DATA SCIENCE MIS0855 | Spring 2016 Identifying Sources of Data SungYong Um

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Where data comes from Companies and other organizations Services that compile data (i.e., Amazon, Yelp, KBB) Government agencies How it is accessed Direct access to databases and spreadsheets Reporting tools and user interfaces Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Transcript of DATA SCIENCE MIS0855 | Spring 2016 Identifying Sources of Data SungYong Um

DATA SCIENCE MIS0855 | Spring 2016 Identifying Sources of Data SungYong Um Data can come from anywhere Where data comes from Companies and other organizations Services that compile data (i.e., Amazon, Yelp, KBB) Government agencies How it is accessed Direct access to databases and spreadsheets Reporting tools and user interfaces Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) APIs (More) securely sharing data Database full of data! API The API is software that exposes internal data to the outside world. People write programs that talk to the API so it will fetch data for them. Keeps people from accessing the data directly, keeping it safe. Four Steps of Turning Data Into Information CollectionOrganizationExplanationGeneralization Nate Silver applies this to journalism; what are the wider applications? Think back to our discussion about science The Burrito Bracket Why was the Yelp data a good place to start? What is the VORB (Value Over Replacement Burrito) statistic? Function of quality and quantity. Why is that important? What adjustments had to be made to the data? What lessons are there for using public data? Open Data What is open data? How can open data transform: Science? Government? Journalism? Business development? What are the arguments for and against open data? From Data Dredger:Uber trips from Uber dataCrime rates from SF Crimespotting