Chap 2 Pmr Sc Edited

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  • 8/12/2019 Chap 2 Pmr Sc Edited



    Characteristics Artery Vein Capillary

    Cross section

    Thickness of wall Thick Thinvery thin(one

    -cell thick)

    Blood flow Fast Slow Very slow

    Blood pressure High Low Very low



    1 Human Blood Circulatory System is the transport 5 The function of the heart is to pump blood to all partssystem which consists of heart, blood vessels and blood. of the body.

    Human Blood Circulatory System

    Heart Blood Vessels Blood

    2 Functions of the human blood circulatory system :Transport useful substances :

    oxygen, nutrients, hormones and antibodies to

    all part of the body.

    Transport waste products :

    carbon dioxide, urea, excess water/mineral salts.

    3 Human blood circulatory system act as a system oftubes with a pump (heart) and valves that ensure

    one-way flow of blood.

    4 Blood flow in the human blood circulatory system can 6 The valves prevent backflow of blood thereforebe divided into two paths : ensures the blood flow in one direction.

    Pulmonary Circulation :

    -Transports deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs 7 Blood vessels are tubes in the body that channel blood.-Transports oxygenated blood from lungs to heart There are 3 types of blood vessel :Systemic Circulation

    -Transports oxygenated blood and useful substancesfrom heart to all parts of the body (except lungs)

    -Transports deoxygenated blood from all parts of thebody (except lungs) to heart

    Pulmonary Circulation

    (From heart to lungsand back to heart)

    8 Constituents of blood and their functions :

    Constituents of blood

    Systemic Circulation

    (From heart to all parts Blood

    of the body except cellsPlasma

    lungs and back to Transport

    heart) Red White

    blood cells blood cellsPlatelets


    Transport Protect body Helps blood

    oxygen clotting

  • 8/12/2019 Chap 2 Pmr Sc Edited




    blood group

    Donor's blood group

    O A B AB

    O X X X

    A X X

    B X X


    Factors Rate of transpirationTemperature Increase increase

    Air movement Increase increase

    Light intensity Increase increase

    Humidity Increase decrease

    Component Main uses

    Plasma Great loss of blood in surgery & chilbirth

    Red Blood Cells Anaemia

    Platelets Bone marrow failure, Leukaemia

    9 The ABO System group human blood grouped into 16 Functions of the stomata :four groups called A, B, AB and O. Allow water vapour to diffuse during transpiration.

    Allow the exchange of gases during photosynthesis

    10 During blood transfusion, the donor's blood must be and respiration.compatible with the recipient's blood to prevent blood

    agglutinate (clump together) and cause fatal blockage 17 The size of the stoma is controlled by the guard cells.

    in the recipient's blood vessels.

    18 Roles of transpiration :

    Compatibles X Incompatibles Helps in absorption and transportation of water

    and minerals in plants.

    Universal Donor Supplies water for photosynthesis

    People with blood group O Loses excess water

    is able to donate blood to all the blood groups Maintains freshness of plant cells.

    Cools the plant by evaporation during hot weather.

    Universal Recipient

    People with blood group AB 19 Factors that affect the rate of transpiration :

    is able to receive from all the blood groups

    11 Blood donation needed for treatment of accident or surgery.The donated blood (usually 450 ml /1 pint or less e.g.400 ml)

    can save the live of others.

    12 The donated blood can be used either as unfiltered 20 The transport system in plants consists of xylem andblood or separated into components : phloem which are found in the leaves, stems and roots

    To show the transport of water through xylem

    13 Donated blood is collected in sterile plastic bags thatcontain an anticoagulant to prevent clotting as well as

    preservatives to keep the red blood cells alive.

    14 Screening tests are performed for evidence of donorinfection with hepatitis, AIDS and others sexual

    transmitted diseases.

    15 Transpiration is a process of losing water (watervapour) from the plants.

    Transpiration occurs through the stomata / stoma of the leaves

    To show the transport of synthesised food through phloem