Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare

Transcript of Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

Page 1: Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

Exotic – Trip –

Doctors!By Natalie Fairweather

Be aware you’re in for a scare

Page 2: Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

Sunny weather, warm water the perfect beach and surfing – sounds like the ideal holiday, but I’m stuck in the car heading for the doctors.

It’s a sweltering hot day and the only thing that could save me was the cool breeze of the AC.

50 to 10kph Poppa parked the car and out we got. SLAM went the car door.

Forgetting to put my shoes on I raced to the door of the Skin Centre with the feeling of the undulating sticky surface of the tarmac

underneath my feet.Suddenly the faintest noise just caught my attention in the corner of my ear. I turned around and spotted a brown Labrador chasing its tail in the

of a busy Road. Straight away I knew this puppy was in grave danger!This puppy was as healthy as ever. It had a tender soft pink nose, long silky hair and was wagging his tail rapidly. This puppy was as bright as

day light.“Oh no!,” a huge Ken worth logging truck is heading its way doing

50kph.I started to panic and walk round and round in a circle then I started to pace up and down. Think, Think, Think! What to do? This is a situation

involving life of death!

Page One

If you choose to heroically save this puppy's life turn to page 37

If you choose to turn your back on this poor little puppy turn to page 22

Page 3: Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

I need to save this puppy's life, but what am I to do, I'm just a kid. My Mum won’t hardly even let me cross Ten foot Road without holding her hand, and that wasn’t even near as

busy a Road as this Road. What to do? What to do?I'm so sorry little puppy. I decided to turn around and tell myself it will all be over soon.

And it was within seconds there was a, Slamming on the breaks,

A bid yelp, And a loud CRASH.

The dog uttered a final cry. My eyes filled with horror and I helplessly gasped.

My heart broke into a million pieces just like the puppy’s bones.I couldn’t get it out of my head it was like a horror film replaying over and over in my


The End!

Page Twenty Two

Page 4: Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

Page Thirty SevenThink, Think, Think!

I raced to the edge of the Road feeling oh so mighty and brave.“Wait!,” Were is the dog I cant see it anywhere!

Oh there it is!I couldn’t see it through all that traffic.

Wait its gone,There it is,

Its gone again, Phew, its in my sight once again!

Using my Road safety skills I look both ways twice and take one step at a time.

This was lust like being stuck on a video level, but this was much more vibrant.

I could feel the vastness of my heart pounding inside me just waiting to jump out.

Here I go,As I was dodging all the traffic, I gradually got closer and closer

to the puppy.ZOOM


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Page 5: Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

My eyes were shut tightly,My fists were clenched together,

All I could think of was,“How did I get myself into this situation?.”

Something inside me was telling me to turn back.Shall I go on, or should I use the words chicken - out.


If you feel the need to go on turn to page 63

If you listen to your gut turn to page 11

Page 6: Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

Page Eleven

My gut was stronger than well, everything else, it was telling me to turn back. But shall I fight it, no I shall

not.I took a deep breath in

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .And then out

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I marched backwards as if I was rewinding a film.

A hoarse scream escaped the puppy's open mouth.It all happened so fast

I froze for a long moment as if I was trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

I walked to the door of the Skin Centre literally trying to shake what I had just seen out of my head.

It was no use.

The End!

Page 7: Exotic – Trip – Doctors! By Natalie Fairweather Be aware you’re in for a scare.

Page Sixty Three

I took one step closer and opened my arms, it looked at me with those big puppy dog eyes and jumped into my arms.

I cradled the puppy in my arms.ZOOM

I dropped to my knees and held on for dear life, the only problem was all I could hold on to was the puppy so I was like a deadly python

constricting the life out of its prey.OK I have the dog but what am I to do now? Maybe I should of thought

this one through.All of a sudden I heard a squealing noise, kind of like a shriek. I turned

around and saw the truck just inches away.My hair was on tiptoe,

My skin crawled off my body,My spine felt like it was a jigsaw with a piece missing,

My insides turned upside downAnd I suddenly thought of several other places id rather be.

The only thing that was going through my mind was –This is the end, I'm going to die! . . . . . .

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I hardly open one eye and take a glimpse around, and straight ahead there shone a bright green light shaped

like a person.“IM ALIVE!,” I sigh in relief Huffing and Puffing I notice

a bunch of people trudging towards me.I jump up with a boat load of confidence as the people

were closing in on me.They bump me here there and everywhere, it was kind

of like playing a human size game of pinball.I go with the flow and make my way to the edge of the

road.He licked my face appreciatively covering my cheek with his thick saliva, whimpering as if he understood

that I had just saved his life.I carefully, with ease lowered my arms in order for the

puppy to jump out.Then he darted away, running at full speed and

disappeared under a tall hedge without looking back.

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I turn around and walk to the door of the Skin Centre once again.

Poppa and I take a seat in the waiting room and not soon after that we get escorted to the floor above.

“Herbert Fairweather,” calmly called a nurse that was peeking her head out the door, “Follow me.”

We jumped out of our seats and she guided us to this confined room not much bigger than a car. May as well put a sign on the door saying, ‘if claustrophobic do no enter’.

Any wayMaybe I should just wait in thee waiting room.

If you choose to sit endlessly in the waiting room turn to page 68

If you choose to enter the small confined room turn to page 89

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Page Sixty Eight

I decide to play it safe and make my way to the waiting room.I plonk myself on a seat.

With the feeling of boredom tingling all down my legs I had nothing better to do but turn to look out the window. And what

do I see when I look out the window, a bird with its foot stuck on a piece of wire. And of course beautiful scenery but who's looking at that when there's a bird with its foot stuck on a piece of wire.

That bird was struggling and that only makes things worse.“Not again, its like the day just keeps on starting over and over again!,” I go as I spring out of my seat with a goal of rescuing

that bird.“Hold it right there young lady, where do you think your going?,”

snapped a cranky nurse.“Toilet,” I reply.

“Toilet's are that a way,” she snarled back at me again.My shoulders slump as I return to m original seat thinking to

myself that I've made her bade list.

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With no other options left I attempt to climb out the window and very sharply put one foot on the ledge at a time.

I steadily regain my balance and squish myself against the wall.I didn’t want to think what would happen if I made one little mistake.

Even one little sneeze would throw me off balance.In sight there was a staircase leading to the bottom floor.

As I make my way over I pass a rectangled window, I stare in and a little kid did the same, he was stunned. “It looked like he just saw someone stepping past a window on a two storied building,” I say

sarcastically.My legs felt weak and rubbery from fear.

And my eyes were bulging with fear.I was determined to save that birds life, the question was How?

I reach for the staircase feeling a wave of terror sweeping over me.CLICK

A bloodcurdling scream escaped m open lips and I uttered an animal cry.

I fall to my doom and hit the ground with a BANG! Closely behind me there followed a plank of wood that landed on top of me.

The End

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Page Eighty Nine

I personally don’t like small spaces but ill take a chance.

As soon as I enter the room I straight away know something's wrong.

“is ti just me or is the room spinning?,” I think to myself as I close my eyes trying to will the dizziness

away.“Maybe I need some fresh air?,” I think to myself as

Poppa gave me a strange look.I cant stand steadily trying to control my legs.

My legs and I just had enough energy to get thought the door and then they caved in.

I collapsed!

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A nurse caught me just in the nick of time and sat me down.Two nurses saw all of the commotion and joined in.

They wheeled me down the hall into a different room with my feet dragging behind me, closely followed by Poppa.

Not long after that I was thrilled to see the worried and puzzled nurses faces in front of me.

They gave me a bottle of just juice to increase m blood sugar and off I went.

On the trip back Poppa told me all about it and how pale I looked.


The End