Dome Formation by a Human Colonie Adenocarcinoma Cell Line...

[CANCER RESEARCH 45. 3790-3795, August 1985] Dome Formation by a Human Colonie Adenocarcinoma Cell Line (HCA-7)1 Susan C. Kirkland CflC Cell Proliferation Unit, Department of Histopathology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, DuCane Road, London W12 OHS, England ABSTRACT A new cell line, HCA-7, has been established from a primary human colonie adenocarcinoma. The HCA-7 cells have an epi thelial morphology by phase-contrast microscopy, they secrete carcinoembryonic antigen, and they form adenocarcinomas when injected s.c. into nude mice. HCA-7 cells retain some of the morphological and functional polarity exhibited by normal colonie epithelium. Cells form a polarized epithelial sheet when grown on tissue culture plastic in standard culture medium (Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's medium with 10% fetal calf serum). The cells were shown to be structurally polarized with sparse microvilli present at the apical surface but absent from the basolateral surface. Cells were connected by apical tight junctions and frequent desmosomes. Confluent monolayers of HCA-7 cells formed "domes" or "hemi- cysts" due to vectorial fluid transport resulting in fluid accumu lation in localized areas of the monolayer. HCA-7 cells will provide a useful system for studying the role of hormones and other factors in the control of transepithelial transport and maintenance of cell polarity. INTRODUCTION The epithelial cell membrane can be divided into 2 distinct regions based on both structural and functional criteria. The maintenance of this cell polarity is necessary for the performance of specialized epithelial functions such as absorption or secre tion. Ultrastructural studies have shown the apical surface to have a characteristic structure such as the brush border seen in intestinal epithelium. The apical surface is separated from the basolateral surface by a belt of tight junctions, and biochemical studies have shown each domain to have a characteristic set of proteins and lipids (1-4). Although many cell lines have been derived from human colo- rectal adenocarcinomas (5-7), very few retain the polarity of their tissue of origin (8). This report describes the establishment and characterization of a human colonie adenocarcinoma cell line which retains some of the structural and functional polarity of colonie epithelium. MATERIALS AND METHODS Establishment of Cell Line HCA-7. HCA-7 cells were derived from a primary adenocarcinoma of the colon (hepatic flexure) removed from a 58-year-old woman in April 1981. The tumor was a moderately-well- differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma which had just penetrated the bowel wall with limited spread to the pericolic fat (Duke's B case). Shortly after removal from the patient, a small piece of tumor, approximately 1 sq cm, was placed in culture medium (see below for details) and trans- 1This work was supported by a Cancer Research Campaign grant awarded to Professor N. A. Wright. Received 12/10/84; revised 3/20/85; accepted 3/27/85. ported on ice to our laboratories. The tissue was rinsed repeatedly with a total of 20 ml culture medium by holding with a pair of forceps and flushing medium over the tissue with a Pasteur pipet. Cells were then gently teased from the tissue using 2 pairs of forceps. The resultant cell clumps were collected by centrifugation at 150 x g for 5 min at room temperature. Cells were plated into 25-sq cm culture flasks in Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's medium (Gibco Europe, Ltd., Paisley, Scotland) with glucose (4500 mg/liter). The medium was supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum [Gibco], kanamycin [100 /jg/ml; Bristol Laboratories, Langley, Slough, England), amphotericin B [2.5 M9/ml; E. R. Squibb, Morton, Cheshire, England], minocycline (1 pg/m\; a kind gift from Lederle Laboratories, Gosport, Hampshire, England), gentamicin (100 ^g/ml; Roussel Laboratories, Ltd., London, England], and penicillin [50 t¡g/m\; Crystapen-Benzylpenicillin (sodium), Glaxo Laboratories, Ltd., Green- ford, England], The antibiotic levels were reduced after several passages so that, after passage 20, cells were maintained in the presence of kanamycin (100 ng/m\) and amphotericin B (1.25 ng/ml). For subculture, cells were treated with trypsin (Worthington Biochem- icals; 3 times crystallized and dialyzed), 0.05% (w/v) in Versene (Glasgow formula). Fibroblasts were removed mechanically by scraping cultures viewed with an Olympus OM-2 phase-contrast microscope and by dif ferential trypsinization with 0.025% trypsin (w/v) in Versene. Cells at passages 25, 31, and 92 were shown to be free of Myco- plasma using the Mycotect Kit (Bethesda Research Lab., U.K., Ltd., Cambridge, England). In addition, cells at passage 20 were independently tested for Mycoplasma using the Hoechst staining method by Dr. M. J. O'Hare (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Surrey, England). Growth Characteristics. Cells were plated into 35-mm Petri dishes (Nunc, Gioco-Europe, Ltd.). Each day, 3 dishes were washed 3 times with 0.01 M phosphate-buffered 0.9% NaCI solution and frozen at -20°C for a maximum of 7 days before DNA assay. The DMA assay was a modification of the fluorimetrie assay of Karsten and Wollenberger (9). Cells were thawed, and 5 ml Pronase (36 ¿ig/ml in 0.01 M phosphate- buffered 0.9% NaCI solution) were added to each dish. Dishes were incubated at 37°C for 15 min to remove cells from the plastic. The remainder of the assay, before final incubation, was performed on ice. Cells were homogenized using a Polytron (Northern Media Supply, Ltd., Brough, North Humberside, England). The final incubation mixture con tained cell homogenate, Pronase (27.5 Mg/ml), and RNase (12.5 jig/ml) and was incubated at 37°C for 1 h. Ethidium bromide was added to a final concentration of 5 ^g/ml, and the fluorescence of samples was measured using a Perkin-Elmer fluorimeter (540 nm excitation; 580 nm emission). Calf thymus DNA was used as a standard. (All reagents were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd., Poole, Dorset, England.) Carcinoembryonic Antigen. Carcinoembryonic antigen radioimmu- noassay was kindly performed by Dr. Morag Ellison (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Surrey, England) (10). Karyotypic Analysis. Cytogenetic studies were performed an expo nentially growing cultures using standard Giemsa trypsin G-banding techniques. Metaphase spreads were counted to determine chromosome number. Electron Microscopy. For electron microscopy, cells were grown on glass coverslips and fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at 4°Cfor 1 h. Cells were postfixed in osmium tetroxide for 1 h at 4°C, dehydrated, and embedded in TAAB resin (TABB Laboratories, Reading, Berks, England). Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and viewed with an AEI 801 microscope at 60 kV. Induction of Tumors in Nude Mice. Cells were trypsinized, washed CANCER RESEARCH VOL. 45 AUGUST 1985 3790 on June 25, 2018. © 1985 American Association for Cancer Research. Downloaded from

Transcript of Dome Formation by a Human Colonie Adenocarcinoma Cell Line...

Page 1: Dome Formation by a Human Colonie Adenocarcinoma Cell Line · Dome Formation by a Human Colonie Adenocarcinoma Cell

[CANCER RESEARCH 45. 3790-3795, August 1985]

Dome Formation by a Human Colonie Adenocarcinoma Cell Line (HCA-7)1

Susan C. Kirkland

CflC Cell Proliferation Unit, Department of Histopathology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, DuCane Road, London W12 OHS, England


A new cell line, HCA-7, has been established from a primaryhuman colonie adenocarcinoma. The HCA-7 cells have an epithelial morphology by phase-contrast microscopy, they secretecarcinoembryonic antigen, and they form adenocarcinomaswhen injected s.c. into nude mice.

HCA-7 cells retain some of the morphological and functional

polarity exhibited by normal colonie epithelium. Cells form apolarized epithelial sheet when grown on tissue culture plastic instandard culture medium (Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's

medium with 10% fetal calf serum). The cells were shown to bestructurally polarized with sparse microvilli present at the apicalsurface but absent from the basolateral surface. Cells wereconnected by apical tight junctions and frequent desmosomes.Confluent monolayers of HCA-7 cells formed "domes" or "hemi-cysts" due to vectorial fluid transport resulting in fluid accumu

lation in localized areas of the monolayer.HCA-7 cells will provide a useful system for studying the role

of hormones and other factors in the control of transepithelialtransport and maintenance of cell polarity.


The epithelial cell membrane can be divided into 2 distinctregions based on both structural and functional criteria. Themaintenance of this cell polarity is necessary for the performanceof specialized epithelial functions such as absorption or secretion. Ultrastructural studies have shown the apical surface tohave a characteristic structure such as the brush border seen inintestinal epithelium. The apical surface is separated from thebasolateral surface by a belt of tight junctions, and biochemicalstudies have shown each domain to have a characteristic set ofproteins and lipids (1-4).

Although many cell lines have been derived from human colo-rectal adenocarcinomas (5-7), very few retain the polarity of theirtissue of origin (8). This report describes the establishment andcharacterization of a human colonie adenocarcinoma cell linewhich retains some of the structural and functional polarity ofcolonie epithelium.


Establishment of Cell Line HCA-7. HCA-7 cells were derived from a

primary adenocarcinoma of the colon (hepatic flexure) removed from a58-year-old woman in April 1981. The tumor was a moderately-well-

differentiated mucinous adenocarcinoma which had just penetrated thebowel wall with limited spread to the pericolic fat (Duke's B case). Shortly

after removal from the patient, a small piece of tumor, approximately 1sq cm, was placed in culture medium (see below for details) and trans-

1This work was supported by a Cancer Research Campaign grant awarded to

Professor N. A. Wright.Received 12/10/84; revised 3/20/85; accepted 3/27/85.

ported on ice to our laboratories. The tissue was rinsed repeatedly witha total of 20 ml culture medium by holding with a pair of forceps andflushing medium over the tissue with a Pasteur pipet. Cells were thengently teased from the tissue using 2 pairs of forceps. The resultant cellclumps were collected by centrifugation at 150 x g for 5 min at roomtemperature. Cells were plated into 25-sq cm culture flasks in Dulbecco'smodification of Eagle's medium (Gibco Europe, Ltd., Paisley, Scotland)

with glucose (4500 mg/liter). The medium was supplemented with 10%fetal calf serum [Gibco], kanamycin [100 /jg/ml; Bristol Laboratories,Langley, Slough, England), amphotericin B [2.5 M9/ml; E. R. Squibb,Morton, Cheshire, England], minocycline (1 pg/m\; a kind gift from LederleLaboratories, Gosport, Hampshire, England), gentamicin (100 ^g/ml;Roussel Laboratories, Ltd., London, England], and penicillin [50 t¡g/m\;Crystapen-Benzylpenicillin (sodium), Glaxo Laboratories, Ltd., Green-

ford, England], The antibiotic levels were reduced after several passagesso that, after passage 20, cells were maintained in the presence ofkanamycin (100 ng/m\) and amphotericin B (1.25 ng/ml).

For subculture, cells were treated with trypsin (Worthington Biochem-

icals; 3 times crystallized and dialyzed), 0.05% (w/v) in Versene (Glasgowformula). Fibroblasts were removed mechanically by scraping culturesviewed with an Olympus OM-2 phase-contrast microscope and by dif

ferential trypsinization with 0.025% trypsin (w/v) in Versene.Cells at passages 25, 31, and 92 were shown to be free of Myco-

plasma using the Mycotect Kit (Bethesda Research Lab., U.K., Ltd.,Cambridge, England). In addition, cells at passage 20 were independentlytested for Mycoplasma using the Hoechst staining method by Dr. M. J.O'Hare (Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Surrey, England).

Growth Characteristics. Cells were plated into 35-mm Petri dishes(Nunc, Gioco-Europe, Ltd.). Each day, 3 dishes were washed 3 timeswith 0.01 M phosphate-buffered 0.9% NaCI solution and frozen at -20°C

for a maximum of 7 days before DNA assay. The DMA assay was amodification of the fluorimetrie assay of Karsten and Wollenberger (9).

Cells were thawed, and 5 ml Pronase (36 ¿ig/mlin 0.01 M phosphate-

buffered 0.9% NaCI solution) were added to each dish. Dishes wereincubated at 37°C for 15 min to remove cells from the plastic. The

remainder of the assay, before final incubation, was performed on ice.Cells were homogenized using a Polytron (Northern Media Supply, Ltd.,Brough, North Humberside, England). The final incubation mixture contained cell homogenate, Pronase (27.5 Mg/ml), and RNase (12.5 jig/ml)and was incubated at 37°Cfor 1 h. Ethidium bromide was added to a

final concentration of 5 ^g/ml, and the fluorescence of samples wasmeasured using a Perkin-Elmer fluorimeter (540 nm excitation; 580 nm

emission). Calf thymus DNA was used as a standard. (All reagents werepurchased from Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd., Poole, Dorset, England.)

Carcinoembryonic Antigen. Carcinoembryonic antigen radioimmu-noassay was kindly performed by Dr. Morag Ellison (Ludwig Institute forCancer Research, Surrey, England) (10).

Karyotypic Analysis. Cytogenetic studies were performed an exponentially growing cultures using standard Giemsa trypsin G-banding

techniques. Metaphase spreads were counted to determine chromosomenumber.

Electron Microscopy. For electron microscopy, cells were grown onglass coverslips and fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate bufferat 4°Cfor 1 h. Cells were postfixed in osmium tetroxide for 1 h at 4°C,

dehydrated, and embedded in TAAB resin (TABB Laboratories, Reading,Berks, England). Thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and leadcitrate and viewed with an AEI 801 microscope at 60 kV.

Induction of Tumors in Nude Mice. Cells were trypsinized, washed



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In Hanks' balanced salt solution, and injected s.c. into both flanks of

nude mice (approximately 2 x 106 cells/site). Tumors were removed and

fixed in neutral buffered formalin for histological examination. Sectionswere stained with hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid-Schiff, and Alcian

blue (pH 2.5). Some cells from the xenograft were reestablished in vitroto compare morphology with that of the established cell line.

Quantitation of Domes. Cells were grown in 35-mm dishes for dome

quantitation. After the experimental period, each dish was washedcarefully 3 times with 2 ml 0.1 M phosphate buffer at 37°C and fixed

with 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer for 30 min at roomtemperature. Dishes were washed with phosphate buffer and twice indistilled water, before staining for 1 h with 10% Giemsa (v/v) in 0.01 MSorensen's phosphate buffer. Dishes were washed and stored in distilled

water at 4°Cbefore counting. Total domes per dish were counted with

an Olympus OM-2 microscope.


Establishment of the HCA-7 Cell Line. After dissociated

tumor tissue was plated into culture flasks, some clumps of cellshad adhered to the plastic within 24 h. Both tumor cells andfibroblasts grew out of these clumps. The fibroblasts proliferatedrapidly in these cultures and had to be repeatedly removed untilthey became senescent. Cultures were initially only subculturedwhen tumor cell colonies became very confluent. Cells hadreached passage 10 after 1 year in vitro. After this time, the cellswere subcultured weekly and had a doubling time of approximately 36 h during the exponential growth phase (Chart 1).Culture medium (5 ml) exposed to a confluent 25-sq cm mono-

layer (passage 8) for 24 h contained carcinoembryonic antigen(91 ng/ml).

Chromosome numbers in HCA-7 cells ranged from 41 to 82

with a modal chromosome number of 43; 75% of cells had achromosome number in the range 43 to 46.





_ 90-£J°°-

I60-~ 50-





1 8

Time (Days after plating)Chart 1. Growth curve of HCA-7 cells in Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's

medium with 10% fetal calf serum. Cells were plated into 35-mm dishes on Day 0.On each of the subsequent 8 days, the DMAcontent of 3 dishes was determined.Monolayers became confluent on Day 6 of this experiment. Points, means; oars,SE.

Morphology of HCA-7 Cells. HCA-7 cells grew as monolayers

with a typical epithelial morphology. The cells had large nucleiand distinct nucleoli (Fig. i A). Confluent monolayers formed"domes" or "hemicysts" (Fig. 1, B and C).

Transmission electron microscopic studies showed that thecells formed a polarized epithelial sheet (Fig. 2A). Cells werelinked by apical tight junctions (Fig. 2, ßto D); numerous des-mosomes and interdigitations were also observed (Fig. 2, B andC). Microvilli were present only at the apical surface and wereabsent from the basolateral membrane (Fig. 2A). These microvilliwere sparse but possessed a dense core of microfilaments whichextended into the apical cytoplasm (Fig. 2D).

Late-passage cells had a similar morphology except that manyrounded cells were present in monolayer cultures. Also, "cords"

of cells were observed both attached to the monolayer andfloating in the medium.

Morphology of Xenografts. Tumors were removed from thenude mice 3 to 4 months after injection of HCA-7 cells. Xeno

grafts were often lobular, and histological examination showedthem to be adenocarcinomas resembling the structure of theoriginal tumor (Fig. 3). Extracellular Alcian blue staining materialwas detected both in the original tumor and the xenograft. Noevidence for metastasis was obtained.

Cells mechanically removed from these xenografts could bereestablished in monolayer culture. The morphology of thesecells was indistinguishable from the parent cell line, and the cells

Fig.3. Section of a xenograft obtained by growing HCA-7 cells s.c&E, mice, x 130.

in nude H



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•Di 000 -


•§600 -

- 60

<- no




TIME (Days)

Chart 2. Kinetics of dome formation in monolayercultures of HCA-7 cells. Cellswere plated into 35-mm dishes in Dulbecco's modification of Eagle's medium with

10% fetal calf serum. Medium was changed daily. Each day, 3 dishes were fixedand stained with Giemsa for assessment of dome number. Because the domeswere not evenly distributed over the monolayer, the whole dish was counted fordome numbers. On Days 1, 3, 5, 9, and 13 of the experiment, DMA assay wasperformed on 3 dishes. Points, means (n = 3); oars, SE. • •,total number ofdomes/35-mm dish; • »,DNA (Mg/35-mmdish).

Table 1Totalnumber of domes in confluent monolayersof HCA-7cells after incubation for

24 h with the factors shownThe control medium for these experiments was Dulbecco's modification of

Eagle's medium with 10% fetal calf serum. The results are from 2 experiments.

No. of domes/35-mm dish


No serum450



±43127 ±32

•Mean ±SE (n = 3).

proliferated at a similar rate after an initial lag phase.Dome Formation by HCA-7 Cells. Postconfluent monolayers

of cells produced "domes" or "hemicysts." To examine the

kinetics of dome formation, a time course analysis was performed on cells at passage 21 (Chart 2). No domes were observed before cells reached confluency. After the cells becameconfluent, the number of domes steadily increased to reach amaximum of 1300 domes/35-mm dish at 12 days. Cell number,

as determined by DNA assay, was unchanged after Day 3;therefore, changes in dome formation could not be attributed todifferences in cell density. However, this does not mean that thecultures were not proliferating, because many cells were shedfrom the monolayer during the course of this experiment.

Incubation of cells for 24 h in the presence of ouabain (10~e

M) was shown to decrease dome formation (Table 1). Removalof serum also inhibited dome formation (Table 1).

The ability of confluent monolayers to form domes declinedbetween passage 25 and 30, until domes were no longer observed in these cultures. For this reason, all doming experimentswere performed on cells at passage 21.


The cell line described in this report was derived from a primaryhuman adenocarcinoma of the colon. The cells retain some ofthe morphological and functional features of colonie epithelium.

These include ultrastructural features such as apical tight junctions, desmosomes, and microvilli. The microvilli have densecores of microfilaments which extend into the apical cytoplasmof the cell. These ultrastructural features are frequently observedin sections of well- and moderately-differentiated colorectal ad-

enocarcinomas (11) but are infrequently retained by cell linesderived from these tumors.

HCA-7 cells form a polarized epithelial sheet when grown on

tissue culture plastic. The cells transport vectorially, which results in the formation of "domes" or "hemicysts," as fluid accu

mulates in localized areas between the monolayer and the cultureflask. The morphology of these domes resembles those observed in cultures of lung adenocarcinoma cells, mammary adenocarcinoma cells, kidney epithelial cells (12, 13), and colonieadenoma cells (14). As found in these other systems, domeformation by HCA-7 cells is inhibited by ouabain, an inhibitor ofNa+-K+-ATPase (13). In addition, dome formation by HCA-7 cells

was shown to be serum dependent, a finding previously obtainedwith Madin Darby canine kidney cells and RAMA 25 cells (ratmammary adenocarcinoma cells) (13). "Spontaneous" dome for

mation is greater in HCA-7 monolayers than observed with either

Madin Darby canine kidney cells (13) or RAMA 25 cells (13),which show a dome formation of less than 10 domes/sq cm.

Few other colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines retain thetransport functions of HCA-7 cells. CaCo-2 cells form domes in

confluent cultures (8), and T84 cells have been shown to transport fluid vectorially (15). Preliminary evidence shows that transport by T84 cells can be controlled by a variety of secretagogues(15). Recently, cells with the ability to form domes have beenisolated after sodium butyrate treatment of HT29 cells, which donot normally form domes (16).

HCA-7 cells slowly lose the ability to form domes between

passages 25 and 30, which may be due to selection for a celltype which is unable to form domes. Some evidence for thishypothesis has been obtained from an experiment using cellsfrom passage 12. These cells were seeded at very low densityinto culture flasks, and the morphology of the resulting colonieswas examined. In these cultures, colonies were present which,although they contained only a few hundred cells, were alreadyforming domes. The majority of colonies were devoid of domes.This does suggest that some heterogeneity exists in early passages of this cell line, and experiments are in progress to isolatethe different cell types.

In conclusion, the HCA-7 cell line of human colonie adenocar

cinoma cells retains some of the features of normal colonieepithelium. These cells will serve as a useful model system forstudying hormonal and other factors controlling transepithelialtransport and cell polarity.


I am grateful to I. Bailey for technical assistance, to Dr. T. Krausz for help withthe chromosome analysis, and to V. Emons for preparation of cells for electronmicroscopy.


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BFig. 1. A, phase-contrast micrograph of an HCA-7 monolayer. x 130. B and C, phase-contrast micrographs of confluent monolayers of HCA-7 cells showing dome

formation B. focus on the cell monolayer. x 310. C, focus on the top of the domes, x 310.



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A :-•

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cFig.2. Transmission electron micrographs of HCA-7 cells grown on plastic culture flasks. A. low-magnification electron micrograph to demonstrate cell shape and

polarity, x 14,490. B, higher-magnificationmicrograph of the border between 2 HCA-7cells showing apical tight junctions, interdigitations,and a desmosome. x 34,200.C, tight junction between HCA-7cells,also showing microfilamentsenteringa desmosome. x 72,000.D, microvilliat the apicalsurfaceof an HCA-7cellwith microfilamentsextending into the apical cytoplasm, x 68,000.



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1985;45:3790-3795. Cancer Res   Susan C. Kirkland  Line (HCA-7)Dome Formation by a Human Colonic Adenocarcinoma Cell

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