Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence


Emotional Intelligence. What is emotional intelligence. Self-aware Mood Management Self Motivation Empathy Managing Relationships. Whose Brain is it anyway?. Whose Brain is it anyway?. Whose Brain is it anyway?. What the heck is an AMYGDALA?. And how could it hijack a brain?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence

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What is emotional intelligence

1. Self-aware

2. Mood Management

3. Self Motivation

4. Empathy

5. Managing Relationships

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Whose Brain is it anyway?

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Whose Brain is it anyway?

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Whose Brain is it anyway?

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What the heck is an AMYGDALA?

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And how could it hijack a brain?

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Time time time, what has become of me?

Years Ago # Generations Event

6-7 million 350,000 First skull

500,000 25,000 Humans/Neanderthals

60,000 3,000 Humans = us

2,000 100 Christ was born

600 30 Printing Press

500 25 Columbus

100 5 Electricity

60 3 Computers

10 <1 Computers in Schools

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So do you really think we can enhance,

change, improve, or develop Emotional


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Of course!

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be patient!

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why would you!

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Doctors urged to mind bedside manners

A seven-figure bequest to a medical school to teach empathy is but one sign of how patients value emotionally engaged doctors.

By Damon Adams, AMNews staff. March 21, 2005.

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The Ruth Hillebrand Clinical Skills Center, dedicated by the Toledo school this month, was borne of the estate of a New York psychologist who felt she had bad experiences with rude doctors. As the school told it, Hillebrand's doctor in New York called her late one night and told her she had mesothelioma. He said there was no treatment and no cure. Then he hung up.

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"Bedside manners do matter. Healing is relationship-driven," said Judy Riggle, director of the center. "If you don't like someone, you're probably not going to listen to them and do what they want you to do."

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A 2004 Harris Interactive poll of 2,267 U.S. adults found that respondents cared more that doctors listened to their concerns and questions than they did about doctors being up-to-date on the latest medical research and treatment. A review of 25 surveys on doctor-patient relationships in the March 10, 2001, The Lancet said doctors with good bedside manners had a better impact on patients than physicians who were less personal.

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An Oreo Cookie Test?

I would get a 100%!

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Peter Henniker Heaton

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We are each our parent's rebel and our children's establishment; We are the caveman's future and the star traveler's past.

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In the halfway house of the present we carve our names on the door post,

Cutting our letters deeply, hoping that some may last.

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We are the bridge-builders between yesterday and tomorrow,

Settling our piers securely, testing each cable's strength,

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Doubling and trebling our margin against danger of overloading,

Preserving and painting the steelwork, coloring it length by length.

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Now here in the living present we stand for a moment halted,

Poised between past and future, each tugging at our will,

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Shadowed behind by the darkness, dazzled in front by the sunrise,

Knowing one thing only for certain:

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There is no remaining still.

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Activities to promote E.I.

• Business card activity

• Team Building

• Cocktail party game

• Film study

• Emotional car pool

• Assertion training

• Personality profiles

• Time Management

• Communication skills