Cure Chronic Anxiety and Depression

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  • 8/12/2019 Cure Chronic Anxiety and Depression


  • 8/12/2019 Cure Chronic Anxiety and Depression


  • 8/12/2019 Cure Chronic Anxiety and Depression


    TaoCycleTherapyNatural Happiness via Self-Directed

    Cure for Chronic Anxiety & Depression

    3rd Edition Newly Updated & Revised !!"Shikitao-Brown, Sarah 1956-Jackson, Allison, Phc. 1970-

    Yellow Feather !a"lor, Frank 1969-

    arah hikitao-BrownCycolo#yToday$co%

    Copyri#ht !!" Cycolo#yToday$co%All Ri#hts Reserved

  • 8/12/2019 Cure Chronic Anxiety and Depression



    1 arnin# '

    2 (ntroduction )

    3 Taois% De%ystified ''

    4 Hiro *entani & Natural +hilosophic Taois% ',

    5 Reptilian rain Science .

    6 Natural (%pulses ),

    7 hy Deny/ 01

    8 (%pulse Denial 2 (nternal Conflict 11

    9 (nternal Conflict 2 Anxiety 3'

    10 Anxiety 2 Depression 31

    11 The Si%ple Solution 3.

    12 Transference "'

    13 The +hilosophy "1

    14 Transference & (%pulse Denial .'

    15 Hedonic Adaptation -Bon#s $ha%ter 95

    Conclusion4 ..rief & Si%plified History of +sychotherapy4 '!.5ree +assword4 ''1

    or6s Cited4 '',

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  • 8/12/2019 Cure Chronic Anxiety and Depression


    Chapter 1Warning:

    This 7oo6 %ay not 7e suita7le for individualsunder the a#e of )! or those with severe e%otionalpro7le%s or those ta6in# %edications or otherdru#s to treat severe e%otional disorders$ This

    7oo6 does not clai% to dia#nose or treat any%edical conditions or disorders8 includin# thosedescri7ed in the DS9 (:$ This 7oo6 does not clai%to 7e %edical advice or to replace any %edicaladvice$ (t is often advisa7le to consult a %edicalprofessional 7efore 7e#innin# any e%otionalpro#ra%$

    Discoverin#8 reali;in#8 or 7eco%in# aware of8unconscious realities can 7e8 and often is8extre%ely e%otional and upsettin#$ Discoverin#

    your true ani%al nature and unconscious desires isso%ethin# not to 7e e%7ar6ed upon li#htly$ Denialis a very powerful defense and the resultin#e%otional reactions vary widely fro% person toperson8 %a6in# the% hi#hly unpredicta7le$

    This 7oo6 does not endorse8 support or otherwiseadvocate violence in any for%$ Any reference to

    violence is strictly referrin# to internal %entalprocesses and is a7solutely not an endorse%ent ofany outwardly violent 7ehavior$


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    Chapter 2Introduction:

    Despite %aexternalconflict?$

    ( don@t thin6 (@% #oin# out on a li%7 when (su##est that 'iolent i(%#lsesare a direct result ofcon&lict8 real or i%a#ined8 past or present$ The


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    concept is supre%ely si%ple$ ou either #et whatyou want >sel&-%ro(otion? and are thus happy )no

    con&lict*$ Br you do not #et what you want and arethus unhappy )con&lict*$

    A wolf >unca#ed? doesn@t have anxiety disorders7ecause a wolf either #ets what she wants or sheuses violence to #et it$ hat do you do when youdon@t #et what you want/ ou have the i%pulse to

    use violence8 7ut then do not use it$

    5or 1!! %illion years your 7rain has 7een raisedto 7ehave as the wolf does8 7ut in the last fewthousand or so8 %an6ind has discovered the #reat

    7enefits of cooperation and thus civility$ ac+#irin lo&t" new (oti'es, he o(o Sa%ien/has lost none o& the earth" ol ones. !his is &re+#entl"a ca#se o& so(e e(arrass(ent to hi(, #t his oli(%#lses ha'e een with hi( &or (illions o& "ears, hisnew ones onl" a &ew tho#san at the (ost 2 an thereis no ho%e o& +#ickl" shr#in o&& the acc#(#lateenetic leac" o& his whole e'ol#tionar" %ast. ewo#l e a &ar less worrie an (ore l&ille ani(al

    i& onl" he wo#l &ace #% to this &act.>9orris8 '.3,?

    Try as you %ay to clue your unconscious reptilian7rain into this %odern state of affairs8 it si%plywill not cooperate$ (t has a

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    #t 34( also not willin to risk o#r li'es on it. 34lle here when "o# nee (e.our reptilian 7rain

    rears it@s head every sin#le ti%e there is even thesli#htest conflict8 at which point8 you #et oh soconfused$ ut not only confused8 you %ust alsofeel #uilt and sha%e 7ecause of the internalcon&lict.

    our pri%itive reptilian 7rain 7elieves that

    violence is the answer to #ettin# what it wants andthus endin# the eternal con&lict$ our %oderncivili;ed 7rain 7elieves that coo%eration is theanswer$ hen these two opposin# 7eliefs collideinside the sa%e head it creates an 3nternal$on&lict$ (t@s a stand-off 7etween you )"o#rconscio#s (oern rain* and you )"o#r

    s#conscio#s re%tilian rain*$ This internalcon&lict is the sti(#lation for anxietyEstress$ (t@s%eant to wor6 and then when the sti%ulant is#one it can stop and #o 7ac6 into recovery$ (t wasnever intended to 7e on constantly$ (n %odernsociety however8 that is exactly what@s happenin#$This syste% is very pri%itive$ (t sees e'er" con&lict

    as a threat$ our 7oss pesterin# you8 the ladycuttin# in line at the %ar6et8 the nei#h7or@s do#

    7ar6in# endlessly8 are all con&licts seen as threats$

    Fife is full of con&lict and thus sti(#lation isconstantly on$ That alone is not #ood8 7ut

    7eyond that you@re also constantly forced to

    pretend )enial* to yourself and the rest of theworld that it@s not really happenin#$ 3 on4t ha'e'iolent i(%#lses. 34( ci'il. 34( nice.


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    Any i(%#lse enialwill cause pro7le%s$ Typically8if the Anxiety you are experiencin# involves An#er8

    5ear8 5rustration8 Helplessness8 ein# Controlledetc$$$ then chances are very #ood that the i%pulse7ein# denied is :iolence$ !ao $"cle !hera%" is aneffective way out of that 'iolent i(%#lse enial%adness$

    Denia ! "epression:

    Hi#h strun#8 pent-up8 stressed-out8 irritated8frustrated8 fed-up8 an#ry8 pertur7ed8 at your witsend or %ay7e ritannica8 !!3?

    Denia3n %s"cholo", an eo e&ense (echanis( that o%erates#nconscio#sl" to resol'e e(otional con&lict, an to alla"aniet" " resin to %ercei'e the (ore #n%leasant as%ectso& eternal realit". 3n the %s"choanal"tic theor" o& Si(#n

    Fre#, enial is escrie as a %ri(iti'e e&ense(echanis(. >Colu%7ia8 !!)?

    (f we can a#ree that the variations ofpsychotherapies that have their 7ase either looselyor ri#idly in +sychoanalysis8 hold at their root8 the

    7elief that environ%entally ac=uired e%otional

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    issues and disorders ori#inate fro% the denial andrepression of unpleasant i%pulses$

    And further8 the #n-denial or #n-repression ofthose i%pulses8 7y way of evadin#8 attac6in# orotherwise defeatin# these or other su7ordinate e#odefense %echanis%s should alleviate or eradicatethose sa%e issues or disorders$

    Then it is safe to conclude that this defeatin# andsu7se=uent #n-repressin# is in no waydependent upon the direct inclusion or directinterie$ therapistEanalyst?$

    ut only to the extent that the defeatin# of the

    defenses portion of the for%ula can 7e achievedindependently of such an a#ent8 possi7ly via theinclusion or intera philosophictheory? acco%plishes this defense %echanis%defeat and su7se=uent #n-repression andresolution 7y drawin# fro% and assi%ilatin# thesealternate perspectives fro% the independentdisciplines of >%ost nota7ly? Ixposure Therapy8the 7roadly inclusive Iastern philosophies of

    Taois% and the Socio7iolo#y research and insi#htsof such noted scientists as Des%ond 9orris and+aul I6%an$


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    To 7e %uch less technical8 accordin# to+sychotherapy@s own root for%ula you can defeat

    your own eo e&ensesand thus eli%inate internalaniet" con&licts yourself8 7y doin# so%ethin# assi%ple as ac=uirin# a relevant alternativeperspective indirectly8 fro% a 7oo6 perhaps8 asopposed to fro% a therapist8 analyst8 or anxietycoach$ (@% su##estin# that8 properly %otivated8infor%ed8 and prepared for defenses8 si%ilar

    results can 7e achieved8 if you do the exposin#yourself$

    The only prere=uisite re=uired ( 7elieve8 is thedesire to ta6e on %ore of the responsi7ility for

    your own results$ +ic6in# up this specifically su7-titled 7oo68 %ay have satisfied that already$

    E#posure $herap%:(f we can now assu%e that at the root8 the internalaniet" con&lictis li6ely caused 7y a fear of8 or anaversion to8 i(%#lses8 which are li6ely inopposition to societal expectations8 then we canaddress that anxiety-inducin# fear in a si%ilar

    %anner to that which we use in successfullyresolvin# other such irrational or unconsciousfears4 a fear of sna6es or hei#hts for instance$

    $onitionin theor" le to a set o& %roce#res callee%os#re thera%", which entail s"ste(atic anre%eate con&rontation. ...e%os#re can e a%%lie toan" aniet" isorer once the %ri(ar" &oc#s o&concern is ienti&ie.>Cras6e8 '...?

    !he (ost co((on &or( o& res%onse in the aniet"isorers is %assi'e or acti'e a'oiance o& the

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    a'ersi'e sit#ation. 3t is the %#r%ose o& e%os#rethera%" to %re'ent these "snctional %atterns o&res%onse. >Dal#leish8 '...?

    !he loic ehin e%os#re treat(ents &or the aniet"isorers is si(%le8 anio#s %eo%le a'oi what the"

    &ear. B" e%osin the( o'er a s#staine %erio o& ti(eto the thins the" &ear, their sense that a'oiance isnecessar" to %rotect the( &ro( har( will e is-con&ir(e. es%ite its si(%licit", this asic (etho

    has %ro'e to e %erha%s the (ost %owerl, ...thes#ccess o& these relati'el" si(%le e%os#re-ase(ethos has een re(arkale.>Dal#leish8 '...?

    (ncredi7ly si%plifiedJ $onitionin !heor" or:%os#re !heor" holds that as the fre=uency andor duration of e%os#reto the sti(#l#s-con&lict isincreased8 hait#ation occurs$ ait#ation is a

    very si%ple for% of learnin# in which the sti(#l#sres%onse>S-R? stops res%onin$ IssentiallyJ thesti(#l#s is no lon#er sti(#latin8 and thus youstop res%oninto it$ ou #et used to it$ This is anessential and efficient %eans 7y which to filter outthe %onu%ental %asses of infor%ation atte%ptin#

    to capture your attention at any #iven %o%ent inan o7viously heavily sti%ulatin# world$

    (n !ao $"cle !hera%" you will 7e atte%ptin# tohait#ate yourself to experiencin# aressi'ei(%#lses to this non-res%onin state$ ou will

    7eco%e so accusto% to experiencin# and releasin#

    these i%pulses that they will cease to 7esti(#latin8 thus eli%inatin# the internal con&lict8and thus the ensuin# anxiety and depression$


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