cr CfiT ffi

Government of India Ministry of Power Northern Regional Power Committee No: NRPC/OPRl106l01l2018//!:rJ5- 55 Dated: 29.01.2018 eft $1 ... 1&101 flJi .. eft 143cff 17.1. 2018 cr 18.1.2018 CfiT eft ffi \rel <fiT CflPl1t1 eft <ift Cflpf1<1 cRt R:cquO cIT Cfl141<1 m $I'" 1&101 3faT&fUT 31 Rl4 d 1( fiPn""IITlf, >f7T1T, 'It f.l';;;;ft. 011 ·26865206 t·iFr. lS·A. Shaheed Jeel Singh Marg, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi·110016 Phone. 011·26967842 Fax: 011 ·26865206 e· maiL seo·nrpc@nic. in Website .

Transcript of cr CfiT ffi

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Government of India ~~

Ministry of Power \FR~~mTmt

Northern Regional Power Committee

No: NRPC/OPRl106l01l2018//!:rJ5- 55 Dated: 29.01.2018

~ ~ ~ ~ eft $1 ... 1&101 flJi .. q~ ;j1l-~ eft 143cff ~ 17.1.2018 cr 18.1.2018 CfiT 311~1Rt<1 eft ffi ~I \rel ~ <fiT CflPl1t1 ~ ~ ~ ~ eft ~qfll~2: ~ ~u ~I <ift Cflpf1<1 ~ cRt R:cquO ~ cIT Cfl141<1 ~ m ~ ~~~~~~~I


Wn~, $I'" 1&101 ~Ji;;:q4 ~-~ ~ ~

(~~) 3faT&fUT 31 Rl4 d 1 ( ~)

18·n:, ~rtR;;fhr fiPn""IITlf, ~ >f7T1T, 'It f.l';;;;ft. 1~0016 m011·26967842~. 011 ·26865206 t·iFr. seo·[email protected]~. lS·A. Shaheed Jeel Singh Marg, Katwaria Sarai , New Delhi·110016 Phone. 011·26967842 Fax: 011 ·26865206 e· maiL seo·[email protected] Website .

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Government of India ~~

Ministry of Power ~~~~

Northern Regional Power Committee

No: NRPC/OPRlI06/01l2018 J.!?-IS - 5!J- Dated: 29.01.2018

Subject: - Minutes of 143rd OCC meeting of NRPC.

143 rd meeting of the Operation Co-ordination Sub-Committee of NRPC was held on 17.1.2018& 18.1.2018. The Minutes of this meeting have been up-loaded on the NRPC web­site http: // Any comments on the minutes may kindly be submitted within a week of issuance of the minutes.

Encls: As above.


Members of OCC


(Upendra Kumar) Superintending Engineer (Operation)

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Minutes of the 143rd Meeting of the Operation Coordination Sub-Committee (OCC) of NRPC held on 17.1.2018& 18.1.2018 at NRPC Secretariat, New Delhi.

143rd Meeting Operation Coordination Sub Committee (OCC) of NRPC was held

on 18.1.2018 at NRPC Secretariat, New Delhi. The list of participants is attached at Annexure-A

MS, NRPC welcomed all the participants to the 143rd OCC meeting which was the first OCC meeting of 2018. In his opening remarks, he informed the committee that:

1. There has been a sudden change in weather due to recurrence of intense fog the day before, but no major trippings were reported on account of it. However, there has been some fog related tripping during December (mainly in Punjab), but in the month of January no major trippings have occurred so far. He stated that the delayed fault clearance during various tripping is a cause of concern which NRLDC has also been highlighted continuously in previous OCC and PSC meetings. He said that tripping may happen but the protection system should be maintained healthy and should act as per the design to clear the fault in time. Therefore protection audit needs to done by the utilities to ascertain the reasons for delayed fault clearances.

2. He also expressed his concerns regarding non-availing of outages as approved in the OCC meetings and lot of requests for non - OCC outages, stating that they inadvertently missed and could not apply in time for consideration in the OCC meeting. He also stated that many emergency shutdown requests were being made making the process of approval difficult in real time. He stated that the approval of outage has to be given by the OCC forum & the onus does not lie solely on NRLDC and NRPC Secretariat. He requested all utilities to plan the outages in a proper manner as shutdowns approval has to be accorded keeping in view the Grid security. He requested NRLDC to approve emergency shut downs only if the same are extremely essential for the system and the same should also be intimated to the NRPC Secretariat. 3. A serious concern was also expressed by him on the undesired operation of the SPS of 765 kV Agra-Gwalior Transmission Line on 8.01.18 due to dc supply failure of transducer. He advised POWERGRID to look into the cause of dc supply failure and make efforts to improve the scheme to avoid recurrence of such undesired operation. He requested all utilities to bring up Agenda for improvement of the Grid system in the OCC meeting for discussion about 10 days in advance. He also advised all the members in the meeting to initiate follow up actions as decided in the meeting immediately after the meeting without waiting for the Minutes to be uploaded on the website.

4. He informed the committee regarding Validation of data exercise carried out at NTPC Faridabad GPS on 17.01.2018 on various loadings for finalizing the compensation mechanism for gas stations.

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1. Confirmation of Minutes:

The minutes of the 142nd OCC meeting held on 14.12.2017 and 15.12.2017 at New Delhi were issued vide letter of even number dated 4.1.2018. Since no comments on the minutes were received, the Sub-committee confirmed the Minutes.

2. Review of Grid operations of last month (December 2017):

2.1 Anticipated vis-à-vis Actual Power Supply Position (Provisional) for December,

2017. Sub Committee was informed that there was vide variations (i.e. > 5.0%) in the Anticipated vis-à-vis Actual Power Supply Position (Provisional) for the month of December, 2017 in terms of Energy requirement for Delhi, Rajasthan & UP and in the terms of Peak demand for Haryana, Punjab & UP.

PSTCL representative intimated that the variation in terms of Peak demand was on account of the fact that the Agriculture Power Supply is being given on alternate days continuously for ten hours, as desired by the farmers ,instead of the supply being given on daily basis for 5 hours. He further informed that the scheduling of agriculture feeders /supply is being done keeping in view of the need of the farmers and the commercial aspects involved.

UP representative informed that the reason for variation in actual and projected availability and demand in the month of 12/2017 were:

During the month of 12/17 winter was quite moderate, and day temperature was higher than usual hence total energy requirement and peak MW requirement was less than the anticipated.

Availability of power was less due to coal shortage at Bara and Lalitpur TPS and outage of generating units at Anpara TPS. Further, schedule from CGS was less as compared to last year which may be due to lower water availability at Hydro Generating Stations.

GM, NRLDC expressed his opinion that if power is available, it should be given 24×7. He pointed that the percentage variation in the requirement and availability of anticipated and actual figures needs to be looked into, as these figures are given a month prior by the utilities and are not as per LGBR.

The Sub-Committee requested all SLDCs to furnish the provisional and final power supply position in prescribed formats by 2nd and 15th day of the month respectively in compliance to the provision 5.3 of IEGC.

2.2 Power Supply Position for NCR: The Sub-Committee was informed that the NCR Planning Board (NCRPB) is closely monitoring the power supply position of National Capital Region. Monthly power supply position for NCR till the month of November, 2017 is placed on NRPC website.

Members were requested to furnish the data on regular and time bound manner.

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2.3 The highlights of grid operation during December 2017 are as follows:- Frequency remained within the IEGC band 73.86% of the time during December, 2017 which is better than last year during same month (December, 2016) when frequency (within IEGC band) remained 69.58% of the time. The frequency remained 14% of the time above the band and 13% of the time below. Utilities were requested to take necessary action to further improve the frequency regime viz. staggering of load at hourly boundaries, assuring primary response from the generators etc. Maximum and minimum load for the region during December 2017 was 46208MW and 22808MW respectively. The maximum and minimum frequencies were 50.22 Hz and 49.73 Hz respectively. The details of the Demand met in NR region are enclosed at Annexure II (A) - Agenda Item 2.3. Average consumption of the Region for December, 2017 increased by 3% (26 MU per day) for corresponding month in previous year. Average Thermal generation in December, 2017 increased by 4.43% (25 MU/Day) for corresponding month in previous year. The details are enclosed at Annexure II (B) - Agenda Item 2.3. Average Hydro generation in December 2017 increased by 11.5 MU/day for corresponding month in previous year. Average Renewable generation in December, 2017 increased by 14.02 MU/Day for corresponding month in previous year. Average nuclear generation in December, 2017 increased by 3.83 MU/day per day as compared to corresponding month in previous year. Net Average Inter-Regional import decreased by 34MU/day during December, 2017 as compared to corresponding month in previous year. Net Average Import from WR decreased by 37 MU/Day during December, 2017 as compared to corresponding month in previous year. Net Average Import from ER decreased by approx. 21 MU/day during December 2017 as compared to corresponding month in previous year. Net Average Import from NER was 25MU/day more during November 2017.

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The transmission losses are depicted below:

The details of the variable charges are as below:

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The STOA summary for December 2017 is as below:

. . . (STOA) – -2016 vs -2017

-16 -17

(DA) 67 91

179 34


144 62

75 52


21 18

17 22

(AD) 1 11

2 1

506 291

. .

(DA) 110.75 15.62

231.33 11.95


203.63 21.73

l 35.62 72.98


235.82 537.88

l 282.82 21.64

(AD) 30.92 693.32

49.3 18.00

1180.19 1393.13

- -

- 16 -17

193 182

248 109

441 291

. .

1332.32 1268.55

194.84 124.58

1332.32 1393.13

The details are at Annexure II(C) - Agenda Item 2.3. Total outages during December 2017 were 816 including Planned S/D (349) and Forced S/D (Trippings-225+Emergency S/D-124). Power grid, UPPTCL, PSTCL, RRVPNL & NTPC were especially requested to reduce the tripping as well as emergency shutdown. NRLDC representative observed that the planned maintenance should be done meticulously so that emergency shut down on account of oil leakage etc can be avoided. SE (O) NRPC proposed that a comparison of the figures of planned shutdown vis-a-vis emergency shutdown of last month may also be made. The frequent tripping of 400 kV Varanasi- Sarnath was also highlighted. UP & Power grids were requested to look into the issue and have a coordinated meeting to resolve the issue as UP has been stressing that the tripping at Sarnath end appears to be on account of wiring problems cropped up after commissioning of POWERGID equipment at Sarnath. Many tripping have been observed on account of the materials like; rope, wires etc left behind and low sag after closing the OPGW laying work during the day. After tripping these lines remain out during the night due to non-attending of the fault at site. MS, NRPC observed that tripping on account of OPGW laying needs to be controlled and the work should not be done in the late evening hours. To avoid such tripping, outage should be given for OPGW laying for shorter duration. Utmost care should be taken during execution of the work. The outages of generating Units was discussed in detail and the same is placed at Annexure II(D) - Agenda Item 2.3.

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The difference between data received from SCADA and SEM in terms of %age was: Punjab (0.88), Haryana (.78) Rajasthan (.43), Delhi (1.39), Uttarakhand (3.64), UP (0.35), HP (.28), J&K (0.38) and UT Chandigarh (.38). Total 124 feeders of 400 kV were opened 1014 times, 2 feeders of 800 kV / HVDC were opened 2 times and 7 feeders of 765 kV were opened 79 times during December 2017 due to high voltage in system. In addition 01 number 220 kV feeder was also opened once. Long outages of transmission lines were discussed; all constituents were requested to revive the elements under long outages at the earliest. Updated list is annexed at Annexure II(E) - Agenda Item 2.3. Multiple tripping of transmission lines was discussed; all concerned were requested to take necessary action for the same to avoid multiple tripping of single element. Anpara- Unnao tripping was highlighted as being a critical line. Sub-Committee was briefed about the data of renewable and all utilities were requested to provide renewable data in daily report and making their telemetry available at NRLDC. Representative of Punjab pointed that their renewable energy generation figures are not as per actual. NRLDC requested Punjab to furnish correct data in the daily report being submitted to them. Continuous O/D by Haryana, UP & Rajasthan was highlighted. Representative of Rajasthan & Haryana told that they are following up with their distribution companies. The new elements charged were discussed. It was observed that during December, 2017, 442 ckt kms of 765 kV, 850 ckt kms of 400 kV & 75 ckt kms of 220 kV lines have been added in the system. 9905 MVA transformation capacity, 605 MVAr Bus Reactor and 1010 MVAr Line Reactor have also been included in the NR grid. FSC at New Wanpoh has also been commissioned. UP & HP were requested to ensure the availability of matching downstream network to the newly commissioned sub-station. NTPC briefed OCC forum about commencement of ONGC S/D from 19.1.18 for a period of seven days during which APM gas availability to NCR stations will be almost negligible or zero. It was also informed that Dadri coal stock position as on 18.1.18 was 1.27 LMT which is going down daily due to poor coal rakes being received at station due to some environmental clearance issues at mine end. MS, NRPC requested NTPC to divert coal from all possible sources to Dadri as winter demand was persisting. He also informed the forum that the daily coal stock position can be checked on the CEA website. SE(C) expressed concern over deleting reserves in DSM pool account as less revenue is being received in DSM pool account in comparison to high outflow on account of RRAS. He advised beneficiaries to control O/D and instead schedule available generation so that minimum RRAS is invoked.

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NTPC representative pointed out that some of the beneficiaries like Rajasthan on one hand were not scheduling gas stations during night hours and on the other hand were overdrawing from the grid.

3 Maintenance Programme of Generating Units and Transmission Lines:

3.1. Maintenance Programme for Generating Units.

The maintenance programme for Generating Units for the month of February 2018 was discussed on 17.1.2018 at NRPC Secretariat, New Delhi. The approved outages of generating units as per deliberations in OCC has been issued vide letter of even no. dated 25.01.2018. _____20.12.2017________

3.2. Outage Programme for Transmission Elements.

The Outage programme of transmission assets for the month of February 2018 was discussed on 17.1.2018 at NRPC Secretariat, New Delhi. The approved/deferred outages of transmission assets as per deliberations in OCC has been issued vide letter of even no. dated 25.01.2018.

The outage of transmission assets proposed for the month of February 2018 for Punjab were deferred for approval till the Telemetry issues related to non availability of telemetry at NRLDC end are resolved.

POWERGRID representative informed that cards of communication equipment got faulty/ burnt at 220 kV Moga substation of PSTCL due to earthing issue in the substation and said that cards will be replaced only after PSTCL gets the earthing audit done.

PSTCL representative informed that third party earthing Audit of the substation shall be completed & the required data shall be made available within a week.

RRVUNL representative put up the additional outage proposal of the 400 kV Buses at switchyard of CTPP RRVUNL Chhabra .The same were approved but NRLDC representative observed that the possibility of postponing the same to first week of March, 2018 be reviewed in coordination with the SLDC.

The outage of Naptha –Jhakri discussed on 17.1.18 was reviewed and approved as proposed by the representative. The details mentioned in the approved list of outage programme.

4 Planning of Grid Operation

4.1 Anticipated Power Supply Position in Northern Region during February, 2018 as per LGBR for 2017-18:

Anticipated Power Supply Position in Northern Region during February, 2018 (Enclosed at Annexure 4 - Agenda Item 4) was discussed. SLDCs were requested to update the estimated PSP & submit measures proposed to be taken to bridge the gap in demand and availability, as well as dispose of the surplus, if any.

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5 Information about variable charges of all the generating units in the Region:

Sub-Committee was informed that the information of variable charges for different generating units is available on the Merit Order Portal. All utilities were requested to ensure that the process of Scheduling was done as per Merit Order Dispatch and in case of variations the same should be informed along with the reasons for the same.

6. Study by POWERGRID for reactive compensation at 220 kV level:

37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting approved following elements:

I) TCR of capacity 500 MVAr at Kurukshetra 400 kV bus. II) Bus Reactors at the following 30 no. 220 kV sub-stations and 18 no 400 kV level sub-stations subject to the availability of space. It was also agreed that these reactors shall be provided by the owner of the substations:

Sl.No. Bus Name State Reactors Proposed(MVAr)

220kV 1 Jind(PG) Haryana 25 2 Fatehabad(PG) Haryana 25 3 Kishenpur(PG) J&K 25 4 Jalandhar(PG) Punjab 2X25 5 Nakodar Punjab 25 6 Amritsar(PG) Punjab 25 7 Dhuri Punjab 25 8 Akal Rajasthan 25 9 Suratgarh Rajasthan 2X25 10 Bikaner Rajasthan 2X25 11 Barmer Rajasthan 25 12 Narela Delhi 25 13 R.K.Puram-I Delhi 25 14 Patparganj 2 Delhi 2X25 15 Maharanibagh(PG) Delhi 2X25 16 Bamnoli Delhi 25 17 SabjiMandi Delhi 2X25 18 Gopalpur Delhi 2X25 19 Indraprastha Delhi 2X25 20 Geeta Colony Delhi 2X25 21 Harsh Vihar Delhi 2X25 22 Wazirabad Delhi 2X25 23 Electric Lane Delhi 2X25 24 Mandola Delhi 25 25 AIIMS Delhi 2X25 26 SaritaVihar Delhi 25 27 Bawana Delhi 25 28 PreetVihar Delhi 25 29 Mundka Delhi 25 30 Masjid Moth Delhi 25

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400kV 1 Maharanibagh(PG) Delhi 125 2 Mundka Delhi 125 3 Mandola(PG) Delhi 125 4 Hissar(PG) Haryana 125 5 Kala Amb(TBCB) Himanchal 125 6 Chamera Pooling Stn.(PG) Himanchal 125 7 Kishenpur(PG) J&K 125 8 Nakodar Punjab 125 9 Jullandhar(PG) Punjab 125 10 Moga(PG) Punjab 125 11 Dhuri Punjab 125 12 Patiala(PG) Punjab 125 13 Jodhpur Rajasthan 125 14 Sikar(PG) Rajasthan 125 15 Allahabad(PG) U.P 125 16 Meerut(PG) U.P 125 17 Kashipur Uttarakhand 125 18 Srinagar Uttarakhand 80

In 37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting, POWERGRID was requested to commission TCR of capacity 500 MVAr at Kurukshetra 400 kV bus at the earliest citing the stabilization of Champa-Kurukshetra HVDC link. 40th NRPC had also advised all the utilities to commission the reactors at the earliest and to submit the detailed action plan with the timeline. NRPC had further pointed that these reactors are essential for maintaining the voltage level of the grid and needs to be commissioned within 26 months. 141st OCC meeting:- POWERGRID informed that 500 MVAr TCR at Kurukshetra would be commissioned within 30 months. NTPC informed that 125 MVAr Bus reactor at Dadri would be commissioned by February 2018 and was delayed on account of problems being faced at site in laying the foundation of the bus reactor as water logging problem is persisting. 142nd OCC meeting:-

Concerned utilities were again requested to furnish the action plan along with the timeline and the status of action taken for the installation of reactors by 31.12.2017.

143rd OCC meeting:-

PSTCL submitted the plan. Delhi representative assured that the same will be submitted once it is finalized by

their standing committee. POWERGRID representative intimated that the planning department is looking into

the same.

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MS, NRPC requested all other concerned utilities to submit the detailed action plan at the earliest.

7. System Study for Capacitor Requirement in NR for the year 2017-18 & 2019-


Study for the period 2017-18:

CPRI has submitted the report for capacitor requirement for 2017-18 and according to the outcomes of the study conducted by CPRI 39th NRPC approved the proposal of installation of capacitor by Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh as proposed by the respective States for funding through PSDF. NRPC also approved that installation of capacitor in J&K limited to 1102 MVAR (as per study of CPRI).

139th OCC meeting:

Representative of UP had some reservations regarding the quantum of capacitor bank under operation and that being reflected in the report submitted by CPRI. It was informed that, the figure mentioned in the report was 1367.2 MVAR, however, it was somewhere in the range of 5000 MVAR operational in their system.

Representative of CPRI in the meeting assured rechecking the data incorporated in their study. He further informed that, during the study, help of power maps available on UPSLDC’s website was also taken as it was not possible to trace the details of upstream substation for the capacitor submitted at 11 kV and 33 kV level.

In the meeting the issue of identifying the 11 kV and 33 kV feeders corresponding to the recommendation of CPRI for capacitor installation (recommendation made at 220kV and 132kV substation by lumping the downstream network) was also discussed. It was opined that, for a radial system the requirement as recommended can be more or less equally distributed among the downstream feeders. However, for a connected system it would not be possible.

For the study of capacitor requirement for 2018-19, it was proposed to conduct the study at 11 kV/33 kV level in order to obtain more feasible and practical requirement of capacitors in case the system at 220/132/66kV was not radial. However, if the system is radial, then the requirement of capacitors assessed by the CPRI may be proportionately translated upto 11kV level. States informed that most of the system is radial. Therefore capacitors study could be done as per original proposal of CPRI for 2018-19 also.

140th OCC meeting: In the meeting representative of UP (SLDC) again raised the issue of the quantum of capacitor banks incorporated in the study by CPRI. EE (O), NRPC intimated that the comments of UP has already been sent to CPRI and further suggested that the utilities could also take up the issue directly with the concerned personnel in CPRI (Dr. Manohar Singh, Mob No.– 9632940855, E-mail: [email protected] ).

Regarding the study of capacitor requirement for 2018-19, they plan to conduct

their own study for assessing the capacitor requirement considers actual data of power factor and MVAR injection of load at the 33 kV level and other factors such as generator

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directly connected at 33 kV voltage level etc. In addition to above mentioned installed capacitor banks 439.39 MVAR (81Nos. X 5.43MVAR) more Capacitor banks are already under installation.

Study for the period 2019-20:

37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting:

The issue of study for 2018-19 was discussed in the 37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting. In the meeting it was proposed to conduct the study in two stages:

i. One at 220/132 kV level

ii. Subsequently down to 66/33/11 kV level As it would involve a huge task of collection of data it was also agreed to conduct

the study of capacitor requirement for 2019-20 in place of 2018-19.

NRPC approved the proposal for conducting the study of capacitor requirement for 2019-20 at 11 kV/33 kV/66 kV level and also for the additional charges which may be levied by CPRI for conducting the study to be paid from NRPC fund.

141st OCC meeting:

Members were briefed about the above decision of 40th NRPC for conducting the study for 2019-20 at 11/33/66 kV level. All the utilities were requested to timely submit the data for their network for successfully conducting the study.

142nd OCC meeting

All the Utilities were requested to submit the action plan for the installation of the capacitor banks as per the outcome of the study conducted by CPRI by 31.12.2017.

143rd OCC meeting: All the Utilities were requested to submit the action plan for the installation of the

capacitor banks at the earliest.

SE (O) NRPC stated that the NRPC Secretariat is in the process of getting the proposal from CPRI for the additional scope of work as approved by the 40th NRPC.

8. Phase nomenclature mismatch issue with BBMB and interconnected stations:

During discussions held in 34th PSC meeting, it was reported that the phases of BBMB at the interconnection with other utilities, do not match. It was observed that while charging of interconnected lines, it may lead to confusing situation and also other coordination problem while reporting issues. The main issue was primarily of the nomenclature of phases at BBMB end. BBMB was asked to rectify the same.

140th OCC meeting: The representative of BBMB informed that a Committee has been constituted by TS wing of the BBMB.

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BBMB submitted the report (Annexure – Agenda Item 8) of the Committee providing the details of the prevailing conditions at respective ends of BBMB and other utilities connected to them. The present situation as stated in the report is as given below:

Phase of the grid Corresponding nomenclature of the phase at BBMB end

R Phase B Phase

Y Phase R Phase

B Phase Y Phase 142nd OCC meeting:

SE (O), NRPC stated that the findings of the report details only about the prevailing conditions at the interconnection points and does not mention any remedial action for rectifying the same.

Representative of BBMB stated that the issue involved was only of the nomenclature of phases which would not lead to any technical problem. Various problems would be faced, in order to change the nomenclature (color coding, ferruling etc.) in the already established infrastructure.

Citing the coordination and other operational problems because of this mismatch of nomenclature, BBMB was directed to widely circulate the findings of the report (Annexure –Agenda 8) to all their interconnected utilities. BBMB was also directed to display the phase nomenclature of BBMB and their corresponding phases in the grid at their Switchyard and Control Room. Also they were advised that while reporting any issue, the phase nomenclature of the grid and that of BBMB shall be clearly mentioned in order to avoid any misinterpretation. 143rd OCC meeting:

MS, NRPC expressed concern on the seriousness of the issue. He emphasized the need to correct the mismatch by BBMB. He stated that if not corrected, this mismatch may lead to a big problem in the grid. He proposed that an expert committee shall be formed by BBMB to formulate an action plan for rectifying this issue in a phased manner without disturbing the associated elements.

9. Operation of hydro power projects in peaking mode:

POSOCO has carried out operational analysis of various hydro stations in the country and observed that despite 40.6 GW of peaking hydro capacity, only about 33 GW peak generations is carried out on all India basis. According to POSOCO, this is on account of a number of hydro stations, particularly in state sector, which are not being operated in peaking mode. In order to examine the above observation, a sub-Committee was constituted by the MoP under Chairperson, CEA with heads of POSOCO, NHPC, SJVN & THDC as member and Director (H), MoP as the member convener. The sub-

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committee has held three meetings with the concerned hydro generating stations and concluded that there is scope for about 2000 MW additional power generation from hydro stations during peak hours. Based on the deliberations at the meetings of the Committee, Chairperson, CEA has advised to discuss the above operational analysis & the matter of utilization of hydro stations in peaking mode be discussed at the monthly OCC meetings while discussing operational planning for the month ahead and analyzing the operation in the previous month.

All members were advised to go through the report on the and then submit their comments.

142nd OCC meeting The concerned utilities were once again requested to give their comments on the issue. NHPC representative submitted that Parbati-III Power Station has already given Peak support during monsoon period. However during lean period, Parbati-III is declaring its total energy for the day and scheduling is being done by NRLDC for one and half hour, each during morning and evening peak as per CERC order considering non availability of inflow of Parbati-II. It was further explained that NRLDC can schedule Parbati-III limited to the total declared energy, without affecting the PAF.

143rd OCC meeting: BBMB submitted their comments to CEA and POSOCO vide letter no 43-45/PCT 133 dated 04.01.2018 (Annexure 9- Agenda Item 9), along with the power house wise hydraulic constraints. BBMB representative intimated that the constraints at Pong on account of the constraints at Mukerian are there which needs to be looked into by Punjab.

MS, NRPC requested BBMB representative to submit the details of their water coordination system.

Punjab representative intimated that they are already following up the issue and will submit comments at the earliest.

NRLDC representative requested NHPC of exploring the possibility of providing peaking support from Uri I & II also. NHPC representative assured that they HAVE already instructed the concerned to review the possibility.

Representative of SJVNL informed that it was already providing peaking supports per the plant’s capability and there was no further scope available for the same.

10. Targets fixed for Load Relief from operation of df/dt & UFR relays in Haryana-review thereof (Agenda by Haryana):

Haryana has different loading pattern for different crop harvesting systems. Target load relief for the state of Haryana has been fixed as 2843 MW (UFR: 1243 MW,df/dt: 900 MW,SPS: 700 MW) at NRPC level. This target had been fixed by considering the maximum demand of 6725 MW in 2012-13 and making it applicable throughout the year. However, the same quantum was taken even for the off-peak Period when the state

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experiences average load of 2800-3500 MW for 6-months (i.e Jan-April & Nov-Dec) & min. load of around 2000-2300 MW.

However, the maximum load of State comes out during summer season and the target as stipulated above could only be achieved during peak summer season.

Clause 5.4.2(e) of IEGC mandates the arrangement of Interruptible load in 4 groups (excluding Un-interruptible load) in the following way:

1) Interruptible Load:-

(i) For Scheduled power cuts (ii) For un-scheduled cuts (ii) Essential load of Hospitals, Airport, Railways etc. is additional.

2) Uninterruptible Load:-

(i) Sanctioned Load of continuous process industries. (ii) Essential load of Hospitals, Airport, and Railways etc. is additional.

It also mandates that there should be on overlapping between different groups of load.

Accordingly, by excluding un-interruptible load (Average running load of

Continuous process Industrial load & substantial amount of airports, Railways & Hospitals load), targeted load relief of 2843 MW cannot be achieved during off-Peak period of 6 months (i.e Jan-April & Nov- Dec) in Haryana Control Area even by putting all the balance state under defense mechanism.

Haryana, therefore, requested to review the target fixed for UFR & df/dt keeping in view the off peak load of the State during November to April. 141st OCC meeting:

SE (O), NRPC stated that the review of the load relief for all the states was very

essential keeping in view the request of HVPNL & PSTCL. He intimated that the data required for reviewing the target load relief had been received from all utilities except PTCUL.

PTCUL representative stated that the requisite data would be submitted at the earliest. 142nd OCC meeting:

Representative of Uttarakhand SLDC informed that the concerned organization of

PTCUL was being regularly asked to provide the data however no response was obtained from their end.

EE (O), NRPC advised Uttarakhand SLDC to mark a copy of the letter to NRPC while sending the same to concerned organization of PTCUL and if no response is obtained from their end the issue could be taken up directly at NRPC level.

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143rd OCC meeting: PSTCL representative also expressed the concern of reviewing the Targets fixed

for Load Relief for operation of df/dt & UFR relays for the state of Punjab also. It was stated that the issue was brought up by them more than a year ago and the same is pending on account of the data pending from PTCUL.

PTCUL representative intimated that they were taking up the matter with the STU

regularly. MS NRPC expressed concern on the issue on non submission of the required details by PTCUL.

PTCUL representative, Er Amit Singh, Executive Engineer assured that the data

will be submitted at the earliest.

11. Follow up of issues from previous OCC Meetings – Status update

The updated status is enclosed at Annexure 11-Agenda Item 11.

12. Enhancement in TTC/ ATC limits/ Power Transmission capacity to Punjab (Agenda of Punjab):

TTC/ ATC limit of Punjab as of now is 6700/ 6100 MW, out of which 4261 MW of corridor is reserved for LTAs and 1839 MW of corridor is available for short term arrangement. During the paddy season of 2017, PSPCL was able to meet 11705 MW demand of Punjab State. The peak demand of PSPCL for the upcoming paddy season of 2018 is expected to touch 12,500 MW.

After the recent decision of Punjab Govt. regarding closure of all Units of GNDTP, Bathinda and two units of GGSSTP, Ropar, net in-house generation capacity of Punjab state will get reduced from 7063 MW to around 6270 MW (without infirm power of 1161 MW from NRSE Projects i.e. Solar & Biomass etc.). While operational capacity that will be available with a normative factor of 85% will be only 5329 MW (85% of 6270 MW). While considering this whole in-house operational generation capacity of state of Punjab and even after booking of total corridor up to ATC limit i.e. 6100 MW (by both means LTA & short terms arrangements). PSPCL will be able to meet demand of 11429 MW e.g. (11429=5329+6100). In the situation if any of in-house plants/ units gets out on forced outage then an equivalent quantum will be needed to be compensated for which only way out is to import power from outside State for which TTC/ ATC limit needs to be enhanced otherwise it may not be out of place to mention here that on account of transmission constraints, Punjab may not be able to provide regular power supply to farmers during paddy season.

PSPCL requested for enhancing the ATC/ TTC limit of Punjab by at least 1100-1500 MW well before start of next paddy season (i.e. June, 18 to September, 18) so that PSPCL can supply uninterrupted power supply to its valuable consumer in the upcoming paddy season.

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NRLDC representative informed that the request has come up from PSPCL. He stated that depending on the system capability the ATC/ TTC will be decided and Punjab SLDC may send a study of results to NRLDC.

PSTCL representative intimated that they are in the process of doing the same. NRLDC representative stated that as Rajpura ICT is expected to be in the system by 15.2.2018 and the calculation for TTC/ATC should be done by including the same.

NRLDC representative clarified that the proposal submitted by PSPCL will be reviewed keeping in view the Technical feasibility of the system of Punjab. Any Power Grid ICT outage in Punjab will also affect the ATC/TTC. He also added that the generation of new units is on 400 kV side and the units on 220 kV side are not working. SLDC representative assured that they will take all things in consideration while calculating the TCC/ATC.

13. Progress of installing new capacitors and repair of defective capacitors:

All the members of Sub-Committee were requested to update status of installation of new capacitors and revival of defective capacitor in the format enclosed at Annex-13 of the Agenda of the 143rd OCC meeting.

14. Frequent tripping of Auraiya-Malanpur line:

As intimated by NTPC the 22O kV Auraiya-Malanpur line tripped on earth fault at 00.19 Hrs of 3/1/2018 & PTW was issued for patrolling. It has been intimated that before this the line had also tripped at 7:18Hrs of 31/12/2017.

NTPC representative stated that a joint meeting has to be held with MPPTCL to resolve the issue. He said that this line is 45 km line which is patrolled by them also. The trippings have taken place frequently because phase segregated relays are not there, so the auto recloser are off and thus leading to frequent tripping. NTPC requested that a letter may be written by NRPC to WRPC to resolve the issue.

15. Frequent tripping of +/-800 kV, 2x1500 MW HVDC Champa – Kurukshetra bipole link; adherence to the CERC (Standards of Performance of interstate transmission licensees) Regulations 2012 regarding:

The +/-800 kV, 2x1500 MW HVDC Champa - Kurukshetra bipole is an important high capacity inter-regional corridor connecting the Western and Northern Region. Pole-I and Pole-II of this link are under commercial operation with effect from 24th March 2017 and 16th September 2017 respectively. During winter season the hydro generation of northern region is low and with present conditions of high thermal generation in western region, the quantum of power flow on west to north corridor has increased. The reliability of AC transmission network is already suffering due to fog related tripping in northern region, therefore the reliability of HVDC Champa - Kurukshetra bipole link becomes highly important. However, frequent tripping of this HVDC link has been observed since commissioning. The details of tripping of this HVDC link from October-December 2017 were enclosed at Annexure 15 with the Agenda of the meeting.

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They are also summarized below.

S. No.

Element No of tripping during the month

Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 1 Champa - Kurukshetra HVDC Pole-I 4 6 3 2 Champa - Kurukshetra HVDC Pole-II 10 8 7 3 Champa - Kurukshetra HVDC bipole

(included in Pole tripping at S.No. 1 and 2 above)

1 1 1

Incidentally, Section 5 of Schedule IV of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Standards of performance of inter-State transmission licensees) Regulations, 2012 dated 17th September 2012, states that ‘Five or more tripping of a transmission element in a month to be put on the website by the inter-state Transmission Licensees and reported to the Commission by POSOCO’.

NRLDC requested Power grid to review the root cause analysis of the above events and take remedial measures taken to prevent any such tripping in future.

Power Grid representative intimated that the software up gradation work is expected to be done in the end of the month (28-29.1.2018). He assured that all the issues faced till 22.12.2017 have been taken into account for the upgardation of Software.

MS NRPC expressed concern on the frequent tripping of newly commissioned HVDC Champa-Kurekshetra. He observed that such tripping of a new element shake the confidence of the system as a whole and added that Power grid should seriously look into the issue so that with coming up of Pole 3 & 4 circuits such tripping should be avoided. He also quoted about the stable operation of Mundra-Mahendargarh HVDC system. He proposed Power grid to schedule a meeting with the OEM while they come for up gradation work.

MOM of NRLDC agenda for 143rd OCC meeting

16. New Amendment to CERC (Sharing of Inter State Transmission Charges & Loss) Regulation 2017 and other developments:

NRLDC representative informed that Hon’ble CERC has notified 5th Amendment to CERC (Sharing of Transmission Charges & Loss) Regulation 2017 which is effective from date of gazette notification (i.e. 14.12.2017) except R-7.1y & R-7.1.z which are effective from 1.7.17 & 30.9.16 respectively.Key Highlights of the Amendment are as under:

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1. No Transmission Charge/Loss applicable for usage of ISTS by Solar Power generation capacity awarded through competitive bidding whose COD is declared during 01.07.2017-31.12.2019 and where PPAs for the capacity has been executed with DISOCMs for their RPO compliance; [(R-7(1)(y)]

2. No Transmission Charge/Loss applicable for usage of ISTS by Wind Power generation capacity awarded through competitive bidding whose COD is declared during 30.09.2017-31.03.2019 and where PPAs for the capacity has been executed with DISOCMs for their RPO compliance;[(R-7(1)(z)]

3. Generating station injecting infirm power/drawing infirm (start-up) power (before commencement of LTA) shall pay injection/withdrawal POC charges as per actual injection/withdrawal during a month. The POC charge amount received against infirm power injection /drawal shall be reimbursed to the DICs in the following month, in proportion to the billing of the DICs during the concerned month; [(R-8.5 additional provision)]

4. DIC with LTA to target region whose POC rate has not been determined for the quarter, shall be billed at Average PoC rate of the target region; [(R-8.7)]

5. MTOA to any region availed by a DIC in a month shall be adjusted against its Target LTA to that region limited to the LTA granted quantum; [(R-11.5, 2nd proviso amended)]

6. 3rd Part of the POC charge Bill shall be raised by CTU on quarterly basis on 1st working days of Sep/Dec/Mar/June months.[(R-11.6 amended)]

NB: This part of bill is used to account for under/over recovery of Transmission charges (due to variations in FERV, incentive, rescheduling of commissioning of assets arrears due to revision of order etc. Earlier this bill was being raised half yearly)

7. Offset in POC charges to DICs with LTA (Target Region) and Demand DICs who avail STOA (including PX) to any region and pay Tr. Charge against STOA [(R-11.9 & 11.10)]

a. Case-1: If a DIC, having LTA to a target region without identified beneficiaries and paying injection charges for Long Term Access, avails Short Term Open Access to any region: Charges for STOA shall be adjusted in LTA bills for following month limited to LTA grant quantum & limited to Tr. Charge actually paid by DIC against Target LTA. The quantum of power for which a DIC is granted STOA shall be offset against the Approved withdrawal for which Withdrawal PoC charges are paid by the concerned DIC. This offset shall be limited to difference between Approved Withdrawal and Net withdrawal (load minus own injection) considered in base case, if Approved withdrawal is less than the Net Withdrawal.

b. Case-2: For Withdrawal DIC, this adjustment shall be given only for STOA transaction by DIC, and shall not be applicable to intra-State entities embedded in State network

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c. Case-3: No Offset for Traders having a portfolio of generators for which Target LTA has been availed by the Trading Licensee.

NRLDC representative stated that if the power is sold to 3rd Party, Transmission charge/Loss are applicable. This amendment is in alignment with changes made in Tariff policy by Government of India. He further informed according to amendment the MTOA to any region availed can be adjusted against its Target LTA with the adjustment in quantum of MW not in Rupees.

The first pilot project of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) has been commissioned by POSOCO in co-operation with NTPC. This pilot project is controlling the 50 MW generation of Dadri Stage-II (980 MW IC) with reference to the Area Control Error (ACE) of Northern Region from 04.01.2018 onwards.

SE (C) NRPC informed that the first account of AGC has been issued for the period 4.1.18 to7.1.18 where Dadri Coal stage II net AGC was 814.78MWhr and station receivable amount is Rs 34.68 lakh.

NTPC representative raised a concern that sometimes schedule was coming 942 MW though DC was restricted up to 920 MW.

NRLDC representative informed that this might be due to not reflecting schedule change at NLDC and updating the schedule change after the block is over. 17. Oscillations in Rihand & Vindhyachal (NTPC): NRLDC representative intimated that recently on 23rd Dec 2017 at 19:45 765 kV Vindhyachal PS-Satna-I tripped on fault after which power swing persisted for around 18 second having high amplitude. Such large duration in oscillation damping is not desirable and such oscillation should be adequately damped by the local PSS of the generating units. However, it was found that damping is poor and oscillation persisted for large duration of time. The plot of voltage from PMU itself depicts the severity of oscillation. Further, large swing of 323 and 292 MW were observed at VSTPS Stage 4 and Rihand stage 3 (connected from 765/400 kV VSTPS PS) respectively as shown in Annexure-I enclosed with the Agenda of the 143rd OCC meeting. Generating Plant MW from PMU (remote end) are also attached in the same. Such large swings and low damping of the oscillation is not desirable in view of transient stability and small signal stability.

In view of grid security, requirement of PSS tuning by generating utilities is well known fact and also PSS tuning is compulsory as per Grid code as well as CEA standards and has to be in service all the time.

NRLDC representative stated that persistent oscillation for large duration of time due to tripping of only one 765 kV line is a matter of concern. The details are enclosed at Annexure 17-Agenda Item 17. WRLDC has written to the plants highlighting the facts that oscillations in other plants damped out quickly compared to Vindhyachal and Rihand hence, there was scope in improvement of feedback loop of PSS.

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NTPC was advised to immediately check the PSS tuning of Vindhyachal Stage-IV and Rihand Stage-III for system security and was requested to intimate expected date by which this exercise would be completed. 18 PSS Tuning exercise by NTPC Dadri:

NRLDC representative intimated that recently, two experts from Institute of Power Engineering Poland were invited to NTPC Dadri for the PSS tuning of Unit-5 (500MW) at Dadri. Representatives from RLDCs, NLDC, and RPCs were invited for discussion at PMI Noida regarding the exercise. Model was developed and simulated in Digital and basic library functions of it were discussed. Polish Experts developed the Generator Model (Round Rotor Generator Model (Quadratic Saturation) (GENROU model)) and AVR model based on the standards parameters and examined the response of the Generator and AVR through Simulation.

In the discussion as per information available with NRLDC, experts from the Poland were of the view that:

Further optimization in existing PSS is not possible. Further improvement in stability can be achieved by implementation of New PSS

with some lead Lag Blocks. PSS installed into the Unit -5(500MW) at Dadri was optimally tuned and working

properly and tests only confirmed it. BHEL was asked to use the standard IEEE dual input stabilizer model (for

example: PSS2B) and explore possibility of adding lead lag blocks in existing PSS. Standard PSS2B MODEL & BHEL AVR & PSS Model are as per Annexure 18-

Agenda Item 18 is enclosed.

NTPC representative stated that report was under finalization and probably presentation would be made in next OCC meeting.

19. Overdrawl by NR states:

NRLDC representative stated that the deviation from schedule of all NR states for last 30 days was attached as Annexure-II of the Agenda of the 143rd OCC meeting:

It is observed that most of the states are deviating from their schedule. All constituents are requested to provide reasons for such large and almost continued deviation from the schedule & remedial measures taken to arrest such deviations in future.

Further plots in Annexure-II showed that some of the states such as Rajasthan, Haryana, UP and HP was overdrawing from the grid when frequency remained below the band especially from 06:00hrs to 18:00hrs. Same was discussed in last OCC as well and states were advised to limit their deviations especially when instantaneous frequency is not in IEGC band.

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These states were requested to give proper explanation for the same & actions taken to avoid such instances in future.

As pointed out in last OCC, Rajasthan is still reducing its load abruptly by ~600MW at 04:00hrs mark and increasing load by ~1000MW at 06:00hrs which leads to excursions in grid frequency as well. It has been communicated on no. of occasions & is also well known that all states shall try to increase/decrease load gradually especially at hourly boundary marks so as to avoid frequency excursions in the grid.

NRLDC representative stated that Rajasthan had consistently overdrawn in the month of December, 2018. NRLDC contemplating to file the petition in CERC or defer the shutdown as other option like opening the feeder to tackle the situation would affect the power supply at consumer end which is not desired. He requested Rajasthan to bring large units on bar kept under RSD avoid consistent O/D.

NTPC representative stated that Anta Gas station ran for only one week in which during the night hrs from 21.00 to 6.00, it was on Technical minimum, though per unit cost of Anta is Rs 2.6 only.

MS, NRPC stated that if the overdrawal by Rajasthan persists then RLDC will be

forced to open the feeder and not to give shutdown. He further stated that this was a matter of Grid discipline which needs to be observed.

Rajasthan representative intimated that they are making all out efforts for

improvement of the system. 20. Reliability Issues:

Rajasthan: N-1 non-compliance at 400/220 kV Jodhpur, Sikar and Merta S/s needs to be monitored especially in winter season when high demand is observed in Rajasthan control area. Simulation studies may be carried out to identify alternate paths

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for supplying power at underlying n/w of Jodhpur & Merta to make ICT loading N-1 compliant as high demand in winter is experienced. Constraint at Rajwest ICT also needs to be taken care when generation is considerably high at Rajwest. As per study carried out by NRLDC, if 220 kV Dhaurimanna- Bhinmal and 220 kV Balotra-Boranada are opened & generation at 220 kV Rajwest is full, then loading of 400/220 kV Rajwest ICT is expected to reduce. Rajasthan may like to study and present their observations on the same.

Uttar Pradesh: N-1 non-compliance has been observed at 400/220 kV ICTs of Azamgarh. Evacuation issue of Lalitpur/Parichha & Bara TPS under N-1-1 contingencies is still present. Although with shifting of Rihand Stage-III to WR, line loadings in Singrauli-Anpara-Rihand complex have reduced, still under N-1 contingencies of lines from Anpara, other lines get heavily loaded.

Jammu & Kashmir: 400/220 kV Wagoora (main supply point) where 4×315 MVA ICTs remain fully loaded during winter months and therefore N-1 criteria gets violated (although situation has improved since revival of 220 kV Kishenpur-Ramban). High MVAr drawl is reported at Wagoora S/s which results in low voltages.220 kV lines from Wagoora (220 kV Wagoora-Ziankote D/C and 220 kV Wagoora-Pampore D/C) remain loaded up to 200-250 MW and therefore N-1 criteria gets violated. Low voltages are experienced due to high loading of intrastate network of valley power system.

SVC at New Wanpoh: SVC at New Wanpoh (+300/-200 MVAr) has been commissioned on 28th Dec 2017

NRLDC representative highlighted the details of the reliability issue related to the states and the response of newly commissioned SVC at Wanpoh from 28th Dec 2017 to 9th Jan 2018 (Annexure 20 – Agenda Item 20.)

The plots related to Import & loading of Rajasthan were highlighted along with the loadings of ICT at Phagi, Jhodpur, Merta and Sikar. It was observed that N-1 violation had taken place at all the stations except Sikar. It was advised that the same may be kept in limit. Also it was highlighted that the very import ICT at Phagi had tripped and on account which Phagi –Bassi line had to be opened. Further NRLDC representative observed that the workmanship at Phagi was not up to the mark and frequent outages were being taken and he advised that Rajsthan needs to look into the same.

As regard to UP, it was observed that there was N-1 violation at Azamgarh and it was advised that UP should review to install additional ICT at this station.

Further, for the state of J& K it was highlighted that the loadings at Wagora were high and the same was a matter of great concern. It was observed that with the commissioning of SVC at New Wanpoh the voltage conditions had improved. Concern was expressed by the NRLDC representative regarding the non – availability of downstream network from New Wanpoh substation

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21. High voltages in the Grid:

NRLDC representative highlighted that high voltages is continuously prevailing throughout the Northern grid for major part of day and it further escalates during night hours due to light load condition making the Grid operation in alert situation daily. High voltages during the winter are known phenomenon and various plan & actions have already been deliberated in regular OCC/TCC and winter preparedness meetings to regulate such high voltage. Despite all the continuous efforts, still very high voltages are being experienced during day/night hours. Regular monitoring and feedback of action plan is necessary to further tune the offline preparation for combating the high voltages during winter.

Monitoring / progress of action plans already discussed and approved in OCC are again highlighted as under:

a. Reactor utilization: Static voltage regulation: i. Update list of Bus reactor, its availability and data at control centers.

ii. Update List of lines whose line reactor can be switched as bus reactor on opening of such lines. A list of lines wherein there is a provision of such switching though confirmation from the respective utility is pending was attached at Annexure-III (a) of the Agenda of the meeting. BBMB have confirmed that necessary arrangements have been made for using 50 MVAr L/R of 400 kV Bhiwani-Rajpura line as B/R at Bhiwani end. As requested on many occasions, other constituents are requested to confirm the same as soon as possible to utilize L/R as B/R for voltage regulation.

Monitoring of data of one or two night shift indicates that lines where Line Reactors can be used as Bus reactor on opening of that line are not actually being taken into service. Graphs of such lines for that date was enclosed at Annexure-III (b) of the Agenda of the meeting


Progress of control switching logic change/confirmation from respective utility wherever required or provisions to use line reactor as Bus reactor on opening of lines so that such reactor can be used for voltage regulation as per grid conditions.

Directive to each site personnel to use L/R as B/R when line is out of service as per voltage conditions. NRLDC representative requested all the utilities that Line reactor should be used as Bus reactor when the line is opened. The issue of Jalandhar –Kurkshetra line on 3.1.18 was highlighted.

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b. Absorption of MVAr by Generator: Dynamic voltage regulation

i) MVAr absorption by generator has been suggested and the SCADA graph of

MVAr V/s. Voltage is being monitored and shown in OCC to track the actual response contributed by the Generator in the need of hours. It has been observed that for some of the generators, either the absorption of MVAr was not adequate as per the capability curve or the telemetry of MVAr data was not accurate. Response of some of the thermal/gas machine for the month of Dec’17/Jan’17 is enclosed in Annexure-IV attached with the Agenda of the meeting. It is pertinent to mention here that SCADA data measure from HV side of GT thus, actual MVAr absorption by the generator would be lesser than as observed from the plots. Plots provided by NTPC were also attached at Annexure-IV with the Agenda of the meeting.

Generating station

Reactive absorption

Rihand Absorbing upto 500 MVAr (data needs to be checked) Singrauli Absorbing upto max 150 MVAr, data showing MVAr generation upto

250MVAr Dadri-Th Generating and absorbing in range of 400 to -200 MVAr (Data not

reliable), plots provided by NTPC also show MVAR generation Jhajjar Absorbing up to 400 MVAr Faridabad Gas

Absorbing 50 to 200 MVAr, plots provided by NTPC show the same

Unchahar Absorbing and generating -100 to 100 MVAr Anta Absorbing up to 100 MVAr (data does not seem reliable) Auraiya 500 to 600 MVAr absorption, Data not reliable Dadri gas Absorption upto 100 MVAr, plots provided by NTPC show the same Anpara-C Generating MVAR most of the time Bara TPS Generating and absorbing MVAr (from 150 to -100 MVAr, Data needs to

be checked) Lalitpur TPS Generating MVAr most of the time CLP Jhajjar Absorbing 50 to 300 MVAr

All generating units were requested to review as per the observations highlighted above.

It was highlighted that the data of Talwandi Saboo & Rajpura TPS was not available/ not reliable for most duration for last 30 days. Also it was informed to all that NTPC have started to plot generator MVAr v/s voltage plots using their SCADA data and share the same. Other generation utilities are once again requested to plot & share their MVAr V/s voltage plots for generators to check the actual absorption and validation of SCADA data also. NRLDC representative requested that the plants should scrutinize data at their end. NTPC representative intimated that Dadri Thermal monitoring on daily basis is

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being done at morning peaking. It was proposed by him that the scatter plots if given by the generators will be more viable. Punjab representative intimated that Talwandi Saboo & Rajpura TPS will start the data from next month.

c. Reactive Power injection at ISTS nodes: i. As per NRPC REA account, following are the nodes that are injecting MVAr into

the Grid and need quick attention to check all the possible desired actions.

State As per NRPC Reactive energy account (18-12-2017 To 24-12-2017: Injection of MVAr at ISTS during High voltage

Punjab Barnala, Ganguwal, Gobindgarh, Jamsher, Mahilpur, Ropar, Amritsar (PG), Dasuya, Moga, Moga (PG), Sarna

Haryana Bahadurgarh, Bhiwadi, Deepalpur, Gurgaon, Hissar (PG)

Rajasthan Hissar (BBMB), Khetri, Bhinmal, Heerapura, Jaipur South, Kankroli, Kota (PG), Sikar

Uttar Pradesh

Anpara, CB Ganj, Chinhat, Kanpur, Mainpuri (PG), Panki, Rosa, Simbholi

Delhi Narela, Bamnoli, Bawana, Maharani Bagh, Mundka All states were requested to review as per details given above. It was observed that states can review the nodes where payments are being made. The review of capacitor required can be reviewed accordingly. Haryana representative intimated that they are looking into the issue of Injection of MVAr already.

ii. MW and MVAr of 400/220kV ICT nodes where MVAr is being injected from 220kV to 400kV system are as:

State 400/220kV nodes where 220kV nodes is injecting MVAr to 400kV nodes

Punjab Dhuri, Nakodar, Moga, Patiala, Ludhiana, Jallandhar Haryana Dhanoda, Bahadurgarh, Fatehabad, Hisar Rajasthan Bhinmal, Kankroli, Kota, Suratgarh, Heerapura, Sikar,

Jaipur South, Jodhpur Uttar Pradesh

Auraiya, Kanpur

Delhi Bamnoli, Bawana, Mundka

d. Over-voltage nodes

Voltage duration curve of Q3 2017-18 was enclosed at Annexure-V attached with the Agenda of the meeting; some of the nodes which are experiencing persistent high voltages even after utilizing all the available resources to curb high voltages are

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listed below: S.No.

State Nodes (40 % of time above 420kV) in Q3 17-18

1 Punjab Amritsar, Dhuri, Jalandhar, Makhu, Muktsar, Nakodar, Rajpura, Talwandi Saboo,

2 Haryana Abdullapur, Bhiwani, Fatehabad, Jhajjar, Jind, Kabulpur, Nuhiyawali, Panchkula, Sonepat,

3 Rajasthan Bhiwadi, Jodhpur, Shree Cement, Suratgarh, Neemrana, Sikar 4 Delhi Bawana, Harshvihar, Maharanibagh, Mandola, Jhatikara 5 Uttar

Pradesh Agra, Allahabad, Fatehpur, Lucknow(UP), Mainpuri, Muzaffarnagar, Parichha

6 HP Dehar, Nallagarh 7 Hydro Plants Chamera1, Karcham Wangtoo, Koldam, Parbati Pool, Nathpa

Jhakri, Rampur

The NRLDC representative observed that the problems are being faced at Agra substation. Power grid was requested to look into the issue and take up the matter with their planning wing. MS NRPC observed that the issue of need of reactors and capacitors be reviewed every six months in light of issue of Reactive Power injection at ISTS nodes & Over-voltage nodes in the NR region.

22. Model & Parameter details of units to be commissioned as per various CEA /CERC regulations

At the time of commissioning of units the details of the dynamic parameter of generator, exciter, stabilizer, and governor should be submitted to NRLDC. The Governor and Power System Stabilizer actions shall be properly tested and tuned and a report on the results of above testing including PSS tuning, frequency response shall be shared with NRLDC/NRPC before the units are declared under commercial operation.

POSOCO is undertaking dynamic modeling of system for present and future scenarios to understand system behavior under high RE scenario. For development of proper models, complete and accurate dynamic data of all generators is required. Further, dynamic data is required for simulating different scenarios to understand the dynamic response of the system. Status of present data at NRLDC as submitted by generators was attached at Annexure-VI with the Agenda of the meeting.

It was requested to all utilities to kindly submit the required data to NRLDC as soon as possible for compliance to CEA/CERC regulations. If there are any changes to model parameters for Exciter, Governor & Stabilizer that also may be intimated.

23. 400 kV and above transmission lines without polymer insulator and its cleaning progress:

NRLDC representative stated that EHV lines tripping in winter during fog has been experienced since many years and it has been suggested to regularly clean lines before winter and to replace the porcelain insulator to polymer insulators. From last few OCC

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meetings, progress on remaining lines whose insulators are yet to be cleaned/changed was sought from transmission licenses/STUs.

For monitoring of polymer insulator replacement and cleaning of conventional insulator one meeting was held on 14th Nov 2017. Status of polymer insulator replacement was discussed during the meeting and utilities were asked for submission of the details. After the meeting, details were received from POWERGRID and Adani. List of the transmission line without polymer insulator was attached in last OCC meeting.

CTU awarded the contract of Pollution Mapping for NR to CPRI. CPRI identified the pollution stretch in its report and report was submitted and discussed in NRPC meeting. It was also decided that new lines coming in pollution stretch and in fog prone areas shall be designed with polymer insulators.

Some of the lines which are very critical for reliability point of view were listed in Agenda for 142nd OCC & were also discussed in the meeting.

Delhi has provided details of 220 kV lines for which cleaning work has been completed. Haryana has provided details of 220 kV & 132 kV (some 400kV) lines where replacement with polymer insulator and cleaning work have been completed.

NRLDC representative requested all the utilities to share the status of polymer replacement and insulator cleaning work for lines under their jurisdiction in line with the discussions held in the meeting on 14.1.17 and the subsequent OCC meetings. It was also highlighted that at the time of applying outage of a line for replacement of porcelain insulators it may be ensured that the details of the line stand submitted.

24. Frequent forced outages of transmission elements

The following transmission elements were under frequent forced outages during the month of Dec’17:

S. NO. Element Name No. of forced

outages Utility/SLDC

1 765kV Anpara C (Lanco)-Unnao(UP) 9 Uttar Pradesh/Lanco

2 400kV Anpara(UP)-Mau(UP) 8 Uttar Pradesh

3 HVDC Champa(WR) - Kurukshetra(NR) line-2 8 POWERGRID

4 400kV Aligarh(UP)-Sikandrabad (UP) ckt-2 7 Uttar Pradesh 5 500kV HVDC Rihand-Dadri line-2 5 POWERGRID/NTPC 6 500kV HVDC Sasaram Back-to-Back 4 POWERGRID

7 400kV Chabra(RRVUNL)-Hindaun(RRVPNL)* 4 Rajasthan

*Report, DR/EL (Chabra end) received from Rajasthan. The complete details were attached at Annexure-VII to the Agenda of the meeting.

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Representative of NRLDC stated that during the tripping 76 5kV Anpara C (Lanco)-Unnao (UP), 400 kV Anpara(UP)-Mau(UP), 400 kV Aligarh(UP)-Sikandrabad (UP) ckt-2 and 400 kV Chabra(RRVUNL)-Hindaun (RRVPNL) it was observed from PMU that the auto-recloser was not in operation. He stated that these lines emanating from important generating complexes may pose severe risk for the stable operation of grid if such incidents are allowed to occur in future. UP was requested to check the non- operation of auto-reclose and to rectify the same at the earliest. Regarding the non-operation of 400 kV Chabra (RRVUNL)-Hindaun (RRVPNL) line, it was stated that this situation has been prevailing since long time and Rajasthan has not been able to rectify the issue. Representative of Rajasthan informed that shutdown has been got approved from OCC and the issue of non-operation of auto-recloser would be rectified by the 1st week of February 2018 for all the three lines emanating from the Chhabra complex. Regarding the frequent outages of 500kV HVDC Rihand-Dadri line-2, POWERGRID was requested to explain the reason for tripping, which in 3 out of 5 cases was mentioned as “Protection block from Dadri station”. Representative of POWERGRID informed that no support is available for the control equipments installed at these stations and because of which POWERGRID is going for renovation of both the ends whereby all the control equipments are to be changed. POWERGRID was requested to submit a detailed report for these events within 15 days and citing the importance of HVDC links, OCC advised to discuss the matter of frequent tripping of 500kV HVDC Rihand-Dadri line-2 and 500kV HVDC Sasaram Back-to-Back separately in Protection Analysis Sub Group (PSAG) Meeting. 25. Multiple element tripping events in Northern region in the month of Dec-2017: A total of 13 grid events occurred in the month of Dec-2017. Out of these, 3 no. of events were of GD-1 category. The preliminary report of all the events have been issued from NRLDC. A list of all these events along with the status of details received was attached at Annexure-VIII to the agenda of the Meeting. It was stated that of the 13 incidents, in 10 incidents, the fault clearing time was much above the standard 80 msec clearing time. Also bus bar protection mal operation was the reason for tripping for 3 incidents. The summary of the attached table is as below:

Preliminary Report or DR/EL received within 24 hrs: 1 event DR/EL received after 24 hrs: 2 events Fault clearance time (based on PMU data) more than CEA grid standard:

10 events

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Line tripping without any fault (based on PMU data): 3 events Further, despite persistent discussions/follow-up in various OCC/PSC meetings, the compliance of the regulations is still much below to the desired level. Consolidated status plots are as below:

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In the OCC meeting all the members were requested to take expeditious actions to avoid such tripping in future. Even after regularly pursuing in OCC, Preliminary Report, DR/EL & Detailed Report are not being received as per the regulations. Utilities were advised to provide the details of the future events in line with the regulations. 26. Details of tripping of Inter-Regional lines from Northern Region for DEC’17:

A total of 28 inter-regional lines tripping within a month occurred in the month of Dec’17.The list was attached as Annexure-IX to the agenda of the meeting The status of receipt of preliminary reports, DR/EL within 24hrs of the event and fault clearing time as

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per PMU data has also been mentioned in the table. The non-receipt of DR/EL & preliminary report within 24hrs of the event is in violation of various regulations. As per regulations, all the utilities shall furnish the DR/EL, flag details & preliminary report to RLDC/RPC within 24 hrs of the event. They shall also furnish the detailed investigation report within 7 days of the event if fault clearance time is higher than mandated by CEA (Grid Standard) Regulations.

It could be observed from attached table that not all information regarding the tripping is received from the utilities. The summary of the attached table is as below:

Preliminary Report or DR/EL received within 24 hrs: 1 events DR/EL received within 24 hrs: 0 events Line tripping without any fault (based on PMU data): 7 events

Consolidated details plot is as below:

In the OCC meeting all the members were requested to note and advise the concerned for taking corrective action to avoid such tripping as well as timely submission of the information.

POWERGRID was requested to look into the issue of frequent tripping of IR lines and non submission of report. Representative of POWERGRID informed that the report was being submitted monthly to which OCC advised that submission of report within the

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stipulated time is mandated by the regulation to which POWERGRID informed to comply with the same.

27. Frequency response characteristic:

One FRC based event has occurred since last OCC meeting. Description of the events is as given below: Table:

S. No.

Event Date

Time Event Description

Starting Frequency

End Frequency Δf

(in hrs) (in Hz) (in Hz)

1 09-Dec-17 12:58hrs

Bus Coupler breaker blasted at 400kV Padghe S/S. All emanating feeders from Padghe tripped and about 1400MW load was thrown off.

50.09 50.20 -0.11

2 09-Dec-17 17:29hrs

All lines emanating from Dadri S/S tripped, Due to Loss of Evacuation path 1305 MW Generation loss. SPS of HVDC Rihand-Dadri also operated due to de-blocking.

49.93 49.84 -0.09

The Hon’ble CERC approved procedure has already been shared with all concerned during previous OCC meetings. FRC observed for each state control area for the events is tabulated below:

State Name FRC for

event Remarks

FRC for Dadri event*

Remarks FRC calculation for Apr-2017 onwards

Average Median


Decrease in Schedule 56%

No load loss on SPS operation observed 24% 20%


Decrease in Schedule -142%

Load loss occurred on SPS operation 19% 14%



Load loss occurred on SPS operation 9% 5%




Tripping occurred resulting in load loss. Drawal change during

evening peak 27% 21%




No load loss on SPS operation occurred.

Drawal change during evening peak 28% 14%

UTTARAKHAND 24% -13% 13% 16%


Small Control area -51%

7% 1%



7% 1%


Increase in Schedule -58%

9% 0%

NR 12% 37% 15% 14%

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In the above table, Average and Median value of FRC calculation of total 18 events (FY 2017-18) is calculated. FRC calculation of all ISGS station for the events since last OCC meeting along with median and average value of total 15events is tabulated below:

State Name FRC for Padghe event

FRC for Dadri event

FRC calculation for Apr-2017 onward Average Median

Singrauli NA 1% -4% 0% Rihand-1 79% 28% 29% 26% Rihand-2 49% 19% 7% 9% Rihand-3 12% -3% -2% -1% Dadri-1 147% Plant tripped 56% 59% Dadri -2 171% Plant tripped 35% 30% Dadri-Gas 64% Plant tripped -1% 0% Unchahar 2% 0% 0% 0%

Anta 0% No generation 0% 0%

Auraiya 0% No generation 0% 0% NAPS 2% -42% 3% 2% RAPS-B -9% 22% 6% 6% RAPS-C 1% -12% 3% 2% Jhajjar 101% 54% 40% 32%

Sh. Cement 0% No generation 6% 0% Badarpur NA No generation 3% 3% Faridabad NA No generation -7% -3% Khedar NA -11% -2% 0% Panipat 163% 23% 15% 0%

Yamuna Nagar 0% No generation 0% 0% CLP Jhajjar -2% -8% 0% -1% Suratgarh -81% 0% 0% 4%

Chabra 0% No generation 0% 0% KTPS 10% -5% -4% -1% Rajwest NA 0% 0% 0% Anpara -6% -1% 0% 0% Anpara C -48% 1% 2% 0% ROSA 24% -15% 8% 10% Tanda 1% 13% 3% 2% Paricha NA 17% 0% 0% Obra 10% 24% 6% 8%

Ropar NA No generation 26% 19%

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State Name FRC for Padghe event

FRC for Dadri event

FRC calculation for Apr-2017 onwards

Average Median Chamera-1 NA 98% 27% 13% Chamera-2 NA No generation 0% 0% Chamera-3 NA 10% 16% 11% Bairasiul NA -36% -2% 2%

Salal 0% No generation 2% 1% Tanakpur 0% 0% 2% 0% Uri-1 NA 17% -29% 1%

Uri-2 NA SCADA data suspect 15% 0%

Dhauliganga NA 0% 42% 23%

Dulhasti NA 23% 12% 4%

Sewa-II 0% No generation 10% 0%

Parbati-3 0% 0% 4% 0%

Jhakri 0% 71% 22% 17%

Rampur 0% -69% 5% 0% Tehri 0% 0% 15% 0% Koteshwar 47% 0% 7% 0% Bhakra -3% -1% 1% 0% Dehar 0% -8% -4% 0% Pong -1% 1% -3% -1% KarchamWangtoo* NA 99% 65% 44% Malana-2 0% No generation 0% 0%

Budhil NA No generation 14% 0%

VishnuPrayag NA SCADA data suspect

1% 0%

Koldam NA Schedule change 11% 9%

AD Hydro 0% 0% 0% 0% Sainj NA 5% 4% 4%

In line with the decisions taken during various OCC meetings, the time and date of the FRC events were e-mailed to respective utilities. The details have been received from Rajasthan, Punjab, Tehri and NHPC.

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Following are the outcome of the detail:

Very poor/negative response from Rajpura, T.Sabo, Goindwal in both the events. Very poor/negative response from KTPS, STPS, Kalisindh, Chabra. Tehri response:

o Padhge event: No schedule o Dadri event: 19% response

NHPC response: o Padhge event: No schedule o Dadri event: Chamera-1 M/C was being synchronized. Hence FRC=205%

(as per NHPC), 98% (as per NRLDC). NHPC representative informed that the response of Chamera-3 was 10% and response of Dhauliganga was not obtained because of some SCADA issue which will be rectified at the earliest.

All the members were requested to sensitize their generators to submit the FRC details within 04 days of issuance of NRLDC letter

28. SPS operation of 765kV Agra-Gwalior on 08th Jan 2018:

On 08.01.2018, at 18:39hrs, SPS of 765kV Agra-Gwalior wrongly triggered at Agra (PG) station which lead to load shedding in Northern Region and generation backing down in Western Region.

As per the report submitted by POWERGRID (Agenda item no28: Annexure 28), the reason cited was power supply failure to both the transducers. Power supply failure to the transducers led to an abrupt increase in the power import being read by the PLC and Once the supply resumed, the PLC read the actual values of 1900MW (950MW one each line) causing difference in the values to be 3400MW which is more than the condition 5 threshold of 1500MW sudden reduction in import causing operation of Case-2.

POWERGRID informed that to avoid such mal -operation of SPS, the logic has been modified and now once the transducer fails (supply failure input) and becomes normal again, the output is blocked for 6 seconds by putting a timer. They assured that remedial measures are being taken.

The representative of NRLDC advised POWERGRID to consider an input to PLC regarding the supply failure to transducer and discard the value if the input corresponds to supply failure.

Load shedding details have been received from Haryana (Samaypur BBMB), UP (Muzaffarnagar) and Rajasthan. Other State utilities were also requested to share details of load shedding occurred in their respective State Control areas. MS NRPC advised Power grid to give a report of the entire event.

NRLDC representative intimated that at two generating stations signal did not reach from the SPS and the same needs to be looked into by Power Grid. Power grid was requested to look in details where the signals have not reached.

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Relief at Punjab was not responding & no relief was observed. Punjab representative assured that they will submit a detailed In Haryana the response from Panipat & Narwana was not appropriate. Haryana representative assured they will get it checked.

Rajasthan Alwar feeders operation needs to be checked .UP response took place at Nara only .UP representative intimated that Mainpuri and Modipuram proper operation needs to be checked.

29. Revision of document for Reactive Power Management for Northern Region:

NRLDC representative intimated that based on discussions in OCC meetings and in line with IEGC compliance, Reactive power document of Northern region has been issued by NRLDC in Dec’17. The above documents are available at NRLDC website on the given link and password that has already been communicated through NRLDC letter dated 29.12.2017 to all the concerned utilities of Northern region.

He stated that all the Constituents were requested to provide the feedback, suggestion and changes in the updated information.

The Status of details received is tabulated below:

Reactive Power Document Data Received from Data Not received from

Haryana Adani J&K Rosa-Reliance UP APCPL


POWERGRID NR-1 PKTCL Chandigarh POWERGRID NR-2 THDC Railway POWERGRID NR-3 Uttarakhand Karcham (JSW)

Rajasthan BBMB Greenko Budhil SJVNL AD Hydro Malana-II Haryana Shree Cement Punjab Reliance-Rosa NTPC

30. Revision of document for System Restoration Procedure (SRP) for Northern Region:

NRLDC representative intimated that the System restoration procedure for Northern region is due for revision. The last updated document link has already been shared with the constituents.

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He stressed that despite continuous effort and follow up in last five OCC meeting details are still awaited from most of the constituents. Status of details received is tabulated below:

System Restoration Procedure

Data/ Comment Received from Data/Comment yet to be received from

Haryana Delhi SJVN NHPC Rajasthan HP Punjab Rosa (Reliance) J&K NPCIL Greenko Budhil Malana-I THDC NTPC JAYPEE


Railway PKTCL

UP Shree Cement

Uttarakhand Karcham (JSW)


Chandigarh Malana-II


He requested to all the Constituents to go through the document and provide any modification/addition in respect of their system He further requested that even if no modifications/addition are there, the same may also be intimated. SLDC/Generating utilities were requested to kindly update and share the restoration procedure in respect of their state/generating station. 31. Review of over voltage setting of northern Region:

NRLDC representative stated that during winter nights, NR load reached up to minimum MW level. It resulted into widespread high voltage in the grid. In this critical condition many times multiple elements tripping also occurred in the region due to over voltage. Over voltage setting of 400kV and above transmission network needs to be reviewed and it needs details from the constituents. In this regard he informed that a mail had already been circulated to all the constituents but details are still awaited from most of the NR constituents. Format is tabulated below:

S.No Name of Line

First end setting Second end setting Voltage setting stage I


Time delay (sec)

Voltage setting stage 2


Time delay (sec)

Voltage setting stage I


Time delay (sec)

Voltage setting stage 2


Time delay (sec)

1 First end-Second end


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Data available with NRLDC/ NRPC was attached as Annexure-X of the Agenda of the 143rd OCC meeting. All the NR constituents were requested to check the details and share the correction if any on priority. He requested all utilities to review the settings of the 400 kV lines. He also suggested that for the lines running parallel time / voltage grading may be looked into. He also proposed that utilities should see that the multiple tripping should be avoided and in case of over voltage failure of a particular line from a substation the backup arrangement should be also looked into. MS NRPC suggested that the proposed change in the settings be intimated and the same shall be made applicable only after due review & approval in the PSC meeting.

32. Status of Event Logger Installation in NR:

NRLDC representative stated that during multiple elements tripping it was observed that the Constituents are sending detailed report without centralized station event logger output. In the absence of centralized Event Logger, sequence of event has not finalized. It resulted into incomplete analysis and remedial measures Centralized Event Logger should be available at each station. It is helpful during analysis of multiple elements tripping at the station. Format for EL status submission is tabulated below:

S. No.

Name of the station

Voltage Level (in kV)

Availability of station

event logger

Healthiness of Event Logger

Is event logger time

synchronized with GPS (Yes/No)

Date of commissioning of station event logger (in case

of non-availability)


As per CEA Technical Standard for Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines, clause 43.4.D- “Each765kV,400kVand 220kV Line shall be provided with facility for disturbance recording, distance to fault locator and time synchronization equipment (TSE). Event logger either stand alone as a part of sub-station or switchyard automation system shall be provided for each 220kVand higher voltage class sub-station or Switchyard. TSE complete with antenna, all cables, processing equipment’s etc., shall be provided to receive synchronizing pulse through global positioning system (GPS) compatible for synchronizing of event logger, disturbance recorder and SCADA/Automation system of the sub- station or Switchyard”. The NRLDC representative requested all the utilities to immediately share the status of Event Logger healthiness of 400 kV and above stations. For 220kV station details can be send within 1month. He intimated the forum that healthiness of event logger was a

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regulatory requirement and the issue has been brought up in the OCC so that the same can be monitored meticulously.

33. Mock Black start exercises for year 2017-18: NRLDC representative stated that as per Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) clause 5.8(b) “Mock trial runs of the procedure for different sub-systems shall be carried out by the Users/ CTU/ STU at least once every six months under intimation to the RLDC”.

The summary/schedule of mock black start exercise of ISGS hydro stations carried/to be carried out is tabulated below:

S. No.

Proposed Date Revised Date Generating station Remarks

1 24-Oct-17

Koldam Carried out successfully.

2 31-Oct-17 Jan-Feb’18 Nathpa Jhakri & Rampur

Deferred. Tentatively in Jan-Feb’18.

3 3-Nov-17 15-Nov-17; To

be revised again

Dhauliganga Deferred due to load management.

4 7-Nov-17 13-Nov-17; Again to be

revised Salal

Deferred due to pending consent from SLDC-J&K.

5 10-Nov-17 3-Nov-17 Sewa-2 Carried out successfully. 6 14-Nov-17 To be revised Budhil

7 17-Nov-17 To be revised Malana-2 Deferred by Plant

8 21-Nov-17

Parbati-3 Carried out successfully. Island collapsed while carving out.

9 24-Nov-17 04-Dec-17 Chamera-3 Carried out successfully.

10 30-Nov-17 06-Dec-17; To

be revised again

Uri-I, II HEP, Lower Jhelum HEP, Pampore GT’s & Upper Sindh

Deferred due to pending consent from SLDC-J&K.

11 5-Dec-17 1-Dec-17 Chamera-2 Carried out successfully. Island collapsed during stage-1. 12 8-Dec-17 1-Dec-17 Chamera-1

13 20-Dec-17

Bairasiul Carried out successfully. Unit tripped after island synchronization with grid.

14 4-Jan-18

Koteshwar Carried out successfully.

15 9-Jan-18 After 22-Jan-

17 AD Hydro

Deferred due to load management.

16 16-Jan-18

Karcham Wangtoo

17 23-Jan-18


In 140th OCC meeting Rajasthan informed their tentative dates of mock black start exercise for state generating units.

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SLDC’s shall also carryout mock black-start of station in their respective control area & inform the tentative dates to the OCC as well as outcome of these exercises. The proposed Hydro Power Stations to undergo the exercise are as follows:

S. NO. Utility Hydro Power Station Installed Capacity(MW) 1


Baglihar 3x150 2 Baglihar stage-2 3x150 3 Lower Jhelum 3x35 4 Upper Sindh 2x11+3x35 5


Sainj 2x50 6 Larji 3x42 7 Bhabha 3x40 8 Malana -I 2x43 9 Baspa 3x100 10 Punjab Anandpur Sahib 4x33.5 11 RanjitSagar 4x150 12


Rihand 6x50

13 14 15

Obra 3x33 Vishnuprayag 4x100

Srinagar (Alaknanda) 4x82.5 16


Gamma Infra 2x76+1x73 17 Shravanti 6x75 18 Ramganga 3x66 19 Chibro 4x60 20 Khodri 4x30 21 Chilla 4x36 22 ManeriBhali-I&II 3x30+4x76 23


IP Extn GTs 6x30+3x30 24 Pragati GPS 2x104.6+1x121.2 25 Rithala 3x36 26 Haryana Faridabad GPS 2x137.75+1x156.07

During last winter, it was discussed and decided that SLDCs shall carry out mock drills and share their experiences. However, the information is yet to be received. The information shall also be shared by SLDCs in compliance to last year OCC/ NRPC decision. Program for this year’s mock black start exercises needs to be also shared. NRLDC representative intimated that during December mock drill at Chamera 1& 2, Bairasuil , Koteshawar , Kanchwangoo had been conducted. The schedule for AD hydro had to be postponed due to system constraints and will be done on 22.1.18 now. NTPC representative added that Dadri gas should also be included in the list. As regards Nathpa Jhakri & Rampur it was proposed by their representative that the exercise could be done on 24.2.18.

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Punjab representative intimated that at Anadpur sahib the facility for back start is not there. He further informed that the test on the generator at RSD has been done on 15.1.18.NRLDC representative proposed that the Back start exercise with a nearby station should also be conducted. MS NRPC requested UP representative to plan the schedule at Rihand on priority. UP representative also stated that the Black start exercise needs to be conducted by PTCUL at Ramganga. PTCUL representative informed that they are ready to do the same. As regard the report submitted for the black start exercise done at Malana –I NRLDC representative informed that the same can be more exhaustive by including capability curve, protection settings & Governor setting. HP representative discussed the problems anticipated for doing the Mock Black Start exercise at Baspa and requested for guidance from NRLDC on the issue .It was proposed that it can be coordinated with Jhakri. Rajasthan SLDC was requested to take up with generating units regarding the Black start exercise. All SLDCs once again requested to submit the reports of black start exercise in their respective control area. SLDCs were also identify further generating stations/unit for black start exercise. 34. RGMO/FGMO Status

NRLDC representative intimated that it was discussed and decided in 138th OCC meeting that all the utilities shall map RGMO/ FGMO status in the SCADA system and do the cabling and other work on their own expense. Further RGMO/ FGMO status mapping in SCADA was also approved in 37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting.

He informed that the RGMO status is available from Tehri, Chamera-1, Chamera-3, Dhauliganga and Sewa-2. NTPC/Jhajjar/IPPs/ SJVNL shall also expedite the availability of RGMO status to NRLDC SCADA at the earliest.

Further it was brought forth by him that the way in which Red and green signal are being represented in the system is not in order It was highlighted that if the machine is off it should be Red and if it is in it should be green. It was highlighted that the whole purpose of the exercise was to see the net Frequency response.

NTPC representative informed that at Rihand already provision for transmitting RGMO/FGMO On/ OFF status to NRLC only connection with RTU is remaining.

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35. Mapping of UFR and df/dt:

NRLDC representative stated that the present status of UFR &df/dt is tabulated below:

States UFR df/dt Remarks Data Availability

J&K No No

UP Yes Yes

Following yet to be provided: Feeder-wise planned load relief. Complete telemetry of feeders. Alternate feeders. Total planned relief. (Stage wise) Total actual relief. (Stage Wise)

Very Poor

Haryana Yes

Yes (Only stage-1)

Following yet to be provided: Feeder wise planned load relief. Complete telemetry of feeders. Alternate feeders for both UFR and df/dt. • UFR Stage nomenclature needs to be

modified (Stage-1: 49.2Hz) Total actual relief in UFR. (Stage wise) Total actual relief in df/dt not coming correct.


Delhi Yes Yes

Following yet to be provided: Total of actual analog data of MW and

alternate feeders. Data suspected for most of the digital and

Analog value


HP Yes Yes

Following yet to be provided: Complete telemetry of feeders. Complete Alternate feeders. Segregation of stage wise load


Uttarakhand No No

Punjab Yes Yes

Following yet to be provided: Complete telemetry of feeders. Alternate feeders. Digital Status of all the feeders Lower actual load relief (As per SCADA



Rajasthan No Yes Following yet to be provided:

Analog value and digital data not available Only alternate feeder details provided

Very Poor

The UFR and df/dt mapping is mandatory as per Hon’ble CERC regulation. The issue has been discussed in various OCC, NRPC-TCC meetings. However, it could be seen that the State UFR, df/dt displays are not exactly as per the approved format. In 136thOCC meeting it was discussed that in addition to the SCADA mapping, States should provide

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the following information regarding the UFR, df/dt relays installed at their respective substations:

Source of frequency measurement for UFR, df/dt relay viz. positive sequence, phase-to-neutral, phase-to-phase.

Computational time for measurement of frequency, rate of change of frequency in UFR, df/dt relays respectively.

In 140th OCC meeting, all the state utilities were requested to correct the SCADA UFR, df/dt displays as per the comments. In addition, utilities were asked to submit the information based on the discussion points came afore in Video conference with state utilities.

NRLDC representative discussed and highlighted the details of the states individually (Annexure 35-Agenda item no 35) All utilities were requested to make efforts to improve the system

36. Reliability of Telemetry

NRLDC representative stated that has been observed that though the telemetry are being arranged from the stations, the reliability for few substations is very poor and sometimes the restoration of telemetry takes long time which impairs the visibility of the grid (at 400 kV level also) and serious problem is being faced in decision making process in real time operation specially at the time of high voltage scenario in the grid, being experienced during off peak hours. Difficulties are also being faced to accord clearance for shutdown due to poor visibility of the network.

In view of above, it was discussed and approved in 12th TeST Meeting held on 22nd December 2018 that shutdown clearance shall be issued only when the telemetry from the concerned sections / stations are fully available and reliable.

NRLDC representative requested all the members to ensure telemetry before applying any shutdown in real time.

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Additional Agenda

All utilities were requested to take note

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Agenda Item 2.3: ANNEXURE II (A)

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0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00





10 % 42000 MW

10 % 30500 MW

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Agenda Item No. 2.3: ANNEXURE II(B)

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Agenda Item No. 2.3: ANNEXURE II(C)

















(DA) (Contingency)



-16 -17

. . . (STOA) – (Intra)



















(DA) (Contingency)



-16 -17

. . . (STOA) – (Inter)

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(DA) (Contingency)



-16 -17

. . . (STOA) – . .







22 18








(DA) (Contingency)



-16 -17

. . . (STOA) – . .

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Annexure D &E

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No Element Name Type

Voltage Level

Owner Outage Expected

Revival Date Reason / Remarks

Date Time

1 Merta 50 MVAR (400kV)

B/Reactor 1


Reactor 400 kV RRVPNL 23-06-2017 9:01 ---

Construction of new element --- for

dismantling this 50 MVAR Bus

Reactor(this reactor shall be shifted to

400kv Bhilwara) and

replacing/commissioning with new TEBA

make 125 MVAR Bus Reactor at Merta .

2 FSC of Pampore-2 at Kishnpr FSC 220 kV PGCIL 30-10-2012 12:00 ---

Line length has reduced after LILO work


3 FSC of Pampore-1 at Kishnpr FSC 220 kV PGCIL 30-10-2012 12:00 ---

Line length has reduced after LILO work


4 Vindhyachal HVDC BtB Block 2 HVDV


500 kV

HVDC PGCIL 26-11-2017 14:55 In one year Differential protection operated.

5 Bawana-Mundka 1 Line 400 kV DTL 14-05-2017 9:03 15/3/18 Fire below 400kV tower no. 116, in the


6 Bawana-Mundka 2 Line 400 kV DTL 14-05-2017 9:50 15-3-2018

Manually Opened due to Fire below

400kV tower no. 116, in the line leading

to Insulator damage and Tower bend

7 Dhanonda-Jhajjar CLP-2 Line 400 kV HVPNL 14-06-2017 15:00 15.02.2018 Tower No. 12 to 17 collapsed

8 Dhanonda-Jhajjar CLP-1 Line 400 kV HVPNL 14-06-2017 15:00 15.02.2018 Tower No. 12 to 17 collapsed.

9 Kalisindh 315 MVA ICT-1 ICT 400/220 kV RRVPNL 4/6/2016 15:50 25.1.18 Buchholz relay operated.

10 Rajpura (400kV) 500 MVA ICT

3 ICT 400/220 kV PSTCL 18-06-2017 7:02 31/3/18

Buchholz relay operated / Detail

inspection work.

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No Element Name Type

Voltage Level

Owner Outage Expected

Revival Date

Reason / Remarks Date Time

11 Bhadla(RVPNL) 500 MVA ICT 1 ICT 400/220 kV RRVPNL 9/8/2017 7:02 NA Buchholz, PRV & Differential

protn. optd.

12 Dhuri(400) 500 MVA ICT 2 ICT 400/220 kV PSEB 19-08-2017 10:47 31/3/18 if new

Bus bar protection operated

Buchholz relay operated /

will replace by new.

13 Maharanibagh 500 MVA ICT 2 ICT 400/220 kV PGCIL 1/9/2017 16:19 20/2/18 Bus bar protection operated

due to flashover in ICT-II Gas


14 Bawana 315 MVA ICT 2 ICT 400/220 kV DTL 30-11-2017 20:20 20/2-/18 400kV side R-ph bushing


15 Jalandhar 315 MVA ICT 1 ICT 400/220 kV PGCIL 13-12-2017 11:03 Before 31/1/18 Bucholz & REF optd.

16 Ramgarh 400 (RVPNL) 500 MVA

ICT 3 ICT 400/220 kV RRVPNL 22-12-2017 12:58 ---

S/D for filling of SF6 gas in

220kV bay CB

17 FACT at BLB in Knp-BLB Line FACTS 400 kV PGCIL 2/7/2016 10:20 --- Y-Phase current imbalance

On account of low current

18 FSC (40%) of Fatehpur-I at

MainpurI(PG) FSC 400 kV PGCIL 2/3/2017 7:38 --- B-Ph spark gas cable fail

19 FSC (40%) of Fatehpur-II at

MainpurI(PG) FSC 400 kV PGCIL 7/5/2017 13:13 --- B-ph Capacitor unbalance

20 FSC ( 50% ) of Koteshwar Pool -2

at Meerut (PG) FSC 400 kV PGCIL 14-07-2017 19:22 --- Fire in Y-ph unit

21 FSC of Balia-I at Lucknow FSC 400 kV PGCIL 29-11-2017 13:30 --- Hot Spot at Isolator

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SL. No

Station Location Owner Unit No Capacity Reason(s)

Outage Expected



Date Time

1 RAPS-A RAJASTHAN NPC 1 100 Subject to regulatory

clearance 9/10/2004 22:58 -

2 Badarpur TPS DELHI NTPC 2 100 Order of NGT for

Environmental protection 24-09-2015 19:29 -

3 Badarpur TPS DELHI NTPC 3 100 Order of NGT for

Environmental protection 9/10/2015 1:00 -

4 Badarpur TPS DELHI NTPC 1 100 Order of NGT for

Environmental protection 30-10-2015 15:30 -

5 Bhakra-L HPS HP BBMB 5 108 Replacement of Generator

Shaft 1/4/2016 9:50 31-05-2018

6 Badarpur TPS DELHI NTPC 5 210 Order of NGT for

Environmental protection 16-10-2017 23:32 -

7 Badarpur TPS DELHI NTPC 4 210 Order of NGT for

Environmental protection 16-10-2017 23:59 -

8 Pong HPS HP BBMB 1 66 Annual maintenance 8/12/2017 8:30 -

9 Obra TPS UP UPRVUNL 7 100 R & M work 1/7/2010 13:44 -

10 Bawana GPS DELHI DTL 2 220 General maintenance 24-03-2016 0:00 17-01-2018

11 Paricha TPS UP UPRVUNL 1 110 R & M Work 2/7/2016 17:30 1/7/2018

12 Guru Nanak Dev

TPS (Bhatinda) PUNJAB PSEB 2 110

w.e.f. 01 Dec 2017 plant will

not run beacuse life cycle 40

Yrs completed

22-06-2017 20:32 -

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SL. No

Station Location Owner Unit No Capacity Reason(s)

Outage Expected



Date Time

13 Guru Nanak Dev

TPS (Bhatinda) PUNJAB PSEB 3 110

w.e.f. 01 Dec 2017 plant

will not run beacuse life

cycle 40 Yrs completed

22-09-2017 1:02 -

14 Guru Nanak Dev

TPS (Bhatinda) PUNJAB PSEB 4 110

w.e.f. 01 Dec 2017 plant

will not run beacuse life

cycle 40 Yrs completed

27-09-2017 8:40 -

15 Guru Nanak Dev

TPS (Bhatinda) PUNJAB PSEB 1 110

life cycle 40 Yrs

completed) 27-09-2017 8:40 -

16 Dehar HPS HP BBMB 5 165 Rotor Earth Fault 2/5/2017 10:31 30-04-2018

17 Unchahar TPS UP NTPC 6 500 Furnace pressure high 1/11/2017 15:40 -

18 Shree Cement (IPP)

TPS RAJASTHAN CSL 2 150 Governor problem 17-11-2017 22:31 -

19 Giral (IPP) LTPS RAJASTHAN RRVUNL 1 125 Bad materials leakage. 11/7/2014 8:20 -

20 Giral (IPP) LTPS RAJASTHAN RRVUNL 2 125 Boiler tube leakage 27-01-2016 15:27 -

21 Harduaganj-C TPS UP UPRVUNL 7 105 Generator Fault 2/7/2017 8:02 -

22 Anpara-D TPS UP UPRVUNL 2 500 Turbine Problem Machine

hand tripped 17-10-2017 12:14 -

23 DCRTPP (Yamuna

Nagar) HARYANA HPGCL 1 300 Boiler tube leakage 17-11-2017 1:00 -

24 Harduaganj-D TPS UP UPRVUNL 9 250 Condenser Tube leakage 2/12/2017 8:55 -

25 Chhabra TPS RAJASTHAN RRVUNL 3 250 Electrical protection

operated 13-12-2017 12:27 -

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Agenda item no 4:ANNEXURE 4

February, 2018 (As per 143nd OCC meeting)


Anticipated Peak


Expected Peak


Surplus (+)/ Deficit (-)

Anticipated Energy


Expected Energy


Surplus (+)/ Deficit (-)

(MW) (MW) (MW) % (MU/day) (MU/day) (MU/day) % Chandigarh 230 220 -10 -4.3 3.49 3.43 -0.06 -1.72 Delhi 4000 5533 1533 38.3 62.00 85.48 23.48 37.87 Haryana 6950 6912 -38 -0.5 122.05 135.25 13.20 10.82 H.P. 1540 1620 80 5.2 27.20 28.58 1.38 5.07

J&K 2720 2385 -335 -12.3 54.64 46.23 -8.41 -

15.39 Punjab 6840 8624 1784 26.1 108.94 118.17 9.23 8.47 Rajasthan 10386 12277 1891 18.2 222.11 219.29 -2.82 -1.27 U.P. 14500 15500 1000 6.9 290.00 295.00 5.00 1.72 Uttarakhand 2080 2014 -66 -3.2 39.24 39.06 -0.18 -0.46 Region 45400 53100 7700 17.0 928.21 1047.16 118.95 12.81

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Agenda item no 11: Annexure -11

Follow up issues from previous OCCMs - Status update

SNO Description of Agenda point

Details Updated Status

1 Monitoring of schemes funded from PSDF (Agenda by NPC)

The latest status of the schemes for which grant has been sanctioned from PSDF for the schemes in Northern Region. Utilities are requested to expedite implementation of the schemes and submit information of physical as well as financial progress in the prescribed format by first week of every month on regular basis to Member Convener, PSDF Project Monitoring Group (AGM, NLDC and POSOCO) with a copy to NPC Division. The updated available status was enclosed as Annexure 11/1 with the agenda of the 143rd OCC meeting &all utilities to update

PSTCL& DTL updated the status All other concerned utilities were requested to update

2 Sub-stations likely to be commissioned in next 6 months.

All the concerned states were requested to submit the details of the downstream network associated SPECIFICALLY with THESE POWERGRID substations along with the action plan of their proposed/approved networks. The details of the substations of Power Grid and their required downstream network as updated in the last OCC/ RPC meeting was enclosed at Annexure-11/2

PSTCL submitted the details. All other utilities concerned to update

3 Cleaning and Replacement of porcelain insulators

The Minutes of the Meeting of insulator cleaning held on 14.11.17 stands issued vide letter of even no dated 29.11.2017 POWER GRID and ADANI had submitted data

HVPNL representative intimated that cleaning work is being done and no replacement planned. BBMB representative intimated that cleaning schedule stands submitted and regarding replacement they stated as under:

The replacement of porcelain insulators, identified under stage I & II, replaced with the polymer/anti fog insulators except insulators of Rohtak Road – Narela double circuits. This remaining work of about 7% on 220kV Rohtak Road – Narela double circuits shall be completed during reconductoring by DTL as agreed in various meetings of NRPC and CEA.

UPPTCL representative submitted the information but the same was not as required & detailed in the minutes of the Meeting of insulator cleaning held on 14.11.17 that stands issued vide letter of even no dated 29.11.2017 In view of the observations made in the last OCC meeting all utilities especially UPPTCL are requested to

UPPTCL , BBMB & HVPNL to update as detailed in the MOM issued of the meeting held on 14.11.17

All utilities were requested to ensure that the data as required is submitted.

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positively submit the data as required in the minutes issued of the meeting held on 14.11.17. Also BBMB & HVPNL were requested to submit the balance required data as per minutes of meeting issued vide letter dated 29.11.17

4. Healthiness of defence mechanism: Self- certification

Report of Mock exercise for healthiness of UFRs carried out by utilities themselves on quarterly basis is to be submitted to NRPC Secretariat and NRLDC. All utilities were advised to certify specifically, in the report that “All the UFRs are checked and found functional”. All utilities are requested that the reports of quarter ending 12/2017

DTL,BBMB, HVPNL, HP, RRVPNL submitted the reports.

5. UFR REPLACEMENT 1. BBMB had informed that replacement of static relays by numerical relays at 7 sub-stations (5 stations in Haryana at Panipat, Dhulkot, Kurukshetra, Jagadhari & Hissar) by HVPNL was pending 2. In PTCUL the static type UFRs were still installed on Transformers/feeders emanating from 132KV Majra and Jwalapur Substations and 220KV Ramnagar, Roorkee and Rishikesh Substations

1.HVPNL representative assured that the relays already stands handed over to BBMB and the work is targeted to be completed by 31.12.2017

2. PTCUL representative intimated that the order for numeric relays procurement has been placed and he assured that efforts would be made to get the relays replaced by 31.12.2017

HVPNL update status is enclosed at Annexure 11/5 of the Agenda of the meeting

HVPNL updated that all replacement stand completed PTCUL was again requested to update the information.

6. Strengthening of Intra-State transmission system Action Plan of the STUs awaited from HVPNL

Also all SLDCs are requested to give half yearly feedback ending 12/2017 in the month of 1/2018 to STU regarding bottlenecks, constraints and overloading in the State transmission network for proper transmission planning.

HVPNL updated the action plan of STU . PTCUL Submitted information. All other utilities were requested to submit.

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7. Installation of adequate static and dynamic reactive power compensators

The 125 MVAR reactor at

Hinduan & Merta were expected to

be commissioned 1/2018 &

12/2017 respectively

RRVPNL updated MERTA Reactor: 2/18 HINDUAN Reactor3/18

8 SPS for Interruption of import by NR at 765 kV Agra (from WR).

140th OCC meeting: POWERGRID informed that the technical bid wass under evaluation and the LOA would be placed by November 2017.

37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting: POWERGRID informed that the delay in the tendering process was because of the implementation of GST and the Letter of Award (LoA) would now be placed by November 2017 with the completion schedule of February 2018.

14Ist OCC meeting: POWERGRID assured that they plan to adhere to the target date of February 2018

POWER GRID was requested to update progress & complete the work as per the target date of 2/18

9 Mapping of Feeders in SCADA

In the 141st OCC meeting members were informed about the “Compendium of SPS in NR” (Annexure-_9 of the MOM_) which was released in the 40th NRPC meeting. All the utilities were requested to go through the compendium and identify feeders concerning their state and map the same in SCADA.

PSTCL submitted information all other Members were requested to update progress.

10 Mock Testing of SPS for 765 kV Agra-Gwalior line

141st OCC meeting: Representative of NRLDC informed that the above logic shall be implemented for the time. However, he requested POWERGRID to search for avenues for getting the signal from circuit breaker from both the ends for verifying the status of availability of the lines. He informed that, in the presently implemented scheme a signal is being sent to Gwalior S/S from Agra S/S for providing further signal for backing down generation in WR. He requested POWERGRID to look if some modifications can be made in the communication equipments at Gwalior for getting the status of CB at Agra end. POWERGRID informed that they would look into the matter.

POWER GRID to update progress

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11. SPS for ICTs at 765 kV Unnao sub-station

141st OCC meeting: UPRVUNL representative intimated in the meeting that the work at Unnao end stands completed. Further he intimated that the offer to incorporate the logic of SPS at Anpara D has been received and the order shall be placed by them very shortly. He assured that the work is expected to be completed by 15.2.17.He also stated that the cost of the logic of SPS at Anpara D is to be indemnified by UPPTCL. UPRVUNL updated as under in the 142nd OCC meeting:

Offer to incorporate the logic of SPS at Anpara “D” has been received and the order shall be placed very shortly. The work is expected to be completed by 15.02.2018. The cost of the logic of SPS at Anpara “D” is to be indemnified by UPPTCL.

Status remains same as updated in last meeting.

12 SPS for Kawai – Kalisindh - Chhabra generation complex:

141st OCC meeting: The representative of RVPNL informed that the tendering process was in progress and all out efforts are being made to implement the scheme as per target date of 28.2.18

RRVPNL was requested to update progress & complete the work as per the target date of 2/18.

13 SPS for Lalitpur Generating station:

141st OCC meeting: UPPTCL representative intimated that the scheme has been commissioned at LPGCL end. If any 765 kV Lalitpur-Agra line trips, SPS would operate for their complex. He further stated that the signal at FATEHBAD end has not been received. The issue was being looked into so that work can be completed by 31.12.2017

UPPTCL was requested to update status

14 Planning, procurement and deployment of Emergency Restoration System

The latest status as updated by the members in 141st OCC is as under: DTL :- Order had been placed for 02 nos. of ERS. Delivery has

been completed. Training imparted in September 2017.

PSTCL: - Order has been placed.. PSTCL representative intimated that ERS has been received at Mumbai port and the same is under despatch to destinations given by PSTCL

UPPTCL: - 02 nos. of ERS have been received. RRVPNL: - Will not be procuring HVPNL: - Earlier it was informed that in place of ERS, spare

towers would be procured worth Rs Two crore. In 138th OCC it was informed that the management is reviewing the issue of procurement of ERS.In 141st OCC meeting, HVPNL representative

PSTCL representative intimated that the material stands received in stores HVPNL status is same as that of the last meeting. No status update submitted by RRVPNL, PTCUL & HPSEBL regarding progress if any made for the procurement of ERS. No update from BBMB regarding the status of taking up the issue with RRVPNL

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present intimated that it has been decided by HVPNL to procure I SET of ERS.MS NRPC lauded the decision of HVPNL and it was requested that documents/ details in regard of the procurement of ERS be submitted. HVPNL representative intimated in the 142nd OCC meeting that the Technical specification is yet to be finalized

PTCUL- NIT placed. Supply expected in 3 month. HPSEBL – Discussions being held with vendor. Suitability of

ERS for critical locations is being explored. BBMB - Partner states have agreed to provide the ERS as and when required by BBMB. MS, NRPC observed that Rajasthan a partner state of BBMB has not yet reviewed the decision of procuring ERS. The same needs to be taken by BBMB with Rajasthan

J&K- Order has been placed for 2 nos. ERS.


compliance by generators in the region

(Agenda based on letter by CERC)

. All concerned utilities may update the information as desired in the last TCC & NRPC meeting.

Also the work of mapping of RGMO/FGMO status, in SCADA should be expedited so that it would be completed within 3 months as desired in the last TCC & NRPC meeting.

The updated status was enclosed with the Agenda OCC 142nd meeting All concerned utilities were requested to update

16 LVRT issues of wind/solar generation

As per the CERC order dated 05.01.2016 issued in Petition No. 420/MP/2014 wherein CERC has directed that LVRT should be implemented for all wind turbines (except Stall Types) commissioned before 15.04.2014 having installed capacity equal to or more than 500 KW. Further as per the CEA Technical Standard for connectivity to the Grid (Amend.) Reg.2013 (sub clause (3) of Clause B 2 ) of the station connected to the grid 06 months after publication of these regulations (i.e.15.04.2014) shall have the LVRT capability as depicted in the sub-clause. As LVRT are not installed on many of the wind turbines in State of Rajasthan, the issue is being regularly raised in the various meetings of NRPC without any result.

RVPNL updated in the meeting that the status remains same as already intimated in the 37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting.

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In the 138th OCC meeting: RVPNL representative informed as under: The updated status of LVRT for wind generators stands submitted. Further as per directions of NRPC in 134th OCC meeting regarding installation of LVRT on wind generators, the SE (REMC) has been requested repeatedly to take up the issue with wind generators for ensuring compliance of CEA Regulations and CERC orders in this regard. As per the advice of the Sub-Committee in 137th OCC meeting, the case has been forwarded to REMC wing to submit a petition to RERC for non-compliance of regulation. In the 37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting representative of RVPNL stated that the proposed petition has been submitted to the management for its consent and it would be submitted to the RERC by next month. RVPNL updated in the 142nd OCC meeting that the status remains same as already intimated in the 37th TCC/40th NRPC meeting.

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Agenda item no 17: ANNEXURE 17

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Agenda item no 17: ANNEXURE 17

Oscillations observed in NR for the incident

Oscillations persisting for 10-15 seconds

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Agenda Item No. 18 ANNEXURE 18



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Agenda item no 20: ANNEXURE 20

Reliability Issues (17.12.2017-17.1.2018)

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No.Element Detail




Transformer3 x 100 MVA

2 TCR-1 160 Inductive

3 DTF-1 60 Capacitive

4 TCR-2 160 Inductive

5 DTF-2 60 Capacitive

6 TSC 180 Capacitive

SVC at New Wanpoh (+300/-200 MVAr) has been commissioned on 28th Dec 2017

ICT loading reduced after restoration of Kishenpur-Ramban on 25.12.17

Wagoora-Pampore loading reduced after restoration of Kishenpur-Ramban on 25.12.17

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Agenda item no 28:ANNEXURE 28

Report on SPS operation on dt.08.01.2018 is as below-

The transducers used for taking input of power to PLC provide 04 to 20mA output (12mA being zero, 04mA being import of 2650MW and 20mA being export of 2650MW). The PLC converts the incoming current into PLC counts (0 for 04mA or less, 16000 for 12mA and 32000 for 20mA) and then uses the same to process the power input in the ladder logic.

Failure of power supply causes output of the transducers to 0 which is read as 2650MW import by the PLC. As soon as the supply to transducer comes, the transducers start providing the output as per the actual running power which is significantly lower than 2650MW (generally 1000MW for a single line). This sudden change in power (as read by PLC, from 2650 to actual value) may cause Condition 4 and 5 to operate (sudden reduction of import).

Disturbance dated 08.01.2018:

During the disturbance on 08012018, the power supply to both the transducers had failed at the same time, causing PLC to read total power as import of 5300MW (2650MW on each line). Once the supply resumed, the PLC read the actual values of 1900MW (950MW one each line) causing difference in the values to be 3400MW which is more than the condition 5 threshold of 1500MW sudden reduction in import causing operation of Case-2.

During previous modification in the logic of SPS (in June 2017), the MW Diff i.e. power reduction calculation was set between 1st and 6thregister i.e. a change happening anywhere in last 4 seconds will be detected and Case 1or 2 shall be executed accordingly.

Modification on 11.01.2018:

The logic has also been modified and now once the transducer fails and becomes normal again, the output is blocked for 6 seconds by putting a timer.

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UFR display: UP

• Feeder wise planned load relief (in UFR display), Other end feeder telemetry, Alternate feeder name/telemetry, Digital CB status are missing.


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df/dt displays: UP


• Feeder wise planned load relief (in UFR display), Other end feeder telemetry, Alternate feeder name/telemetry, Digital CB status are missing.

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UFR displays: HARYANA

• Telemetry not available for few feeders. • Other end feeder telemetry is missing. • Alternate feeder name/telemetry is missing.


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df/dt displays: HARYANA

• Telemetry not available for few feeders. • Other end feeder telemetry is missing. • Alternate feeder name/telemetry is missing.


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UFR, df/dt displays: DELHI

Total of

actual MW


data and





for most of

the Digital

and Analog



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UFR display: HP


telemetry of


Total Error for each

stage wise

Reverse flow

direction observed

in SCADA data


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UFR display: HP

Complete telemetry of feeders.

Complete Alternate feeders for df/dt display


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UFR displays: PUNJAB

• Other end feeder telemetry not tabulated.

• Alternate feeder name/telemetry is missing.

• Digital CB status is missing.

• Lower actual load relief (As per SCADA data)


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Df/dt displays: PUNJAB

• Other end feeder telemetry not tabulated.

• Alternate feeder name/telemetry is missing.

• Digital CB status is missing.

• Lower actual load relief (As per SCADA data)


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UFR, df/dt displays: RAJASTHAN

• Analog value and digital data not available

• Only alternate feeder details provided

• Lower load relief as compare to planned relief


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List of Participants in the 143rd Sub-Committee meeting held on 18.01.2018 at NRPC Sectt.! New Delhi

BBMB Name Designation Contact No. E-mail k .{JAtJ"J) .t. I'-li1M.dl¥Kl pc q If 17~(') 3"f".2- ~ 9r>("'hd e Yn(", (t'I ;th1tt1 f ·("t!/....'v

r v

NHPC Desi nation Contact No.

NPCILINAPS/RAPS Desi nation Contact No. E-mail

..9 4 \33 5 4 S 3) - ( Co v \1 \

NRLDC Name Designation Contact No. E-mail

~ " .$~ ~ ~" ~~

.. L19 10 3t.tYH g dK.jt:U.\1~ po~oc.o\V\ ~\~-~~~

~o .h .. -ti1Ci~ ... Q'b0ce ·t 4 ~oJ- h~ 'C ~ uJtt1 \ ! 0 fM"d ,C'V\. -3. t) ~ t.1 ~.,"(~H .. s:;

ZI'-""'~ -m-~aTR ~ ~I_WU~ 9&+\S611~~ ~. po-<w-vJ ~ ~.:o \.No. L.,

"' Ct).H(H ~ 1'1 ~ ~ef~'-l~ 'lc) :}., -::m 0 4 l-"')... ~ mJJub €Jfo !:. o co . M ,

NTPC Name Designation Contact No. E-mail S +iA IL£S-H .f)Ht=m~ DG NT (DS -,'Zcc ) 96 SD Cfc;c 16 (' .sW (oJ..d 4c Y/.1 ~ fi .. JYf<::'" ,,). j

K c, I·t.. ':. h C /A.J"') .)..p ,vf ,1 n C1 r A -./ c; 6 <: 1) " q ~ r <; ~. l( d ; c~ ~ j." C . r...4, /..:; .n .J /) ,," .,., . j Ao ~ ;S) .. '1 1...1 / '5D C· S ~ .'1 J

~7 I '

IY) O-HD 2../4 rn OJ N K -'1 tf. ~J.(c.-.Q. Yl 1P'-' "-'l, P I 7\.


Page 89: cr CfiT ffi

SJVNL Name Designation Contact No. E-Mail P-J4j f"fy' i~ ( 'I 1-\ ) \ \'~ A L- 1)~ (V I 94 , ~(I ~ s. 4 2- f ·

, \.J 'v \1 L @ r QJ;t,; Ii "":, \ '1~Qll:



DTL Name Designation Contact No. E-Mail

~ . L ·~UJ~

HVPNL- HPGCL - HPPC Name Designation Contact No. E-Mail


~~~~~~~~+-~~~~~--~~~~~~=--r~~~~~~~~~ ' ~~



Page 90: cr CfiT ffi




PTCUL (S L be ) Name Designation i).e..Q paiL I<-u V'l\at'( E.E(S L~)


APCPL Name Designation

D Ju.e.v..j -.l.u.-.. Pt,I'1 ~

Adani Power Ltd.


'f \) L )< \'1 J / rvniH-- A·M

Contact No. E-Mail q f l.j 6 I ,- I d' () , ~eb @ ~ a.J 1M,

~b"'61- S53Q'1

'164£ \'- 2 :L2£3

Contact No.

Contact No. E-Mail "1 e 'rl9. "=1 q S--b cA- u ~ k-twnfl'f' fJ ~ . P"'-\

Contact No. E-Mail QJ(o"ltFKy "/...I.~I- -"j~ ~ ",,1/c. . u .j ...



Cc Y1~~-+ WO f ~j

8 3Gqjo 3037- PLJ ~L· '"jI.,Ja{@j

S{ey/{Ie· Catv....

Page 91: cr CfiT ffi

NRPC Name Designation Contact No. E-Mail

IPGCl Name Designation Contact No. E-Mail

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Page 92: cr CfiT ffi

List for Operation Issues Adani PL. (i) Sh. Nirmal Sharma, VP (O&M), Fax- 0141-2292065 (ii) Sh. Sameer Ganju, Head-Northern Region, Fax No. 011-24115560 APCPL (i) AGM (O&M)-I, IGSTPP, Fax No. 01251-266326 (ii) AGM (EEMG), 01251-266326 BBMB (i) Director (PR) Fax- 0172-2652820 (ii) Power Controller, Fax- 0172-2653297. HVPNL Chief Engineer (Comm.); SE (SO & SLDC): 0181-2664440 Fax-0172-2560622 NHPC (i) Sh. Janardan Choudhary, E.D., Faridabad – Fax-0129-2272413 (ii) Sh.V.K.Sinha,Chief Engineer (O&M), Faridabad – Fax-0129-2272413 POWERGRID (i) Sh. Prabhakar singh, ED (NR-I), Fax No. 011-26853488 (ii) Sh. A.K. Arora, General Manager (O&M), NR-I, (iii) Sh. R.V.S Kushwaha, General Manager (O&M), Jammu; Fax- 0191-2471187 (iv) Sh.Rajeev Sudan Dy, General Manager (OS), Fax- 0191-2471187 RRVUNL Sh. P.S Arya, Chief Engineer (PPMC & IT), ) Fax- 0141-2740006 NTPC (i) Head of OS/ Head of RCC, Fax No. 0120-2410082 (ii) Sh. Praveen Chaturvedi, GM (OS), NRHQ Lucknow; Fax-0522-2305849. HPSEBL (i) Sh Suneel Grover, Chief Engineer (SO &P), Fax No. 0177-2653656 (ii) Sh. Deepak Uppal, SE (PR& ALDC): Fax-0177-2837143 (iii) Sh. Joginder Singh. Power Controller, Fax No. 0177-2837143. NRLDC General Manager - 26854861, 4051, 26569504 Fax- 26852747 NLDC General Manager, NLDC, Fax: 011-26853488/26601079 Lanco APTL Sh. Raj Kumar Roy, Director, Fax: 0124-2341627/4741024 SJVNL/NJHPS General Manager (C&SO), Fax- 0177-2673283 PTCUL/UPCL (i) Sh. Anupam Sharma, SE (SLDC), Fax- 0135-2451160, 0135-2763570 UPPTCL (i) Director (Op), Fax- 0522-2286476 (ii) Chief Engineer (SLDC), Fax- 0522-2287880, 2288736 HPLDS (i) Sh. N.P.sharma, SE, SLDC, Fax: 0177-2837649 (ii) Sh. Lokesh Thakur, Executive engineer, Fax: 0177-2837649 DTL General Manager (SLDC)/ General Manager (Protection) Fax-23236462, 23221069 THDCIL Sh. GM(EM - Design), Tehri, Fax- 0135-2438682 PSTCL (i) Sh. S.S.Mal, Chief Engineer (SLDC) Fax – 0175-2365340 (ii) Sh D.P.Sethi, Dy.Chief Engineer (SLDC) Fax – 0175-2365340 CHANDIGARH Sh. M.P.Singh, SE (Elect. Op.Circle) – Fax-0172-2740505 IPGCL/PPCL (i) Sh. Y.P.Arora,GM (T), IPGCL, New Delhi, Fax- 23370884 (ii) Sh. R.K.Yadav, DGM (T), IPGCL, New Delhi, Fax- 23370884 BRPL Sh. Satinder Sondhi, VP & Head System Operations, Fax No. 011-39996549 Everest PPL Sh. Yogendra Kumar, Chief Operating Officer, Fax No. 011-45823862/ 43852507 RPSCL Sh. Niranjan Jena, Addl.VP/ Sh. Suvendu Dey, Asst. VP-O&M, Fax: 05842-300003 HPGCL Sh. S.K. Wadhwa SE/Technical(HQ), Fax: 0172-5022436 CEA Sh.Vikram Singh, Director; Fax-26170385,26108834 NPC Chief Engineer

From organizations which are yet to submit revised nominations

Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitaran Nigam Ltd. Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd. Dakshinanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Ltd.

HPPTCL Director (Planning & Contracts), Fax: 0177-2626284 J&K (PDD) Chief Engineer (Survey & Commercial) Fax-0191-2476213 J&K SPDCL GM, Fax: 0194-2500145 PSPCL Engineer-in- Chief (PPRR), Fax- 0175-2308698. RRVPNL Chief Engineer (LD); SE (SO&LD) – Fax- 0141-2740920 UPRVUNL DGM (TOM), 0522-2287861 UJVNL General Manager Engineering: 0135-2761485, fax- 0135-2761549 NPCIL (i) Station Director, NAPS; Fax. 05734-222177.(ii) Sr. Manager (Transmission),

NPCILFax.-022-25563350 JPPVL Sh. Suresh Chandra, Director, Fax- 0120-4516201/4609464/4609496 Jhajjar PL Sh. Goutam Biswas, GM (Production), 01251-270155.

New Members for the year 2016-17 (Nominations not received)