Contents Page Production


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Transcript of Contents Page Production

Page 1: Contents Page Production

Music MagazineCreating The Contents Page

By Chloe Challinor

Page 2: Contents Page Production

I started creating my contents page by creating a banner where I can put the contents page title in. I used the rectangle shape tool to create the banner box and then used the fill tool to fill it in black. I then used the text tool to write ‘ThisMonth In’ and then coloured it white. I used the font, Impact, as it is the same font as the magazine title and therefore is clear and easy to read and will compliment the title. I then copied the title over from the cover to the contents page and made it the correct size of 63pt. I then used the text tool again to write the issue number of the magazine and the date to inform the reader. I used the font, Arial, and made it size 10pt so it is clear and easy to read.

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After creating the banner and the title at the top of the page I added the photograph. After editing the photograph, like shown in previous posts, I placed it at the top on the left hand side of the page. I then created a black box using the rectangle shape tool and placed it to fit under the image. I then used the text tool to write ‘Indiana’ as this is title of the post. I also wrote ‘P14’ as a separate layer so that I could place it next to the title, Indiana. I changed the colour of the title to white so that it stood out from the black and changed the page number to red so that this also stood out and the reader would be able to easily identify which page they can find the article on. I then, again using the text tool, wrote the caption for the image/article. I have done this so that the reader can read more about what the article is about before reading the full article. I changed the caption text to yellow as this stood out and is easy to read against the dark colour of black. I used the font, Bebas Neue, as it is an extremely easy to read font and is one of the main fonts I am using in the magazine.

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I then added the other main image to the bottom right hand side of the page. I used the image that I had chosen as the artist is looking directly at the reader which draws them in. I then used the text tool to write out the title, page number and small caption. I wrote these out separately so that I could align them the way I wanted to. I placed the title at the topof the image and the page number next to it and then the caption underneath to the right hand side so that the reader could see it and it is not blocking the main parts of the image. I used the same colours and font as I did for the image of the male band as this shows a clear layout and the reader will be able to read it clearly.

Page 5: Contents Page Production

I then created a banner for the bottom of the page using the rectangle shape tool. I used the text tool to write out the textthat would go in the black banner. I changed the top part of the text to red and the bottom to yellow and made the bottom text slightly smaller so that the top part of the text, which is the title for the banner, would stand out and capture the readers attention. I then saved my front cover as a jpeg image so that I could upload it to the contents page and use it as asmaller image in the banner. I then used the text tool to write the small print that would be placed at the right hand side at the bottom of the page. I changed this text to white so that it would stand out from the black background it is placed on. I used the font Bebas Neue as this font is easy to read and will stand out.

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After adding the banner to the bottom of the page I decided that the next stage was to add in all the page titles and the key bit of information that I needed to describe what was on the specific pages. I used the text tool to do all of the page titles. I aligned all the titles and information on each side of the images. I also added a title for each section of page titles so that the reader knows where to look if they are looking for a specific article. I used the font, Bebas Neue for the titlesand used Chinese Rocks for the page information. I coloured the section titles red so that they are clear to see and used the size 35pt so that it is different from the page titles and can easily be identified. I used the colour black for the pagetitles and the page information as it is a basic colour and easily to red on the white background.

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I decided to add page numbers for each page title to provide easier navigation. First of all, I wanted to use the colour yellow for the page numbers but this colour would be hard to read against a white background so I decided to use the brush tool in the mode ‘Dissolve’ to create a fuzzy circle effect that I could place each number on so that the yellow text stood out so that the reader could see it more clearly. I then copied the circles and placed them next to each page title so that I could then placed the numbers on them.

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After creating the page number circles, I used the text tool to write out the page numbers for each page and then placed them in their circles. I used the font Bebas Neue as this is an easy to read text and is one of the main fonts for my magazine which gives the magazine a suitable order and layout. The page numbers are yellow as that colour is different from black and red and therefore the reader won’t become confused.