Daftar Pustaka

Daftar Pustaka 1. J Saju et all. Placenta previa. [upload Mar 23, 2015] ; [Download Aug 13, 2015] : 4 sheet Avaiable from : URL : http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/262063-overview 2. Burkland D. Antepartum bleeding : Placenta previa ; in NMS Obstetrics and gynecology, 6 th ed. 2008. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 90 -92. 3. Cunningham GF. Placenta previa in Williams Obstetrics. 22 ed. 2005. McGraw-Hill. 4. Fortner KB et all. Placenta Previa in The Johns Hopkins Manual Of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 3 rd . 2007 ; Lippincontt Williams & Wilkins. p.131-133. 5. Hanafiah TM. Plasenta Previa. [upload 2004] ; [download 2015]. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sumatra Utara. Avaiable from : URL : http://repository_usu.co.id. 6. Wiknjosastro , Rachimhadhi. Ilmu Kebidanan. Edisi keempat.2009 ; PT Bina Pustaka Prawiroharjo. Jakarta. 7. Anonim. The Infant with Anencephaly in the New England Journal of Medicine. [upload march 8, 19990] : [download Aug 14, 2015]. Avaiable from :



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Daftar Pustaka

1. J Saju et all. Placenta previa. [upload Mar 23, 2015] ; [Download Aug 13, 2015] : 4 sheet

Avaiable from :

URL : http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/262063-overview

2. Burkland D. Antepartum bleeding : Placenta previa ; in NMS Obstetrics and gynecology,

6th ed. 2008. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 90 -92.

3. Cunningham GF. Placenta previa in Williams Obstetrics. 22 ed. 2005. McGraw-Hill.

4. Fortner KB et all. Placenta Previa in The Johns Hopkins Manual Of Gynecology and

Obstetrics. 3rd. 2007 ; Lippincontt Williams & Wilkins. p.131-133.

5. Hanafiah TM. Plasenta Previa. [upload 2004] ; [download 2015]. Fakultas Kedokteran

Universitas Sumatra Utara.

Avaiable from :

URL : http://repository_usu.co.id.

6. Wiknjosastro , Rachimhadhi. Ilmu Kebidanan. Edisi keempat.2009 ; PT Bina Pustaka

Prawiroharjo. Jakarta.

7. Anonim. The Infant with Anencephaly in the New England Journal of Medicine. [upload

march 8, 19990] : [download Aug 14, 2015].

Avaiable from :

URL : http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199003083221006

8. Anderson, K. Cephalic disorders. [upload 2012] ; [download Aug 14, 2015].

Avaiable from :

URL : http://iheartautopsy.com/wp-content/2012/02/anencephaly1.

9. Cunningham F. Obstertric Williams ed 21 vol 2. Jakarta. EGC;2002. Hal 1066-1068

10. Pelizzari et all. Characteristic of fetuses evaluated due too suspected anenchepaly : a

population-based cohort study in southern Brazil. In : Sao Paulo Medical Journal. [upload

march 17, 2015] ; [download Aug 14, 2015].

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11. Anonim. Anencephaly. [upload 2013] ; [download 14 Aug 2015].

Avaiable from :

URL : http://emedicine.medscape.com.