Contents analysis

The name of the magazine or logo is not included on this magazine. This is very unconventional of a contents page but this might be to do with the genre, as it is a dance magazine and not for example pop, it is not mainstream so does not always typically follow conventions. It also has not included a reduced version of the cover Page numbers – conventional for a contents page, so that the reader can be directed to the page they want to see without flicking through each page trying to find the story they are interested in News about the ‘Free CD’ that comes with the magazine. Includes a track list, has small information in black text but image of the cover is bright pink and yellow, with a yellow header ‘YOUR FREE CD’ The colours of pink, yellow and black are continued throughout this contents page as the pink has been used for the heading ‘features’ and the yellow has been used to make the title stand out Images – different images, not all of the cover artist. There is a huge image which draws the audiences attention and then a smaller image related to the band featured inside the magazine Features – gives an incite to what is in the magazine, has a ‘blurb’ which gives a little bit of information about each of the headlines Date of the issue, in contrasting white to the black box but not drawing attention away from the bright yellow title, the date is also in small print on the bottom right corner of the page along with the page number. This is on every page so that the reader can tell what issue it is without needing to look on the front cover Title ‘Contents’ – it is in yellow to enable the audience to clearly see it, the colour yellow is only used in two other places on this page and that is to promote and draw attention to the ‘free CD’ that is included ‘’ – website address for the magazine so that the reader can find out more about the magazine online This contents page links to the genre as it is bright and colourful like dance music portrays. Also, on the page number ‘109’ it reminds me of the bright LED lights. It is made of two columns, not too crowded as this would cause confusion with genres (may portray rock)

Transcript of Contents analysis

The name of the magazine or logo is not included on this magazine. This is very unconventional of a contents page but this might be to do with the genre, as it is a dance magazine and not for example pop, it is not mainstream so does not always typically follow conventions. It also has not included a reduced version of the cover


Page numbers – conventional for a contents page, so that the reader can be directed to the page they want to see without flicking through each page trying to find the story they are interested in

News about the ‘Free CD’ that comes with the magazine. Includes a track list, has small information in black text but image of the cover is bright pink and yellow, with a yellow header ‘YOUR FREE CD’  The colours of pink, yellow and black are continued throughout this contents page as the pink has been used for the heading ‘features’ and the yellow has been used to make the title stand out

Images – different images, not all of the cover artist. There is a huge image which draws the audiences attention and then a smaller image related to the band featured inside the magazine

Features – gives an incite to what is in the magazine, has a ‘blurb’ which gives a little bit of information about each of the headlines

Date of the issue, in contrasting white to the black box but not drawing attention away from the bright yellow title, the date is also in small print on the bottom right corner of the page along with the page number. This is on every page so that the reader can tell what issue it is without needing to look on the front cover


Title ‘Contents’ – it is in yellow to enable the audience to clearly see it, the colour yellow is only used in two other places on this page and that is to promote and draw attention to the ‘free CD’ that is included

‘’ – website address for the magazine so that the reader can find out more about the magazine online 

This contents page links to the genre as it is bright and colourful like dance music portrays. Also, on the page number ‘109’ it reminds me of the bright LED lights. It is made of two columns, not too crowded as this would cause confusion with genres (may portray rock)

Page numbers – conventional for a contents page, so that the reader can be directed to the page they want to see without flicking through each page trying to find the story they are interested in

Images – different images, not all of the cover artist. The biggest image is of the cover artist, however the two other images are of artists that will be featured on other pages inside. The image that has been cut out of the man portrays the genre of rock as he is jumping in the air carelessly, with one hand on the microphone, one hand in the air and a loud facial expression

Cover of the magazine included - the biggest image on the contents page is of the artist on the cover. Due to this magazine’s contents page having a lot to do with the cover, ‘on the cover’, it is relevant for it to be shown as the audience can link it all together

Features – gives an incite to what is in the magazine, has a ‘blurb’ which gives a little bit of information about each of the headlines

Date of the issue and title ‘Contents’, the font used is very sophisticated. It suggests the audience of this magazine to be older (adults) and although the images

suggest that it is rock’n’roll,  

‘’ – reader can subscribe on this | this is the website address for the magazine so that the reader can find out more about the magazine and it’s stories online 

This magazine is all about new artists, even though this issue edges slightly towards the genre-rock, we can tell that it is not rock from the layout. For example, there is only 2 columns being used and it is not very busy at all which is what rock magazines would generally be to portray that genre. Instead it is quite sleek and modern which are all connotations of new music

Margin band on the left, is coloured in red as this sticks to house colours and gives the magazine more of a running theme that can be recognizable to the audience