Evaluation of movie poster

First I placed the title underneath where the key image will be. It is bigger than the rest of the text which means it is the first thing you read when you see the poster. The audience’s eyes then go down to the slogan underneath it. I then decided on a slogan which is ‘when the good is actually the bad, which side do you take?’ this is interesting and will make people want to see the movie because it makes them want to find out what it means and what choice the main characters will make. It also shows that it’s an action movie because it hints that action will happen and shows that the movie has the ‘good guys, bad guys’ plot which is common in action movies. Underneath that I put a billing which is in really small writing because although it has to be on the official poster the target audience don’t want to read it. The actors are at the very top of the poster which is on some movie posters, I chose to put them there because teenage girls often have favourite actors

Transcript of Evaluation of movie poster

Page 1: Evaluation of movie poster

First I placed the title underneath where the key image will be. It is bigger than the rest of the text which means it is the first thing you read when you see the poster. The audience’s eyes then go down to the slogan underneath it. I then decided on a slogan which is ‘when the good is actually the bad, which side do you take?’ this is interesting and will make people want to see the movie because it makes them want to find out what it means and what choice the main characters will make. It also shows that it’s an action movie because it hints that action will happen and shows that the movie has the ‘good guys, bad guys’ plot which is common in action movies. Underneath that I put a billing which is in really small writing because although it has to be on the official poster the target audience don’t want to read it. The actors are at the very top of the poster which is on some movie posters, I chose to put them there because teenage girls often have favourite actors and if actors they like are in the movie they are more likely to want to see the movie. The text is smaller than the slogan and date but bigger than the billing so it isn’t the main focus point of the poster but still stands out and is readable.

Page 2: Evaluation of movie poster

Next I took a picture for my key image, removed the background and put it in the middle of the poster. I think my product appeals to the target audience of teenage girls between the ages of 14 and 18 because the key images portrays a girl who is visibly around that age which means people will relate to it and girls will want to see it because it shows a strong female lead character. She is wearing a camouflage jacket, a black vest and hair pulled back which shows that she is ready for action and can still look good whilst she does it which appeals to the target audience. I also changed the colour of the title which made it more visible against the key image.

I added a background, I used this picture because I thought it looked interesting and the lighting in it matched well with the lighting in my key image but it didn’t really seem like an action movie it made it look more like a horror movie.

Page 3: Evaluation of movie poster

After looking at other action movie posters from my research I decided to change the background to a dark city as this is common in action posters, I think my research helped me a lot at this point because I didn’t know what background would look good before I looked at it. The movie posters I looked at to get this idea were the spider-man ones and other marvel superhero film poster, such as the avengers. I also added mist in because a lot of the posters had it as well. I took some colour from the key image as well because it was took in daylight and had a blue tinge to it. Taking out some colour made it match the colour of the background more and the whole poster worked together better. Overall I think this poster is appealing to my target audience because the key image is a teenage girl, but I think the character could be looking at the camera because during my research I found that girls prefer the person in the key image to be making eye contact. I also made the key image bigger so it was the main focus point of the poste. Finally, I added a date which follows the conventions of a movie poster and makes it look more real. I think the colour scheme appeals to the target audience because they are wanting to see an action movie and it shows it is one.

Page 4: Evaluation of movie poster

I think my movie poster is successful because it looks like a real action movie poster. It follows most of the movie poster conventions, it has a title, key image, background, actors, billing and date, although it doesn’t have an age rating or movie company logo. I chose not to add the last two things because they stood out to much from the rest of my poster because they didn’t fit with the colour scheme. I think my key image is a strong point because it stands out the most, appeals to the target audience, and the character looks like she is in an action movie. I also think the background makes it look more like a real action movie poster because I changed it after looking at my research, although it could have more action going on in the background to really show the film’s genre such as helicopters or explosions. I think one weakness in my poster is the fonts. For the title I could have chosen a more interesting font so it would be recognisable and people would relate that font to the movie, for example in my research the spider-man posters all had a specific font that runs through all movie posters. Billing also normally has a specific font which I didn’t manage to find, I think the font would have made the poster look more realistic. The actors chosen could also be different actors who are more popular amongst teenage girls.