docstar admin 3.X... · Undelete...

. Administrator’s Guide Version 3.7

Transcript of docstar admin 3.X... · Undelete...


Administrator’s Guide

Version 3.7

Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................3

Modules .....................................................................................................................................3 Host Status .................................................................................................................................4

Host Settings.................................................................................................................................5 Host Setup..................................................................................................................................5

Host Service........................................................................................................................5 Auto Import ........................................................................................................................6 Devices ...............................................................................................................................8 Archiving ..........................................................................................................................10 Other Settings ...................................................................................................................11

............................................................................................................12 Users and Security Users .................................................................................................................................14 Classes ..............................................................................................................................16 Access Rights....................................................................................................................16 System Settings.................................................................................................................18

Change Admin Password .........................................................................................................19 Page Statistics ..........................................................................................................................19

Document Exchange ..................................................................................................................21 Export Volume.........................................................................................................................21 Export Folder ...........................................................................................................................23 Import.......................................................................................................................................23

Where to Put Import Files.................................................................................................25 Remove Volume ......................................................................................................................25

Maintenance...............................................................................................................................26 Inboxes.....................................................................................................................................26 Two-Tier Utilities ....................................................................................................................26

Update Archive Disk.........................................................................................................27 Recreate Archive Disk ......................................................................................................27 Move Two-Tier Volume to Archive Disk.........................................................................28 Move Archived Volume to Two-Tier ...............................................................................29

Event Log.................................................................................................................................30 Licensing..................................................................................................................................30

........................................................................................................................31 Audit Trail ..................................................................................................................32 Client Activity

Actions Pane .....................................................................................................................32 Custom Actions Pane........................................................................................................35 Action Sequences..............................................................................................................35

Custom Fields ...................................................................................................................36 Backup / Restore and Settings Export/Import..........................................................................37

Backup ..............................................................................................................................37 Exporting Settings.............................................................................................................38 Importing Settings.............................................................................................................39

Undelete ...................................................................................................................................41 Document Tags ........................................................................................................................42

Updating Tags...................................................................................................................42 Upgrading (Adding) Tags To Old Documents..................................................................42

File Types.................................................................................................................................43

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Updates.....................................................................................................................................44 Defining Updates ..............................................................................................................45 Update History ..................................................................................................................51 Running Updates...............................................................................................................51

Optional Modules.......................................................................................................................54 ...............................................................................................................................54 COLD

...........................................................................................................................54 DataLink .......................................................................................................................54 NetConnect

.............................................................................................................................54 Attaché ..........................................................................................54 WebView / Integration Agent

........................................................................................................................54 Integration Other Maintenance and Configuration Info ...........................................................................55

Exceptions Folders ...................................................................................................................55 Email Clients............................................................................................................................56

2 I n t r o d u c t i o n

Introduction This Administrator’s Guide is intended for you, the person who has been designated the docSTAR System Administrator. You will be responsible for various system maintenance tasks and for establishing user access to docSTAR.

You should have a good understanding of PC’s and Windows and a basic knowledge of networking. You should also be thoroughly familiar with docSTAR, including the Advanced Topics presented in Chapter 7 of the User’s Reference.

For security, it is recommended that you establish a password immediately. The Administrator's user name is ADMIN. To establish a password, click on the Change Admin Password button.

The docSTAR Administration Program window four major function areas:

• Host Settings -- These settings either affect the docSTAR Host directly or have a global impact on all network stations.

• Document Exchange -- These features, due to their powerful and potentially complex nature, are mostly restricted to the Administrator’s program. Folder export, however, is possible from docSTAR through the Browse Tab of the Retrieve window.

• Maintenance -- Proper database backups and other critical functions are controlled through these options.

• Add-In Modules – Some settings related to optional, premium modules are made through this portion of the Administration Program.

As administrator, you are also responsible for certain other configuration and maintenance functions. Although these are not actually part of the Administrations Program, they are documented at the end of this Guide.

• Exceptions Folders

• Emails Clients

Modules Throughout this guide, the symbol is used to indicate features that are not available in all docSTAR systems—but only in our bundled systems and systems that have added a specific add-on module. See Models and Modules in Chapter 1 of the User’s Reference.

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Figure 1 - docSTAR Administration Main Window

Host Status One feature of the Administration program is the Host Status display.

It indicates if the docSTAR Service is running, and has the added function of allowing you to start and stop the service if necessary. Restarting the host service is sometimes necessary to make new settings take effect.

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Host Settings docSTAR host system settings include the following:

• Host Setup – basic configuration of the host, including automatic import

• Users and Security – protection for confidential documents

• Change Admin Password

• Page Statistics – information on system utilization

Host Setup These settings are filled in by the installation program and generally don’t need to be altered. Most of them are critical to proper system operation and should only be altered by a trained docSTAR service technician. Therefore, only a brief description of each is provided here.

Host Service This is the Host Service tab.

Figure 2 - Host Setup, Host Service Tab

It contains the following settings:

Host Name The network name of the computer on which the docSTAR Host program runs. It is detected during installation of the host. (It will be needed to install each client.)

Connection The “connection string” defines exactly how the docSTAR database is to be opened. It is set automatically during installation.

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Host Path The path to the root directory of docSTAR on the Host. It is chosen during installation.

Startup Options Allows selection of a message to be displayed to docSTAR users each time they run docSTAR.

Import Schedule Defines an interval or a specific time of day for the host to perform automatic imports.

Filing Schedule Defines an interval or a specific time of day for the host to perform filing.

Host Idle Counter Allows adjustment of the timing of the host’s background processing, which includes importing faxes, monitoring client license usage, and other tasks.

Log Critical Events to the Windows NT Event Log

Allows critical events to be written to the Windows NT event log. This might be used in a large enterprise installation.

Auto Import

Figure 3 - Host Setup, Auto Import Tab

Auto Import is used to import files from sources such as digital copiers, multifunction products, and fax servers. Auto Import may be performed by the docSTAR Host service, as described here, or via the docSTAR Client service, as described in the docSTAR Users’ Reference.

Note: The Host service does not offer the document separation and automatic processing features found in the Client service. Therefore the Client service is recommended for new configurations.

Every two minutes (or other interval, as set on the prior tab), the docSTAR host service looks in each specified directory and imports any files found, removing them from the directories as it does so.

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Up to fifty (10) auto import directories may be created. Different settings may apply to each. This allows documents imported from multiple sources to be effectively segregated and filed appropriately. The following settings apply to each auto import directory.

Path This may be a drive letter\path to a local device or a UNC path to a network location.

Active An import directory may be set to “inactive” to temporarily suspend imports without deleting the directory. Thus, it may be reactivated without having to recreate it.

Image Template Native Template

Native, PDF, and image files may be imported from the same directory. Therefore, a template must be specified for each type of document. Each document imported will be assigned the template corresponding to its type. See the User’s Reference, Chapter 1, for a description of these document types.

Security Class Assigns a security class to each imported document.

Folder Optionally, places each imported document into a folder.

Inbox Determines the Inbox to which documents from this path will be imported. In addition to the settings specified for each directory, there is a “Host Service Logon” setting. As mentioned, auto importing is performed by the docSTAR host service. This service runs independently of the user—if any—logged on to the docSTAR server. Therefore, the host service must have access rights to import files from network directories.

By default, the host service runs with the permissions of “local system”, which has no network access rights. Use this button to specify a domain\user and a password for the host service. This will give it the network access rights of that user.

Note: The Host Service Logon setting also affects Datalink updates, which are performed by the Host Service. See the Datalink Users’ Guide Supplement.

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Figure 4 - Host Setup, Devices Tab

The Devices tab lists all storage devices used in the docSTAR system and provides command buttons for adjusting this list. Each device containing document files must be listed. The following information is listed for each device:

Device This shows the drive letter and path of the device relative to the docSTAR Host.

UNC Path This shows the UNC (Universal Naming Convention) path to the device. If the device is a local device, LOCAL SHARE will be displayed instead.

NetConnect/Web Path

This column only appears if the NetConnect, WebView, or Integration Agent module is present. It shows the web share used by Internet Information Services (IIS) for this device if it is on another server or NAS device.

Primary Tier This indicates if the device is configured as the primary tier in a two-tier pair. “No” will be shown for archive tier and single tier devices.

Capacity This shows the capacity of all defined devices. Only the device set as the Primary Tier will count towards storage licensing.

Active Indicates device(s) to which new documents are archived, as specified on the Archiving tab, described below.

Storage Licensing Using Two-Tier storage requires a storage license, which must match or exceed the amount of primary storage. Storage licenses are sold by and installed by our authorized Partners. The bottom portion of this tab reports on the state of storage licensing.

Licensed Capacity This is the total licensed capacity available in the docSTAR system.

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Configured Capacity This is the total capacity of all primary tier devices. Note that this does not indicate how much of the total capacity is currently in use.

Available Capacity The difference between licensed capacity and configured capacity is available for additional storage devices.

Adding, Editing, and Removing Devices The Delete button removes the selected device from the devices list. Nothing on the device is actually deleted, but it will no longer be accessible from docSTAR.

The New and Edit buttons open similar windows for, respectively, adding or configuring a device used to store document files.

Figure 5 - Host Setup, New Device

The following information is entered for each device.

Drive This is the drive letter of the device. Non-local devices such as Network Attached Storage must have a drive letter mapped to them for configuration purposes. However, network access to the device will not go through the local drive letter mapping.

Primary Tier This indicates if the device is the primary tier of a two-tier pair. If checked, Two Tier Utility functions (described below) will be available for this device.

Device Path This is the actual path to be used on the device. It is recommended that you keep the default device path suggested by the software.

NetConnect Path Devices on another server (or NAS device) must be shared though Internet Information Services (IIS) for NetConnect, WebView, or Integration Agent. This field defines the web share. It is recommended that you accept the default path suggested.

Additional information, including the device label and capacity, are displayed. This can help verify that the correct drive has been selected.

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Figure 6 - Host Setup, Archiving Tab

The Archiving tab specifies which device(s) will be used to store each document after it is filed. It includes the following settings.

Enable Two Tier This option is only available when there is at least one “primary tier” device listed on the devices tab. When checked, the docSTAR Two Tier™ storage mechanism is active. Each document file is written to both a primary and secondary tier. It is typically retrieved from the former so that the latter can serve as a backup.

Primary Tier (Two Tier Enabled)

Settable only when Two Tier is enabled, this specifies the primary tier’s drive and path. It will typically be a high-speed, non-removable device.

Archive Tier (Two Tier Enabled)

If Two Tier is enabled, this specifies the secondary tier device that will contain duplicate copies of documents, but will not be used for retrieval. It is often a removable, optical device.

Archive Device (Two Tier Disabled)

For single tier operation, the drive/path of the single archive device is listed here. It may be an optical disk or a high-speed magnetic device. In any case, some provision must be made to assure that offsite duplicates are made.

Current Archive Volume

This specifies the volume label of a removable medium or a subdirectory name on a non-removable device.

When a removable medium is filled, or when the specified volume size limit is reached, docSTAR will automatically increment any numeric suffix to determine the next volume label. e.g. VOLUME_0002 will become VOLUME_0003.

Volume labels must be eleven characters or less, and it is highly recommended that they end in several digits to allow the automatic increment feature to work properly.

Limit Volume Size Enabled only for non-removable devices, this allows selection of a size limit for each “volume” subdirectory. When the limit is reached, the “volume” (actually, the subdirectory name) will be

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To incremented. This can be used to build volume subdirectories of a size that will fit on a CD-R or DVD-R or other type of removable disk.

Currently Allocated A counter records the total size of files written to the current archive volume. This counter resets automatically when the size limit is reached and the volume is incremented to create a new archive volume.

Reset Manually resets the allocated space counter. This should only be reset if the device or volume changes.

Other Settings

Figure 7 - Host Setup, Other Settings Tab

The Other Settings tab offers the following controls:

Use Audit Trail This box must be checked to record an “audit trail” of all document access, as may be required in some privacy-conscious environments. Viewing and printing of the audit trail is described later in this Guide.

Purge Audit Trail… You may choose to automatically purge (delete) audit information that is older than a specified time-frame to limit database storage requirements. However, you should only do so if you are absolutely certain that audit information beyond the time-frame you choose is not required.

Virtual Cover Sheets Virtual cover sheets (VCS) are available through docSTAR’s Integration Agent module. They are a means for integrating the filing of documents with another application. Setting this option will provide an alert through the Event log if any VCS becomes “too old,” which might indicate a document was lost or misfiled. See the Integration Agent Guide for more info.

USPS EPM The United States Postal Service (USPS) Electronic Postmark (EPM) is applied to docSTAR’s AuthentiDate codes each day to confirm that no tampering has been attempted to falsify the content of a document. Each EPM is stored by the USPS for seven years to provide third party

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verification of document integrity.

There is a service fee for use of the EPM, but this is typically included with SoftCare, your annual docSTAR software maintenance plan. The licensing switch will show the number of days of EPM service used and left. EPM licenses can be replenished by your docSTAR service provider.

Fax Server Symantec WinFax (actually, WinFax Pro) is the preferred, integrated inbound and outbound fax solution for docSTAR. Settings for WinFax Pro are described in the Fax Services Guide, Version 3.2.

You may choose "(none)" to disable integrated fax services. If you do so, a printer-driver based outbound fax may still be used.

Setup: Automated Client Updates

After software is updated on the docSTAR server, each network client detects the update when docSTAR is next launched, and offers to run the SETUP program to update the client. The user is typically prompted to choose among several installation options before the update is performed.

Enabling automated updates skips these prompts, automatically updating the client software using choices made from the prior installation. This may be preferred on large networks, so that individual users don’t have an opportunity to make a wrong choice, thereby causing problems for the network or system administrator.

Note: at this time, Automated Client Updates does not work through NetConnect.

Users and Security This window gives you the ability to define groups (called Classifications) for confidential documents. It also lets you define each user and what rights he or she has to each classification.

If no security is established, all docSTAR Users are “GUEST”. Furthermore, all documents are automatically classified as “PUBLIC”. The GUEST user has, by default, full rights to PUBLIC documents.

Note: No additional classes or users can be created on systems without the Access Management module. However, the Administrator can select what rights the GUEST user has on PUBLIC (all) documents, thereby restricting deletion, filing, and/or printing to the Administrator if desired.

You should decide what security classifications, if any, need to be created based on the requirements of your office. For example, due to the confidential nature of certain documents maintained by a Human Resource Department, a security classification can be created and named "Human Resources".

Other possible classifications are “Time Sheets”, “Joe’s Personal”, and “Top Secret”.

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Figure 8 - Security Window

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Users To create a user, click on “New User”.

Figure 9 – Add User Window

Then fill in the following info.

Login Name The name the user will log on with – up to 10 characters.

Full Name Enter the user's full name, up to a maximum of 30 characters.

Password Enter the password you want to assign to the user, up to a maximum of 10 characters. (The password will displayed as a series of asterisks (*) when entered.)

Permit Security Class Creation

Check this to allow users to create classifications themselves. The user who creates a security classification is considered the owner of it and has the ability to give other users access to that classification through docSTAR.

Suspend Access In the event an employee is transferred or leaves the company, you may want to suspend his/her access to the system. This option disallows logins by this user without deleting him/her user and any associated audit records.

Default Inbox The default Inbox for the new user is specified here. Check “Create” to automatically create an Inbox that matches the user’s Login Name. Otherwise, you may select any existing Inbox with the selector.

Message Folder Check “Create” to automatically create a message folder matching the user’s Login Name. (It is created directly under the Root folder.) Alternately, you may select an existing message folder or leave this set to “(none)”.

Create Security Class

Check this box to create a Security Class that matches the user’s Login Name. Initially, this user will have full rights to the created class, but other users will have no rights.

Secure Inbox If this box is checked, the security class just created will be applied to the Inbox just created. (This option is only available when creating both items.)

Secure If this box is checked, the security class just created will be applied to the Message Folder just

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Message Folder created. (This option is only available when creating both items.) Any of this information, including the password, may be edited by clicking on the Edit button.

Import Names User names can be imported from Windows Active Directories or from a Windows Domain. To do so, first click on Import Names.

Figure 10 – Import Names Window

Enter the domain name and click on Get Names. You can hen select any or all of the users listed. The following options apply to all users selected.

Password / Verify Password

Passwords cannot be imported from the domain or Active Directories. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the “Logon using Windows credentials” option described below. This will automatically log on each user based on their Windows logon.

Accordingly, you should specify a common, secret password for all imported users. Users will not need to know this docSTAR password because they each know their domain password. The common password may be useful for certain integrated applications.

Create User Inboxes If checked, a personal Inbox, named for each user, will be created as users are imported.

Create User Message Folders

If checked, a message folder matching each user’s name will be created. (All are created directly under the Root folder.)

Create User Security Class

If checked, a personal security class will be created for each imported user.

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Secure User Inboxes

If this box is checked, the security class created for each user will be applied to his/her Inbox. (This option is only available when creating both items.)

Secure User Message Folders

If this box is checked, the security class created for each user will be applied to his/her Message Folder. (This option is only available when creating both items.)

When you click Add, the selected users will all be added to your docSTAR user list.

Note: Importing names from a Windows domain works well with the “Logon using Windows credentials” feature, described below.

Classes To create a class, just click on “New Class” and enter a name. There is nothing else to define for the class—its definition comes from the rights assigned for it to users.

Note that if a Classification is deleted, you will be required to choose a new class for all documents that had belonged to the deleted class.

Access Rights Once users and classes have been defined, you may assign access rights for classified documents to users.

The default, class, PUBLIC is (by default) completely accessible by all users (even GUEST). The default user, GUEST, has no rights (by default) to any classifications (other than PUBLIC). Only users who have explicitly been given rights to classified documents will be able to access them.

The following five access rights may be independently assigned:

View Original This gives the user(s) the right to view only the original image, appearing as it was scanned. If annotations were added to the image, the user does not have access to them unless View Annotated is also assigned.

View Annotated This gives the user(s) the right to view the image with its annotations. The user won’t be able to see the original image unless he/she also has “View Original” rights.

Send To Gives the user(s) the right to send documents to a Printer, Email, Image File, etc. as available through the Send To window.

Modify Properties This gives the user(s) the right to modify a document title, keywords or other fields; make or delete annotations, file an unfiled document, or review an uncompleted document.

Delete This gives the user(s) the right to delete documents, as well as rescan pages, delete pages, or modify the security class of the document.

The combination of View Original and View Annotated gives the user the ability to hide and show annotations at will. Both View rights combined with Modify are needed to add, remove, or change annotations. Send To and the respective View right are needed to print a document with or without annotations.

NOTE -- REDACTION: Granting View Annotated rights without View Original is typically used to redact documents. A user (or the Administrator) with full View and Modify rights can “black out” sensitive portions of the document. Other users having only View Annotated rights can view the document as “redacted”, but cannot see the hidden portions.

Reviewing and Assigning Access Rights To see what rights a particular user has to a particular class, choose each in the respective list boxes. The rights of that user to that class will be shown. You may grant or take away rights just by clicking on the Rights checkboxes.

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You may also select multiple classifications and multiple users by using the Shift or Ctrl + left click.

The small box in front of the access rights may appear in one of three ways:

• Unchecked: If no x appears in the access rights box, this means none of the users selected have that right to any of the classifications selected.

• Shaded: If the access rights box is shaded, this means there are mixed rights. That is, some users have the right to some of the classifications. (Choose users and/or classes one at a time to see exactly who has which rights to what.)

• Checked: If the x appears in the access rights box, this means that all of the users selected have that right to all of the classifications selected.

The example below shows that JULIE can view and send original documents of each selected security class, but lacks the rights to see the annotations for some of the classes. Also, JULIE can modify the properties of some of these documents, but not others.

Figure 11 - Rights Assignment

Clicking the checkboxes grants or denies rights to all selected users to all selected security classes. Click on Full Rights or No Rights to give selected user(s) all or none, respectively, of the above-listed rights.

Folders Folders may be classified independently of their contents. It is necessary to have View (Original or Annotated) rights to see the title of a folder or to open it and view its contents. (However, its contents may be viewable by searching for them directly.) Edit rights to a folder are required to modify its title or keywords. Deleting or removing the folder from the system requires delete rights.

Note: the classification of the folder affects access to the folder itself and has no effect on the documents, which are within it.

Templates Templates may be classified independently of their ability to set the security class of documents. Edit and Delete rights are required to modify or delete a template, respectively. View rights to a folder are not relevant.

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System Settings

Figure 12 - System Options

Several system settings exist which can change the way certain security rights are implemented on a system-wide basis.

Require delete rights to remove from folders

This option requires users to have delete rights to a document (or folder) in order to remove it from a folder. It may be useful in situations where folders are the primary (or sole) mechanism for filing and retrieving documents, and thus removing a document from a folder is tantamount to “losing it”.

Require delete rights for unfiled document operations (merge, rescan, delete)

This option requires users to have delete rights in order to perform some inbox and filing operations. You may want to uncheck this option to allow scanner operators to perform most scanning and filing operations without having to have rights to delete filed documents.

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Show @ACCESSED DENIED documents in results and browse screens

If the current user has neither view original nor view-annotated rights to a document or folder, he or she will be denied the ability to see its title. Therefore, the Inbox, Retrieval window (Results or Browse Tab), or Review Box will normally list such documents with “@ACCESS DENED: (security class)” in place of their title.

However, showing the “@ACCESS DENIED” message may make unauthorized users aware of the existence of a document although they can’t see its title or contents. To provide more complete security, this option can be disabled, which will cause classified documents to be completely hidden from users with no view rights. The down side to disabling this is that users without necessary rights may conclude that documents they are seeking are "gone" rather than simply inaccessible to them.

Hide Classifications from users who do not have rights

When displaying a list of security classes (such as when classifying a document), this option will hide any security classes that the current user does not have rights to see. This is desirable to provide a more succinct list to most users, or to segregate usage among different departments.

Hide Templates from users who do not have rights

Similar to hiding security classes, this option hides templates from users not permitted to see them. This “declutters” the template list for users who do not have access to significant numbers of templates and allows multiple departments sharing a system to more completely segregate their respective information.

Disable Guest Account This option requires users to login with an account other than Guest.

Logon using Windows Credentials

This option allows users to login automatically to docSTAR using the network user name they used to login to Windows. This works well with the Import Names feature, listed above.

Note: This is a convenient option, but it potentially relaxes security by not requiring the user to enter a password for docSTAR.

Passwords expire every This option can be used to cause user passwords to expire on a regular schedule. When a user password is about to expire and the user logs into docSTAR, the user is prompted to select a new password. This option is irrelevant if users logon using Windows credentials.

Expiration warning This option configures the number of days advance notice a user will receive before their password expires.

Remember the last x passwords

This option remembers the last x passwords and will not allow them to be reused. Thus, it requires users to select unique passwords each time their password changes.

Send To These options configure which tabs will be visible to users under the Send To button. Note: Even if TextBridge is selected, this option will appear only on machines which have TextBridge installed.

Change Admin Password Change the Administrators password periodically or any time you think its security has been compromised. Choose something that you will not forget. As is typical, you will have to enter the password twice to confirm it. It must be at least four characters.

NOTE: A series of asterisks (*) will be seen as you enter your password.

Page Statistics This window displays a summary of pages scanned, by month, as well as the average number of pages per document.

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Figure 13 - Page Statistics

It is provided as a means for monitoring system usage. The Printer Settings and Print buttons are provided to choose/configure a printer and print the report, respectively.

Some systems, typically used for evaluation or demonstration purposes, have a scan volume limit built in. In this case, the Licensed Input Quantities section is displayed showing the monthly allowable page and back file volume.

Note: The Licensed Input Quantities section will not be visible unless a scan volume limit is built in.

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Document Exchange These functions, collectively called “Document Exchange”, allow collections of documents or even whole Volumes to be exported from one docSTAR and Imported into another docSTAR.

Attaché is the preferred mechanism to export all types of docSTAR documents with all of their filing information, including custom fields. The export mechanism described here is a legacy feature for compatibility with older versions of docSTAR. It does not support PDF, native, or COLD documents nor does it support custom fields. Furthermore, it relies on document tags (see Maintenance, Document Tags, below) to exchange document titles and keywords along with the images.

Export Volume This mechanism allows an entire volume to be transferred to another system. It may be most useful for consolidating information from more than one docSTAR into a single system. Note that all documents on the specified volume must have tags. It is recommended that a volume be duplicated when it is exported rather than allowing your original optical disk to be transported from one place to another.

To Export a Volume: 1. Choose the Export Volume command. You will need to enter the Administrator’s Password if you haven’t

done so already. Then choose the Volume that you wish to export. 2. Optionally, you may choose a password to secure the exported volume. The password you choose will be

required when the disk is imported. Using a password prevents this disk from being imported by an unauthorized person. Just press Enter if you don’t wish to use a password.

3. The contents of the specified volume are analyzed, and a summary is displayed. Documents without tags (those from an older version of docSTAR) cannot be exported. You may still export a disk that contains some untagged documents, but only the documents with tags will be importable.

Figure 14 - Volume Analysis

4. You are offered the option of duplicating the volume. Clicking Yes will run the Disk Duplicator utility program to duplicate the disk. (See Software Supplement: Disk Duplicator.) The duplicate or the original may then be exported. Clicking No will continue without duplicating the disk. This is appropriate only if you have already made a duplicate or you truly want to export your only copy of this volume. You may click Cancel at this time.

5. You are asked to select the “Export Medium”. Specify the drive letter containing the volume (or duplicate thereof) that you are exporting.

NOTE: The duplicate need not have the same volume name as the original. In fact, it is often necessary to give the duplicate a new name. The name must be unique on the system to which it will be imported.

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Figure 15 - Select Export Medium

6. All files on the export medium are now analyzed. Any missing files or extraneous files are noted. This process may take quite a few minutes. Any documents that cannot be exported will be placed in an Exception’s folder. See Exceptions Folders at the end of this Guide.

Figure 16 - Export Progress Window

7. An Export Validation File (EVF) is written to the export medium. If this file cannot be written (e.g. the medium is full or read-only), then you may specify an alternate medium (e.g. a floppy disk) to place the EVF file on. The EVF file will be required along with the export medium when this volume is imported.

When the process is complete, the Export Medium may now be imported into another docSTAR.

Note: The contents of the Export Medium may be copied to any other medium, such as a CD-ROM, as long as no files are excluded or added and the organization of files within their subdirectories is maintained.

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Export Folder A collection of documents grouped within a folder may be exported with this command. You need an export medium (disk) available that has sufficient free space to hold all of the document images, text files, and annotation files for this folder.

See Chapter 4 in the User’s Reference for a step-by-step description of the folder export process.

Import This command brings documents, which have previously been exported with Export Volume or Export Folder, into another docSTAR. It can also be used to import documents that have been published with the Attaché module.

The import process builds database information on every document being imported from data in the documents' tags (see Tags, later in this Guide) or from the special index files included on an Attaché disk. Optionally, the document files are also copied to the Inbox device or Archive device of the destination system. The decision of whether or not to copy these files can be critical and requires exact understanding of docSTAR and the application. That is why Importing is only available from the Administrators’ program.

To Import a Volume or Folder:

1. Enter the Import Source. This must be the folder specified as the Export Destination specified during a folder export or the root of the Export Volume used on a volume export.

Figure 17 - Select Import Source

2. Typically, the Import Source will also be the root publication folder (from Attaché). If Attaché files are present, the import process recognizes them automatically. For legacy exported documents, docSTAR looks for an EVF file. If it is not in the specified location, docSTAR will prompt you for it.

3. The password if any specified during export must now be entered.

4. Specify the destination of the imported documents. Documents may be imported to the File Inbox or Review box (in which case their files must be copied to the File Inbox drive). Alternately, documents may

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go directly to the "permanent files" of the destination docSTAR. In this case, you may choose to leave them on the import medium or copy them to the destination's archive medium. See Where to Put Import Files, below.

Figure 18 - Import Options

5. The files on the import medium are analyzed. This may take a few minutes.

6. The security classes on the system that exported these documents may not be the same as those on this system. For each security class found among the imported documents, select an existing security class on this system or create a new one. How you map security classes during import is completely up to you. All imported documents can be assigned to PUBLIC or to new classes or the original security can be duplicated one-for-one.

Figure 19 - Classifying Imported Documents

7. Now the database records are created and the document files are copied (if so specified). This may be very time-consuming, especially if copying files. There is an option to continue even if an error occurs. That will allow most of the import to be completed while the system is unattended.

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A message is displayed when the import is complete. Any problem documents will automatically be placed in an "Import Exceptions Folder".

After import, there will be a great deal of "Deferred Processing" to perform, especially if documents were being moved to the Archive medium of the destination.

Where to Put Import Files Consider carefully whether the medium being used to transfer the document files (the import medium) should become a permanent part of the destination docSTAR.

Leaving Documents on Import Medium If the import medium is suitable for permanent use in the destination, then the time-consuming step of copying files from it can be avoided. The documents will remain on the import medium and the database will point to them there. The import medium will then become a permanent part of the destination docSTAR's collection of disks.

Copying Documents to Destination If the import medium is a network server, floppy disk, or a device otherwise unsuitable for permanent use, you will definitely want the documents copied to the destination. The documents will be moved to either the Archive or Inbox device depending on the Import Destination selected: File Inbox, Review box, or Permanent Files.

However, if the import medium is suitable for permanent use, then the documents may be left on that medium. This will allow the import process to run more quickly. However, that medium must be available (and inserted, if removable) whenever documents on it are accessed.

Remove Volume WARNING: This command deletes all database records for documents on a specified volume. There is no "undelete" mechanism available after removing a volume.

Use "Remove Volume" if a volume containing documents is no longer available. For instance, you may have exported a volume to another system and have no additional use for it. Once you've confirmed that this volume has been successfully imported into that system, you may remove it from yours.

When you choose to remove a volume, you will first be asked for the name of the Volume to remove. Once specified, a report will be computed and displayed summarizing all documents and pages on that volume. Particular note is made of documents that do not contain tags. Documents without tags cannot be re-imported later, so make certain that you really wish to permanently remove them. Upon viewing this report, you have the option to continue or cancel.

If you continue, all database records of all documents on the specified volume are permanently deleted. They may be restored by re-importing the volume only if the volume was previously exported.

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Maintenance docSTAR Maintenance includes these functions:

• Inboxes

• Two-Tier Utilities

• Event Log

• Licensing

• Audit Trail

• Client Activity

• Custom Fields

• Backup / Restore – and Import/Export Settings (Templates)

• Undelete

• Document Tags

• (Native) File Types

• (Mass) Updates

Inboxes Every system has one Inbox, called “(default)”, for holding newly scanned or imported documents. Additional Inboxes can be created to segregate unfiled documents. Inboxes may be created for each user, each department, or for special purposes depending on your workflow practices.

When creating an Inbox, you must specify a name and a security class. The security class determines who can view the Inbox and its contents, as well as who can add to it. You must have View rights to an Inbox in order to add to it or view it.

Figure 20 – Inboxes

Two-Tier Utilities As described in Chapter 7 of the User’s Reference, Two-Tier Storage is a premium feature available in docSTAR to store documents on a first tier device (usually RAID) and a second tier or archive device (usually

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optical) at the same time. Day-to-day access comes from the first tier device allowing the second tier media to be moved off site for disaster recovery.

The following utility functions are available to manage documents stored in this way. Note that some of these utilities involve writing many files to a removable medium and therefore can take many hours to complete.

Update Archive Disk Changes to document tags and annotations, which occur on the first tier device, are not automatically made on the associated archive disk. It may be desirable to update an archive disk with any changes that have been made.

Figure 21 – Two-Tier Utility: Update Archive Disk

To Update an Archive Disk:

1. Select the Update Archive Disk operation from the top panel. 2. Select the source Two-Tier device and volume from the lower panel. 3. Select the drive containing the archive disk to be updated as the destination. 4. Check “Use Archive bit to copy new files only” to utilize the operating system’s archive bit so that only

new files and altered files will be copied to the Archive disk. If this box is unchecked, all files will be copied to the archive disk regardless of the archive bit setting.

The archive bit is a DOS/Windows feature to track when documents are created or updated. Use of this bit for updating archive disks is recommended. Note that some backup utilities use this mechanism, interfering with docSTAR’s ability to do so.

5. Click “Go” to begin the process. 6. A brief description of this process is displayed. Click “OK” to continue. 7. When the Two-Tier operation is successfully completed, click “OK.”

Recreate Archive Disk This process will create a new archive disk from the contents of a Two-Tier storage device. Perform this operation when the original archive disk is lost or damaged.

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Figure 22 – Two-Tier Utility: Recreate Archive Disk

To Recreate an Archive Disk:

1. Select the Recreate Archive Disk operation from the top panel. 2. Select the source Two-Tier device and volume from the lower panel. 3. Select the destination drive containing a new disk. 4. Click “Go” to begin the process. 5. A brief description of this process is displayed. Click “OK” to continue. 6. Insert a blank, formatted destination disk into the destination drive and click “OK.” Files will be copied

from the Two-Tier device to the destination archive disk. 7. When the Two-Tier operation is successfully completed, click “OK.”

Move Two-Tier Volume to Archive Disk This process will move all documents stored on a particular Two-Tier volume to an archive disk. This volume will be removed from Two-Tier Storage, freeing up that space for new documents. After performing this process, the documents affected can only be retrieved from the archive disk.

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Figure 23 – Two-Tier Utility: Move to Archive Disk

To Move Two-Tier Volume to Archive Disk:

1. Select the source Two-Tier device and volume name to be moved. 2. Select the destination drive containing the original archive disk. 3. Press “Go” to begin the process. 4. A brief description of this process is displayed. Click “OK” to continue. The original Archive disk is

updated, as described above under Update Archive Disk. This step is automatically performed to insure that no updates are lost when the documents are removed from Two-Tier storage.

5. When asked to do so, insert a blank, formatted destination disk into optical drive, then click “OK.” Files will be moved from the Two-Tier device to the destination archive disk at this time. Note that this creates a second archive disk, so that one is available for retrieval while one is moved off site for disaster recovery.

Note that documents are deleted from the Two-Tier device during this step, and will only be accessible from the archive disk(s).

6. When the Two-Tier operation is successfully completed, click “OK.”

Move Archived Volume to Two-Tier This process will move all documents stored on an archive disk to the Two-Tier storage device. After this process is completed, docSTAR will access these documents from the Two-Tier storage device, not from the archive disk. However, the document files are NOT removed from the archive disk during this process. The archive disk will become your off site backup copy.

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Figure 24 – Two-Tier Utility: Move to Two-Tier

To Move Archived Volume to Two-Tier:

1. Select the source drive containing the archive disk to be moved. 2. The destination is the currently active Two-Tier Storage path, as defined under Host Setup. 3. Press “Go” to begin the process. 4. A brief description of this process is displayed. Click “OK” to continue. 5. When the Two-Tier operation is successfully completed, click “OK.”

Event Log The Event Log is described briefly in Chapter 7 of the User’s Reference. This selection will display the Event Log. You may select one or more events and click on Clear Events to delete them. However, you should only do so if you know that the event has been resolved.

Note: the Event Log is also visible through docSTAR’s system commands.

Licensing The docSTAR licensing system uses a "hardware key" to regulate the usage of docSTAR itself, its accessory programs (e.g. COLD), and network station software. Also, the secure clock, which is used to generate AuthentiDate tags, is part of this hardware key. Generally, all licensing issues and maintenance of the clock should be left to the Service Technician. Therefore, the primary licensing window and the "Adjust Key Clock" window are not described here.

However, the "Licenses in Use" button found on the primary licensing window can be useful to the System Administrator. It opens a window that lists all stations currently connected to docSTAR and using a license. Use it to help resolve license contention (users unable to access docSTAR due to unavailability of licenses).

Error messages related to licensing and the clock are described in Chapter 8 of the User’s Reference.

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Audit Trail Use this window to view or print portions of the audit trail. First, you must select a portion of the audit trail using these criteria:

Selection Description

Date From/To Specify a date range. Click the down arrow to choose a date from a calendar.

User You may specify one user or look at audit trail records for all users.

Type This selection box (shown open) lets you choose to look at only one type of auditable action. All types of document access, including each type of output from the Send To window, are audited. Leave this box blank to look at all types of actions.

Limit Audit Trail This number limits the results to the specified number of items. The default setting is 1000. A larger number can take a very long time to search.

After the selections above are made, press search. It may take some time to get the audit trail info, depending on how well you’ve narrowed the date range, etc.

Figure 25 - Audit Window

The results are displayed in the Audit Information portion of the window and can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headings: Title, Action (this is the same as the type), Date, Station (machine name of the remote user), and User.

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After displaying a portion of the audit trail, you may adjust printer settings and print it.

Client Activity The Client Activity button shows the Administrator the current status of all docSTAR users and allows him/her to send messages to them, prevent them from connecting to the system, and even kick off users who already have a connection. This is generally used for system maintenance tasks, such as rebooting the server.

Figure 26 – Client Activity

The left-hand side of the window contains three panes labeled Actions, Custom Actions, and Action Sequences. Each can be selected by clicking on its name.

The right-hand side of the window displays all the stations that use this docSTAR system. The ID column and Machine column display information about each user. The User column displays the user name of any user currently logged into the system on that station. The Licenses column displays which licenses are in use by that station (View, File, Scan). The status column displays the current activity of the Client program on that station (Idle, Not Connected, Scan, Auto file, etc.)

Actions Pane You can select an action on the left side of the window. Some actions may be applied to one or more selected stations, which are selected on the right side of the window. Click Run to perform the action. The following actions are available:

Enable System Restores the ability to use the system after having run Disable System. (Applies to all stations.)

Disable System Locks the docSTAR system to new client logons and prevents users at the Main window from entering the Inbox, Review Box, Retrieve, or Scan. However, users who are already scanning, filing, or viewing are not interrupted.

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Figure 27 – Client Activity, Disable Access

You must specify two messages that will be displayed to indicate that the system is disabled. The first message is displayed when users try to start the client program. The second message is displayed when users are already running the client program and they try to enter the Inbox, Review Box, Retrieve, or Scan window. Each message may be selected from a list of predefined messages, or you may make up your own. The two messages may be the same.

This action applies to all stations.

Broadcast Message Choose Broadcast Message to communicate with some or all docSTAR users. The following window is displayed.

Figure 28 – Client Activity, Broadcast Message

1. First, choose a predefined message or create new one.

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2. Next, choose the messaging protocol: • Windows Messaging – Uses the Messenger service on Windows NT/2000/XP machines to send the

desired message immediately. This option cannot send messages to Windows 9x/Me machines.

• docSTAR Messaging – Uses a docSTAR protocol to send messages to the client program. These messages can be sent to docSTAR running on any OS, but will only be shown when the user is running the client program. You may choose that the message is only delivered when the client is idle, so that someone in the midst of filing or scanning is not interrupted.

3. Finally, choose the stations to which you want to send the message and click Run. Users will see a message resembling this:

Figure 29 – Client Activity, Windows Message

Wait Until All Idle This Action actually does nothing by itself. It is only useful as part of an Action Sequence as defined below. It applies to all stations.

Force Exit This Action is the most decisive way to get users off of the system. It requires selecting an appropriate message (sent using docSTAR messaging) to display after the users have been “booted”.

Figure 30 – Client Activity, Force Exit

Selecting “When Idle” allows users to finish viewing or any other activity; they will not exit the system until they return to the Main window. Selecting "Now" interrupts users who are viewing, although users who are scanning or filing will not be interrupted until their current task is complete.

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Custom Actions Pane The Administrator may not want to come up with a new message every time docSTAR is brought down for maintenance. Therefore, he/she may develop custom actions, which predefine the messages and other options that must be set. Custom Actions are valuable for developing Action Sequences, too.

Click on the name Custom Actions to open the Custom Actions Pane and then click New. Each custom action must be given a name, which is meaningful to the Administrator, such as “Disable for Maintenance”.

Then click New, and you will be presented with choice of action types:

Figure 31 – Client Activity, Custom Actions

All Custom Actions are based on one of these Action Types. When you select the type, you will be prompted for the message(s) and other options as if you were running the standard Action. These settings will be saved as part of your Custom Action. When the Custom Action is run, it will execute immediately without prompting for anything.

Action Sequences In certain circumstances, an Administrator might want to execute certain actions in a scripted fashion. For example, he/she might want to Disable the system, send a “please exit” message to all connected users, and then wait until all users are idle before rebooting the server. This can be done by creating an Action Sequence. Open the Action Sequences pane by clicking on the phrase Action Sequences on the left side of the Client Activity window. Then click New.

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Figure 32 – Client Activity, Action Sequences

Here, you can build a sequence by simply selecting actions on the left and clicking the Add button with the right arrow. The Actions list will only contain actions that require no additional prompting, including all custom actions, Enable System, and the Wait Until All Idle actions. Once the sequence is saved, it can now be run. There is a one second delay between each action in the sequence.

Custom Fields See Chapter 3 of the User’s Reference for information on creating and applying custom fields. These commands duplicate the functions available from the Template form.

Figure 33 - Select Custom Field Window

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Backup / Restore and Settings Export/Import

Backup docSTAR has a built-in feature that will automatically perform a nightly backup of your database. It also lets you manually perform backups or export and import templates and other settings.

NOTE: Monitoring this function is one of your most important responsibilities as System Administrator.

Figure 34 - Backup Settings

Setting Description

Backup Path Specify a path including drive letter to your backup device, which may be the same as your Archive device

Use Archive Volume

When selected, the backup will be made on the current archive volume—this is typical. In order for the backup to occur, the correct volume must be in the drive. If you do not choose to put your backup on your archive volume, you may specify the label of the backup volume.

Nightly Backup This should always be selected! The default time is 2:01 am. If you want the backup to occur at a different time, you may enter it here.

Backup Documents in Inbox

Inbox documents often represent only one day of scanning, so some users choose not to back them up. Note that this is actually referring to the Inbox Device, so it includes documents in the Review Box, too.

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Max Backups docSTAR will maintain several backups for a higher degree of protection. Once the maximum number of backups exists, the oldest backup is removed as each new backup is made. You may adjust the number of backups here to provide extra security at the expense of greater media use.

NOTE: Careful consideration should be given to the Backup device and volume, as well as procedures for rotating duplicated optical disks and storing them at an alternate location. Contact your docSTAR Partner for assistance.

Command Function Backup Now Click on this button to make an immediate backup. This may take from several minutes to an hour

or more to complete.

Your docSTAR Service Technician will advise you when to click on this button. Restore

OK Saves all backup settings and closes this window.

Close Closes the window without saving any settings.

WARNING: Pressing the restore button will destroy your current docSTAR Database.

Backup Requirements It is important that these conditions are met in order for the backup to occur.

1. The docSTAR Host Service must be running. 2. The specified backup volume must be available on the specified backup path, and must have sufficient


Exporting Settings The Export tab is used to export (backup) templates and other settings.

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Figure 35 - Export Settings

If you select All, then all settings—templates, rights, users, classes, user preferences, and custom fields—will be exported. This is valuable as a backup or to transfer your configuration to a new system.

If you disable All, then you can then select exactly which templates to export. (Use Ctrl+Click to toggle individual selections.) Only the templates you select and the classes and custom fields they reference will be exported.

In either case, when you click Export Settings, you’ll be prompted for a file name (the default is SETTINGS.XML—the format used is XML). Clicking Save will save the settings you’ve designated.

Importing Settings The Import tab is used to import (restore) templates and other settings.

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Figure 36 - Import Settings

With the All checkbox checked, Import will load all settings from the file you specify. If you click this checkbox to disable it, you are then able to individually select Classes, Custom Fields, Users & Preferences, Rights, and Templates.

After checking the boxes of the items you wish to import, click Select Import File. A file open dialog will allow you to select any XML file; SETTINGS.XML is the default. After the file is selected, the templates within it are shown in the list box.

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Figure 37 - Import Settings—File Loaded

Here you can choose which templates to import. After making your selection, click Import Settings. The settings you’ve selected will be loaded, replacing current settings of the same name(s) if the respective Replace checkbox is checked.

Note: Sample templates are provided with each system in the folder C:\DOCSTAR\SAMPLE TEMPLATES. Additional templates may be available through the docSTAR website forum, your partner, a user’s group, etc.

Undelete When a docSTAR user deletes a document, it is only marked as "deleted". The Undelete Window gives you the ability to purge (permanently remove) them, or to undelete them, which will restore them to the default Inbox.

Until they are either undeleted or purged, these documents remain in sort of a document “purgatory”. They continue to take up space, which is particularly problematic for unfiled documents. It is vitally important to periodically attend to the deleted documents list and purge any documents that are clearly no longer needed. Accordingly, a docSTAR Event is logged each day in which the number of deleted documents exceeds 1,000 to remind you, the Administrator, that maintenance is needed.

WARNING: Allowing deleted documents to accumulate unchecked will eventually use all available disk space causing the docSTAR server to crash!

NOTE: For filed documents, if the appropriate archive volume is available, the document images are also deleted when a document is purged, thereby creating space on the volume. The system does not require the appropriate volume, however, to purge the documents from the database.

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Document Tags docSTAR attaches special data to each document image. These data are referred to as tags. Tags have three important functions:

AuthentiDate – The date and time the document was originally filed, as well as digital codes which ensure that neither the image nor the date/time are altered, are stored in tags. Together, these tags can verify the authenticity of each document in docSTAR. They assure that images are unaltered and testify to their date of creation.

Info for Document Exchange – The document title, keywords, security class, and other data are also stored in tags. These tags are used to automatically import documents through docSTAR’s document exchange feature.

Info for Data Recovering – The same title, keywords, etc. which are useful for Document Exchange can be very important if the docSTAR database is somehow lost or corrupted and no backup is available. The database can be partially reconstructed from the data in tags.

Updating Tags Titles, keywords, and other document information may be modified from time to time. These changes are immediately stored in the database, but it is inefficient (and unnecessary) to update the document tags right away. Therefore, docSTAR maintains a list of documents whose tags are out-of-date and updates them on command. All volumes or a specified volume (or folder) can be updated in a single command. This command works very similarly to Upgrading Tags, as described below.

Errors encountered will cause the problematic document(s) to be placed into an Update Exceptions folder.

Upgrading (Adding) Tags To Old Documents Tags were introduced in docSTAR Version 2.30, so they are not found in documents created with an older version of the software. If your system dates back to an older version, and you haven’t already added tags, your older documents won’t have tags. Thus, they have no “AuthentiDate” markings, your document exchange mode is limited, and there may be no way to reconstruct your database in the rare event that it is lost. This command allows you to add tags to older documents (upgrade them).

Figure 38 Add Tags Window

Documents on all volumes or on a specified volume or folder may be upgraded with one command. Pressing "Show Statistics" prior to adding tags will compute and display a report listing the number of documents that will be affected.

An upgrade to a whole volume or many volumes can take quite a long time. It may be necessary to upgrade one volume per night for many weeks to completely upgrade a system that has many documents.

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Note that as tags are added, the documents get slightly bigger, and they may no longer all fit on the same volume they had fit on. In this case, docSTAR will automatically “de-archive” documents (move them to your File Inbox drive) as needed and re-archive them to your latest Archive Volume. An "exceptions folder" is generated for documents that are "de-archived", although this is not an error, and they generally require no attention.

Upgrades are usually run with the option to "Stop on Error" turned off. An "exceptions folder" is automatically created for all documents that fail to be upgraded due to some type of error.

File Types docSTAR can import over 150 different file types, but that doesn’t mean that you, as Administrator, want to permit importing of all of them. For instance, you might find that docSTAR’s rendering of certain complex files is not 100% the same as that of the native application, and you wish to ensure that no one uses or distributes a docSTAR-generated document that is less than perfect. Or, you may feel that storing executable (EXE) files in docSTAR may lead to copyright violations or virus-distribution risks.

Therefore, this screen allows you to forbid importing of certain types on a system-wide basis.

Figure 39 File Types Window

By default, all types are enabled. You can choose to disable file formats that you feel to be problematic, or you may disable all and only permit those that you know to be necessary for users. Enabling or disabling file types will not affect any documents already stored in docSTAR—it will simply permit or disallow importing of these in the future.

Users attempting to import file types, which have been disabled, will receive an error message as described in Chapter 2 of the User’s Reference.

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Another option on this window is to treat image file types as “native documents”. This option applies to these file types: AFX, BMP, BRK, CAL, CLP, CUT, DCX, DIB, GEM, GIF, ICO, IFF, IMA, IMG, IMT KFX, LV, MAC, MMR, MSP, MCR, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PIC, PNG, PNM, PPM, PSD, RAS, SGI, TGA, WMF, WPG, XBM, XPM, XWD.

Normally, these files are handled as “image” files by docSTAR, so they are converted to JPG or TIF, depending on whether they are color or bitonal (black and white), respectively. Choosing to import these files as native means that they will not be converted and therefore will retain all of there original properties. However, because they will behave like other native files, native templates will apply to them, and they can not be annotated. See Chapter 3 of the User’s Reference (Manual File) for other differences between image and native files.

Updates docSTAR includes a utility for performing updates of filing (indexing) information on a large number of documents at once. The most obvious example of a need for this function is a change of name by a business or person, such as upon marriage. You may have many documents filed for your client, employee, or vendor with their old name. Going forward, you will file with their new name. However, you wish to change all of the old occurrences of the “old name” to “new name”, like performing a “search and replace all” function in your word processor.

“Updates” is what docSTAR calls an operation such as this. Updates are defined by the system administrator or a docSTAR technician or may be prepackaged as part of an application-specific integration. They may be restricted so that only the administrator or selected individuals may run them, or they may be public so that anyone can run them.

Warning: The update mechanism is an extremely “sharp tool”. An improperly defined update can effectively destroy your docSTAR database, making many or all of your documents inaccessible. Even a properly-defined updated, if misused, can have this effect. Therefore, it is recommended that their creation be limited to the most highly skilled administrators or technicians, and that their use be limited to the administrator or to the smallest possible number of well-trained users who absolutely need them.

With that warning given, this section will go on to explain how updates are defined. One starts by hitting the Updates button.

Figure 40 - Updates—Main Window

These choices are really straight-forward. Defining Updates is described below. The History displays a record of what updates have been run by whom, which may be helpful for determining whether someone took care of particular change yet, or for determining who “messed up” of an update has been run incorrectly. The Run button allows the administrator to run any defined update from here. Updates may also be run from docSTAR’s main screen (if permission to do so has been granted, as described below). The Close button simply returns you to the main Administrator’s window.

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Defining Updates Any number of updates can be defined, each for a different situation. Perhaps one is used for a client’s name change. Another might be used for a vendor name change. Each is used to change different filing information—i.e. titles, keywords, and custom fields—in a different set of documents.

Defining updates requires understand of these basic terms:

• Fields – The docSTAR title, keywords, and custom field are all examples of “fields”. Each is a container, which stores a data for documents in your system. Every document has a title and keyword field, even though the latter may be empty. Custom fields in your system, if any, may each apply to some or all documentations.

• Parameters – Each time an update occurs, essentially the same operation takes place, except that the details change. These details are the “parameters”. The parameters must be specified by the user when an update is run. For instance, let’s say that your client documents are all titled by a client code followed by a document type and date. One update may be used to handle a change of client code. Once the update is defined, the old client code and the new client code are the two parameters needed each time it is performed.

The following steps are followed to define an update.

1. Name and classify the update.

2. Define parameters—usually in pairs.

3. Define one or more actions.

4. Test the update.

5. Document its use.

New Update

Figure 41 - Updates List

Pressing the Define Updates button takes you to a list of updates that have already been defined. You can edit or delete one or display a history of prior updates.

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Figure 42 - New Update

Pressing New opens the first window of the update creation wizard. The figure above shows an update after it has been named and parameters have been defined; when you first click New, there will be no name and no parameters listed.

The name of the update should be clear enough for any users who are permitted to run it to recognize it and distinguish it from any other updates. For instance, “Vendor Name” and “Client Code” might each be suitable names.

The security classification determines which other users, if any, are permitted to run the update. (Only the administrator may edit or delete them.)

Warning: As previously stated, running updates–even perfectly constructed ones—can be very dangerous. It is highly recommended that every update be secured. Never leave them classified as “PUBLIC”. Considering restricting all updates to administrator use, only.

Parameters Click New to add a parameter.

4 6 M a i n t e n a n c e

Figure 43 - New Parameter

Parameter names are not displayed to users, so they don’t have to be pretty. However, they should be recognizable to you or any other administrator who will later maintain this update. Parameter names must start with the @ symbol and contain no spaces.

The Prompt Text specified for each parameter is the text, which the user will see when running the update. It should clearly state what information should be entered. (The example above is somewhat terse; “please enter old Condor client code” would be better, presuming “Condor” is the name of your customer relationship manager software, and any user would recognize it.)

Click Next> to return to the parameter list on the New Update window. From there, press New again to create more parameters or click Next> to go on to actions.


Note: there is absolutely no relationship to the actions described here and the “actions” defined within a filing template, as described in Chapter 3 of the User’s Reference.

An update may contain one or more actions. For instance, simply replacing a client code in every title with a new client code requires a single action (and two parameters). On the other hand, an update with two actions (and four parameters) can replace client names in keywords and corresponding client codes in titles at the same time.

A d m i n i s t r a t o r ' s G u i d e 4 7

Figure 44 - Action List

The figure shows the action list after an action has been created. Initially, the list will be empty. Click New to create an action. (Remember, there must be at least one.) Each action may be either “simple” or “advanced”.

Figure 45 - New Action

Simple actions are capable of replacing one value with another in any field, which is likely to be all you ever need. Click Next> to create a simple action.

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Figure 46 – A Simple Action

The name of the action is only for your reference. The Field selection is critical; you may choose among the title, keywords, or any of the custom fields in your system. The Search Parameter and the Replace Parameter may each be any of the parameters you’ve defined.

The meaning of the Field and two Parameter selections is best described all at once. The effect of the simple action shown above will be to replace every occurrence of the old client code (entered by the user) in the ClientCode custom field with the new client code (also entered by the user). Simple!

Warning: The update looks for the search parameter anywhere within the field—not only for an exact match. Therefore, searching for “123” to replace with “456” will match “1230” or “1123” and change these values to “4560” or “1456”, respectively. Consider carefully if the search parameter may happen to be found within some other value.

Press Next> to return to the action list. You can create additional actions or click Finish to save the definition of this update.

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Figure 47 – An Advanced Action

Creating an advanced action is not so simple. This is a truly powerful tool that uses structured query language (SQL) to directly modify the docSTAR database. Accordingly, it should generally be used only for prepackaged updates created by docSTAR or by docSTAR’s professional services team.

Testing Always thoroughly test a new update before permitting any users to try it. Start by ensuring that you have an up-to-the-minute database backup. Scan a test document. File it with a template that gives it a title, keywords, and/or custom fields just like the real documents you plan to update, but use unique values so that your test will affect only your sample document.

When you run the update, there will be a confirmation step, where the number of documents about to be altered is displayed. This number should be one—the test document you just scanned. If it is greater, don’t proceed with the update!

After completing the update, check the sample document in docSTAR to make sure the expected change has taken place. Perform several such tests using different values and parameters.

Warning: Be especially carefully of a short parameter value which might be found within of another value. For instance, an update intended to affect “Steven Johns” will affect “F. Steven Johnson”, too.

Documentation Always create internal documentation for any update, especially if other users will be permitted to run it. State clearly what is expected for every parameter, as well as the general warnings about entering them carefully and checking the number of documents affected in the confirmation message. You may want to restrict updates to a timeslot early in the day, so that if there is a mishap, the backup of the database will be most nearly up to date.

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Update History

Figure 48 – Update History

It lists all actions taken from every update that has been run and when. You can sort the list by user, date, etc. by clicking on the respective column headings.

You can clear entries from the history by pressing Delete, but it is recommended that you don’t; they don’t take up any significant storage space, and they may be valuable for solving a “data loss” or “misfiling” mystery some time in the future.

The Details button shows the exact parameters entered and the exact SQL statements executed on the database.

Note: Looking at these details, you’ll see the true SQL statement that docSTAR generates from a “simple action”. This should make clear why Advanced Actions should be left to docSTAR’s professional services department.

Running Updates You may run updates from the Updates Maintenance window, and users—if so permitted—may run them from the docSTAR client program. In either case, prior to allowing you to run any update, the software checks the date of the last backup. If there has been none within the last 24 hours, you are given this warning.

Figure 49 – No Recent Backup

Warning: It is highly recommended that you never run any update without a recent backup.

If there is a recent backup—or if you choose to disregard this warning—you will be prompted for each parameter specified in the Update.

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Figure 50 – Entering Parameters

Of course parameters must be entered very carefully. If an “old value” parameter is mis-entered, it will cause the wrong records to be updated.

Warning: if an “old value” parameter is omitted, it will cause the “new value” to be added to every document!

Before the update is actually completed, a confirmation window is displayed.

Figure 51 – Confirm Update

The number of documents (Count) should be checked. You may not know the exact number of documents that should be affected by the update, but you should have a general idea. An error in the update or a parameter may cause for more documents than expected—or maybe none at all—to be updated. This confirmation is an important last chance opportunity to prevent what may be a disastrous mistake.

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Optional Modules

COLD COLD stands for Computer Output To Laser Disc and is a process of archiving digital data without having to scan and file each page. It is typically used to store customer statements, large reports and other print jobs created by a mainframe or mini computer.

See the COLD/ERM Users' Guide for more information.

DataLink DataLink is an optional module, which provides a mechanism for integrating with an external database. Information contained in the external database can be used during the filing process for verification of user data and also for transformation, which is the ability to pull additional information from the external database.

See the DataLink Users' Guide for more information.

NetConnect The docSTAR NetConnect module allows remote users to connect to the docSTAR host through a high-speed Internet connection. All functions are available to the user including scanning.

The module is described in detail in the docSTAR NetConnect Installation Guide.

Attaché Attaché is docSTAR’s publishing module. Use Attaché to create a searchable CD’s, DVD’s, or other removable media containing documents from docSTAR. Disks created with Attaché can be viewed in most PC’s without any additional software.

The module is described in detail in the docSTAR Attaché User’s Guide.

WebView / Integration Agent The docSTAR WebView module allows users to connect to the docSTAR host using only an Internet Browser. Users can search, browse and view documents.

The docSTAR Integration Agent module allows users to integrate an existing line of business application with docSTAR. While using their existing windows based accounting or insurance management software for example, users can press a hot-key and instantly view related documents stored in docSTAR.

These modules are described in detail in their respective installation and reference documents.

Integration Vendor-specific integration modules may be configured through this button. Each is described in its own documentation.

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Other Maintenance and Configuration Info The following functions are not part of the Administrator’s Program, but are things the Administrator may need to be familiar with to help maintain or configure the docSTAR system.

Exceptions Folders There are no explicit windows or buttons for "Exceptions Folders" within the Administrators Program. These folders are generated automatically by processes within docSTAR and the Administration program and can be viewed just like other folders via docSTAR's Browse feature. This chart lists each Exceptions Folder and explains what it represents.

!De-archived on Upgrade

Contains documents that have been moved (temporarily) to the Inbox drive during the adding of tags (upgrading). See Tags, above. These documents will automatically be re-archived, so this folder can generally be ignored or Removed.

!Upgrade Exceptions These documents could not be upgraded possibly due to file-format errors, read-only file or medium, etc. It may be possible to correct the problem and repeat the upgrade command. docSTAR automatically keeps track of which documents still need to be upgraded, so this folder can be safely removed.

!Update Exceptions* These are documents whose tags could not be updated--perhaps due to file-format errors, read-only status, etc. Once the problem is resolved, this folder can be selected in the Maintain Tags window to try to update them again. DO NOT REMOVE this folder without resolving the problem because the fact that these documents do not have up-to-date tags will be forgotten.

These documents failed to be exported as part of a folder. This list of documents may still need to be exported after the problem that originally prevented their export is resolved. You may remove this folder at your discretion.

!Export Exceptions

This folder is created optionally on a cancelled or aborted (due to an error) folder export command. These documents did not experience any errors; their turn just hadn't come up yet. Like Export Exceptions, they may still need to be exported.

!Export Remaining

!Import Exceptions Most errors on import won't create a document at all. However, a "problem" document that is missing some pages or otherwise not complete will be placed in this folder during an Import. These documents will typically have document or page record inconsistencies or file-format problems.

!Incomplete Import This is a temporary folder used on every import; it is automatically removed upon completion. It typically would only be found if a system crashed during an import, and it would contain the list of those documents that had been imported prior to the crash. It would probably be appropriate to delete this folder and its contents and then start the import again. There is no way to resume an import from the point at which it stopped.

!Deferred Filing Exceptions*

This folder is generated when a document could not be indexed (filed) due to an error. Once the problem is resolved, these documents still need to be indexed. (This can be done via the Show Info command.)

!Deferred Archiving Exceptions*

Documents that could not be archived are placed here. The current archive volume may have been unavailable or they may have been a JukeBox error. Once resolved, these documents still need to be archived. (This can be done via the Show Info command.)

* The Show Info command on the Retrieve window offers the option to automatically reprocess documents in these exceptions folders. You must log on to docSTAR as ADMIN to use this feature.

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Email Clients With the appropriate module installed, each docSTAR user has the ability to send an email directly from docSTAR’s Send To function, as described in Chapter 6 of the User’s Reference. docSTAR checks for an email client program on the workstation in the following order:

• Any MAPI-compliant email client, including Outlook®

• Microsoft® Outlook Express

• Lotus® Notes

docSTAR typically uses the first client found. How email performs, particularly when the “Preview” option is selected, is dependent upon the email client program used. It is possible that two or more clients will be present, and that the one first found by docSTAR will not be the one desired. In this case, contact your service provider to help disable docSTAR’s use of any undesired email client.

Note: If support for another email client is desired, please request this through the contact page on our website:

If no email client is present, docSTAR will attempt to send an email through the Internet using SMTP protocol, communicating directly with the recipient(s)’ mail server. However, this mechanism does not allow you to identify yourself—the sender—or use the Preview function described in Chapter 6. Its use is not recommended.

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