Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

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Transcript of Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

Page 1: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story
Page 2: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

The JIRA Story

Bryce JohnsonJIRA Build Engineer, Atlassian


Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1

Page 3: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

The Story…

• JIRA’s past CI problems

• Create new CI goals

• Staging

• Artifact Passing

• Outsource Infrastructure and Reduce Cost

• The Future of our CI3

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Where were we for CI?



11,000 Junit Tests

3000 Functional


Deploy JIRA Artifacts

Minimum 8 Hours in Serial

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Where were we for CI?



11,000 Junit Tests

3000 Functional


Deploy JIRA Artifacts

We had to break things up

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Where were we for CI?


Test 1

SCM Trigger

Test 6

Test 11

Test 2

Test 7

Test 12

Test 3

Test 8

Test 13

Test 4

Test 9

Test 5

Test 10

Test 14

Test 15

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We still had to….



11,000 Junit Tests

3000 Functional


Deploy JIRA Artifacts

Minimum 8 Hours in Serial

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Unable to Aggregate Results

815 builds with 15 results

Test 1

SCM Trigger

Test 6

Test 11

Test 2

Test 7

Test 12

Test 3

Test 8

Test 13

Test 4

Test 9

Test 5

Test 10

Test 14

Test 15? ? ? ? ?

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Old JIRA Release Build



11,000 Junit Tests

3000 Functional Standalone

3000 Functional


3000 Functional Windows

3000 Functional



1 Build

1. Chance of infrastructure or test failure

2. Impacts Validation time

3. Release slip

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What do we want?


• Run all tests as a fast CI loop

• QA Engineers focused on feature stories

• Deploy JIRA on green builds

• Release JIRA faster!

Page 11: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

What do we want?


• Run all tests as a fast CI loop

• QA Engineers focused on feature stories

• Deploy JIRA on green builds

• Release JIRA faster!

Page 12: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

What do we want?


• Run all tests as a fast CI loop

• QA Engineers focused on feature stories

• Deploy JIRA on green builds

• Release JIRA faster!

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What do we want?


• Run all tests as a fast CI loop

• QA Engineers focused on feature stories

• Deploy JIRA on green builds

• Release JIRA faster!

Page 14: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

JIRA CI Design Goals


Functional Tests

Selenium Web Browser Tests

Performance Tests

Database Tests

Supported Plugins Tests

Inner Loop CI

Outer Loop CI

Distribution Tests

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CI Feeds Release ValidationThere’s more!!!


JIRA Outer Loop CI


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Outer Loop CI for Release


46774 Total Tests

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17Seems like a mountain of tests to climb and is out of reach

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18But we have Bamboo 3.1!

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Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4 Job 5

Job 6

Job 7 Job 8 Job 9

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Stages transforms our old CI

2015 builds with 15 results

Test 1

SCM Trigger

Test 6

Test 11

Test 2

Test 7

Test 12

Test 3

Test 8

Test 13

Test 4

Test 9

Test 5

Test 10

Test 14

Test 15

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We still had to….



11,000 Junit Tests

3000 Functional


Deploy JIRA Artifacts

Minimum 8 Hours in Serial

Page 22: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

Stages transforms our old CI

2215 builds with 15 results

Test 1

SCM Trigger

Test 3

Test 11

Test 2

Test 7

Test 12

Test 3

Test 8

Test 13

Test 4

Test 9

Test 5

Test 10

Test 14

Test 15

1 build 15 jobs 1 result

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New CI Plan: Add a Stage


Test 1

Test 3

Test 11

Test 2

Test 7

Test 12

Test 3

Test 8

Test 13

Test 4

Test 9

Test 5

Test 10

Test 14

Test 15

Deploy Artifacts to Maven Nexus Repository

Continue to Next Stage if Previous Passes

One Build Plan

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JIRA CI as a Producer


JIRA CI Build Plan

Maven Deploy

Studio JIRA Integration

Greenhopper Plugin

Deploy JIRA to Test Server

Distro, Perf, DB Tests

Nexus Maven Repository

Consumers depend on

Maven Deploy

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JIRA CI: From 8 hours to…



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JIRA Release from 23 hours…



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• Aggregated Results

• Deployed JIRA to Maven

• Other applications can consume

• Deployed JIRA to QA Test Servers


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Artifact Passing


Produce Artifact

Consumer 1

Consumer 2

Consumer 3

Copies original artifact

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Page 30: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

Remove Redundancies


Test 1

Test 3

Test 11

Test 2

Test 7

Test 12

Test 3

Test 8

Test 13

Test 4

Test 9

Test 5

Test 10

Test 14

Test 15

Produce Application Artifacts

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How does it work?

1. Producer artifact definitions2. Consumer artifact definitions3. Builder plumbing


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Page 34: Extreme CI Savings with Bamboo 3.1: The JIRA Story

Maven Plumbing<dependency> <groupId>com.atlassian.jira</groupId> <artifactId>jira-webapp-dist</artifactId> <version>${project.version}</version> <type>war</type>

<scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${basedir}/PassedArtifacts/jira-webapp-dist-${project.version}.war</systemPath>



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Maven Plumbing<dependency> <groupId>com.atlassian.jira</groupId> <artifactId>jira-webapp-dist</artifactId> <version>${project.version}</version> <type>war</type>

<scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${basedir}/PassedArtifacts/jira-webapp-dist-${project.version}.war</systemPath>



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The New Selenium CI Plan


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Multi Module Application

Module 1


Deploy to Test Server 1

Deploy to Test Server 2

Module 2 Module 3 Module 4

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Artifact Passing

• Helped to improve JIRA’s Selenium CI testing build

• Remove redundant checkouts and compilation

• Over 10 minutes saving compute time per job!


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The Build Infrastructure


• Reliability

• Reproducible

• Redundant

• Allow for Growth

• Easy to Administrate

• Cost effective

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JIRA development cost for using Amazon?


$4000 per month!!!

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Bamboo 3.1 Saves you Money!


Configurable spot price bids

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Linux Spot Instance

Windows Regular Instance

Windows Spot Instance

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What is this worth to JIRA?


$2000 per month!!!

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Our CI Future


Infrastructure Improvements

DVCS Bamboo upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1.1: Tasks

Personal Builds

Bamboo 3.2 Amazon enhancements

Bamboo 3.2 restart failed tasks

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The Story…


JIRA CI Past Problems Slow, unreliable

Created New CI Goals Faster promotional CI

Bamboo Staging Aggregated Results, Deployment

Bamboo Artifact Passing Speed, Re-use, Deployment

Outsourcing Infrastructure Amazon, Admin, Attractive Pricing

Deliver Awesome