Contents page production

{ Contents Page Final Production



Transcript of Contents page production

Page 1: Contents page production

{Contents Page

Final Production

Page 2: Contents page production

I began the production of my contents page by setting up the document with the column guidelines so I can plan out my work.

Page 3: Contents page production

I then added half the background to the top of the page. I used the image tool to put the image on the design. The image was earlier edited in photoshop to make it black and white so that it contrasts with the text I plan to put on the contents page.

Page 4: Contents page production

I then added two shapes using the shape tool and changing the colour to grey and black. One acts as a banner separating the two sections of the page and the other is the background of where the main text will be.

Page 5: Contents page production

I then added the main text of the page. This consisted of the page title, the date, the issue number and the magazine name. I did this by using the text tool and changing the colour and the font so that it stands out. I also used the shape tool to create a black background behind the title so that it stands out.

Page 6: Contents page production

I then began to add the first images onto the blog by using the image tool. I resized the images so that they would fit in the spaces provided and I also gave on image a tag, consisting of the name and page number.

Page 7: Contents page production

I then added text to the bottom of the contents page which is the page titles and extra page details. I did this by using the text tool and the move stool to correctly position them on the page. I changed the colours to blue and white so there is a contrast between the text and the background.

Page 8: Contents page production

I then used the shape and text tool to add the section headings on the contents page. I used two boxes, one black for the background and the other blue for the foreground. The two boxes make the header stand out more compared to the rest of the text and also helps to break it up.

Page 9: Contents page production

I then added the images to the contents page. The images are relevant to the text that they are next to and this helps support the article and breaks up the text. I did this using the picture tool. I also had to re arrange the text so that the image would fit around it.

Page 10: Contents page production

Finally I added the page numbers to the contents page using the text tool and changing the colour to blue so that it contrasts with the background.