Driving an experience based culture

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Closing Keynote to the Product, Customer and User Experience Summit 2014

Transcript of Driving an experience based culture

  • 1. Product, Customer and User Experience Summit 2014 Michael Dain Senior Experience Design Lead

2. Driving An Experience-Based Culture Reinforce products & brands with an organizational strategy focused on the experience #pcx-culture 3. Hi, Im Michael 4. I thought about your goals 5. We get inspired 6. We lose focus 7. Why isnt this easier? 8. You are here 9. Why does customer focus fade? 10. Why is it the other companies that seem to get it? 11. Customers arent there They arent on your team Theyre not in your C-suite Theyre not interested in you They have their own goals 12. Product Customers product 13. Product Customers desired focus 14. We lack empathy We lack teamwork We arent real 15. I will empathize with usersI Will be realI will enable my team 16. Office Space joke Why are businesses not user centric? How does 17. Create good habits 18. 1. Empathize with your customers 2. Enable cross-functional teams 3. Be real 19. Leadership? 20. Value of your brand = quality of user experience 21. nest recall 22. stories 23. empathy 24. opportunity budget resources requirements time scope technology devices 25. get the picture! 26. research 27. You are here 28. Neil Gaiman Empathy is a tool for building people into groups, for allowing us to function as more than self- obsessed individuals. 29. empathy 1 personas - pictures 2 research - social media 3 stand in their shoes 30. cross-functional teams 31. Information Architects Experience Designers Visual Designers Front-End Developers Platform Developers Creative Directors Back-end Developers Legal Marketing Sales 32. many hands make light work 33. write your manifesto 34. Agile Manifesto Working software is the primary measure of progress. 35. Thought Works twist on the Agile Manifesto The satisfaction of end-user needs balanced with the achievement of business goals is the primary measure of success. 36. workspace 37. get a room 38. or a (big) desk 39. decorate the walls 40. the big board 41. post-it notes 42. scrum teams 43. product 44. scrum team scrum master product owner business 45. scrum team scrum master product owner business experience design quality assurance java programmer infrastructure management UI designer business analyst platform developer 46. Craig Larman If you want to really change culture, you have to start with changing structure, because culture does not really change otherwise. 47. empathy for each other responsibility to deliver 48. Every release is an experiment. 49. Edison, Bell, Muybridge with his time studies, Marconi. They were not particularly well established academically; they were not trained as engineers, mathematicians, or scientists; they were very creative; and they did intuitive, seat-of-the-pants, trial-and- error experiments -Alex Wilkinson New Yorker May 2014 50. Patrick Lenconi Great teams do not hold back with one other. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal. 51. cross-functional teams 1 manifesto 2 collaborative spaces 3 scrum teams 52. be real 53. Speak the users language 54. Errors 404 Alerts Contact forms Opt-in/out 55. burma shave 56. I cant think of a single website that has a user goal of clicking around in the navigation. 57. Reflect your brand (teams) personality 58. 1. Distinguish you from competitors. 2. Elicits an emotional response that encourages long-term memory. 3. Attracts those who get you and deters those who dont. 4. Impassions users who are your most powerful marketing channel. Aaron Walter - Designing for Emotion 59. Admit youre human 60. Listen and adapt from your customers 61. If I was running a company with the distinction and history of American Airlines, I would be embarrassed--no ashamed--to have a Web site with a customer experience as terrible as the one you have now... 62. Dustin Curtis - 2009 Your Web site is abusive to your customers, it is limiting your revenue possibilities, and it is permanently destroying the brand and image of your company in the mind of every visitor." 63. Mr X in reply - 2009 The problem with the design of AA.com, however, lies less in our competency (or lack thereof, as you pointed out in your post) and more with the culture and processes employed here at American Airlines 64. virginamerica.com 65. be real 1 talk like a human 2 admit mistakes 3 listen and respond 66. I can empathize I can empower teams I can listen I can be real 67. @michaeldain michaeldain.com [email protected]