CITY. MONEY tewESrzsi*!* i4' T2£* · 2017. 12. 19. · "I \sat tiN-'ns lu myroon readme before...

In-tmuicntB in the college ob«er\utery sbflWfld no .fleete ef the abeeka. Tbe taree eStaa sleek In tba liesvy lmltrt'"r Nos. 34 llioins* 117 Deane ats. Mopped ettteBSig eetAmah on Tuesday elset. Ai it mus ranfnlly sst only twoor thrrs d.r* Ano ll la a pretty ex.tct record ot lbs tims ths 1,: tt sbllOll i" OH-!*! chief Basiaeer William vv. li-.iton, Cnimd Kt*t*s .Navy, sud a member "I tue Bsval Bu ru of laipeetion, waa sitting In bia rnoui oi! Cnliniii'li Hetflbts, Brooklyn, talking willi bi brother at Hie uiomenl of tbs enrth- aeabft Be laid. " I m. sibi.siuc ai n.e tims ti.e vibra- I'nii Occiir-d. aol itn.iiRb I i.s- exit, nellie J until J- aartMuekeata J»»»an ami ot- tba l*sri«n Osaat.1 weil leuie niter Ihe .aiinq .aka and ulai wara ou the tit l'»ru ia 1>-C9, wbleb aui sou,am deanne (o ifs ami property.I inousbl perhaps tha iwiok og bad isade ins nervous. I sot up sirsKMrn my limb* anti me w»t- los mulloo ns. I sam. . linross, tbal ls ai ear' h- niiaks." 11« dm not Walt bat ruttied eal af ino bouse. M yor Whitney, of ll.onkiyn. nliirn-n to ki* bunt". Ho lb ri.i'iar-ti., tram bit tu.amsr vsesilon lo time to tee! tbs thnnk or T.iB»S»y nlsnt. He yst'trdar: " I \sat tiN-'ns lu my roon readme before retiring lor til' ii;:.!, snU a limp noni on n labia neilds n.S. Hud- deny I felt u.; chair sbaks, and mr Iiewtpapsr shook. ant I tln.<tk. It was tho str.u-iri>i feeling J srsr ezperiosced. snd llboaffbt nt Urst tonetning H.tist hs His lu^uor wnn ms; to I beared my..-!! is ths abair, net baewiae wat w»n: 1 beiipeo ¦.xl. lksu 1 cbaurwd to look around aui! taw lho fmit> in .k hm snd I (oiii'luilsl thai (bare wat iieilnns tss miller with mt, hut inn! lbs t ititi wit .nu -, illi _.' ."il snls. Hut I did not undaniaud it milli I real ths mara ins i't per*." (hurst D. Miller, tho pirti tent of lb* Cotton BX- Chan--e. 'ant yettsrdsy tba foilnwlnr mes«Mi (n X. ll. Titi, the pretnltiii of tho Conon Esebeaeoof Uhsrlee. ton: "If wo can bs of, i-n erii'b us." ISo antwsr bsd been rseelrsd when ike gxebflege C ts I A retpontiblo business man write* to Tus TBIBUSB " I hit awful eaia'iil'y to eur Hmituern frte.itl Inspires BS io tuss' tt that the I hi. i umist abonld ba tb* liol to tjKtsk for them. I ofter ysu my check nu $300. Tbs Taunts wi'i men ami ian evern tM sw hor- Issi rrll.'l cmiimiltre, when ..ppo.utr.l. BU MbeeflpOOM g*Btl<> t'dt ollie-. . , ,, ls- tow persons at Bew-Bnmwiek. B. J., wno roc tWa tii'-cw un ea a high rtdse el greeefl In tae eeatn or IfBath Beast) I- I Ike Brat Beowtadee of tbe eertfc- quako wat asms-; ibromib the Bew-Yort monies MfeoebeeS was distinctly .'"lt »t ihs Court Hon-.* nnd lal! iu Lou* Ulm I C'tr- KhsrlS Henry Mn thal Ibo ornaments ea ib« aaawd p>«o* In his room rattled. At Coller* P"ln!. r'lushli.-j tn 1 Nt-wlnwii a vibration w.s BetlreeMa. lu riiterioD, N. J., few persni.s felt tbs shock. FORMEB EABTHQI AKKSW AMERICA. pis caaaacBs in Taa mississippi vallbt.VISI¬ TATIONS BY NH MIAN-* IBFBPQI Tins (Hiiiiiiciii bas repeatedly been visited bj aoril.i)n*fe»s since itt dtseover) in 1493, One of tho meet notable was thst which occurred In 1 sill near Bee MaflllS io Missouri. In the valley of tho Mlaslaalppl Elver. Xbal f-mnat eorlbqoaba. sceurnluK to Hum beitl t. prstsnistl obs of tbs few s ism pleb of tho lr-cn- ssnt 'j laking of tbe iirousd for several tur catt'rs mon tnt fsr from any raluana Orsr sn extent of roontiy strsuhlng for 300 unlit toiittiwsrd from tkt mouth of ths Oiilo Bleat ths 1 rote sud ss:-lt tu crest unituiutiont. and lakit wara formotl sud Were agsln dralusd. Tbs tnrfscs burst upsn lu limn en tbil h*''i«n! t trended northeast aud toulba ott astl were toruet.oiei mors than hs f s mils louie ; from these lif.i-t mud sud waisr wsrs thrown, nilen st bigb st tbt topi of ihs trett. The diituri'ancas contlnusd orsr wual hst tin's hean called -'ins sunk conn iry " until Marri, Jd. Isl'-, wbeu they csatod coincidently with tba grsit sirtbrtiiikt of Carson. Tho mott terere earthci.isks that bat bonn reco dad in tbt Ml.!.lo snd Kattsru Mitel w.» that uf Noven.ber 18, 17.V>. Vue thoek then felt lu New-liu^'lsnil wss a wave Bsuviii.- from sltl.rr the sams esotrs wiisnes emeaatad tbs tr-nominous disturbance Hist bsd .tetlroyed Lis¬ bon tl.e nisi .lay of tbs mouth, or fnm a centre wh-its activity had bios silmu.ated by His cumin ul quaklngi Ibm than prara lsd from Icsleul to tbs blediteT- rsossn. sarthqn ike begun io Msssa-u metis wuh a isailea pelee ilks that of thnnfleri aftsr a mlLute's rcatlnnanee of this thtrs came the rir-t tsvere thook wuh s swell llw« that of a lone, roll- !..__ BOO.0 swsll to areal tbat miu in lbs o|a.n tis. lt ran totems toiutlUlUK by windi to ou lett tney tlmuld bs ihrosvn Sown. Afttr two or tines lester sheeba thors came lbs mott viuisut nf all, producing ii gawk, bon- ¦Mteltnsaer wita sudden Jeiki aud wron.hst; tint eoailunS'l two minutet, sud sftsr s slight revival died away. Notuirous othsr shbckt followed in ibo aoana 01 smnet!.. In H't'-on tho main sbeeh throw down insur tb maSfSb wind rasrt sud bries bull.llnct, aiul tbiou.'bout ibo country it ilntw dann lho nula stuns wells booiidlag ibo lervai mw spriaas of «»t»-r wsr« c., si r !, ths rssMls in tb» harbor lelt the t!io»k ior*e tiuiiiiisri of ti-1, won k111-0 anti ll"a'oti !o ibe t ir.'.te of tl.rjo ,i»i. .Nine bonis of irrwrnl, ol - o'tin k \.. m., a a** wars, twenty faei blab, ai ti.e boroo! ol St. ¦artla'aia ihs la.nen. (int.. in-tr 19, IS70, occurred tba mot! roealderaMa Bl * 'ht! lia. -i«*n ntiter vs ri i , ibo U dd e BB 1 BS Bl a Ptoiot ii tbs preasot csmury. Prom nea: ^-ie se lbs sb ck tnioa.l lo Bl Jnlin. M. B.. an -ti 's wottward toCblesooa«d saut w»r: to .'JowtY.irlt, las arny ot lie wive >f tno.-k o-m io il 1 V<i 0 .sit p r b<to:i i, lue neeorroan "fins sbock fe.i ..i ic »¦< W. ¦_.'!'ip sd to V. mires, bf tue OUOTaten ol tba .Mon¬ tlea loMcrepb Uoiepaey in tims to rail ibeoiVnl "t ©I llmis .! ,ii- ,«iirr BttJ i<> lue pnenoiuona HO Stem ilk before Hie tSOSk reit I tbfl ll. In < '. Hst ma tue eertitquake of 18IV3 'iSHtroyod one of tbe S lither.i i. i-tnnt, I bat sd Ifareb 2.,. \H7~2. nat t.S moil ..rtrt init hst oerurral tb'-ie daflBfl i.aoy yean. Special 'li aeafl w-t il oat iii -a;, in .. ii^o iy tba eroaklaa 0/ nie w*iit c. tiie j unn: buikliaaa. lo Bovada tbo ul lacrefioaaseaored In l^Tibytbo Cm'., iel 0. "f 1/ttie Fri* in I :lif r 1-1 letneB s. A ali -....Tr.11 j ,k'i «.t foll 11 '.L.t part of tbs Mnntry oo anson ld, 1884, st 8:07 p. ia. Iksro wera two diatinet ti.-itt. eeeerrlaa olinin sn leiorval of a law lenin., and shout a q oariel or a u. At tbt t!yiiai ofllM ih* mea In raerrs '?:¦- n,e inoct ai 2 14 p. ni., uni mo a'vu-¦ vr.reu tuny meeivml tren n. i.<». .t.t'.iin in var.uiu parla a toe sven try taro naana to belia vs last tbereinet wu aa orrotia a>.d Ure. .1 ar se. ll ».. tell Ibroegb ¦ Sell "l i»rruo-r rx- leiMllea Irem Baaaiaatea 10 PurtiaaS, ale., and from iso i: mllr ntl! 11 f.r west at Jul. ni. Al is ilsiBh' on Jnai 1 1, -*A0,. ttranso treortr w.n felt Ot ban If li "K nfl Lnaiv Isioofl, Bo BsieeS wat foil siiesslieri in tbe Caltsd Stoles, mil in Witt lu net a pri'AnUiicet! ibiM'k wat 'eil mi Hit- Island sf Allum Hie di)- iiofon, ai wan uuii aortbquabai sMarrsa io Peta* t.. 1.. 1 r-tnnt, au! 1 .-.rriluy tlmracl Te To.e.tule on lr bseeS wu eipirnsrsd in Bow-Zoeloefl. On Jiuuary 80, ISB-L a e*t*ra slink of aartaguake wm aapariafl ad *-. Caatnrllla ca.., precoded by a t tower uf n's. On Ko rairy 14, 1.S32, ashoek of Oro mitriiss Sara- t.mi wit fi lt ii Loka .'itv, ol. The tboex *.., t.u- ltully foll st Capliol ( Hy, iu tbe tsn.e ei.ia. (lu If'.iL t: 10, 1-1*2. two 1.IS"! hui .lit nnr' If pr eepllb.i Bboabi Bf eariuquasn la-llos lau «-r> lt mme felt at Dover, N. H., aeeompaalfld tty- rua_ibilag aelaa, Tney were _, ti felt ls IUilintf»rJ, Rosuitier, Poa IBB Conk, Coitorl. anl sluor loans lu mat-lae. Tne l.'f.i Irareile,] from iasl lo weil. (.11 Jiuusry Kl. 1H31. aa aartbq tiki lat-.lnt aboat tea BCCtiinli wat fslt il Balk, Me., anl Him.'run r. ina peitfhbiiriin: C'ltilry. A-, flrtt there wat a la ni repert followed by s rumbllnr 10 uf s hairy teem int. lni_r t rer tiie frnien mead, wiudsws rattled aod ;li- tii't t oaciila' were felt. 0 IS, 1878, ihoeke wero felt In the Mittli- t i,i. Vii.ey iirtr aa area al iully IbO.OOG «.j nu oihei. Tba nt on of distnrbeeMWM ileoa un Mlsoio* aiPfl fr-1 lu Uini te U.m.111, 11.ti slna^ lbs Mltteurl ft ni 0 atcea to Lost a Kies, u Bepioabsr 21, lss.'. . sllebl thmk wat foi' in St, Ixmlt. A ro.linf unite wss ft llowotl hf Imr rm dlslinsl Tl TH loot at in itt. I ot a Tnt Urn rlbratloS Wit lbs moil TlalenU Tao suoes lmotl ab*l|| tlfioon set.'init. BpnoeBfllS sad (entrain, M. e ip,, rio ii ce 1 tbe e .me ilmsk. T..^ Btesl r»t «nt oarlh'iiisti-i felt In Ihe t'aile'l States yr-fiou-to uni I'lTi-iitr avail lao ware tu,,.. ,,r ,.t wsek, PTMar oed leturdsy iBorelBSS. tM rermarbaiee fall enif ot Cbsrle 'oi 8. C, sod iio Imuwliate .. .«n. tu.rbi.ed, anl th len^r, eossnwbol tu .ri. leter-, er'etitl. iu< nun Bens enrollee, rheas ocemre.i wiimu twenty. four boura of iu nu bOOVlai ehneSi a.mi( tue mores of the .M-Klilerrai,i.ii. Inna was a dltatiiroui esriiiquiks iu M"Xl"t», In June. lAiK, eileitii ni; Hie valley lu wi, on tlie i-iii lil ii l tinted au dome Braal nama.e. lim ^est lnd'oi hate iou.- been Betortoualf snhjaot lo seisin o tlittutb_n.ts«. Pori Boyal, lt.a cipuai of J uiiiri. wss tutu in 'i ths tot hr s sheri on June 7, 1002. A roiesiio naeatbilaa ^iroaibol tu Ita li.tor* iiiitteiit ucl iou was i nm up ne tr tbe ct,- . of Baa -a. ritlt. r lu Ucl, .nil numerous eartbq iona snookt were fell both BOfnro aod eftarward. A osmuiT later, on Mirth 1!., lfl'A, lha city of Min Hs.vitloi wti eelirelT wro'led I.y tbr¦¦* iiiecotiiro tii'.nki, iind SOO UVM Wara loot. Ill Houtn Amaries, ("srieii. Von-? ie ,, w.s Soalrorofl ea MarrbBfl. lSI'i, aad (|uitn. JCouodor, wat slnost onai- fallaled nil Mtt'O'l 83. IBM. OU AUKUtl ld, 1~',«(, a troiii-ndout eirth'i lake tlnr .ista'.o 1 a la ree pat imo ol Keiislor, and oxte led all aloes tbfl Msat, Pore bM Doit, s urea! tuileror. (; i.iao belim 'io..i njo I in l.,-t, if a t'n.ek sn a t.<a wen "i"' I* few ni cb, and Maia bo- Ina overwholiBed In 174b. wbllo Arlra »n»t'M li.urh >u Aeaest. ISOS, frmn a i^reat aartbnuaks w.ive tt I-ii Uteiiilitl tn all tba chores of ibel' rifle. In (hill In XRtS oceiirrsd os earth.j ike In Wbleb were B'Uice I tho roiuarkabls IWleima eff-cti, anl 100,000 Square milos of and aero pernia ism ly laiiml .wo to seven feel. At inuluiKlii of r'aoruary -.», l-*.;5. iho Ott. of (^iticopiimi wii tor lbs fmirtli lillie de«imyed by Bli e_.rl!i.jii..k-. 800 it'itekt was felt within two we. ki; tuoro wat a BBfleWaVoSO froth.Kb; and a tuin.i trine to..-ano near .luas P»r_tOOO>B leliOd ton: Bp u enlumn o', ti . y Btaols tbroOKb a dsplto af 400 feat af woter. In April, ISM, lhere was a BTSot oartliquakt- exiendms tlir.'.i^liia (!.. SMi.u-rn on t ol Beeta America, Ub- Biruylnx 12,1'OU perm,ut lu tiueiioe Ayres. WAeniaoTOB Bona WASiiiStiiiDi, WeduoeUay. BopU X. 1880. B'imk-in respontB to ibo streeter itsuod by ms Treasury D-psrttoonl on AiKuti lin uneillel 3 tier er ut noiiilt te Ibo amount of BblS.000 wan id for payment io 'no Def .riiuoul Au of the caine (rom ono puso. Ool.sti ro Honui a\t.-frofee-.or Caird bas offatiiod an Biisaventeat wini a Blesuiimp r .niieir pinna tSIOtSI Union ami Ibo Ins- of tl.- l.,u boee H » I.y winch ('barlee lnwutsu I, Batoraliai, ONObaatad with tue Rio llb- M'lian liistituil m. wi.i vim Bri UM a.nt ad¬ joining cou. trlet tar r n Ucionor for ino purputs of Stu.l.iuK Ibo natural In.I.,ly ,,( u,»i vlcluiiy. lars »AViS0 8sKVit».-lu oonformitf with an order Itt ui d by the Suprriniei. lem .t tbe Life 8afiu< rtervlt-s all of the tiBl.oi.t on il- Ailaiii.o and U.i.l Oaast wore ftjioii-d Hir-day aud lue crewe ainsued io duly. MisdB (Hiss.. ruo Pullade'.pbla Mini bas bosun to make use of aa anproprisltoo of t'-.'i.ei made at the laal lei- till ul Cons ress lu " .eau u,. " ar repo.lm miimr Cu.Iii. len Ino. itu dollar. IB Oickt-il -Ud .e.'lt lia. I boru io treated. TBIS inlimr emu o tn Ue tiad upon app I- ealioo st tba Mint la mm. of S-" or laulupiei totrsof, w Ole ti will ba for war le.! free uf exprtsi oitarges. ESCAPK OP A HOKME 1HIEK PROM JAIU BALSai. N J bept. 1.- Jamel Kurnell, s UOlod hons thief, atcape.1 nola toe tviuilr Jail here lael ulcbl. A toafadirale brake into tae tUeutTi Loiuw aud sevurod Uie keys, sud un- Ut-_tli.( lbs oater sud aaU doers Uburaisd Uw pnavusr. COSTLY LAND FOR THE CITY. EIPflVSIYE AQUEDUCT APPRAISALS. Ul'MB INirRESTlVO PATTS AVf> PIOCRKS ritE- SSJVTBD IO Til* AQt'HUCT BOAltH. 'Yhc Ari'iodnct COBSBUSBiOB met yesterday. A ilis coniuiltsionert wore present, laelfldlBg Orneral Nooloo, wSe nt In tbo seat wbleb Ma Paulie lately oc- sepled. He roi ilirough the te-tion without a.vine anv distinct Mex how he ibould Vole ns between the new snd tho oid ram tn lit'open. A lentstios wu stilted hy Secr-1 a ry Sheehan'! reply to Mr. Fish's IQflslattaa eall* Inc for s statement ihowlag lbs smounl pud out of ths sd.iltiunsi water fun'i for tl... expeiiim of the rnruuili- sinners of spprsital. Mr. Sheehan subuilttsd tlieso 10- inaikt on his report: In seek statement erin be fesnd tba inanity nf innrt tskou by appraltal, from whom taken snd His sibo.iuI psld Ihoreior. Aim UM expsmet of tbs eBmmi«ioB>-rt of atmrattal la ennnei t;(,I, with Hie taking of me sud Und. ¦totting om in detail le 'nr on lbs rertnlt or Hus nlHcs will permit) for whsl p.irpOM expended, to whom paid ami ihe s.n..'1-.tso intlil. I desm il sdfitsbls al tbls time tn c i'l rn ur sttsnMnn to the .aivloei minner lu whleb tho recorili of Ibu ellice ii.iTe beoa kept. Bb eoneban oe sepias of voueheri tor ¦ ny of Ibe items of ex'me iiisutloiied In thlt ttsio- ineni mo a iii- In ibis otltce, ind I uudirtrand never Save beoa. Tue entries are mads on ina bnokt from a statement furnished hy tnoControiit-r st stated times, sbowteg laedrawler of warrsnts fur ilia payment of Tinnh-rt not ccrlitlol lo hy the Aqueduct Coin- mLtilonert. It seemed lo ms mst ins r-ropt of lint ellice »i:ouirt he rnnipleto in tbotaarlvet sad abonld Bbow tbe details of eMb ead every exp-n 1- tnre. WltbOOl'iig to took for serb In'oi'initlnti In anitther ile|ia. liDcnt. f hara omiii,untidied willi tlj-t r.i nt r.ii lei about tbs matter and baveao srroeaad ta ie hive .'ii tl" "' th's t'Bli-e hereafter dnpllBBta VOOebert for ail expenditure! or whstever mime or natur© before au eM ry lt m.nie III Hu- booka It .Till l.e seen ftt.iii th's .ts'ement rbat only el-llll psr- eebi of in.!, aonslstlBg la all ol 1& bHSJaena, bave ihua fal bee j mien by anti paid tor out of Hm ,.!- dltlonal m-x.t-r t.'." '." «iii fur whleb land Ibero hat baoo pani ibesnar of -sv.iu BS. Tm ox na tea ol ni- coin Uilislmiei't ot tppraiaal ni 'Oiinentiou ititi, ll.e a unlrlug il . a sams amounted to ths snm of gi04.472 51, Mr. Sbeebaa nported thia IteiPlsod statement of ex- p'tiset: Boar? Wood, clerk Hrs . shoo on \i- ;'u H UsTstrB. clerk birt. I.i'.:. i., rp :,'ii! Ml vt!--, rh ti: hire m Iir I lfi'iiiHii. 11 » n "t ni",'i'!'.r'' r. '¦' flUptl, ff v ft,,.,,, ii, H. r- ind »»«D.i«rsphi r .1 tl vf i' -nit: notice sppollilinelil uRiBiltiioin it /'.. \.'ir i-.,ri, Wand . J/k.V" ¦' tr.r. PlSliTU TA* Vee York Doily Sm . t th. rrixti.. -i Tnt Yunkert Oetette . It-H't'i K Hntherlsnil. 47'J.'0 N.j tt n.i ' ... I'.;.i M.,,-- i A Weelo. -.M.t- st attorneys . 2,77(1 Hil Thoma. L. ngd^ii. soi - isy . BAOOO tl,,..-, ii, ..nii'T. exlTB alluwanc. . n I Iwkmaa, legal tarriest . . B.J"non Kian. .- I RtetSOll, local nert uro . I.-"'' H' it Brow*, pi intlng . .' Knit, ri M ur riv, serrtosa .it minni lit.tine r. 6 Onn li li r ut il :._. - -. c \..-\ "in'idui' i" ¦. .-|.'"'" HO v t Anderson, .. ,vi,... at romuitielo ei .'.'¦' "" ft. lliiiii. asrrlossbsroianilafioaai. i.b." at H I. i. -M. nd. -nt tc- .it nm-- er. WoetehesU-t Co I il tmry Allen servlctass snm't'r W.-sU-beiter l's. t Minni ta Insurance company, om oe rani «. i; ..; Iltur. Hilton lilllie imf. l,SHi(>7 it p. Vt.t. ii'!.'.. ." as expert. .. sse on ii Marl i eSBSi iperl . ' . U II H etel seTTll SS SS Ol perl . '' " ' " l.ui'i .h. -tlnif" ¦.',".! . ¦. I. ! yon, ..nardi ni .ni Hiern, cte '"'. Ihe pares t of Innd lakefl and their actual cost sre snimu n thu tsbio: 1-.C.'. Acres. Hr.. '_.' J. t IT. .'wu. 1 : i't.'. "¦< '¦¦¦ li Vi l.i,wioU. Jl oi ne. I .OOH Ob. 17. N r. Life Tbs. Co ltd ...2.871 MM 17 N V 1 Iff lUt d' «< (ITO On p To. Uv. jil- 1.471 4 -.1 U t ¦ OUTS Bamnel T Knsiip. p. 74 and 7i\ t.GSil li' Chester, ti T"|. I luui' lt. Treaenrei of tho county ol ll ... Ton;.''-.¦.- e..". Mr. Piab mored tbat tao npon ba Bled and ipn-ait upun the tu.niitei. Judge spencer Mid that tM BXpeodt- luret «ero by tba Oontroller oa toe ardor of ti.e ^ uiireins Court, and that tbe (otiiraiitlonert hal noth¬ ing to do willi them. Mr. Ht. ti win moved Hist thu re pori he Bled ii- B '.' placed on Hm m.t.titti. Tblt nit.lion prsvslled, Mr. Flabnylnatbal ho was couteui witu having hronzbt out tho .'acts. I-tr».* were rind from d'Hren and dart and from Brown, Hawon A Oe. pretesting agnmt Hie iioisr af Coairjilor Loew in paying for tbolr word altai lbs bod boas aodttad bj t .o .i no talon, *t»i .'.. » sc :hai th.'j Bod m Sered Bsnoos donagot ftolB tucTi (slay, foi -y ssi>t! ld bl . »'..c. chior Engineoi Cburob rei- npon Ibo stivics of tba Corporation Counsel thal ho bad power in (ha nianar ba h.d given entreat* n I .:; i u ¦: i .. ti lieut taattlaii in m tii»;r lunnals uy Mpion bs sbaold do so blweslt.ebari IBaoxps Mt CouuilseiiHier Bub stirred up another Uermot's net J. ll. MU i .i J' w ilbnebl inf. be. s writing lo Mr. anna annes tbs allagsd m.sen.ii,ct and t of Fnek Clark, aa Ii.ijortnr af li,.timi' >'. ( BfS ll » 1au:"i-ii. 'U .li, iud ba u cd tu lal. rcapl blt disnitoal by rationing. t ed tu scei in b.s . for tbo soi reapoBdi ntr. ')¦¦ - -¦.¦.. bul Mr. Kihi ineieiad. iii" rurr. oat read, .'. it lbs rei gui ... t l-eii r.i, :. ,1 IbBl Ul" U.a.., ' TH e.!. i rparatloa coonasl Laeoabo said io a Tl portsr adsr ih< waatl a inn Mr. tti.eanas't report rery BHilestliBg. "Tub roinpsrlson tal " sta san I s par t bi. <u bs mo -. SUI , l. .ll>OI V l!l'< . ei peases as for baVe Mea reason abie. ...-/.. aol] tao few sans olroaSy at qui rad, bul t m tot aloes lbs me af Iba s o.e ., it ara iu varm tug ti el prog et., if'i ware |ru», as tblt Ital erraeaouaiy BMaaMi, tbal anni ustooa a. ret al load hail roll Ibr. i t. a ll ^',t. 1,000, .it In of It OBI] tor ti,.. Inn! sad Iwo-lbirdt f. pilli lot t ft»s. lt wuuld l. iii wmng. Bot the mi, ,. y different, 'J .in mo my paid affect! his arqulntioa of a.i ins ne,de,!. 1 Jon'i knut i.ow ir.iiiy .,ci-s. 'I l.e W ter ( ..,.ii ly l ..!_.« ..ti t Sat ne soi u, .d' s rv pori An yal on oalagls Baas, soo Ssm not Intend to n a* ..ny ra- port, as I aui luforuird, until ll lt prepned to report M lo ail tea leap c it rnaa lt will uiabs a it, .ri oa all Ihoti, or .ul"f i.iem ly, vtieii u it pi, ., ,rod lu rs| Bil Ihi lUBBBl iiftifi'.-, WlU du I... Tho rBBarl of Ute corni itt.aiit-it ("Vtiing the Twenty-ro.trih Wsrd ii..s bsoa fl iJ eely at ts tees particular poreolt ..« Hie awbotb BSpraasM a do«lro io aara spaeial report la ail Tinae of tbe leneril lepoul. 'A li tn Hie reports of i.oi u ( ointiiiitiniis ara ciiip-'Miad an iBtelligeBt comparison .sn ns us Mtwooa tte amou I etaiaied, toa siauun. awar led, and tbe expemk nt the pr«eBO>llaa L'niil lhal lins e.. t ci I.rai s ms li,tl .rio athlug. ihe Boadoet er the proceed ag ie tue ia tune Iiqi.i bas iron lintier my ImmodlStB ebargs, and I fte. H. If ll bad I'frn .h., ISns far at a vsry. nsaoaabia axpanse ii.e ... en'feet ne lix d ly ttai ntot.'l I e i- er taiaaBie.ohtob we.-s about four oelumaa lona, net a »o of ¦».... t . i.'.ii,.i',i"l a le. .ii ha ;. [ti¬ ti I «r pris-1. Bini i.nurr -i ont i i-i ali i n r .j ti -.- in--.. Iii rut Ikry a. .i'la a si ii g. e err .r la BOB ol ti | t, ...- OOBtlBUaUl BSarllOBS. IO [fi ii I l' a I ie .1 I rooid lu tbia wbolo trantMiloo aad I ..' i.t'itied tim me re.ult." (ot'nilit l.o. a ial'1 tbat ba pal tho billi upon tho or ler of iee - iinreiin-.' urL llo bad bb illseral the mal. er. lie _. t,, ti. .1. tel. ri Hi.' IO Hie en. ii pla ll itt nf 11,8 eque.liict eoiiir.ici.irt al lihil.-ia,« la paviai til .1 na itu Kn aa lo -'o ntl -a* Ii- lia.l Itteu dolBa, was i.o g .'Mir rn I'S hurried. 1I« thou seruilulzo sll ibon hills snd ei' !. i au bi .1 up sud noi psy them ll be lound men * i HIE ILLINOIS Ei-.l't BLU A \ TD BET. JOHN II. IJNNKIi Knit TBBASUBSB, ASH BK If A lill kDWABIM lu; BUPBB1NTE.MDK.M Ol Pl BUG ts- btbi i rion. BraiBOPiBLD, UL, Sept. 1 {BpeeioI)..Tht in- tsretl lu tho Ht,, lllSBB SI t'o ( Hiv inion wis Loon. ,.,d ni point ul niliulieri lu atieadaui-.e uni SntbailBSIfl lt wai iho iiio-t sncwaful gat.ieriug of Bepablieant lu llltaolafeea_iaayyaon Among nm prouUnaai patty Btoe preaeet were (J tTOt-nor (igl-ilif, tho Hun ( srlea B. Forwall, ox-Gavaraor Hooillton, Boaatui Oalloia Md Coiigresnuan JuMpb U. Cannon. Mr. C_iniii.ii was Choieu porinanom clialrinsn. In hu mid ett bo eau nm im- Deasoenlle piny ind failed io sorry on. m prefbmi aaa aa to civil Barr ma reform, tba raduetlea bl lexes, tbe revision of tba tariff end tn il ubi ii it ii otp 'lull iu..-I. nmnfanaeoe toOffiaaoy aad Uiout «o,o ai,- jt ail Iii!. L'trfan't niuo Wat olieoro.l seveiai lu SOIOS, .md il.ere was wibi at tho u mtloa o.' Hie naiuo of Ulallie. John H. Tanner, ol Clay Couiiy, wis nominated fir StoleTraesurar, aad Kiouard Edwards, ol Baroon, for B.iperinteu.leni nf Publtfl lutirucliou. -? l.KMocitAi ic DIBBBB^tOB IB IMHAN'a. Washibotob, Sept. l..s. ll, btockslBger, Ass.«i .ui OommiMtoeor or iMUeueral Load mi.i.e. n.ts innod au a.llret» to tua Deaiueraiio voters of lho 11 ld ladinnaCeeBnastwat Oiatnet fmiu tue couiatl for a heal m Cttugroii lro.n uiiiuol tull fall. He recites ai length a history of tjs dissensions wubin tba iliilrlrt ai,J isyi Hu- probable result of¬ ing two Denim ru. ir ,.,,, llOotas In the llt-lu WuuM ne i s eieetmn ol a lieu ni icu io Cousraas li'.iii a dmr ci won li lor tony ye.rt liss returned only Urmoerali, dieoneoiaoitae ead anet lan ia ibo ttno uik<-t. nm suou cttiupiicaii'iiii rn mo iwalvo Incisionv< iituuertrtl wnu mo (ou_ne.-l mal ll,sn fl at lo ma .0 Ute olecllou uf a oralie t'uilnu .-iain Itei.alui li, lim. ral Honiton-! p.ace .loin,.lu.. Ilooollt allooilan In mt fact thal t.litouttou emla lu ul leas, inrne OlbBT ( nu _!-1 oaei nu ai I Heir cn ni Ina ian a. in wt, .f ttnioh m.. Pruittl.. milt' lu HiO lieu!, ami SOgSBSIt .bat In eaou ol tans ulilricla out of me rival Democrats SUuUld luiiow Un exam'.if. un. TOOHHLE8 ENPIlAriC.4l.LT BBOLIBBS W-tshinpton liupotcn to lae Hutton Int Senator Vnorhccs, of Indiana, is hire. To a M ti tt, n. D' lem ne ,;.i,i" at lu., wi : " lue story tuat bat game.i foiitidrrame current',, tn ibo til. i that I U' lue uuiiilit .Hun for ViOo-i'reilUeut on Ut. Un,.- Orallo I etsi lu 1 ---. lt ibe wont of noueento. Um ibo ulta (hat 1 bau talked me wi, .ls maller user wuu iho, aud wo i.a i_.iood upon il, I- Wnna Milt, Aurthing more absurd thau tins story MUbls'l u.u in n ..'ht if i.t .: t'-ii gin in gsi lulu ctiii iiiiin. Ibo idea of my surrendering lbs Untie l Stalot deua onlnp, a 1*1.1- lion iiiai Slit lbs full inpMure af m> a.i.iutioii, for IM Vice-Pretldrnor, au oBlcs wormy of an, American etti- mo, mit lo which I could be ot uo serries te efrlsad. whether h* anpMod for ths position of wstebmsn or Mininer abroad I ¦*>'¦> Inialilsont friend would ask ms lo lake tbe olflne. 1 would oat Uer Ik NEW-TOR KS DROPPING PACK. WELCH* POOR WORK LOBBS A fUMK. Tin: WOtVBBIBBi OSIB TBBUt VICTOBT BTASCOBB OB 12 TO 7, [sr ti i.K'iRsrii in nu] Dbtboit, Si'j.i. 1..JadgtoB bjr Um work per¬ forms* of late by Welch bis dsyi et uiefillnett are over. HU wmtebed work IB-day daprlnS lbs New-York nine o: a gama the club ought to hsvo won essdy. Weloh, however. Ml back Into His old nit lhat made him io tunny enemies esrliar In ths seaton snd played ike a school hoy. Ha tent ont player alone to (Irs! hats four Huies on palled balle; that player. Bro irhsri, mane Hires uini. bul not * blt. About 1.600 people wsnt out to I_osgus Psrk to winiest tba install and the ccowl wai unusually jubilant orer the victory of ths Detroit niue. Wiih a pitcher of or Unary ability n-id luteili- ksncr, the New Voih nine wonld hsvo won with eas*- Tbe Dat roi ts Baned only one ofit»doteiiru.i» whlia tho Jtew-Yorkert sll tores. Kwnia OBiisbt Unaly, aod o'ltourko sud Connor also did food work, Th" remainder played Indifferently. Keefe will ptteb to-anrnw and e different neall any bensrrded. The horns club mvle nair three bits In Me tnt twa laalaae yet bWf a deeea runs were scorn 1. We cii't errors x-ive tbs liomeplsysrs eight of toe ins seared. Tba Sew Yorks r'ty""1 1!*8 amateurs nn to th* tuth inning, wien tbsy nilled and leered earned nan ..'lt Tl.e lcd off with a Iwo-bMit bil and r.-aohod thin on shill') Conn>r. Kwin-'i home ma h!t t o right Cen- tro n-i.' mads lbw -.!".-. (ba 'mino pisyen aanrsd nus ,.,,.__,. m tbelr half of tbs maine oo e bsss on palled bli uy Bowe aad m iiwi br Connor. Tua Bow. io»rad s inn in il'" raveuib Inning, I-tur br.nk bi .'' WeleH. T is ronner tl. a ;¦! teared on i int ny CRoorke Walsh s -.¦¦*¦( sn a bli ny I.wing, lu Iliair h.lf of IM Inning lbs booie DI tren t,..,i, .1 lb rs runt. Baa Ba ll rn ida . li ima tUH Haidwm i-sriiei i, st un an error by Word and nn m..I" a two-bass hit. rbe two latter ¦Cars 'in .< muff -.1 urti Mee ny i'is Baw-) ..ri ,'.'. i -am In Hie ii Till. Inning. O'Boor BS innis ri borne ruc bu io loft Bald. i in sinrs aaa m fa ' ,..-, .. Se lort -.16 psi. (I'Koutks. 0,f. * - 9 u ,i", -. i. i Muli u .i If. 0 i L'-.rgiu, P I '.' Herbart! 1 ll lt I' I' III .( . i it 3 e.i l 1 ' ii Ihinlsp '.lb n 0 SI I, le .1 b, i> n.rf 'I b 0 (I ,. '< ti ti 1 n I) ll '.' 1 0 ilise i. i. i. ii n it ti o 1 VII i. 1 .s. v. \ "ik .l ti ti ti .. I .1 n i 0 3 'J 1 S .' 1 ¦x^^T " i ia I't ll'Oll.J Kai ut.' nut Baw > ok Ti Detroit, 1 PIM bass nt or- ¦' sw Y ur k. 0: 1 ra [tetmil i - ii oul tem it.moo New -. irk. 7 ls troll, 7. ral Kew-York KO; ntl .ti ( Hi mus Con noi I. ng 1, and h.u .-ii i tot rook I, Wi ring, 1. itni'iro Mi Powsrt J:SO i rer. I ooo! I saibai I la ho raes H !.> bring beaten b mored 'i (Holli VI « t ri tba i-t 18 l. rt. I-i ,n l 7J (IAMBS IB "I ll KB Cl ' I' ila lu, Sept 1. I h- A'li'.'i.i ¦ p] lyndall lela" ami iii - ii ri c, uni l ti Melroy 'lilau S 0 S 1 S Bans IU le. ll: M< tiowdlUn, I. I , t 1 Melt ipu tin .',!.-..'.:.. , .-.-.... r hy I -t . . .- wan ts . lars a t slaw aa es ls rt .. l o nn l . u - 4 I. Pl If lt ¦ti . K . .' .fl s a , i ROC i flin too, m c. I..I - tltlin r, af Ibo Cult ago J M pres Ht i sod aoersiary of ti.s . Leaene, a . ai be li aa I Wt ii lhal it agu -i - « ¦j sj uni Bm pref »na tat ttl (ap¬ ia.a Ira mi- a var tu t. and sal . mst Ike I tA.x.r. il «In mr r. .- ,»i lo Uia gaud rapuie of IM aeiae a best inr. : \ ;i.i-ii (.. n i. .;..'¦¦- r rc .ll ll .-. til AMi Kl'I I! Il ' -ti tl Mi:i,V il!.. I 'I n fros ida "i the 81 -"ii.i ,..'01 'lal ni Ul n.« a: i ysatans] wnoa n.* I. is lab gamisiaei i. snsrrivod (a bogia men nrs> molah with IM il... Bog won tho loafl an.! Biadi Iht'.r n.,-,1 n.i,me. lue MO lag fur i.n tuun .....ul isaui om esaoUeet, oed tte BngHobmaa were mtber ted at lt Cobb ead Bey Cori led OB tbe I ..... iu t i | TMStatea [slanders' inning "peead i.iiin 'lltlltfi.tisiy, foi llnoia tu hun ot »«tt ho'b 11-p' .eil .,f a , ired aa I lo ¦ .ne ssl rs w u .. wu son bad his ni lex Ungot split opbe end .t. r..i. ri-tue na whistles wblaS il gained that lt wu ;;t o bod J .tt wi,tn ll. W. lim.ul,,-, .?e, .apti.ii o' (.'an. Calvoraity eleven, aud 1 K. ll.n*-H a yt ocV playa for tho Chub ty of Itsot oatkad across soe took ..'I. BSlUou al t:. ¦ »t ci. la La .a, IM pn le. .1, i>f IBB PB.Iel) ..a ,!'... .> - %' Ti um Hu c nh 1.1.h.ti Slid, le tri « t I a BIM ell I Wt '. i.iii >. Mia kepi lbs ¦rt. n. toot I rI,. 1. 4f l a .. . ft Bud ssonug - Ui na-Ila tea. i playeti a Mali ot Ita ia t _l a...l Sa*a 1 3 .-> e. I . k .lia oxford lusa, wan bas a areal ri ag tun nt- Muni tua 1 i "' ¦' lt ll mm* IBkeS n.t. I. li hatli I .', .BBS III ll avers, and with oni] to tuns against bis rrci ile wai ,, |,y Bulli .""¦ ral¦'-"""'*.. » bo aa. bil to freely j ru ¦. bal og irarml n. l ol blt ur ott mal hf wa« retire. I. Lam. chan'/- I lils lt it I Inti aid Mi i. ra tur I. el |.! - IU ni. runs io nu eradu baluiu id ga * .* * noruy naught ai ino wieksl bj llllsou. oud wai sUBoaadad Bilbo bot bj lui- Bo* I I'S I".al truro wat tl.en eil. lum-r male severs! elovei bus, bul an hIbbu baw lsd i.;- Lom wot n li" li t lt I. I ';.- ll \. I I nit. aa waa IBO BOX Ulan III. MolJreglir la»W Sd I WO Ol ni "O Iti.'.r. and n mad m _t.ilii.u,ar op pol lo nt y. a 1:4.*. aB adi urn men .tho ¦cure .be.. Standing il PH, Utan B as a.. lu. ir ia e, all Ul '¦. <. 11 Hi ).<".'I eal Blllj a SO ll ll Ut W.ifll I ,,i I,-., is waa neatly oem out, tributed li ii i.s to ilia Kore. Bm kl m laos t laos, I.ut bail uni io "rod mw tfl t\-y -* at tm rn el out bf I., nt kin nud w ii un "I'u'i i "> a. v.. ixi ii. I....I., m.i waa caught tun i-t W»rn irton b ime ha ba - nail. It.llrr, ii..- eaplaln ni tu" le im ano tao * irray ern kater, 10 .k l.l a. Boiler mu . o''i. buting LsmbklB .il.-.'ii.a iv sud Butisr waa ouoa niora pui lu un i. t lal Ur's -ci. I ball IB ¦.. I- - - Ile bad ina if « rill,! .n.i H." I' .'! «"."« "... IBA t .,(11 ell fl. - luwei him and bad oud«l ?. la lha seora a su Huller niau luna ui> an mu I iniiii, nu itiict', o..t -. .. tbs tl.I' lenin lum. lt as hour un Hrs Wi] o .1. minutes sud re 17 ti ld hat when i-e.i ai ino hat an hour a iv naas "" ¦'" i "''-1 .ana BSlae. r .n .art I.,ott Tunk blt wickei aui Wanuan, tua la.t mau ou Hm mia woe bowled I'T Lambkin it-,'. be ti scored. Tbs lulling Biased Ol I.i' a'elueb OHS IfOJ rum lo tM tleull ul Ibo i.l,,,lnrll Cyril Wilton anil J. K. Moore wera lha r tar'Ibo btaten ltlauds Md Con rall sol 1. .11-1 upoead int Uowiina. v...i'ii stomps " drawn foi tbaauat tn.- american 1 na scored IO riuis 101 tue mst oil ol. beta I ne sOara is ... iu..u»i! Nl,,., s ,, ..>..'.m>. ersTBo 1-1 sm,. u W 1 * } v 'l-"" "'nul burl ll anni. Mcuragor SS '. » » 1 i. ii. .. Ha}tink b maker , ,, M. M»t«-y run..ii... K 11. fi I .¦¦:.¦ 1 .,,¦ ,,-, h Um IJ ii. ti, 1.1. nr sol .. il ^^^^^^^-- 0.| Bj st I- Itghyei 1 alfi I, lt.. -r. u.iii. li lo.i.t 1. In ie b SV arlnir Hllf K ll lint kl.-md_ mu ii Lane. " \. ki. . *' VS )¦, Hu l-l lt Bill lal r e. 1 t.nittii b Bulb 1 K J aanilert n lana . Ill Vt fl,nun n la.uiltkm- 0 byta _>. wides t . 1 Tn'!!. 4'.l Tolal ,.Ho.U ami raia or i">- aewu '. iru »H»I Inning Malta Hus. il illili us. WlrktU. V. lias Lone. SH SS tb fl o (-tar. f* " I 1 _s tjitgur. bi .Hi t I I filnim ItlnnA- Flrit Inning. ('."(rall. SJ I;' * 2 " H.'.IT . n Rill ItuUiel lum. -»l *A * * Cuiplres ll Kteiper and J. Munford, Philadelphia. Tbe Basllab Oentloawnerlesoters will o.icipy four protcsuium hoist ai tbe Culoa this srsalng, aad ell- j nest th* 119th wpreeenutlnn of "l.rnilnle." Their boles Will ;¦. nina mooted wiih the English and A'urrl- eau rolers, nnd a pron ram mo will bo lulei pret, il by Mr. Aruuiou't onhettrs ou His roof garden after tbs oper.i. TKKMKR EASILY SEATEK. n:.i._c WIBS tiik ixtmiination.w. BCCLUBO t-wrr.r*TAKr.a. Lobdow, 1..In tlio deciding heit of tho Intonation al sonning swoepetakea betw.enWili- ltm Re.trh, of Auttrslls, sit .1 ihn TMmer, or the (Jetted ..tales, noasn wn.i. Tho raoo wat rowod over tue rsgu- j isr ahempmnsk p aeons from putney to Hertlaka Theweatbar WMbritltaal sui most htrenWelbr tha ! rae* Tho tl ls whs fast In His righi direction and tbs wind was ll),- t Thara was not even a ripple tm tho water. TllS eiuw.l that outlasted the race was tlie greatest ttat srsr gathered along tbs Thames con r.i. lt ,tll .nen appeared puneltislly st the tims tiled for ths ines, hal tlio tt .rt wat dslsyod by ths number nf until craft which enrol-* I ths sourso. At latt svsrrni'ng was rea lr mid thu .1 gtVOO, TSBBBOr, rowing 33 strokes to lho nilnnis, wu th* quicken ot startinir, but B*ael>, pulling Bit ttroka, eau.hi UP with him nlioott Itstant- ly .uni 1.1 a ihnrt lime, wben op nos.te Hu. fi, Hoad, lad him ny half ,i leiigih. At WsMOo'*, Ha en had inciested bis lest! to two lengths. Tos'ner ben spurted witn tbs aiasaat gaaaaaoia, bui wimont av-iii. lies, h. without; mr retiing lbs rats of bli itrok.-, kept his advantage, and »t Bommeneafth Undue m. four .earths tn ad- a.I vance. r*BfltOC was then rowing * hopolest item nee, though still working pluckily to les.en ths dtl- tsnes MIWMB him amt inn AuStcoilan. From (lilt point lisaeh ilmeM paddled home, winning willi gient ea .oby len let.cibt. Antborttiea deelan Baaeh to hu the greatest fuller that hat h*-<ti bom In Rostand. Ile looked ta doy n though ha roild row ion inllet al rael nc speed. Th« b*'- ninr on ii- m.i nt ia* stan was 3 te 1, bet tem aros t-v- created ebon Ino i j Te.r. isaiibo.l llauiuortiuKU lindgs to 'JiBto I. ij im ii:*- runes ds rome db could davb won. Pittsbubo, Si iii. I [Special)..huton tho rn- silll of Hi" I! '-t 'li refiner mea had BMU r. Sirs I In tint . ir io ti Ni t Liyborfsr, the aarsmaa, espreaaad tab ii|.iiiio ¦; iii Dsaeb weuM wm and ad tea Md Ibo theory « tehan wentd order bim te " fen." otor tho eon it. iul IfbodlBMnred! beM bim looms uti. 1'liui. Iii.toatl of WtOBtM +.,.ihit». ToemoT DTIB a [Viol '.vl'h ,au 1 mr ail lion ami tsk l .ho- Iweoe $50,000 and Bl00,000 ao. i iy aoeaptleg tbe bi . sgalnat Oaiolanr, wbicb would ¦¦ il least 9 to 1. The il..a. would bs soinpiete when (ii!i!a,r tm ni d sfaot I i.e.i' ii, .ti lt ls dal n"l cm h dnno, Jamas Keenan, of ;. it. u, and W, .1 Inbbs, or [ .odon, on said to iu» Pa 'tn r't ii icksre Riobard V Ik. ].-.. TMrnei*a fermer ,, e. r. s,i ''i it rouser wai siltier Bot In gool Me* illtion, ni atti a.' ia,. I Inu.self to lie deft-aled IU order to .i the belting iii iii* raoea to '.onie. HANLAS BREAKS TAB RECORD. COOBTBBT LBFt SBVSIUL l-l. OTBS ur.HIM>.THK " oriii'i h. '' 11mi QrMTionnib Edward Hanlan nnd Charles E Courtney Bl leal rowed a raee, wln-iing oaa!iy Hy ball * dosra host leagtba i be raro w*s turf.' . w;;ii a turn ai iii kawoy baaaS, for a pana il mile up hy iso Not York, Wl.i11.ivou aod BoskawaP Ualiread Compaay sad tba pnprtetow ut ibe fenn tit Hunte, ol' which 80 per cent was to go to tbs oloaer und IO per oeut to lb* toter. Tba man and their boakera on Teeedai tiicht salaried as*8saaiec james Mt '.ikiojr, the peesMeat of tba ntlrvas. st aad ttah.ddor. H. Coulson, of Canada, ntad ,. gt for Hanlin sud C. T. Hmrkwuy for « onrtnsy. .M. V. Harts, Wbe badi ll.iul.iu's uJat, wm tut Ilma i.r«prr. crow,ls wera t^i.i lad io Beak* swiy by ths ia' o and tho hay ou Whtea ll witt rowo.1 WM Crowded wllh crift of r.irloua kinds and I*. Wal dill ru.I tu keep Co 'tlir ta lu.'lii-leiilly Steer IS nc*, lho tiltia let for lim race was B Al Hill hour a pr-tty atllT M '. wu bl awlag ..'nt ti.* w tier wu a inls tempy. I teple along tbe tb oa tMtbrae big steamboa < rbey gave Hanlon a rmia- I ehaoi ai ho psSSlad »ut wi-.n hs solan red hit nea re sr .tit. It wat lil fee; '-a nt .ie- » sa deep, ami osighs t 211% pt, Be [nuked lu pr' Uno a* be puddled np to tbt start l rti f awed m .-» f.(. t men 'M fsot long, n |B. .tl lee;.. !I t ' wh".a uni I,;.ie. Ma ,1 il iuV. Ino* tte! ,,-,| rowed ls .1 !*»y Mn of a ttr> ib it aonSrnmd bia claim .:»: fnr l- h .it-, i .:j.tii)t '. . lad Som i - A . t tt .'.i-t tMU pami 'is Bl .... .v liaalau . la i'i.!-.'¦ i- . orei - |( of rn*' - i.tiar rata tba lo g.. ai '< 19 I *- > re r~. h !ii ll. i. Tt llrogo, Biol . - ,oe .'. ly . 1 ,, t -t .. . . iepe.| Ila i I .- - lilli t t .. . - lo tbs I . ... a n . t -.. l,e I end tunk III .t ..... r ti e . ' Co I a r , I Bill .- - . . s IM rare I r I re || .a |g B . I Bp to tbs referse't . Oiric . I't.- gol ¦ vert f..- - i Waul loin lue h ia ht i.-m-r t t..l i>et- t Il I- ll Uf I m .- . it'll lint ,-i - bara if I t »eii m. a it tad I . l tl ....... hr.-i 'i.i.eui if I had bosa rees pt! ou w si Dsvls - i ta 14 um I bib oaots tba host tluio on record br eoe sareud, and ia a i..i* ny iwsoiy-io.roada I if ¦istemeai .»>. graaiod with eduiity by j I erorybody,ant th* general Inpress! tat Mr. Darts was so tot rooted s I s j .. of lbs "tat hit a itob toa Htat iak"i. unolBtlaily ai.d by or Tt-le t rrom | -, i siena ls t " '*" t mles I -i :h" la Iba nine wi: ¦ 11 'i , . ir-a 'ii Issi ia ll ,i tseui t ¦. t -.. ¦ ii .it iben." A''i.t I'siim |i .'' i platform had been mA.r ot i-i iv ssa Ha .ii. crossed ths amt' ,.--.». I vi pe..,. .- .t n thrown ta Iba ground. 'nt *. una n .t.- I,, .i ..r .'i | l Hauls tunta ] MKl tl 111 i»e ,li I lt a -ld-. OP I ni: ll M \ ' R t'fl \'>V IN IWOES. ¦. tua -. t i..! vi'- it .. The Galatea and the Mayflower both e I a Ball ti" ¦» i us .' i- resterday. ' l|a oi.j'-et of tl.e Ma] fltiwer wu to train bar ins snd '.hr nbjael nf a lei ttat to 'earn tho Boorso, Tba araW of Hui i 'live 1,-t-ii n.v.: ber i Tar Ulipa Iboysehl wit launched, Bvory mon knows bis plaoa sud hts ¦ A.- ie ,-:, .o,,t... Tbs ere w ol tba Mayflower aracomperaumy n. m, gtrlus ma Kngl tb ¦_, . it -. ur. ii ailvantage ni lins rat poet. Most el tba sollort ur Eog- 1.., ) ,,. ,i t i-u'in- from Rbmi iud are trained la yaebt » (i-".n their I'uvliu.i.l. I, nen an In sn ta. "it I owner gen a good nea ho Weoys th. in eeaiou .ti PM victories of tho i,n ara largely .lao I ¦ 'i«.me . hr->usn to | t .sou, bu nu pruiide.l fur lbrous ion! "ia ..,!.¦-.. At .1 rois lbs rael ug craws of Amarleao i tobi s uini iy 'i ts mu.ere.i iimii yacuia nt Ibo liu'ii knu Tt ni, j,lace of vt '. tl it i- i ti.i tM tabill-.i. olsn, there will ba ono eopteln *n. lt .Tc a Wul' lu I l ill lue In i-i o lie ii.uoi- n.ti i.e mi al Pa sods iii tan ii.,, vi ty Dos ... ii item :, ... mila I it ia a hu i*n ni ms bas nix'U lim pr t liles I If A s*|| -mA-i i" " P«l mt rn ijat-ii ni I! w:,s lbs word or tho Uonrrol i.ihi i.e,M i.i n. He miva il r tu t'iiiii;; tba trial loin g In sheets iud tho v ,. mus u r deiails of sailing tua b u. ll,I'.I 'l 111 -r |U e, ., lOUSl ... ll B OOHS .tl Paine, (.OlilalU Bli., "Ju-" lllltwariil anl taiimis rr i ol Boral II la saoieal ma' Kn _. worth m.I I'.n.f imi iiu.irl Ca.iiain -i.n'i' «.ll naturally .,.-. ip cl tu ilia oplatatia ol bis employer ¦ur* lo lbs Ju faa rem old ba Jus taos Mi waru tua i'm lian .t Kane (a, ul "mau n ;< .> I kl c'tiii- a-t ." S ... me tbl i'l. au un BIB pt OH Will M IBllOd ny A. I u irisory 'nani luiif tn ni b .. a meeter. TUB WBST IBDlANg i.i.tii.N- AT CBICKBT. PBILADBLFIIIA, BepC 1 >,/'"'..'.- lin' gBBM nf ii M V>flt Ili'l ti.%i af I alt ally el ArdnMite, ebleh *t, i., mu yestordoy, wat ii.isiioi i.' mi nsaltad aa naplate nm fur tba vlallors, i ' oiib ! im wiebota to tparo against ...) for their e.Hapat*tara, PortboWeatli lia Clea '.!.¦. bas playing wa* dooa hr w. -ki -. ia a ii .., irso i, wolla ina Marton played -o *e:i !...e-.'or thai ail no drsarr- mg ol tee iii.-ne-t i.ra..e. ii,., v... .i. were .nu.!, inr- MIS* *L *'-e luau en ll-l lin__ li ntl botllag ol 'h" bO.BB IOOM, md parswoollj .gral.ilaie.l ino u un meir iii j»r.-r tiialilet. nunurrti* ino lleluiuui Club mr al ii re Mil willi tl.O VIS! NOBVIATIONA Foti UONBRESS Bra iv. uki. i>, Ii!., Sept L.Helot J. A. ObbOoIII WM ii"iiii' air,i ,.,r tun.rti- nero yeitertlay by mo ttspeeimaes <>f ma x ii ita Bibi rici. mu mus, Tm.,Rapt. t. -Jacoo Yo.i »'»s Bomloatod fur l i mri-.! by lbs RepebWOOM of Ibo Xiii Hiilr.ot to¬ day. The psrtiei whs threw tho rntton, baeVeasrtlleg turnip at ut w ne wa ttfre returning in our ho nt. al alola ho ir lan' roe-tUy night, uilgiit h_iVS bren lu bettor bull noa*. .iii si io/ (Dak. j Hool. r. TIIE MONEY MARKET. SALES AT THB STOCK EXCIIANGB-Sepr. X. tiik .ii:vr: ivr. i.i-.' A "sn AWb Can I-a.-i.i,' *t « mtssra. Hil,*'tl 113V11*'* 113V IMVlM-: Iii « 11,1, * _. .v tif'.U 141 HI Ul .1. CM A st Tau! CH I'l . I"', BI> 4SV **'* 4SH *S - td « .'* wi fl*e{ CSIP M A C KV .* lal Del te .1 Wee 1)_%I1 renal ... H-n A lt n dr.. | aao't lal... i,teen liar _ Ind R,t W I ike -thom ... I'- ,t W. tl InOlS ,? Vlt'l Militia, t.llt Un M I.s .'.. W prf. M K *T. Ma IV ni'-. Mah ¦? "'in Morris* Kt... n tm W (euri.ti NY CA BIL ur. NV I.F.lW KYLKAW nrt-l NVA .n V.. NV » NH ... Ni.' .? VI'.'"- H I W prf... Nor::. rti-iilc..l Nor I**- prf ,-¦ u ii a s>... 1' lula* Kv [hil * THud V I' < il To .a 111. h.V WP.... .- ->' . 1 -l -I- j rf Mi..*"-!- it', pl » ' vt ri t- Pm.. ni i., VI gi ¦» WI '.-ni, !2f> 12*0 12H {.wv I.. 39** --''. --'u -'-tS fi 6 -^ -^ Vi\ Vi't H.'J V'-'-i M'o 9AS ll ll i ifJ lfl' XIS, 1! I H'S v>\ I'¬ ll i.if., l w t'.V <l ian isasi m* H7 l'7 S7 B7 BTV HOV *("i *''* »nS| ..n't ;io ile )"'¦ t ion . io.". ib*i} isv lb 1' 10 Ul Ul itt Hi Sb\\ f.f'l .'. .(IV, K'S". I<»*('- !"t% 10-V ¦ti -___;i -a ¦Alii hiv it'd ;<! \ si V . -i . -< . 71 ; . IMI l, 20H v.-c.; i.n !"'¦, pevJ 28VI ."" 8 lau 16*9 «« '.. .ti IS"., irtv1 I5«t «2V I'T', li.'.i I..-:' ¦i: 4'.", NI lt *l bl i.-. 27V eJ 17 1 x.".V ll 4 IV IMV HM :<1 lol", ld Ul 10- A ¦¦¦¦'¦ \ 74* 4'i' 210 1'.'., 13 .n Pm >'. al.a-li. I ia e-t mon. .lt. i Mid M«i| M I b- x, ,. , ... n,.4 ;m 104 104 nu HM , 10.1 . ..l ,.i - -. . '- . -.1. ; .... . .¦.t : tl t -. '. 27^ asii -. -. 98 87 I I '. '-I .2:1 'r\ '-A X.l . HA 111 ii is, .rr ii .,-tt.i j,, !I4 . n.i. '.ii. bbs .it -, ¦-'¦ ¦- -v . III 83 . .1 6'i Bi1-* 85 V « . om) 21 500 110 3 ..'i.-t'l .Jim 2.21'» se 1.1.1 .'el 1 -.'.)0 3.471 lb..-..-.) Un,) .SOI. HIM. loo ino « IM auo 3>>0 see lil Ml 1.11" soe 290 -1 .ni 2 .00 1 i" 8,428 100 15.300 BO ll*. SOO | ni ¦ju .'tin 2. un imi 4 i" nm 7"0 ¦. .'." SI BOO 8 12 i-.'i 120 ", '¦:.* i'.". 12 Ml1! '', HOS, Parilla Mail tn . !»» 87 aiiniu.i. eal ,1 . :<'.* !¦; . , ll ns. _ OOTBRNBNNI BONOA L'S UjCntlp. 10.0IHI .HO /mvp.! iv;, rn vs sr )0K\ i laiuulina Om ls I II A Tex ('cut (I M North* mail | nita tull,li.I ut nine ° <n-ll 27 tc a iUt ¦? Pm Inc r. ism ^^^^^ Ant i.i. li A Imp Bt nt'. |nl lui ll .* '.' 1 ' lui li.lM^I '.. f 0 ft,(KMI III'' ll.a' I mm . Bli Lol ic nu ,t m lu- 'i i'i ll'., t NsBb (lert'l ir,.* ».s 1.utiil 106 ..iii "is IHtl (| IliJ li ti PO Min lot | LA Maali J_Ooenl 1 JU ... «l . ll ( ouns "7 7....KJ O'1 fl 75% _ .in littUh I,ism ion . l.t.t :n -j Mi.:land ol S .1 lt I i'...i 120 - Par Itt ..t o ¦¦ 71 , ..... .N nt Ut ..n 2.0ISI lltiV X V ("Ur i - eipta . ni Ore son il .lt p.noo lol url I. ill ft tee. 'lt. v, le id) li.4'« U'l ! '. ,v Hf Evans. _n.iwto t j j tuny itel r; M lol Hl.OlSI I'll". ll .tn- ron j.'mi.i 1'il '.nil Isl Kn \! 15.000 117V l'e,| Itt I'lf. ^^^.....................¦^ j lt - t-t iee i .ba_ a^^^^^H^H . I rs '-¦ ll* 'i 7 .«).. . . _lt ^¦^^^ 'J,'T.i 128 -: - I,. leias T- \ -. i-. -: :n tn . 83 1 "Uti 'i't '-. Mo Maa A Trias ft.'->xi. ft.'. '..'.' " '.' OOO.BS Ininti ft "i, N ", I ait-K A Wu 1U.IH .t .. -, Tet.i. >j t'onitont off \ IS 'titi . '. 20.0)0 m > V i. . i.t. i x sxcHAxaB .-i't . S i SI «.j l-l lld - s ss. 1 ¦ io no ^¦_ 87V , 4 <. 'I 1 I,,., irwvorsi antral l-. UWV| 10a>| l«WSj |«». r i. k a ss . .i - 1.1 'I.. .I .! ^_ .t l ls amt i.u Ult. t .a Pa. ll.till I * tl 44 '.""li ¦.. j "-< 27'4| -. « llJtjl ..-, I, , nf, 18 I I b > '*. ¦ i bj ia a.oro .Jin 1 IU ."'I ¦) L's) -tit I i vi .in '. sa .' . unit... A || af II A D .lt.. ll l.tW, Na; Isl. .11 t ,t T Itt \ vd tl, li... I. -'. .' !' t 4. -. .;. 4. a 4 '. 94 1 'l'i i 24 Bl.OOO 7 , ¦' .. A.. j 1. . _ 81 '. li.,-., 2- * 1 4 I <- (. '- lui1-, lol-j 10.000 DUM Mi l"l KH. _."." I 09 mils I le .< N lorn Milvai ni:., I'litibiira . .. un Hui r,l N 'll 1 HO 'J -I t.ll Ol I .til (VJ 1 '."I 1 HO I i. i.i ,30 n titi no (.7 -.7 ti Kial ih. ll I .Jit.-, 200 lihl m.. unlit CLO.slS'Q CL let-, b OP VA Lil . ITV OAS. Sin PR and ". -¦.!''. I. l-'i ,'i i 03 PS "lt ll Mono . i ... .N.mjo . '.."j 1 i". uptilr .1 .") :' .'I' |l'"t.'tl in .n '¦" Bal not 3. '.j 11 ..! i v.i 2 ¦.' ¦.J'-j Mierrs ¦.¦ ula . " I.m il I'....IL ll ¦ ll IOU < nil.i 2 "i Ills Iciiuw lot Hi. .ol) Tu 2 '¦" ll ..I '.. "I III . l.l'J ll. VLOSINO I':. SS Ot i- I . ¦¦'io. -1. It.l-l'.S. _-..,.,. I. -i'l. ld lop lei .... 13U Vte*a SS: ^^^^^^^^^ h,-. i|itl A L( plain, um.... ll lt iiuoV ""' "' "I* l.'i Pl* ll l ..ul lt tl i .1 op K ft ^''s Alba'r 11'J lt Inn .. i lor. ii lt I. ll n.t. ii .i it rs 4 Kimi ,v I' M I'M 1. li « Fl H. ti i. ,i h Hoi Hu ls \ ^ .t > Kimi i 121 ia es 40 ti Kl Bl Vi jp \ -v. Min t itt ¦ I IS. S14 ia is 1 ., .nu .1 H.. I.i 21 lt lUlpB PS iMtnsnii. I I1* Ai llama. t 1 "4 U Minn, t t ,.!,'. 1 ii xi ll Wau ..r 4'j 4>» 4li I VLOSISO ." ro r ll t tiP.lTx sr iOS% 11.1. i rania _, ¦¦ v. .t inili "V t"i -«"ti«.. '. t '.." 4 B7"b| N. J. footrot... bis, tt--i I--., .uo 11 ni- :.. 4 "im 27V 2T; BL I'atil '.H» !' I *4 North ..lal r."'j ft <\, i'7', Bi's let,,*!, .-.'_4Tin'ii :,i Bl<a! llaetourills.. SM »" 1' H.* l-.i ie SM<B 2'* lr.,, ti.ui. 7S ft \l KUM "|>4T, Sept. 1.r. M- lhere aa* moro activity In Ibeolooa in.ikei lesley md lite tote! IfBBBSllOBS ro.e lo 107.11-0 tiiarfa,.is*.uit B0.232 tunes yesterday. BsrscibelBSB. ilia ¦srhol wai ul ami uninie'iesilii,-. Allar houio furliiar ilOPreaatOO lanes H'e llr-l Uoue anti a SOSeae umir of mpraiuo dui nen tue market a.sunied lona .iud fruin Ibu niue out ibero wat a barilesliiii of valuee io lue end, whereby Un..I prim mark tlual saint ul from M lo l*« parcsui. The araaiett odrsuoa was lu Mow-Vork aud Sew-Kuflsnd, which after tslss of is 200 (tbs 1 for auy ooe stook) .caret ti,s prices i4' Mr o-o. T2£* own wa. at tewESrzsi*!* toe was buytn, back .0Bl. of th. .took it bsd .obi -Raine tbs Issi ft*. (JJ" JJ* J Huckin. V.llcy and Toledo-B%SS?g Tbs Uta morsiusnis ol Ike Hook Isdicats Uiot lu lt lotood. If it a fa;, *OW. u, aJ. j* prue. Tbs trunk linet wsro d in b it hiller 1 ,. 13 stock., wttlebsassr. ii mai sui tbs w.,.. lltr lB " BdV.4Ill-0foli.WSl Bbs !e»| 0' North WB.tarn. p,.,." Mall cloted ot Sg Tillie IVsitsm Balsa Wtnti ... ito 1! '. I " - ..:-.! vero Dselwelaaa, ii wot ii us; ir il si ivcmsnt after a tUrie <iiy»' alano with no ni inioi.i 1 eaeeee ter prieee ae raUy. luis W'.ic.'l a:nl no BMTS a ju.ll ao.-s ls tl.sni in tin .iar'a ch inset, which, howoror, clots 1 tho msrksi Uruna 1. tlnures. ¦ " iiovarnraent hondt wars dull snd rs-'itr has rr ,.n,ia» small a8*rtil«a. Bl lt for tba 4s aO'Hi. wera'H ioaae Annexe I aro tbs clo.liir i|iiolall ma BM Ask. Lia "."TT* c.t.4.,. l-'H ro». l'.9',ll')V| r f'.'-nrr.sisoa .,_., **. D.H.4SBlWl.eao|lO0VUOV -- t'.S. 41 I ir .7. re,. IJ.ltalJ.iS, t. H. mr li. 1 - ,-. n,J - I-. S. 4t I!...,-, toa. 12.i'»l'i«IV! '' H. or 6s Hu ll' . P.H. Spsresate... 100V .I Hut. Col. i-tiii .. Ubi. ". C.s.curn I -'..-> lJU^ t Kx.inl i <. State bmi w«rs dull anl eo»r f.oii'tlsns eaaool ls to it 76<i Ti'-jini Virginia 0b defsrrad rreeipt. .,r, down ti 1 .4. or city bank steabs luere wore n, e tl..«. Ie tba Kunu, hoed SMrbst rers inna leterasi tn maalfeated. Tba dealings valla fairly walt uisiribaiaZ were ef a retail charmer saeoed eousols Tars Ss hi abai '¦' rr. Cbeospsaks sae Ohio, sseies li, mid ai 7//. 7.'iTi .uni tin-ciirrener (It nt'."-(a f' -uirti- em se,.t, ax-In 'oreti «.,|.| st ""ti'inij Wesi , fl-tn soorootood worn ties ly ai abvm |u|i.j I:'u.s. Waterloos snd Oedsnabniw consol Ss were od *- ... a Mi'-nuri. Kiii-as so4 loxai seuem 8b Bod bs wr|* stoo>ty at ;.i'4 »nd-J. Nov-Yurh i e,»to.i inti - . 126, Beti 'i . si 1 i" .. i teBonds st ...v ( I...-. Bud t. LOOM .lists aero i;,, 1^ atli-tb/. Intornolitioal md Orval Northan. Rt ¦ ex ini'-r. ts Hi 1 j ne.", Ii.1,1,',-.'tn «. (Wrap. ern Incomes wera brat il n ton obi (j y dohoatora Ss o»e 1 )tar real is IOU, m. Vc, sis -.lillie.-i v.--,. .,-t WBWOfl '4 ,.t I 17V. f'ntui I'jf Uo tire « (|eoi .tl V i'» lll'n Oretan -hur' I.n- ea m. r-. stair Bl 1"4 i-t . . '. .1 . sta up's ul V Northern Tat- 1 in 1, .. St.,T-' ie..n t I'irids Arsis wsrs. Orator al I. _.,.!.tina rule.I si 1 . o |ter 1 ii^ loans wera ataoe at 7 par ia r ia»os-'__p"r cant,alanine "utfarei et2parcoot." ins'l ir.¦»-..rr w:,s deb'or et tin Cia ii i; lion -¦¦ f j., a.. Win, of wblcfi sn o 9*6.000 we* tut lu'uret furoalteil bomta, 960.000 ler beads praseatad i. i..r tba option offer, sad teoat Ol thi rcUialU'ler fir \ .f (ilttae rl'c1.n tor nu; n :.¦.'¦ I. il.'-, leeotplt !r York rut'oini -.rora f444 ('<>'». Hie Bab-Traeaury i»4ay io«t 11,814.7^9 oa >, made ap hy* ruin lon of * '1 ,(») -i. i" ,,rin- " payntaotfor Pannoo ril dei-,-rod io tin A e. tv (it Hoe loasa riirr»t.<-v rf on nf 916VH& '!'.-..' tr t nita:'i".t-i tv-ie.!; i,or ip.t, |l,00I,2<(_) .i'.iii-,.»s, i.V»; resni ''i_r In baleueoa al 929,037.(141 our- roit r an.l .»: - I H30 .' ... . Mt. IIkusoitotsniset to-day vt. m foliowti ... 974.403.200; bolinrei. rO.t,.. 1.". J7. Tbo I bltsd Mute* lres<urv.ii ^a'hn^ioii rr,- 1 "i'l 'i.r ii.t'.li ii I'.n f..-r«l» i: rion, ., tnitiiiii reoaiii't w-re lt 1,2. il ,027 md ilia In tams! levon,ie rroeipts #339,229, x -ii-iu-.-. > i.i.i' Srraar bud q a -fir setusl bQiinaaa sre ea fella vs: n.i ii<«rs-. it. * j -1 ._% mi T-t-4-4 ur lu'u and sliori ¦¦ rim r r-tti,.e »»t. y. iul 1- . ,'ui 'j i\ and'.. 4 fir reieu- i" ind IOI| or rulldart. In 1,'inion l.rnisU eomoit wsrs easier, Maatus st in.i 15-19 .!i'i lol rasped lesly for money ami st sa mt. -i Btataa )>'"i is wire tiajtlv tnt ..' b.n sd. t in nllwsrs enird dui and weak, bel I ned with i oo tbs steeeteaaa al ma ;i B'eiockbeo_e quota!.t, Y. .i-y lu ..' » ope,i inarkat rordlaroaal of bai k< rs- billa - - tay at -"s i»r erm , tue I par t-rni lt I ..- "c i.i Inuit,"'ll BU wlihli .'>» dav- !i«TtT liafora w .. Bt04 to MtlB Sida, lula i'll b.ili were ..dotted it. a rtcaliea af 1-394. r»rr imi inr surer * «. iia...r »' 4- 11, i ar B . .-I. At d'".. I'r.n .1 ,-r rests h. a.' sad Mabisxahsaa ie waa ap to J lr .i.e. in t'is li. :..'...' :. . ra ' irs ¦ i t . t iw.i moatbs of i- i l 1 .-..I. -.¦ 4 J ian it .. 'tm p.vii I- irv * o » i ..... .1 J-r nf I' e r .t .f .i l-'i. Jsnusrr 14. I r tl. e - >Ano.\*i. m t m t. - -i » ,\.it t .-;¦- 'AiiMitiul ni.lti»,us al tlala..tit ¦. . I) I 4 I ... , ' I to Ma> ll I toa >isi sTre .I ^ I ... » ni'- PUBLIC t'l-itl ..' 1 >.a I . I tha vi a S r iblam li low le fal ofl i . t A 1 ) 1 . : I I I 1 Kital I / ... « i i ratal. i * i Wi RMlit I 1 i t-rllli'-alasof .leiMit I l.t. -I il H! -lu j. 7. _?.._.,.. uir rirr. i ' Principal. I f frt fiona] cammi r rstb .t Total i.ehi. T '". 'i il .91.717.087 "''- : * Intelull. I Ttotal 91 Tv. I .... ,- « tlilo I.n io ld lbw "' ''I'l ..J *iti 'io tba ruUsiuplioo N ia- :i i raaaury.. l . * l .. in III. rn.- Minni isury ( ' itun: I "* . . I- J.'i... Hi'Uiii'i:.i\ n t .. si. m > i'm Mal' , . ' - ll. IS ', h. .ylvauls ' . I 4 I it 'tl .. r t, ... ¦¦, ria. ._t, ,hi Hail li un l , \.'.v, ... uti. 11 j ... ,t rplul '. 1 at I .tl .. Ax X. :, ft J ll,, tl' it I .. * , t ? POTTOM \ i I'll. : i\ aarooi. . i ' -. * -t n na . Alu. I .ill., . 1 nw M' '''i'i- -- .' ; .',¦... . ,i, .., .. tlflivrv. 4 t.l '.|.| i . ... ind He t, t iii 114.1 .... ,L a. tl s* "I a , ., 4 t .Ul ..Bi., e. , "*. A'. a \. o4.l. ,.,- I.fol .' " il Wei ami -.I - ¦¦ . j p.m. I otlaa. rbssalas ai ti"' ¦'*> lacludad i .'¦*.» tow M ':-4tt!S KonloBibol .leiiveii. .',..04,1. te.ieri dot ft^iue lr11, dui iHtobi'i ai. 1 lu. Novenib ... , ri du Hmm-ibu! and January . wi.i. ii January and february debvery, .'¦ 'j Februarj i Mar. ol nry, .,. 1.4.1 .- ¦*¦? r i *-()4'i. - m i ' .¦.-.' . . i ila Urary, ft d lltA rn . 1,11 au.l t't ttilHI ,|«llT«iy ... 4.1 .tu 'it In I «'¦' "...ul. ¦.i'i. du. MortalBal l,i""J"S? Ll .el tu- tu baOBWhat ami !an.i»'» *"? a .1.41. i-lltil .In laituory aod KoUruatr ¦'¦'"VlilL Pi br nari ia mu "tr Iniyrre: ilo. Mar. !. ar.l April tlellTary. 8 S-OSd. borers.¦" AyiU aiitl May tleUvory. b ft-iVt.L Oujruri. ?-. . H"l lti rn ol- rOBBBMTIBB ro\si SfcTus. BBSS, I. -Turietntioe -foa-lr al ll%b, -fi! I -I iirpoutllle Ul.n ll l.'SSV MimiBO-TUB. BepVl..TorQBOltOB uruial ti-%\ MiLwn nts. lAegi. 1-Flour ilea-lr. Wheat tcaa-ly ** 7 «. -'ttl. .'-v.. 'Ol. 77'«o.i Oura "lull. -N* *.. nao. Oau~.\n. J. 2.V mr* No. I. VJ. Barlay-No »¦ 'lKk l'r»viaious-Msas Fo.t. I aah ar Mayl-. Sa S7 V °£lJ^mm iatl.l Illino »l«ta.,., l aai|... tei.l ». L'i I .»' I- *" .L a__id ii -. bulee, luau,ny. Ijal7r.. Hairy. 1.I017& * aaa* leam, s^atfc Bsubb-itraso. ll^olJix liasaipio-*aw-, oula.. Wlinot, Is.OiW bulb.. Harley. J'«^'0- ^^ aieiila-Fluur. 3.U0U. W ueat, 3074. Barley, H.4-M*

Transcript of CITY. MONEY tewESrzsi*!* i4' T2£* · 2017. 12. 19. · "I \sat tiN-'ns lu myroon readme before...

Page 1: CITY. MONEY tewESrzsi*!* i4' T2£* · 2017. 12. 19. · "I \sat tiN-'ns lu myroon readme before retiring lor til' ii;:.!, snU alimpnonion n labia neilds n.S. Hud-deny I felt u.; chair

In-tmuicntB in the college ob«er\utery sbflWfld no

.fleete ef the abeeka.Tbe taree eStaa sleek In tba liesvy lmltrt'"r Nos. 34

llioins* 117 Deane ats. Mopped ettteBSig eetAmah on

Tuesday elset. Ai it mus ranfnlly sst only twoor

thrrs d.r* Ano ll la a pretty ex.tct record ot lbs tims ths1,: tt sbllOll i" OH-!*!chief Basiaeer William vv. li-.iton, Cnimd Kt*t*s

.Navy, sud a member "I tue Bsval Bu ru of laipeetion,waa sitting In bia rnoui oi! Cnliniii'li Hetflbts, Brooklyn,talking willi bi brother at Hie uiomenl of tbs enrth-aeabft Be laid. " I m. sibi.siuc ai n.e tims ti.e vibra-I'nii Occiir-d. aol itn.iiRb I i.s- exit, nellie J until J-

aartMuekeata J»»»an ami ot- tba l*sri«n Osaat.1 weil

leuie niter Ihe .aiinq .aka and ulai wara ou the

tit l'»ru ia 1>-C9, wbleb aui sou,am deanne (o ifs ami

property.I inousbl perhaps tha iwiok og bad isade ins

nervous. I sot up t» sirsKMrn my limb* anti me w»t-

los mulloo ns. I sam. . linross, tbal ls ai ear' h-

niiaks." 11« dm not Walt bat ruttied eal af ino bouse.M yor Whitney, of ll.onkiyn. nliirn-n to ki* bunt".

Ho lb ri.i'iar-ti., tram bit tu.amsr vsesilon lo time to

tee! tbs thnnk or T.iB»S»y nlsnt. He yst'trdar:" I \sat tiN-'ns lu my roon readme before retiring lor

til' ii;:.!, snU a limp noni on n labia neilds n.S. Hud-deny I felt u.; chair sbaks, and mr

Iiewtpapsr shook. ant I tln.<tk. It was thostr.u-iri>i feeling J srsr ezperiosced. snd llboaffbt nt

Urst tonetning H.tist hs His lu^uor wnn ms; to I bearedmy..-!! is ths abair, net baewiae wat w»n: 1 beiipeo¦.xl. lksu 1 cbaurwd to look around aui! taw lho fmit>in .k hm snd I (oiii'luilsl thai (bare wat iieilnns tss

miller with mt, hut inn! lbs t ititi wit .nu -, illi _.' ."il

snls. Hut I did not undaniaud it milli I real ths marains i't per*."(hurst D. Miller, tho pirti tent of lb* Cotton BX-

Chan--e. 'ant yettsrdsy tba foilnwlnr mes«Mi (n X. ll.

Titi, the pretnltiii of tho Conon Esebeaeoof Uhsrlee.ton: "If wo can bs of, i-n erii'b us." ISoantwsr bsd been rseelrsd when ike gxebflege C ts IA retpontiblo business man write* to Tus TBIBUSB" I hit awful eaia'iil'y to eur Hmituern frte.itl Inspires

BS io tuss' tt that the I hi. i umist abonld ba tb* liolto tjKtsk for them. I ofter ysu my check nu $300.Tbs Taunts wi'i men ami ian evern tM sw hor-

Issi rrll.'l cmiimiltre, when ..ppo.utr.l. BU MbeeflpOOMg*Btl<> t'dt ollie-. . , ,,

ls- tow persons at Bew-Bnmwiek. B. J., wno roc

tWa tii'-cw un ea a high rtdse el greeefl In tae eeatn or

IfBath Beast) I- I Ike Brat Beowtadee of tbe eertfc-quako wat asms-; ibromib the Bew-Yort monies

MfeoebeeS was distinctly .'"lt »t ihs Court Hon-.* nndlal! iu Lou* Ulm I C'tr- KhsrlS Henry Mn thal Ibo

ornaments ea ib« aaawd p>«o* In his room rattled. AtColler* P"ln!. r'lushli.-j tn 1 Nt-wlnwii a vibration w.s riiterioD, N. J., few persni.s felt tbs shock.

FORMEB EABTHQI AKKSW AMERICA.pis caaaacBs in Taa mississippi vallbt.VISI¬

TATIONS BY NH MIAN-* IBFBPQITins (Hiiiiiiciii basrepeatedly been visited bj

aoril.i)n*fe»s since itt dtseover) in 1493, One of tho

meet notable was thst which occurred In 1 sill near

Bee MaflllS io Missouri. In the valley of tho MlaslaalpplElver. Xbal f-mnat eorlbqoaba. sceurnluK to Humbeitl t. prstsnistl obs of tbs few s ism pleb of tho lr-cn-

ssnt 'j laking of tbe iirousd for several tur catt'rs mon tnt

fsr from any raluana Orsr sn extent of

roontiy strsuhlng for 300 unlit toiittiwsrd fromtkt mouth of ths Oiilo Bleat ths 1 rote sudss:-lt tu crest unituiutiont. and lakit wara formotl sudWere agsln dralusd. Tbs tnrfscs burst upsn lu limn en

tbil h*''i«n! t trended northeast aud toulba ott astl

were toruet.oiei mors than hs f s mils louie ; from theselif.i-t mud sud waisr wsrs thrown, nilen st bigb st

tbt topi of ihs trett. The diituri'ancas contlnusd orsr

wual hst tin's hean called -'ins sunk conn iry " until

Marri, Jd. Isl'-, wbeu they csatod coincidently with tba

grsit sirtbrtiiikt of Carson.Tho mott terere earthci.isks that bat bonn reco dad in

tbt Ml.!.lo snd Kattsru Mitel w.» that uf Noven.ber 18,17.V>. Vue thoek then felt lu New-liu^'lsnil wss a wave

Bsuviii.- from sltl.rr the sams esotrs wiisnes emeaatadtbs tr-nominous disturbance Hist bsd .tetlroyed Lis¬

bon tl.e nisi .lay of tbs mouth, or fnm a centre wh-its

activity had bios silmu.ated by His cumin ul quaklngiIbm than prara lsd from Icsleul to tbs blediteT-rsossn. sarthqn ike begun io Msssa-u metis wuh

a isailea pelee ilks that of thnnfleri aftsr

a mlLute's rcatlnnanee of this thtrs came therir-t tsvere thook wuh s swell llw« that of a lone, roll-!..__ BOO.0 swsll to areal tbat miu in lbs o|a.n tis. lt ran

totems toiutlUlUK by windi to ou lett tney tlmuldbs ihrosvn Sown. Afttr two or tines lester sheeba thors

came lbs mott viuisut nf all, producing ii gawk, bon-

¦Mteltnsaer wita sudden Jeiki aud wron.hst; tint

eoailunS'l two minutet, sud sftsr s slight revival died

away. Notuirous othsr shbckt followed in ibo aoana01 smnet!.. In H't'-on tho main sbeeh throw downinsur tb maSfSb wind rasrt sud bries bull.llnct, aiultbiou.'bout ibo country it ilntw dann lho nula stunswells booiidlag ibo lervai mw spriaas of «»t»-r wsr«

c., si r !, ths rssMls in tb» harbor lelt the t!io»k ior*etiuiiiiisri of ti-1, won k111-0 anti ll"a'oti !o ibe t ir.'.te oftl.rjo ,i»i. .Nine bonis ofirrwrnl, ol - o'tin k \.. m., a

a** wars, twenty faei blab, ai ti.e boroo! ol St.¦artla'aia ihs la.nen.

(int.. in-tr 19, IS70, occurred tba mot! roealderaMaBl * 'ht! lia. -i«*n ntiter vs ri i , ibo U dd e BB 1 BS Bl a

Ptoiot ii tbs preasot csmury. Prom nea: ^-ie se lbssb ck tnioa.l lo Bl Jnlin. M. B.. an -ti 's

wottward toCblesooa«d saut w»r: to .'JowtY.irlt, lasr» arny ot lie wive >f tno.-k o-m io il 1 V<i 0 .sit p r

b<to:i i, lue neeorroan "fins sbock fe.i ..i ic »¦<W. ¦_.'!'ip sd to V. mires, bf tue OUOTaten ol tba .Mon¬tlea loMcrepb Uoiepaey in tims to rail ibeoiVnl "t

©I llmis .! ,ii- ,«iirr BttJ i<> lue pnenoiuona HOStem ilk before Hie tSOSk reit I tbfl ll.

In < '. Hst ma tue eertitquake of 18IV3 'iSHtroyod one oftbe S lither.i i. i-tnnt,

I bat sd Ifareb 2.,. \H7~2. nat t.S moil ..rtrt init hstoerurral tb'-ie daflBfl i.aoy yean. Special 'li aeaflw-t iloat iii -a;, in .. ii^o iy tba eroaklaa 0/ nie w*iitc. tiie j unn: buikliaaa.

lo Bovada tbo ul lacrefioaaseaored In l^TibytboCm'., iel 0. "f 1/ttie Fri* in I :lif r 1-1 letneB s.A ali -....Tr.11 j ,k'i «.t foll 11 '.L.t part of tbs

Mnntry oo anson ld, 1884, st 8:07 p. ia. Iksro weratwo diatinet ti.-itt. eeeerrlaa olinin sn leiorval of a

law lenin., and shout a qoariel or a u.

At tbt t!yiiai ofllM ih* mea In raerrs '?:¦- n,e inoct ai2 14 p. ni., uni mo a'vu-¦ vr.reu tuny meeivml trenn. i.<». .t.t'.iin in var.uiu parla a toe sventry taronaana to belia vs last tbereinet wu aa orrotia a>.dUre. .1 ar se. ll ».. tell Ibroegb ¦ Sell "l i»rruo-r rx-leiMllea Irem Baaaiaatea 10 PurtiaaS, ale., and fromiso i: mllr ntl! 11 f.r west at Jul. ni.

Al is ilsiBh' on Jnai 1 1, -*A0,. ttranso treortr w.n feltOt ban If li "K nfl Lnaiv Isioofl, Bo BsieeS wat foilsiiesslieri in tbe Caltsd Stoles, mil in Witt lu net a

pri'AnUiicet! ibiM'k wat 'eil mi Hit- Island sf Allum Hie

di)- iiofon, ai wan uuii aortbquabai sMarrsa io Peta*t.. 1.. 1 r-tnnt, au! 1 .-.rriluy tlmracl Te To.e.tule on lrbseeS wu eipirnsrsd in Bow-Zoeloefl.On Jiuuary 80, ISB-L a e*t*ra slink of aartaguakewm aapariafl ad *-. Caatnrllla ca.., precoded by t tower uf n's.On Ko rairy 14, 1.S32, ashoek of Oro mitriiss Sara-

t.mi wit fi lt ii Loka .'itv, ol. The tboex *.., t.u-

ltully foll st Capliol ( Hy, iu tbe tsn.e ei.ia.(lu If'.iL t: 10, 1-1*2. two 1.IS"! hui .lit nnr' If pr

eepllb.i Bboabi Bf eariuquasn la-llos lau «-r> lt mme

felt at Dover, N. H., aeeompaalfld tty- rua_ibilag aelaa,Tney were _, ti felt ls IUilintf»rJ, Rosuitier, Poa IBBConk, Coitorl. anl sluor loans lu mat-lae. Tnel.'f.i Irareile,] from iasl lo weil.

(.11 Jiuusry Kl. 1H31. aa aartbq tiki lat-.lnt aboat teaBCCtiinli wat fslt il Balk, Me., anl Him.'run r. inapeitfhbiiriin: C'ltilry. A-, flrtt there wat a la ni repertfollowed by s rumbllnr 10 uf s hairy teem int.lni_r t rer tiie frnien mead, wiudsws rattled aod ;li-tii't t oaciila' were felt.0 IS, 1878, ihoeke wero felt In the Mittli-

t i,i. Vii.ey iirtr aa area al iully IbO.OOG «.j nu oihei.Tba nt on of distnrbeeMWM ileoa un Mlsoio*aiPfl fr-1lu Uini te U.m.111, 11.ti slna^ lbs Mltteurlft ni 0 atcea to Losta Kies,u Bepioabsr 21, lss.'. . sllebl thmk wat foi' in St,

Ixmlt. A ro.linf unite wss ft llowotl hf Imr rm dlslinslTl TH loot at in itt. I ot a Tnt Urn rlbratloSWit lbs moil TlalenU Tao suoes lmotl ab*l|| tlfioonset.'init. BpnoeBfllS sad (entrain, M. e ip,, rio ii ce 1tbe e .me ilmsk.T..^ Btesl r»t «nt oarlh'iiisti-i felt In Ihe t'aile'l States

yr-fiou-to uni I'lTi-iitr availlao ware tu,,.. ,,r ,.t

wsek, PTMar oed leturdsy iBorelBSS. tM rermarbaieefall enif ot Cbsrle 'oi 8. C, sod iio Imuwliate .. .«n.tu.rbi.ed, anl th len^r, eossnwbol tu .ri. leter-, er'etitl.iu< nun Bens enrollee, rheas ocemre.i wiimu twenty.four boura of iu nu bOOVlai ehneSi a.mi( tue mores ofthe .M-Klilerrai,i.ii.Inna was a dltatiiroui esriiiquiks iu M"Xl"t», In

June. lAiK, eileitii ni; Hie valley lu wi, ontlie i-iii lil ii l tinted au dome Braal nama.e. lim^est lnd'oi hate iou.- been Betortoualf snhjaot loseisin o tlittutb_n.ts«. Pori Boyal, lt.a cipuai ofJ uiiiri. wss tutu in 'i ths tot hr s sheri on June 7,1002. A roiesiio naeatbilaa ^iroaibol tu Ita li.tor*iiiitteiit ucl iou was i nm up ne tr tbect,- . of Baa -a. ritlt. r lu Ucl, .nilnumerous eartbq iona snookt were fell bothBOfnro aod eftarward. A osmuiT later, on Mirth 1!.,lfl'A, lha city of Min Hs.vitloi wti eelirelT wro'led I.ytbr¦¦* iiiecotiiro tii'.nki, iind SOO UVM Wara loot. IllHoutn Amaries, ("srieii. Von-? ie ,, w.s Soalrorofl eaMarrbBfl. lSI'i, aad (|uitn. JCouodor, wat slnost onai-fallaled nil Mtt'O'l 83. IBM. OU AUKUtl ld, 1~',«(, a

troiii-ndout eirth'i lake tlnr .ista'.o 1 a la ree patimo olKeiislor, and oxte led all aloes tbfl Msat, Pore bMDoit, s urea! tuileror. (; i.iao belim 'io..i njo I in l.,-t, ifa t'n.ek sn a t.<a wen "i"' I* few ni cb, and Maia bo-Ina overwholiBed In 174b. wbllo Arlra »n»t'M li.urh >u

Aeaest. ISOS, frmn a i^reat aartbnuaks w.ive tt I-iiUteiiilitl tn all tba chores of ibel' rifle. In (hill In

XRtS oceiirrsd os earth.j ike In Wbleb were

B'Uice I tho roiuarkabls IWleima eff-cti, anl 100,000Square milos of and aero pernia ism ly laiiml .wo

to seven feel. At inuluiKlii of r'aoruary -.», l-*.;5. ihoOtt. of (^iticopiimi wii tor lbs fmirtli lillie de«imyed byBli e_.rl!i.jii..k-. 800 it'itekt was felt within two we. ki;tuoro wat a BBfleWaVoSO froth.Kb; and a tuin.i trineto..-ano near .luas P»r_tOOO>B leliOd ton: Bp u enlumno', ti . y Btaols tbroOKb a dsplto af 400 feat af woter. InApril, ISM, lhere was a BTSot oartliquakt- exiendmstlir.'.i^liia (!.. SMi.u-rn on t ol Beeta America, Ub-

Biruylnx 12,1'OU perm,ut lu tiueiioe Ayres.

WAeniaoTOB BonaWASiiiStiiiDi, WeduoeUay. BopU X. 1880. B'imk-in respontB to ibo streeter itsuodby ms Treasury D-psrttoonl on AiKuti lin uneillel 3tier er ut noiiilt te Ibo amount of BblS.000 wan pieis.itid for payment io 'no Def .riiuoul Au of caine (rom ono puso.

Ool.sti ro Honui a\t.-frofee-.or Caird bas offatiiod an

Biisaventeat wini a Blesuiimp r .niieir pinna tSIOtSIUnion ami Ibo Ins- of tl.- l.,u boee H » I.y winch('barlee lnwutsu I, Batoraliai, ONObaatad with tue Riollb-M'lian liistituil m. wi.i vim BriUM a.nt ad¬joining cou. trlet tar r n Ucionor for ino purputs ofStu.l.iuK Ibo natural In.I.,ly ,,( u,»i vlcluiiy.lars »AViS0 8sKVit».-lu oonformitf with an order

Itt ui d by the Suprriniei. lem .t tbe Life 8afiu< rtervlt-sall of the tiBl.oi.t on il- Ailaiii.o and U.i.l Oaast wore

ftjioii-d Hir-day aud lue crewe ainsued io duly.MisdB (Hiss.. ruo Pullade'.pbla Mini bas bosun to

make use of aa anproprisltoo of t'-.'i.ei made at the laallei- till ul Cons ress lu " .eau u,.

"ar repo.lm miimr

Cu.Iii. len Ino.itu dollar. IB Oickt-il -Ud .e.'lt lia. I

boru io treated. TBIS inlimr emu o tn Ue tiad upon app I-ealioo st tba Mint la mm. of S-" or laulupiei totrsof,w Ole ti will ba for war le.! free uf exprtsi oitarges.

ESCAPK OP A HOKME 1HIEK PROM JAIUBALSai. N J bept. 1.- Jamel Kurnell, s UOlod hons thief,

atcape.1 nola toe tviuilr Jail here lael ulcbl. A toafadiralebrake into tae tUeutTi Loiuw aud sevurod Uie keys, sud un-

Ut-_tli.( lbs oater sud aaU doers Uburaisd Uw pnavusr.




'Yhc Ari'iodnct COBSBUSBiOB met yesterday.A ilis coniuiltsionert wore present, laelfldlBg Orneral

Nooloo, wSe nt In tbo seat wbleb Ma Paulie lately oc-

sepled. He roi ilirough the te-tion without a.vine anv

distinct Mex how he ibould Vole ns between the new

snd tho oid ram tn lit'open. A lentstios wu stilted hySecr-1a ry Sheehan'! reply to Mr. Fish's IQflslattaa eall*Inc for s statement ihowlag lbs smounl pud out of ths

sd.iltiunsi water fun'i for tl... expeiiim of the rnruuili-

sinners of spprsital. Mr. Sheehan subuilttsd tlieso 10-

inaikt on his report:In seek statement erin be fesnd tba inanity nf innrt

tskou by appraltal, from whom taken snd His sibo.iuI

psld Ihoreior. Aim UM expsmet of tbs eBmmi«ioB>-rt ofatmrattal la ennnei t;(,I, with Hie taking of me sud Und.¦totting om in detail le 'nr on lbs rertnlt or Hus nlHcswill permit) for whsl p.irpOM expended, to whom paidami ihe s.n..'1-.tso intlil.

I desm il sdfitsbls al tbls time tn c i'l rnur sttsnMnnto the .aivloei minner lu whleb tho recorili of Ibu elliceii.iTe beoa kept. Bb eoneban oe sepias of voueheri tor¦ ny of Ibe items of ex'me iiisutloiied In thlt ttsio-

ineni mo a iii- In ibis otltce, ind I uudirtrand never

Save beoa. Tue entries are mads on ina bnokt from a

statement furnished hy tnoControiit-r st stated times,sbowteg laedrawler of warrsnts fur ilia payment ofTinnh-rt not ccrlitlol lo hy the Aqueduct Coin-mLtilonert. It seemed lo ms mst insr-ropt of lint ellice »i:ouirt he rnnipleto in tbotaarlvetsad abonld Bbow tbe details ofeMb ead every exp-n 1-tnre. WltbOOl'iig to took for serb In'oi'initlnti Inanitther ile|ia. liDcnt. f hara omiii,untidied willi tlj-tr.i nt r.ii lei about tbs matter and baveao srroeaad ta iehive .'ii tl" "' th's t'Bli-e hereafter dnpllBBta VOOebertfor ail expenditure! or whstever mime or natur© beforeau eM ry lt m.nie III Hu- booka

It .Till l.e seen ftt.iii th's .ts'ement rbat only el-llll psr-eebi of in.!, aonslstlBg la all ol 1& bHSJaena, bave ihuafal bee j mien by anti paid tor out of Hm ,.!-dltlonal m-x.t-r t.'." '." «iii fur whleb land Ibero hat baoopani ibesnar of -sv.iu BS. Tm oxna tea ol ni- coin

Uilislmiei't ot tppraiaal ni 'Oiinentiou ititi, ll.e a unlrlugil . a sams amounted to ths snm of gi04.472 51,Mr. Sbeebaa nported thia IteiPlsod statement of ex-

p'tiset:Boar? Wood, clerk Hrs . shoo on

\i- ;'u H UsTstrB. clerk birt. I.i'.:. i.,

rp :,'ii! Ml vt!--, rh ti: hirem Iir I lfi'iiiHii. 11 » n "t ni",'i'!'.r'' r. '¦'

flUptl, ffv ft,,.,,, ii, H. r- ind »»«D.i«rsphi r

.1 tl vf i' -nit: notice sppollilinelil uRiBiltiioin it

/'.. \.'ir i-.,ri, Wand .

J/k.V" ¦' tr.r. PlSliTUTA* Vee York Doily Sm . tth. rrixti.. -iTnt Yunkert Oetette .It-H't'i K Hntherlsnil. 47'J.'0N.j tt n.i ' ... I'.;.iM.,,-- i A Weelo. -.M.t- st attorneys . 2,77(1 HilThoma. L. ngd^ii. soi - isy . BAOOO

tl,,..-, ii, ..nii'T. exlTB alluwanc. .

n I Iwkmaa, legal tarriest . . B.J"nonKian. .- I RtetSOll, local nert uro . I.-"'' H'

it Brow*, pi intlng . .'

Knit, ri M ur riv, serrtosa .it minni lit.tiner. 6 Onn li

li r ut il :._. - -. c \..-\ "in'idui' i" ¦. .-|.'"'" HOv t Anderson, .. ,vi,... at romuitielo ei .'.'¦' ""

ft. lliiiii. asrrlossbsroianilafioaai. i.b." at

H I. i. -M. nd. -nt tc- .it nm-- er. WoetehesU-t Co Iil tmry Allen servlctass snm't'r W.-sU-beiter l's. t

Minni ta Insurance company, om oe rani «. i; ..;

Iltur. Hilton lilllie imf.l,SHi(>7it p. Vt.t. ii'!.'.. ." as expert. ..sse on

ii Marl i eSBSi iperl . ' .

U II H etel seTTll SS SS Ol perl . '' " ' "

l.ui'i .h. -tlnif" ¦.',".! . ¦.

I. ! yon, ..nardi ni .ni Hiern, cte '"'.

Ihe pares t of Innd lakefl and their actual cost sre

snimu n thu tsbio:1-.C.'. Acres.

Hr.. '_.' J. t IT. .'wu.1 :i't.'. "¦< '¦¦¦ li Vi

l.i,wioU. Jl oi ne. I .OOH

Ob. 17. N r. Life Tbs. Co ltd ...2.871 MM 17N V 1 Iff lUt d' «< (ITO On p

To. Uv. jil- 1.471 4-.1 i« U t ¦ OUTS

Bamnel T Knsiip. p. 74 and 7i\ t.GSil li'

Chester, ti T"|. Iluui' lt. Treaenrei of tho county ol

ll ;¦ ...

Ton;.''-.¦.- e..".

Mr. Piab mored tbat tao npon ba Bled and ipn-aitupun the tu.niitei. Judge spencer Mid that tM BXpeodt-luret «ero by tba Oontroller oa toe ardor of ti.e

^ uiireins Court, and that tbe (otiiraiitlonert hal noth¬

ing to do willi them. Mr. Ht. ti win moved Hist thu re

pori he Bled ii- B '.' placed on Hm m.t.titti. Tblt nit.lion

prsvslled, Mr. Flabnylnatbal ho was couteui witu

having hronzbt out tho .'acts.

I-tr».* were rind from d'Hren and dart and from

Brown, Hawon A Oe. pretesting agnmt Hie iioisr afCoairjilor Loew in paying for tbolrword altai lbsbod boas aodttad bj t .o .i no talon, *t»i .'.. » sc :hai

th.'j Bod m Sered Bsnoos donagot ftolB tucTi (slay, foi-y ssi>t! ld bl . »'..c.

chior Engineoi Cburob rei- npon Ibostivics of tba Corporation Counsel thal ho bad

power in (ha nianar ba h.d givenentreat* n I .:; i u ¦: i .. ti

lieut taattlaii in m tii»;r lunnals uy Mpionbs sbaold do so blweslt.ebari IBaoxps Mt

CouuilseiiHier Bub stirred up another Uermot's net

J. ll. MU i .i J'

w ilbnebl inf. be. s writing lo Mr. anna annes

tbs allagsd m.sen.ii,ct and t of Fnek Clark, aa

Ii.ijortnr af li,.timi' >'. ( BfS ll » 1au:"i-ii. 'U .li, iud

ba u cd tu lal. rcapl blt disnitoal by rationing.t ed tu scei in b.s

. for tbo soi reapoBdi ntr. ')¦¦ - -¦.¦..

bul Mr. Kihi ineieiad. iii" rurr. oat read,.'. it lbs rei gui ... t

l-eii r.i, :. ,1 IbBl Ul" U.a.., '

TH e.!.i rparatloa coonasl Laeoabo said io a Tl

portsr adsr ih< waatl a inn Mr. tti.eanas't reportrery BHilestliBg. "Tub roinpsrlsontal " sta san I s par t bi. <u bs mo -.

SUI , l. .ll>OI V l!l'< .ei peases as for baVe Mea reason abie. ...-/] tao few sans olroaSy atqui rad, bul t m totaloes lbs me af Iba s o.e ., it ara iu varmtug ti el prog et., if'i ware |ru», as tblt Italerraeaouaiy BMaaMi, tbal anni ustooa a. ret al loadhail roll Ibr. i t. a ll ^',t. 1,000, .it In of It OBI]tor ti,.. Inn! sad Iwo-lbirdt f. pilli lot t

ft»s. lt wuuld l. iii wmng. Bot themi, ,. y different, 'J .in mo my paid

affect! his arqulntioa of a.i insne,de,!. 1 Jon'i knut i.ow ir.iiiy .,ci-s. 'I l.e Wter ( ..,.ii ly l ..!_.« ..ti t Sat ne soi u, .d' s rvpori An yalon oalagls Baas, soo Ssm not Intend to n a* ..ny ra-

port, as I aui luforuird, until ll lt prepned to report Mlo ail tea leap c it rnaa lt will uiabs a it, .ri oa allIhoti, or .ul"f i.iem ly, vtieii u it pi, ., ,rod lu rs|Bil Ihi lUBBBl iiftifi'.-, WlU du I... Tho rBBarl of Utecorni itt.aiit-it ("Vtiing the Twenty-ro.trih Wsrd ii..sbsoa fl iJ eely at ts tees particular poreolt ..« Hieawbotb BSpraasM a do«lro io aara spaeial report la ailTinae of tbe leneril lepoul. 'A litn Hie reports of i.oi u( ointiiiitiniis ara ciiip-'Miad an iBtelligeBt ns us Mtwooa tte amou I etaiaied, toasiauun. awar led, and tbe expemk nt the pr«eBO>llaaL'niil lhal lins e.. t ci I.rai s ms li,tl .rio athlug.ihe Boadoet er the proceed ag ie tue iatune Iiqi.i bas iron lintier my ImmodlStB ebargs,and I fte. H. If ll bad I'frn .h.,ISns far at a vsry. nsaoaabia axpanse ii.e ...

en'feet ne lix d ly ttai ntot.'l I e i- er taiaaBie.ohtobwe.-s about four oelumaa lona, net a »o of ¦».... t . i.'.ii,.i',i"l a le. .ii ha ;. [ti¬ti I«r pris-1. Bini i.nurr -i ont i i-i ali i n r .j ti -.- in--..Iii rut Ikry a. .i'la a si ii g. e err .r la BOB ol ti | t, ...-OOBtlBUaUl BSarllOBS. IO [fi ii Il' a I ie .1 I rooid lu tbia wbolo trantMiloo aad I ..'

i.t'itied tim me re.ult."(ot'nilit l.o. a ial'1 tbat ba pal tho billi upon tho

or ler of iee - iinreiin-.' urL llo bad bb illseralthe mal. er. lie _. t,, ti. .1. tel. ri Hi.' IO Hie en. ii pla ll itt nf11,8 eque.liict eoiiir.ici.irt al lihil.-ia,« la paviaitil .1 na itu Kn aa lo -'o ntl -a* Ii- lia.l Itteu dolBa, ...idwas i.o g .'Mir rn I'S hurried. 1I« thou seruilulzo sllibon hills snd ei' !. i au bi .1 upsud noi psy them ll be lound men * i




btbi i rion.

BraiBOPiBLD, UL, Sept. 1 {BpeeioI)..Tht in-tsretl lu tho Ht,, lllSBB SI t'o ( Hiv inion wis Loon. ,.,dni point ul niliulieri lu atieadaui-.e uni SntbailBSIfl lt

wai iho iiio-t sncwaful gat.ieriug of Bepablieant lu

llltaolafeea_iaayyaon Among nm prouUnaai pattyBtoe preaeet were (J tTOt-nor (igl-ilif, tho Hun ( srleaB. Forwall, ox-Gavaraor Hooillton, Boaatui Oalloia MdCoiigresnuan JuMpb U. Cannon. Mr. C_iniii.ii was

Choieu porinanom clialrinsn. In hu mid ett bo eau

nm im- Deasoenlle piny ind failed io sorry on. m

prefbmiaaa aa to civil Barrma reform, tba raduetlea bllexes, tbe revision of tba tariff end tn il ubi ii it ii otp 'lull

iu..-I. nmnfanaeoe toOffiaaoy aad Uiout «o,o ai,-

jt ail Iii!. L'trfan't niuo Wat olieoro.l seveiai lu SOIOS,.md il.ere was wibi at tho u mtloa o.' Hie naiuo

of Ulallie.John H. Tanner, ol Clay Couiiy, wis nominated fir

StoleTraesurar, aad Kiouard Edwards, ol Baroon, forB.iperinteu.leni nf Publtfl lutirucliou.


l.KMocitAi ic DIBBBB^tOB IB IMHAN'a.

Washibotob, Sept. l..s. ll, btockslBger,Ass.«i .ui OommiMtoeor or iMUeueral Load mi.i.e. n.ts

innod au a.llret» to tua Deaiueraiio voters of lho 11 ldladinnaCeeBnastwat Oiatnet fmiu tuecouiatl for a heal m Cttugroii lro.n uiiiuol tull

fall. He recites ai length a history of tjs dissensionswubin tba iliilrlrt ai,J isyi Hu- probable result of¬ing two Denim ru. ir ,.,,, llOotas In the llt-lu WuuM ne i seieetmn ol a lieu ni icu io Cousraas li'.iii a dmr ciwon li lor tony ye.rt liss returned only Urmoerali,dieoneoiaoitae ead anet lan ia ibo ttno uik<-t. nm

suou cttiupiicaii'iiii rn mo iwalvo Incisionv< dlitn.liiituuertrtl wnu mo (ou_ne.-l mal ll,sn fl at lo ma .0

Ute olecllou uf a oralie t'uilnu .-iain Itei.alui li,lim. ral Honiton-! p.ace .loin,.lu.. Ilooollt allooilanIn mt fact thal t.litouttou emla lu ul leas, inrne OlbBT( nu _!-1 oaeinu ai I Heir cn ni Ina ian a. in wt, .f ttnioh m..Pruittl.. milt' lu HiO lieu!, ami SOgSBSIt.bat In eaou ol tans ulilricla out of me rival DemocratsSUuUld luiiow Un exam'.if.

un. TOOHHLE8 ENPIlAriC.4l.LT BBOLIBBSW-tshinpton liupotcn to lae Hutton Int

Senator Vnorhccs, of Indiana, is hire. To aM ti tt, n. D'lem ne ,;.i,i" at lu., wi : " lue story tuatbat game.i foiitidrrame current',, tn ibo til. i that IU' lue uuiiilit .Hun for ViOo-i'reilUeut on Ut. Un,.-Orallo I etsi lu 1 ---. lt ibe wont of noueento. Um iboulta (hat 1 bau talked me wi, .ls maller user wuu, aud wo i.a i_.iood upon il, I- Wnna Milt,Aurthing more absurd thau tins story MUbls'l u.u in

n ..'ht if i.t .: t'-ii gin in gsi lulu ctiii iiiiin. Ibo idea ofmy surrendering lbs Untie l Stalot deua onlnp, a 1*1.1-lion iiiai Slit lbs full inpMure af m> a.i.iutioii, for IMVice-Pretldrnor, au oBlcs wormy of an, American etti-mo, mit lo which I could be ot uo serries te efrlsad.

whether h* anpMod for ths position of wstebmsn or

Mininer abroad I ¦*>'¦> Inialilsont friend would ask ms lolake tbe olflne. 1 would oat Uer Ik




[sr ti i.K'iRsrii in nu]Dbtboit, Si'j.i. 1..JadgtoB bjr Um work per¬

forms* of late by Welch bis dsyi et uiefillnett are over.

HU wmtebed work IB-day daprlnS lbs New-York nine

o: a gama the club ought to hsvo won essdy. Weloh,however. Ml back Into His old nit lhat made him io

tunny enemies esrliar In ths seaton snd played ike a

school hoy. Ha tent ont player alone to (Irs! hats four

Huies on palled balle; that player. Bro irhsri, mane Hires

uini. bul not * blt. About 1.600 people wsnt out to

I_osgus Psrk to winiest tba install and the ccowl wai

unusually jubilant orer the victory of ths Detroit niue.

Wiih a pitcher of or Unary ability n-id luteili-

ksncr, the New Voih nine wonld hsvo won

with eas*- Tbe Dat roi ts Baned only one

ofit»doteiiru.i» whlia tho Jtew-Yorkert slltores. Kwnia OBiisbt Unaly, aod o'ltourko sud Connor

also did food work, Th" remainder played Indifferently.Keefe will ptteb to-anrnw and e different neall anybensrrded. The horns club mvle nair three bits In

Me tnt twa laalaae yet bWf a deeea runs were scorn 1.

We cii't errors x-ive tbs liomeplsysrs eight of toe ins

seared.Tba Sew Yorks r'ty""1 1!*8 amateurs nn to th* tuth

inning, wien tbsy nilled and leered earned nan..'lt Tl.e lcd off with a Iwo-bMit bil and r.-aohod thinon shill') Conn>r. Kwin-'i home ma h!t t o right Cen-

tro n-i.' mads lbw -.!".-. (ba 'mino pisyen aanrsd nus

,.,,.__,. m tbelr half of tbs maine oo e bsss on palledbli uy Bowe aad m iiwi br Connor. Tua»rad s inn in il'" raveuib Inning, I-tur

br.nk bi .'' WeleH. T is ronner tl.a ;¦! teared on i int ny CRoorke Walsh s -.¦¦*¦(

sn a bli ny I.wing, lu Iliair h.lf of IM Inning lbs booieDI tren t,..,i, .1 lb rs runt. BaaBa ll rn ida . li imatUH Haidwm i-sriiei i, st un an error by Word and

nn m..I" a two-bass hit. rbe two latter¦Cars 'in .< muff -.1 urti Mee ny i'is Baw-) ..ri

,'.'. i -am In Hie ii Till. Inning. O'BoorBS innisri borne ruc bu io loft Bald.

i in sinrs aaam fa '

,..-, ..Se lort -.16 psi.(I'Koutks. 0,f. *

- 9u ,i", -. i. iMuli u .i If. 0 iL'-.rgiu,


I '.'

Herbart! 1 ll

lt I' I' III .(. i it 3

e.i l 1'

ii Ihinlsp '.lb n

0 SI I, le .1 b, i>n.rf

'I b 0 (I,. '< ti ti

1 n I) ll'.' 1 0 '»

ilisei. i. i.

ii n it ti o1 VII i. 1

.s. v. \ "ik .l ti ti ti ..

I .1 n i 03 'J1 S

.' 1

¦x^^T" i iaI't ll'Oll.J

Kai ut.' nut Baw > ok Ti Detroit, 1 PIM bass nt or-¦' sw Y ur k. 0: 1 ra

[tetmil i - ii oul temit.moo New -. irk. 7 ls troll, 7. ral

Kew-York KO; ntl .ti ( Hi mus Connoi I. K« ng 1,and h.u .-ii i r« tot

rookI, Wi ring, 1. itni'iro

Mi Powsrt J:SO

i rer. I ooo! I saibai I la ho raes

H !.> bring beaten bmored 'i


« t

ri tba



l. rt.I-i,n


(IAMBS IB "I llKB Cl '

I' ila lu, Sept 1. I h- A'li'.'i.i ¦ p] lyndalllela"

ami iii - ii ri


uni l ti

Melroy 'lilau S 0 S 1 SBans IU le. ll: M< tiowdlUn, I. I , t

1 Melt ipu tin .',!.-..'.:.. ,

.-.-.... r hy I-t . . .- wan ts

. lars a t slaw aa es

ls rt .. l o n n l . u


4 I. Pl If lt



K . .'




i ROC i

flin too, m c. I..I - tltlin r, afIbo Cult ago J

M pres Ht i sod aoersiary of ti.s .

Leaene, a . ai be li aa

IWt ii lhal it agu -i -«

¦j sj -» uni Bm pref»na tat ttl (ap¬ia.a Irami- a var tu t. and sal . mst Ike ItA.x.r. il «In mr r. .- ,»i lo

Uia gaud rapuie of IM aeiae a best

inr. : \ ;i.i-ii (.. n i. .;..'¦¦- r rc.ll ll .-. til AMi Kl 'I I! Il ' -ti tl Mi:i,V il!.. I

'I n fros ida "i the 81 -"ii.i,..'01 'lal ni Ul

n.« a: i ysatans] wnoa n.* I. is lab gamisiaei i.

snsrrivod (a bogia men nrs> molah with IMil... Bog won tho loafl an.! BiadiIht'.r n.,-,1 n.i,me. lue MO lag fur i.n tuun .....ul

isaui om esaoUeet, oed tte BngHobmaa were mtberted at lt Cobb ead Bey Cori led OB tbe I ..... iu

t i | TMStatea [slanders' inning "peead i.iiin

'lltlltfi.tisiy, foi llnoia tu hun ot »«tt ho'b 11-p' .eil .,f

a , ired aa I lo ¦ .ne ssl rs w u .. wuson bad his ni lex Ungot split opbe end .t. r..i.

ri-tuena whistles wblaS ilgained that lt wu ;;t o bod J .tt

wi,tn ll. W. lim.ul,,-, .?e, .apti.ii o' (.'an.

Calvoraity eleven, aud 1 K. ll.n*-H a yt ocV

playa for tho Chubty of Itsot oatkad acrosssoe took ..'I. BSlUou al t:. ¦ »t ci. la La .a, IM pnle. .1, i>f IBB PB.Iel) ..a ,!'... .> - %'Ti um Hu c nh 1.1.h.ti Slid,

le tri « t Ia BIM ell I Wt

'. i.iii >. Mia kepi lbs¦rt. n. tootI rI,. 1. 4f la .. .

ft Bud ssonug -

Ui na-Ilatea. i playeti a Mali ot Ita ia t

_l a...l Sa*a 1 3 .-> e. I . k .lia

oxford lusa, wan bas a areal ri ag tun nt-

Muni tua 1 i "' ¦'

lt ll mm* IBkeS n.t. I. li hatli I .', .BBS III llavers, and with oni] to tuns against bis rrci ile wai

,, |,y Bulli .""¦ ral¦'-"""'*.. » boaa. bil to freely j ru ¦. balog irarml n. l ol blt ur ott

mal hf wa« retire. I. Lam. chan'/- I lils lt it I Inti aidMi i. ra tur I. el |.! - IU ni.

runs io nu eradu baluiu idga * .* * noruy naught ai inowieksl bj llllsou. oud wai sUBoaadad Bilbo bot bj lui-Bo* I I'S I".al truro wat tl.en eil. lum-r male

severs! elovei bus, bul an hIbbu bawlsd i.;- Lomwot n li" li t lt I. I ';.- ll \. I I nit. aa waa

IBO BOX Ulan III. MolJreglir la»W Sd I WO Ol ni "O Iti.'.r.and n mad m _t.ilii.u,ar op pol lo nt y.a 1:4.*. aB adi urn men .tho

¦cure .be.. Standing il PH, Utan B as a.. lu. ir

ia e, all Ul '¦. <. 11 Hi ).<".'I eal Blllj a SO ll llUt W.ifll

I ,,i I,-., is waa neatly oemout, tributed li ii i.s to ilia Kore. Bm kl m laos t laos,I.ut bail uni io"rod mw tfl t\-y -* at tm rn el out bf I., nt

kin nud w ii un "I'u'i i "> a. v.. ixi ii. I....I., m.i waa

caught tun i-t W»rn irton b ime ha ba - nail. It.llrr,ii..- eaplaln ni tu" le im ano tao u« * irray ern kater,10 .k l.l a. Boiler mu . o''i. buting LsmbklB'ii.a iv sud Butisr waa ouoa niora pui lu uni. t lal Ur's -ci. I ball IB ¦.. I- - - Ile badina if « rill,! .n.i H." I' .'! «"."« "... IBA t .,(11 ell fl. -

luwei him and bad oud«l ?. la lha seora a su Hullerniau luna ui> an mu I iniiii, nu itiict', o..t

-. .. tbs


lenin lum. lt ashour un Hrs


o .1.minutes sud

re 17ti ld

hat wheni-e.i ai ino hat an hour a

iv naas "" ¦'" "» i "''-1 .ana BSlae. r .n .artI.,ott Tunk blt wickei aui Wanuan, tua la.t mau ou Hmmia woe bowled I'T Lambkin it-,'. be ti scored.Tbs lulling Biased Ol I.i' a'elueb OHS IfOJ rum lo tMtleull ul Ibo i.l,,,lnrll

Cyril Wilton anil J. K. Moore wera lha r

tar'Ibo btaten ltlauds Md Con rall sol 1. .11-1 upoeadint Uowiina. v...i'ii stomps " drawn foi tbaauattn.- american 1 na scored IO riuis 101 tue mst oilol. beta I ne sOara is ... iu..u»i!

Nl,,., s ,, ..>..'.m>. ersTBo 1-1 sm,.u W 1 * } v 'l-"" "'nul burl llanni. Mcuragor SS '. » »

1 i. ii. .. Ha}tink b maker, ,, M. M»t«-y run..ii...

K 11. fiI .¦¦:.¦

1 .,,¦ ,,-, h Um IJ ii. ti, 1.1. nr sol .. il^^^^^^^-- 0.|Bj st I- Itghyei 1

alfi I, lt.. -r.u.iii. li lo.i.t 1.


ie b

SV arlnirHllf

K ll lint kl.-md_mu ii Lane. "

\. ki. . *'

VS )¦, Hu l-l lt Bill lal r

e. 1 t.nittii b Bulb 1

K J aanilert n lana . IllVt fl,nun n la.uiltkm- 0

byta _>. wides t . 1

Tn'!!. 4'.l

Tolal ,.Ho.Uami raia or i">- aewu

'. iru »H»I InningMalta Hus. il illili us. WlrktU. V. lias

Lone. SH SS tb flo

(-tar. f* *» " I1_s tjitgur. bi .Hi tI I

filnim ItlnnA- Flrit Inning.('."(rall. SJ I;' *2"H.'.IT . nRillItuUiellum. -»l *A * *¦*

Cuiplres ll Kteiper and J. Munford, Philadelphia.Tbe Basllab Oentloawnerlesoters will o.icipy four

protcsuium hoist ai tbe Culoa this srsalng, aad ell- j

nest th* 119th wpreeenutlnn of "l.rnilnle." Theirboles Will ;¦. nina mooted wiih the English and A'urrl-eau rolers, nnd a pron ram mo will bo lulei pret, ilby Mr. Aruuiou't onhettrs ou His roof garden after tbsoper.i.

TKKMKR EASILY SEATEK.n:.i._c WIBS tiik ixtmiination.w. BCCLUBO


Lobdow, 1..In tlio deciding heit oftho Intonation al sonning swoepetakea betw.enWili-ltm Re.trh, of Auttrslls, sit .1 ihn TMmer, or the (Jetted..tales, noasn wn.i. Tho raoo wat rowod over tue rsgu- jisr ahempmnsk p aeons from putney to HertlakaTheweatbar WMbritltaal sui most htrenWelbr tha !

rae* Tho tl ls whs fast In His righi direction and tbswind was ll),- t Thara was not even a ripple tm thowater. TllS eiuw.l that outlasted the race was tlie

greatest ttat srsr gathered along tbs Thames con r.i.

lt ,tll .nen appeared puneltislly st the tims tiled for ths

ines, hal tlio tt .rt wat dslsyod by ths number nf until

craft which enrol-* I ths sourso. At latt svsrrni'ng was

rea lr mid thu .1 gtVOO, TSBBBOr, rowing 33 strokesto lho nilnnis, wu th* quicken ot startinir, but B*ael>,pulling Bit ttroka, eau.hi UP with him nlioott Itstant-

ly .uni 1.1 a ihnrt lime, wben op nos.te Hu. fi, Hoad, ladhim ny half ,i leiigih. At WsMOo'*, Ha en had inciestedbis lest! to two lengths. Tos'ner ben spurted witn tbsaiasaat gaaaaaoia, bui wimont av-iii. lies, h. without;mrretiing lbs rats of bli itrok.-, kept his advantage,and »t Bommeneafth Undue m. four .earths tn ad-a.I vance. r*BfltOC was then rowing * hopolest item

nee, though still working pluckily to les.en ths dtl-tsnes MIWMB him amt inn AuStcoilan. From (lilt pointlisaeh ilmeM paddled home, winning willi gient ea .obylen let.cibt.Antborttiea deelan Baaeh to hu the greatest fuller

that hat h*-<ti bom In Rostand. Ile looked ta doy n

though ha roild row ion inllet al rael nc speed. Th« b*'-ninr on ii- m.i nt ia* stan was 3 te 1, bet tem aros t-v-

created ebon Ino i j Te.r. isaiibo.l llauiuortiuKU lindgsto 'JiBto I.ij im ii:*- runesds rome dbcould davb won.

Pittsbubo, Si iii. I [Special)..huton tho rn-

silll of Hi" I! '-t 'li refiner mea had BMU r. Sirs I In tint

. ir io ti Ni t Liyborfsr, the aarsmaa, espreaaad tabii|.iiiio ¦; iii Dsaeb weuM wm and ad teaMd Ibo theory

« tehan wentd order bim te " fen."otor tho eon it. iul IfbodlBMnred! beM bimlooms uti. 1'liui. Iii.toatl of WtOBtM +.,.ihit». ToemoT

DTIB a [Viol '.vl'h ,au 1 mr ail lion ami tsk l .ho-

Iweoe $50,000 and Bl00,000 ao. i iy aoeaptleg tbe bi .

sgalnat Oaiolanr, wbicb would ¦¦ il least 9 to 1. Theil..a. would bs soinpiete when (ii!i!a,r tm ni dsfaot Ii.e.i' ii, .ti lt ls dal n"l cm h dnno, Jamas Keenan, of;. it. u, and W, .1 Inbbs, or [ .odon, on said to iu»Pa 'tn r't ii icksre Riobard V Ik. ].-.. TMrnei*a fermer

,, e. r. s,i ''i it rouser wai siltier Bot In gool Me*illtion, ni atti a.' ia,. I Inu.self to lie deft-aled IU order to

.i the belting iii iii* raoea to '.onie.


" oriii'i h. '' 11mi QrMTionnibEdward Hanlan nnd Charles E Courtney

Bl leal rowed a raee, wln-iing oaa!iy Hyball * dosra host leagtba i be raro w*s turf.' .

w;;ii a turn ai iii kawoy baaaS, for a pana ilmile up hy iso Not York, Wl.i11.ivou aod BoskawaPUaliread Compaay sad tba pnprtetow ut ibe fenn titHunte, ol' which 80 per cent was to go to tbs

oloaer und IO per oeut to lb* toter. Tba man

and their boakera on Teeedai tiicht salaried as*8saaiecjames Mt '.ikiojr, the peesMeat of tba ntlrvas. st

aad ttah.ddor. H. Coulson, of Canada, ntad,. gt for Hanlin sud C. T. Hmrkwuy for « onrtnsy..M. V. Harts, Wbe badi ll.iul.iu's uJat, wm

tut Ilma i.r«prr. crow,ls wera t^i.i lad io Beak*swiy by ths ia' o and tho hay ou Whtea

ll witt rowo.1 WM Crowded wllh crift of r.irloua kinds

and I*. Wal dill ru.I tu keep Co 'tlir ta lu.'lii-leiilly SteerIS nc*, lho tiltia let for lim race was B

Al Hill hour a pr-tty atllT M '.

wu blawlag ..'nt ti.* w tier wu a inls tempy.I teple along tbe tb

oa tMtbrae big steamboa < rbey gave Hanlon a rmia-

I ehaoi ai ho psSSlad »ut wi-.n hs solan redhit nea re sr .tit. It wat lil fee;

'-a » sa deep, ami osighs t

211% pt, Be [nuked lu pr'Uno a* be puddled np to tbt start l rti f

awed m .-» f.(. t men 'M fsot long, n

|B. .tl lee;.. !I t

' wh".a uni I,;.ie. Ma ,1 il iuV. Ino* tte! ,,-,|

rowed ls .1 !*»y Mn of a ttr> ib it aonSrnmd bia claim.:»: fnr l- h .it-, i .:j.tii)t '. . lad Som i -

A . t tt .'.i-t tMU pami 'is Bl.... .v liaalau

. la i'i.!-.'¦i- . orei - |( of rn*'

- i.tiar rata tba lo g.. ai '< 19 I *->

re r~. h !ii ll. i. Tt llrogo, Biol. - ,oe

.'. ly.



t -t .. . . iepe.|

Ila iI .- -

lilli t t

.. . - lo tbs


.... a

n .

t -.. l,e

I end tunk III .t ..... r ti

e .

' Co I

a r , I Bill .- -

.. s IM rareI r I re || .a |gB . I Bp to tbs referse't

. Oiric. n« I't.- gol ¦ vert f..-

- i Waul loin lue

hia ht i.-m-r t t..l i>et-t

Il I- ll Uf I m .- . it'll lint,-i - bara if I t »eii m. a it

tad I . l tl

....... hr.-i 'i.i.eui if I had bosa

rees pt!ou w si Dsvls- i ta 14 um

I bib oaots tba host tluio on record br eoe sareud, ia a i..i* ny iwsoiy-io.roada I if

¦istemeai .»>. graaiod with eduiity by jI erorybody,ant th* general Inpress! tat

Mr. Darts was so tot rooted s I s j .. of lbs "tat

hit a itob toaHtat iak"i. unolBtlaily ai.d by or

Tt-le t rrom |-, i siena ls t " '*" t mles I -i :h" la Iba

nine wi:¦ 11 'i


ir-a 'ii Issi ia ll,i tseui t ¦. t -.. ¦ ii .it .¦ iben."

A''i.t I'siim |i .'' i platform had beenmA.r ot i-i iv ssa Ha .ii. crossed ths

amt' ,.--.».

I vi pe..,. .- .t n thrown ta Iba ground. 'nt *. una

n .t.- I,, .i ..r .'i | l Hauls tunta ]MKl tl 111 i»e ,li

I lt a -ld-.

OP I ni: ll M \ ' R t'fl \'>V IN IWOES.¦. tua -. t i..! vi'-

it ..

The Galatea and the Mayflower both e Ia Ball ti" ¦» i us .' i- resterday. ' l|a oi.j'-et of

tl.e Ma] fltiwer wu to train bar ins snd '.hr nbjael nf

a lei ttat to 'earn tho Boorso, Tba araW of Hui

i 'live 1,-t-ii n.v.: ber i Tar Ulipa Iboysehl wit

launched, Bvory mon knows bis plaoa sud hts ¦

A.- ie ,-:, .o,,t... Tbs erew ol tba Mayfloweraracomperaumy n. m, gtrlus ma Kngl tb ¦_, . it -. ur. ii

ailvantage ni lins ratpoet. Most el tba sollort ur Eog-1.., ) ,,. ,i t i-u'in- from Rbmi iud are trained la yaebt» (i-".n their I'uvliu.i.l. I, nen an In sn ta. "it I

owner gen a good nea ho Weoys th. in eeaiou

.ti PM victories of tho i,n ara largely .lao I¦ 'i«.me. hr->usn to|

t .sou, bu nu pruiide.l fur lbrous ion! "ia

..,!.¦-.. At .1 rois lbs rael ug craws of Amarleao i tobi s uini iy 'i ts mu.ere.i iimii yacuiant Ibo liu'ii knu Tt ni, j,lace of vt '. tl it i-


ti.i tM tabill-.i. olsn, there will ba ono eopteln*n. lt .Tc a Wul' lu I l ill lue In i-i o

lie ii.uoi- n.ti i.e mi al Pa sods iii tan

ii.,, vi ty Dos ... ii item :, ... mila I

it ia a hu i*n ni msbas nix'U lim pr t liles I If A s*||

-mA-i i" " P«l mt rn ijat-ii ni I! w:,s

lbs word or tho Uonrrol i.ihi i.e,M i.i n. He miva

il r tu t'iiiii;; tba trial loin g In sheets iud thov ,. mus u r deiails of sailing tua b u.ll,I'.I 'l 111 -r |U e, ., lOUSl ... ll B OOHS .tl

Paine, (.OlilalU Bli., "Ju-" lllltwariil anl taiimis

rr i ol Boral II la saoieal ma' Kn _.

worth m.I I'.n.f imi iiu.irl Ca.iiain -i.n'i' «.ll naturally.,.-. ip cl tu ilia oplatatia ol bis employer

¦ur* lo lbs Jufaa rem old ba Jus taos Mi waru tua

i'm lian .t Kane (a, ul "mau n ;< .> I kl c'tiii-

a-t ." S ... me tbl i'l. au unBIB ptOH Will M IBllOd ny A. I

u irisory 'nani luiif tn ni b .. a meeter.

TUB WBST IBDlANg i.i.tii.N- AT CBICKBT.PBILADBLFIIIA, BepC 1 >,/'"'..'.- lin' gBBM

nf iiM V>flt Ili'l ti.%iaf Ialt ally el ArdnMite, ebleh *t, i., mu yestordoy,wat ii.isiioi i.' mi nsaltad aa naplate nm fur

tba vlallors, i' oiib !

im wiebota to tparo against ...) for their e.Hapat*tara,PortboWeatli lia Clea '.!.¦. bas playing wa* dooa hr

w. -ki -. ia a ii .., irso i, wollaina Marton played -o *e:i !...e-.'or thai ail no drsarr-mg ol tee iii.-ne-t i.ra..e. ii,., v... .i. were .nu.!, inr-

MIS* *L *'-e luau en ll-l lin__ li ntl botllag ol 'h" bO.BBIOOM, md parswoollj .gral.ilaie.l ino u un meir iii

j»r.-r tiialilet. nunurrti* ino lleluiuui Clubmr al ii re Mil willi tl.O VIS!

NOBVIATIONA Foti UONBRESSBra iv. uki. i>, Ii!., Sept L.Helot J. A.

ObbOoIII WM ii"iiii' air,i ,.,r tun.rti- nero yeitertlayby mo ttspeeimaes <>f ma x ii ita Bibi rici.

mu mus, Tm.,Rapt. t. -Jacoo Yo.i »'»s Bomloatodfur l i mri-.! by lbs RepebWOOM of Ibo Xiii Hiilr.ot to¬


The psrtiei whs threw tho rntton, baeVeasrtlleg turnipat ut w ne wa ttfre returning in our ho nt. al alola ho ir

lan' roe-tUy night, uilgiit h_iVS bren lu bettor bull noa*.

.iii si io/ (Dak. j Hool. r.


tiik .ii:vr: ivr. i.i-.'

A "snAWbCan I-a.-i.i,'

*t « mtssra.

Hil,*'tl 113V11*'* 113V IMVlM-: Iii «

11,1, * _. .v tif'.U 141 HI Ul .1.CM A st Tau! CH I'l . I"', BI>4SV **'* 4SH *S - td « .'*

wi fl*e{CSIP M AC KV .* lalDel te .1 Wee1)_%I1 renal ...

H-n A lt n dr..| aao't lal...i,teen liar _Ind R,t WI ike -thom ...

I'- ,t W. tlInOlS ,? Vlt'lMilitia, t.llt UnM I.s .'.. W prf.M K *T.Ma IV ni'-.Mah ¦? "'inMorris* Kt...n tmW (euri.tiNY CA BIL ur.NV I.F.lWKYLKAW nrt-lNVA .n V..NV » NH ...

Ni.' .? VI'.'"-H I W prf...Nor::. rti-iilc..lNor I**- prf


u ii a s>...

1' lula* Kv[hil * THudV I' < il To .a

111. h.V WP.....-


1 -l -I- j rfMi..*"-!- it', pl

» ' vtri t- Pm..

ni i., VI gi ¦» WI'.-ni, !2f> 12*0 12H{.wv I..

39** --''. --'u -'-tSfi 6 -^ -^

Vi\ Vi'tH.'J V'-'-iM'o 9ASll ll i

ifJlfl'XIS,1!I H'S



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l.l'J ll.

VLOSINO I':. SS Ot i- I . ¦¦'io. -1.It.l-l'.S. _-..,.,. I. -i'l.

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1 ., .nu .1 H.. I.i 21lt lUlpBPS iMtnsnii. I I1*Ai llama.

t 1 "4 UMinn, t t

,.!,'. 1ii xi

ll Wau ..r 4'j 4>»4li I

VLOSISO ." ro r ll t tiP.lTx sr iOS%11.1.

irania _, ¦¦ v. .tinili "V t"i

-«"ti«.. '. t '.." 4 B7"b| N. J. footrot... bis, tt--iI--., .uo 11 ni- :.. 4

"im 27V 2T; BL I'atil '.H» !' I *4North ..lal

r."'j ft<\, i'7', Bi'slet,,*!, .-.'_4Tin'ii :,i Bl<a! llaetourills.. SM »"1' H.* l-.i ie SM<B 2'* lr.,, ti.ui. 7Sft

\l KUM "|>4T, Sept. 1.r. M-lhere aa* moro activity In Ibeolooa in.ikei lesley

md lite tote! IfBBBSllOBS ro.e lo 107.11-0 tiiarfa,.is*.uitB0.232 tunes yesterday. BsrscibelBSB. ilia ¦srhol wai

ul ami uninie'iesilii,-. Allar houio furliiar ilOPreaatOOlanes H'e llr-l Uoue anti a SOSeae umir of mpraiuo duinen tue market a.sunied lona .iud fruin Ibuniue out ibero wat a barilesliiii of valuee io lue end,whereby Un..I prim mark tlual saint ul from M lo l*«parcsui. The araaiett odrsuoa was lu Mow-Vork aud

Sew-Kuflsnd, which after tslss of is 200 (tbs 1for auy ooe stook) .caret ti,s prices i4' Mr o-o. T2£*own .« wa. at tewESrzsi*!*toe was buytn, back .0Bl. of th. .took itbsd .obi -Raine tbs Issi ft*. (JJ" JJ* JHuckin. V.llcy and Toledo-B%SS?gTbs Uta morsiusnis ol Ike Hook Isdicats Uiot .£ lu lt lotood. If it h« a fa;, *OW. u, aJ. j*prue. Tbs trunk linet wsro d in b it hiller 1 ,. 13stock., wttlebsassr. ii mai sui tbs w.,.. lltr lB


BdV.4Ill-0foli.WSl Bbs !e»| 0' North WB.tarn. p,.,."Mall cloted ot Sg Tillie IVsitsm Balsa Wtnti ... ito 1!'. I " - ..:-.! vero Dselwelaaa, ii

wot ii us; ir il si ivcmsnt after a tUrie <iiy»' alano withno ni inioi.i 1 eaeeee ter prieee ae raUy. luisW'.ic.'l a:nl no BMTS a ju.ll ao.-s ls tl.sni in tin .iar'ach inset, which, howoror, clots 1 tho msrksi Uruna 1.tlnures. ¦ "iiovarnraent hondt wars dull snd rs-'itr has rr ,.n,ia»

small a8*rtil«a. Bl lt for tba 4s aO'Hi. wera'H ioaaeAnnexe I aro tbs clo.liir i|iiolall ma

BM Ask. Lia "."TT*c.t.4.,. l-'H ro». l'.9',ll')V| r f'.'-nrr.sisoa .,_.,

**.D.H.4SBlWl.eao|lO0VUOV --

t'.S. 41 I ir .7. re,. IJ.ltalJ.iS, t. H. mr li. 1 - ,-. n,J -

I-. S. 4t I!...,-, toa. 12.i'»l'i«IV! '' H. or 6s Hu ll' .P.H. Spsresate... 100V .I Hut. Col. i-tiii .. Ubi. ".

C.s.curn I -'..-> lJU^t Kx.inl i <.

State bmi '« w«rs dull anl eo»r f.oii'tlsns eaaool lsto it 76<i Ti'-jini Virginia 0b defsrrad rreeipt. .,r,down ti 1 .4. or city bank steabs luere wore n, e tl..«.Ie tba Kunu, hoed SMrbst rers inna leterasi tnmaalfeated. Tba dealings valla fairly walt uisiribaiaZ

were efa retail charmer saeoed eousols TarsSs hi abai '¦' rr. Cbeospsaks sae Ohio, sseies li, midai 7//. 7.'iTi .uni tin-ciirrener (It nt'."-(a f' -uirti-em se,.t, ax-In 'oreti «.,|.| st ""ti'inij Wesi ,fl-tn soorootood worn ties ly ai abvm |u|i.j I:'u.s.Waterloos snd Oedsnabniw consol Ss were od *- ... aMi'-nuri. Kiii-as so4 loxai seuem 8b Bod bs wr|*stoo>ty at ;.i'4 »nd-J. Nov-Yurh i e,»to.i inti -

. 126, Beti 'i . si 1 i" .. i teBonds st...v ( I...-. Bud t. LOOM .lists aero i;,, 1^

atli-tb/. Intornolitioal md Orval Northan. Rt ¦ exini'-r. ts Hi 1 j ne.", Ii.1,1,',-.'tn «. (Wrap.ern Incomes wera brat il n ton obi (j ydohoatora Ss o»e 1 )tar real is IOU, m. Vc, sis-.lillie.-i v.--,. .,-t WBWOfl '4 ,.t I 17V. f'ntui I'jf Uotire « (|eoi .tl V i'» lll'n Oretan -hur' I.n- eam. r-. stair Bl 1"4 i-t . . '. .1 . staup's ul

V Northern Tat- 1in 1, .. St.,T-' ie..n t I'irids Arsis wsrs. Orator al

I. _.,.!.tina rule.I si 1 . o |ter 1 ii^loans wera ataoe at 7 par ia r

ia»os-'__p"r cant,alanine "utfarei et2parcoot."'l ir.¦»-..rr w:,s deb'or et tin Cia ii i; lion -¦¦ f j., a..Win, of wblcfi sn o 9*6.000 we* tut lu'uretfuroalteil bomta, 960.000 ler beads praseatad i. i..rtba option offer, sad teoat Ol thi rcUialU'ler fir \ .f(ilttae rl'c1.n tor nu; n :.¦.'¦ I. il.'-, leeotplt !rYork rut'oini -.rora f444 ('<>'».Hie Bab-Traeaury i»4ay io«t 11,814.7^9 oa

>, made ap hy* ruin lon of * '1 ,(») -i. i" ,,rin-" payntaotfor Pannoo ril dei-,-rod io tin

A e. tv (it Hoe loasa riirr»t.<-v rf on nf 916VH& '! '.-..' tr tnita:'i".t-i tv-ie.!; i,or ip.t, |l,00I,2<(_) .i'.iii-,.»s,

i.V»; resni ''i_r In baleueoa al 929,037.(141 our-roit r an.l .»: - I H30 .' ... . Mt. IIkusoitotsniset to-day vt. m foliowti... 974.403.200; bolinrei. rO.t,.. 1.". J7.

Tbo I bltsd Mute* lres<urv.ii ^a'hn^ioii rr,- 1"i'l 'i.r ii.t'.li ii I'.n f..-r«l» i: rion,

., tnitiiiii reoaiii't w-re lt 1,2. il ,027 md ilia In tams!levon,ie rroeipts #339,229,

x -ii-iu-.-. > i.i.i' Srraar bud q a -firsetusl bQiinaaa sre ea fellavs: n.i ii<«rs-. it. * j -1 ._%mi T-t-4-4 ur lu'u and sliori ¦¦ rim r r-tti,.e »»t. y.

iul :¦ 1- . ,'ui 'j i\ and'.. 4 fir reieu-i" ind IOI| or rulldart.

In 1,'inion l.rnisU eomoit wsrs easier, Maatus stin.i 15-19 .!i'i lol rasped lesly for money ami st sa mt.

-i Btataa )>'"i is wire tiajtlv tnt ..' b.n sd.t .¦ in nllwsrs enird dui and weak, bel I ned with

i oo tbs steeeteaaa al ma ;i B'eiockbeo_equota!.t, Y. .i-y lu ..' » ope,i inarkat rordlaroaal ofbai k< rs- billa - - tay at -"s i»r erm , tueI par t-rni lt I ..- "c i.i Inuit,"'ll BU wlihli .'>»dav- !i«TtT liafora w .. Bt04 to MtlB Sida, lulai'll b.ili were ..dotted it. a rtcaliea af 1-394. r»rrimi inr surer * «. iia...r »' 4- 11, i ar B .

.-I. At d'".. I'r.n .1 ,-r restsh. a.' sad Mabisxahsaa ie waa ap to J

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tow M ':-4tt!SKonloBibol .leiiveii. .',..04,1. te.ieri dot ft^iue

lr11, dui iHtobi'i ai. 1lu. Novenib ... ,

ri du Hmm-ibu! and January .

wi.i. ii January and february debvery, .'¦ 'jFebruarj i Mar. ol nry, .,. 1.4.1 .- ¦*¦?

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1,11 au.l t't ttilHI ,|«llT«iy ... 4.1 .tu 'it In I «'¦'

"...ul. ¦.i'i. du. MortalBal l,i""J"S?Ll .el tu- tu baOBWhat ami !an.i»'» *"? a

.1.41. i-lltil .In laituory aod KoUruatr ¦'¦'"VlilLPi brnari ia mu "tr

Iniyrre: ilo. Mar. !. ar.l April tlellTary. 8 S-OSd. borers.¦"AyiU aiitl May tleUvory. b ft-iVt.L Oujruri.

?-. .

H"l lti rn ol- rOBBBMTIBBro\si SfcTus. BBSS, I. -Turietntioe -foa-lr al, -fi! I -I iirpoutllle Ul.n ll l.'SSVMimiBO-TUB. BepVl..TorQBOltOB uruial ti-%\

MiLwn nts. lAegi. 1-Flour ilea-lr. Wheat tcaa-ly **7 «. -'ttl. .'-v.. 'Ol. 77'«o.i Oura "lull. -N* *.. nao.Oau~.\n. J. 2.V mr* No. I. VJ. Barlay-No »¦ 'lKkl'r»viaious-Msas Fo.t. I aah ar Mayl-. Sa S7 V °£lJ^mmiatl.l Illino »l«ta.,., l aai|... tei.l ». L'i I .»' I- *" .L a__id

ii -. bulee, luau,ny. Ijal7r.. Hairy. 1.I017& * aaa*leam, s^atfc Bsubb-itraso. ll^olJix liasaipio-*, oula.. Wlinot, Is.OiW bulb.. Harley. J'«^'0- ^^

aieiila-Fluur. 3.U0U. W ueat, 3074. Barley, H.4-M*