1 PLEASE CIRCULATE CORPORATION BANK EMPLOYEES' UNION (REGD.) (Central Office : Mumbai) Mangalore Office : CBEU Golden Jubilee Hall, I Floor, Opp. Sharada Vidyalaya, P.V.S. Kala Kunj Road, Kodialbail, Mangalore - 575 003. Ph: 4279303. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Circular No.34/2015 10 th October, 2015 Dear comrades, Sub:- 1. Medical Insurance Scheme to Employees/Retirees 2. Payment of Diem/Halting allowance 3. Stagnation Increments for Non-subordinate Employees We are reproducing herewith the Circulars issued by our parent organization AIBEA on the above subjects. Our comrades are requested to be guided by the same. As regards Medical Insurance Scheme, our Bank has already effected payment of Premium to the concerned Insurance Company and also issued Circular on this Scheme. Options have been sought from the retiree employees to opt for the Medical Insurance Scheme. Branch Secretaries are requested to bring the contents of these circulars to the notice of our members and also guide the retiree employees in their respective areas. VERY IMPORTANT: We have vide our Circular No.33/2015 dated 05.09.2015 gave instructions for electing Delegates to attend our ensuing conference at Bengaluru on 21 st and 22 nd February, 2016. Delegates Form for furnishing the names of the delegates was also annexed to the said circular. The last date for sending the Delegate Form was 5 th October, 2015. While most of our branches have already sent the Delegate Forms to Mangalore Office, there still remains a large chunk of our branches who have not yet sent the Delegate Forms to Mangalore Office. Those branches which have not yet sent the same, may please do so and the last date has been extended till 3 rd November, 2015. Necessary Delegate Forms may please be downloaded from our website: furnished in DOWNLOADS. With Dusshera festival greetings to all our members and their family members. Yours comradely, (VINCENT D’SOUZA) General Secretary


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Mangalore Office : CBEU Golden Jubilee Hall, I Floor, Opp. Sharada Vidyalaya, P.V.S. Kala Kunj Road,Kodialbail, Mangalore - 575 003. Ph: 4279303. E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Circular No.34/2015 10th October, 2015

Dear comrades,

Sub:- 1. Medical Insurance Scheme to Employees/Retirees 2. Payment of Diem/Halting allowance 3. Stagnation Increments for Non-subordinate Employees

We are reproducing herewith the Circulars issued by our parent organization AIBEA on the above subjects. Our comrades are requested to be guided by the same. As regards Medical Insurance Scheme, our Bank has already effected payment of Premium to the concerned Insurance Company and also issued Circular on this Scheme. Options have been sought from the retiree employees to opt for the Medical Insurance Scheme. Branch Secretaries are requested to bring the contents of these circulars to the notice of our members and also guide the retiree employees in their respective areas.

VERY IMPORTANT: We have vide our Circular No.33/2015 dated 05.09.2015 gave instructions for electing Delegates to attend our ensuing conference at Bengaluru on 21st and 22nd February, 2016. Delegates Form for furnishing the names of the delegates was also annexed to the said circular. The last date for sending the Delegate Form was 5th October, 2015. While most of our branches have already sent the Delegate Forms to Mangalore Office, there still remains a large chunk of our branches who have not yet sent the Delegate Forms to Mangalore Office. Those branches which have not yet sent the same, may please do so and the last date has been extended till 3rd November, 2015. Necessary Delegate Forms may please be downloaded from our furnished in DOWNLOADS.

With Dusshera festival greetings to all our members and their family members.

Yours comradely,

(VINCENT D’SOUZA) General Secretary

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AIBEA Circular Letter No.27/150/2015/46 8-10-2015


Dear Comrades,

Medical Insurance scheme to Employees/RetireesUnits are aware that a new Scheme was agreed upon under the recent 10th Bipartite Settlement for reimbursement of hospitalisation/medical expenses incurred by the employees/eligible family members.

This Scheme has since been introduced with effect from 1st October, 2015. Based on the data/details provided by the Banks to the Insurance Company, individual Cards would be supplied to the employees/eligible family members shortly. This card would be required for cashless treatment in hospitals which have tie up with the insurance company/TPA.

It was also agreed in the Settlement that a similar scheme will be extended to the retired employees. We are informed by the IBA that this Scheme for retirees would be become operational from 1-11-2015.

The premium payable by them would be as under:

Category Amount of Premium Total

Officers(Retirees) 6573+ServiceTax920 ` 7493 Clericalandsubstaff(Retirees) 4930+ServiceTax690 ` 5620

WefurnishhereintheIBA’sCircularNo.HR&IR/CIR/2015-16/BPS/1143dt.1-10-2015issued in this regard for the information of our units.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,


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IBA CIRCULAR:No.HR&IR/CIR/2015-16/BPS/1143 Dt. October 1, 2015 On Medical Insurance Scheme


All Member Banks which are parties to the Bipartite Discussions

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Implementation of Medical Insurance scheme to Retirees as agreed vide Bipartite Settlement/ Joint Note Dated 25th May, 2015

WerefertoourletterNoCIR/HR&IR/2015-16/XBPS/961datedthe29th June, 2015 in terms of which the member Banks parties to the Bipartite Discussions were advised that the medical Insurance Scheme will be extended to the existing retirees also, subject to payment of the agreed Insurance Premium by them. It was also advised to bring to the notice of the existing retirees, the contents of the said scheme and obtain their consent as to whether they are willing to join the Scheme and on receipt of their consent, the details were to be provided to the Lead Insurer i.e. United India Insurance Co. Ltd. appointed by IBA for the purpose.

2. WehavebeenadvisedbyM/sK.M.DasturReinsuranceBrokersdulyauthorizedby the Lead Insurance Company to collect the employees as well as retirees data from the Banks, that while the employees data has been received by them from the Banks, the retirees data is yet to be provided by the Banks to them. As such, the United India Insurance Co. Ltd. has calculated the premium in respect of the employees of the concerned Banks and has demanded to remit the premium accordingly to them so that Mediclaim Policy in respect of employees may be implemented preferably from 1st

October, 2015.

3. In this connection, we advise that a separate Mediclaim Policy in respect of retirees will be issued on similar terms and conditions as is applicable to serving employees, once the data is provided by the Banks to United India Insurance Co. Ltd. through theirauthorizedbrokerM/sK.MDasturReinsuranceBrokersandInsurancePremiumis remitted to the Insurance Co. The Insurance Premium for retirees is also same as is for serving Employees which is as under :-

Category Insurance Cover (`) Amount of Premium Officers(Retirees) 4Lacs 6573+SerTax Workmen(Retirees) 3Lacs 4930+SerTax Sub-Staff(Retirees) 3Lacs 4930+SerTax

4. Participating Banks are therefore requested to obtain the consent of the retirees expeditiouslyandprovidethedetailsonprescribedformattoM/sK.MDasturReinsuranceBrokers to enable the Insurance Co. to calculate the Insurance Premium in respect of retirees of the concerned banks accordingly. To make the Mediclaim Insurance Policy

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operational w.e.f. 1st November, 2015 for retirees, it is suggested to inform the retirees to give their consent for joining the Scheme latest by 25th October, 2015.

We have requested the Lead Insurer to allow a grace period of three months to such retirees who could not give their consent by stipulated date as suggested above to join the Scheme after Mediclaim Policy is made operational.

In exceptional circumstances, to the satisfaction of the concerned Bank, the request of the retirees may be considered to join the scheme during the currency of the Policy.

The Insurance company has agreed for the same.

5. It is pertinent to mention that United India Insurance Co. Ltd conducted workshops in the month of July in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Bengaluru covering representatives fromallparticipatingBankstodisseminatethesalientfeaturesofthePolicy,benefitsavailable to the employees/ retirees and to clear the doubts/queries raised by the participants.

6. Please,therefore,makeallouteffortstooperationalizetheMediclaimPolicyforretirees preferably from 1st November, 2015

Yours faithfully, Sd/- K. Unnikrishnan Deputy Chief Executive

AIBEA Circular Letter No.27/149/2015/45 dated 23-9-2015


Dear Comrades,

• Diem/Halting allowance will be paid at stations/places according to latest Census 2011 population w.e.f. 7-8-2015

In terms of Clause 23 of 10th Bipartite Settlement, Halting Allowance is payable at the followingratesatvariouscentresw.e.f.1-6-2015.

(A) (B) (C)

Places with Places with population of population of 12 5 lakhs and above, lakhs and above State Capitals/ Capitals Other Places and States of of Union Territories not Goa covered in column (A) Clerical Staff `700/- `600/- `450/- Sub Staff `500/- `400/- `250/-

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Inviewof thepublicationof revisedpopulationfiguresasperCensus2011,HaltingAllowance as above is payable at various places based on the revised population figuresw.e.f.7-8-2015.

IBAhasissuedtheirCircularNo.1348dt.15-9-2015inthisregard.Wefurnishoverleafthe text of the IBA Circular for the information and reference of our units.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,


IBA CIRCULAR No.HR&IR/CIR/2015-16/E(ix)/1348 dt. September 15, 2015

Designated Officers of Member Bankswho are parties to Bipartite Settlement

Dear Sir/Madam,

Revision of rates of halting allowance to officers andworkmen staff pursuant to Census 2011

Kindly refer to our circular no. No. CIR/ HR&IR/ E(iv)/ E(xi) / 2015-16/ 1187 dated7thAugust,2015advisingbanksofthevariouscentresreclassifiedperCensus2011,forthepurposeofpaymentofhigherHRA/CCAinsuchcentres.


In terms of an earlier decision of the Personnel Committee of IBA and following the practice followed on earlier occasions, banks may pay/reimburse halting allowance at ratesaccordingtotherevisedclassificationofareasperCensus2011witheffectfrom7thAugust2015 i.e. thedateof issueofcircular letterNo.CIR/HR&IR/E(iv)/E(xi)/2015-16/1187.

Yours faithfully, Sd/- K Unnikrishnan Deputy Chief Executive

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CircularLetterNo.27/148/2015/44 23-9-2015


Dear Comrades,

IBA’s Circular on Stagnation Increments to Clerical Staff

Further to the 10thBPSettlement,someofourunitshavebeenseekingclarificationonimplementation of the provisions relating to sanction of Stagnation Increments. We had taken up the issue with IBA for issuing their Circular to the Banks and accordingly IBAhasnowissuedtheirCircularNo.1377dt.22-9-2015.CopyofthesaidCircularis furnished herein for the information of our units and for follow up with the respective managements.

With greetings,

Yours Comradely,


IBA CIRCULAR No.HR&IR/CIR/2015-16/B/90/1377 dated September 19, 2015 on Stagnation Increments

Designated Officers of Member Bankswho are parties to Bipartite Settlement

Dear Sir/Madam,

10th Bipartite Settlement (1.11.2012 to 31.10.2017):Stagnation Increments to Non-Subordinate Employees

As per the provisions of 10th Bipartite Settlement, it has been agreed to reduce the periodicity of 6th stagnation increment from 3 years to 2 years and to introduce 8th stagnation increment w.e.f. 1st May, 2015. 8th stagnation increment is to be released aftertwoyearsonreceiptof7th stagnation increment or from 1st May, 2015 whichever is later. Keeping in view the cost constraints, it was further agreed that the consequential financial benefit to the employees could be released from 1st May, 2015. There is nochange inperiodicityof releasing the7th stagnation incrementand7th stagnation

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incrementisreleasedaftertwoyearsonreceiptof6th stagnation increment. In other words, an employee would be eligible for 8thstagnationincrement,6yearsafterreceiptof 5th stagnation increment or w.e.f. 1st May, 2015, whichever is later. However, the employeeswhohavegot6thand7th stagnation increments on or after 1st November, 2012 but before 1stMay,2015asper9th Bipartite Settlement, would get 8th stagnation increment, 7 yearsafter receipt of 5th stagnation increment, if the weightage of one yearonaccountofreductionofperiodicityof6th stagnation increment from 3 years to 2 years as per 10th Bipartite Settlement is not given to such employees. As a result, these employees would be placed in a disadvantageous position vis-à-vis the employees junior to them.

2. The Workmen Unions have therefore, requested us to clarify the position without any ambiguity.

3. We have examined the matter and clarify that the employees who have completed two years or more as on 1st November, 2012, after receipt of 5th stagnation increment, would be eligible for 6th stagnation increment w.e.f. 1st November, 2012, notionally, however, monetary benefit to such employees will be given 3 years after receiptof 5th stagnation increment or w.e.f. 1st May, 2015 whichever is earlier. Similarly, 7th stagnation increment will be released notionally 2 years after notionally release of 6th stagnation increment andmonetary benefit of 7th stagnation increment will be released2yearsafterreceiptofmonetarybenefitof6thstagnationincrementorw.e.f.1st May, 2015 whichever is earlier. 8th stagnation increment will be released 2 years afternotionallyreleaseof7th stagnation increment or w.e.f. 1st May, 2015 whichever is later. The case may be clearly understood by following illustrations:

Illustration - I:DateofReceiptof5th Stagnation Increment : 01/10/2010

Position as per 9th Bipartite Position as per 10th Bipartite Settlement Settlement

Stagnation Due Date of Notional Date Date of Monetary Increment Release of Release Benefit

6th 01/10/2013 01/11/2012 01/10/2013

7th 01/10/2015 01/11/2014 01/05/2015

8th ----- 01/11/2016 01/11/2016

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Illustration - II :DateofReceiptof5th Stagnation Increment : 01/10/2011

Position as per 9th Bipartite Position as per 10th Bipartite Settlement Settlement

Stagnation Due Date of Notional Date Date of Monetary Increment Release of Release Benefit

6th 01/10/2014 01/10/2013 01/10/2014

7th 01/10/2016 01/10/2015 01/10/2015

8th ----- 01/10/2017 01/10/2017

Illustration - III :DateofReceiptof5th Stagnation Increment : 01/10/2012

Position as per 9th Bipartite Position as per 10th Bipartite Settlement Settlement

Stagnation Due Date of Notional Date Date of Monetary Increment Release of Release Benefit

6th 01/10/2015 01/10/2014 01/05/2015

7th 01/10/2017 01/10/2016 01/10/2016

8th ----- 01/10/2018 01/10/2018

4. Please arrange accordingly.

Yours faithfully, Sd/- K Unnikrishnan Deputy Chief Executive

Phone Nos. STD Code : 0824 Office Resi. MobileWalter Lasrado 2426416 4282958 9845295820Vincent D’Souza 2426416 2217959 9448214965B.N. Rajaji 2426416 2224949 9449024949Govardhan Prabhu 2263335 2258547 9945619550M. Nagaraj 2426416 2218139 9449028139Central Office, Mumbai 022-22675043 Fax: 22655043