Data Warehouse User Group / Workshop Fall 2012 Agenda

Data Warehouse User Group / Workshop Fall 2012 Agenda TSDL/Staff Evaluation Important Dates BEDS, UPK, August Graduates and Regents/RCTs, Special Education L2RPT Report Update Level 0 Update New for 2012-13 New Templates, Changes, Historical Application Spring User Group Dates


Data Warehouse User Group / Workshop Fall 2012 Agenda. TSDL/Staff Evaluation Important Dates BEDS, UPK, August Graduates and Regents/RCTs, Special Education L2RPT Report Update Level 0 Update New for 2012-13 New Templates, Changes, Historical Application Spring User Group Dates. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Data Warehouse User Group / Workshop Fall 2012 Agenda

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Data Warehouse User Group / WorkshopFall 2012Agenda

TSDL/Staff Evaluation Important Dates

BEDS, UPK, August Graduates and Regents/RCTs, Special Education

L2RPT Report Update Level 0 Update New for 2012-13

New Templates, Changes, Historical Application

Spring User Group Dates

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MORIC Data Verification notification reminder E-mail your name and e-mail address to:

[email protected] for an e-mail notification when something has been updated on the MORIC Data Verification webpage: Select Data Verification on the left hand side of the screen:

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TSDL – Teacher Student Data Linkage Teacher-Student Roster Verification Report User Guide: To receive a file of PINs for teachers, districts must first report appropriate staff,

student, and course data to the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). Once these data are reported, a unique PIN will be generated for each teacher reported as assigned to a course section in which students are enrolled. When new teachers are added to the data, a PIN will be generated.

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Staff Evaluation October 10, 2012 Memo:

Requirements and Timeline for Submitting Staff Evaluation Rating Data for the 2011-12 School Year Data must be report in SIRS by Thursday November 29, 2012

Level 0 Authorization:

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Staff Evaluation

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Staff Evaluation Rating – Evaluation Criteria Code:

SEDDAS L2RPT Authorization

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Important Dates (see IRS Calendar

October 1, 2012 – NYSAA Administration Period Begins thru February 8, 2013

October 8, 2012 - L2RPT BEDS Verification reports available (SIRS-312 thru 314)

Certification Dates – TBD (January & April?) November 2, 2012 – Target for inclusion of majority of data:

Student demographic, enrollment, and program service data (including disability and limited English proficient (LEP) eligibility and services data) for students in preschool, preK–12, and ungraded students enrolled on or before BEDS day of the current year must be reported. Each

student must have a unique identifier (NYSSIS ID). November 29, 2012 – Final date to:

have all UPK students reported in SIRS. (Demo, Enroll, Programs)

report August 2012 credentials awarded for inclusion in press release on graduation rate

report August Regents/RCT exam scores have 2011-12 – Optional reporting for College and Career Readiness

assessments (AP/IB/PSAT/SAT -

report Staff Evaluation Rating data

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Important Dates (see IRS Calendar

December 20, 2012 – Target date to complete VR 1-9 Child count and least restrictive environment data as of BEDS Day. Final date to submit is Thursday January 3, 2013.

January 22, 2013 – January Regents & RCT’s begin

January 31, 2013 – All 0231 LEP programs reported to prepare for NYSESLAT answer sheets.

April 2013 – NYSESLAT and NYSTP 3-8 begin

May 2013 – NYS 4&8 Science begin

June 11, 2013 – June Regents & RCT’s begin

July 18, 2013 – Target date to complete all reporting to SIRS, with the exception of VR11, VR12, & VR14. Final date to submit is Thursday July 25, 2013.

September 19, 2013 – Target date to submit VR11, VR12, & VR14. Final date to submit is Thursday September 26, 2013.

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2012-13 Monthly data loads to Level 0 This is a tentative schedule of when we will start exporting data from ALL

systems and import to Level 0 – these should occur during the following weeks:

October 29th December 3rd January 7th

February 4th March 4th April 1st

April 29th

June – upon request only * July – Loads are done upon request after rollover has been

completed All districts must request a final data load to pull data on graduation and

student transfers/exits and other end-of-year maintenance

Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the MORIC Website, under Data Verification – Announcements

* If no request for export/import is received by July 8 th, RIC will start exporting automatically

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UIAS – Unique ID Audit System – Monthly Reports November 14, 2012 - UIAS Version 3.0 report release

(Updated report guides will accompany this release)

District/Building names will replace BEDS codes, along with other enhancements to make the reports easier to use.

Disappearing Students: expected to be continuously enrolled in a given location based on the past year enrollment record, but with no apparent re-enrollment in that location in the new school year;

False Dropouts: students exited as dropouts but who may have re-enrolled in a new location;

False Transfers: students who were to have transferred to a new location but appear not to have been enrolled elsewhere; and

Simultaneous Enrollments: students who appear to be inappropriately enrolled in multiple locations.

UIAS Resources and Information

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New for 2012-13 – Universal Pre-K (UPK) All UPK students must be reported in SIRS (Demo, Enrollment,


SIRS (Student Information Repository System) data will be the source of the official count of UPK students.

(BEDS) online reporting will no longer be used to determine district UPK funding.

This includes those UPK funded students receiving instruction from collaborating community based organizations.

Please note: Failure to report all UPK students in SIRS, on or before

Thursday November 29th, may result in a reduction in the

district’s UPK grant. UPK Enrollment Certification due December 7, 2012:

BEDS Online available Wednesday October 31, 2012 Due date for completion is Friday November 30, 2012

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August 2012 Data Updates

August 2012 Graduates - Update the student’s Enrollment exit reason, Credential Earned, and Post Graduate Plan in your SMS system by October 31st. Verification on L2RPT (Cognos State Reporting)

2011-12 SIRS-201 Total Cohort Summary, 2008 4 year Outcome Aug, 2007 5 year Outcome Aug

Students are included in Cohort as of June 30, 2012. Graduation rates will be reported as of June and August 2012.

2011-12 SIRS-202 Total Cohort Assessment Summary, 2008 4 year Outcome Aug, 2007 5 year Outcome Aug

Students are included in Cohort as of June 30, 2012. Assessment Outcomes will be reported as of June and August 2012

August 2012 Regents & RCTs - Update secondary level exams, including date of administration, for all applicable students (including out-of-district students, such as BOCES or other Regional Summer Schools) in your SMS system by October 31st.

**Please note** A Regents assessment record must be present in order for us to load all Regents scanned item data.

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2012-13 Special Education

VR1-9 – Child count and least restrictive environment data as of October 3, 2012 (BEDS Day) Verification Reports available in PD Data system (, for

a schedule of refreshes:

Data that are in the Level 2 warehouse as of January 3, 2013 as certified by school districts by January 7, 2013 will be final and used in all State aggregations and in Local Education Agency reports.

Please note that there will be no additional refreshes to the special education data displayed in these reports after January 7, 2013.

There will be an “appeals” period between January 7, 2013 and January 21, 2013. All appeals are due by January 17, 2013. 

For data system issues at the RIC or SED. Please note there is not Certification and Assurance Form (C.A.F.)

to mail to NYSED this year, only the electronic certification is required.

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2012-13 Special Education CertificationsFor consistency, VR certifications will be due the Monday that

immediately follows the final date to submit data that is used to populate the corresponding VR report. 

VR 1-9 - Thursday January 3, 2013 - final date to submit enrollment, demographic, programs fact and Special Education (BEDS day) Snapshot data; last VR refresh completed and certification due Monday January 7, 2013

VR 10, 13, 15 and 16 - Thursday July 25, 2013 - final date to submit enrollment, demographic, programs fact, Special Education (EOY) Snapshot and assessment fact (COSF) data; last VR refresh completed and certification due Monday July 29, 2013

VR 11, 12, 14 - Thursday July 25, 2013 - final date to submit enrollment and demographic and Thursday September 26, 2013 - will be the final date to submit Special Education Events; last VR refresh completed and certification due Monday September 30, 2013

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L2RPT Report Refresh Update 2011-12

Accountability SIRS-101 High School Accountability Data Verification Report

Updated with new CCR cut points for Performance Levels

Total Cohort Reports (Refresh until November 30, 2012) SIRS-201 & 202

2011-12 Reports updated for 2007 & 2008 Total Cohorts with August 2012 data

Teacher Performance Evaluation

2012-13 BEDS (312-314, 316)

View 2012-13 data where applicable SIRS-316 District Pre-K

Annual Outcomes (SIRS 307-310) View 2012-13 where applicable (Drops, Graduates, Regents, & RCT’s)

CTE & Reasonableness

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Level 0 Update

Level 0 Tentative Release schedule September – Opening for 2012-13 reporting

October/November: Express:

Add Location Marking Period & Attendance Codes templates Staff Snapshot

Add Security for HR user access Add 3 new fields (Original Hire, Tenure, & Exit Date)

Student Class Grade Detail Class Detail Outcome – (N)ot Complete Credit Recovery

Assessment Fact – Alt Standard Achieved, CCR, remove Test Mods

December – Add Daily Attendance & Staff Assignment templates

March – Add Contact & Student Contact Fact templates

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New Templates for 2012-13 Staff Assignment:

Links principals to groups (location/grade level) of students

Contact: Provides Adult contact information and Adult Statewide IDs

Student Contact Fact: Links student to an adult who is authorized to view the

educational records of the student

Student Daily Attendance: Used to collect negative daily attendance for:

(E)xcused, (U)nExcused, (T)ardy

Attendance Codes: Used to link Local Attendance Codes to State Attendance


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New for 2012-13 SIRS Changes for 2012-13

Code changes and Templates

College and Career Readiness Assessments: AP, IB, PSAT, and SAT

Optional reporting for 2011-12 assessments must be complete by Thursday November 29, 2012

NYSESLAT Adds & Deletes

See SIRS changes document:

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New for 2012-13 0055 - Enrolled for instructional reporting only:

This code is used for reporting data for student-staff course linkages when the reporting entity does not have school/district accountability (0011) or CSE responsibility(5905) for the student (i.e., BOCES, Other Non Accountable Districts).

For example, students that attend a BOCES classroom inside a school building, and/or the student mainstreams into a regular classroom in the school for some classes

BOCES will report all students being taught by BOCES teachers

Districts will report all students being taught by district teachers

0033 - Part-time students pursuing a HS diploma A part time student is enrolled in a school for the purpose of

instruction in accordance with Education laws 3204 and 3206 for not less than 4 hours per week and not more than 8 hours per week.

Use this code only if the student is not on the day register of any school.

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New for 2012-13 Program Services (District Level Services)

LEP Code 1232 – Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE):

Indicates a student who, in addition to having been identified as LEP, also: comes from a home where a language other than English is spoken

and enter a school in the US after grade two; and has had at least two years less schooling than his or her peers; and functions at least two years below expected grade level in reading

and in mathematics in their native language and/or in English due to lack of schooling (e.g. student may or may not be pre-literate (not yet literate) in their native language).

Higher Education Code 4004 – Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP):

Indicates participation in the Liberty Partnerships Program, which provides collaborative pre-collegiate/school dropout prevention programs that support at-risk youth in completing secondary school and prepare those students for successful transition into postsecondary education or onto a career path.

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New for 2012-13

Program Services (District Level Services) Higher Education (continued)

Code 4015 — Science and Technology Education Program (STEP):

Indicates participation in the Science and Technology Entry Program, which prepares minority, historically underrepresented, or economically disadvantaged secondary school students for entry into postsecondary degree programs in scientific, technical, health-related fields, and the licensed professions.

CTE Reason for Ending Code 680 – Leave CTE with the intention

of continuing later: Identify students who plan to continue the program, but may be

skipping a semester or a year. Participation Info Code TPREP – No longer applicable

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New for 2012-13 Student Class Grade Detail:

Class Detail Outcome Code N: Non-complete for use when the student, for any reason (including but not limited to

drop, transfer, incomplete) does not pass or fail that course Credit Recovery: Y or N

Used to indicate if the course was taken for credit recovery Term Code S: Summer School

use only for classes that occur during summer school term when credit is earned through the make-up credit program consistent with CR Part 100.5(d)(8)(iv) (also known as “credit recovery”).

Assessment Fact - Alternate Standard Achieved Code:(for use in accountability PI calculations)

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New for 2012-13 Credential Type Codes:

The regulation governing diploma types is at the following link:

The section specific to science and math is found under section 7x. A copy of it is below: Students who first enter grade nine in September 2009 and thereafter who complete

all course work and testing requirements for the Regents diploma with advanced designation in mathematics and/or science, and who pass, with a score of 85 or better, three commencement level Regents examinations in mathematics and/or three commencement level Regents examinations in science, will earn a Regents diploma with advanced designation, with an annotation on the diploma that denotes mastery in mathematics and/or science, as applicable.

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Student Management System

(SchoolTool, eSD, PowerSchool, IC,

Web2school, etc.)

Special Education System

(Cleartrack, IEP Direct)

Cafeteria System(Nutri-kids, WinSNAP,


Test Scoring System

(NYS, NRT, RegentsScanning)

(Note: May bypass Level 0)

District Data Coordinator/RIC Data Readiness Team

Cognos(Local Reports)

(Regents Reform, Skill Analysisand Supplementary Services)

UIAS System

(Disappearing, False Drops/Transfers,Simultaneous Enrollments)

Level 1(RIC’s)

Level 0NYSED District Student

Validation System - RIC’s

Level 2 (Statewide)

School AccountabilitySchool Report Cards

NYSSIS Unique Student ID

Level 1C Data Pass-thru container

PD Data System(VR Reports & Reasonability


L2RPT(Cognos State Reports)

(Accountability, Annual Outcomes, BEDS, ISRs, Staff/Course,

Total Cohort, T/NT, CTE, & Reasonableness)

Academic InterventionSystem

RTI Edge & RTIm Direct)

L0 Data only moves to L1 / L2 with DDC request or with notification

from RIC (No Errors)


Historical, TEACH,WinCAP, Fin Manager,

N-Vision, etc.)


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General Information Access to District information would be based on user SEDDAS authentication

rights Mass adds, updates, deletes are not a function of this application NYSSIS ID or local student id will not be updated through this application Inquiries will be by individual local student id and school year. Only NYS Reporting fields are displayed

Assessments Districts cannot view vendor scored assessments Districts cannot view any future assessments administered by another district. Missing assessment information can be added for a prior district. (i.e. Missing

Regents exam scores) District owned assessments can be changed District owned assessments cannot be deleted when attached to an

assessment response record

NYSED Level 0 Historical Application

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Level 0 Historical (

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Spring 2013 DW User Group/Workshops

March 18, 2013 – Madison-Oneida BOCES/Costello Center

March 19, 2013 – Oneida BOCES

March 21, 2013 – Jefferson-Lewis BOCES

March 22, 2013 – Herkimer BOCES

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Data Analysis Services contact: Deb  Duffy, Data Analyst    [email protected] Liz Daly, Data Analyst   [email protected] Sara Mathers, Data Analyst  [email protected] Laurie Noll, Data Analyst  [email protected] Bethany Rickard, Data Analyst  [email protected] Bridget Williams, Student Information & Instructional Specialist 

[email protected]

Data Readiness/Verification - Data Warehouse Level 0 Level 0 Historical L2RPT (Cognos – State Reporting) New York State Assessments NYSSIS Unique ID Regents Scanning / ASAP (Assessment Scoring & Analysis Program)

Contact Data Readiness Support [email protected] Sally Zielasko, Chris Urich, Danielle Polisse, Brenda Heigl, Katie Duell

MORIC Contact Information

(315) 361-2700; 1-866-98MORIC (1-866-986-6742)