CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale...


Transcript of CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale...

Page 1: CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale despondency. Happiness replaces oxygen in being the vital element. Kaleidoscopic balloons


Page 2: CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale despondency. Happiness replaces oxygen in being the vital element. Kaleidoscopic balloons

All the cities in this book are fictitious.The citizens residing in the town Aplistia traverse across their state in search of a new habitat hereby srutinizing six disparate regions.


Page 3: CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale despondency. Happiness replaces oxygen in being the vital element. Kaleidoscopic balloons








Page 4: CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale despondency. Happiness replaces oxygen in being the vital element. Kaleidoscopic balloons

In Aplista each person is wealthy even though people have no

money. Here what you get in exchange is knowledge. People work throughout the day for being satisfied and for feeling no remorse. As the night approaches they fulfill their wishes through imagination and wake up with a whole new set of desires for the next day. Absence of money gave birth to an unusual desire – The greed of a new city. Earlier they used to dwell in a city that everyone dreams of, where there is serenity, a mesmerizing view from wherever you are, a smile on everyone’s face though

there is a hidden truth, doors which are never shut because of immense trust among each other. Empty lanes leading to your destination and fragrance of kindness spreading throughout the city. Still they wished for a change and hence built a different part of the existing city This gave rise to a novel version, the one floating in air which is contrary to the existing underwater surroundings.The city where there are no colours except black and white yet as splendid as the earlier



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one .From their personality to the attires, every speck of dust is different in this unprecedented world. Reminiscing about the days spent in both parts of the cities, they travel back and forth . People now realise not having an option was better. Never able to decide which place to reside in, whether to work or repose, to enjoy the smallest things in life or grumble about the non-existing problems. Always a dilemma which results in over thinking.

Forgetting about the confusion it created, their desires rise again Lives changed as they slid from one place to the other. Even though the desire of two incongruous parts of the same city was now fulfilled this did not quench their thirst, the greed for a new city still remains.

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Ap l i s t i a n s become hitchhikers and embark

on an expedition undertaken to explore the uninhabited cities of their state in an attempt to change

their monotonous lives. After travelling for a couple of hours, they reach Opuesto– the city of contrasts.

The city resides in an enormous pistachio shell where there is bright sunlight throughout the year, hence for darkness the shell shuts down. Here

the squirrels used to outnumber the humans, now there is no life.

The cool breeze makes the coffee coloured leaves shiver and the tawny water waves tremble. In Opuesto the stout tree trunk has emerald patches and the land is pristine with a wash of turquoise. The city has a traditional appearance with gothic

architecture but the interiors are sophisticated with a contemporary look.

Tilted untangled threads are the means of transportation and communication is through blinking, leaving no room for ambiguity. Tourists observe the city,

unable to interpret the link between heavy glass windows and houses as light as feathers, where lying is a crime but misappropriation is not. The

citizens had a blood relation but remained acquaintances who never spoke a word.

The travellers look perplexed and wish to go back to their own city. Continuing further with a

hope of amusement, they discover a dilapidated



Page 7: CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale despondency. Happiness replaces oxygen in being the vital element. Kaleidoscopic balloons


a b o d e . In spite of the sinister

look they decide to enter the house. To their utter surprise the rooms had pastel pink

walls with photo frames cherishing the memories, a positive atmosphere around with floral patterns, fragrance

of old paints and books, trees with lush brown leaves branching throughout the space.

This place was in stark contrast to the rest of the city, situated 20 kilometres away from the main town in the deep woods as if a hidden treasure, they had

a sense of belonging to the city. But again they missed Aplistia.

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Proceeding ninety miles southeast of Opuesto and after a vessel ride, one arrives at Treppe, an island in the middle of the sea. This island

has a city built on stairs surrounded by lofty layers of concentric circles which consists of hefty sacks and tyres to restrict the flow of water. The freedom of residents if confined to the boundaries of the island. In spite of the protection they are still in trepidation of the town being washed away and hence the

citizens here are cymophobic. The citizens here truly believe that life can end any moment and spend each day doing good deeds without desires, expectations, without greed for power and money hence no felonies and no need of a government , living an austere lifestyle. To celebrate

life they have dove birds flying above the city which is dipped in various tints of pink where ants outnumbered humans. Incessant but peasant chirping of the dove birds can be heard. The city welcomes you with a terra cotta gate



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their necks to the different flowers wrapped around their body. The living of a diligent and an indolent person is no different , hence everyone is redundant and profoundly convinced by the hakuna matata philosophy. Aplistians are highly amused by this but decide to further continue their journey.

of generosity also increases with the intricate patterns of the Mughal architecture. Requisites for a sedentary and enclosed life are provided by the boundless sea. Here, the staple diet is marine life, the attire ranges from sea shells attached to a rope which is tied around

embedded with agate gemstones flanked by hot water fountains. Rays of light emerging from the house lanterns reflects on the glossy surface of land and people stomp on the shadows created by the leaves. With each increasing step the level

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After boarding a spacecraft and its propulsion, the citizens of Aplistia observe through the glass walls and are awestruck by the fascinating view of the city. A city on one enormous swing with long chains where in one is adhered to the planet earth and the other to Venus , not wishing to live inside the planets as they dreaded the natural disasters and the climatic changes , the citizens of columpio

chose to live between


planets . It seems interminable where the citizens may go astray. Hence no one ventures to explore the entire city. Here in space there is gravity, people commute only by sauntering while gazing at the twinkling stars, miniature planets and wishing they could see the moon.

People inhale ecstasy and exhale despondency. Happiness replaces oxygen in being the vital element. Kaleidoscopic balloons are fastened to every abode to create a joyful atmosphere. This city remains stable based on the decibels of elation, if the intensity reduces, the swing oscillates. The city gets shattered and disrupted hence leaving

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a room for reconstruction. Perceiving the augmented vision of Columpio, Aplistians scrutinise the tent like dwellings with french windows and panelled doors. Each domicile has a backyard with an archaic outhouse where horses graze. Posies blooming on each side of the narrow lanes with an exquisite aroma and dainty butterflies hovering around. Every by road has an eatery with an array of confectionaries crammed during weekdays with families having leisure

time. People

toil every alternate day except for weekends, donned in purple and yellow attires and scampering with white briefcases. Aplistians struggle to discern the dissimilarities between Aplistia and Columpio. Both the cities are similar in terms of communication: through gestures, conveyance, apparel, lifestyle and so on, the only difference being the swaying. Petrified over the thought of residing in a town reminiscent of their native, Aplistians revert and resolve to never visit this city again.

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When you arrive at

Ograden an ostentatious foyer catches your attention

with luxury vinyl tiles, acoustical ceiling, ample ventilation and abundant

illumination even though this town exists in an outstretched desert inside an enormous tunnel with lavender hued sand. The globe trotters were welcomed by a couple of attendants for a short excursion. The lobby had sparkling sapphire chandeliers. There was serenity throughout except for the pacifying piano tunes. People entered through revolving glass doors and turnstiles. Awaiting the city tour, they become exuberant and commute on royal horse carts adorned with gem stones while starring at the bright yellow colossal skyscrapers with artificial light embedded on the thicker outer walls. Seeing everybody shuttle to and fro by different means, unable to notice even a single person stroll they realise why people here are stout and plump. The inner semi-circular walls of the tunnel have

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detailed paintings of the galaxy creating an illusion of the sky. The dessert also has foam clad mountains with adventurous trekkers during vacations, lime water lakes with rowing boats where swans reside who are fed by the older generation and a gorgeous white sand beach frequented by the youngsters during weekends. The city experiences autumn throughout, multi-coloured leaves fallen on the ground are amassed by the ladies to embellish their coiffure. Toddlers splash the puddle of leaves and relish the cool and pleasant atmosphere. Men pluck delegant flowers for their spouse. As trees are a source of merriment, these are revered annually in the month of January for an auspicious start to a gratifying year. The worship is followed by a procession and a public gathering where women are garbed in kimonos and men in Scottish skirts who greet each other with appreciations. Though the city is wonderful but the inhabitants here aren’t. Too conceited because of the wealth,

egoistic, sadistic and never grateful. With a foreboding that the inhabitants may

annihilate the city ,Aplistians fled from the town.

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A concealed city, only visible during the early wee hours to those who know that this city exists. Situated inside a humongous banyan tree trunk with obsolete darkness hence no shadows and reflections, where presence of light is perilous to their eyes and the outer walls become translucent when the city sleeps. Crammed with septuagenarians abandoned by their progenies, the city has a dearth of buoyancy, zest and juveniles.

As trees absorb odor and pollutants, it became inexpedient for the citizens viability hence they harnessed the chlorophyll for their survival, employed the xylem and phloem tissues for their victuals. A deceased tree with pale leaves was the aftermath of this exploitation.

The doorway to this town is a capacious trench hidden by burgundy daffodils and scaffoldings lead us to Oscura. There are circular buildings made of wood and clay, leafy curtains and rocky furniture with a rusty look. Because of the gusty and blustery weather there is an upward waterfall in the center of the city that flows into a stream.

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The leaves rustle due to the breeze and the rippling sound of water echoes.

People are appareled in filthy white robes with a lantern around their waist day and night. The town has a plethora of modern schools and colleges where the inhabitants are reinvigorating their lives. Towards the east there are acres of land with hybrid mango and litchi plantations that can survive without sunlight and can be harvested throughout the year. The residents export these, that’s how they earn their bread.

People seem to revel in their lives but what they are truly awaiting is death, experiencing saudade when they see the colorful buds blossoming, which brings them back to the days they spent with their kith and kin

After the expedition, the Aplistians realize that Aplistia was a utopian society, how grateful they were to reside in such a marvelous city. They revert to their town without any greed

Page 16: CODICIA - · moon. People inhale ecstasy and exhale despondency. Happiness replaces oxygen in being the vital element. Kaleidoscopic balloons