DAVID CLUB CURRICULUM - (N2-N4) fileJesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page...

Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 1 DAVID CLUB CURRICULUM - (N2-N4) Date: 2015 – Aug 29 & 30 Aug ,Sep 5 & 6 , Sep 12 & 13, Sep 19 & 20 and Sep 26 & 27 (3 & 4 Oct – Fire Drill; 10 & 11 Oct – Family Worship Service) Story Theme: Life of Jesus ( Part 1) Scripture Text: Four Gospels Duration: 5 weeks Learning Objective for Leader: Leaders will learn how to do platform teaching using the role play technique to communicate the Bible to a big group. Leaders will learn how to involve the children to be part of the role play through dressing them up in costumes and guiding them to act. Leaders will learn to work as a group to present the gospel through a role play. Learning Objective for Children: The children will trace the ministry life of Jesus from the time He was baptized by John the Baptist to the time He washed the feet of His disciples. The children will memorise John 3:16. The children will learn to recite the GKidz Pledge. Memory Verse: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV) Please download the video link : https://tinyurl.com/o2f5zqn to learn the sign language. GKidz Pledge: Declaration is a very powerful way to instruct the children repetitiously. We are going to get the children to declare their Christian faith out loud. Do get the children to put their right hand on their heart and declare the below pledge weekly. GKidz Pledge I pledge loyalty to God and His Kingdom. One God, One Master, One Lord. Jesus died, rose again and will come back again to bring us to His Kingdom. REVISED 25/09/2015

Transcript of DAVID CLUB CURRICULUM - (N2-N4) fileJesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page...

Page 1: DAVID CLUB CURRICULUM - (N2-N4) fileJesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 2 Platform Teaching – Life of Jesus – 10 Teachings The 10 teachings in this

Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 1


Date: 2015 – Aug 29 & 30 Aug ,Sep 5 & 6 , Sep 12 & 13, Sep 19 & 20 and Sep 26 & 27 (3 & 4 Oct – Fire Drill; 10 & 11 Oct – Family Worship Service)

Story Theme: Life of Jesus ( Part 1) Scripture Text: Four Gospels Duration: 5 weeks

Learning Objective for Leader:

Leaders will learn how to do platform teaching using the role play technique to communicate the Bible to a big group.

Leaders will learn how to involve the children to be part of the role play through dressing them up in costumes and guiding them to act.

Leaders will learn to work as a group to present the gospel through a role play.

Learning Objective for Children:

The children will trace the ministry life of Jesus from the time He was baptized by John the Baptist to the time He washed the feet of His disciples.

The children will memorise John 3:16.

The children will learn to recite the GKidz Pledge.

Memory Verse:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NIV)

Please download the video link : https://tinyurl.com/o2f5zqn to learn the sign language.

GKidz Pledge: Declaration is a very powerful way to instruct the children repetitiously. We are going to get the children to declare their Christian faith out loud. Do get the children to put their right hand on their heart and declare the below pledge weekly.

GKidz Pledge

I pledge loyalty to God and His Kingdom.

One God, One Master, One Lord.

Jesus died, rose again and will come back

again to bring us to His Kingdom.

REVISED 25/09/2015

Page 2: DAVID CLUB CURRICULUM - (N2-N4) fileJesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 2 Platform Teaching – Life of Jesus – 10 Teachings The 10 teachings in this

Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 2

Platform Teaching – Life of Jesus – 10 Teachings The 10 teachings in this series are written in a chronological order, but due to time constraint, we will not teach all the 10 teachings or role play all the 10 scenes in one sitting. Instead, we will focus on 5 teachings per week. So, from 28 & 29 Aug til 3 & 4 Oct, we will role play Week 1 - 5 teachings. From 24 & 25 Oct til 21 & 22 Nov, we will role play Week 6 – 10 teachings. Please see below for the weekly teaching focus:

Date Week Teaching and Craft Focus

28 & 29 Aug 1 Jesus was baptized in River Jordan

05 & 06 Sep 2 Jesus was tempted in the desert by the devil

12 & 13 Sep 3 Jesus called His 12 disciples

19 & 20 Sep 4 Jesus loves short people

26 & 27 Sep 5 Jesus loves little children

24 & 25 Oct 6 Jesus walked on water

31 Oct & 1 Nov 7 Jesus calmed the storm

07 & 08 Nov 8 Jesus fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish

14 & 15 Nov 9 Jesus healed the blind and the lame, and raised the dead

21 & 22 Nov 10 Jesus washed His disciples’ feet

The acting and dialogue are kept to the minimum to cater to the toddlers’ short attention span. Our focus in this series is to read out God’s Word to the children through a Key Narrator and to have the children and leaders role play the story. In order to get full participation from the children, leaders please take note of the following instructions:

1. The Key Narrator will double up as the stage director who will actively give acting instructions as well as encouraging the children to join in while he/she is reading out the Bible passage.

2. All props and visual aids used in each of the teachings must be set up and properly laid out before the platform teaching and role play.

3. All actors for each teaching must be familiar with the props and visual aids that they will be using.

4. Rehearsal is compulsory before you teach the children, so please set aside time to do so. This is due to the fact that all leaders need to know their “stage” positions and where to place the props and visual aids.

Key Focus: Jesus is the Son of God

Key Verses: Matthew 3:13, 16-17 (NASB)

Props and Visual aids - TC 2 sets and ST 1 set:

Teaching 1: Jesus Was Baptized in River Jordan (3mins)

Dove Poster

Page 3: DAVID CLUB CURRICULUM - (N2-N4) fileJesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 2 Platform Teaching – Life of Jesus – 10 Teachings The 10 teachings in this

Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 3

2 long blue cloths— represents River Jordan

Jesus costume or poster

John the Baptist costume or poster

Dove poster Cast : Key Narrator, Jesus, John the Baptist, a leader/child to hold the dove, a male leader or Key Narrator to be God’s voice Acting Script – Matthew 3: 13, 16-17 (NASB) v.13 Then Jesus arrived from Galilee at the Jordan coming to John, to be baptized by him.

2 pairs of leaders to hold and wave two pieces of long blue cloths to form water body.

One leader pretends to be John the Baptist and baptize another leader acting as Jesus or baptizing Jesus poster (if short of leaders)

v.16 After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him,

Jesus kneels down between the two long blue cloths and rises again.

Then a leader holding the dove poster flies it downwards and rests on Jesus’ shoulder.

v.17 and behold, a voice out of the heavens said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased."

A thundering voice says: “This is my Son, in whom I AM well pleased.”

Get all the children to declare together: “Jesus is the Son of God!”

Key Focus: Jesus used God’s Word to defeat the devil

Key Verses: Matthew 4:1-11 (NASB)

Visual Aids and Props:

Rocks or stones

A chair

Shinny Christmas décor or fake jewelries

Jesus costume or poster

Devil poster

Cast: Key Narrator, Jesus, a leader to act and hold the devil poster

Teaching 2: Jesus was Tempted in the Desert by the devil (3 mins)

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Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 4

Acting Script – Matthew 4: 1- 11 (NASB) v.1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.

One leader plays the role of Jesus; praying and fasting in the desert.

One leader pretends to be the devil trying to tempt Jesus.

v.2 And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry.

Jesus looks like he is very weak and hungry and he walks slowly and keeps rubbing his

stomach to indicate hunger.

v.3 And the tempter came and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. “


Devil touches Jesus’ shoulder. Jesus looks up. Devil points to the rocks. Jesus shakes his head and signs the Bible.

v.5 Then the devil took Him into the holy city and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple,

v.6 and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it is written, 'HE WILL



v.7 Jesus said to him, "On the other hand, it is written, 'YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR


Devil makes Jesus stand on chair. Devil points to the world and asks Jesus to jump off from the chair. Jesus shakes his head and points his index finger at Devil.

v.8 Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory;

v.9 and he said to Him, "All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me."

v.10 Then Jesus said to him, "Go, Satan! For it is written, 'YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD


Devil then drags Jesus to another corner of the room where all the shiny Christmas décor and fake jewelries are placed and points to them. Then using his hands to show that the devil is giving all these to Jesus.

Devil then points to Jesus to kneel down before him. Jesus shakes his head, turns away from the jewelries and looks up to heaven with hands outstretched worshipping God.

v.11 Then the devil left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.

Devil stomps feet and marches out

Get all the children to declare together: Jesus used God’s Word to defeat the devil

Page 5: DAVID CLUB CURRICULUM - (N2-N4) fileJesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 2 Platform Teaching – Life of Jesus – 10 Teachings The 10 teachings in this

Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 5

Key Focus: I will be a follower of Jesus

Key Verses: Matthew 4:18-22 (NASB)

Visual Aids and Props:

12 Sashes Cast: 1 Key Narrator, 12 children to act as 12 disciples

Please note: Select in advance 12 children or adults to role play as Jesus’ 12 disciples. These 12 disciples are identified by giving them sashes to put on and then getting them to walk round the room singing “I have decided to follow Jesus”. You may need to teach the children how to sing this song. Acting Script – Matthew 4: 18-22 (NASB)

v.18 Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.

v.19 And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."

v.20 Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.

Jesus walks amongst the children. He points to two children and asks them to join him. The two children get up and follow Jesus.

v.21 Going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and He called them.

v.22 Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him.

Jesus walks with the two child disciples, looking for other disciples amongst the other children. He points to another two children and asks them to join him. The two children get up and follow Jesus.

Jesus stops choosing til he finds his 12 disciples.

That day, Jesus called 12 men to follow Him and they became His disciples.

Key Narrator to say: “Children, when Jesus started His work to save lives, He called men to become His disciples. Disciples are people who follow Jesus; who listen and obey Jesus; who learn from Jesus and who love Jesus. Who wants to be a disciple of Jesus? Put up your hands!! (Bring 12 children out to front and put on the disciple sash on them. If there are not enough children, you can choose adults.) Key Narrator to say: “Jesus has 12 disciples. Let’s see whether we have 12 here?” (start counting) When the counting finishes, have all the children say together “We are all disciples of Jesus!! We are all followers of Jesus!”. Sing “I have decided to follow Jesus” (optional if there is enough time) Song Lyrics “I have decided to follow Jesus” I have decided to follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus No turning back, no turning back

Teaching 3: Jesus called His 12 Disciples (3 mins)

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Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 6

Key Focus: Jesus loves everyone, even short people Key Verses: Luke 19:1-6 (NIV)

Visual Aids and Props:

Tree canvas (from Jonah series) Cast: Key Narrator, Zacchaeus, Jesus and 2 leaders to hold up the tree cloth

Acting Script – Luke 19: 1 - 6 (NIV)

V.1 Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through.

V.2 a man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy.

Immediately following the shouts and singing of the 12 disciples from the previous scene, Zacchaeus appears on stage and looks towards the audience and to the left and to the right and looks far ahead.

V.3 He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd.

Zacchaeus talks to himself “Oh dear, oh dear. I am too short!! I cannot see Jesus. Everyone is blocking me! The tree over here can help me! I can climb up this tree and then I will be high enough to see Jesus.”

v.4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.

Zacchaeus climbs onto a chair behind the tree cloth and puts his face above the branches. Then he gives a big grin on his face.

v.5 When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today."

Jesus looks up at the tree and starts calling Zacchaeus “Zacchaeus! Come down. Come!”

v.6 So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly.

Zacchaeus climbs down the tree, walks towards Jesus.

Jesus says to Zacchaeus: “I want to go to your home for dinner Zacchaeus. Bring me to your


Zacchaeus exclaims “Yes!! Jesus is coming to my house! Jesus likes me!”

Get all the children to declare together: JESUS LOVES EVERYONE, EVEN SHORT PEOPLE

Teaching 4: Jesus loves Short People (3 mins)

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Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

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Key Focus: Jesus loves little children Key Verses: Matthew 19: 13-14 (NIV) Visual Aids and Props:

Jesus loves Children poster

Art card placards of - fat and thin children, fair and dark Chinese children, child on wheelchair and jumping child, and big child and small child.

A chair Cast: Key Narrator, Jesus, disciples, child or leader to hold the placards Acting Script – Matthew 19: 13 -1 4 (NIV) v.13 Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them.

Jesus sits on a chair. Leaders holding different placards of children, walks up to Jesus, one by one. Leaders can also hold some of the GKidz children’s hands and walk up to Jesus. 3 disciples guarding Jesus stop these children from going near Jesus.

v. 14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Jesus waves to the disciples, gestures for them to let the children come over to him because He wants to lay his hands upon them.

Actors on stage to freeze.

Key Narrator points to the different looking children that are all around Jesus and says “Jesus loves little children. All types of children. The noisy ones (on the board)! Where is the noisy one? Yes this one. The quiet ones (on the board). Where is the quiet one? Yes, Jesus loves all the little children. Can you find the round ones! Where is the round chubby one? Yes here he is. The skinny ones! Where is the skinny one? Yes here he is. Look for the fair ones! The dark ones! The Chinese ones! Yes, Jesus loves all the little children. Look for the big and small children. Yes, they are all here. Where are the child on wheelchair and the jumping child? Yes, Jesus loves all the little children!”

Teaching 5: Jesus loves Little Children (3 mins)

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Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

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No Craft. The children will be playing games after the Bible teaching. The games station will be part of the Children Day series. Platform Teaching (10 mins) TLs to start the station games by going through the games rules listed below. Tell the children a story of a child who did not follow the games rules and repeat the same story of the child following the games rules. The children are to show you by doing the “Nay! Nay!” thumbs up sign (for wrong actions) and “Yeah! Yeah!” thumb up sign (for correct actions). Games Rules

Queue up to wait for their turn

No shouting or screaming but talk using indoor voice

No snatching things from each other

Must say please and thank you

Must ask for permission before doing anything or going anywhere

Must greet teachers and friends

Pack up when told to do so

Share toys, colored pencils or scotch tapes or any craft stationery

Cross legs when seated

Obey your leaders at all times Story to explain Games Rules (or you can create one on your own story) If there are sufficient leaders, ask 4 leaders to act as Jamie, Johnny, Eric and Auntie Gina. Otherwise, the storyteller will mine the characters as he/she tells the story. Be intentional and explain what are the games rules which the child character has broken and the behavior which is not desirable. Jamie enjoys going to David Club and loves to play the toys which are placed on the floor. Jamie loves to play toys with Auntie Gina. She walks straight to her favorite Lego toys and screams loudly as she is playing with Auntie Gina. What games rule did Jamie break? (pause for thumbs down sign) Shortly afterwards, Johnny and Eric walk in and they did not say hello to Auntie Gina who is seated and playing with Jamie. Instead they head straight to the car toys. What games rule did Johnny and Eric break? (pause for thumbs down sign). After a few minutes, Johnny and Eric notice the Lego toys which Jamie is playing with Auntie Gina seem fun and they walk over and snatch the Lego toys from Jamie without asking for permission. What games rule did Johnny and Eric break? (pause for thumbs down sign). Jamie got very angry and started shouting at Johnny and Eric and hit Johnny. What games rule did Jamie break? (pause for thumbs down sign). Auntie Gina asks Johnny and Eric to apologise to Jamie but both of them walk away. What games rule did Johnny and Eric break? (pause for thumbs down sign).

Small Group Segment: Week 5 (26 & 27 Sep)

Weekly Small Group Craft: Jesus Loves the Little Children

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Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 9

Games Station 2


Station 4


Station 1

Games Station 3

Children to sit here for briefing

Soon, it’s going to be worship time, Auntie Gina asks all the children to pack up but Jamie walks away without helping to pack up. What games rule did Jamie break? (pause for thumbs down sign) Repeat the above story with all the child characters following correctly the games rules. Affirm the correct behaviours and how that would help them enjoy the games which they are about to play. SEL Station Games (45 mins) Preparation : Set up all the 4 stations and demonstrate to the children how they are expected to play with their friends in all the 4 stations. Divide the children into their respective, N2, N3 and N4 groups and appoint the group leader based on the attendance printout. The group leaders will remain the same and move with their small group children at all times. TLs to create a circuit system time schedule and assign which group goes to Station 1 – Station 4. The rotation excel spreadsheet should move groups every 10 minutes. Decide on a clear timer sound for movement.

Set up all game stations that you want to get the children to play in a circuit.

Make sure that you have enough space in between each station so that this space can be used for the children to line up.

In each station you will need to tape the starting line for the children to queue up.

Instructions to the Children:

Get all the children to sit inside the circuit and please don’t let any of them walk around.

Then show them all the 3 different facial expressions placards and tell them that if they want to be happy, peaceful and joyful, then they must play the station games in a CORRECT way following the games rules.

(Happy) (Joyful) (Peaceful) (Sad)

Then demonstrate and give instructions or rules on how each station games are to be played. Below are some important guidelines for you to instruct the children as you go through all the four station games. You may want to do role play for the children to understand the expected behavior.

Circuit Games Layout

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Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

Jesus Series - Part 1 – Week 1 to 5 and cum SEL Games Day Page 10

Queuing Up 1. A few leaders demonstrate queuing up and waiting for their turn. 2. Then all leaders shout ‘CORRECT’. 3. Hold up the Happy face placard and shout ‘HAPPY’ and then reward with a “you are

good” stamp on the hand. 4. Then, the same few leaders demonstrate pushing and cutting queue. 5. Then leaders shout ‘WRONG’. 6. Hold up ‘SAD’ face and shout “SAD’

Repeat steps 1 to 6 for each of the different emotions; Joyful and peaceful

Station Games Leaders You will be manning the station as well as to ensure no bottleneck in your stations. You must know how the game is being played, to cheer the children on, to guide the child, to discipline, to coach, to encourage, be gentle yet firm, affirm children who are playing correctly and in a loving manner, etc.

We will provide stamps with “very good”, “well done”, etc for leader who are stationed in game station, when children have played in a loving manner, we will give them a stamp on their hands.

Very important: After the games time is over, please do not count how many stamps each child has because we don’t want the children to compare. Station Games 1: Stars Collector Logistics needed:

1. A piece of cloth 2. Star stickers 3. Four chairs 4. Masking tapes (for starting point and ending point) 5. “You are good” stamp


1. To paste the stars sticker onto one side of the cloth. Please ensure that you only paste the stars on the space where the children will be crawling and not on the part where the cloth will be taped.

2. Then using the 4 chairs as support, tape the cloth onto the chairs to form a canopy under which the children will crawl through. See below instructions:

How to play?

1. Children will have to queue up before they start. Make sure you tape the starting and ending point with a masking tape.

2. One child at a time will crawl from starting to the end of the cloth to the other end and as they crawl underneath the cloth, they will collect one star sticker each time.





Using masking tape, then tape the end of the cloth onto

the top of the chair. Remember to tape the ending

line as well.

To paste the star stickers onto the cloth and the children are to

start from this line

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Written by Dorcas Li 2012 and edited by GKidz

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3. Another leader will need to be stationed on the other end to ask the children to take only one star sticker and to direct them to crawl out of the canopy.

4. When they are out of the canopy, they are to paste their star sticker onto themselves. 5. Before each child goes to the next station, remember to give a “you are good” stamp on the

hand of the child if he has played in a loving manner. 6. Group leader to affirm good behaviours and those who follow the games rules correctly.

Station Games 2: Walk With My Ball Logistics Needed:

1. 1 Hula hoop 2. 1 Plastic ball 3. Masking tape (for starting point and ending point) 4. “You are good” stamp

How to play?

1. Children are to queue up at the starting line. 2. Leader is to put the ball inside the hula hoop and at the sound of “Go”, the child is to drag

the hula hoop with the ball inside from the starting point to the ending point. 3. Before each child goes to the next station, remember to give a “you are good” stamp on the

hand of the child if he has played in a loving manner. 4. Group leader to affirm good behaviours and those who follow the games rules correctly.

Station Games 3: Ping Pong Ball Race Logistics Needed:

1. A ping pong ball 2. A plastic spoon 3. Masking tape 4. A small container or pail 5. “You are good” stamp

How to play?

1. Children are to queue up at the starting line. 2. Children are to put one ping pong ball on the plastic spoon and to start walking from the

starting point to the ending point. 3. Before each child goes to the next station, remember to give a “you are good” stamp on the

hand of the child if he has played in a loving manner. 4. Group leader to affirm good behaviours and those who follow the games rules correctly.

Station Games 4: Hold Me With Care Logistics Needed:

1. An empty box (without cover) 2. Something heavy to be placed inside the empty box (eg. mineral water

bottle, story book) 3. Strings 4. Masking tape 5. “You are good” stamp

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Preparation: Punch two holes on the box and tie two strings as handles for the children to drag the box.

How to play?

1. Children are to queue from the starting line. 2. At the shout of “Go”, two children are to drag the box from the starting point to the next

two children. 3. Before each child goes to the next station, remember to give a “you are good” stamp on the

hand of the child if he has played in a loving manner. 4. Group leader to affirm good behaviours and those who follow the games rules correctly.