Evaluation part one

Evaluation Part one



Transcript of Evaluation part one

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Evaluation Part one

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In What Ways Does Your Media Product Use,

Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of

Real Media Products?

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The genre of my music magazine is hip hop and R&B. My magazine was inspired by Vibe and Blender magazine.

These magazines also have the same type of genre running through it. I also liked the way their front covers

looked. They are plain and simple but they also look professional.

I think that you can tell what genre my magazine is by the font used for my master head and also the font used for

‘Casey-Jade’. I also think you can see what genre my magazine is by the way my model is posing and the way

she looks by the clothes she is wearing.

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My media products were a magazine, contents page and a double page spread for a music magazine. The master head for my

magazine is called Record. I had many ideas on what to call the magazine from: Pulse, Beat, Record and sound. However I think that Record was a good choice because it was direct and had a

clear link to music. The font I chose was strong and it also linked to the genre of my music magazine. To choose the colour of my font I made a page with different coloured fonts I then asked people to choose which colour popped out to them. The majority of people

said that the black was better as it was bold and clear.My master head follows other magazines such as Vibe and Blender

magazine. This is because they are all bold and they are also the same colour.

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My front cover has followed conventions by using the rule of three when

choosing colours. The colours I used where Pink, Black and White. I think the pink appeals to my female target audience. I used black and white so that the pink pops out but also the

text that is black and white also pops out from the background colour. The

font I used for my artist is quite feminine to appeal to my audience but then it also links to the genre of

music that my magazine so it appeals to my audience. The font used for my

cover lines is very simple so it pops out with the other text. Overall the

colours appeals to my target audience.

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The model of my magazine has natural makeup and is smiling so she does not look ‘fake’. On the main cover she is wearing a leather jacket which gives her more of an edge. The way she is posing also

gives her more ‘attitude’. I guided her to pose that way so she suits the genre of the music.

I think that I challenged the conventions by using natural makeup-as most artists used are either air

brushed or in fact do have a lot of make up on.

Blender has a lot of make up used and the artist is

airbrushed but Marie Claire has light make up something I tried

to achieve.

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I have also used the conventions of a real magazine by using a white background. I used a white background

throughout the magazine this is because I think it looks professional. The white background also makes the

model and text stand out. This is very similar to Blender magazine that also has a white background and also the same with some Vibe magazines. Also following the conventions of a real magazine I also made my artist is in front of the master head on my

front cover. This again follows magazines like Blender magazine and Vibe.

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My contents page also follows conventions of an existing magazine because of the contents used. For

example I have used a friendly editor’s note and I have also

included a subscription box. To also follow the conventions of a

contents page I also made the font and colours used in my contents

page link to the front cover of my magazine. Another way I followed conventions is by adding even the small things such as showing the website of the magazine and also

using headings. By adding headings it gives it more structure and it’s also easier for the reader to see

what page is where.

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I didn’t want to use a lot of pictures in my contents page because I wanted it to look simple and professional. My contents page is similar to Q’s

contents page. As they too only use one or two pictures. The main

picture on my contents page is of my artist standing in front of a white

board. On the White board I wrote a quote of the magazine to give my audience a glimpse of what the

double page actually contains. I also have other images of my friends.

This is because the use of one picture made it look to plain.

Therefore using other pictures makes my contents page look better.

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The pictures I chose for my double page spread does follow conventions of a real double page spread.

This is done because I used one main picture which is clearly shown and also gives direct address to the readers. I also followed the conventions by showing other pictures of the artist. In these

pictures my artist is playing the guitar. I used the prop of the guitar to show another side of the

artist. My Double page spread is similar to double page spreads used in the Top of the Pops magazine.

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More conventions I followed was introducing the artist. I did this by writing a few sentences underneath her name. I also followed conventions by showing quotes. My interview is also conventional this is friendly. By it being friendly

and talking about her career we could ask questions that the audience would really want to know.

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The layout of my front cover is that the image is in front of the master head this is because I the model is more important than the master head. I then arranged the cover lines around the image. To make my main story important I put it on the image as it does relate to the image. I also tried to make my main headline

stand out so I used a different coloured font and place it in the middle.The layout of my contents page is that my pictures and text is separate. I then put

the editors note below the pictures so everything is separate and it then has a clear structure.

The layout of my double page spread is that the interview is grouped together. This makes it clear for the reader to read it because of the clear structure. I then have used a main picture to the side which is giving the direct contact to the reader. I then used pictures below the interview which shows another side of the artist. The name of the artist is the heading of the double page spread. It is on top of the page so you know what the interview is about. I then introduced the artist underneath so the reader knows what more about the artist and the interview.

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How Does Your Media Product Represent

Particular Social Groups

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My media product represents a girl who is friendly and not fake. We can see this through my main artist. She has natural make up and is smiling in all her pictures. She represents a normal social group. She is independent and hardworking because she has managed to get on top of the music industry on her

own.My artist is similar to Rihanna as she too has natural make up in

her covers and is smiling in her pictures which shows an friendly and independent person.

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Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full


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Overall from my Preliminary Task I have learnt more effects that I can do. For example I have used different fonts and have also dropped shadow to make the text stand out. My preliminary task is very simple with not many effects

just one picture and text. The picture is also not very good and therefore have progressed with the main task. I have also tried to fit everything around my genre and audience. I have spent more time and it my music magazine looks

more professional.

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I have also progressed in my contents page because I have used a variety of font not just one like I did in the preliminary task. I’ve also cut around

the picture instead of just placing it on which makes it look more professional I've also added more content e.g.. Website and subscription

box. If had a chance to improve my overall product I would try and improve my contents page as I think it can be stronger.