CONNECTED CRM A Nonprofit View of Getting Great at Centering

A Nonprofit View of Enterprise Connected CRM Nonprofit Vertical Workshop CONNECTED CRM Getting Great at Centering Your Organization Around the Constituent Presented By: Jeff Patrick

Transcript of CONNECTED CRM A Nonprofit View of Getting Great at Centering


A Nonprofit View of

Enterprise Connected CRM

Nonprofit Vertical Workshop

CONNECTED CRM Getting Great at Centering Your Organization Around the Constituent Presented By: Jeff Patrick



• Nonprofit Industry Perspective

• ConnectedCRM for Nonprofits



• Nonprofit Industry Challenges – Organizations are seeking ways to optimize their fundraising in the post-

recession climate and with the emerging boomer donor segment – Constituents are demanding a more personalized experience – A 360-degree view of the constituent is desired but difficult to attain – Digital media is proliferating among donors and prospects – Multi-channel marketing is increasingly difficult to measure and manage – Enterprise-wide CRM data integration is valuable but complex – Internal challenges such as cross-departmental competing objectives

and metrics continue to hold back efforts to embrace CRM.

• Opportunity for Nonprofits We explore the opportunities delivered via cCRM to address these

nonprofit industry challenges including segmentation and analytics, personalization, attribution, financial planning, data integration, and organizational change management.



Impact of US Recession on Charities:

Over the past five years the median household income has declined 7.3%.

Individuals gave about 1.9% of their household income to charity in 2011; down 22% since 2005.

In 2011 each household gave $351 less to charity than in 2007. As incomes begin to rise again, the question is whether giving percentages will return to pre-recession levels.

Less Income & Lower % to Charity = Less Charity Dollars


Projected Growth in People 65+ Provides Opportunities

Over the next two decades the population of people age 65+ is expected to grow 80%. The growth will bring about new challenges for nonprofits as giving attitudes and behaviors are expected to be different than previous generations.

Baby boomers offer a big

opportunity for nonprofits


1980 2013

Among consumers, the digitization of media delivery and consumption is here and it is picking up speed…


Challenges and Opportunities

Lower DM Responsiveness

Proliferation of Media

Recovering Economy

Boomers as Savvier & More Demanding Donors

Unconnected Data

Missing Skill Sets

Organizational Silos

More Scrutiny of Investments

Attribution Data Integration Segmentation & Analytics

External Threats Internal Challenges

Personalization Financial Planning

Org Change Management



The Evolution of a Constituent-Centric Organization

Traditional Direct Response

Targeted Direct Response

Constituent-Centric Marketing

Campaign-Based One Size Fits All

Campaign-Based One Size Fits All (with Exceptions)

Communications Optimized to Segment/Individual

Segmentation • DM - List level acquisition • RFM segmentation

• DM - List level acquisition • Limited off-the-shelf models • Special groups (ex. mid-tier


• Constituent segments • Individual targeting, new

constituencies • Custom targeting models

Channel & Messaging

• Direct Mail and Telemarketing • One size fits all

• DM – Big channel but waning • Digital – Fastest growing • Largely DM+EM integration • Some message personalization

• Proliferating targetable digital options

• Multichannel integration • Customized by segment

Efficiency & Control

• Everyone gets everything • List brokers control

• Multiple constituent data sources

• Everyone gets everything with limited exceptions

• Optimized to maximize constituent-level ROI

• Nonprofit has control

1980 - 2000 2000 - 2010 2010-Future


Organization-wide constituent segments tie engagement to organizational strategy

Constituent Segmentation • Practical way to manage , plan

around, and strategize on constituents

• Enterprise segments are used to determine group(s) of constituents that align with organization strategy

• Multiple dimensions can be employed depending on purpose: attitudes, behaviors, demographics, psychographic, value, lifecycle

Program(s) | Transactions | LTV | Demographics | Psychographics


Enterprise-wide view of the constituent

Social DM & EMail


Search DRTV



Call Center


Major Donor Meetings

Walk Events

Gala Event





Optimize the management of every constituent touchpoint across: • Media (Outbound) • Channels (Inbound) • Departments

Best experience for donors


Personalized targeting for each constituent segment

Fundraising plan created by segment: - Media - Channel - Contact frequency - Fundraising program mix - Creative type

Media Preferences

Mid-tier Giving


This increasingly data-driven fundraising is taking hold across all media and channels as digitization and innovation proliferates

• Cookies & PII • Targeting & Content

• Cookie & CRM Record • Targeting & Content

• CRM Record

• Device ID • Real-time bidding

• Cookie & Key Words • Bidding & Content

• Name & Address • Targeting & Content

• CRM Record • Treatment & Offer

• CRM Record • Offer

• CRM Record • Offer

• Social Handle • Targeting & Content






DM & Email

Affiliate Office

Call center


ia T



Major Gift Officer

Social Ch


l Cus





Proliferation of media & channels generates a more complex contact history for each constituent

Contact history reflects the sequence of fundraising touches for this constituent

User ID Date Time Event ID Event Desc

1234 2/1/2012 DM437 DM Delivered

1234 2/2/2012 3:05 pm DI9076 Display Impression

1234 2/2/2012 3:06 pm CC068 Inbound Call Center

1234 2/2/2012 5:05 pm EM087 Sent Email

1234 2/2/2012 9:30 pm EM088 Opened Email

1234 2/2/2012 9:30 pm EM089 Clicked Email

1234 2/6/2012 9:00 pm PS674 Clicks Paid Search

1234 2/6/2012 9:15 pm Q8740 Completes donation

Contact History Details

Contact History Data Master Record

Event ID EM088

Creative A2346 Making the difference in a child’s life

Offer OI92365 $0.30 per day

Program P978 Susatiner

DM Delivered 2/1/2012

Shown Display Ad 2/2/12 3:05pm

Calls 800# Requests Info and gives email 2/2/12 3:06 pm

Clicks Branded Paid Search Ad 2/6/12 9:00 pm

Sent Email 2/2/12 5:05pm Opens Email 2/2/12 9:30 pm

Completes sustainer donation on site 2/6/212 9:15 pm

4-day lag in interaction begs the question of what could be done to compress the time and push the interaction to “conversion”


Attribution allow us to fractionally assign credit to each contact prior to the sustainer donation

15% 20% 20% 40% 5%

Event Cost


Credit Value

DM Delivered $.35 .15 $300

Display Impression $.001 .20 $400

Inbound Call Center Experience $10.25 .40 $800

Sent Email $.02 .20 $400

Paid Search Ad $.03 .05 $100

Predicted Customer LTV: $2,000 Constituent Level Attribution

Campaign Level Attribution

This scenario represents success in that the predicted customer value is realized/confirmed and there is a strong program ROI. Next step is to “operationalize”

this scenario for maximum impact.

Campaign Display-DSP Spend $10,000 Impressions 1,504,014 Visits to Sustainer Donation Page 320

Sustainer Donation 45 Cost Per Sustainer $222 Total Sustainer Value $45,000

ROI 350%


Fire trigger email based on completing call center interaction

User receives email with requested content plus relevant call to action to make a sustainer donation, tuned for Affluent Professional.

Request and customize search landing page content based on search keywords and user data

Landing page focuses on sustainer ask with higher ask string given relative affluence of Affluent Professional.

Contact Management Manages user interaction strategy and rules

Dynamic individual level contact optimizes the constituent experience and outcomes to create more value

DM Delivered Shown Display Ad

Calls 800# Requests Info and gives email

2/1/2012 2/2/12 3:05pm

2/2/12 3:06 pm

Personalization Dynamically assembles personalized communication package

Focusing on the 4-day lag: New contact rules fast track the “sustainer conversion” and reduce/eliminate the 4-day lag in the interaction.

Measure Assess Tune


Connected Recognition (cR) enables the complete view of the constituent and builds the detailed contact history

The Connected Recognition process brings together the donor database and the digital media data into a new CRM Database.

Name Cookie

Address IP

Email User ID

Phone User ID

Customer Data

Integration (CDI)

Digital Data Integration


Connected Recognition

(cR) Donor


Digital Media Data

CRM Database


Building a CRM (Data) Center integrates constituent data and enables organization in new and powerful ways

Ability to target, customize and personalize media and channel experience

Ability to understand, identify, segment and manage constituents

Ability to create new metrics, attribute influence, and measure the incremental

impact of each fundraising activity

Ability to allocate resources that optimize ROI and long-term

constituent value

The ability to respond to changes in constituent, competitor, or marketplace conditions faster than your peers

Ability to create and manage a 360º view of the constituent

CRM Knowledge


A robust technology platform, database skills and a clearly defined CRM management system are the key enablers of Connected CRM.










Improved Constituent Experience in a CRM Organization

Major donor visits npo’s website for planned giving

info and receives a follow-up call from Major Gifts officer

Event participant uses mobile fundraising app and receives coaching emails

She searches on Google for “healthcare reform” and

selects highly placed org article about topic - visits site

Personalized fundraising interstitial ad presented via

site homepage during natural disaster

Digital ads target dm donor online around the period when dm appeal drops

Sees a DRTV ad, visits website and then sees ads for

sustainer giving on

Nonprofit asks him if he wants advocacy alerts via text for which he opts in via online giving form

Segment A shows a propensity for politics so

they receive dm advocacy appeal

She goes to facebook and sees ad that is

personalized based on content viewed on

nonprofit gift catalog

Within hours of seeing facebook ad she receives

targeted email – prompting her to go online to become monthly donor Sees Facebook sponsored

post after receiving email appeal but not giving


DM & EMail


Search DRTV



Fundraising Program

LTV Segment

Demographics Life Events

Call Center


Major Donor Meetings


Opportunity to build a best-in-class organization

• Consolidated view of the constituent across all touchpoints and programs

• Valuable insights on constituent value, attitudes, and behavior

• Better targeting and personalization to improve constituent experience

• Effective measurement of media/channel influence via attribution

• Multi-media/channel optimization based on facts

• Nonprofit able to build strategy based on accurate view of base


DM & EMail


Search DRTV



Fundraising Program

LTV Segment

Demographics Life Events

Call Center

Major Donor Meetings


Will this transform the organization to best-in-class if



A new approach to nonprofit fundraising that focuses on individual, constituent-level optimization

Digitization of the end-to-end fundraising and marketing data management, planning, and execution process drives real-time optimization at the individual





The Connected Constituent Value Chain






ent V



So where does that leave the nonprofit?

What if the nonprofit could choose 20,000 people who would be most likely to commit to monthly giving in the next month

and target them directly across media and channels?



• Nonprofit Industry Perspective

• ConnectedCRM for Nonprofits


Merkle’s Approach for the Future – Connected CRM

A systematic way to identify, engage and retain donors based upon their value better than competitors through orchestrated interactions that improve financial results, create competitive advantage and drive value for the

organization and its mission



Ability to create and manage a 360º view of the constituent

Ability to understand, identify, segment and manage high value constituents

Ability to micro target, customize and personalize media and channel experience

Ability to create metrics as currencies and measure the incremental impact of each fundraising activity

Ability to allocate resources that optimize ROI and long-term constituent value

The ability to respond to changes in constituent, peer, or marketplace conditions faster than your competition

Connected CRM Enables ALL of the Key Ingredients for CRM success


The Connected CRM Framework (CCF)

Enterprise segmentation, which includes value and lifecycle dimensions, forms the foundation of CCF

What data, systems, tools

and technologies

will be necessary?

How do we organize and

what capabilities and

business processes will be


Organization In



ure Experience Delivery

Financial Management

Customer Strategy

Financial management informs customer strategy and experience delivery decisions as a closed loop process

These strategies are then translated into actionable media and channel plans that result in highly personalized, targeted experiences

Portfolio Strategy

Segment Strategy Program Strategy

Experience delivery performance is continuously attributed across media and channels which, in turn, drives optimized budget allocation

Media Planning Channel Planning

Targeting & Personalization

Measurement & Attribution

Budget Allocation

The foundation of Connected CRM is a clearly rationalized strategic framework that is widely adopted at all levels of the organization and forms an ongoing process


The Connected CRM Framework (CCF)

Enterprise segmentation, which includes value and lifecycle dimensions, forms the foundation of CCF

What data, systems, tools

and technologies

will be necessary?

How do we organize and

what capabilities and

business processes will be


Organization In



ure Experience Delivery

Financial Management

Customer Strategy

Financial management informs customer strategy and experience delivery decisions as a closed loop process

These strategies are then translated into actionable media and channel plans that result in highly personalized, targeted experiences

Portfolio Strategy

Segment Strategy Program Strategy

Experience delivery performance is continuously attributed across media and channels which, in turn, drives optimized budget allocation

Media Planning Channel Planning

Targeting & Personalization

Measurement & Attribution

Budget Allocation

The foundation of Connected CRM is a clearly rationalized strategic framework that is widely adopted at all levels of the organization and forms an ongoing process


It Starts with 4 Key Segments

Value Total annual income generated per donor

OnlineDonor’s likelihood to make an online donation over the course of the year

SustainerDonor’s likelihood to join the sustainer program over the course of the year

Program(s) | Transactions | LTV | Demographics | Psychographics

Affluent Retirees

Value Online Retention

26% Active Donors

Avg Gift

Affluent Professionals

Value Online Retention

23% Active Donors

Avg Gift

Average Janes

Value Online Retention

42% Active Donors

Avg Gift

Boomers Just Getting By

Value Online Retention

9% Active Donors

Avg Gift


Segment Brief: Affluent Professionals

Affluent Professionals

Overview Another important segment for Komen to invest in – these donors are in their 40’s + 50’s, are highly educated + have means to spend more freely.

Who They are • High-earning professionals, with household incomes ranging from $50K to over $125K • Highly educated • Live in urban areas • Child present in the home • Physically active

Psychographics • Intelligentsia – interested in the arts, current affairs, politics • Attracted to + interact with higher end brands • Technologically savvy, shop online • Less involved in the community

Charitable Giving • Similar to Affluent Retirees, understand the investment in an organization • Slightly less loyal to an organization • Multi-channel engagement

Size of Segment • 25% of the active universe • Make up 26% of core giving

Giving Metrics • 1. 73 gifts per donor per year • $41 average gift

Marketing •Current direct marketing is not working for these donors • More responsive to more modern/contemporary packages •Online marketing should include both fundraising + engagement opportunities •Multi-Channel Donors


Advanced Segments – FY13 Annual Metrics for Core


Donors % Retained Gifts/Retained Avg Gift Income/Donor Net/Donor Net Income

Affluent Retirees 69,596 63% 1.66 $44 $46 $36 $2,530,442

Affluent Professionals 59,879 56% 1.75 $42 $42 $32 $1,918,257

Average Jane 110,737 60% 1.92 $28 $32 $23 $2,504,212

Boomers Just Getting By 22,819 55% 1.95 $26 $28 $19 $429,641

Affluent Retirees


Affluent Professionals


Average Jane42%

Boomers Just Getting By



Affluent Retirees


Affluent Professionals


Average Jane34%

Boomers Just Getting By


Net Income

Annual Online & Offline Giving Financial Snapshot


Acquisition Performance and Response by Segment

There are dramatic differences in response to the current acquisition program for each segment. With the highest response rates coming from the lowest value segments.

Over time, the mix of new donors has been increasingly shifting away from the higher value segments towards the lower value segments.

The current acquisition program has essentially been optimized for the Average Janes, as they are the largest segment.

While, this kind of optimization can on the surface, appear to produce positive results, it often ignores the impact on who the organization is acquiring.


Segment Financial Metrics FY12 Acquisition

Affluent Retirees Affluent Professionals Average Jane’s Boomers Just Getting By

Acquisition Metrics

New Donors 20,062 28,399 50,112 13,641

Net/Donor to Acq -$16 -$17 -$20 -$17

1st Gift Amount $29.51 $26.45 $20.18 $19.92

5 Yr Subs Net* $38.07 $34.13 $26.03 $25.70

5 Yr Total Net* $22.54 $17.35 $6.28 $8.75

5 Yr ROI on Acq* 145% 103% 32% 52%

• While there are minimal differences in the upfront cost to acquire a donor by segment (net/donor), there are substantial differences in the subsequent value & long-term ROI of each segment

• Looking at projected long-term ROI of the Acquisition program, it’s clear that shifting investment to the higher value segments would yield higher long-term ROI & higher 5 Yr Net



Renewal Performance by Segment

• Current appeal program is optimized around the responsiveness of Average Jane’s who have a 15-25% higher response rate than the other segments

• Affluent Professionals have the lowest response

• Affluent Retirees & Affluent Professionals have 50-60% higher average gifts than the other segments


Retention: Segment Financial Metrics FY13 Donors (0-12 Mo)


Segment Funnel

*FY12 Lapse Rate of Core Donors


Segment Strategies

Expand Existing Audience •New Lists •New and Multi-Channels •Advance Measurement(s)

Volume Redistribution

•Post-Merge Targeting •Data Source

Increase Response Rate

•Audience to Offer •Messaging/Ask Strategy •Creative Execution •Cadence •Demonstrate Impact

Increase Contact Frequency •Enhance “Seasonal” Offers

Optimization of Budget •Allocate more marketing dollars to this segment

Enhance Experience •Multi-Channel Engagement •E-Mail •Personal Fundraising

Retention Campaigns •Audience to Offer •Creative Execution •Cadence •“Connect” to the Cause

Decrease Contact Frequency •Eliminate low yield campaigns

Maximize ROI •Reduce package costs •Contact cadence

Minimize Upgrade “Asks” Deploy “Prod and Cull” Strategies

Strategic Acquisition (to help offset cost of acquiring AP and AR) Optimize use of Premiums Reduce Contact Cadence Cultivate for Enhanced Giving •Sustainers •Planned Giving

Retention Campaigns •Traditional FR Creative •Emotional Connection


Portfolio Strategy


Differentiated Segment Approach

FY12: “One-Size-Fits-All” Cadence

Optimize Cadence by Segment

Cost: $4.2M Net: $1.3M

Cost: $4.2M Net: $1.9M


Optimal Constituent Portfolio

Affluent Retirees

Affluent Professionals

Average Janes

Boomers Just Getting By

20% $200k

42% $2.2M 47% 38%

$42.50 $1.4M $27.60

New Donors

Average Gift


Cost to Raise a Dollar $.40 $500k

Layered together, Komen will target prescribed new donor mix, retention, average gift, and cost to raise a dollar

metrics to achieve the optimal portfolio.


11% 29% 40%



$.36 $.39 $.32

Revenue Gained Cost Saved Increase from current state

Decrease from current state

3 Yr Incremental

Net Gain


*Retention, Avg Gift, & CTRD for 0-24 Month Donorfile


Optimized Portfolio Budget by Segment

Affluent Retirees

Affluent Professionals

Average Janes

Boomers Just Getting By


42% 47% 38%

$42.50 $27.60

New Donors

Average Gift


Cost to Raise a Dollar $.40


11% 29% 40%



$.36 $.39 $.32

Revenue Gained Cost Saved Increase from current state

Decrease from current state

*Retention, Avg Gift, & CTRD for 0-24 Month Donorfile

Acq Budget Allocation 12% 47% 25% 17%

Ret Budget Allocation 9% 38% 26% 27%


The Connected CRM Framework (CCF)

Enterprise segmentation, which includes value and lifecycle dimensions, forms the foundation of CCF

What data, systems, tools

and technologies

will be necessary?

How do we organize and

what capabilities and

business processes will be


Organization In



ure Experience Delivery

Financial Management

Customer Strategy

Financial management informs customer strategy and experience delivery decisions as a closed loop process

These strategies are then translated into actionable media and channel plans that result in highly personalized, targeted experiences

Portfolio Strategy

Segment Strategy Program Strategy

Experience delivery performance is continuously attributed across media and channels which, in turn, drives optimized budget allocation

Media Planning Channel Planning

Targeting & Personalization

Measurement & Attribution

Budget Allocation

The foundation of Connected CRM is a clearly rationalized strategic framework that is widely adopted at all levels of the organization and forms an ongoing process


Look Back at Creative Performance by Segment

AP’s respond best to Annual Fund, Holiday Card, & V-Day


* Gross Income per Name

AJ’s respond least well to Annual Fund & Year-end Appeal


Detailed Look Back by Segment and Creative Concept


Package Qty Mail Gifts % Resp Avg Gift Income Gross/M %Resp Diff Gross/M DiffAJ HVD-Ctrl-Personal Ntcrd Verif 4,810 229 4.76% $49 $11,270 $2,343

HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Open Ask 4,825 176 3.65% $57 $10,031 $2,079 -23.4% -11.3%HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Word-Collage Cover Art 4,730 218 4.61% $55 $11,892 $2,514 -3.2% 7.3%HVD-Test-Photo Essay w/Vellum Window OE 4,783 199 4.16% $49 $9,830 $2,055 -12.6% -12.3%

AR HVD-Ctrl-Personal Ntcrd Verif 4,747 197 4.15% $82 $16,174 $3,407HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Open Ask 4,739 158 3.33% $83 $13,146 $2,774 -19.7% -18.6%HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Word-Collage Cover Art 4,842 199 4.11% $85 $16,988 $3,508 -1.0% 3.0%HVD-Test-Photo Essay w/Vellum Window OE 4,918 177 3.60% $62 $10,947 $2,226 -13.3% -34.7%

AP HVD-Ctrl-Personal Ntcrd Verif 4,365 158 3.62% $75 $11,831 $2,710HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Open Ask 4,346 134 3.08% $53 $7,160 $1,647 -14.8% -39.2%HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Word-Collage Cover Art 4,338 183 4.22% $81 $14,791 $3,410 16.5% 25.8%HVD-Test-Photo Essay w/Vellum Window OE 4,268 140 3.28% $96 $13,497 $3,162 -9.4% 16.7%

BJGB HVD-Ctrl-Personal Ntcrd Verif 1,078 37 3.43% $47 $1,750 $1,623HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Open Ask 1,091 39 3.57% $48 $1,855 $1,700 4.1% 4.7%HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Word-Collage Cover Art 1,091 50 4.58% $48 $2,405 $2,204 33.5% 35.8%HVD-Test-Photo Essay w/Vellum Window OE 1,032 37 3.59% $47 $1,744 $1,690 4.5% 4.1%HVD-Ctrl-Personal Ntcrd Verif 15,000 621 4.14% $66 $41,025 $2,735HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Open Ask 15,001 507 3.38% $63 $32,192 $2,146 -18.4% -21.5%HVD-Test-Personal Ntcrd w/Word-Collage Cover Art 15,001 650 4.33% $71 $46,076 $3,072 4.7% 12.3%HVD-Test-Photo Essay w/Vellum Window OE 15,001 553 3.69% $65 $36,018 $2,401 -11.0% -12.2%

FY12 CYE FU & Personal Notecard


Personalized Creative by Segment


Traditional Package Modern Design


Personalization Profile - Affluent Professional

Media Preferences

Mid-tier Giving Program


Personalization by Segment

Affluent Retirees Affluent Professionals Average Janes Boomers Just Getting By


The Connected CRM Framework (CCF)

Enterprise segmentation, which includes value and lifecycle dimensions, forms the foundation of CCF

What data, systems, tools

and technologies

will be necessary?

How do we organize and

what capabilities and

business processes will be


Organization In



ure Experience Delivery

Financial Management

Customer Strategy

Financial management informs customer strategy and experience delivery decisions as a closed loop process

These strategies are then translated into actionable media and channel plans that result in highly personalized, targeted experiences

Portfolio Strategy

Segment Strategy Program Strategy

Experience delivery performance is continuously attributed across media and channels which, in turn, drives optimized budget allocation

Media Planning Channel Planning

Targeting & Personalization

Measurement & Attribution

Budget Allocation

The foundation of Connected CRM is a clearly rationalized strategic framework that is widely adopted at all levels of the organization and forms an ongoing process


Improving fundraising program performance relies on an accurate view of multi-channel attribution

Day 30 ………………………………………………….. 8 Day 7 ……………………………. 2 Day 1 ……… 0

Online Donation from Prospect

Actual experience

Constituent gives online “Last touch” was Website Website over-attributed


Constituent clicked on site link. Rules: DM and Email exposure in last 72 hours, so assign credit accordingly Better but still not accurate

Rules Based

5` Modeled Model-adjusted interaction Most accurate and actionalble 5% 10% 5% 5% 5% 15% 5% 5% 40%


Direct mail sent Email Sent (Retargeting) Display view Social visit Website Visit Paid search click

Mass and Offline Digital

30% 60% 10%


Telemarketing Call



Attribution Informs Decision-making at Multiple Levels

Results by Segment (Mthly) • Visibility into how each tactic was driving

new constituents by segment

• Important data to feed into constituent experience to drive better personalization and targeting by tactic and segment

Program Diagnostics (Daily) • Visibility into ‘why’ different programs

e.g. sustainers, 1x gifts, events - are and are not performing

• Highlight those specific variables in each program that are problematic

Results by Media Type (Mthly) • More accurate view into media


• Important input into ongoing budgeting and planning processes

Jan Feb March April May DM 110 115 120 125 135 TM 205 200 198 200 207 EM 200 190 204 195 195 Display 200 205 210 205 195 Social 210 195 185 190 210 Paid Search 115 110 112 120 118


New modeled attribution approach produces very different results vs. basic last touch (Direct)

Probabilistic (MMO) attribution approach yields dramatically different results than direct attribution. Conclusion: Shift dollars from offline to search and display.


$205 $200 $210

$115 $135













Direct Mail Telemarketing Display (Retargeting)

Social Paid Search

Direct (Before) Model (After)

Donor Acquisition Cost (Average) • Observation: Display even cheaper than we thought

• Recommendation: Ramp up vol by broadening targeted site footprint, # touches / contact

• Observation: DM & TM too expensive

• Recommendation: Reduce DM cadence to lower value segments; Increase initial price point ask on TM sustainer calls

• Observation: Facebook custom audiences not working – too expensive

• Recommendation: Suspend FB custom audiences trial for now

• Observation: Search is lowest cost media option

• Recommendation: Redirect FB & DM reduced spend into search


Scenario 1: AP Segment Estimated Spend by Media

Estimated Spend by Media Type: Affluent Professional Segment

Scenarios and output estimated based on most granular level for media execution example Direct Mail: Segment level

Search: Keyword level

Display: Cookie level

2013 OPTIMIZED Q1-Jan Q1-Feb Q1-Mar Total 2013

Direct Mail $1,463,410 $1,654,118 $2,058,457 $12,985,289 $145,779 $140,063 $125,571 $810,000 Display General $83,823 $80,536 $72,203 $465,750 Retarget $175,426 $192,968 $201,739 $2,192,820 Banner $175,426 $192,968 $201,739 $2,192,820 Search $744,504 $818,954 $856,179 $9,306,297

Brand Google $31,091 $34,200 $35,754 $388,635

Non Brand Google $559,902 $615,892 $643,887 $6,998,775

Brand Yahoo $7,773 $8,550 $8,939 $97,159

Non Brand Yahoo $145,738 $160,312 $167,599 $1,821,727

$5,058,238 $5,612,205 $6,483,894 $50,588,811


The Connected CRM Framework (CCF)

Enterprise segmentation, which includes value and lifecycle dimensions, forms the foundation of CCF

What data, systems, tools

and technologies

will be necessary?

How do we organize and

what capabilities and

business processes will be


Organization In



ure Experience Delivery

Financial Management

Customer Strategy

Financial management informs customer strategy and experience delivery decisions as a closed loop process

These strategies are then translated into actionable media and channel plans that result in highly personalized, targeted experiences

Portfolio Strategy

Segment Strategy Program Strategy

Experience delivery performance is continuously attributed across media and channels which, in turn, drives optimized budget allocation

Media Planning Channel Planning

Targeting & Personalization

Measurement & Attribution

Budget Allocation

The foundation of Connected CRM is a clearly rationalized strategic framework that is widely adopted at all levels of the organization and forms an ongoing process


CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


TM DM EM Display Search Social

Offline Media Database

Digital Data Mgmt Platform

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

All anonymous and known digital exposures keyed to a universal user key (cookie level) or UID

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the anonymous marketplace – mass and digital

Foundational view of the prospect and customer including segmentation,

contact history, and value

All offline media interactions mapped to the individual level including overlays for

demographics, psychographics


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

Connected Recognition sits at the heart of the Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)


CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


Donor Database

Digital Data Mgmt Platform

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

All anonymous and known digital exposures keyed to a universal user key (cookie level)

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the anonymous marketplace – mass and digital

Foundational view of the prospect and constituent including segmentation,

contact history, and value


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

A closer look at the offline media database

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)

TM DM EM Display Search Social


Ektron CMS

CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


Team Approach Digital Data Mgmt Platform

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

All anonymous and known digital exposures keyed to a universal user key (cookie level)

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the anonymous marketplace – mass and digital

Foundational view of the prospect and constituent including segmentation,

contact history, and value


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

Team Approach Database Aggregates the DM Constituent Data

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)


TM Partner


DM Caging

TM DM EM Display Search Social


CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


TM DM EM Display Search Social

Offline Media Database

Digital Data Mgmt Platform

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

Display + Search + Social advertising aggregated with each record keyed to a universal user key (cookie level)

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the anonymous marketplace – mass and digital

Foundational view of the prospect and constituent including segmentation,

contact history, and value

Team Approach = DM Data from TA +

EM Data from Convio + TM Partner Feed


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

Phase I – Aggregation & Management of Human-driven media and channels

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)


CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


TM DM EM Display Search Social

Offline Media Database Merkle Exstonet

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

Merkle’s digital platform Exstonet aggregates, manages, and executes the digital advertising

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the anonymous marketplace – mass and digital

Foundational view of the prospect and constituent including segmentation,

contact history, and value

Team Approach = DM Data from TA +

EM Data from Convio + TM Partner Feed


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

Phase I – Aggregation & Management of Human-driven media and channels

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)


CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


TM DM EM Display Search Social

Team Approach Database

Digital Data Mgmt Platform

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the digital (anonymous) marketplace.

360l view of your prospects and constituents including segmentation,

contact history, and value


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

Phase I – Aggregation & Management of Human-driven media and channels

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)

Merkle Exstonet

Merkle’s digital platform Exstonet aggregates, manages, and executes the digital advertising


CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


TM DM EM Display Search Social

Team Approach Database

Digital Data Mgmt Platform

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the digital (anonymous) marketplace.

360l view of your prospects and constituents including segmentation,

contact history, and value

Team Approach = DM Data from Caging + EM Data from Convio +

Contact History + TM Partner Feed


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

Phase I – Aggregation & Management of Human-driven media and channels

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)

Merkle Exstonet

Merkle’s digital platform Exstonet aggregates, manages, and executes the digital advertising


Covio ID UID Date/Time Event Site/Page Creative

1234 98765 12:30 PM Banner Impression A1

98765 12:31 PM Banner Impression A1

98765 1:00 PM Facebook login NYTimes FB

98765 2:10 PM Banner Impression FB B2

Nancy, a donor gets a DM piece and visits Komen’s website to learn more, signs up for email, and ultimately donates online 1 day later after viewing several display retargeting ads.

Constituent ID First Last Address DM Key Code Campaign ID Date

123322777 Nancy McCorry 123 Main St. DM42343 999 12/09/2012

Convio ID

Constituent ID


Email Action Date/Time Email Address First Last

1234 Yes 12/15/2012 8:30 PM

[email protected]

123 Main Street Nancy McCorry

Connected Recognition integrates across these domains and drives opportunities for multi-channel optimization

Team Approach


Merkle Exstonet

Convio ID

Constituent ID Donation Amount Donation

Date/Time Email Address

1234 123322777 Yes $65.00 2:13 PM [email protected] 123 Main Street Convio

DM Send

Email Signup

Digital Touches

Online Donation


UID Constituent ID Date Time Event Campaign Site/Page Creative Amount

98765 123322777 12/09/13 DM Send 999 Style B

98765 123322777 12/15/13

8:30 PM Email Signup

98765 123322777 12/16/13

12:30 PM Banner Impression 3456 A1

98765 123322777 12/16/13

12:31 PM

Banner Impression 3456 NYTimes.c

om A1

98765 123322777 12/16/13

1:00 PM

Facebook login NYTimes


98765 123322777 12/16/13

2:10 PM

Banner Impression 3456 FB B2

98765 123322777 12/16/13

2:13 PM Donation $65.00

CRM Database

Connected Recognition integrates across these domains and drives opportunities for multi-channel optimization cR

Offline Digital

CRM Database


CRM Database

Targeting & Personalization


TM DM EM Display Search Social

Team Approach Database

Digital Data Mgmt Platform

First, Second and Third Party Data Sources

Integrated attribution and targeting

Connected Recognition (cR) links known consumers (and their value) to their media interactions in the digital (anonymous) marketplace.

360l view of your prospects and constituents including segmentation,

contact history, and value

Team Approach = DM Data from Caging + EM Data from Convio +

Contact History + TM Partner Feed


Measurement & Attribution

Constituent Event Stream

Phase I – Aggregation & Management of Human-driven Media and Channels

The Nonprofit Connected Data Management Platform (cDMP)

Merkle Exstonet

Merkle’s digital platform Exstonet aggregates, manages, and executes the digital advertising


The Connected CRM Framework (CCF)

Enterprise segmentation, which includes value and lifecycle dimensions, forms the foundation of CCF

What data, systems, tools

and technologies

will be necessary?

How do we organize and

what capabilities and

business processes will be


Organization In



ure Experience Delivery

Financial Management

Customer Strategy

Financial management informs customer strategy and experience delivery decisions as a closed loop process

These strategies are then translated into actionable media and channel plans that result in highly personalized, targeted experiences

Portfolio Strategy

Segment Strategy Program Strategy

Experience delivery performance is continuously attributed across media and channels which, in turn, drives optimized budget allocation

Media Planning Channel Planning

Targeting & Personalization

Measurement & Attribution

Budget Allocation

The foundation of Connected CRM is a clearly rationalized strategic framework that is widely adopted at all levels of the organization and forms an ongoing process


True competitive advantage will go to organizations that transform their operating approach to deliver enterprise level Connected CRM




Value from greater

constituent focus

• Lack of clarity on what to do

• Competing leadership priorities

• Entrenched metrics

• Conflicting incentives

• Uncertainty • Risk avoidance

Challenges is to overcome…

Decision-maker or Program Owner

Any organization can become more constituent focused…but there are challenges that must be faced


How Top-performers Achieve Break-away Change

Start Strong

Disciplined Approach

Focus on Lasting Change

+58% +33% 8%

Funding Management

Data Governance Culture and People Change Management

Defined Project Objectives

Multi-phase Execution Roadmap

Program Governance

Business Process Change

Organizational Realignment



Chance of success

Top performing organizations are increasing their success rate by focusing on lasting organization change

August 2009, nearly 400 business leaders worldwide, Success drivers explained 65%. Low percentage indicates activities common to high and low performers. High percentages indicate activities more unique to top performers


Executive leadership and governance team Change champions – CCRM vision stewards – Organizational integrators

Program governance, value pro forma and business case (revenue, programmatic) including identifying interim milestones and quick wins

Technology assessment

Approach consists of five work streams including a series of workshops to align the organization to the vision and build an effective roadmap

Constituent Strategy and Vision

Operating Model Assessment

A ConnectedCRM Roadmap for the Organization

• Detailed experience-based, constituent use cases • Enterprise wide segmentation strategy

Constituent blueprint and roadmap

• CRM organization alignment, roles and responsibilities • Systems and processes evolution • Change management plan

• Assessment of current state – data, systems, processes • Detailed technology plan and recommendations

• Future state vision and roadmap • Initiative prioritization including quick wins



• Nonprofit Industry Challenges – Organizations are seeking ways to optimize their fundraising in the

post-recession climate and with the expanding, emerging boomer donor segment

– Constituents are demanding a more personalized experience – A 360-degree view of the constituent is desired but difficult to attain – Digital media is proliferating among donors and prospects – Multi-channel marketing is increasingly difficult to measure and

manage – Enterprise-wide CRM data integration is valuable but complex – Internal challenges such as cross-departmental competing objectives

and metrics continue to hold back efforts to embrace CRM.

• Opportunity for Nonprofits We explore the opportunities delivered via cCRM to address these

nonprofit industry challenges including segmentation and analytics, personalization, attribution, financial planning, data integration, and organizational change management.



Thanks for attention.

For more information contact:


Tony Danzy [email protected] (410) 794 7086

Greg Fox [email protected] (443) 542 4017

Jeff Patrick [email protected] (415) 672 1986