effects of non registration of partnership firm

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  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm


    Final word count: 5874


    (Contracts- II)

    Effects of Non- Registration of a Partnership Firm



    &JANUAR"- 'A" ()*+,

     !.mitte/ to0 !.mitte/ .10

    Mrs. Anjali Thanvi ivita !ansal

    Facult" o# Contracts- II !!A ($)% &&! ($)

     '& odh*ur + ,str II (sction-!)

      /oll 'o. 0014


  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm



    /sarch Mthodolo3"...............................................................................................................5

    ,co* o# th rojct...................................................................................................................1


    $istorical !ac23round...............................................................................................................8

    ,tatutor" rovisions on th ##cts o# 'on- /3istration..........................................................6

    ,uits twn artnrs and th Fir (,. 16(0)).......................................................................0

    ,uits !twn th Firs and th Third artis (,. 16(9))........................................................09

    ,tatutor" and 'on- Contractual /i3hts:-..............................................................................09

    Actions asd on Tort:-........................................................................................................0

    /3istration o# artnrshi* d:-.......................................................................................0

    ##ct o# Chan3 in th Constitution:-.................................................................................04

    !urdn o# roo#:-.................................................................................................................04

    ;c*tion to th sction:-.....................................................................................................04

    /3istration #or Action:-.................................................................................................04

    ,t- o## and

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm



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  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm



     At the outset, I take this opportunity to thank my teacher and guide, Mrs. Anjali Thanvi fromthe bottom of my heart who has been of immense help during moments of anxiety and 

    torpidity while the project was taking its crucial shape. ence, I as a student am forever 

    deeply indebted to her.

    !econdly, I convey my deepest regards to the administrative staff of "#$% who held the

     project in high esteem by providing reliable information in the form of library infrastructure

    and database connections in times of need.

    Thirdly, the contribution made by my parents and friends by foregoing their valuable time is

    unforgettable and highly solicited. Their timely advice and solid supervision paved the way

     for the successful completion of this project.

     &inally, I thank the Almighty who gave me the courage and stamina to confront all hurdles

    during the making of this project. 'ords are insufficient to acknowledge the tremendous

    contributions of various people involved in this project(((as I know )'ords are *oor 

    +omforters. I once again wholeheartedly and earnestly thank all the people who were

    involved directly or indirectly during this project making which ultimately paved the way for 

    me to complete the task of project making within the stipulated time.

     -IITA /A"!A#

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  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm


    R E!EARC% 'ET%O$OLO2" 

    ,!CT: +ontracts( II 


  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm



    The project seeks to look at the conse2uences faced by an unregistered partnership firm. It 

    will focus on the disabilities of an unregistered firm provided by !ection 34 of Indian

     *artnership Act, 5467. It will also focus on the exceptional situations where an unregistered 

     firm can file cases in a suit. At the end of the project, you will come to know about the state

    amendment which was declared unconstitutional recently. &urthermore, subse2uent 

    registration cannot cure the defects of non registration. Therefore, the whole project is trying 

    to show the fatal conse2uences faced by the partners as well as the firm in case of non(

    registration of partnership firm.

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    Th Indian artnrshi* Act% 069 (th Act) was nactd " th arliant r*alin3 th

    rlvant sctions #ro th Indian Contract Act% 0879 2*in3 in ind th conditions and th

    s*cial natur o# usinss in India. It was thou3ht *ro*r to d#in and and th law rlatin3

    to *artnrshi*. /3istration o# th *artnrshi* is a vr" i*ortant ara which has n dalt in

    Cha*tr ?II o# th Act% and du to its s*cial natur% that th disailitis rsultin3 #ro non-

    r3istration ca in to ##ct a "ar a#tr th Act. Cha*tr ?II o# th Act dals with

    /3istration o# FirsB o# which sctions 51 to 15 dals with th *rocdur #or r3istration.

    ,ction 11% rlats to ins*ction o# r3istr% sction 17 to 3rant o# co*is to an" *rsonB and

    sction 18 with ruls o# vidncB. Th *ur*os o# ths *rovisions is to *rotct th intrst

    o# thos who dal with *artnrshi* #irs in various corcial transactions. Third *artis

    who dal with a #ir on its na or with a *artnr or ana3in3 *artnr as r*rsntativ o# 

    th #ir ust in a *osition to 2now who th *artnrs ar and what ar thir rs*ctiv

    shars in th *artnrshi*% th dtails% i# an"% as to th ca*ital invstnt " *artnrs% and th

    dtails% i# an"% o# th *artnrshi* *ro*rt". That would nal th to hav an ida o# th

    co*tnc% status and solvnc" o# th *artnrs o# th #ir. I# th *artnrshi* #ir dos not

    choos to 3t itsl# r3istrd% thn th #ir as wll as th *artnrs ar undr th disailitis

    which ar ;trl" inconvnint. Thr is no dirct co*ulsion ut a *rtt" stron3

     *rsuasiv *rssur to co on th r3istr o# #irs. 'o r o# an unr3istrd #ir can

    n#orc his ri3hts undr th *artnrshi* contract a3ainst ithr th #ir or an" *rsnt or *ast

    r o# it% nor can th #ir su its custors on thir contracts.

    Th Indian artnrshi* Act dos not a2 r3istration o# a #ir co*ulsor" nor dos it

    i*os an" *nalt" #or non r3istration. It is o*tional #or th #ir to 3t itsl# r3istrd or 

    not. $owvr% ,ction 16 *uts down crtain disailitis to a non r3istrd #ir which

    norall" #orcs th *artnrs th *artnrs to 3t th #ir r3istrd. Ths ar:-

     0. isailit" o# #ir: nr3istrd #ir cannot #il suit #or th rcovr" o# th dus or #or 

    othr attrs a3ainst third *artis.

    9. isailit" to *artnr: Th *artnr o# an un-r3istrd #ir cannot rin3 a suit #or th

    n#orcnt o# ri3ht a3ainst a third *art" or his co-*artnr unlss th #ir is r3istrd.

    . Ailit" a3ainst #ir and *artnr: Th third *art" has #ull ri3ht to #il suit o# thir dus

    a3ainst th un-r3istrd #ir and th *artnrs.

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    In ordr to co*l *artnrs to r3istr thir *artnrshi* #irs so that all rlvant in#oration

    could otaind " ins*ction o# th r3istr or " otainin3 a crti#id co*" thro#% a

    suital l3al *rovision is ndd. Th Indian artnrshi* Act was nactd in 069 and it

    ca into #orc on 0st da" o#

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm



    ,ction 16 contains th *rovisions dscriin3 th ##cts o# non r3istration o# a *artnrshi*#ir.

    ,ction 16- ##ct o# non-r3istration5:-

    &*, No sit to enforce a right arising from a contract or conferre/ .1 this Act sha44 .e

    institte/ in an1 cort .1 or on .eha4f of an1 person sing as a partner in a firm

    against the firm or an1 person a44ege/ to .e or to ha5e .een a partner in the firm

    n4ess the firm is registere/ an/ the person sing is or has .een sho6n in the

    Register of Firms as a partner in the firm7

    Th su sction (0) ars an" suit or action " th *artnr o# an unr3istrd #ir a3ainst that

    #ir or a3ainst an" othr *artnr o# that #ir.

    &(, No sit to enforce a right arising from a contract sha44 .e institte/ in an1 cort

    .1 or on .eha4f of a firm against an1 thir/ part1 n4ess the firm is registere/ an/

    the persons sing are or ha5e .een sho6n in the Register of firms as partners in

    the firms7

    Th su sction (9) ars an" suit or action " th unr3istrd #ir a3ainst an" third *art".

    Th o*ration o# sction 16 would ;tnd to th suit in which a *artnr sus his co-*artnr or 

    sus th #ir to n#orc an" ri3ht arisin3 #ro th contract twn th *artnrs. 1

    &8, The pro5isions of s.-sections &*, an/ &(, sha44 app41 a4so to a c4aim of setoff or

    other procee/ings to enforce a right arising from a contract .t sha44 not affect0

    4 olloc2 E Mulla% *artnership Act % 0std. (064)% *3. 017% 081-087

    5 Indian artnrshi* Act% 069

    1 C.&.+u*ta% &aw o# artnrshi*% rd d.% 51 (Modrn &aw ulications% Allahaad% 90)

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    (a) the enforcement of any right to sue for the isso!ution of a firm or for accounts

    of a isso!"e firm or any right or #o$er to rea!ise the #ro#erty of a isso!"e 

     firm% or%

    (&) the #o$ers of an officia! assigne% recei"er or Court uner the 'resiency

    To$ns Inso!"ency Act% *% or the 'ro"incia! Inso!"ency Act% +*% to rea!ise

    the #ro#erty of an inso!"ent #artner,

    Th su sction () sa"s that th disailitis ntiond in th aov su sctions also a**l" to

    a clai o# st o## or othr *rocdin3s to n#orc a ri3ht arisin3 #ro a contract. !ut th

    #urthr su clauss o# this sction contain ;c*tions.

    &9, This section sha44 not app410

    (a) to firms or #artners in firm $hich ha"e no #!ace of &usiness in the territories to$hich this Act e-tens% or $hose #!aces of &usiness in the sai territories are

    situate in areas to $hich% &y notification uner section ./ this Cha#ter oes

    not a##!y% or 

    (&) to any suit or c!aim of set0off not e-ceeing one hunre ru#ees in "a!ue

    $hich% in the #resiency to$ns% is not of a 1in s#ecifie in section of the

     'resiency Sma!! Cause Courts Act% 22+% or outsie the 'resiency to$ns% is

    not of a 1in s#ecifie in the Secon Scheu!e to the 'ro"incia! Sma!! Cause

    Courts Act% 223% or to any #roceeing in e-ecution or other #roceeing 

    incienta! to or arising from any such suit or c!aim,

    ,u sction (4) also contains so ;c*tions.

    Ths wr th statutor" *rovisions o# th ##cts o# non r3istration o# a #ir containd in

    Indian artnrshi* Act. ,o% ltBs #urthr undrstand th conc*tssctions on " on.

    !UIT! 3ETWEEN PARTNER! AN$ T%E FIR' &!7 :;&*,,

    A *artnr o# an unr3istrd #ir cannot su th #ir or his *rsnt or *ast co-*artnrs #or th

    n#orcnt o# an" ri3ht arisin3 #ro a contract or con#rrd " th artnrshi* Act.

    Accordin3 to sction 16(0) two conditions ar ncssar" to nal a *artnr to su his co-

     *artnrs or th- #ir. Ths ar:-

    • Th #ir should r3istrd.

    • Th na o# th *artnr suin3 ust #i3ur in r3istration.

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    This di##icult" a" ovrco " 3ttin3 th #ir r3istrd #or an action is rou3ht.

    !ut onc a dis*ut twn th *artnrs has arisn% all o# th a" not si3n th a**lication

    #or% and consGuntl" th #ir a" rain unr3istrd. It is% thr#or% advisal to hav

    th #ir r3istrd as soon as it is constitutd. Th sco* o# this su-sction was ;aind "

    th !oa" $i3h Court in ,.$. atl v. $ussinhai Mohd. 7% a cas whr th action was

     twn two #orr *artnrs to n#orc an a3rnt rstrainin3 th out3oin3 *artnr #ro

    carr"in3 on in so ara an" usinss siilar to that o# th #ir and th court had to ;ain

    whthr such suit was aintainal or not as th #ir was not r3istrd. sai% .% in this

    cas hld that hr thr was a nw a3rnt as to rstraint and not on arisin3 out o# th

    ori3inal contract o# *artnrshi*. $ said: HTh ri3ht which th *lainti## s2s to n#orc is not

    th ri3ht vstd in% or acGuird "% hi as a *artnr% ut a ri3ht acGuird " hi undr a

    distinct susGunt a3rnt. This a3rnt dos not in an" wa" r3ulat th ri3hts o# 

     *artnrs as such% i..% it dos not in an" wa" r3ulat thir actual ri3hts and oli3ations as

     *artnrs% ut is% on th contrar"% a nw and ind*ndnt ri3ht #urnishin3 an ntirl" di##rnt

    caus o# action>. Thr#or% th court accordin3l" concludd that an a3rnt twn

    #orr *artnrs as to rstraint o# trad is not within th sco* o# ,ction 16(0).

    In a cas whr th #ir ta2s an insuranc *olic" on a otor vhicl lon3d to th #ir%

    th clai ariss out o# a contract o# insuranc and thr#or th sa cannot n#orcd "#ilin3 a suit i# th #ir is unr3istrd.8

    In Mahndra ,in3h Choudhar" v. Tj /a ,in3h6% on o# th *artnrs o# th #ir% i.. AB

     rou3ht an action #or injunction rGuirin3 that th chGus #or *a"nt to th #ir should not

      *aid sin3l" to th othr *artnr !B% ut should *aid in th joint na o# A E ! so that

    th on" could rach th co##rs o# th #ir. !ut th #ir was unr3istrd. It was hld that

    th action rou3ht " A was not aintainal.

    7 AI/ 067 !o 995


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    A *oint has n considrd " th ,u*r Court% nal"% whthr r3istration durin3

     *ndnc" o# th suit could rviv th suit or a2 th sa co*tnt at last #ro th dat

    o# r3istration or not% ut no conclusiv o*inion was 3ivn.0

    hr a *artnrshi* was rconstitutd ut was not r3istrd whras th ori3inal *artnrshi*

    was r3istrd% th court #indin3 that th dis*ut rlatd to th ori3inal *artnrshi*% allowd

    th cas aout it to #ild.

    !UIT! 3ETWEEN T%E FIR'! AN$ T%E T%IR$ PARTIE! &!7 :;&(,,

    Accordin3 to th sction 16(9)% i# th #ir is unr3istrd% no suit to n#orc a ri3ht arisin3

    #ro a contract can institutd " th #ir or its *artnrs a3ainst a third *art". A suit can

     rou3ht onl" " or on hal# o# a r3istrd #ir and that also " *rsons whos nas

    a**ar as *artnrs in th r3istr o# #irs.

    To n#orc th ri3hts a3ainst third *artis% it is not nou3h that th #ir is r3istrdD it is

    #urthr ncssar" that =th *rson suin3 is or has n shown in th /3istrar o# #irs as a

     *artnr in th #ir>.

    I# th na o# on o# th *artnrs had not n shown in th /3istrar o# Firs% th suit #ild

     " th *artnrshi* #ir ust #ail.00

    This sction has n hld to a *nal *rovision% which d*rivs th *lainti## to its ri3ht to

    3t its cas ;aind on rits " a court. ,iultanousl"% it d*rivs th court o# its

     jurisdiction to adjudicat on th rits o# th controvrs" twn th *artis. It is% thr#or%

    to strictl" construd. Thr#or% th said *rovision in3 andator" in natur would a2

    th suit inco*tnt on th vr" thrshold.


    0 /a*ta2os !rtt v +ansh ro*rt"% AI/ 0668 ,C 85

    00 AI/ 0687 !o. 48

    09 ,u*ra% not 0

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    !tattor1 an/ Non- Contracta4 Rights0-

    This su- sction is also con#ind in its ##ct onl" to contract attrs. /i3hts arisin3

    ind*ndntl" o# contract rain n#orcal.0

    In /u" +nral Insuranc Co &td v ar" &al uar 04 th words =arisin3 #ro a contract>

    wr hld to a2in to th words =arisin3 out o# th contract> and wr construd widl" in

    th cont;t o# aritration claus. !ut vn so ths words would not a**l" to statutor" or 

    coon law ri3hts caus such ri3hts do not hav thir roots in contract. This viw was

    ;*rssd " th ,u*r Court in othr cass also.

    It was hld " th ,C that th ri3ht to vict a tnant was not a ri3ht arisin3 #ro a contract ut

    was a statutor" ri3ht undr th Trans#r o# ro*rt" Act. Th viction *rocdin3 was%

    thr#or% not arrd.05

     Th ,u*r Court #ollowd this rulin3 in $aldira !hujiawala v Anand uar *a2 

    uar 01  and hld that a suit to *rvnt in#rin3nt o# a trad ar2 is not arrd " th

    sction whthr th #ir is r3istrd or not. Th Court said that it is wll sttld that a

     *assin3 o## action is a coon law action asd on tort. This su-sction also dos not a##ct

    th ri3ht to a**l" #or an intri rli# undr ,ction 6 o# th Aritration and Conciliation Act%

    0661. hr a *artnr #orcil" ro2 u*on th sho* o# th #ir and rovd crtain articlsand surrndrd th 3odown o# th #ir with an ultrior otiv% it was hld that such acts o# 

    isconduct did not #all within th sco* o# ,ction 16. $nc% th suit was #or rcovr" o# 

    daa3s and was aintainal vn i# th #ir was not r3istrd.

    Actions .ase/ on Tort0-

    I# th action a3ainst third *art" is not asd on contract ut on tort% #raud or an" othr 

    wron3#ul act% th sa is not hit " sction 16(9) and th action is aintainal. Thus whn

    0 In#ra% not 06

    04 AI/ 0659 ,C 006

    05 ,u*ra% not 0

    01 AI/ 9 ,C 0987

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    th action rlats to dtntion o# *ro*rt"% th action in3 #oundd on tort rathr than

    contract% th sa is aintainal.

    For ;a*l: I# a third *rson dstro"d th *ro*rt" o# a #ir " an" n3li3nt or dlirat

    act% th #ir can d#initl" su hi whthr r3istrd or not. 07

    Registration of Partnership $ee/0-

    Thou3h ,ction 16(9) sa"s that th r3istration is co*ulsor" ut it dosnBt tal2 aout th

    r3istration o# *artnrshi* dd also.

    In .. Financ E Chit Funds v. /. ,ur"a uar 08% a suit was #ild " on o# th *artnrs o# 

    an unr3istrd #ir a3ainst th d#ndants #or th rcovr" o# on" on th asis o# 

     *roissor" not which was disissd " th trial court on th 3round that th *lainti## could

    not *roduc a r3istrd co*" o# th *artnrshi* dd. !ut th hi3h court rvrsd th

     jud3nt and hld that sction 16(9) did not rGuir th r3istration o# th *artnrshi* dd

    o# a *artnrshi* #ir.

    Effect of Change in the Constittion0-

    hr th chan3 in th constitution o# th #ir is noti#id to th /3istrar% th #ir

    continus to njo" th status o# a r3istrd #ir. !ut i# th chan3 is not noti#id% thn it will

    rain as an unr3istrd #ir onl".06

    3r/en of Proof0-

    Th urdn to *rov that th *lainti## is a r3istrd #ir and thr#or% is ntitld to aintain

    a suit a3ainst a third *art" is alwa"s on th #ir in viw o# th l3islativ andat undr this



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    Registration .efore Action0-

    Th di##icult" causd " th sction can ovrco " 3ttin3 th #ir r3istrd #or an

    action is rou3ht. Th action o# an unr3istrd #ir is% howvr% lial to disissd and it

    cannot rcti#id " susGunt r3istration. A #rsh suit will hav to #ild a#tr 

    r3istration *rovidd that it is still within th *riod o# liitation. Th nas o# thos #ilin3 a

    suit ust a**ar in th r3istration.9

    !ET- OFF AN$ OT%ER  PROCEE$IN2! &!7 :;&8,,

    Th aov two disailitis also a**l" to a clai st-o## or othr *rocdin3s to n#orc a ri3ht

    arisin3 #ro a contract. A =clai o# st-o##> an that i#% #or ;a*l% an unr3istrd #ir is

    sud " a third *art" to rcovr a su o# on" th #ir cannot sa" that th on" owin3 "

    that third *art" to th #ir should st-o## a3ainst th clai. Thr#or% an unr3istrd #ir

    cannot clai a st- o##.

    =Other Procee/ings>0-

    Th words =othr *rocdin3s> had cratd so di##icult" as to thir i*ort% *articularl" in

    r#rnc to th Gustion whthr th" includd =aritration *rocdin3s>. Th ,u*r

    Court has now " its dcision in a3dish Chandra +u*ta v ajaria Tradrs (India) &td90%

    sttld th controvrs". In th *rsnt cas% thr is a claus in a dd o# *artnrshi* *rovidd

    that in cas o# dis*ut twn th *artnrs% th attr will r#rrd to aritration. A

    dis*ut havin3 arisn% on *artnr a**ointd an aritrator to which th othr *art" 3av no

    rs*ons. An action was thn concd to n#orc th aritration claus o# th a3rnt.

    Th othr *artnr contndd that th #ir was not r3istrd and% thr#or% th suit should

    disissd. Th ,u*r Court hld that th suit was not aintainal. =It is i*ossil to

    thin2 that th ri3ht to *rocd to aritration is not on o# th ri3hts which ar #oundd on th

    a3rnt o# th *artis. Th words o# ,ction 16() or othr *rocdin3s to n#orc a ri3htarisin3 #ro a contractB% ar su##icint to covr th *rsnt attr>. This is a wlco

    dcision. I# aritration *rocdin3s wr allowd% unr3istrd #ir would% " *rovidin3 #or 

    aritration in th *artnrshi* dd% sca* th disailit" containd in th sction.

    9 Iid.

    90 AI/ 0614 ,C 0889

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    Thus% it is a sttld *ro*osition that an unr3istrd #ir cannot r#r to aritration a dis*ut

     *rtainin3 to its ri3ht undr a contract.

    Procee/ing after ar.itration a6ar/0-

    hr a dis*ut twn an unr3istrd #ir and th othr *art" was r#rrd to aritration

    at th instanc o# th othr *art" and th aritrator hav suittd his award which wnt in

    #avour o# th #ir% th Gustion aros whthr th #ir had th ri3ht to 3t th award

    convrtd into a court dcr and thn n#orc it. Th Madh"a radsh $i3h Court allowd

    th n#orcnt o# th award and th ,u*r Court a##ird th dcision. Th court was o# 

    th viw that ,ction 16() was not attractd. n#orcnt o# an aritration a3rnt is

     arrd. !ut whn th othr *art" activatd th aritration claus a3ainst th unr3istrd #ir%

    and th aritrator #ir% and th aritrator 3av his award% th attr wnt "ond th sco* o# 

    th a3rnt. It was thn an award which was sou3ht to n#orcd and not a claus in th



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    an unr3istrd #ir% in3 in dissolution% wr allottd to a *artnr% h was allowd

    to su. It was not a suit " th #ir% and vn i# it was% it was on #or ralisation o# 


    A *artnr o# an unr3istrd #ir had #ild a suit a3ainst his co- *artnrs claiin3

    dclaration o# shars% *ro*r adinistration o# #ir and rndition o# accounts. Th suit

    was disissd undr ,ction 16(0). ,usGuntl" th sa *artnr #ild anothr suit

     *ra"in3 #or dissolution o# th #ir. This suit was hld to aintainal undr 

    ,ction 16() (a). Th court said that th susGunt suit was not arrd " th

    doctrin o# res judicata caus th caus o# action was di##rnt in th two suits.


     Suit on &eha!f of an inso!"ent #artner4 0 ,ction 16() () ntions this ;c*tion. It

     just sa"s that th o##icial assi3n% rcivr or court actin3 #or an insolvnt *artnr 

    a" rin3 an action #or ralisation o# th insolvntBs shar% whthr th #ir was

    r3istrd or not.

    E?CEPTION! OF T%E !ECTION :; &!7 :; &9,,

    !its 6here pro5isions re4ating to Registration of firms /o not app410-

    Claus (a) o# this su sction tal2s aout it. It ;*ts thos #irs whos *lac o# usinss is

    in such aras% whr caus o# noti#ication undr sc. 51% this cha*tr dos not a**l".

    ,ction 51 *rovids that th +ovrnnt o# an" stat a"% " noti#ication in th

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm


    !uit by *roprietorship &irm8 ( An" suit #ild " an" *ro*ritorshi* #ir whthr r3istrd or 

    not is alwa"s aintainal.

     Interim relief8( An a**lication #or th court #or intri rli# undr ,ction 6 o# th

    Aritration and Conciliation Act% 0661 has n hld to aintainal whthr th #ir is

    r3istrd or not.

    +riminal proceedings8 (  A criinal *rocdin3 undr ,ction 08 o# th '3otial

    Instrunts Act% 0880 #or th dishonour o# a chGu is not in th natur o# a civil suit and%

    thr#or% th ar o# ,ction 16 would not *rvnt an unr3istrd #ir #ro launchin3 such a



    Th !oa" ,tat Andnt o# 0684 has addd s.- section &(-A, to !ection :;. Th su-

    sction *rovids:

    )"o suit to enforce any right for the dissolution of a firm or for accounts of a dissolved firm

    or any right or power to reali9e the property of a dissolved firm shall be instituted in any

    court by or on behalf of any person suing as a partner in a firm against the firm or any

     person alleged to be or have been a partner in the firm, unless the firm is registered and the

     person suing is or has been shown in the 1egister of &irms as a partner in the firm.

    It was hld " th ,C that no andnt o# a suit could allowd whr th ori3inal suit

    itsl# was not aintainal94. 

    Th #acts o# th cas wr:

    A *artnrshi* #ir havin3 si; *artnrs ca into ;istnc on 96-00-0676 a#tr th dd o# 

     *artnrshi* was ;cutd. Th *artnrshi* was dul" r3istrd.

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm


    sou3ht dclaration that th *rovisions o# ,ction 16(9-A) o# th Indian artnrshi* Act which

    ca to insrtd " Maharashtra Act 96 o# 0684 wr constitutionall" invalid and not

    a**lical to th *lainti##Bs cas. It was hld that whn th *rsnt suit was hit and a##ctd

     " sction 16(9-A) o# th act and was inco*tnt and such inco*tnt suit could not

    allowd to andd. hn th suit was arrd in viw o# ,ction 16 (9-A) and it could

    not hav n ntrtaind% no andnt o# such a suit vn " wa" o# challn3 to ,ction

    16 (9-A) could *rittd. Char suons s2in3 andnt was disissd.

    Till th introduction o# su-sction (9A)% a *artnr in a #ir could #il a suit #or dissolution o# 

    an unr3istrd *artnrshi* #ir% or #or accounts o# th dissolvd #ir% or to rcovr th

     *ro*rtis o# th dissolvd #ir. ith th coin3 into #orc o# th su-sction in 0685% a

     *artnr in an unr3istrd *artnrshi* #ir in Maharashtra could not #il vn thos t"*s o# 


    In 7 !.ramanim 57 R7 Rao(+% th ,u*r Court dclard unconstitutional a si3ni#icant

    stat andnt to th artnrshi* Act% 069. Th Gustion r3ardin3 th constitutionalit" o# 

    th su-sction was r#rrd to th !oa" $i3h Court% which u*hld th sction. An a**al

    was *r#rrd a3ainst this jud3nt #or th ,u*r Court. Th ,u*r Court

    (Mar2and" atju and +.,. ,in3hvi .) struc2 down th i*u3nd su-sction (9A) as

    violativ o# Articls 04% 06(0) (3) and A o# th Constitution.

    Th Court rasond that not allowin3 a *artnr to #il a suit #or accounts and rcovr" o# 

     *ro*rt" ssntiall" d*rivd a *artnr o# an unr3istrd #ir o# his ri3ht to *ro*rt" in th

    #ir without an" co*nsation. Thr#or% th su-sction was in violation o# Articl A

    o# th Constitution (='o *rson shall d*rivd o# his *ro*rt" sav " authorit" o# law>).

    Followin3 a lin o# *rcdnts% it was hld that =law> cont*latd in Articl A cannot

    includ a law which is aritrar" in natur. Additionall"% th strin3nc" o# th law ant that it

    violatd Articls 04 and 06 as wll. Th rasonin3 o# th Court is sn throu3h th #ollowin3

     *ara3ra*h #ro th jud3nt:

    =Th *riar" ojct o# r3istration o# a #ir is *rotction o# third *artis who wr sujctd

    to hardshi* and di##icultis in th attr o# *rovin3 as to who wr th *artnrs. ndr th

    arlir law% a third *art" otainin3 a dcr was o#tn *ut to ;*nss and dla" in *rovin3

    that a *articular *rson was a *artnr o# that #ir. Th r3istration o# a #ir *rovids

    95 ?. ,uraaniu v. /. /ao% (9th March% 96)

    06 @ a 3

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm


     *rotction to th third *artis a3ainst #als dnials o# *artnrshi* and th vasion o# liailit".


    Accordin3l"% ,ction 16(9A) introducd " th Maharashtra stat andnt was dclard to


    !it fi4e/ in In/i5i/a4 Capacit10-

    It has also n hld that i# a suit has n #ild in th individual ca*acit" " a *rson who

    had n a *artnr o# th dissolvd #ir a3ainst anothr *rson who had also n a *artnr 

    91 Ahinav . Mishra%  0ffect of non( registration of a firm% availal at:


    9 @ a 3


  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm


    o# th dissolvd #ir% th ar undr sction 16(9A) would not attractd. Thr#or% th suit

    was not arrd " th *rovisions o# sction 16 (9A) o# th Indian artnrshi* Act.97


    /3istration o# a *artnrshi* #ir has n 3ivn si3ni#icant attntion " th l3islatur "

    incor*oratin3 it in a whol cha*tr in th Act. Thou3h th Act nvr a2s r3istration

    co*ulsor" ut it would co too onrous #or a #ir to conduct its o*rations. vn

    routin activitis li2 suin3 a third *art" #or onis du to th #ir would not allowd and

    thus an" *artnrshi* with rlativl" lon3 *riod o# o*ration would hav to 3t th

    r3istrd. Th r3istration o# #ir is condition *rcdnt to its ri3ht to institut a suit and

    thus a court o# law cannot *rocd with th trial o# a suit whn th condition *rcdnt has

    not n #ul#illd. In ordr to institut a suit% a *artnrshi* #ir ust not onl" a r3istrd

    #ir ut all th *rsons% who ar *artnrs in th #ir at th ti o# institution o# suit% ust

    also shown as such in th r3istr o# #irs. I# on or or o# th *artnrs o# th *artnrshi*

    97 ishor uar v. 'avin Chandra% AI/ 0668 !o. 05

    90 @ a 3

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm


    #ir hav not n shown in th r3istr o# #irs whn th suit is institutd " th #ir% th

    suit is not aintainal.

    !ut thr hav n a nur o# situations whr th court thslvs hav distin3uishd th

    #acts o# th cass #ro th on Guotd in *rcdnt to such an ##ct that th cas in Gustion

    is on whr thr was a nw a3rnt alto3thr. It dos not% thr#or% adit o# dout that

    th suit is in;trical" i;d u* with th *artnrshi* itsl# and ariss out o# th *artnrshi*

    contract. $nc th #ir can convnintl" *lacd outsid th sco* o# ,ction 16.

    Morovr% thr is considral ai3uit" in ,ction 16(9) as to what is ant " th words

    Karisin3 out o# a contract. Th courts in a nur o# cass has hld that Th suit is not #or 

    n#orcnt o# an" ri3ht arisin3 out o# a contract ntrd into " or on hal# o# th

    unr3istrd #ir with third *artis in th cours o# th #irKs usinss transactions.  Th suit

    is% thr#or% #ails to arrd " ,ction 16(9).

    Th whol ida o# this sction is that consurs and all othrs who ar dalin3 with th #ir

    ust awar o# th constitution o# th co*an" and thus th docunts which ar availal

    with th r3istrar o# co*anis ar *ulic docunts and *o*l dalin3 with th #ir ar

    said to hav constructiv notic o# th dtails aout th #ir.

    Furthr% susGunt r3istration cannot cur th initial d#ct. A *laint #ild " an

    unr3istrd #ir is in #act no *laint at all% caus ,ction 16 a2s clais arisin3 out o# a

    contract unn#orcal i# th #ir is unr3istrd at th dat o# th institution o# th suit. An

    unr3istrd #ir has no ri3ht to su and% thr#or% a *laint #ild " it has no l3al ##ct. I# at

    th ti th *laint is #ild th clai is ound to #ail% how susGunt r3istration can i*rov

    th *osition. Thr will also this #urthr di##icult" that onc a dis*ut twn th *artnrs

    has arisn% all o# th a" not si3n th a**lication #or and consGuntl" th #ir a"

    rain unr3istrd and vn i# r3istration is otaind " dro**in3 th nas o# advrsaris%

    thos whos nas do not #i3ur in th r3istration cannot still sud as *artnrs. It is%

    thr#or% advisal to hav th #ir r3istrd whn it is constitutd.

    99 @ a 3

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm




    0. =##ct o# non- r3istration o# a #ir> " Ahinav . Mishra


    0. =&aw o# artnrshi*> " Avtar ,in3h

    9. =artnrshi* Act> " olloc2 E Mulla

    . =&aw o# artnrshi*> " C.&.+u*ta

    9 @ a 3

  • 8/20/2019 effects of non registration of partnership firm



    0. !.. *atel v. usseinbhai Mohd . AI/ 067 !o. 995

    9. :riental &ire ;