ENGLEZA 1 Examen

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  • 7/27/2019 ENGLEZA 1 Examen


    Unit 1

    Building materials - Materiale de construcii

    vocabulary: - vocabular:

    Natural materials - Materiale naturale

    Rock- The hard substance that forms the main surface of the Earth:Roca substan tare care se formeaz la suprafaa principal a Pmntului:

    Stone - a hard solid mineral substance;Piatr - o substan minerala solida grea;

    Marble - a type of hard rock that becomes smooth when it is polished, and is used for making buildings,statues;Marmura - un tip de roca tare care devine neteda atunci cnd este lustruita, i este utilizata pentruefectuarea cldiri, statui;

    Shale - soft rock made of hardened mud or clay which divides naturally into thin sheets;Marna, roca argiloasa - roci moi din noroi ntrite sau lut, care imparte in mod natural n foi subiri

    Sand - naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles;Nisip - material granular natural compus din roci fin divizate i particule minerale;

    Gravel - small stones usually mixed with sand and used to make a surface for paths, roads;Pietri - pietre mici, de obicei, amestecat cu nisip i folosite pentru a face o suprafata de poteci, drumuri;

    Pebble - a small roundish smooth stone esp, on the seashore or on the riverbed;Prundis - o mic piatr rotunjit buna , pe rmul mrii sau pe albia rului;

    Clay - heavy firm earth that is soft when wet, but becomes hard when baked at a high temperature, fromwhich bricks, pots are made;Zgura, argila - pmnt firma grele, care este moale atunci cnd sunt ude, dar devine greu atunci cndcoapte la o temperatur ridicat, de la care crmizi, oale sunt fcute;

    Timber - 1) wood for building, 2) a woodwn beam, esp, forming part of a structure such as a ship or aroof.Cherestea, copaci taiati - 1) lemn pentru constructii, 2) un fascicul de lemn, , care fac parte dintr-ostructur, cum ar fi o nav sau un acoperi.

    Synthetic materials - Materiale sintetice

    Brick- a hard block of baked clay used for building walls, houses;Caramida - un bloc greu de lut ars folosite pentru a construi ziduri, case;

    Lime - 1) a white substance obtained by burning limestone; 2) white powder made by adding water tothis, used in making cement;Var nestins - 1) o substan alb, obinut prin arderea calcar; 2) pulbere de culoare alb fcute prinadugarea de ap la prezenta, folosite n fabricarea cimentului;

    Gipsum - a soft white substance that is used to make plaster of Paris;Ghips, ipsos - o substan moale, alb, care este folosit pentru a face ipsos de la Paris;

    Ceramics - 1) the making of pots, tiles, by shaping pieces of clay and baking them until they are hard, 2)articles produced in this way.

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    To mold, to shape a figure a da o formaTo gravel a path a acoperi cu pietrisTo plaster a wall a tencui, a acoperi cu ghips un pereteTo paint a door white a vopsi usa in culoarea albaTo whitewash the ceiling a varui tavanul.

    To lay - to set in proper order or position ( a aseza)Pentru a pune - pentru a seta n ordinea corect sau poziia

    To extrude - to push or force out by pressure, to shape by forcing through a die ( a scoate)Pentru a extruda - pentru a impinge sau fora de presiune, pentru a forma prin forarea printr-o moar

    To press - to push steadily and firmly ( a presa, a forta)Pentru apsai - pentru a mpinge n mod constant i ferm

    To squeeze - to press firmly together, from opposite sides ( a presa)Pentru a presa - s apsai ferm mpreun, din pri opuse

    To bind - to tie together, to fasten or hold together.( a intari, a lega)

    Pentru a lega - a lega mpreun, pentru a fixa sau s dein mpreun.

    Properties of Building Materials - Proprietile Materialelor de Constructii

    Porosity - the guality or state of being porousPorozitatea - calitatea sau starea de a fi poros

    Waterproof - that does not let water through easily;Rezistent la ap - care nu permite apei sa intre;

    Resistance - supporting well the changes of weather

    Rezisten - sprijinirea i schimbrile de vreme

    Water permiability - allowing water to pass throughPermiabilitatea apei - permite apei s treac prin

    Frost resistance - not easily damaged by frost;Rezistena la nghe - nu este uor deteriorate de ger;

    Heat conductivity - able to conduct heat;Termoconductibilitate - capabil s efectueze de cldur;

    Fire resistance - not easily damaged by fire;Rezisten la foc - nu este uor afectate de incendiu;

    Refractoriness - making light change direction when it goes through at an angle.Refractare - efectuarea schimba direcia de lumin atunci cnd trece printr-un unghi.

    Building Materials Characterstics - Materiale de constructii Particulariti

    Building Material- materialede constructii

    Advantages - avantaje Weaknesses - dezavantaje

    Rock roca, piatra Being a dense building material, it isvery protective. It is one of the longlasting building materials known.Fiind un material de construciedens, este foarte protector. Este unuldintre materialele de construcie de

    It is too heavy and it is very dificultto keep it warm. The weight andhardiness becomes a drawback whenit comes to portability and molding.Este prea greu si este foarte precars-l pstrai cald.Greutatea i

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    importante n aceast epocamoderna. Este convenabil de a folosipentru o portabilitate i proprietileaplicate.

    Concrete Beton Concrete is very hard and resistssquashing extremely well . To avoidconcrete cracking sometimes i isreinforced by steel bars. Thesestrengthen the concrete and help tostop it bending and breaking. -

    Betonul este foarte greu i rezist lainghesuiala extrem de bine. Pentru aevita crparea de beton, uneori, ieste ntrit de bare de oel. Acesteconsolida betonul i de a ajutapentru a opri o ndoire i de rupere.

    Cracks with temperaturechanges, weak in tension. It is

    brittle and tends to crack whenbent. - Fisuri cu schimbrilede temperatur, slab n

    tensiune. Acesta este fragil sitinde sa se crape atunci cndeste ndoit.

    Foam Spuma It is light weight, easily shaped andan excellent insulator. Estegreutate redusa, usor de modelat iun izolator excelent.

    Glass Sticla Glass is transparent . Glass is strong.Glass can be moulded or blown orcoloured. - Sticla este transparent.Sticla este puternica. Sticla poate fimodelat , suflat sau colorate.

    It can shatter. Se poatesparge.

    Plastics material plastic Plastic is light weight. It is flexible,long-lasting.It can be shaped in toalmost any form. Plastic can becoloured, opaque or transparent.Plastic is strong, it is a goodinsulator and is waterproof. - Dinmaterial plastic este greutateauoar. Este flexibil, lung-lasting.Itpot fi modelate n aproape oriceform. Din plastic poate fi colorat,opac sau transparent. Din materialplastic este puternic, este un bunizolator i este rezistent la apa.

    Expensive costisitoare,scumpa.

    Exercises Exercitii

    1. True or False exercise - 1. Adevrat sau Fals exerciiu1. Concreteis frequently reinforced to make it stronger.

    1. Betonul frecvent consolidat pentru ao face mai puternic. -adevarat

    2. Plastics is a natural material that decompose quickly.2. Materiale plastice este un material natural care se descompun rapid. -fals

    3. For construction purposes any type of timber can be selected.3. Pentru constructii orice tip de lemn poate fi selectat. - fals

    4. Steel is an expensive but useful material.4. Otelul este un material scump, dar util. - fals

    5. Wood is not flexible.5. Lemnul nu este flexibil. - fals

    6. Clay is easily shaped.6. Zgura este uor de form. - adevarat

    7. Glass cannot be made into objects with different shapes.

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    7. Sticla nu poate fi fcut n obiecte cu forme diferite. - fals

    8. Plastics can be transparent, translucent or opaque.8. Materiale plastice pot fi transparente, translucide sau opace. -adevarat

    9. Plastic is magnetic.9. Materialul plastic este magnetic. - fals

    10. Metal is strong, hard, shiny and easily shaped.10. Metal este puternic, tare, stralucitor si usor de modelat. Adevarat

    2. Match the terms on the left with meanings on the right. - 2. Potriviti termenii pe stnga cusensuri pe dreapta.

    Clay argila - heavy firm earth that is soft when wet, but becomes hard when baked.pmnt ferm grele, care este moale atunci cnd sunt ude, dar devine greuatunci cind e uscat.

    Brick caramida - a hard rectangular piece of baked clay used for building.

    o bucat dreptunghiular grea de lut ars folosite pentru a construi.Slate - ardezie - a heavy usually dark grey rock that can easily be split into thin pieces.

    o piatr grea, de obicei, gri nchis, care pot fi cu uurin mprit n bucisubtiri.

    Shale - marna, roca argiloasa - soft rock made of hardened mud or clay which dividesnaturally into thin sheets.

    roca moale din noroi ntrite sau lut care imparte firesc n foi subiri.Masonry zidarie - tones from which a building, a wall is made.

    pietre care se face o zidarie , un zid care se face.Concrete beton - hard strong construction material consisting of sand, conglomerate gravel and


    materiale de constructie greu si puternic format din pietri conglomerat nisip, iap.Lime var - a white substance obtained by burning limestone.

    o substan alb, obinut prin arderea de calcar.kiln cuptor - a box-shaped heating apparatus far baking pots or bricks for drying wood.

    cuptor un aparat n form de cutie de nclzire oale departe de copt sau crmizi pentruuscarea lemnului.Ceramics ceramica - the making of pots, tiles.

    efectuarea de oale, gresie.Mortar tencuiala - a mixture of lime sand and water used in building.

    un amestec de nisip i var de ap utilizate n cldire.

    3. Make sentences with the new words.

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    II. Text A: Cement: man's miracle mix

    One of man oldest building materials is linding its way into a lot of new places these days. Concretefirst discovered by the Romans is now more widely used in construction than all other materials tpgether. Una dintre cele mai vechi materiale de constructii omul este linding drum ntr-o mulime de noilocuri de aceste zile. Beton descoperit pentru prima data de catre romani este acum mai utilizat pe scarlarg n construcii dect toate tpgether alte materiale.

    The magic ingredient that makes concrete possible is cement, about which, according to one expert,more has been learnt in the past three decades than in the preceding 2000 years. Concrete is a syntheticstone which can be formed while soft into practically any shape the builder wants. Portland cementmixed with water is the paste that binds sand, gravel, clinker into an artificial rock that becomes harder asthe years pass. Portland cement does not come from a place of that name : it was called Portland becauseJoseph Aspdin, the English builder who invented the first dependable, scientifically made cement about1824, thought it resembled the rock excavated on the Isle of Portland on the Dorset Coast.

    Ingredient magic care face posibil este din beton de ciment, despre care, n conformitate cu unexpert, mai multe a fost nvat n ultimii trei decenii dect n ultimii 2000 de ani. Betonul este o piatrsintetice, care poate fi format n acelai timp moale n practic orice forma constructor vrea. CimentPortland amestecat cu ap este pasta care se leaga de nisip, pietri clincher, ntr-o stnc artificial care

    devine tot mai greu cu trecerea anilor. Ciment Portland nu provin dintr-un loc de acest nume: a fost numitPortland, deoarece Iosif Aspdin, constructorul englez care a inventat prima de ncredere, a fcut punct devedere tiinific cu privire la ciment 1824, gndit c semna cu roca excavate pe Insula Portland peCoasta de Dorset .

    What s so new about cement after all these years? Several things. One item is squeezed concrete,known technically as pre-stressed concrete. By giving concrete a big squeeze after it has hardened,

    builders can increase its elasticity ten times, so that it will bend under a heavy load without breaking.This is imortand in building bridges, viaducts and floots of large buildings.

    Ce e att de nou despre ciment, dup toi aceti ani? Mai multe lucruri. Un element este de betonpresat , cunoscut sub numele din punct de vedere tehnic beton precomprimat. Prin acordarea de beton omai mare stoarce dupa ce sa intarit, constructorii poate crete elasticitatea de zece ori, astfel nct acesta

    va indoi sub o sarcin grea fr s se rup. Acest lucru este imortand n cldire poduri, viaducte i etajede cldirile mari.

    The simplest way to pre-stress concreteis to put steel wires or rods in the concrete when it is poured.Cel mai simplu mod de beton precomprimat pentru a pune cabluri din oel sau tije din beton atunci

    cnd acesta este turnat. An unusual American use of reinforced concrete is the floating highway bridge across LakeWashington. The depth of the lake made piers too expensive, so engineers built the bridge on hollowconcrete pontoons anchored in place by steel cables. It is the longest pontoon bridge structure on earth. O utilizare neobinuit din America este podul plutitor din beton armat, autostrada care traverseazlacul Washington. Adancimea lacului fcut piloni prea scump, astfel nct inginerii construit podul de pe

    pontoanele de beton cu goluri ancorate n loc de cabluri de otel. Acesta este cel mai lung pod structuraponton de pe pmnt.

    Until recently, the aim of engineers was to make concrete with as few bubbles as possible. Now theyhave come up with a new concrete that has millions of microscopic bubbles per cubic foot. It is made byadding an agent which foams to form the bubbles when the concrete is mixed. This concrete doesn tcrack when freezing. The first air bubble roads were built many years ago. They have stood up underwinter freezes so well that today this concrete is used for new road construction.

    Pn de curnd, n scopul inginerilor a fost de a face beton cu cat mai putine bule posibil. Acum, eiau venit cu un nou beton care are milioane de bule microscopice pe picior cub. Aceasta se face prinadaugarea unui agent care spume pentru a forma bule atunci cnd betonul este mixt. Aceast fisur betonnu intelege cazul n care are loc congelarea. Primele drumuri bul de aer au fost construite muli ani n

    urm. Ei au stat n temeiul iarna nghea att de bine nct astzi, aceast din beton este utilizat pentruconstrucia de drumuri noi.Another discovery is soil cement. Several years ago road builders lacking funds found that they

    could mix cement with soil on the site of the road, wet it and compsct it then cover it with bitumen.Thefirst road they built is still carring traffic. There are miles of soil-cement secondary roads and streeds in

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    thr US today. Construction goes so fast that with modern equipment a road builder can complete a mileof soil cement road in one day.

    O alt descoperire este ciment sol. Cu civa ani n urm constructori de drumuri lipsa de fonduria constatat c acestea ar putea amestec de ciment cu sol pe santierul de drum, acesta umed i compsct-l,apoi se acopera cu bitum rutier . Primul ei este construit desfasoara inca de trafic. Exist mile de sol-ciment drumurile secundare i strazile n SUA astzi. Utilaje constructii merge att de repede nct, cuechipament modern un constructor de drum poate finaliza un kilometru de drum de ciment sol ntr-o zi.

    Scientists are workihg on research into the behaviour of cement and concrete under all kinds of

    conditions. Collaborating with ehgineers they are developing new ways of using concrete. Cement ischanging the face of the earth.Oamenii de stiinta sunt muncitori privind cercetarea n comportamentul de ciment si beton sub tot

    felul de condiii. Colaborarea cu ingineri acestea sunt n curs de dezvoltare noi modaliti de utilizare abetonului. Ciment schimb faa pmntului.

    III. Answer the following questions: - Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:

    1. How do people make concrete?1. Cum oamenii fac beton?

    Portland cement mixed with water is the paste that binds sand, gravel, clinker into an artificial rock thatbecomes harder as the years pass. Ciment Portland amestecat cu ap este pasta care se leaga de nisip,pietri clincher, ntr-o stnc artificial care devine tot mai greu cu trecerea anilor.

    2. How do people increase the concrete elasticity?2. Cum oamenii maresc elasticitatea de beton?One item is squeezed concrete, known technically as pre-stressed concrete. By giving concrete a bigsqueeze after it has hardened, builders can increase its elasticity ten times, so that it will bend under aheavy load without breaking. Mai multe lucruri. Un element este de beton presat , cunoscut sub numeledin punct de vedere tehnic beton precomprimat. Prin acordarea de beton o mai mare stoarce dupa ce saintarit, constructorii poate crete elasticitatea de zece ori, astfel nct acesta va indoi sub o sarcin grea

    fr s se rup.

    3. What is the simplest way to pres-stress concrete?3. Care este cel mai simplu mod a betonului precomprimat presiune din beton?The simplest way to pre-stress concreteis to put steel wires or rods in the concrete when it is poured. Celmai simplu mod de beton precomprimat pentru a pune cabluri din oel sau tije din beton atunci cndacesta este turnat.

    4. How did engineers build the floating highway bridge across Lake Washington?4. Cum au construit inginerii podul plutitor peste autostrada Lake Washington?An unusual American use of reinforced concrete is the floating highway bridge across Lake Washington.The depth of the lake made piers too expensive, so engineers built the bridge on hollow concrete

    pontoons anchored in place by steel cables. It is the longest pontoon bridge structure on earth. O utilizare neobinuit din America este podul plutitor din beton armat, autostrada care traverseazlacul Washington. Adancimea lacului fcut piloni prea scump, astfel nct inginerii construit podul de pe

    pontoanele de beton cu goluri ancorate n loc de cabluri de otel. Acesta este cel mai lung pod structuraponton de pe pmnt.

    5. What was the aim of engineers until recently?5. Care a fost scopul inginerilor pana de curand?

    Until recently, the aim of engineers was to make concrete with as few bubbles as possible.Pn de curnd, n scopul inginerilor a fost de a face beton cu cat mai putine bule posibil.

    6. What kind of concrete does not crack?

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    6. Ce fel de beton nu crap?Now they have come up with a new concrete that has millions of microscopic bubbles per cubic foot. It ismade by adding an agent which foams to form the bubbles when the concrete is mixed.

    beton care are milioane de bule microscopice pe picior cub. Aceasta se face prin adaugarea unui agentcare spume pentru a forma bule atunci cnd betonul este mixt.

    7. What is soil concrete used for?7. Ce este un ciment sol utilizat pentru drumuri?

    Another discovery is soil cement. Several years ago road builders lacking funds found that they couldmix cement with soil on the site of the road, wet it and compsct it then cover it with bitumen.The firstroad they built is still carring traffic. Cu civa ani n urm constructori de drumuri lipsa de fonduri aconstatat c acestea ar putea amestec de ciment cu sol pe santierul de drum, acesta umed i compsct-l,apoi se acopera cu bitum rutier .

    8. What are scientists working on?8. Cine sunt oamenii de stiinta care lucreaza la?Scientists are workihg on research into the behaviour of cement and concrete under all kinds ofconditions. Collaborating with ehgineers they are developing new ways of using concrete.Oamenii de stiinta sunt muncitori privind cercetarea n comportamentul de ciment si beton sub tot felul

    de condiii. Colaborarea cu ingineri acestea sunt n curs de dezvoltare noi modaliti de utilizare abetonului.

    V. Evaluation exercises. Exercitii de evaluare

    1. Write the text plan and the summary of the text A - 1. Scriei textul i planul de rezumat altextului A.

    Do you remember the summary writing requirements? Here they are? - i aminteti cerinele de scrisrezumatul? Aici sunt?

    Writing a good summary demonstrates that you clearly understand a text and that you can

    communicate that understanding to your readers. Following the easy 8-step method, you will be ableto summarize texts quickly and successfully.Scrierea unui rezumat bun demonstreaz c ai neles n mod clar un text i care se poate comunicaaceast nelegere pentru cititorii dumneavoastr. n urma usor 8-pas metoda, va fi capabil de arezuma texte rapid i cu succes.

    1. First. Skim the text, you are going to summarize and divide it into sections. Focus on anyheadings and subheadings.2. Read. At this point you don need to stop to look up anything that gives you trouble - just get afeel for the author tone style and main idea.3. Reread. Rereading should be active reading. Underline topic sentences and key facts. Thedetails should be avoided - though they may be interesting - are too specific. Identify areas thatyou do not understand and try to clarity those points.4. Now Write down the main idea of each section in one well - developed sentence.5. Write the introductory sentence. This is the key to any well-written summary. Reyiew thesentences you wrote in step 4. From them you should be able to create the one that clearlycommunicates what the entire text was trying to achieve.6. Ready to write. At this point your first draft is almost done. Add some transition words ( then,however, also, moreover) that help with the overall structure and flow of the summary.And once you are actually putting pen to paper (or fingers to keys) remember these tips:1. n primul rnd parcurge rapid textul, il vei rezumai i mprii-l n seciuni. Concentrai-v

    la rubrici si subrubrici..2. Citete. n acest moment nu avei nevoie pentru a opri pentru a cuta ceva care v oferprobleme doar simte stilul, tonul autorului i ideea principal.3. Reciteste. Recitind ar trebui s fie lectur activ. Sublinieaza propozitii importante i factori-cheie. Detaliile ar trebui s fie evitate -, dei acestea pot fi interesante - sunt prea specifice.

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  • 7/27/2019 ENGLEZA 1 Examen


    metal alloys aliaje metalicemodern industry building products produse moderne industria constructoare de

    Specialists Involved - specialiti implicai

    Architect arhitectDesigner proiectant, designerStructural engineer inginer constructor

    Project manager sef de proiectForeman maistruCrane operator macaragiuBuilder constructorBrick layer zidarCarpenter / joiner timplarPlumber instalator de apa si canalPlasterer tencuitorPainter zugravLocksmith lacatusElectrician electrician

    Structural elements of a House - Elemente structurale ale unei case

    1. Foundation is a structure that transfers loads to the earth:1. Fundatia este o structur care transfer sarcini la pmnt:

    The word foundation is used to mean:Cuvntul fundatia este folosit pentru a nelege:

    Construction below grade, such as footings, cellar or basement.

    De construcie de mai jos grad, cum ar fi fundaii, pivni sau subsol.

    The compozition of the earth on which the building rests andCompozitie a pmntului pe care se bazeaz i construirea

    Special construction, such as pilihgs and piers used to support the building.Construcii speciale, cum ar fi armatura i pontoanele utilizate pentru a sprijini construirea.

    2. Frame - the basic structure of a building that other parts are added onto:2. Frame - structura de baz a unei cldiri care se adaug alte pri pe:

    Steel frame usually refers to a building technique with a skeleton frame of vertical steel columns andhorizontal I-beams, constructed in a rectangular grid to support the floors, roof and walls of a buildingwhich are all attached to the frame.Schelet din oel, de obicei, se refer la o tehnica de cldire cu un cadru schelet de oel coloane verticale siorizontale I-grinzi, construit ntr-o gril dreptunghiular pentru a sprijini etaje, acoperis si pereti a uneicldiri, care sunt toate ataate la cadru.

    Light - frame construction (wood-frame) is a building technique where structural members, called studs,provide a stable frame to which interior and exterior wall coverings are attached.Lumina - Structura ramei (lemn-cadru) este o tehnica de construcie n cazul n care membrii structurale,

    numite butoni, ofer un cadru stabil de care interior i acoperitoare de perete exterior sunt ataate.Concrete frame consists of a concrete structure reinforced with steel bars poured on the site.Cadru de beton consta dintr-o structura de beton armat cu bare din otel turnat pe santier.

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    3. Roof - the covering that forms the top a building. There are two parts to a roof, its supportingstructure rafters, trusses, roof sheathing and its outer skin, or uppermost weatherproof layer thewood shingles or tiles, slate, or metal.

    Acoperi - care acoper n partea de sus o cldire. Exist dou pri la un acoperis, sa cpriorisprijinirea structura, ferme, acoperi nveliuri i captuseala sa exterioara, sau stratul superiorrezistent la intemperii sindrila din lemn sau gresie- tigle, ardezie, sau metal.

    4. Wall - a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides space or surrounds

    something:4. De perete - o structur vertical, de multe ori din piatra sau caramida, care imparte spatiul saunconjoar ceva:

    Load - bearing wall is a wall that bears a load resting upon it by conducting its weight to a foundationstructure . The materials most often used to construct load-bearing walls in large buildings areconcrete, block or brick.De ncrcare - perete rulment este un perete care poart o sarcin ce i revine prin efectuarea degreutate ntr-o structur de fundatie. Materialele cel mai des utilizate pentru a construi perei portanin cldirile mari sunt din beton, caramida sau bloc.

    Interior Wall - is a wall that separates space within a house.Perete despartitor - este un perete care separ spaiul ntr-o cas.

    5. Window - An opening in a building for admitting light and air.It usually has a pane or panes ofglass and is set in a frame or sash that is generally movable for opening and shutting.

    5. Fereastra - O deschidere ntr-o cldire pentru admiterea luminii i aerului.Ea are, de obicei un panou sau panouri din sticl i este situat ntr-un cadru sau cercevea, care este, ngeneral, mobile pentru deschiderea i nchiderea.

    6. Doors - There are doors both for exterior and interior use. Exterior doors must, in addition to offeringprivacy, protect the interior of the structure from the elements.

    Various parts of a door are the same as the corresponding parts of a window.6. Usi - Sunt att usi pentru exterior cit si interior. Usile de exterior trebuie, n plus fa de oferirea deconfidenialitate, a proteja interiorul structurii din elemente.Diferitelor pri ale unei ui sunt aceleai ca i prile corespunztoare din-o fereastr.

    Steps in Building a House - Pai n construirea unei case

    1. Acquiring the plot for future construction.1. Dobndirea unui teren pentru construcii de viitor.

    2. Inviting specialists to examine the geology, landscape, legality.2. Invitarea specialitilor s examineze geologie, peisaj, legalitate.

    3. Making the house plan ( a set of construction drawings, sometimes called blueprints).3. Realizarea planului de casa (un set de desene de construcie, numite uneori schie).

    4. Getting construction authorization / permits from local authorities.4. Obinerea autorizaiei de construire / permise de la autoritile locale.

    5. Signing a contract with a specialized in construction company.5. Semnarea unui contract cu o companie de constructii specializata.

    1. Site preparation pregatirea santierului;2. laying the foundation & setting the plumbing turnarea temeliei, instalarea retelelor ingineresti;3. Constructing the framework constructia cadrului;

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    4. Raising load- bearing walls constructia peretilor portanti;5. Installing the roofing instalarea acoperisului;6. Building interior walls constructia peretilor despartitori;7. setting doors & windows instalarea usilor si ferestrelor;8. Insulating the house izolarea termica a casei9. Wiring & plumbing instalarea cablurilor , retelelor;10. 10. Installing heting & cooling system instalarea sistemelor de racire, conditionare;11. Interior & exterior wall finishing finisarea peretilor interiori si exteriori.

    12. Cleanup & landscape amenajarea si curatirea.

    Specialized Verbs - Verbe speciale pag. 3

    to begin the construction of your new house - incepe constructia casei noi; to dig a hole for the foundation - se sapa groapa de fundatie; to pour concrete / the foundation - a turna betonul, sau fundatia; to lay the first brick - a pune prima caramida; to aplly asphalt coating to the foundation wall - a aplica un strat hidroizolator pe peretele defundatie ( pe temelie); to prevent water from seeping in - a preveni patrunderea apei; to complete the first / second floor - a termina primul etaj; to insulate the lofts a izola mansandra; to raise the walls / roof - a ridica peretii, a pune acoperisul; to place roof trusses on top of the walls - a pune fermele pe acoperis; to install roof-covering - a instala stratul exterior a acoperisului; to install HVAC systems ( heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems) - a instala incalzirea,ventilarea si conditionarea; to insulate the home - a izola termic; to put up drywall or to nail your interior walls and ceilings - a construi peretii despartitori, ainsuruba ghipsocarton pe pereti si tavan; to plaster, to pain, to wallpaper or to apply a textured effect to walls - a tencui, a vopsi, a incleiatapet, a aplica o textura pe pereti; to clean up around the house - a amenaja casa.

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    Cele mai vechi case din Marea Britanie au fost rotunde, construite din lemn sau locul de munc code rchit tencuit peste cu lut. In centrul casei era o vatra si lumina a venit printr-o gaur n acoperide mai sus i prin u, deoarece nu au existat ferestre.

    On the territory of Russia the most ancient homes were earthen houses. One such home wasdiscovered near Voronezh in 1927. It consisted of a shallow hole of oval shape. The floor wasconvered with limestone slabs. The roof had been conical and stood on poles covered by branches or

    animal skins. Such dwellings existed in that part of the country in the Upper Paleolithic period (from40000 to 12000years ago).

    Pe teritoriul Rusiei, case mai vechi au fost case de lut. Un astfel de cas a fost descoperit lngVoronej, n 1927. Acesta consta dintr-o gaur mic adncime de form oval.Podeaua a fost acoperitacu dale de calcar. Acoperisul a fost conic i se afla pe stalpi reglementate de sucursale sau piei deanimale. Astfel de locuine au existat n acea parte a rii n perioada paleoliticului superior (de la40000 pn la 12000 ani n urm).

    Once men learned to build simple houses for their families, they began to feel a need to have anumber of different kinds of houses in one place. At first the difference was mainly in size the chief

    or leader had a larger hut or tent than the rest of the people. Much later, when men began to buildtowns, there grew up the difference between town houses and country houses. The streets in townwere very narrow and there was not much place for building within the town walls and there forehouses had to be built higher than they were in the country. A typical town house consisted of a shopopening in the street where the man his work or sold his goods, with a kitchen behind and a

    bedroom above.

    Odat ce oamenii au nvat s construiasc case simple pentru familiile lor, au inceput sa simt nevoiade a avea un numr de diferite tipuri de case ntr-un singur loc. La nceput, diferena a fost n

    principal n mrime ef sau lider au avut-o colib mai mare sau cort dect restul oamenilor. Mult maitrziu, atunci cnd oamenii au nceput s construiasc orae, acolo a crescut diferena dintre case ora

    i case de ar. Strzile din ora au fost foarte nguste i nu era loc mult pentru construirea ninteriorul zidurilor oraului i nu exist case de prim-plan a trebuit s fie construit mai mari dect aufost n ar. O cas de ora tipic consta dintr-un magazin de deschidere n strad n cazul n care omuloperei sale sau a mrfurilor vndute su, cu o buctrie i un dormitor n spatele de mai sus.

    In the country ordinary people lived in simple one-storey cottages which did not differ much fromthe mud and stone huts of an earlier age. The rich people in the country , on the other Irland, builthuge castles with thick walls and narrow windows. These castles were built not only as dweilings butalso to stand up to enemy attack and to be strong bases in time of war.

    n ara oamenilor obinuii locuiau n simplu cu un singur etaj cabane, care nu difer cu mult debordeie si de piatra de o varsta mai devreme.Oamenii bogai n ar, pe de alt Irland, construit casteleimense, cu ziduri groase si ferestre nguste. Aceste castele au fost construite, nu numai ca dweilings,ci, de asemenea, s se ridice pentru a ataca inamicul i s fie baze puternice, n timp de rzboi.

    Exercise 1. Using the information from the text fill in the following table:

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    Exerciiul 1. Folosind informaiile din textul completai n tabelul urmtor:

    The name of the country numele tarii

    The type of the buildings-Tipul de constructie

    building materials material de constructie

    constructional features -caracteristici de construcie

    Egypt Their pyramids andmonuments, sphinxes andpalaces - Piramide imonumente, sfincsi sipalate

    Having dried the bricks inthe sun - crmiziuscate la soare

    they placed a flat roof,Egipts columns and soonbecame the teachers of theworld in column making.Egiptul antic care a datlumii primele sale lectii narta de a face coloane. -au pus un acoperi plat,

    Greece They built a slanting roof -Ei au construit un acoperinclinat

    The Greeks made the roofslant in two directionsfrom the middle. theslanting roof and thecolumns - Grecii au fcutpanta acoperiului n doudirecii din mijloc,acoperi oblici i coloane

    Roman state First of all, they borrowed

    the slanting roof and thecolumns. But they addedthe arch thus adding muchstrength and beauty totheir buildings. - Mai ntide toate, le-au mprumutatacoperi oblici i coloane.Dar ei au adugat arculadugnd astfel puterea sifrumusetea de mult decldirile acestora.

    In Rome bricks were used

    for building and houseswere often finished withplaster in both inside andoutside walls. - . n Romaau fost folosite crmizipentru construirea de caseau fost de multe ori iterminat cu ipsos n pereiatt n interiorul ct i nafara.

    The centre of family life

    was a garden-countryard,surrounded by columnsand with rooms openingout into it. - Centrul vieiide familie a fost o tara agrdinilor, nconjurat decoloane i cu camere dedeschidere afar n ea.

    Ancient Russia On the territory of Russiathe most ancient homes

    were earthen houses - Peteritoriul Rusiei, case maivechi au fost case de lut.

    It consisted of a shallowhole of oval shape. The

    floor was convered withlimestone slabs. The roofhad been conical and stoodon poles covered bybranches or animal skins. -Acesta consta dintr-ogaur mic adncime deform oval.Podeaua a fostacoperita cu dale decalcar. Acoperisul a fostconic i se afla pe stalpireglementate de sucursalesau piei de animale.

    Britain The earliest houses inBritain were round, builtof wood or wicker basketwork plastered over withclay. - Cele mai vechicase din Marea Britanie aufost rotunde, construite dinlemn sau locul de muncco de rchit tencuit pestecu lut.

    In the centre of thehouse was a hearthand light came inthrough a hole in theroof above in andthrough the doorbecause there were nowindows. - In centrulcasei era o vatra silumina a venit printr-ogaur n acoperi demai sus i prin u,deoarece nu au existatferestre.

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    A house is a home, shelter, building or structure that is a dwelling or place for habitation by humanbeings. The term includes many kinds of dwellings ranging from rudimentary huts of nomadie tribesto free standing individual structures. In some contexts, "house" may mean the same as dwelling,residence, home, abode, lodging, accommodation, or housing, among other meanings. English-speaking people generally call any building they routinely occupy "home".

    O casa este o cas, adpost, cldire sau structur, care este o locuin sau un loc de locuit de fiine umane.

    Termenul include multe tipuri de locuine, de la cabane de rudimentar de triburi nomadie la structurilegratuit individuale n picioare. n anumite contexte, "casa" se poate referi la fel ca locuin, reedin,domiciliu, reedin, cazare, sau de locuine, printre alte semnificaii. Oamenii de limb engleznumesc, n general, orice cldire pe care o ocup de rutina "acas".

    Anatomy of a House - Anatomia unei case

    Roof (s) acoperisShutter (s) - obloaneWall(s) - peretePorch(es) - veranda

    Front door(s) - usa din fataWindow(s) - fereastraGarage Door(s) - usa garajuluiGarage(s) - garajChimney (s) - hogeacBalcony (ies) - balcon.

    Types of dwelling - tipuri de locuinta

    Cottage - casuta taraneascaDetached house - casa separata

    Semi-detached house - casa semiseparataBungalow - vilaBlock of flats - bloc cu apartamenteTerraced house - casa cu terase

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    1. Fiind nevoii s se protejeze de intemperii, oamenii si-au construit dintotdeauna adposturi.1. The need to protect themselves from bad weather, people have always built shelters.

    2. Modul de via din ce n ce mai sedentar, a condiionat construcia caselor din materiale gsite n

    natur i, mai trziu din materiale fabricate.2. Way of life increasingly sedentary conditioned building houses materials found in nature and, latermanufactured materials.

    3. n Egiptul Antic se ridicau locuine din crmizi (chirpici) uscai la soare.3. In ancient Egypt brick house stood (adobe) dried in the sun.

    4. Europenii construiau case de lemn, nzestrate cu acoperiuri arpante.4. Europeans built wooden houses, equipped with roof roof.

    5. Casele circulare tipice pentru cultura britanic, aveau pereii din lemn sau nuiele mpletite, lipite cu

    lut.5. British culture typical round houses, had walls of wood or wattle, plastered with clay.

    6. Locuinele timpurii ale ruilor erau parial ngropate n pmnt, cu plci de piatr pe podea, iaracoperiul n form de con era acoperit cu pei de animale.6. Early homes were partially buried in Russian soil, stone floor plate and cone-shaped roof wascovered with animal skins.

    7. Diverse culturi utilizeaz materiale de construcie diferite pentru ridicarea caselor: acestea pot fimateriale tradiionale, pe care oamenii le au la ndemn, sau cele moderne.

    7. Different cultures use different building materials to raise the house: they can be traditional

    materials that people have at hand, or modern.

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    BUILDING A HOUSE STEP-BY-STEP - Construirea unei case PAS CU PAS

    1. Procesul planificrii unei cldiri prevede luarea unor decizii pertenente asupra materialelor deconstrucii i a proiectului reeind din funcia pentru care va fi aceasta construit, gusturile

    beneficiarului i condiiile de mediu.1. Planning process provides a building pertenente decisions on construction materials and project

    Taking into consideration the function for which it will be built, tastes beneficiary andenvironmental conditions.

    2. Etapele premergtoare construciei casei includ planificarea casei i obinerea autorizaiei deconstrucie, precum i analiza solului pentru a determina rezistena acestuia.

    2. Planning stages include pre-construction house construction house and obtaining and analyzingsoil to determine its strength.

    3. nainte de nceperea construciei unei case se invit personalul specializat n pregtirea terenului,care-l va curi de copaci, pietre, drmturi, i desigur, va nivela terenul, dac e necesar.

    3.Before building a house invites the professional staff in preparing the ground, that it will cleansethe trees, rocks, rubble, and of course, will level the land, if necessary.

    4. n construcia unei cldiri sunt parcurse dou etape principale: n prima etap , se toarn fundaia,pe care se ridic scheletul structurii, iar n a doua are loc executarea exteriorului, inclusiv alacoperiului.

    4. The construction of a main building are two steps: first, pour the foundation, which raises theskeleton structure, and the second exterior of enforcement, including the roof.

    5. Fundaia trebuie s suporte greutatea cladirii, s absoarb forele exercitante asupra cldirii i sle distribuie ctre sol fr a deforma structura subsolului.

    5. Foundation to support the weight of the building, to absorb the forces exerted on the building anddistribute them to the ground without distorting the structure of the subsoil.

    6. Exteriorul cldirii este alctuit din scheletul de susinere i pereii de baz , pe care se puneacoperiul.

    6. Outside the building skeleton is composed of basic support and walls, which put the roof.

    7. Construcia interiorului cldirii implic poziionarea pereilor despritori, fr rol de susinere.7. Involves positioning the building construction partitions without supportive role.

    8. Casa poate fi conectat la reelele inginereti, gaz i apeduct dup nlarea pereilor i punereaacoperiului.8. House can be connected to engineering networks, gas and water supply by putting walls and rooferection.

    9. Casa este o structur complex care necesit parcurgerea anumitor etape de proiectare iconstrucie.

    9. The house is a complex structure that requires completion of certain stages of design andconstruction.

    10. Forele care exercit presiune asupra cldirii sunt greutatea proprie a cldirii i a oamenilor carevor locui sau lucra n ea, fora vntului, greutatea zpezii, forele rezultate din micarea Pmntului.

    10. Pressure on the forces that are building their own weight of the building and the people wholive or work in it, wind power, weight of snow forces from earth movement.

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    Unit 3.The Leaning Tower of Pisa - Turnul nclinat din PisaVOCABULARY Vocabular

    Tower - 1. A tall narrow structure, often square or circular, which either forms part of a building orstands alone: There a clock on the church tower. 2. A tall, usually metal structure used for broadcasting.Turn - 1. O structur nalta ngusta, adesea ptrat sau circular, care face parte fie dintr-o cldire sau seafl n singura: Exista un ceas de pe turnul bisericii. 2. O structur nalt, de obicei de metal folosite

    pentru radiodifuziune.

    Inclined tower or leaning tower is a tower which, either intentionally, due to errors indesign.construction or to subsequent external influence, does not stand perpendicular to the ground.Turn nclinat sau nclinat turn este un turn, care, n mod intenionat, din cauza unor erori ndesign.constructie sau de a influena externe ulterioare, nu se opune perpendicular pe sol.

    Masonry - 1. The bricks or stone from which a building, wall, has been made: Several people wereburied under falling masonry. 2. The skill of building with stone.Zidarie - 1.Crmizi sau de piatr de la o cldire care, de perete, au fost realizate: Mai multe persoane aufost ingropati sub zidrie care se ncadreaz. 2.Abilitate de a construi cu piatr.

    Arch - 1. a structure with a curved top and straight sides that supports the weight of a bridge or building:2. a curved structure above a door, window.Arc - 1. o structur cu un top curbate i paranteze drepte care suporta greutatea unui pod sau cldire: 2. ostructura curbata deasupra unei ui, ferestre.

    Arcade - a covered passage at the side of a row of buildings with pillars and arctles supporting it on oneside.Arcada - un pasaj acoperit de la marginea unui rnd de cldiri, cu stalpi si arctles sprijinindu-l pe o parte.

    Column - a tall solid upright stone post used to support a building or as a decoration.

    Coloana - un post de nalt masiv din piatr n poziie vertical utilizate pentru a sprijini o cldire sau caun decor.

    Belfry - a tower for a bell, especially on a church.Clopotnia - un turn de un clopot, n special pe o biseric.

    Pillar - a tall upright round post used as a support for a roof or bridge.Pilonul - un post de nalt rund n poziie vertical folosit ca suport pentru un acoperi sau a unui pod.

    To tilt - to (cause to) move into a sloping position. He tilted his chair backwards and put his feet up onhis desk.A se inclina - a (pentru a provoca) muta ntr-o poziie nclinat. El a nclinat scaunul pe spate i a pus

    picioarele pe biroul su.

    To slant - to lean in a position that is not vertical: to slope. Italic writing slants to the right.Pentru a nclina - s se aplece ntr-o poziie care nu este vertical: de panta. nclinat Cursiv scris ladreapta.

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    The Leaning Tower of Pisa - Turnul nclinat din Pisa

    One of the world most recognizable buildings is surely the Leaning Tower o Pisa. Go see it if youre soinclined.Una dintre cele mai cunoscute cladiri din lume este cu siguran Turnul din Pisa. Du-te si vezi daceste att de nclinat.

    Construction of the tower occurred in three stages across 177 years. Work on the first floor of the white

    marble campanile began on August 8, 1173, during a period of military success and prosperity. Much tothe embarrassment of Pisans, however, their white marble tower began to sink after construction hadprogressed to the third floor in 1178. This was due to a mere there-meter foundation, set in weak,unstable subsoil, a design that was flawed from the beginning. Perhaps engineer Bonanno Pisano failedto consider the consequences of designing a 185-foot-tall tower with a stone foundation only about tenfeet thick. And this thin base rests on soft sand, rubble, and clay - not firm underpinnings for an almost16000 - ton tower. Construirea turnului a avut loc n trei etape n 177 ani. Lucrul la primul etaj al clopotnitei marmuralb a nceput pe 08 august 1173, n timpul unei perioade de succesul militar i prosperitate. Mult laruinea de a Pisans, cu toate acestea, turnul lor de marmur alb nceput s se scufunde dup construcieau progresat la etajul al treilea, in 1178. Acest lucru sa datorat doar acolo-metru fundaie, stabilit n

    subsolul slab, instabil, cu un design care a fost greit de la nceput. Poate inginer Bonanno Pisano nu areuit s ia n considerare consecinele de a concepe un turn de 185 metri, inalt, cu o fundaie doaraproximativ zece metri grosime piatr. i aceast baz subire se bazeaz pe nisip moale, moloz, i argil- nu bazele pentru o firma de aproape 16000 - sumedenie turn.

    Construction was subsequently halted for almost a centry, because the republic of Pisa was almostcontinually engaged in battles with Genoa, Lucca and Florence. This allowed time for the underlying soilto settle. Otherwise, the tower would almost certainly have toppled. In 1198 clocks were temporarilyinstalled on the third floor of the unfinished construction.

    Constructia a fost oprit, ulterior, timp de aproape un centry, pentru c republica din Pisa a fost aproapecontinuu angajat n lupte cu Genova, Lucca i Florena. De data aceasta a permis pentru a solului care

    stau la baza pentru a soluiona. n caz contrar, turnul ar fi aproape sigur au rsturnat. n 1198 au fostceasurile temporar instalat la etajul al treilea din construcie neterminat.

    In 1272 construction resumed under Giovanni di Simone, architect of the Camposanto. In an effort tocompensate for the tilt, the engineers built upper floors with one side taller than the other. Because ofthis, the tower is actually curved.

    n 1272 construcia a fost reluat n conformitate cu Giovanni di Simone, arhitect al Camposanto. ntr-un efort de a compensa pentru prelate, inginerii construit etajele superioare, cu o parte mai nalt dectcelelalte. Din acest motiv, turnul este, de fapt curbat.

    The seventh floor was completed in 1319. It was built by Tommaso di Andrea Pisano, who succeeded inharmonizing the Gothic elements of the bell-chamber with the Romanesque style of the tower. There areseven bells, one for each note of the musical major scale. The largest one was installed in 1655. The bell-chamber was finally added in 1372.

    Podeaua a aptea a fost finalizat n 1319. A fost construit de Tommaso di Andrea Pisano, care areuit n armonizarea elemente gotice ale clopot-camera cu stil romanic a turnului. Exist apte clopote,unul pentru fiecare act de amploarea muzicale.Cea mai mare a fost instalat n 1655.Clopot-camera a fostn cele din urm adaugata in 1372.

    Tower Profile: The height of the tower is 55.86m from the ground on the low side and 56.70m on thehigh side. The width of the walls at the base is 4.09 m and at the top 2.48m. Its weight is estimated at

    16000 tons. The tower has 296 or 294 steps: the seventh floor has two fewer steps on the north-facingstaircase. Prior to restoration between 1990 and 2001, the tower leaned at an angle of 5.5 degrees, but thetower now leans at about 3.99 degrees. The means that the top of the tower is displaced horizontally 3.9meters from where it would be if the structure were perfectly vertical.

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    This first floor is a blind arcade articulated by engaged with classical Corinthian capitals. Intricatecarvings,columns, arches and other design elements are incorporated into the construction of the tower.For medieval Europe, these types of design themes and construction processes were way ahead of theirtime, resulting in a structure that has remained timeless in appearance through the ages.

    Turnul Profil: nlimea turnului este de 55.86m la sol de pe partea de joas i 56.70m pe partea deinalta. Limea a pereilor de la baza este de 4.09 m i la 2.48m de top. Greutatea sa este estimat la 16000de tone.Turnul are 296 sau 294 pai: la etajul sapte are doua etape mai putine pe scara de nord-cu care seconfrunt. nainte de restaurare ntre 1990 i 2001, turnul nclinat la un unghi de 5,5 grade, dar turnul se

    nclin acum la aproximativ 3.99 de grade.nseamn c partea de sus a turnului este deplasat peorizontal 3,9 m, de unde ar fi n cazul n care structura au fost perfect vertical.Acest etaj este un arcade orb articulat de ctre angajat cu capiteluri corintice clasice. Sculpturicomplicate, coloane, arcade si alte elemente de design sunt ncorporate n construcia turnului. PentruEuropa medieval, aceste tipuri de teme de proiectare i de procesele de constructie au fost cu multnaintea timpului lor, rezultnd ntr-o structur care a rmas atemporal n aparen a lungul secolelor.

    Tower Stabilization Works. On February 27 1964 the government of Italy reguested aid in preventingthe tower from toplling. It was however, considered important to retain the current tilt due to the vitalrole that this element played in promoting the tourism industry of Pisa. A multinational task force ofengineers, mathematicians and historians gathered on the Azores islands to discuss stabilization methods.

    It was found that the tilt was increasing in combination with the softer foundations on the lower side.Many methods were proposed to stabilize the tower, including the addition of 800 metric tons of leadcounterweights to the raised end of the base.

    Turnul de stabilizare Lucrrilor. Pe 27 februarie 1964, guvernul a ajutorului Italia reguested nprevenirea turn din toplling. A fost cu toate acestea, considerat important s se pstreze curente denclinare datorit rolului vital pe care acest element a jucat n promovarea industriei turismului din Pisa.Un grup de lucru multinaionale de ingineri, matematicieni i istorici s-au adunat pe insulele Azore,

    pentru a discuta metode de stabilizare. Sa constatat c a fost n cretere prelate n asociere cu bazele maimoale pe partea de jos. Multe metode au fost propuse pentru a stabiliza turn, inclusiv adugarea de 800de tone metrice de contragreutati duce la sfarsitul ridicat de baz.

    On January 7, 1990, after over two decades of stabilization studies, the tower was closed to the public.The bells were removed to relieve some weight, and cables were cinched around the third level andanchored several hundred meters away. The final solution to prevent the collapse of the tower was toslightly straighten the tower to a safer angle, by removing 38 cubic meters of soil from underneath theraised end. The tower was straightened by 45 centimeters, returning to its 1838 position. After a decadeof corrective reconstruction and sabilization efforts, the tower was reopened to the public on December15, 2001, and was declared stable for at least another 300 years.

    La data de 07 ianuarie 1990, dup peste dou decenii de studii de stabilizare, turnul a fost nchispentru public. Clopotele au fost eliminate pentru a ameliora unele greutate, i cablurile au fost cinched njurul valorii de-al treilea nivel i ancorate cteva sute de metri distan. Soluia final pentru a preveniprbuirea a turnului a fost de a ndrepta uor turn la un unghi mai sigur, prin eliminarea 38 de metri cubide sol de sub sfritul ridicate.Turnul a fost indreptat cu 45 de centimetri, revenind la poziia 1838 sale.Dup un deceniu de reconstrucie corective i eforturile sabilization, turnul a fost redeschis pentru public

    pe 15 decembrie 2001, i a fost declarat stabil pentru cel puin nc 300 de ani.

    In May 2008, after the removal of another 70 metric tons of earth, engineers announced that the Towerhad been stabilized such that it had stopped moving for the first time in its history. They stated it would

    be stable for at least 200 years. From start to finish, the leaning tower of Pisa took over 800 years to beconstructed-probably the longest construction time in the world.

    n mai 2008, dup ndeprtarea de un alt 70 de tone metrice de pmnt, ingineri a anunat c Turnul afost stabilizat, astfel nct aceasta a oprit n micare, pentru prima dat n istoria sa. Acetia au declarat c

    ar fi stabil timp de cel puin 200 de ani. De la nceput pn la sfrit, turnul nclinat din Pisa a avut peste800 de ani pentru a fi construite, probabil, cel mai lung timp de construcie din lume.

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    Sentences for translation Exemple pentru traducere

    1. nalt de 55,86 m cu o grosime a zidului la baz de 4,09 m i o greutate estimat la 14,500 tone,turnul a fost proiectat s stea vertical.

    1. 55.86 m high with a wall thickness of 4.09 m based on an estimated weight of 14 500 tons, thetower was designed to stand vertically.

    2. Datorit ns proastei caliti a solului, fundaia a nceput s se scufunde imediat dup nceperea

    construciei, n anul 1173, provocnd nclinarea turnului spre sud.2. But due to poor soil, the foundation began to sink immediately after construction began, in 1173,causing the tower to the south slope.

    3. De-a lungul timpului turnul a suferit mai multe operaii de consolidare, prin care s-a ncercat stopareasau chiar reducerea nclinrii turnului.3. Over time the tower building underwent several operations, which attempted to stop or even reduce thetower's tilt.

    4. nclinaia turnului fa de axa vertical este de 5,5 grade, asta nsemnnd o deplasare a centrului degreutate la nivelul bazei cu 4,5 metri.

    4. Tower about a vertical axis inclination is 5.5 degrees, meaning that the center of gravity shift to thebase by 4.5 meters.

    5. ntre cele 8 etaje, se afl coloane de marmura alb, ce servesc ca suport, iar ua este decorat cudiverse imagini representnd animale.5. Between the 8 floors are white marble columns, which serve as support, and the door is decorated withvarious images Represent animals.

    6. n 1992 n ncercarea de a stabiliza temporar cldirea , au fost construite n jurul turnului, pn la aldoilea etaj, tendoane de fier, captuite cu plastic.6. In 1992 in an attempt to temporarily stabilize the building, were built around the tower, up to the

    second floor, tendons iron, lined with plastic.

    7. n anul 1993, o fundaie din beton a fost construit n jurul turnului, iar n partea nordic a acestuia aufost plasate contragreuti. Utilizarea acestor greuti au reuit s reduc nclinaia cu aproximativ doicentimetri.7. In 1993, a concrete foundation was built around the tower, and in the north of it were placedcounterweights. Using these weights have managed to reduce bias by about two centimeters.

    8. n 1995 , comisia care supraveghea restaurarea a ncercat s nlocuiasc contragreutile inestetice cucabluri subterane. Inginerii au ngheat pmntul cu azot lichid, ns acest fapt a cauzat o mriredramatic a nclinaiei, iar proiectul a fost anulat.8. In 1995, the committee overseeing the restoration of trying to replace the unsightly counterweightswith cables underground. Engineers have frozen ground with liquid nitrogen, but this has caused adramatic increase in the inclination, and the project was canceled.

    9. n sfrit n 1999, inginerii au nceput un proces de extragere a pmntului de sub partea din nord, faptcare n cteva luni a nceput s prezinte efecte pozitive.9. Finally in 1999, engineers began a process of removing the earth from under the north, which in a fewmonths began to show positive effects.

    10. Pmntul a fost ndreptat ntr-un ritm foarte lent, nu mai mult de civa metri cubi pe zi, iar un ham

    masiv din cablu a fost folosit pentru a susine turnul, pentru eventualitatea unei destabilizri brute aacestuia.10. Earth was turned into a very slow pace, no more than a few cubic meters per day, and a massive cableharness was used to support the tower, in case of a sudden its destabilization.

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    11. Momentan s-a mai ncetinit nclinarea turnului prin lucrrile de consolidare care se executa periodicacolo.11. Currently it works slower by tilting tower building there that run periodically.

    12. Limea zidului de la baz este de 4,09m, iar n partea de sus de 2,48m.12. Wall width is 4.09 m at the base and the top 2.48 m.

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    Unit 4 Traditional chinese architecture - Unitatea 4 arhitectura tradiional chinez

    Vocabulary - vocabularStructural elements - elemente structurale Materials used - materialele folosite

    Wooden frame (posts, beams,lintels, joists) - cadru de lemn Wood - lemn

    Load- bearing columns - coloane portante Brick - caramidaUpturned eaves - cornise rasucite in sus Masonry - zidarieMassive tile foof - acoperis amplu de tigle Paint - vopseaCurtain walls - pereti despartitori Gloss - lac

    Decoration - decorareWood carving - sculptura in lemnPainting decoration - pictura decorareGloss covering - acoperit cu lac

    Principles of structure - Principii de structur

    1. Balance and symmetry. Office buildings, residences, temples, and palaces all follow the principle thatthe main structure is the axis.1. Echilibru si simetrie. Cladiri de birouri, resedinte, temple, palate i urmai toate principiul c structura

    principal este axa.

    2. Horizontal emphasis. Buildings should be long and low rather than tall. Plain walls cannot catch youreye.2. Orizontale accent. Cldirile ar trebui s fie de lung i joas, mai degrab dect nalt. Pereii neteda nu

    pot prinde ochiul tu.

    3. Massive, overhanging roof with upturned eaves. It comes as a hallmark of Chinese architecture.3. Acoperi masiv, proeminene cu streasina rsturnate. Ea vine ca un semn distinctiv al arhitecturiichineze.

    4. Roof held up by columns. Columns spaced at intervals provide support for the roof. Walls serve as theseparation of rooms.4. Acoperi susinut de coloane. Coloane distanate la intervale ofere sprijin pentru acoperi. Perei servica o separare de camere.

    5. Enclosure - "open space" surrounded by buildings connected with one another either directly orthrough verandas.5. Carcas - "spatiu deschis", nconjurat de cldiri legate ntre ele, fie direct, fie prin intermediul verande.

    6. Hierarchical principle refers to strict placement of buildings in a property and family members insidethe house: buildings with doors facing the front of the property are considered more important than thosefacing the sides: building in the rear is held in higher esteem and it is reserved for the elder members ofthe family.6. Principiul ierarhic se refer la plasarea stricte de cldiri ntr-o proprietate i membrii familiei ninteriorul casei: cladiri cu usi cu care se confrunt partea din fa a proprietii sunt considerate mult mai

    importante dect cele cu care se confrunt pri: cldirea n partea din spate este de apreciat mai mare sieste rezervat pentru membrii de familie mai in virsta..

    7. Harmonious unity of human beings with nature. Chinese people don-t lay emphasis on self-expressionbut seek modesty and gentleness.

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    7. Unitate armonioas de fiine umane cu natura. Chinezii nu-t pune accentul pe auto-exprimare, darcauta modestia i blndeea.

    8. Geomancy concepts the use of certain colors, numbers and the cardinal directions.8. Concepte superstitioase utilizarea de anumite culori, numere i direciile cardinale.

    Class activities - activitati din clasa

    1. Read the text "Chinese Architecture" in your book and do the exercises1. Citii textul "Arhitectura chinezeti" n cartea ta i face exerciiile2. Group work: read carefully the principles of traditional Chinese architecture and compare it withclassical European one. Fill in the following columns:2. Grupuri de lucru: citii cu atenie principiile arhitecturii tradiionale chineze i se compar cu un clasiceuropean. Completai n urmtoarele coloane:

    Traditional Chinese Arhitecture- Classical European ArhitectureArhitectura tradiional chinez Arhitectura clasic Europeana

    1. Horizontal emphasis 1. Buildings tend to grow in height and depth1. Accent orizontal 1. Cldiri tind s creasc n nlime i adncime2. Bilateral symmetry2. Simetrie bilaterala

    Home work : to find information about modern Chinese architecture.Munca la domiciliu: pentru a gsi informaii despre arhitectura modern chinez.

    Text: Chinese Architecture - Text: Arhitectura Chineza

    Chinese arhitecture is most famous for the Great Wall of China. But there is so much more toChinese Arhitecture than just huge wall. Their temples are large and extravagant. Their palaces are a

    pleasure to look at. Even their roofs are breakthtaking and detailed to the last drop of gloss or paint.Arhitectura chinez este cel mai faimos pentru Marele Zid din China. Dar exist mult mai mult dect

    Arhitectura chinez doar de perete imens. Templele lor sunt mari i extravagante. Palate lor sunt oplcere s te uii la. Chiar si lor acoperiurile sunt breakthtaking i detaliate pn la ultima pictur de lacsau vopsea.

    A Chinese structure is based on the principle of balance and symmetry. Office buildings,residences, temples and palaces all follow the principle that the main structure is the axis. The secondarystructures are positioned as two wings on either side to form the main room and yard. The distribution ofinterior space reflects Chinese social and ethnical values. For example, a traditional residential buildingassigns family members based on the family hierarchy.

    O structur chinezeasca se bazeaz pe principiul echilibrului i a simetriei. Cladiri de birouri,resedinte, temple i palate urmeaza toate principiul c structura principal este axa. Structurile secundaresunt poziionate ca dou aripi, pe fiecare parte pentru a forma camera principal i curte.De distribuie aspatiului interior reflect valorile sociale i etnice din China. De exemplu, o cldire tradiionalrezideniale atribuie membrii familiei bazate pe ierarhia familiei.

    One fabulous example of Chinese arhitecture is the Buddhist temple which can be found scatteredaround China. Unfortunately , there are not many of these temples left. The reason that most of themwere torn down because the space was either needed for urban development or others just fell apart

    because of many years of neglect. One tower which still remains is nearly 400 feet high which was

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    erected in the Yung - ningssu dynasty. This temple is located at Toyang and was made at the beginningof the 6 century. However, there is not much information which can be found about these towers.

    Un exemplu de arhitectura fabuloas din China este templu budist, care pot fi gsite mprtiate njurul valorii de China. Din pcate, nu sunt multe din aceste temple din stnga. Motivul pentru care celemai multe dintre ele au fost demolate pentru ca spatiul a fost fie necesare pentru o dezvoltare urban saualtele doar sa destrmat din cauza de mai muli ani de neglijare. Un turn care rmne n continuare estede aproape 400 de metri de mare care a fost ridicat n Yung - dinastie ningssu. Acest templu este situat laToyang i a fost fcut la nceputul secolului al 6. Cu toate acestea, nu exist multe informaii care pot fi

    gsite cu privire la aceste turnuri.

    Information which is available says that the most distinctive kinds of Buddhist buildings in Chinaare the stupa or pagoda. The pagoda was mainly used to house sacred objects. As for the architecture,these temples can take the form of a storied tower or more, rarely a upturned bowl. As the centuries

    passed, however, the shape of these temples took new forms. In the second and third century, thestructures were basically made out of wood. Their shape took the form of a tetragonal under Sung duringthe 10 Century. the next dynasty Tang decided to have their towers shaped into an octagon or diagonal.The number of stories varied with each of the buildings. The height demised regularly from the base tothe summit but everything else remained the same.

    Informaiile care este disponibil spune c tipurile cele mai distinctive ale cldirilor budiste din

    China sunt stupa sau pagod.Pagod a fost folosit n principal pentru a gzdui obiecte sacre. n ceea ceprivete arhitectura, aceste temple pot lua forma unui turn de etaje sau mai mult, mai rar un castronrsturnate. n ceea ce secole a trecut, cu toate acestea, forma acestor temple a luat forme noi. In secolul aldoilea i al treilea, structuri au fost practic realizate din lemn. Forma lor au luat forma unei tetragonal subSung n secolul 10. n urmtorii dinastiei Tang a decis s aib form de turnuri lor ntr-un octogon saudiagonal. Numrul de povestiri variat, cu fiecare dintre cldiri. nlimea defunctului n mod regulat dela baza la virf, dar totul a rmas la fel.

    To protect each of these cities,all of the Chinese cities were surrounded by strong, high walls. Insidethose protective walls were wealthy houses which were made of wood and had tiles which were either

    painted with paint or a gloss. These types of houses all had their own walls to protect them.

    Pentru a proteja fiecare din aceste orae, toate din oraele de chinezi au fost nconjurate de ziduriputernice nalte. n interiorul acestor ziduri de protecie au fost case de bogai care au fost fcute din lemni au gresie care fie erau vopsite cu vopsea sau un lac. Aceste tipuri de case au avut toi pereii propriilelor pentru a le proteja.

    The merchants,peasants and poor did not have such luxuries. Most of their houses were made up ofmud bricks and roofs of reeds. Unfortunately, these houses were almost always drafty and did not protecttheir residence from the harsh elements. Another down side of these houses is that most of them only hadone room which would include the bathroom, bedroom, dining room, kitchen and any other room whichwas essential to life back then.

    Negustori, rani sraci i nu au avut astfel de luxuri. Cele mai multe dintre casele lor au fost fcutedin crmizi, pamint si acoperisuri din stuf. Din pcate, aceste case au fost aproape ntotdeauna subredei nu a protejat reedina lor de la conditiile aspre.. Alt dezavantaj a acestor case este c majoritatea dintreei au avut o singur camer, care s includ baie, dormitor, sufragerie, buctrie, precum i orice altcamer, care a fost esenial pentru via napoi atunci.

    Even though it may not seem like roofs are an important part of Chinese architecture, they are veryimportant. Roofs did not only protect residences from the elements, they also had a deeper meaning. Forexample, temple roofs were curved because the Buddhist believed that it helped ward off evil spiritswhich were believed to be straight lines. The temples roof is also made of glased ceramic tiles and has anoverhanging cave distinguished by a graceful upward slope. The are at which the roof turns comes from

    the intricate fit of rafters. They used rods of short rafters that melt together. One perfect example ofsplendid roofs is located inside a wonderful palace. The Forbidden Palace.Chiar dac nu poate prea acoperiurile sunt o parte important a arhitecturii chineze, ele sunt

    foarte importante. Acoperisuri nu a protejat doar locuinte de elemente, au avut de asemenea un sens maiprofund. De exemplu, acoperiurile au fost templu budist curbe, deoarece credea c a ajutat alunga

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    spiritele rele, care au fost considerate a fi linii drepte. Acoperiul este, de asemenea temple face din placiceramice i are o peter proeminene distinge printr-o pant ascendent graios.Sunt la care acoperisul sevine de la potrivesc complicate de capriori. Ei au folosit tije de capriori scurt, care sunt uniti mpreun.Un exemplu perfect de acoperisuri Splendid este situat n interiorul unui palat minunat.Palatul Interzis.

    Word house: Exprima in cuvinte acasa:

    Hierarchy - a sistem especially in a society or an organization in which people are organized intodifferent levels of importance from highest to lowest.Ierarhie - un Sistem mai ales ntr-o societate sau o organizaie n care oamenii sunt organizate n diferiteniveluri de cea mai mare importan de la cel mai mic la.

    Scatter -to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground.Imprastia -a arunca sau scdere lucruri in directii diferite, astfel nct acestea s acopere o suprafa deteren.

    Reed - a tall plant like grass with a hollow stem that grows in or near water.Stuf- o planta nalt ca iarba, cu o tulpina care crete n gol sau n apropierea apei.

    Drafty - uncomfortable, because cold air is blowing through.schita - incomod, deoarece aerul rece este suflat prin intermediul.Harsh -1. Cruel, severe, unkind.2. Very difficult and unpleasant to live in.3. too strong and rough and likely to damage smth.Aspru -1. Crude, sever, nemilos.2. Foarte dificil i neplcut de a tri inch3. prea puternic i dur i care ar putea deteriora ceva.

    Ratter - one of the sloping pieces of wood that support a roof.Sprgtor de grev - una din piesele de lemn in panta care susin un acoperi.

    2. Explain these words and word combinations and make your own sentences:2. Explicai aceste cuvinte i combinaii de cuvinte i de a face Exemple de dumneavoastr:

    Breathtaking, detailed to the last drop of gloss, under-appreciated, to house sacred objects, overhanging,elaborate roofs, helped ward off evil spirits.i taie respiraia, detaliate pn la ultima pictur de lac, sub-apreciat, la casa de obiecte sacre,

    proeminene, acoperisuri elabora, ajutat alunga spiritele rele.

    3. Find in the text nouns corresponding to the following words and translate them:3. Gsii Substantive n textul corespunztor la urmtoarele cuvinte i le traduc:

    to decorate - pentru a decorato distribute - de a distribuito mean - sa insemne

    to exemplify - pentru a exemplificato design - pentru a proiectato develop - sa se dezvoltewealthy - bogatreasonable - rezonabil

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