e-spark 33

Vocations e-newsletter E-Spark hija newsletter elettronika mahruga mic-Centru tal-Vokazzjonijiet tas-Seminarju, tal-Virtu,Rabat . Tel: 21450354 - www.vokazzjoni.com IT-TRIQ U S-SINJALI PASS HI + HU QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ABOUT FAITH, SUFFERING AND WAR 31 ADVICE WWW.FORYOURVOCATION.ORG/ YOUCAT (YOUTH CATECHISM) E - spark 33 MEJJU 2011


Rivista ghal min qed ifittex is-sejha ta' Alla, u jrid jaghmel xi haga dwarha A resource for those seeking God's plan in their life, and who wish to do something about it

Transcript of e-spark 33

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Vocations e-newsletter



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E - spark 33 MEJJU 2011

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Messagg tad-Direttur IT-TRIQ U S-SINJALI

Fr Michael

Fl-Evanġelju skont San Ġwann, Ġesù jtkellem dwaru nnifsu bħala t-triq li twassal għand il-Missier. Hu jgħidilna: "Jien it-Triq, il-Verità u l-Ħajja. Ħadd ma jmur għand il-Missier jekk mhux permezz tiegħi." Se niffukaw l-attenzjoni tagħna fuq din it-Triq. Se nxebbħu triq normali, bis-sinjali u l-għajnuniet kollha li nsibu fiha, mal-ħajja nisranija tagħna. L-ewwel mistoqsija li rridu nagħmlu lilna nfusna hi din: "Irrid ngħaddi mit-Triq, jew nippreferi ngħaddi minn ġo xi għalqa?" Il-fatt li jeżistu t-toroq hu sinjal ċar li hawn bżonnhom. F'Malta żgur li m'għandniex nuqqas ta' toroq! Imma xorta ssib min jippreferi jgħaddi minn fejn ifettillu. Hawn min hu dilettant tal-off-road u, biex ngħidu hekk, joħloq triq għalih innifsu u jmur fejn oħrajn ma jkunux jistgħu imorru warajh. Imma dan ma jnaqqas xejn mill-importanza tat-toroq. Mhux biss għax tiffranka l-ħin, imma għax tkun moħħok mistrieħ li se tasal f'biċċa waħda! M'hemm xejn ħażin li tkun avventuruż, li tiskopri toroq ġodda. Sewwieq tajjeb ikun jaf ħafna toroq u mhux dejjem jgħaddi mill-istess post. L-ewwelnett biex il-vjaġġ ikun aktar interessanti, u t-tieni biex jekk isib xi triq magħluqa jkun jaf minn fejn għandu jgħaddi. Ġieli tiltaqa' ma' sewwieqa li jieqfu jitkellmu mal-pulizija biex jaraw minn fejn iridu jgħaddu għax ikun hemm triq magħluqa (minħabba xi marċ, jew maratona jew għax ikun seħħ xi inċident). Sewwieqa oħra jkunu jafu minn fejn iridu jgħaddu, forsi għax ikunu jgħaddu spiss minn dawk in-naħat u għalhekk ikollhom vantaġġ. Bl-istess mod, jien irrid nieħu interess li nsir naf affarijiet ġodda u mhux nikkuntenta biss b'dak li hu "tas-soltu". Verament li ma tistax tkun taf it-toroq kollha, imma kull ħaġa ġdida li tolqotli l-kurżità, nipprova nifhimha u nistaqsi dwarha flok nibqa' għaddej. Jista' jkun l-uniku ċans biex nistaqsi... Dak li niskopri qatt mhu telf!

It-Triq li qed ikellimna fuqha Ġesù se tkun interessanti, għax se teħodna f'postijiet li qatt ma nimmaġinaw li se mmorru fihom, u se naraw veduti li qatt ma nkunu ħlomnihom. Però hi Triq li titlob minna ħafna fiduċja. Lest li ngħix bħal Ġesù b'dak kollu li jitlob minni? Ninnutaw li Ġesù ma qalilhiex biex insuqu warajh. L-anqas mhu se jirmunkana (bħal tat-towing). Dan ifisser li Ġesù jafdana u jridna nħossu l-gost tal-vjaġġ. Hu jaf li kapaċi naslu jekk inkunu moħħna hemm. Ġesù qalilna li hu stess it-Triq. Jiġifieri dak kollu li se jgħidilna, Ġesu diġa għexu. Mhux qed jgħallem lilna u mbagħad hu jagħmel bil-maqlub. F'Ġesù ma hemmx qerq, imma hemm biss Verità u Ħajja.

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Fr Michael Messagg tad-Direttur

Imma jien forsi nippreferi naqta' għal rasi għax niddejjaq bis-sikkatura, jew għax ma rridx min jurini jew jiggwi-dani? Ħa nkun sinċier u nara x'tip ta' għażliet għamilt s'issa. Ġesù bosta drabi kien iwissi lil ta' madwaru biex ma jiddubitawx minn kliemu. Darba qal: "Min iqiegħed idu fuq il-moħriet u jħares lura, mhux tajjeb għas-saltna ta' Alla". Iva, biex bniedem jirnexxielu jagħmel xi ħaġa sabiħa b'ħajtu jeħtieġ li jibqa' sejjjer dritt. Irid iħares il-quddiem u joqgħod fuq is-sinjal il-mibgħut, li hu Ġesù. Bħalma s-sewwieq, meta jkun fit-triq, ma jistax jara t-tarf fejn se jasal imma joqgħod fuq is-sinjali u jibqa' jsuq sa ma jasal. Hekk ukoll in-nisrani, ma jistax jara t-tarf imma joqgħod fuq dak li jgħidlu Ġesù u jibqa' miexi dritt permezz tal-Fidi. "Ħenjin aktar huma dak li ma rawx, u emmnu."

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In an unprecedented TV appearance, Pope Benedict XVI answered questions posed by Christians and non-Christians about global conflicts, interreligious relations and human suf-fering.

One of the most moving questions came from a 7-year-old Japanese girl who lost friends in the recent earthquake and tsunami and who asked: “Why do I have to be so afraid? Why do children have to be so sad? I’m asking the pope, who speaks with God, to explain it to me.”

In his response, pre-recorded and broadcast on Italian state television Good Friday, April 22, the pope assured the girl that one day she would understand better that “this suffering was not empty, it wasn’t in vain, but behind it was a good plan, a plan of love. It is not chance.”

He said he had the same questions about why some people suffer so much while others live in ease. “And we do not have the answers but we know that Jesus suffered as you do, an innocent, and that the true God who is revealed in Jesus is by your side,” he said. “Be as-sured, we are with you, with all the Japanese children who are suffering. We want to help you with our prayers, with our actions, and you can be sure that God will help you,” he said. The pope, seated at his desk in the Vatican, spoke in Italian as he responded one by one to the questions, which were posed on-screen by the people who submitted them.

Transcript of Pope's Appearance on Italian TV

"We Cannot Be Christians Alone, Following a Christianity Based on Our Own Ideas"


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An advice for every day and a blessing for every month 1 Pray

2 Go to bed on time.

3 Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

4 Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health.

5 Simplify and unclutter your life.

6 Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)

7 Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.

8 Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time; don't lump the hard things all together.

9 Take one day at a time.

10 Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.

11 Live within your budget; don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.

12 K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

13 Carry a spiritually enlightening book with you to read while waiting in line.

14 Get enough rest.

15 Eat right.

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An advice for every day and a blessing for every month 16 Get organized so everything has its place.

17 Write down thoughts and inspirations.

18 Every day, find time to be alone.

19 Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don't wait until it's time to go to bed to try and pray.

20 Make friends with Godly people.

21 Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.

22 Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good 'Thank you Jesus .'

23 Laugh.

24 Laugh some more!

25 Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all.

26 Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can).

27 Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most).

28 Talk less; listen more.

29 Slow down.

30 Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe.

31 Every night before bed, think of one thing you're grateful for that you've never been grateful for before.

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Contact Us

If you would like to contact Fr Michael and share your comments, suggestions, ideas or problems please send an email to:

[email protected]

Tel : 21450354 Vocational Centre Archbishop’s Seminary


The U.S. bishops are encouraging partici-pation in the World Day of Prayer for Vo-cations by offering resources for use on this day, which will be celebrated May 15 this year. The theme for this 48th Day of Prayer for Vocations is "Proposing Vocations in the Local Church." The bishops echoed the call of Benedict XVI, who in his message for this day stated: "Every Christian community, every member of the Church, needs con-sciously to feel responsibility for promot-ing vocations. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is inviting dioceses, parishes and organizations to link to the Web site ForYourVocation.org, and to use the re-sources provided there. Resources include video testimonies of priests, religious, and parents of clergy or consecrated persons. The Web site also offers prayers, discernment re-sources, lesson plans for educators and retreat material.