DAFTAR PUSTAKA pneumothoraks.docx

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Anonim. Hydropenumothorax . http://www.lemonmedicalsymposium.com diakses tanggal 25 Februari 2014 2. erck! ". 2010. Pneumothorax . http://ne#rologyners.wordpress.com/2010/11/0$/pneumothora%& tanggal 25 Februari 2014 $. 'e##ner! () and 'uggins! (*. 2004. Management of Secondary Spontaneous Pneumthorax: Thers’s Confusion in the Air. +hest (ournal, 125, 1-0&11-2 4. "acken ie! (! and ray! A. 200 . Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax: why all the confusion oer first!line treatment" . (ournal o# oyal +ollege o# 3hysicians o# )dinburgh, $ :$$5&$$ 5. 6lma ! A! ayramg7rler! ! a 6c6o8lu! 9! n;er! "! 7ng<r! =! aran! . 2002. #atrogenic Pneumothorax: #ncidence and $aluation of the Therapy . *urkish espiratory (ournal! August 200 >ol.$! =o.2 ?. ascom! . 2011. Peumothorax . http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/42454. @iakses tanggal 2? Februari 2014 . Alsaga## '! "ukty 'A. 200-. %asar!%asar #lmu Penya&it Paru . urabaya: Airlangga ni;ersity 3ress . Borom ! +onyurt '! "issbach A! et al. 2011. Pneumothorax. http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/3neumothora%.htm. @iakses Februari 2014 -. 3aramasi;am! ). 200 . Air 'ea&s( Pneumothorax( and Chest %rains: Su)cutaneous $mphysema( Pneumomediastinum( and Pneumopericardium . +ont edu Anaesth +rit +are C 3ain. D?E: 20 9%#ord ni;ersity 3ress 10.rohi B. 2004. Chest Trauma: Pneumothorax!*pen. http://www.trauma.org/archi;e/thoracic/+') *open.html . @iakses tanggal 25 Februari 2014

Transcript of DAFTAR PUSTAKA pneumothoraks.docx


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