COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA … · Discovery and formulate a recommendation...


Transcript of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ASSOCIATION OF PENNSYLVANIA … · Discovery and formulate a recommendation...

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Issued: January 26, 2017

Final Response Required: February 17, 2017

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Contents I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 4

A. General Information ....................................................................................................................................... 4

B. Term of Agreement ........................................................................................................................................ 5

C. Subcontracting ............................................................................................................................................... 5

D. Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................................... 5

E. Vendor ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

II. NATURE OF SERVICES REQUIRED ..................................................................................................................... 5

A. Products, Services, and Fees ......................................................................................................................... 5

1. PRODUCTS .................................................................................................................................................. 5

2. SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

3. FEES ............................................................................................................................................................. 7

III. AWARD DISTRIBUTION ................................................................................................................................. 8

IV. SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................................ 8

1. VENDOR WILL PROVIDE ........................................................................................................................... 8

2. CCAP WILL PROVIDE ............................................................................................................................... 10

V. CONTENT AND DATA RIGHTS. ........................................................................................................................ 10

VI. DESCRIPTION OF THE CCAP ....................................................................................................................... 11

A. Name and Telephone Number of Contact Persons ................................................................................. 11

B. Background Information ............................................................................................................................. 11

VII. TIME REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 11

A. Proposal and Estimated Engagement Calendar ....................................................................................... 11

VIII. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 12

A. General Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 12

1. Submission of Notification of Interest .................................................................................................. 12

2. Questions .................................................................................................................................................. 12

3. Submission of Proposals ......................................................................................................................... 12

B. Technical Proposal ....................................................................................................................................... 13

1. General Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 13

C. Sealed Budget ............................................................................................................................................... 14

1. Total All-inclusive Maximum Price ......................................................................................................... 14

2. The first page of the sealed dollar cost bid should include the following information: ................. 14

IX. EVALUATION PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................................... 15

A. Evaluators ...................................................................................................................................................... 15

B. Evaluation Criteria ........................................................................................................................................ 15

1. Services –40% ........................................................................................................................................... 15

2. Budget – 35% ........................................................................................................................................... 15

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3. Customer Relations – 15% ...................................................................................................................... 15

4. Other – 10% .............................................................................................................................................. 15

C. Final Selection ............................................................................................................................................... 16

D. Right to Reject / Negotiate Proposals ....................................................................................................... 16

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A. General Information

The County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (“CCAP”) is requesting proposals

from entities (hereafter “Vendors”) for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Technical Services

Engagement Services Agreement (hereafter “Agreement”) with the ability to evaluate

CCAPs Microsoft CRM 2011 enterprise application, recommend and assist in building out

the architecture of and determining the upgrade requirements to Microsoft Dynamics

CRM 2016.

Proposals submitted in accordance with this request for proposals will be evaluated by

CCAP Technology Services team members, along with the Chief Information Officer. CCAP

reserves the right, where it may serve the CCAP best interest, to request additional

information or clarification from vendors, or to allow for corrections, errors or omissions.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation, and all other information

submitted in response to a request for additional information, become and remain the

property of CCAP. Vendors should be aware that upon awarding of the contract to the

successful Vendor, the terms of the contract will become part of the engagement


The CCAP reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas or

language found in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected. Submission

of a proposal indicates acceptance by the Vendor of the conditions contained in this

request for proposals, unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal submitted and

in agreement between the CCAP and the Vendor selected.

There is no expressed or implied obligation for the CCAP to reimburse responding

organizations for any expenses incurred in preparing proposals in response to this request.

It is anticipated that CCAP will select a Vendor for the Agreement on or before March 13,

2017. This agreement is expected to be executed between both parties on or before March

13, 2017. In the event there is a processing delay, extensions may be granted by both


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B. Term of Agreement

The Agreement would begin on March 13, 2017 with a completed date by June 30, 2017

and is subject to regular review by CCAP, satisfactory negotiation of terms, and the

availability of funds.

C. Subcontracting

With the award of the enterprise agreement, no additional subcontract will be allowed.

D. Responsibilities

The selected Vendor will be required to assume responsibility for all services offered in the

proposal, whether or not produced by the organization. Further, the CCAP will consider

the selected Vendor to be the sole point of contact with regard to the Agreement matters.

E. Vendor

The CCAP shall require that the Vendor chosen be Microsoft certified in CRM, SQL, and

related technologies, and agree to CCAP terms and conditions.


A. Products, Services, and Fees


The goal of this Agreement is to provide to CCAP the plan, architecture and migration

path from CCAPs 2011 CRM installation and related functionality to Microsoft Dynamics

CRM 2016. The CCAP intention is to leverage vendor services in such a way to minimize

cost effort during the engagement; an example of this is CCAP will conduct the discovery

effort to help offset time for the Vendor analysis process.

Additionally, CCAP is looking for the Vendor to provide consultancy services in terms of

executing specific aspects of the Agreement services to achieve the desired outcome of

CCAPs upgrade project. See Appendix A - CCAP Discovery List for the non-inclusive list of

CCAP CRM 2011 configurations and features.

This agreement represents all Microsoft CRM products configuration that is required for a

successful upgrade project; including the following key product areas of focus:

a) Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016: Includes understanding all CCAP business

requirements (processes) used today within our CRM 2011 environment; best

practice installation (architecture, configuration and security); backup and

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maintenance procedures; recommendations to consider Dynamics 365 in the


b) Microsoft SQL Server: Includes understanding all CCAP business requirements

(processes) used today within our CRM 2011 environment; best practice

installation and maintenance procedures; recommendation of practices to move

from SQL Server 2008R2 to SQL Server (recommendation required); including all

levels of recommendation for maintenance plans and backups.

c) Microsoft Internet Information Services: CCAPs CRM environment is externally

facing. This effort includes understanding all CCAP business requirements

(processes) used today within our CRM 2011 environment; best practice

installation and maintenance procedures; recommendation of practices for

security, logging, and maintenance.

d) Security: Recommendations for monitoring, logging, and authentication;

including delivery of content within the CRM application to external interfaces.

e) Licensing: CCAP maintains licensing for Microsoft Products under a Microsoft

Enterprise Agreement. CCAP works with a Licensing Solutions Provider (LSP) for

all licensing costs. This relationship will continue if licensing impacts are included

as part of the upgrade project.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Phases of Projected Planned Efforts

a) Phase I: Discovery

CCAP will provide information for the discovery phase. CCAP will provide a

diagram of the network architecture, current uses of CRM 2011, and system

information. CCAP will additionally provide other business requirements as part

of the discovery.

Important note on Discovery: See Appendix A – CCAP Discovery List for a list of

items that will be provided by CCAP. If the Vendor is requiring other information

not listed, the Vendor should list those items as part of required information from


b) Phase II: Analysis and Recommendations

CCAP is expecting the Vendor to conduct analysis of the CCAP 2011 environment,

mapping the items listed from the discovery to the capabilities and functionality

of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, coupled with best practices and to provide

formal recommendations based off the analysis and information provided by


c) Phase III: Project Implementation: Planning

Working with CCAP staff, develop a formal plan to upgrade the CRM 2011 with

noted paths for each CCAP business requirement and feature included in the

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planned upgrade. The planning also incorporates the recommendations (such as

servers required, etc.) for the upgrade, including any and all migration efforts to

ensure a successful outcome of the project.

d) Phase III: Project Implementation - Execute Plan: Build Environment

CCAP IT and the Vendor will contribute and co-develop the build out of the

environment according to accepted recommendation in Phase II and the Project

plan identified in Phase III: Planning. Specific areas of the environment are

outlined at high level below, with more detail in Section IV.1.

(1) Server Installation and Configuration

(2) CRM Dynamics Installation and Configuration

(3) Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration

(4) Microsoft Internet Information Services Installation and Configuration

(5) Data Mapping / Migration / Forms Development

(6) Security Planning, Documentation and Configuration

e) Phase IV: Project Implementation – Integration

CCAP currently integrates CRM data to several other applications / functions as

noted in Appendix A. CCAP IT will be responsible to ensure this aspect is

completed. Vendor may be required to provide minimal guidance in this effort.

f) All Phases: Project Implementation - Knowledge Transfer

CCAP is expecting the Vendor to ensure CCAP IT has the knowledge required to

sustain and support the environment post-engagement.

g) Phase V: Project Implementation – End User Training

Vendor is not responsible for end user training. CCAP will schedule and provide

all end user training for this engagement.

h) Phase VI: Project Implementation: Project Close Down: Participate in project

close down session to ensure acceptance of product and services is transferred to


b) Licensing: CCAP IT will work through any licensing matters.


The following fees should be included in the proposal.

a) Any projected time for any of the designated areas of services

b) Information of rate levels for assigned project team

c) Travel expenses

d) Application of any Microsoft or other applied credits or funding.

CCAP expects no hidden costs related to this Agreement.

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CCAP is issuing a Request for Proposals to various Vendors. CCAP will award the

Agreement based upon competitive applications which will specifically identify activities

and services to be performed, as well as competitive pricing of products. This RFP will

become part of the contract.


CCAP expect the Vendor to perform the following services and to provide written reports

of its activities related to this project and where any time or monies are applicable.

This is not an all-inclusive list.


Services referenced in section II.A.2 (Services) within this RFP, outlined as:

a) Phase I: Discovery

The vendor should review the information that CCAP provides and offer input to

of what they may need (if anything is missing) to ensure the Vendor can

sufficiently accomplish and complete Phase II: Analysis and Recommendation.

b) Phase II: Analysis and Recommendation

CCAP is expecting the vendor to review/analyze the output from Phase I:

Discovery and formulate a recommendation for the project and migration path.

(1) Analysis

Analyze information provided to Vendor through completion of Phase I; map the

items listed from the discovery to the capabilities and functionality of Microsoft

Dynamics CRM 2016, coupled with best practices.

(2) Recommendations

Provide formal recommendations from the discovery and analysis for the plan to

upgrade the CRM 2011 environment; including desired outcomes (knowledge

transfer) with CCAP to understand and accept recommendations. This

recommendation needs to include the path and method of upgrade from CRM

2011 to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016; taking into consideration that CCAP

business requirements must be met and potential future move to Dynamics 365.

c) Phase III: Project Implementation: Planning

Working with CCAP staff, develop a formal plan to upgrade the CRM 2011 with

noted paths for each CCAP business requirement and feature included in the

planned upgrade. The planning also incorporates the recommendations (such as

servers required, etc.) for the upgrade, including any and all migration efforts to

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ensure a successful outcome of the project; including any go live planning


d) Phase III: Project Implementation - Execute Plan: Build Environment

CCAP IT and the Vendor will contribute in the build out of the environment

according to accepted recommendation in Phase II and the Project plan identified

in Phase III: Planning. Specific areas of the environment are outlined at high level


(1) Server Installation and Configuration

CCAP IT will build out the server environment on the network according to

identified requirements in Phase III: Planning.

(2) Microsoft CRM Dynamics 2016 Installation and Configuration

According to the accepted recommendation outlined in Phase II: Analysis and

Recommendations, CCAP is expecting assistance in the build out of the CRM


(3) Microsoft SQL Server Installation and Configuration

CCAP is expecting the Vendor to ensure the SQL server is setup with appropriate

maintenance plans. Additionally, the data must be encrypted. The vendor is to

assist with optimization of SQL, such as MaxDOP and Cost Thresholds, etc.

(4) Microsoft Internet Information Services Installation and Configuration

CCAP is expecting the Vendor to ensure the IIS server is setup with appropriate

security and adequate logging per best practice recommendations.

(5) Data Mapping / Migration / Forms Development

This component will be both CCAP IT and the Vendor working to ensure the

system is built out correctly according to the accepted path of upgrade in Phase


(6) Security Planning, Documentation and Configuration

CCAP is expecting the Vendor will ensure that the security plan for CRM, SQL, and

IIS and external integration is fully vetted, presented and executed during this


e) Phase IV: Project Implementation – Integration

CCAP currently integrates CRM data to several other applications / functions.

CCAP IT will be responsible to ensure this aspect is completed. Vendor may be

required to provide minimal guidance in this effort.

f) All Phases: Project Implementation - Knowledge Transfer

CCAP is expecting the Vendor to develop a formal process for knowledge transfer

within this engagement to ensure that CCAP IT is able to sustain and support the

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environment post-engagement. It is the expectation that all documentation of

subsequent efforts will be completed and turned over to CCAP.

g) Phase V: Project Implementation – End User Training

CCAP will schedule and provide all end user training for this engagement. Vendor

is to ensure that knowledge transference is complete.

h) Phase VI: Project Implementation: Project Close Down: Participate in project

close down session to ensure acceptance of product and services is transferred to


i) Microsoft CRM Certified team for this engagement

j) Engagement reports process for continued documentation and billing

k) Assigned Project Manager to ensure engagement success and consistent



a) Items noted in section II.A.2 (Discovery) and items identified in Phase III, IV, V and


b) Conduct a kickoff meeting with staff to review the new agreement, discuss

customer contact procedures, review the engagement and establish project time

frames for the phase’s completion periods.

c) Assigned Project Manager to ensure engagement success and consistent


d) Assigned Project Team members (network, technical, training, development and

business process resources) to ensure engagement success.


Proposals, and additional information, submitted in response to this solicitation, all

reports contemplated by this request, to be prepared in connection with implementing a

contract under this proposal, and all other writings, including but not limited to those

mentioned within this request for proposals, hereof and including but not limited to all

intellectual property rights, and any other rights in intangible property, in and to the

contents, formats and data reflected in such materials shall become and remain the sole

property of CCAP. Any work, tools, development code will be copy right free and will be

the property of CCAP. Any party submitting a proposal in response to this RFP agrees to

transfer all such rights to CCAP, to the extent that such rights are not transferred by

operation of law, then to execute such documents as may be needed to effect or verify

such transfers.

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A. Name and Telephone Number of Contact Persons

The Vendors principal contact with CCAP will be Kathie Zullinger or a designated

representative, who will coordinate the assistance to be provided by the CCAP to the

Vendor. Ms. Zullinger can be reached at P.O. Box 60769, Harrisburg, PA 17106-0769. Ms.

Zullinger should be initially reached through email at [email protected].

B. Background Information

CCAP is an entity created by Act of the General Assembly having its principal offices at

2789 Old Post Road, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110. CCAP represents the local governing

bodies of all 67 counties in Pennsylvania. Affiliate organizations of CCAP represent the

administrators of children and youth, drug and alcohol, mental health/mental retardation,

nursing homes, and human services. CCAP is a non-profit as well as a quasi-governmental

agency that provides services and programs to only governmental entities. As such, pricing

should be based on non-profit or governmental pricing.


A. Proposal and Estimated Engagement Calendar

The following is a list of key dates up to and including the date proposals are to be


Request for proposals issued January 26, 2017

Letter of interest, and written questions submitted

regarding the request for proposals

January 30, 2017

Vendor symposium (GoToMeeting -10:00 a.m. – 12:00


February 3, 2017

Additional questions that arise during Vendor


February 7, 2017

Due dates for proposals February 17, 2017

Review of proposals February 20, 2017 –

February 24, 2017

Award of Engagement February 28, 2017

Execution of Engagement Agreement March 6, 2017

*Engagement Start (estimated) March 13, 2017

*Engagement End (estimated) June 2 2017

*Go Live on New Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016


June 5, 2017

*The CCAP expects a timeframe for committing to a schedule for the cut over to the new

system. CCAP has several major conferences, notably one, that will start registrations on

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March 2017. This engagement needs to take into consideration that event to ensure there

is no interruption of services for our end users.


A. General Requirements

1. Submission of Notification of Interest

Organizations interested in submitting a proposal must submit by 4:00 pm EST on

January 30, 2017, a letter (email is acceptable) indicating the organization's interest and

confirmation of whether a Vendor symposium attendance is planned for February 3, 2017

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST Failure to do so will disqualify organizations from submitting

a proposal. Proposals should be submitted to:

Kathie Zullinger

Technology Services Director

County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania

PO Box 60769

Harrisburg, PA 17106-0769

Street Address: 2789 Old Post Road,

Harrisburg, PA 17110

Email: [email protected]

2. Questions

Inquiries concerning the request for proposals and the subject of the request for proposals

must be made in writing or by email by January 30, 2017 to same contact referenced

above in VIII. A. 1.

3. Submission of Proposals

The following material is required to be received by 4:00 pm EST on February 17, 2017

for an organization to be considered:

a) RFP TECHNICAL RESPONSE - A master copy (so marked) of a Technical

Proposal, consisting of the following:

(1) Title Page

Title page showing the request for proposals' subject; the organization's name;

the name, address, and telephone number of a contact person; and the date of

the proposal.

(2) Table of Contents

(3) Transmittal Letter

A signed letter of transmittal briefly stating the Vendors understanding of the

work to be done, the commitment to perform the work within the time period,

a statement why the organization believes itself to be qualified to perform the

engagement, and a statement that the proposal is a firm and irrevocable offer

for 90 days.

(4) Detailed Proposal

The detailed proposal should follow the order set forth in Section VI.A.3 of this

request for proposals.

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(5) Executed copies of Vendor Warranties, attached to this request for proposals

(Appendix B).

b) RFP SEALED BUDGET RESPONSE - Vendors should send completed budget

proposal consisting of the two separate envelopes to the same contact

referenced above in VIII. A. 1.

c) Vendors should also send a softcopy of both the proposal and the budget in two

separate pdf files to Kathie Zullinger at [email protected]

d) All proposals must provide credentials of individual(s) working on the project.

e) All proposals must provide detailed cost allocations for each scope of work

defined within the RFP. The goal would be for CCAP to extrapolate costs related

to core business requirements (at a minimum, todays functionality)




B. Technical Proposal

1. General Requirements

The purpose of the technical proposal is to demonstrate the qualifications, competence,

and capacity of each organization seeking to undertake the services in conformity with the

requirements of this request for proposals. As such, the substance of a proposal will carry

more weight than their form or manner of presentation. The technical proposal should

demonstrate the qualifications of the organization and of the particular staff to be

assigned to this engagement. It should also specify an approach that will meet the request

for proposals requirements.



The technical proposal should address all the points outlined in the request for proposals

(excluding any cost information which should only be included in the sealed budget). The

proposal should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward,

concise description of the Vendor's capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the request

for proposals. While additional data may be presented, the following subjects, items a.

through f, must be included. They represent the criteria against which the proposal will be


a) Nondiscrimination Clause

The organization must state its intent to abide by CCAP’s nondiscrimination policy

(Appendix C). This policy will become part of the final enterprise agreement with

the organization.

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b) US Domestic On-Shore Support

Documentation verifying that all support is on shore; the triage process should be

included as well.

c) Organization Qualifications and Experience

The organization should provide information regarding experience with handling

other CRM engagements similar or as complex as this engagement. (Appendix E)

This should include, but not be limited to:

Specific letters of reference for other similar engagements

Resumes of proposed representatives that will be assigned to any part of the


d) Escalation Procedures

The organization should provide escalation procedures used in similar agreements

to address enrollee and CCAP questions, concerns, or problems that arise

throughout the agreement. (Appendix F)

e) Approach

The proposal should set forth a work plan, including an explanation of the

methodology to be followed, to perform the services required in this request for

proposals. Vendors will be required to provide the following information on their


(1) Proposed schedule for implementation of the Agreement

(2) Level of staff and number of hours to be assigned to each proposed service


(3) A list of deliverables and a time line for meeting the deliverables

(4) A format for reports, including the final report format for project work and



C. Sealed Budget

1. Total All-inclusive Maximum Price

The sealed dollar cost schedule should contain all pricing information relative to

performing each segment of the agreement as described in this request for proposals.

The total all-inclusive maximum price to be bid is to contain all direct and indirect

costs including all out-of-pocket expenses.

The CCAP will not be responsible for expenses incurred in preparing and submitting

the technical proposal or the sealed dollar cost bid. Such costs should not be included

in the proposal.

2. The first page of the sealed dollar cost bid should include the following


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a) Name of organization

b) Certification that the person signing the proposal is entitled to represent the

organization, empowered to submit the proposal and authorized to sign an

enterprise agreement with CCAP

c) A Total All-inclusive Maximum Price per unit for each item referenced

d) Manner of Payments Required


A. Evaluators

Proposals will be evaluated by CCAP’s IT staff. CCAP reserves the right to retain all

proposals submitted and use any idea in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal

is selected.

B. Evaluation Criteria

The following represent the principal selection criteria which will be considered during the

evaluation process: 40% will be weighted on services 30% on budget, 20% on Customer

Relations and 10% other; outlined below.

1. Services –40%

Detailed response to each area under the services (Section 2)

Trouble Resolution

Service Care –Recommendations and ability to complete upgrade within minimal

disruption to CCAP ongoing business functions

On time delivery commitment

2. Budget – 35%

Cost will be an important factor in the selection of the Vendor

The vendor should break down the cost per section and per functionality / business


3. Customer Relations – 15%

Accessibility of primary assigned project manager and team members

Reports & meetings schedules

Adequacy of proposed staffing plan for various services of the agreement

4. Other – 10%

Experience of the firm with similar agreements

Estimated effectiveness of plan submitted to work with and coordinate efforts with

individual enrollment representatives

Cost effectiveness of the proposal

Realistic time lines for deliverables

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Written / verbal endorsements supporting the firm

C. Final Selection

It is anticipated that the Vendor will be selected by CCAP on or before February 28, 2017.

Following notification of the organization selected, it is anticipated the Agreement will be

fully executed on or before March 13, 2017. This RFP will become part of the final contract

with the Vendor.

D. Right to Reject / Negotiate Proposals

Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the organization of the conditions

contained in this request for proposals unless clearly and specifically noted in the proposal

submitted and confirmed in the enterprise agreement between the CCAP and the

organization selected.

The CCAP reserves the right to negotiate the budget with any organization submitting a

proposal at any time prior to the execution of an enterprise agreement.

CCAP reserves the right without prejudice to reject any or all proposals.

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*This is not an all-inclusive list


Item Description Capacity (size) Scope

Windows Server

Enterprise 2008R2


Virtual Environment Memory : 12 GB

Used : 8.65GB

HDD: 159 GB

Used: 133 GB

Free : 27GB

Phase II: Analysis and


(Server specifications)

CRM 2011 UR 18 (Version


100 custom entities Phase II: Analysis and


(Path to upgrade

CRM 2011 to

Microsoft Dynamics

CRM 2016)

Phase III:

Implementation of

CRM upgrade

(Assistance in

upgrade path)

SQL 2008R2 5 GB Live Database.

Other instances not

used. SQL Server is

installed on same server

as Microsoft Dynamics

CRM non-clustered


Phase II: Analysis and


(SQL specifications)

Phase III: Planning

and Implementation

(Microsoft SQL Server

Installation and


End Users / Data


Users who have access

to edit information

All users have access to

add/edit own account

and contact information.

Extensions are limited

based on user roles. No

user field based security


Phase II: Analysis and


End Users / Data


Users who have access

to view information

All users have read on

contact and account

information. No users

have field based security


Phase II: Analysis and


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Item Description Number Scope Comments

Events New registrations are

imported from external

event services (EventSpot &

e-Touches via a .NET


84 + Events per


Vendor Assist:

Events management

must be included at

a minimum with

today’s functionality

Member Directories CCAP and Affiliate Member

Lists – Both SharePoint web

parts and IIS Web Sites. The

web parts use an .NET web

service as a proxy for

interaction between CRM

and SharePoint 2010,

10 directories



Member Directories

must be included at

a minimum with

today’s functionality

Committees Lists SharePoint Web part

The web parts use an .NET

web service as a proxy for

interaction between CRM

and SharePoint 2010,

30 Committees Vendor Assist:

Member Directories

must be included at

a minimum with

today’s functionality

Insurance Programs Used extensions for key

contact people

11 extensions Vendor Assist:

Insurance Extensions

must be included at

a minimum with

today’s functionality



Used to track and record

certification classes for Tax

assessors and other


Web service for SharePoint

web parts provides

functionality to members

3 extensions Vendor Assist:


Programs Extensions

must be included at

a minimum with

today’s functionality

Affiliate Programs Used to track memberships

for various human service

related programs

16 extensions Vendor Assist:


management must

be included at a

minimum with

today’s functionality



Used to track Technology

related programs

11 Extensions Vendor Assist:


Extensions must be

included at a

minimum with

today’s functionality

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Dues Management Used by finance to create

dues exports for CCAP and


Vendor Assist:

Due management

must be included at

a minimum with

today’s functionality

Labor & Industry


Used by Finance for

electronic transmission of


compensation data to the


Expected completion date:

March/April 2017.

State Required deadline:

May 2017.

Currently in

progress by



Out of Scope

Security Current system uses user

based security for


10 business


5 teams

~ 85 users

43 Roles

1 field security


In scope but CCAP to

build out security

with vendor


Plugins 1 plugin exists to deal with

sitemap creation in 2011

Will go away

Out of scope

Workflows Invoicing Workflows for


Helpdesk Workflows



In scope, but CCAP

would like some






Item Description Functionality


Membership Management CCAP has several websites. The websites

are built on the SharePoint 2010

platform and currently use forms based

authentication (FBA). CCAP desires to

explore having the membership provider

be that of CRM to tie access and control

for SharePoint authentication into CRM.

(If a member is active, they are able to

sign in with email address based on

assignment within CRM.)

NEW - CCAP would

like to have

discovery input on

this item (Phase II)

Help Desk / Service Desk This is part of the upgrade process;

however, the existing system is

inadequate. CCAP is interested in looking


automation, self-

service. At a

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at other options for help desk

functionality and is open to discussions

in this area.

minimum the

functionality and

data need to be

included in scope.

CCAP would like to

have discovery

input on this item

(Phase II) for



Insurance Program Activity


Utilizing CRM’s Activity system to track

correspondence of its members. This

feature was not fully utilized current

instance of CRM.


CCAP would like to

have discovery

input on this item

(Phase II)

Mobile Access Provides the Policy department with easy

access to information from a smartphone

or tablet.


CCAP would like to

have discovery

input on this item

(Phase II)

SharePoint Integration Currently SharePoint and CRM are not



In scope, CCAP

driven work load

leveraging CCAP


Team Based Role Security Currently CCAP is using user role


CCAP would like to

have discovery

input on this item

(Phase II)

Event consolidation Currently CCAP has 3 extensions that

contain event data. We would like to

consolidate the entities to 1 entity

CCAP would like to

have discovery

input on this item

(Phase II)

Mobile app – Will be

separate RFP

Description here for CCAP members to

access directories


This item will be

separate RFP but

needs to be

functional upon go


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A. VENDOR warrants that it is willing and able to comply with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

laws with respect to foreign (non-state of Pennsylvania) corporations, if applicable, and all other

laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

B. VENDOR warrants that it is willing and able to perform the services in compliance with an

enterprise agreement in the form set forth in Appendix C to the request for proposals.

C. VENDOR warrants that it will not delegate or sub enterprise agreement its responsibilities under

an agreement without the express prior written permission of CCAP.

D. VENDOR warrants that all information provided by it in connection with this proposal is true

and accurate.

Print Name of Business Main Contact Number

Business Address Fax Number

Contact Person (Print) Phone

Contact Person (Sign) Date

Witness SEAL



attest President

This page must be signed with a live signature and signed in BLUE INK.

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The Vendor shall not discriminate in its recruiting, hiring, promotion, demotion, or termination

practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap,

medical conditions, marital status, age or sex in the performance of this contract, and, to the extent

they shall apply with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Code and the Federal Civil Rights Act of

1964 (P.L 88-352).

Pursuant to federal regulations promulgated under the authority of The Americans With Disabilities

Act, 28 C.F.R. para. 35.101 et seq., the Vendor understands and agrees that it shall not cause any

individual with a disability to be excluded from participation in this Contract or from activities

provided for under this Contract on the basis of the disability.

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