EE4111 Advanced Analog Electronics Design -...

EE4111 Advanced Analog Electronics Design Spring 2009 Experiment #4 April 6 ~ April 17

Transcript of EE4111 Advanced Analog Electronics Design -...

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EE4111Advanced Analog Electronics Design

Spring 2009

Experiment #4

April 6 ~ April 17

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Setup Cadence in VLSI Lab

1) Copy files$ cp –r /home/grads/ee4111ta ~/

2) Edit your .cshrc file-- Include the following line in your ~/.cshrc file:

source ~/ee4111ta/.cshrc_ncsu

-- save & close your .cshrc file

-- $ source ~/.cshrc

3) Check files$ cd ee4111ta

$ ls –la (should have .cdsinit, .cdsplotinit, cds.lib files and models directory in your ee4111ta directory)

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Setup Cadence in VLSI Lab

4) Invoke cadence in your ee4111ta directory$ icfb

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Create a library for a new design1) In “V irtuoso Window”

File -> New -> Library2) In “New Library Window”

Name: OPMTechnology File : Attach to an existing technology library

3) In “Attach Library Window”Technology Library:NCSU_TechLib_tsmc03d

4) OK

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Create a schematic for a new design1) In “Library Manager Window”

File -> New -> Cell View

2) In “New File Window”Libray: OPMCell: DIFF

3) OK

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Design A Differential Amplifier

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Placing components1) Add Instance

2) Add Wire

3) Add Pin

1 2 3

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1) Browse

2) NCSU_Analog_Parts

3) N_Transistors

4) nmos4

5) Width: 60u

6) Length: 1.2u

7) Click the right button of the mouse in “Virtuoso Schematic Editor Window”

Add A MOS Instance1






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Add Components (1/3)

Group Name components

P_Transistors pmos4

N_Transistors nmos4

R_L_C res, cap, …

Supply_Nets vdd, gnd

Voltage_Sources vdc,vsin, …

Current_Sources idc, …

• All basic components are in the library, “NCSU_Analog_Parts”• There are several groups as shown below:

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Add Components (2/3)

• Implement a schematic using the following parameters– Resistance: 4KOhm

– NMOS: W=60um, L=1.2um

– Input voltage: DC = 770mV, AC = 1V, phase = 0/180

– Supply voltage: DC = 3.3V

• Use “wire” to connect all components

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Add Components (3/3)

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Add Pins

Pin Names Direction

INN input

INP input

OUTN output

OUTP output





4) Save & Check ErrorIf there is no error or warning, you implement the schematic successfully.

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Useful Commands & Keyboard Shortcuts

• Edit

– Delete

– Rotate

– Move

– Stretch

– Properties -> Objects

• ESC – Cancel command

Add component: iAdd wire label: lAdd wire: wAdd pin: pCopy: cCheck and Save: XDelete: DeleteEdit properties: qFit: fHierarchy->Descend: EHierarchy->Return: ^eMove: MRedraw: F6Redo: URotate: rStretch: mUndo: uZoom in: zZoom in by 2: [Zoom out by 2: ]

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Cadence Analog Design Environment

1) Launch -> ADE L

2) Virtuoso Analog Design Environment Window pop up

3) Setup -> Design

4) Simulator : spectre

5) OK

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1) Setup -> Model Libraries

2) Model File (double clicks)

3) Select : models.scs

4) Select: C0

Setup Model Libraries





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Setup Analyses (1/3)

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1) Analyses -> Choose

2) In “Choosing Analyses” Window1. Analysis – dc

2. DC Analysis – Save DC Operating Point

3. Analysis – ac (see the next page)

4. AC Analysis -- Sweep Variable :


-- Sweep Range


Start: 1K Stop: 1G

-- Sweep Type


-- Select : Point Per Decade 10

-- OK

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Setup Analyses (2/3)

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Setup Analyses (3/3)

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After choosing analyses, you could see the dc & ac analyses setting and enable in “Virtuoso Analog Design Environment Window”

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1) Outputs -> Save All

2) In “Save Options Window”-- Select signals to output (save)

select : all

-- OK

Setup Outputs

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1) Simulation -> Netlist and Run

2) Results -> Annotate -> DC Node Voltage

3) Results -> Annotate -> DC Operating Points

4) Check your schematic & See what’s changed

5) Tools -> Calculator

Run Simulation & Check Results

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1) Select – ac

2) Select – vf

3) Move your mouse to the schematic Window

4) Select the net “OUTP”

5) See what happen in your “Calculator Window”

Plot the output results (1/3)

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1) Fill out “VF(“/OUTP”)-VF(“/OUTN”)

2) Select --dB20

3) Select -- plot

Plot the output results (2/3)

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1) Check the Frequency Response in “Graph Window”

2) Find the 3dB Frequency

Plot the output results (3/3)

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In “ Virtuoso Schematic Editor Window”

1) Delete the input voltages and the supply voltage

2) Save & Check

3) Create -> Cellview -> From Cellview

4) Click : OKin “Cellview From Cellview” and “Symbol Generation Options” Windows

Build the symbol from the schematic

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1) After you implement this simple differential amplifier, you should understand:

• Building a schematic

• Simulating a design

• Checking the simulation results

• Creating a symbol from the schematic

2) You don’t need to write a report for this Lab. However, you need to tell the TA after you have done this example.

3) After the TA checks your results, you are finished with this lab.

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