentionality and Reality in the Austrian-German Philosophical Tradition (organizer).

3) November 6, 2015. Rome, Università Roma Tre. International workshop on “Philosophy and Metaphilosophy”. Organizer and speaker (paper: “Naturalism as Metaphilosophy”).

4) September 15-17, 2015. Matera, Università della Basilicata. Final international conference of the research project “Realism and Objectivity”. Invited speaker with a paper: “Naturalism and Realism”.

5) March 31, 2015. Rome, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. Debate with Carlo Cellucci on “Cos’è il naturalismo?” [What is Naturalism?”]

6) March 28, 2015. Cassino, Conference of the Italian Society of Neuroethics and Philosophy of Neuroscience. Invited talk on “Homo faber, homo moralis, homo oeconomicus”.

7) March 17, 2015, Rome, Università Roma Tre. Conference on “Reductionism and Anti-reductionism on Agency” (organizer).

8) March 10, 2015. Rome, Università Roma Tre. Workshop on “Animal Morality” (organizer).

9) January 15, 2015. Parma, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Univerisità di Parma. Invited lecture on “Libertà e scienza: la terza antinomia oggi” [Freedom and Science: The Third Antinomy Today].

10) January 14, 2015. Roma, Università Roma Tre. Presentation of the volume Libero arbitrio. Storia di una controversia filosofica [Free Will. History of a philosophical discussion] (with M. Mori, C. Natali, E. Spinelli).

11) January 12 and 22, 2015. Rome, Università degli Studi Sociali. Two invited lectures for all the PhD programs on “The Philosophy of Social Sciences”.

12) November 17, 2014. Rome, Università Roma Tre, Department of Philosophy. Workshop “New Perspectives on the Philosophy of Frege” (organizer).

13) November 12-13, 2014. Rome, CNR. International meeting of the Foresight S&T Project. Invited participant.

14) October 29-30, 2014. Roma, Faculty of Law, Università Roma Tre. Conference for the 250th anniversary of the publication of Cesare Beccaria’s Dei delitti e delle pene. Invited speaker on “Retributivismo e utilitarismo in Beccaria” [Retributivism and utilitarianism in Beccaria].

15) September 27-28, 2014. Loyola University Rome Program. Conference “Power, Perception, and Agency”, commentator of John Heil.

16) September 22, 2014. Trieste, SISSA. Invited lecture on “Free will and compulsions”.

17) September 19, 2014. University of Messina. Invited speaker at the ESSP Conference of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology. Talk on “Cognitive Science and Common Sense”.

18) September 3-5, 2014. L’Aquila, Università di L’Aquila, Conference of the Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica. Member of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator of a panel.

19) September 2, 2014. Modena, Fondazione San Carlo. XXIII National Conference of the PhD Programs in Philosophy. Coordinator of the sessions on Ethics and Logic in contemporary Philosophy.

20) April 10, 2014. Rome, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Workshop on “Libertà e dipendenza”. Speaker on “Dependencies and free will”.

21) March 11, 2014. Milan, Faculty of Philosophy, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Conference “Evoluzione, cervello e morale”. Invited lecture on “Free will, Responsibility, and Cognitive Science”.

22) March 3, 2014. Università di Macerata. Workshop “Ontology, Mind, and Free Will. A Workshop in Memory of E.J. Lowe”, invited talk on “Positive Views of Free Will: Conceptual vs. Metaphysical Formulations”.

23) January 25, 2014. Rome, Centro Italiano di Ricerche Fenomenologiche (CIRF). Participant in a roundtable on “Ragione pratica e libertà” [Practical reason and freedom].

24) January 13, 2014. Roma, Università Roma Tre. Workshop on “Realismo e ontologia” (speaker and organizer).

25) November 20-21, 2013. Università Lateranense, Roma. Convegno: “Per un realismo integrale. A partire da Jacuqe Maritain”. Relatore invitato. Paper: “Le tesi fondamentali del “nuovo realismo”.

26) September 2-4, 2013. Modena, Fondazione San Carlo. National Conference of the Philosophy PhD Students. Invited coordinator of a session on Logic and ethics and speaker at a roundtable on “Philosophy as a Humanistic Discipline”.

27) June 13, 2013. Università Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Filosofia. International workshop on “The Renaissance of Epicureiniasm in Renaissance Florence”. Organizer and speaker on “Machiavelli and Libertarian Free Will”.

28) June 7, 2013. Università Roma Tre, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione. Convegno “ECPS, Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies, III Seminario Internazionale di Studi – ‘New Realism e Ricerca Educativa’”. Invited speaker su “Il ritorno del realismo filosofico”.

29) June 3-6, 2013. New York University (in Villa “La Pietra”, Firenze.) International meeting. Invited discussant.

30) May 27-28, 2013. Rome, Università Roma Tre. International conference on “New Perspectives on realism and antirealism”. Organizer, chair, and discussant.

31) May 17, 2013. Università di Bergamo. International conference on “Freedom: Reality or Illusion?”. Invited speaker on “Is Freedom is an Illusion”. Ì

32) May 16, 2013. Università di Milano. Invited speaker. Talk on “Realism, science, and common sense”.

33) May 15, 2013. Università di L’Aquila. Invited speaker. Talk on “Freedom and Neuroscience”.

34) May 8, 2013. Università di Padova. International Conference on Neuroethics. Invited speaker, debate with J. Bickle on “Forms of Naturalism”.

35) April 16, 2013. Università Roma Tre, Facoltà di Scienze della formazione. Conference on “Realism in science and aesthetics”. Invited speaker. Talk on “Scientific realism and the inference to the best explanation”.

36) April 15, 2013. Università di Ferrara. Invited speaker. Talk on “Il realismo etico oggi”.

37) March 14, 2013. Università di Bari. Invited talk on “Il platonismo di Galileo: una vexata quaestio?”.

38) March 15, 2013. Università di Bari. Invited talk on “Il duplice volto del realismo”.

39) February 26, 2013. Università di Padova. Workshop on “Hegel’s philosophy of action”. Invited speaker. Talk: “Quante on Hegel and Davidson”.

40) February 19, 2013: Università San Raffaele, Milano. Conference on “Il nuovo realismo”. Invited speaker. Talk: “Nuovo realismo e scienza”.

41) June 14, 2012: Università di Milano. Workshop on Contemporary ethics. Invited speaker on “Naturalism and Normativity”.

42) May 25, 2012: Università Roma Tre. Conference: “Ernesto De Martino filosofo”. Organizer.

43) May 11, 2012: American University (Rome Program), “What is the issue of free will?”. Invited speaker.

44) May 9-10, 2012: Padova, Dept. of Psychology. International Conference on “Neuroethics”. Invited speaker on: “Free will and the scientific view of the world”.

45) February, 25, 2012: Università Roma Tre. Workshop on “Moral and Legal Responsibility” (with E. Kelly, D. Pereboom, C. Bagnoli, and C. Michon). Organizer.

46) May 26, 2011: Università Roma Tre. Workshop “Hegel and Analityc Philosophy”. Organizer. May 18-20, 2011, Università di Siena. Conference on “Is the Mind Naturalizable?”. Invited speaker.

47) May 4-6, 2011: Università di Padova. Conference “Neuroethics and the Other Disciplines”. Invited paper on: “Neuroethics: Perspectives of a New Science”.

48) April 14, 2011: Università di Firenze. Workshop on “Ethics and Human Nature”. Invited paper on: “Metaethics and Naturalism”.

49) March 10, 2011: Università di Siena. Workshop on philosophy of mind. Invited relation on: “Agents and natural entities”.

50) March 4-5, 2011: Università di Sassari. Conference: “The Other. Lost in Translation 2”. Invited paper on: “We do we have to treat the others morally?”.

51) February 24, 2011: Trento, Foundation “Bruno Kessler”. Conference: “Varieties of Determinism: Science and Free Will”. Invited paper on: “Science and Free Will”.

52) December 22, 2010, Roma “La Sapienza,” workshop on “Personal Identity,” discussant.

53) December 16-17, 2010: Scuola di Studi Superiori, Università di Torino. Two invited lectures on: “Free will and intentionality”.

54) November 15, 2010: Università Statale di Milano. Invited lecture on: “Free will: a brief history of a philosophical concept”.

55) November 11, 2010: Università LUMSA di Roma. Invited lectur on: “Neuroscience and theory of punishment”.

56) May 28-29, 2010: Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. Workshop “On Quine”. Member of the Scientific Committee.

57) May 16-19 maggio, 2010: Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. Conference “Logic and Knowledge”. Paper on “What can the neurosciences tell us about freedom and morality?”.

58) May 7, 2010: Università di Padova. Conference on “Neuroethics”. Paper on “Neuroscience and Normativity”.

59) April 28, 2010: Università Vita – Salute San Raffaele, Milano. Paper on “Naturalism and Normativity”.

60) January 11-12, 20010: Università di Torino, Workshop Monument.doc. Labont Workshop XI. Paper: "Why social objects are not only physical".

61) December 10, 2009: Università di Napoli L‟Orientale. Paper on “Free will and Neuroscience”.

62) September 30, 2009: Università della Basilicata. Conference on : “Analytic Philosophy and Naturalism”. Paper: “Naturalism and Normativity”.

63) May 29, 2009: Firenze, Dipartimento di Filosofia. Workshop on “Naturalism and antinaturalism”. Invited speker. Paper on “Normativity and naturalism”.

64) March 18, 2009: Istituto Banfi (Reggio Emilia). Invited speaker on “Scetticismo e realismo” (“Skepticism and realism”).

65) February 27, 2009: Università Roma Tre. Workshop on: “Topics in History of Analytic Philosophy” (organizer and speaker).

66) February 5-6, 2009: Università di Padova. Conference on “Neuroiethics”. Invited speaker. Paper: “Naturalization of the mind and free will”.

67) November 13, 2008: Roma (Università “Tor Vergata”). Workshop on “Scienza e valori” (“Science and value”). Paper on: “Valori in un mondo di fatti” (“Values in a world of facts”).

68) November 3-4, 2008: Roma (Università Roma Tre). Workshop organized by the philosophy dept. of Roma Tre, Madrid Universidad Autónoma and Warwick, on Action, Mind, and Language: Conceptual Analyses and Empirical Results. Organizer and commentator of Matt Soteriu.

69) October 7, 2008: Trento (Fondazione “Bruno Kessler”). Workshop with John Dupré. Invited commentator.

70) September 26, 2008: Bergamo. National conference of the “Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica” on “Ontology, Mind and Language”. Paper: “Is liberal Naturalism Too Natural?” (with Alberto Voltolini).

71) June 11, 2008: SUM (Scuola superiore di scienze umane, Firenze): Workshop of the “Convegno del Coordinamento nazionale sui dottorati di ricerca” (National committee of the Phd programs in Philosophy). Speaker in the section on Moral Philosophy.

72) May 14-15, 2008: Scuola Normale di Pisa. Workshop on “Ancient and Modern Ethics”: invited speaker. Paper: “Etica e naturalismo” (“Ethics and naturalism”).

73) December 10, 2007: Siena, “Università per Stranieri”: talk on “Relativismo e multiculturalità” [“Relativism and multiculturalism”].

74) December 6-7, 2007: Rome, University Roma Tre - ISTC-CNR. Co-organizer and chari of the conference “Consciousness in the Cognitive Sciences”.

75) November 15-17 2007: University of Padua, “Life and the human phenomenon” (workshop held in Portogruaro). Invited speaker with the paper “Self-determination and Laws of Nature”.

76) November 6, 2007: Rome, Università Roma Tre. Organizer and speaker of the conference “Hilary Putnam‟s Philosophy”.

77) June 19-21, 2007: Milano, Università Cattolica. Conference on “Emergence in Science and Philosophy”. Paper on “Emergence and Naturalism”. Invited speaker.

78) June 6 - 8 2007: Messina, Conference on “The Language of the Cognitive Sciences” (invited speaker).

79) May 31 - June 1, 2007: Università Roma Tre. Italian – Spanish Meeting in Analytic Philosophy. Organizer and chairman.

80) May 24-26 2007: Genoa, International conference: “Knowledge, Interpretation, and Language. On the Philosophy of Donald Davidson”. Invited speaker.

81) May 18-19, 2007: Università di Salerno, Conference on “Psychologism and antypsychologism in the investigation of human nature”. Paper: “A criticism of evolutionary psychology”. Invited speaker.

82) April 17, 2007: Rome, Italian Philosophical Society (Roman Section). Lecture on “Freedom and Power”.

83) April 13-14, 2007: Siena, Conference on “Autonomy and Reflectivity”. Invited coordinator. March 20, 2007: Roma Tre University. Conference on Gianni Vattimo’s Philosophy . Paper: “Vattimo and Rorty on Truth”. Invited speaker.

84) March 2007: 5 lectures on “Topics in Contemporary Philosophy” for the PhD in Political Philosophy at “LUISS – Guido Carli University”.

85) March 8, 2007: Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore. Lecture on “The Metaphysical Basis of Ethics”.

86) January 21, 2007: Rome Auditorium, Festival of Science, Science and Morality. The Limits of Life (with J. Harris and E. Lecaldano).

87) December 1, 2006: Rome, Facoltà di Scienze, Università Roma Tre. Lecture (for the series of seminars on “Science, History and Stories”) on “Theological criticisms of the theory of evolution”.

88) November 29, 2006: Siena, Dept. of Philosophy and Social Sciences. Lecture on “Naturalism in Question: Science, Philosophy and Freedom”.

89) October 21, 2006: CNR, Roma. Boundaries of Actions. Organizer (with C. Castelfranchi) and commentator.

90) October 20, 2006. Università Roma Tre. Workshop “Theoretical and Practical Reason”; organizer and commentator of Robert Audi.

91) September 27, 2006: Università “Vita-Salute San Raffaele” (Cesano Maderno, Milano), VII Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy, Conceptual Analysis vs. Empirical Investigation: the Case of the Free Will Issue. Speaker.

92) June 6, 2006: Università della Calabria, Conference of Italian Association of Philosophy of Mind. Commentator of the main speaker, Tim Crane.

93) May 16, 2006: participant in the debate on “Semiotics and Phenomenology of the Self,” Roma, Società Italiana di Filosofia.

94) May 10, 2006: University of L‟Aquila. Lecture on “Free Will and Causal Determinism”. March 31 – April 1, 2006: Ravenna Scienza, “Neurobiology of Free Will: Is Our Will Free?”. Invited speaker. Paper: “The Philosophical Mystery of Free Will”.

95) January 22, 2006: Roma, Auditorium “Parco della Musica,” Festival of Science. Lecture on: “Gödel Theorems and Free will” (with Rebecca Goldstein).

96) December 2, 2005: University “Ca’ Foscari,” Venice. International Conference, “Donald Davidson: Language - Meaning - Mind - Action”; invited speaker. Paper: “Freedom and Inference to the Best Explanation”.

97) November 17 2005: Sassari, Sassari Association of Philosophy and Science. Lecture on “Freedom and Science”.

98) October 27 – 28, 2005: “Vita – Salute “San Raffaele” University, Cesano Maderno (Milano), First Meeting of the Italian Association of Philosophy of Mind; organizer and chairperson. October 19-21, 2005: University of Genoa, International conference, “Mental Processes”. Discussant of Jennifer Hornsby-

99) September 29-30, 2005: SISSA, Trieste. Conference “Neurophysiology and Free Will”; invited speaker. Paper: “Etica e libero arbitrio”.

100) June 9-11, 2005: University of Trento, International Conference, “Agency and Causation in the Human Sciences”. Invited speaker (paper: “Freedom and the Social Sciences”).

101) June 1, 2005: “Vita e Salute - San Raffaele” University, Milano. International Conference, “A Day for Freedom? An International Conference on Free Will”. Discussant di Christopher Hughes.

102) May 12, 2005: University of Florence, International Conference “Philosophy, Neurophysiology and Free will” (invited speaker). Paper: “On the compatibility of philosophy and science”.

103) March 21 - 22 2005: Istituto di studi americani, Roma, International Conference, “Pragmatism and Analytic Philosophy: Differences and Interactions” (invited speaker). Paper: “Beyond Scientific Naturalism”.

104) January 31 – February 2, 2005: University of Piemonte Orientale, Department of Humanistic Studies. Three lectures on Freedom and Nature.

105) November 26, 2004: University of Florence - Department of Philosophy. Lecture on The Concept of Naturalism.

106) November 16, 2005: University of Pavia – Giason del Maino College. Lecture on The Contemporary Debate on Free Will.

107) November 15, 2004: University “Vita e Salute – San Raffaele”, Milano. Lecture on Freedom and Nature.

108) October 22-23, 2004: University of Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli, Department of Humanistic Studies, conference on “Scientists and Philosophers and the Study of Complex Systems”.

109) September 23-25: Genova, VI International Conference of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy (member of the scientific committee).

110) May 11-12, 2004, Rome, Università Roma Tre. International Symposium "Questions on Naturalism" (Organizer and discussant).

111) November 7, 2003, Rome. Paper: “Davidson on Human Freedom”. Conference on Donald Davidson, Department of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre (speaker and organizer).

112) November 6, 2003, Rome. Discussant of Akeel Bilgrami. Workshop at LUISS University.

113) September 29, 2003, Florence. Paper: “Metaphysical Libertarianism”. Conference on Robert Nozick‟s philosophy, Department at the University of Florence (speaker).

114) September 15, 2003, Sassari. Lecture on “Logica e retorica” [Logic and Rhetoric].

115) Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Sassari (invited lecturer). May 7, 2003, Siena. Paper on “Naturalism and Freedom”. Workshop on The FreeWill problem. Department of Philosophy, Università di Siena (invited speaker).

116) May 5, 2003, Sassari. Workshop on Skepticism and the Reemergence and the Self,” Department of Philosophy, Università di Sassari, (discussant).

117) October 12, 2002, Messina. Paper on “Naturalism and Intentionality”. Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Language (speaker).

118) May 14, 2002, Cosenza. Lecture: Memoria e identità [Memory and Identity]. Department of Philosophy, Università di Cosenza.

119) May 6, 2002, Florence. Paper: “Freedom and Moral Responsibility: Mysteries or Illusions?”. Department of Philosophy, University of Florence (invited speaker).

120) February 5, 2002, Rome. Paper on Il fondamento filosofico dei diritti umani [The Philosophical Foundation of Human Rights]. Conference “The Question of Human Rights Today,” Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (speaker).

121) January 16, 2002, Pavia. Lecture on Responsabilità e causalità: critiche a Strawson e Frankfurt [“Responsability and Causality: Some Criticisms of Strawson and Frankfurt”]. Department of Philosophy, Università di Pavia (invited speaker).

122) October 30, 2001, Cosenza. Lecture on “Ragioni e cause” [“Reasons and causes”], Department of Philosophy, Università della Calabria (invited speaker).

123) May 27, 2001, Padua. Lecture on “Freedom and Naturalism”, Department of Philosophy, Università di Padova (invited speaker).

124) May 8, 2001, Milan. Paper on “Interpretations and Criteria of Correctness”. Conference: Interpretation and Correcteness, Università Statale di Milano (invited speaker).

125) May 7, 2001, Bologna. Paper on Causality and Naturalism. Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy, Università di Bologna (invited speaker).

126) April 10, 2001, Rome. Paper on Forms of Causation. Annual Meeting of the Italian Society of Philosophy, Università Roma Tre (speaker).

127) October 5, 2000, Siena. Paper on What P.F. Strawson Hasn’t Proved. Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy (spekaker)

128) May 25-26, 2000, Rome. Paper on “Freedom and the Self”. Conference: The Nature of the Self, between Philosophy and Psychology, Università Roma Tre (speaker).

129) April 16, 2000, Rome. Paper on “Van Inwagen‟s Consequence Argument”.Workshop: Freedom and Necessity, Università Roma Tre(organizer and speaker).

130) December 21, 1999, Rome. Paper on “Davidson on the Conceptual Schemes”. Workshop: Talking with Donald Davidson, Università Roma Tre (organizer and speaker).

131) December 20, 1999, Rome. Speaker with D. Donald Davidson at the presentation of the book M. De Caro (ed.), Interpretations and Causes. New Perspectives on Donald Davidson’s Philosophy, Università Roma Tre (speaker).

132) October, 28-30 1999, Rome. Paper on “Against an Alleged Refutation of Kripke‟s Skeptical Argument”. Conference: Facts and Norms, IV National Conference of the Italian Society of Analitic Philosophy, Università Roma Tre (speaker).

133) October 14-16, 1999, Palermo. Paper on “Davidson on Following a Rule”. Conference: The Linguistic Rule. Conference of the Italian Society of Philosophy of Language (invited speaker).

134) April 16-17, 1999, Rome. Paper on Is Libertarianism About Free Will Scientifically Acceptable?. Conference: Determinism and Freedom, Università Roma Tre (organizer and speaker).

135) September 23-26, 1998, Bologna. Paper on “The Roots of Epistemic Skepticism”. Conference: Science, Philosophy, and Common Sense, III National Conference of the Italian Society of Analitic Philosophy, Bologna (speaker).

136) February 27, 1997, Rome. Lecture on Freedom and Necessity. Seminar of the Interdipartimental Reasearch Center on Scientific Methodology (invited speaker).

137) October 17-19, 1996, Rome. Paper on “G.H. von Wright on the Mind-Body Problem”. ConferenceThe Study of Mankind in George Henrik von Wright, Università Roma Tre (speaker).

138) December 5-6, 1994, Rome. Paper on “Davidson on Holism and Semantic Externalism”. Conference: Perspectives on Holism, CNR Roma (organizer and speaker).

139) October 24-26, 1994, Rome. Paper on “Galileo‟s method”. Conference: Philosophies of Nature from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century, Università Roma “La Sapienza” (speaker).

140) April 2, 1993, Rome. Paper on “Davidson on skepticism”. Conference Donald Davidson’s philosophy, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (speaker and organizer).

141) January 7-10 1993, Lucca. Paper on Logic and Philosophy of Science: Problems and Perspectives. Triennal Meeting of Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science (speaker) .

142) November 30, 1991, Rome. Paper on “Perspectives of Realism”. Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (speaker).

143) November 20-22, 1989, Rome. Paper on “Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Mind”. Conference: Wittgenstein on Mind and Language, Università Roma Tre (speaker).

b. Public lectures

1) January 16, 2015. Parma, Associazione La Polis. Invited lecture on “Quale giustizia nell’età delle neuroscienze?” [Which justice in the age of neuroscience?].

2) November 15, 2014. Milan, Bookcity. Invited speaker at the panel on “Come smettere di esistere e cominciare a vivere” [How to stop existing and start living].

3) October 1, 2014. Brescia, Accademia Cattolica. Opening lecture of the academic year. Title: “Il rinato naturalismo nella cultura contemporanea” [The return of naturalism in contemporary culture].

4) March 6, 2014. Roma, Associazione 50&Più – Confcommercio. Invited lecture on “Siamo davvero liberi? Il problema del libero arbitrio nella cultura contemporanea” [Are We Really Free? The Problem of Free Will in Contemporary Culture].

5) February 7-8, 2014. Rome, Center for Advanced Military Studies. Two invited lectures on “Communication and media ethics” and “Relativism or objectivity of values?”.

6) January 29, 2014. Turin, Circolo dei Lettori. Participant in a roundtable on “Questioni di responsabilità” [Matters of Responsibility].

7) January 21-23 2014. Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa. Lecturer at the XV Scuola di Formazione di Aqui Terme on "Coscienza e libertà, tra morale e politica" [Conscience and Freedom, between ethics and politics”].

8) January 18, 2014. Firenze, Fondazione Stensen. Lecture on “Freedom and constraints.

9) October 31-November 2, 2013, XXXVIII Conference of Società Filosofica Italiana, Invited speaker on “Realismo e naturalismo”.

10) October 22, 2013. Genova. Festival della Scienza. Panel on “Responsibility on Neuroscience”.

11) October 8, 2013. Torino, Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri della provincia di Torino. Convegno “Medicina e realtà”. Relatore invitato. Paper: “Medicina e realismo”.

12) September 5-6, 2013. Ariano Irpino, Centro Biogem. Meetin of the Two Cultures. Speaker on a session on “Self-consciousness between physics and metaphysics”.

13) June 20, 2013. Rivoli, Dipartimento di Educazione. “Dialoghi di Estetica III: L’arte tra emozione e azione”. Partecipante alla tavola rotonda su: “Empatia, emozioni e arte”.

14) November 1, 2010: Festival della Scienza (Genova). Invited speaker at the session on free will and neuroscience (with A. Lavazza, A. Roskies. G. Sartori). December, 5, 2011: Torino, Fondazione Rosselli. Workshop “Nuovo realismo: una discussione aperta”. Invited speaker. Talk: “The relevance of realism”.

15) September 6, 2008: Montecompatri (Roma): Summer school of the “Società Filosofica Romana”. Talk on “Ethics, evolution and naturalism”.

16) June 5, 2008: Milano (Società Filosofica Italiana). La filosofia, le scienze. Oggi in Italia (“Philosophy and the Sciences today in Italy”). Invited speaker. Talk about “Natura/necessità” (“Nature/necessity”).

17) January 20, 2008: Rome, Festival of Science Scienza di Roma (Auditorium “Parco della Musica”): chair of the round table on “Science and the challenges of globalization” (with George Ayittey, Luigino Bruni, Giacomo Marramao, Saskia Sassen).

18) November 3, 2007: Genoa, Festival of Science. Coordinator and discussant of Hilary Putnam‟s lecture on “Science and Philosophy”.

19) November 2, 2007: Genoa, Festival of Science. Invited participant in a round table with John Dupré and David Macarthur on “For a Pluralist Naturalism”.

20) October 31, 2007: Roma, Publisher Laterza, Organizer and speaker of the discussion on the Italian translation of John Dupré‟s Human Nature and the Limits of Science.

21) October 25, 2007: Roma, Società Filosofica Italiana, lecture on “Scienza e fede: un conflitto insanabile?” [“Science and Faith: An Unavoidable Conflict?”].

22) June 15 - 16, 2007: Rovereto, MART. Conference on “The Natural Genesis of the Aesthetic Mind”. Invited speaker.

23) May 12, 2007: Rome, Festival of Philosophy (Auditorium – Park of Music of Rome).Coordinator of the section on “Unconscious and consciousness” (with S. Argentieri, E. Boncinelli, G. Jervis).

24) May 4, 2007: Palermo, “Italian League against Epilepsy,” with the high Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic. Conferenze on “Epilepsy: from Myth to Knowledge”. Paper: “Epileptyc crises, innate behavior and consciousness: the philosophical perspective”. Invited speaker.

25) March 13, 2007: Rome, Italian Philosophical Society (Roman Section). Lecture on “Politics and Critics in the Neorealist Movement”.

26) January 19, 2007: Rome Auditorium, Festival of Science. “Café scientifique,” organized by the British Council, The Limits of Science (with J. Harris).

27) December 7, 2006: Rome, Fiera della Piccola Editoria. Lecture on “What Is a Philosophical Review?” (with M. Ricciardi e E. Camurri).

28) January 20 – 21, 2006: Reggio Emilia, Istituto Banfi. Conference “Nature and Freedom”; invited speaker for the section “The naturalization of freedom” (commentators A. Benini e S.F. Magni). Paper: “Nature and Freedom”.

29) February 7, 2002, Rome. Lecture La teoria della conoscenza nel Novecento [The Theory of Knowledge in the Twentieth Century]. Italian Association of Philosophy (invited speaker).

30) April 8, 2000, Florence. Paper on “What we should mean with the Word ‘Person’” (with S. Maffettone). Conference Le ragioni del corpo [The Reasons of the Body]. Istituto Gramsci (invited speaker).























Mario De Caro is Associate Professor of

Moral Philosophy

at in





to Full Professorship. Since the year 2000 he has also been tea

ching at



(Massachusetts), where he is


a Visiting Professor.

He spent two years at

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


a Visiting Graduate

Student, and

one as a

Fulbright Fellow


Harvard University

. He held visiting teaching

positions at Saint Mary’s College (

Notre Dame, Indiana);




d a

Fulbright Fellowship (1997








at LUISS University

(Rome, 1998


1999). He got

two national PRIN grants as Main


or of a research



and three as a member

of a research


unit; an


Project at Università Roma Tre





a grant by t


Templeton Foundation

for a


related to

the call

“The Science and Philosophy of Self









5329 DeC


is named in his honor.

He authored


volumes in Italian




Il Mulino

, 2008)


Dal punto di

vista dell'interprete



, 1998),

Il lib

ero arbitrio



, 2015



Scienza e morale


M. Marraffa, LUISS University Press, 2016),


(Bollati Boringhieri, in preparazione).




or coedited 20 collections, inc


Interpretations and Causes: New Perspectives

on Donald Davidson’s Philosophy



, 1999),

Naturalism in Question


Harvard UP



Cartographies of the Mind. Philosophy and Psychology in Intersection





Naturalism and Normativity


Columbia UP

, 2010), and three volumes

of philosophical

papers by Hilary Putnam (all with Harvard UP):

Philosophy in an Age of Science: Physics,

Mathematics, Skepticism


Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity

(2016), and

In Dialogue

(in preparation).

Currently, with two coauthors, he is wr

iting a general history of philosophy

with the Italian publisher Laterza.

He has written articles in



(English, Italian, German, Romanian, Polish, and


, publishing in journals

such as

The Monist


International Journal of Philosophical



Journal of Comparative Neurology


Review of Metaphysics


Philosophical Review




Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective,

Notre Dame Philosophical



Philosophy and Social Criticism


Rivista di




Sistemi intelligenti




Rivista di estetica


Lingua e stile


Filosofia e questioni pubbliche


Rivista di storia della





Giornale italiano di psicologia


Etica & politica


Phenomenology and Mind


Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences,


, Epistemologia, Filosofia e psicologi



He is Associate Editor of the

Journal of the American Philosophical Association

(Cambridge University Press), and a member of the editorial boards of several Italian and

international journals



Rivista di estetica




Filosofia e questioni pubbliche,

Colloquium Philosophicum




Rivista Internazionale d

i Filosofia e Psicologia


Democrazia e sicurezza


Philosophical Inquiries


Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations


Review of Contemporary Philosophy


Análisis: revista de investigación filosófica


Analysis and




Acta Philosophica

. He is the coeditor of the series “Nuovo realismo”

(Mimesis editore)

and a member of the Scientific committee of the series of books “Categories”






Mario De Caro is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at in Rome Tre, with

habilitation to Full Professorship. Since the year 2000 he has also been teaching at Tufts

University (Massachusetts), where he is regularly a Visiting Professor.

He spent two years at Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a Visiting Graduate

Student, and one as a Fulbright Fellow at Harvard University. He held visiting teaching

positions at Saint Mary’s College (Notre Dame, Indiana);

He was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship (1997-1998), and a “Marco Mondadori

Fellowship” at LUISS University (Rome, 1998-1999). He got two national PRIN grants as Main

Investigator of a research-unit and three as a member of a research-unit; an Internationalization

Project at Università Roma Tre (2011-20130); a grant by the Templeton Foundation for a

project related to the call “The Science and Philosophy of Self-Control” (2015-2017). The

asteroid 5329 DeCaro is named in his honor.

He authored several volumes in Italian including: Azione (Il Mulino, 2008), Dal punto di

vista dell'interprete (Carocci, 1998), Il libero arbitrio (Laterza, 2015


), Scienza e morale (with

M. Marraffa, LUISS University Press, 2016), Realtà (Bollati Boringhieri, in preparazione). He

has edited or coedited 20 collections, including Interpretations and Causes: New Perspectives

on Donald Davidson’s Philosophy (Kluwer, 1999), Naturalism in Question (Harvard UP,

2004/2008), Cartographies of the Mind. Philosophy and Psychology in Intersection (Springer,

2006), Naturalism and Normativity (Columbia UP, 2010), and three volumes of philosophical

papers by Hilary Putnam (all with Harvard UP): Philosophy in an Age of Science: Physics,

Mathematics, Skepticism (2012), Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity (2016), and In Dialogue

(in preparation). Currently, with two coauthors, he is writing a general history of philosophy

with the Italian publisher Laterza.

He has written articles in six languages (English, Italian, German, Romanian, Polish, and

Spanish), publishing in journals such as The Monist, International Journal of Philosophical

Studies, Journal of Comparative Neurology, Review of Metaphysics, Philosophical Review,

Neuroethics, Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, Notre Dame Philosophical

Review, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Rivista di Filosofia, Paradigmi, Sistemi intelligenti,

Iride, Rivista di estetica, Lingua e stile, Filosofia e questioni pubbliche, Rivista di storia della

filosofia, Quaestio, Giornale italiano di psicologia, Etica & politica, Phenomenology and Mind,

Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences, Physis, Epistemologia, Filosofia e psicologia,

He is Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Philosophical Association

(Cambridge University Press), and a member of the editorial boards of several Italian