Customer Focus Keolis – Sunset Operations & Maintenance Facility Presented By: Reggie Reese/Cecil...

Customer Focus Keolis – Sunset Operations & Maintenance Facility Presented By: Reggie Reese/Cecil Fielder May 2013 Overview 1

Transcript of Customer Focus Keolis – Sunset Operations & Maintenance Facility Presented By: Reggie Reese/Cecil...

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Customer Focus

Keolis – Sunset Operations & Maintenance FacilityPresented By: Reggie Reese/Cecil Fielder

May 2013 Overview 1

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Class Overview and Objectives


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Class Overview and Objectives

Review Company Vision, Mission, and Core ValuesWho are our customers?What is “Customer Service”?What is in it for Keolis?What is in it for you?Customer service deliveryHow to remain in controlLet’s practice!Self assessmentWhat have we learned?

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Company Vision, Mission and Core Values



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Company Vision

Be the best passenger transportation company.

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Mission Statement

Provide best-in-class passenger transportation solutions for government, private sector, and individual consumers through technological innovation, enhanced relationship management and genuine care for our employees.

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Core Values

Safety: Our commitment to safety will not be compromised. Safety is every employee’s #1 responsibility (SEE#1)Customer Focus: We contribute to our clients’ success and deliver long term value. We provide caring service to enhance the quality of our customers lives.Employee Oriented: We empower our employees to be successful. We promote diversity and teamwork, provide opportunities for growth, and treat each other with dignity and respect.

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Core Values

Integrity and Accountability: We achieve results without compromising ethics. We deliver what we promise and honor our obligations.Responsibility: We are involved in the communities we serve, we enhance the neighborhood in which we live, and we take an active role in protecting the environment.

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Who are our customers?

Internal CustomersAll co-workers


Your boss Your subordinates All corporate support staff

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Who are our customers?

External CustomersPassengersClientVendorsUnionGeneral PublicLaw EnforcementOutside Agency Representative

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The importance of our customers is sometimes overlooked. However, if it weren’t for our customers, everyone in our company, from the general manager to the maintenance worker, would be out of a job. We rely on our customers to provide fare revenue, political support, and tax revenues. We need to provide superior customer service to our customers so they will continue to be loyal riders and provide us with the support we need.

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Another important point to remember is that we are selling a service—transportation from one point to another. When you sell a service, the way you treat your customers determines whether they continue to be loyal customers. For riders who use public transit as a convenience, good customer service can determine whether they continue to use transit or choose alternative transportation. It’s important to always remember that transit is a service industry and you as the bus operator are the principal customer service representative.

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Class - Breakout into groups of three participants. Take 10 minutes to develop lists of as many issues as possible, which are important to you as customers in a restaurant. ~ChartNow, as a group lets compile a second list of issues that are important to our bus riders. ~ChartClass – are the lists aligned with our Company’s mission statement and core values?

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Keolis Mission Statement

Keolis Mission Statement - Provide best-in-class passenger transportation solutions for government, private sector, and individual consumers through technological innovation, enhanced relationship management and genuine care for our employees.

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What is Customer Service?


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What is Customer Service

Understanding the Customer’s needsExceeding the Customer’s expectationsAnticipate and act on customer concerns and needs

without being prompted by the customer.Customers are the most important thing to come into

our organization, whether in person, on the phone, by e-mail, or by mail. They’re the person who ultimately pays our salaries. We really work for our customers.

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The “ART” of customer service stands for the three principles we base our customer service philosophy on. “A” stands for Attention. You must pay attention to every customer. Look at your customer when they board the vehicle and greet them with a “Hello”, “Good Morning,” “Good Afternoon” or “How are you doing? “R” stands for Respect. Every customer deserves our respect. You don’t necessarily have to agree with the way the customer says things or even the way they dress but because they’re one of our customers they deserve respect.“T” stands for Timeliness. Every customer deserves our response and our help in a timely manner. As an Operator, if a passenger boards with an incorrect fare, or an expired transfer, it’s your responsibility to inform that passenger in a timely manner.

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What’s in it for Keolis?



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What is in it for Keolis?

You reflect the organization for the time that you are engaged with an internal or external customer.You are almost always the only representative that the passengers ever meet.You are the organization’s eyes and ears for improvement.You leave a lasting impression of the organization to the customer that ultimately defines our organization.

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What is in it for you?



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What is in it for you?

You gain respect and recognition from internal and external customers for being a “pro”.

You gain the reputation as a person who is level headed, a creative problem solver and one who can work well under pressure.You gain the image of an attractive personality because you are friendly, positive, and you go the extra mile to help and please people.

You gain the ability to stand out from the crowd!You enjoy a happier and fuller life on and off the job, which comes from knowing that you are doing highly worthwhile work everyday!

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Customer Service Delivery


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Know Your Customer

Customer expectations of safetyCustomer expectations of efficiencyCustomer expectation of comfortCustomer expectations of friendly and knowledgeable employeesCustomer expectation of assistance and follow throughCustomer expectation of delivery to final destinationCustomer expectation of appreciation for their businessCustomer expectation of “THANK YOU”

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As a professional operator you work directly with the public. You perform at the point of sale for Keolis Transit America. You are ambassador’s for the company, it’s your professional customer service skills that will encourage your customers to continue riding our service. As a professional operator of the bus and as front-line service representative, it’s up to you to fulfill your customer’s expectations about service.

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What is a Professional?

Perform valuable services;

Have special training;

Have a high level of skills;

Continuously upgrade their skills;

Take pride in their work;

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Professional Bus Operators

You perform a valuable service by providing the public with transportation;You have received special training to become an operator;You have a high level of skill in driving the bus and dealing with customers;You are required to continuously upgrade your skills by taking courses such as this one; All operators have reason to take pride in their work as bus operators.

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Professional Appearance

Q: What appearance is expected of a professional bus operator? ~Chart

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Professional Appearance

Be clean and neat.Be well Groomed.Practice good personal hygiene.Wear Keolis/SYSTEM logo or logo free apparel.Wear required dark pants.Wear required collared shirts.Keep uniform laundered (clean).

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Clean and Safety Inspected Equipment

Ensure that the DVIR (daily vehicle inspection report) “pre-trip” inspection is completed.Keep comments legible for Mechanics.Ensure equipment repair report is accurate and complete.Ensure that equipment is washed regularly.Keep interiors clean and free from debris.Immediately report graffiti on the vehicle.

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Be HonestBe TrustworthyBe ConfidentHave a sense self-worth.Do what is promised in a timely manner.Be upright and honest about what can and/or cannot be operationally possible.Admit service failures but give accurate information as to the cause.

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Effective Communication

Listen (one of the most valuable tools in effective communication is to simply listen).Utilize sincere and concise verbal expression.Use a tone of voice that is courteous and business like.Check inaction or lack of response.Give Feedback (simple, accessible information).Be adaptable (every single person matters)Use appropriate Body Language (minimize talking with your hands or becoming animated).Control reactions (remember to breathe, pause, and respond in a courteous manner).

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Quality of Performance

Listen carefully.Provide passengers with a safe ride.Be knowledgeable about the transit system, points of interest, and fares. Deliver them to their destination on time.Always follow through.

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How to Remain in Control



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How to Remain in Control

Keep your assertiveness just under the customer to prevent an argument.

Breathe slowly.

Listen carefully.

Use closed questions ie:”Do you want to go to...” rather than “Where did you say you want to go?”

Be courteous, specific, and direct.

Remain polite.

Apologize in a general way: (i.e. “ I am sorry for any confusion” or “I can understand why you’re upset”).

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How to Remain in Control - Continued

Acknowledge a legitimate complaint: (i.e. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I didn’t see you flag me down. Next time, I’ll watch more carefully.”Show empathy.Propose a solution or simply explain if you cannot solve a problem.Avoid becoming involved in the customers emotions.Remain courteous and polite.Do not invite unnecessary conversation.

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Let’s Practice



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Case Studies

Q: The wrong route or time information was given on the website and the customer is upset. What will you do? ~Chart

Q: The vehicle has broken down and there is another on the way. There is a sick child on board and the parent is upset. What would you do? ~Chart

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Case Studies

Q: There are a group of young adults that are coming home from a night out on the town and they are distracting you and disturbing the other passengers. What some examples of how you would handle this type of situation? ~ChartQ: You mistakenly passed someone at the bus stop and they confront you the next day. How would you respond to the upset customer? ~Chart

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Self Assessment


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Self Assessment

Professional ImageVoice and Verbal CommunicationFeelings about your work situation

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December 2011



Your Life and Our Customers (Discussion)

• What businesses or services do you regularly encounter poor or less than great customer service from their people? They may mention DMV, government services, utility companies, people MUST return because of no choice of services, etc.

• Why do you use those businesses if they regularly treat you that way? May reflect that that is the only business to use, or that they go elsewhere, etc.

• Why do you suppose the people you encounter treat you that way? Job security (can’t be fired) , no customer service training , no personal empathy, no checks by management, customer has no choice, etc.

• Do you treat passengers that way, ever?

• Why? Discuss real feelings, and why we cannot afford to treat passengers like this.

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Your Life and Our Customers (Discussion)

• What businesses or services do you regularly encounter great customer service from their people?

• Do you generally use those businesses if they regularly treat you that way rather than others?

• Why do you suppose the people you encounter treat you that way?

• Do you treat passengers that way, ever?

• Why? Discuss real feelings, and why we have to provide great customer service.

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What have we learned?



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What have we learned?

What are our Vision, Mission, and Core Values?How do we identify our customers?What is the definition of customer service?How does Keolis benefit from customer service?How do you benefit from customer service?How do we deliver customer service?What are some of the techniques learned?

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What have you learned about yourself?

Q: How do you view your professional image and is there room for improvement? How?

Q: How do you feel about your ability to handle difficult situations and verbal communication skills. Is there room for improvement? How?

Q: How do you feel about your personal work situation? How does it effect your customer service?

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Thank you for all you do....everyday!

We appreciate it and our customers deserve it!!!

Be Safe!