Eating on a budget

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Transcript of Eating on a budget

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Meal Planning Basics

•Plan meals the week ahead▫Takes less time than going back to the grocery store for forgotten item

▫Think about your schedule

Meal Planning Basics

•Plan based on what’s in your refrigerator/pantry Ask: ▫What can I make with foods I have? ▫What needs to be used up first? ▫Can I mix foods together to make a

meal? ▫Is this healthy?

Meal Planning Basics

•Plan some meals that don’t have meat

Goal: Twice a week Use beans, eggs, peanut butter

•Check grocery ads▫Circle foods you need

•Make a list

Plan Ahead: Reduce Waste

•Keep food safe▫Put cold foods in cart last, refrigerate immediately

▫Look for older expiration date •Waste less

▫Use oldest first▫Recreate foods that are about to spoil

▫Throw away spoiled food!

Plan Ahead: Leftovers

•Leftovers▫Eat▫Freeze for another meal▫Recreate▫Example: Cooked ground beef, tacos, chili, meatloaf

Shopping: Plan Ahead!

“The average shopper spends 40% more on impulse purchases when shopping without a list”

Shopping: Make a List

•Make a list and stick to it! •Organize based on store layout•Keep list in a central area•Copy for future weeks•Shopping when you are hungry can cause you to buy more!


Discounts only save you money if the product is something you actually need and would normally buy!

Shopping: Compare Unit Prices• The unit price tells you the cost per

ounce/pound/quart, etc… • Use to compare sizes and brands• Look on the shelf edge under the product

• Example: canned pears

$0.80 ÷ 12 ounces = $.07 / ounce Unit Price: $.08

12 ounce can: $0.80

Unit Price: $.07

Shopping: Buy in bulk!

•Take advantage of sales•Buy in bulk•Cook in bulk. Freeze leftovers for future meals.

•Coupons▫Ask for rain check if store is out▫Caution: sometimes coupons are for

store brands. Off brands may still be cheaper.

Shopping: Tips to Stretch your dollar

•Purchase fruits and vegetables from produce section, not salad bar

•Purchase fruits and vegetables in season

•Add vegetables to costly dishes with meats

•Grocery bargains: often on top and bottom shelves, and in out of the way spaces.

•Most store or generic brands are cheaper

•If you buy name brands- look for coupons in the paper, store ads, or online. Only use coupons for foods that are already on your list

Tips to Stretch your dollar

•Lean cuts of meat provide more for your dollar.

•Less tender cuts are cheaper.

▫ Marinade or cook with liquid in a slow cooker. ▫Chuck, round, flank, plank, brisket

•Prepare meat yourself▫Hamburger patties▫Kabob pieces▫Cooking meat

Cooking on a Budget

•The average adult purchases a meal/snack from a restaurant 5.8 times per week!

•Why? ▫Time ▫Convenience ▫Certain foods

Cooking on a Budget

•Consider eating more at home •Time factor: prepare ahead of time

▫Freezer meals▫Pack to go meals▫Purchase snacks and bag yourself

•Start small: ▫Eat 1-2 less meals per week at restaurants

to save money and a whole days worth of calories!

Cooking: Homemade or purchased?

•Beware of frozen dinners (“TV dinners”)•Make your own frozen dinners

▫Double the recipe of main dish you’re making

▫Freeze in meal sized portions Cool quickly and freeze Discard food left out longer than 2

▫Label package ▫Keep a list

Make the most out of boxed meals

•Decrease Fat▫Use half the margarine

macaroni and cheese, rice, stuffing, potatoes

▫Hamburger helper: Drain & rinse meat▫Brownies: substitute unsweetened apple

sauce for vegetable oil Use 2 egg whites for 1 whole egg

Make the most out of boxed meals

•Decrease Sodium ▫Use half the seasoning packet

•Add vegetables▫Canned soup (low sodium soup)▫Pasta sauces▫Add canned fruit to yogurt, jello or
