Demo Guide - M8190-91011 v3.4

download Demo Guide - M8190-91011 v3.4

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Transcript of Demo Guide - M8190-91011 v3.4

  • The demo guide contains 1. Demo configuration, units are available in the Agilent demstock

    a. Hardware

    b. Software

    c. Login information

    d. Setup

    e. Content of demo kit

    2. Remote Demo, a remote setup is available in Bblingen. Booking is possible via a demo

    outlook calendar. Please contact your regional MDM

    3. Demo itself, how to start and do a demo using Matlab scripts

    4. Troubleshooting

  • 1.) Demo Configuration Hardware:

    - M9505A - 5 slot AXIe chassis with

    - M9536A - embedded PC (or standalone control PC)

    - M8190A #B02 - 2 channel AWG with 14 bit, 8 Gsample and 2 GSa memory per channel

    - Spectrum Analyzer (PSA, MXA or PXA) and/or

    - Oscilloscope (80k, 90k, 90kX models)

    - optionally: E8267A-#016 if you want to show I/Q up-conversion

    - optionally: Marki M2-0020LK (or similar) mixer to demonstrate regular up-conversion

    - Balun (is part of the M8190A demo kit)

    - bring your own: SMA cables, SMA to BNC adapters (scope), SMA-to-N adapter (for spectrum analyzer)

    Software (should all be pre-installed on M9536A embedded PC):

    - M8190A firmware, on the M8190 home page under software/driver

    - Soft-Frontpanel for AWG, download see link above

    - MATLAB with example scripts. Script download see link above. Matlab trial download:


    - VSA software for scope calibration. 89600A VSA Software can be downloaded from the Agilent web.


    Login Information (when using embedded PC M9536A with Agilent

    demo unit) Login: demouser

    Password: demo!123

  • Hardware Setup standard demo configuration:

    The standard demo configuration that allows you to nicely demonstrate the signal performance of the

    M8190A in a variety of applications (except I/Q) is this.

    The balun in the path to the spectrum analyzer helps to suppress the 2nd harmonics and allows you to

    generate a very clean multi-tone NPR signal with as much dynamic range as possible. The balun also acts

    as a low-pass filter (~5 GHz). The cables from the M8190A to the balun should be a matched pair.

    The 3 GHz filter in the path to the oscilloscope is optional, but it makes the signal look better in the time-


    For demonstrating I/Q baseband signals, a slightly different setup is needed. This configuration is also

    suggested if no spectrum analyzer is available.





    Labtop or

    Desktop PC orEmbedded Controler

    (5-slot Demo system) 2-slot chassis w/ 1 AWG module or

    5-slot chassis w/ 2 AWG modules max

    Remote LAN connection




    M8190A Balun Spectrum A.

    Oscilloscope 3 GHz filter Ch2- 50




    M8190A Spectrum A.

    Oscilloscope Ch2-




  • In this configuration it is important to have a matched cable pair for the scope connection. The spectrum

    analyzer connection is optional. If it is not connected, the Ch1- output should be terminated with 50


    For I/Q up-conversion, yet another setup is required:

    Two matched cable pairs are required for this setup.

    Setup The MATLAB scripts that are used for the demo remotely control the spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope.

    One possibility to enable remote control is to connect LAN cables between the spectrum analyzer resp.

    scope to the RJ45 connectors on the front panel of the M9536A embedded PC or the LAN connector on

    the ESM interface board.

    Obviously, the IP addresses on the scope and spectrum analyzer need to be set up to be in the desired

    subnet. To verify the connection, try to ping the scope and spectrum analyzer from the embedded PC.

    Also, you will have to add the scope to the Agilent I/O Expert configuration so that it will be

    recognized by the VSA software.

    In addition to connecting additional instruments to these LAN ports, one of them can also be used to

    connect a laptop computer and run a Remote Desktop session from the laptop. This eliminates the

    need to bring a monitor, keyboard and mouse for the embedded PC. As an alternative to Remote

    Desktop, you can run the MATLAB scripts on your laptop computer.

    Demo kit content

    Qty Partnumber Description




    1 0960-2937 INTERFACE CARD PCIE X8 40GBPS 3.3V 114.3MM-LG 55.88MM-HAT




    M8190A Spectrum A.

    Oscilloscope Ch2-


    Opt.016 Splitter




    2 9135-6053 FILTER-LOW PASS 2800MHZ-MAX SMA

    2 9135-6076 FILTER-LOW PASS 3900MHZ-MAX SMA VLF-3800+

    1 2090-1013 MONITOR LCD 20-IN



    1 1150-7799 OPTICAL MOUSE USB PS2

    1 M8190-10112 AGILENT USER SW MEDIA KIT Rev. 2


    1 M8190-91011 DEMO-GUIDE FOR M8190A - EXTENDED


    1 8121-1766 CABLE-ASSEMBLY POWERCORD 3-COND 250V 16A


    1 8121-1713 CABLE-ASSEMBLY POWER-CORD 15A 125V

    1 8121-1222 POWER CORD, EUROPE AND SOUTH KOREA, C19, 15A, 250V


    1 9230-0333 ENVELOPE-CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE (241.3 MM X 317.5 MM)



    1 9211-8355 CASE-TRANSIT-WHEELED 27.7X20.98X15.5-IN NO-FOAM BLACK

  • 2.) Remote Demo:

    How to make a remote connection to the BBN demosetup:

    Step 1: Connect to the control PC via Remote Desktop Connection.

    Therefore double click the AWG Demo.rdp file below. For further use of this connection Copy & Paste

    the AWG Demo.RDP to your desktop.

    Step 2: A login window appears.

    Enter the following credentials:

    Account: CZC110BXPK\Instrument Password: M8190A4u

    Step 3: Start your demo.



  • 3.) M8190A demo:

    How to start the demo In the upper left corner you will find the connection shortcuts to connect to the Scope, PSG, Spectrum

    Analyzer and the AWG demo board.

    - Make sure the M8190A firmware is running on the embedded PC. (Start Agilent M8190A

    M8190). The firmware window can be minimized.

    [In case you are using your own PC, please see the instructions in the Agilent Arbitrary Waveform

    Generator M8190A-B02 M8190A-91010. ]

    - Start MATLAB (should be an icon on the desktop)

    The MATLAB startup-script will automatically launch the MATLAB example main window:

  • - If it does not start automatically, locate the script iqmain.m, right mouse click and run.

    (iqmain.m is located in c:\Program Files(x86)\Agilent\M8190A\Examples\MATLAB\iqtools)

    From the iqtools main window, you can launch the Instrument configuration window as well as various

    waveform creation scripts. In the instrument connection window you need to configure the connection

    to the spectrum analyzer (if you have one connected). The left hand side (AWG connection) should

    already be set correctly (Instrument model: M8190A, Connection Type: visa, VISA Address:

    TCPIP0::localhost::hislip0::INSTR). If you are running the MATLAB tools from your laptop, replace

    localhost by the IP address of the M9536A embedded PC.

    Multi-tone signal with flatness calibration As a first demonstration signal, you can click on the Multi-Tone Signal &

    Flatness Correction button, which opens the Multi-tone window:

    The default settings in this window will create a 100-tone multi-tone signal with

    random phase distribution in the range 20 MHz to 2 GHz. If you would like to

    look at how this signal looks in theory, press the Display button to see the

    time-domain and frequency domain representation of the calculated waveform.

  • Now press the Download button in the Multi-Tone window. Now it is time to look at the waveform

    that has been generated

    Connect to the Spectrum analyzer and look at the generated signal. Best experience is by using the

    Remote Desktop connection (shortcut on desktop), but its also possible to use VNC or LXI for


    As a starting point choose a preset with SA setup from the preset in the iqtone_gui, or you probably

    need to manually adjust the settings of the spectrum analyzer to see the desired spectrum.

  • Without flatness correction, youll notice the typical sin(x)/x roll-off of the output signal.

    To compensate for this non-flatness, change the selection box Calibrate using to Spectrum Analyzer

    and press the Calibrate button. (Make sure that the Apply Correction checkbox is OFF before you

    perform your initial correction). If your connection to the spectrum analyzer is configured correctly, you

    will see the center frequency on the spectrum analyzer toggle through the tone frequencies. After it has

    completed the sweep, you will briefly see a plot with the measured frequency response.

    The equalization will take approx. 20 seconds for 100 tones. You can use more tones to increase

    accuracy, but this will also increase the execution time. Once the measurement is complete, the pre-

    distorted waveform is automatically downloaded. (Notice the checkbox Apply correction is now


  • The spectrum analyzer should now look like this:

    The equalization data that has just been measured is automatically stored in a file and can be used for

    other waveforms as well. You can go back and forth between the corrected and un-corrected waveform

    by checking or un-checking the Apply Correction checkbox in each of the MATLAB script windows and

    downloading the waveform again.

    Flatness correction of I/Q baseband or up-converted signals The flatness correction as described above corrects the frequency response of a single AWG output

    channel. You can use the same correction mechanism to correct the frequency of an up-converted IF

    signal. Simply specify the LO frequency in the field Fc (calibration only) and connect the up-converted

    signal to the spectrum analyzer. The script will take the frequency shift into account and perform the

    flatness calibration accordingly.

    The flatness correction also works for I/Q up-converted signal. In this case, you should set your multi-

    tone signal that spans from the negative to positive frequencies. Make sure that you use an asymmetric

    set of frequencies so that images dont fall on top of tones. A good example is the Multi-tone preset +/-

    1 GHz, asymm., 101 tones.

    NPR measurement signals You can change the multi-tone setup to create an NPR (noise-power-ratio) waveform by adding a notch

    to your multi-tone signal. Simply check the Notch checkbox in the Multi-tone window and set the

    desired parameters and download the waveform again. For a 100-tone signal up to 2 GHz with the balun

    on the output, you can expect the notch depth to be around 60 dB.

  • CW and 2-tone signals You can also use this utility to generate CW or two-tone signals. Just set the number of tones to 1 or 2

    and specify the desired frequencies. Note, that you can use MATLAB expressions all of the fields. To

    generate for example a two-tone signal with 10 MHz distance between the tones, you can set the start

    frequency to 100e6 - 5e6 and the stop frequency to 100e6 + 5e6.

    Noise signals In order to generate band-limited pseudo-random noise you have to set the # of tones parameter to

    zero and the start and stop frequency to the lower and upper band limit for your noise signal. For noise,

    you have to specify the number of samples manually. If you choose a large number of samples, the

    quality (i.e. the random-ness) of the noise signal increases, but it also increases the calculation time. A

    good starting point is about 1 million samples.

    Similar to the multi-tone signal, you can add a notch to the noise signal. Just turn on the Notch

    checkbox and specify the notch center, width and depth. You can even specify multiple notches (with

    the same or different width and depth) by entering a MATLAB expression into the notch center

    (width/depth) field that evaluates to a vector. E.g. the expression [100e6 200e6 500e6] will generate

    notches at 100, 200 and 500 MHz. To generate equally spaced notches, you can use expressions such as

    linspace(100e6, 900e6, 9), which will generate 9 notches equally spaced between 100 and 900 MHz.

    Flatness correction using the oscilloscope and VSA software If you dont have a spectrum analyzer

    connected or if you intend to analyze your

    final signal on the oscilloscope, you can

    alternatively perform the flatness

    calibration using the oscilloscope and the

    VSA software. To perform the flatness

    calibration using the scope, make sure that

    the VSA software automatically connects

    to the oscilloscope. NOTE: If you have

    launched the VSA software manually,

    please exit the application now. The

    MATLAB script only works correctly if VSA

    is started by the MATLAB script.

    Now change the Calibrate using popupmenu in the Multi-Tone window to VSA Software and press Calibrate. After about 30 to 40 seconds, the VSA software should come up. The MATLAB script will automatically configure the VSA software to match the multi-tone signal. Once the dialog box Please check input range and press OK to start calibration. appears, verify that you have a correct signal display and press OK. If not, press Cancel and configure VSA to show a correct signal.

  • Creating a digitally modulated signal

    In the iqtools main window, click on Digital Modulations (single & multi

    carrier). This brings up another window that lets you specify the

    parameters for a digital modulation signal. The parameter Carrier Offset

    determines if an I/Q baseband signal (Carrier Offset = 0) or an IF/RF

    signal is generated (Carrier Offset > 0).

    If you take the default parameters, a 1 GSym/s QAM16 signal will be

    generated at a 2 GHz IF frequency. If desired, you can use the Display

    button to look at the theoretical time-domain and frequency domain

    signal. After you click Download, the spectrum analyzer screen should

    look similar to the following:

    In order to look at the demodulated signal, you need to capture the signal using the scope and

    demodulate it using the VSA software. If you previously launched the VSA software manually, please

    exit the application now. The MATLAB script only works correctly if VSA is started by the MATLAB

    script. However, if the VSA software was previously started by one of the MATLAB scripts, the same

    instance will be re-used.

    Amplitude and Phase corrections for Digital modulation waveforms When generating a digitally modulated signal with the Digital modulations utility, you can significantly

    improve the EVM (Error Vector Magnitude) by performing an amplitude and phase calibration in

    conjunction with the VSA software. The VSA software has to be installed on the same PC that runs the

    MATLAB scripts. The connection to the oscilloscope that captures the signal has to be established before

    using the calibration function in the MATLAB script. The calibration routine uses the equalizer that is

    built into the VSA software to determine the channel frequency response. The MATLAB script uses the

  • complex frequency response of the equalizer to calculate a pre-distorted waveform. Unlike the flatness

    correction using multi-tone, this method corrects magnitude and phase of the signal.

    To launch the VSA software from the

    MATLAB script, press the Calibrate (VSA)

    button in the Digital Modulations window.

    The Calibrate function will configure the

    VSA software with the modulation

    parameters you have selected in your

    Digital Modulation window and turn on

    the built-in equalizer to determine the

    frequency response of the channel. (Even if

    you dont need the magnitude/phase

    calibration, this is a convenient way to set

    up the VSA software with the desired


    Once the dialog box Please check input range and press OK

    to start calibration. appears, verify that you have a correct

    signal display, check the Input Range of the signal and press OK. If you

    dont want to perform the calibration, simply press Cancel at this point. After you press OK, the MATLAB

    script will read back the frequency response from the VSA software and use it to download a pre-

    distorted signal into the AWG and turn off the equalizer. For a 1 GHz wide QAM16 signal you can expect

    an EVM less than 1% using this method.

    Note: If you are working with the I/Q baseband setup, it is important that you adjust the relative

    amplitude, offset and skew of the two channels before generating the digital modulation signal.

    Currently, this adjustment has to be done manually. We are working on an automated calibration


  • Creating a LFM chirp radar pulse signal To create a radar pulse, select Radar Pulses with Frequency Chirps In the iqmain

    window. This brings up another window that lets you specify the parameters for

    the pulse. To start with, use the default parameters and check the Apply

    correction checkbox to use the flatness correction that has been established with

    the multi-tone signal in the multi-tone demo. Then click Download in the iqpulse


    The spectrum analyzer should show the following:

    Just like in the previous example, the VSA software can be used to display this wideband chirp . Recall

    the setup called chirp2GHz2GHz.set or RadarChirp_2GHz_2e-6sec. With that, you should see a

    screen similar to this one on the scope. Feel free to change the parameters and experiment with the


  • Generating Serial Data signals

    The Serial Data Generation button in the main window opens a script that

    allows you to generate distorted serial data patterns. The maximum data rate

    you can achieve is about of the sample rate. This is due to the fact that the

    signal must be oversampled about 4 times to generate the distortions with

    reasonable accuracy. Another limitation is typically the analog bandwidth of the


    The tool allows you to generate 2-level random and clock patterns as well as

    multi-level and user-defined patterns. You can set the data rate, the transition time, sinusoidal jitter,

    random jitter, ISI and noise.

    Similar to the other tools, you can use the Display button to visualize the generated waveform in

    MATLAB. (Note that the jitter analysis

    tool currently does not work for multi-

    level signals).

    On the oscilloscope, it is best to use

    the Jitter Analysis or Serial Data

    Analysis functions to visualize the

    generated waveform.

    In order to generate a clean time-

    domain signal, it is strongly

    recommended to use an external re-

    construction filter on the AWG output

    with a cutoff frequency below fs/2.

  • Download of existing waveforms to the AWG

    To load an existing waveform to the AWG, choose Load data from file. Choose filename and format

    and select the correct sample rate for playback.

    An example.csv file is included with the IQtools.

    If you want to playback the same freq. of the waveform but at a different sample rate choose

    Resampling and enter a new sample rate.

    Press Download to download and start the waveform output.

  • Sequencer setup / Sequence Editor

    The Sequencer setup button in the main window opens a window of a simple sequence editor. Here

    you can define a list/sequence of segments (containing waveforms) which should be played once or

    multiple times one after another.

    For an example waveform consisting of cycles of a trapezoidal and square waveforms, first choose

    function generator in main IQTools, then enter the following parameters and press Download to

    download this first waveform in first AWG memory segment.

    Now for the second shape, the square signal, choose the following parameters and press Download.

    Segment 1

    Segment 2

  • Now to define the sequence list, start Sequence setup in main window and enter a list as follows:

    This will loop the first segment 3 times and after that Auto advance continues to play the second

    segment for two times.

    Press Download and run in Sequnce mode to start the sequnce. The outputwill look like this on a


  • 4.) Troubleshooting

    Logins and Passwords

    Remote Demo PC

    Login: CZC110BXPK\Instrument , passwd: M8190A4u

    Spectrum Analyzer:

    Click on Spectrum Analyzer button, login: Instrument, passwd: measure4u


    Click on VNC scope button

    Errors on remote demo PC

    In case you get the following error message e.g. when trying to download a waveform to the M8190A

    AWG, check connection to M8190A, or start/restart M8190A firmware.

    Front panel of M8190A

    The steady green Access LED indicates that a PCIExpress link has been established with the AWG

    module. If the green light is OFF after the embedded PC has booted, the communication to the AWG

    module is not working. Try re-booting the system.

    Whenever you download a waveform or send a command to the M8190A, the green access light should

    briefly blink and go back to steady ON.

    The red Fail LED has following functionality

    It is on for about 30 seconds after powering the AXIe chassis

  • During normal operation of the module the LED is OFF unless there is an error

    condition such as a self test error. In this case the red LED is on. Rebooting of the entire

    setup helps sometimes.

    Connection to remote demo PC

    In case you have problems connecting to the remote demo PCs. There are two possibilities to connect

    the hardware:

    - Directly connect to the AWG, Scope and Spectrum Analyzer via VNC.

    - Connect to the computer xy, start remote desktop connections to the instruments and start a

    webex session on the computer. This setup has two advantages:

    o The remote desktop connection on the Spectrum analyzer is faster compared to VNC

    o You can start a webex session on the computer, and even give your customers control

    over the instruments via webex.

    Equipment Control remote demo setup

    embedded PC M9536A:

    or Remote Demo PC: CZC110BXPK


    AWG M8190A N9020A MXA Spectrum Analyzer Instrument measure4u


    12 GHz Scope

    VNC or remote desktop

  • Soft Front Panel (SFP)

    For the extended AWG the SFP is a powerful tool to check settings and change parameters.

    It consists of different tabs for the different functions like clock, output, aux and status.

    Clock: Change clock source, rate and sample clock out routing.

    Output: choose DAC mode, amplifier/direct output, setting the amplitudes and delays.

  • Aux: Configure trigger, events and markers

    Status/control: choose segments and shows status like arming and sequencer.

  • To make sure sure that the GUI reflects the most recent status make sure to select Auto Refresh in

    the GUI.