Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU

Transcript of Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Page 1: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Healthy Eating on a BudgetAshlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU

Page 2: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Objectives• Meal Planning to Save Money

▫ Meal Planning Basics▫ Waste Less▫ Plan around produce

• Cooking▫ Store bought vs. Homemade (Time vs. money)▫ Eat at home▫ Frugal foods

• Shopping ▫ Lists▫ Unit Pricing▫ Buy in bulk▫ Stretch your dollar

Page 3: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.
Page 4: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Meal Planning Basics

•Plan meals the week ahead▫Takes less time than going back to the grocery store for forgotten item

▫Think about your schedule

Page 5: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Meal Planning Basics

•Plan based on what’s in your refrigerator/pantry Ask: ▫What can I make with foods I have? ▫What needs to be used up first? ▫Can I mix foods together to make a

meal? ▫Is this healthy?

Page 6: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Meal Planning Basics

•Plan some meals that don’t have meat

Goal: Twice a week Use beans, eggs, peanut butter

•Check grocery ads▫Circle foods you need

•Make a list

Page 7: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Plan Ahead: Reduce Waste

•Keep food safe▫Put cold foods in cart last, refrigerate immediately

▫Look for older expiration date •Waste less

▫Use oldest first▫Recreate foods that are about to spoil

▫Throw away spoiled food!

Page 8: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Plan Ahead: Leftovers

•Leftovers▫Eat▫Freeze for another meal▫Recreate▫Example: Cooked ground beef, tacos, chili, meatloaf

Page 9: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Shopping: Plan Ahead!

“The average shopper spends 40% more on impulse purchases when shopping without a list”

KSU Research and Extensions

Page 10: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Shopping: Make a List

•Make a list and stick to it! •Organize based on store layout•Keep list in a central area•Copy for future weeks•Shopping when you are hungry can cause you to buy more!

Page 11: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.


Discounts only save you money if the product is something you actually need and would normally buy!

Page 12: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

For about $13.00 you could buy

OR that same $13.00 could buy

1 pound bag cookies 4 bananas

10-ounce bag chips 3 apples

2 liter soda 3 pears

½ gallon ice cream 3 oranges

12 broccoli stems

10 long carrots

1 pound raisins

1 jar apples

1 large can frozen orange juice concentrate

Either a jar of peanut butter or ranch dressing for dip

Page 13: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Shopping: Compare Unit Prices• The unit price tells you the cost per

ounce/pound/quart, etc… • Use to compare sizes and brands• Look on the shelf edge under the product

• Example: canned pears

$0.80 ÷ 12 ounces = $.07 / ounce Unit Price: $.08

12 ounce can: $0.80

Unit Price: $.07

Page 14: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Shopping: Unit Pricing

16 oz. box = $2.50

.15 /oz.

32 oz. box = $3.00

.09 /oz.


Page 15: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Shopping: Buy in bulk!

•Take advantage of sales•Buy in bulk•Cook in bulk. Freeze leftovers for future meals.

•Coupons▫Ask for rain check if store is out▫Caution: sometimes coupons are for

store brands. Off brands may still be cheaper.

Page 16: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Shopping: Tips to Stretch your dollar

•Purchase fruits and vegetables from produce section, not salad bar

•Purchase fruits and vegetables in season

•Add vegetables to costly dishes with meats

Page 17: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

•Grocery bargains: often on top and bottom shelves, and in out of the way spaces.

•Most store or generic brands are cheaper

•If you buy name brands- look for coupons in the paper, store ads, or online. Only use coupons for foods that are already on your list

Page 18: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Tips to Stretch your dollar

•Lean cuts of meat provide more for your dollar.

•Less tender cuts are cheaper.

▫ Marinade or cook with liquid in a slow cooker. ▫Chuck, round, flank, plank, brisket

•Prepare meat yourself▫Hamburger patties▫Kabob pieces▫Cooking meat

Page 19: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Cooking on a Budget

•The average adult purchases a meal/snack from a restaurant 5.8 times per week!

•Why? ▫Time ▫Convenience ▫Certain foods

Page 20: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Cooking on a Budget

•Consider eating more at home •Time factor: prepare ahead of time

▫Freezer meals▫Pack to go meals▫Purchase snacks and bag yourself

•Start small: ▫Eat 1-2 less meals per week at restaurants

to save money and a whole days worth of calories!

Page 21: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Cooking: Homemade or purchased?

•Beware of frozen dinners (“TV dinners”)•Make your own frozen dinners

▫Double the recipe of main dish you’re making

▫Freeze in meal sized portions Cool quickly and freeze Discard food left out longer than 2

▫Label package ▫Keep a list

Page 22: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Make the most out of boxed meals

•Decrease Fat▫Use half the margarine

macaroni and cheese, rice, stuffing, potatoes

▫Hamburger helper: Drain & rinse meat▫Brownies: substitute unsweetened apple

sauce for vegetable oil Use 2 egg whites for 1 whole egg

Page 23: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Make the most out of boxed meals

•Decrease Sodium ▫Use half the seasoning packet

•Add vegetables▫Canned soup (low sodium soup)▫Pasta sauces▫Add canned fruit to yogurt, jello or


Page 24: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Frugal Foods

•Eggs▫Usually less than $2 / dozen▫High in protein

•Potatoes▫High in fiber, vitamin C, and potassium ▫Bake, boil, roast, add to casseroles or soups

•Rolled oats▫~14 cents /cup▫4 grams dietary fiber

Page 25: Healthy Eating on a Budget Ashlee Lamar Student Dietitian, KSU.

Frugal Foods

•Nonfat dried milk▫Chill before drinking▫Great for cooking

•Beans▫Usually 23 cents / serving

•Peanut butter▫High protein

•Canned Tuna▫High in protein and vitamin D▫Sandwiches, salads casseroles